Collections are ways of organizing items, rather like file folders on your computer, or like collections in archives such as “Papers of William Faulkner, 1929-1965” in the Special Collections of the University of Virginia. Collections provide a way to organize your items into separate, logically coherent groups. Items do not have to be in collections, but in Omeka Classic once an item is in a collection, it can’t be in any other collection. You can make as many links as you like between items in different collections, though, with tags and exhibits.
We are now going to create three collections (“Advertisements,” “Buildings,” and “Misc”) and add the items we just created to them.
To create a collection, click on the Collections link on the left menu, then on Add a Collection. You’ll be prompted to enter metadata for your collection, which consists of information that pertains to all the items in it.
Once you’ve entered title and metadata for your collection, click on Add Collection. Repeat theses steps for the other two collections.
We can now return to the items we’ve previously created and add them to our collections.
Let's start with the Altman Building. Click on Items, identify the item “Altman Building, New York, N.Y., ca. 1906”, click on Edit, select the collection “Buildings” from the dropdown menu on the right, and click on Save Changes.
Now try and add the rest of the items to the other collections we created!
"The Question of Spring Clothes"
White Sale Commercial
B. Altman & Co's logo (1865)
Altman Building, New York, N.Y., ca. 1906
For future reference: remember that if a collection already exists when you create an item, you can add it as you create it.