GZoltar comes with Ant tasks to launch Java programs or unit test cases
(either JUnit or TestNG) of a Java project and gather their code coverage, and
for creating fault localization reports from the collected coverage. Coverage
data can be collected with the coverage
task, and fault localization reports
can be created with the fl-report
All tasks are defined in the gzoltarant.jar
(which is part of the GZoltar's
distribution package) and can be included in your Ant scripts with the usual
declaration. For example:
<project name="Project Example" xmlns:gzoltar="antlib:com.gzoltar.ant">
<taskdef uri="antlib:com.gzoltar.ant" resource="antlib.xml">
<classpath path="${gzoltar-ant.jar}"/>
Where ${gzoltar-ant.jar}
should point to the gzoltarant.jar
file (which is
part of the GZoltar's distribution package).
A simple working Ant project can be found in here.
The standard Ant tasks to launch Java programs are java
, junit
, and
. To allow code coverage collecting to these tasks they only need to be
wrapped with the GZoltar's coverage task as shown in the following example:
<junit haltonfailure="no" haltonerror="no" fork="yes">
<pathelement location="build"/>
<test name="com.gzoltar.examples.ProjectExampleTest"/>
<formatter classname="com.gzoltar.ant.listener.JUnitFormatter"
In order to be able to collect any coverage, the target classes must be compiled with debug information.
The nested task (i.e., either
, ortestng
) always has to declarefork="yes"
, otherwise thecoverage
task will not be able to collect any coverage.
By default, GZoltar's coverage
task (1) instruments all classes loaded by any
test case and located inside _build_directory_/classes
, (2) collects
coverage at line level during the execution of all existing unit test cases,
and (3) serializes all data to a file (gzoltar.ser
) when the JVM terminates.
Once the coverage has been collected, different types of fault localization
reports can be generated by GZoltar. In order to do it, you will need to
configure GZoltar's fl-report
task as shown in the following example:
<flFamily name="sfl">
<formula name="barinel"/>
<formula name="dstar"/>
<formula name="ochiai"/>
<formula name="tarantula"/>
<metric name="rho"/>
<metric name="uniqueness"/>
<metric name="entropy"/>
<html views="sunburst:vertical_partition"/>
The above configuration will generate two Spectrum-based Fault Localization reports (a text-based report and a html-based report) for the following fault localization formulas:
- Barinel
- DStar
- Ochiai
- Tarantula
to a default directory fault-localization-reports
. For instance the
text-based report for the Ochiai formula can be found in
and the html-based
report for the same formula in
In fault-localization-reports/sfl/txt/
four additional files can also be
- a binary coverage matrix produced by GZoltar where each row represents the coverage of each individual test case and its outcome ("-" if the test case failed, "+" otherwise), and each column a component (e.g., line of code). 1 means that a test case covered a component, 0 otherwise.spectra.csv
- a list of all components identified by GZoltar (one per row) of all instrumented classes.tests.csv
- a list of all test cases listened by GZoltar's listener (one per row).statistics.csv
- a set of metrics (default: matrix density (rho), component ambiguity score (ambiguity), and entropy) for each fault localization formula. Each row represents a metric of a formula (e.g., the entropy of the ranking returned by Ochiai formula). Thus, the total number of rows in this file isnumber of fault localization formulas * number of metrics