This document provides details on how to configure and deploy a network of ActiveMQ master/slave networked brokers. We will use the Fuse Management Console (FMC) to simplify configuring and deploying the configuration to multiple broker JVMs.
Download and unpack a JBoss Fuse distribution if you haven't already.
Launch JBoss Fuse by running bin/fuse
or bin\fuse.bat
. You should see a
terminal session. Install the FMC by running:
fabric:create --wait-for-provisioning
It will prompt you to create an admin user if you had not already
defined one in etc/
. The rest of this document
will assume you have set the user/password combination to admin/admin.
Keep the terminal session running, and connect to http://localhost:8181/ in a web browser. Once connected login using the admin userid that you setup. You should see the Containers page, with one active container (for the JVM that is running the FMC).
Change to the Fabric Perspective (upper right corner of console; may
default to Container). Go to Runtime | Manage and have a look at some
of the profiles that already exist, like the mq-base
profile located in
profile directory ('-' are replaced with '/' for purposes of display).
Profiles aggregate sets of features, bundles, repositories, properties
and configs; when you assign a profile to a container everything referenced
by the profile is provisioned to the container. So if you just wanted to stand
up a message broker, you could simply assign the pre-existing mq
profile to a container. For this example, we want to create a complex
message broker configuration, so we'll create our own profiles.
We could easily create our custom profiles using the FMC GUI, but we'll do it even faster by executing some Fuse Fabric commands from the FMC command line.
This example project also includes a script of all the console commands
used below that you can run after you've created a fabric using the
command above. The script is located in fabric-ha-setup-master-slave.txt.
shell:source file:///absolute/path/to/external-mq-fabric-client/scripts/fabric-ha-setup-master-slave.txt
Lets start by creating two containers to hold a master/slave broker pair for an East region, and two containers to hold a master/slave broker pair for a West region. As I'm running this all on one machine, I'll make them all child containers (JVMs) of the initial JVM that is running the FMC. Note that default name of that initial container is 'root'.
Execute this command from the FMC terminal session to create containers named AMQ-East1 and AMQ-East2:
fabric:container-create-child root AMQ-East 2
Execute this command to create containers named AMQ-West1 and AMQ-West2:
fabric:container-create-child root AMQ-West 2
Execute this command (all on one line) to provision the East containers with a master/slave broker pair identified with the group name "amq-east", and networked to the amq-west brokers:
fabric:mq-create --group amq-east --networks amq-west --networks-username admin --networks-password admin --assign-container AMQ-East1,AMQ-East2 amq-east-profile
Execute this command (all on one line) to provision the West containers with a master/slave broker pair identified with the group name "amq-west", and networked to the amq-east brokers:
fabric:mq-create --group amq-west --networks amq-east --networks-username admin --networks-password admin --assign-container AMQ-West1,AMQ-West2 amq-west-profile
At this point, our network of brokers -- four instances of ActiveMQ, each running in its own container, networked together and with failover -- is up and running!
To verify if everything is working properly lets test running some messages over the new deployment. We can use the mq-client.jar that's used to verify a standalone server.
You can use the fabric:cluster-list
command to see the status of the cluster and find
out which containers were elected to be the masters and which are assigned to
the slaves. Example:
JBossFuse:karaf@root> fabric:cluster-list
[cluster] [masters] [slaves] [services]
amq-east-profile AMQ-East2 AMQ-East1 tcp://chirino-retina.chirino:62184
amq-west-profile AMQ-West1 AMQ-West2 tcp://chirino-retina.chirino:62215
First lets start a consumer running against a broker running in the amq-west
java -jar extras/mq-client.jar consumer --user admin --password admin --brokerUrl "discovery:(fabric:amq-west)"
Then lets start a producer running against a broker running in the amq-east
java -jar extras/mq-client.jar producer --user admin --password admin --brokerUrl "discovery:(fabric:amq-east)"