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mallcloud-platform Publicmallcloud商城基于SpringBoot2.x、SpringCloud和SpringCloudAlibaba并采用前后端分离vue的企业级微服务敏捷开发系统架构。并引入组件化的思想实现高内聚低耦合,项目代码简洁注释丰富上手容易,适合学习和企业中使用。真正实现了基于RBAC、jwt和oauth2的无状态统一权限认证的解决方案,面向互联网设计同时适合B端和C端用户,支持CI/CD多环境部署…
DroidAirPlay PublicForked from pentateu/DroidAirPlay
DroidAirPlay is an AirPlay receiver capable of streaming Audio, Video and Photos from iOS devices to an Android 4 device. It's primary use is for in-car systems where Android tables are used as the…
Java 4
android-menudrawer PublicForked from SimonVT/android-menudrawer
A slide-out menu implementation, which allows users to navigate between views in your app.
Java 1
ExpandTabView PublicForked from yueyueniao2012/ExpandTabView
DropDownMenu for android
FlappySwift PublicForked from newlinedotco/FlappySwift
swift implementation of flappy bird. More at fullstackedu.com
Swift 1
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