The path of source file.
diff --git a/customviews/dev.funkymuse.customviews.autoStart/-confirmation-dialog-auto-start/index.html b/customviews/dev.funkymuse.customviews.autoStart/-confirmation-dialog-auto-start/index.html index e3f31d4c5..f1ba66944 100644 --- a/customviews/dev.funkymuse.customviews.autoStart/-confirmation-dialog-auto-start/index.html +++ b/customviews/dev.funkymuse.customviews.autoStart/-confirmation-dialog-auto-start/index.html @@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
Iteratively raises a number to a certain power. For description refer to the method above.
Iteratively raises a number to a certain power. For description refer to the method above.
Iteratively raises a number to a certain power. For description refer to the method above.
Iteratively raises a number to a certain power. For description refer to the method above.
Copies data from input stream
Copies data from input stream
Zip the file.
Zip the file.
Deletes given directory and returns result
Deletes given directory and returns result
Checks and returns if there's a valid directory with given path
Checks and returns if there's a valid directory with given path
Return the files' comment in ZIP file.
Return the files' comment in ZIP file.
Get the size of the directory in bytes format
Get the size of the directory in bytes format
Gets the file count of given directory
Gets the file count of given directory
Return the files' path in ZIP file.
Return the files' path in ZIP file.
Calculates the folder size
Calculates the folder size
Gets an uri of file
Gets an uri of file
The method is use to prevent a problem, when several threads can try to .mkdirsIfNotExist for the same Path simultaneously.
The method is use to prevent a problem, when several threads can try to .mkdirsIfNotExist for the same Path simultaneously.
Open File in InputStream
Open File in InputStream
Read File data as String and Returns the Result
Read File data as String and Returns the Result
Convert File to ByteArray
Opens and reads the entirety of the Uri into a ByteArray.
Convert File to ByteArray
Opens and reads the entirety of the Uri into a ByteArray.
Zip the files.
Zip the files.
Standard Intent.getDoubleExtra but allows for null. Note that this would treat Double.MIN_VALUE as null if you were to pass it
Standard Intent.getDoubleExtra but allows for null. Note that this would treat Double.MIN_VALUE as null if you were to pass it
Standard Intent.getDoubleExtra but allows for null. Note that this would treat Double.MIN_VALUE as null if you were to pass it
Standard Intent.getDoubleExtra but allows for null. Note that this would treat Double.MIN_VALUE as null if you were to pass it
Standard Intent.getBooleanExtra but allows for null. Note that this would treat Int.MIN_VALUE as null if you were to pass it
Standard Intent.getBooleanExtra but allows for null. Note that this would treat Int.MIN_VALUE as null if you were to pass it
Standard Intent.getIntExtra but allows for null. Note that this would treat Int.MIN_VALUE as null if you were to pass it
Standard Intent.getIntExtra but allows for null. Note that this would treat Int.MIN_VALUE as null if you were to pass it
Standard Intent.getLongExtra but allows for null. Note that this would treat Long.MIN_VALUE as null if you were to pass it
Standard Intent.getLongExtra but allows for null. Note that this would treat Long.MIN_VALUE as null if you were to pass it
Convert Date
to DateTime
Parse string to DateTime
Convert Date
to DateTime
Parse string to DateTime
Convert Date
to LocalDate
Parse string to LocalDate
Convert Date
to LocalDate
Parse string to LocalDate
Convert Date
to LocalDateTime
Convert Date
to LocalDateTime
Convert Date
to LocalTime
Parse string to LocalTime
Convert Date
to LocalTime
Parse string to LocalTime
Convert Date
to DateTime
Parse string to DateTime
Convert Date
to DateTime
Parse string to DateTime
Shorthand for Bundle.putBundle.
Shorthand for Bundle.putParcelable.
Shorthand for Bundle.putSparseParcelableArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putParcelableArrayList.
Shorthand for Bundle.putParcelableArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putCharSequenceArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putBoolean.
Shorthand for Bundle.putByte.
Shorthand for Bundle.putByteArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putChar.
Shorthand for Bundle.putCharArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putDouble.
Shorthand for Bundle.putFloat.
Shorthand for Bundle.putFloatArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putInt.
Shorthand for Bundle.putIntArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putLong.
Shorthand for Bundle.putLongArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putShort.
Shorthand for Bundle.putShortArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putString.
Shorthand for Bundle.putBundle.
Shorthand for Bundle.putParcelable.
Shorthand for Bundle.putSparseParcelableArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putParcelableArrayList.
Shorthand for Bundle.putParcelableArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putCharSequenceArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putBoolean.
Shorthand for Bundle.putByte.
Shorthand for Bundle.putByteArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putChar.
Shorthand for Bundle.putCharArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putDouble.
Shorthand for Bundle.putFloat.
Shorthand for Bundle.putFloatArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putInt.
Shorthand for Bundle.putIntArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putLong.
Shorthand for Bundle.putLongArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putShort.
Shorthand for Bundle.putShortArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putString.
Similar to Bundle.putAll, but checks for a null insert and returns the parent bundle
Similar to Bundle.putAll, but checks for a null insert and returns the parent bundle
Shorthand for Bundle.putBoolean.
Shorthand for Bundle.putByte.
Shorthand for Bundle.putChar.
Shorthand for Bundle.putShort.
Shorthand for Bundle.putInt.
Shorthand for Bundle.putLong.
Shorthand for Bundle.putFloat.
Shorthand for Bundle.putDouble.
Shorthand for Bundle.putParcelable.
Shorthand for Bundle.putByteArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putShortArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putCharArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putFloatArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putIntArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putLongArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putString.
Shorthand for Bundle.putBundle.
Shorthand for Bundle.putCharSequenceArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putParcelableArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putParcelableArrayList.
Shorthand for Bundle.putSparseParcelableArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putBoolean.
Shorthand for Bundle.putByte.
Shorthand for Bundle.putChar.
Shorthand for Bundle.putShort.
Shorthand for Bundle.putInt.
Shorthand for Bundle.putLong.
Shorthand for Bundle.putFloat.
Shorthand for Bundle.putDouble.
Shorthand for Bundle.putParcelable.
Shorthand for Bundle.putByteArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putShortArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putCharArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putFloatArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putIntArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putLongArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putString.
Shorthand for Bundle.putBundle.
Shorthand for Bundle.putCharSequenceArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putParcelableArray.
Shorthand for Bundle.putParcelableArrayList.
Shorthand for Bundle.putSparseParcelableArray.
Generic version of Cursor.getString, Cursor.getNullableShort, Cursor.getNullableInt, Cursor.getNullableLong, Cursor.getNullableFloat, Cursor.getNullableDouble, and Cursor.getBlob.
Generic version of Cursor.getString, Cursor.getNullableShort, Cursor.getNullableInt, Cursor.getNullableLong, Cursor.getNullableFloat, Cursor.getNullableDouble, and Cursor.getBlob.
Same as Cursor.getDouble, but returns defaultValue when the column value is NULL
Same as Cursor.getDouble, but returns defaultValue when the column value is NULL
Same as Cursor.getFloat, but returns defaultValue when the column value is NULL
Same as Cursor.getFloat, but returns defaultValue when the column value is NULL
Same as Cursor.getInt, but returns defaultValue when the column value is NULL
Same as Cursor.getInt, but returns defaultValue when the column value is NULL
Same as Cursor.getLong, but returns defaultValue when the column value is NULL
Same as Cursor.getLong, but returns defaultValue when the column value is NULL
Same as Cursor.getShort, but returns defaultValue when the column value is NULL
Same as Cursor.getShort, but returns defaultValue when the column value is NULL
Slightly more concise version of SQLiteDatabase.query that allows omission of most fields by use of named parameters.
Slightly more concise version of SQLiteDatabase.query that allows omission of most fields by use of named parameters.
Slightly more concise version of SQLiteDatabase.query that allows omission of most fields by use of named parameters.
See SQLiteDatabase.query for more information.
Cursor object, positioned before the first query.
Table referenced in the query.
List of columns to return (null to return all - not recommended).
Selection query - contents of WHERE clause - excluding WHERE itself.
A string to replace for each '?' found in selection.
GROUP BY clause - excluding the 'GROUP BY'. May be null to disable grouping.
HAVING clause, excluding the 'HAVING'. May be null.
ORDER BY clause, excluding the 'ORDER BY'. May be null to return in default order.
LIMIT clause, excluding 'LIMIT' itself. Pass null to disable limit.
Slightly more concise version of SQLiteDatabase.query that allows omission of most fields by use of named parameters.
See SQLiteDatabase.query for more information.
Cursor object, positioned before the first query.
Table referenced in the query.
List of columns to return (null to return all - not recommended).
Selection query - contents of WHERE clause - excluding WHERE itself.
A string to replace for each '?' found in selection.
GROUP BY clause - excluding the 'GROUP BY'. May be null to disable grouping.
HAVING clause, excluding the 'HAVING'. May be null.
ORDER BY clause, excluding the 'ORDER BY'. May be null to return in default order.
LIMIT clause, excluding 'LIMIT' itself. Pass null to disable limit.
Reified version of Parcel.readParcelable that allows classloader argument to be omitted.
Reified version of Parcel.readParcelable that allows classloader argument to be omitted.
Reified version of Parcel.readParcelable that allows classloader argument to be omitted.
Reified version of Parcel.readParcelable that allows classloader argument to be omitted.
Reads the contents of virtual file, check if it's virtual file first use isVirtualFile
Reads the contents of virtual file, check if it's virtual file first use isVirtualFile
Function1<@kotlin.ParameterName String, Unit>
Function1<@kotlin.ParameterName String, Unit>
Both sets the EditText.setImeOptions to "Done" and listens for the IME action.
Both sets the EditText.setImeOptions to "Done" and listens for the IME action.
Both sets the EditText.setImeOptions to "Send" and listens for the IME action.
Both sets the EditText.setImeOptions to "Send" and listens for the IME action.
Sets CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener and calls specified function block after checked state changed
true - if checked, otherwise - false
Sets CompoundButton.OnCheckedChangeListener and calls specified function block after checked state changed
true - if checked, otherwise - false