This repository contains a collection of various C language projects. Click here to view the full project.
Project Name | Description | Skills Used |
1. Lexical Analyzer | A program that tokenizes a C source file into its constituent lexical tokens. | Parsing, File I/O, Data Structures |
2. Typing Tutor | A program that helps users improve their typing skills by providing random text for typing practice. | User-defined functionality, Bitwise Operations, File I/O |
3. Mini Voting System | A virtual voting system that allows users to vote for an event or a person, and then display the results. | Arrays, Linked Lists, Error Handling |
4. Scientific Calculator | A calculator that can perform advanced mathematical operations and display the results to users. | Operators, Library Functions, Flow Statements |
5. Food Order Management System | A system for managing food orders at restaurants, hotels, and food stalls. Users can browse a menu, add food items to a cart, order, and view the final bill. | User Input, Repetitive Tasks, Arrays |
6. School Billing System | A billing system that manages accounts for students and teachers. | Database Management, Data Structures, Algorithms |
7. Quiz Game | A console application that quizzes users on various topics and awards points for correct answers. | File I/O, Data Management, User Interaction |
8. Telecom Billing System | A system to manage billing operations for telecom services. | Data Structures, Algorithms, Database Management |
To get started with any of the projects, clone the repository and navigate to the desired project folder. Each project may have its own README file with specific instructions on how to compile and run the code.
git clone
cd top-c-language-projects