This is a simple frontend web application to see the weather from different cities through the consumption of two independen api's.
The first is responsible for obtaining the geographical coordinates (latitude and altitude) of a location that the user requests.
The second obtains all the weather data of the locations that the user wants.
This project is deployed on GitHub Pages and you can view and use the demo in the following link.
- AOS.js: For the animations.
- Axios: For consume the api's
- Bootstrap: To the css
- Chart.js: To the charts.
- stylus-loader: To the load animations.
- vue-toastification: To the toast notifications.
- OpenCage : To get the geographic coordinates of a different locations.
- OpenWeather : To get weather information for different locations.
In this we can view the weather of diferrent cities, you can search for the weather of any city just by entering the name of the city, abbreviation or geographic coordinates in the search engine.
The application has different graphs in which you can visualize the climate of the different cities.
The design of this application was based on the design of Yev Ledenov, all design and intellectual property rights belong to him.
In the following link you can access the original design.