This document explains minimum requirements needed for participating to FCCI. A lot of additionnal features are detailled in the following on ine documentation \url{}.
It is assumed here the reader has already a github account.
This assume that you already have a github account, if you don't please visit and follow the instruction.
#. Fork the repository
Click on the bouton [ADD IMG] form the, and select your account.
This will create a copy to the fcci repository owned by the fcci organisation, allowing you to modify a copy of the fcci repository whitout applying any change ont he main repository before your change are ready to be added.
Whne you believe your improvement idea/suggestion/work are ready to be added, you an submit a pull request. A pull request is a change propostion that will be reviewed by (all) the other members of the organisation. During the review proccess everyone will comment/critic you change proposal allowing it to reach a consensual form. Once each comment/critics have been adressed through modification or discussion the Pull Request will be merged.
While a Pull Request can be summited by anyone who is willing to contribute, a Pull Request can only be merged by an FCCI member. It is not allowed to merge your own PR even if you have the authority.
#. Clone your fork locally
On you have forked the fcci repository on your own github account you will be able to clone your own fork (copy) of the repository on (each of) your computer.
git clone
#. Remote set up
Once you have clone your repository into your computer, you can add a remote
(link to the main repository -- the link to you own fork of the repository is
automatically done when cloning it. -- you can access the list/name of remote
you have set up by using the git remote -v
git remote add upstream
This will allow you to pull the last version of the repository from the main repository. Usually the link to the remote are used in only one direction :
- from the main repository to you computer, --
git rebase upstrean/master
- from your comtuper to you own fork (copy of the repository) --
git push origin branch
- from you own fork -- Pull Request (done on github website) more detail instruction are provided in the section below
all the folowing instruction supposed that you are located in the repository folder
Git allow you to have different branchs. Each branch can contain different
version of you sources. For exemple, if you are developing a software, you can
imagine have a develop
which contain the lastest version of the software
inluding all the lastest feature, a master
branch containing the last stable
version, a different branches for each features you are developing.
you can switch between different branch using:
git checkout my_branch
you can create a new branch using:
git checkout -b my_new_branch
In this case a new branch will be create from the branch you are in.
Grab a single file from an other branch:
git checkout source_branch my_file
Before working on some improvement/addition to the project make sure you have the last version of it locally:
git fetch --all # This will download all the information about news commit from all the different remote you have setted up
git rebase upstream master # add the last commit to your actual branch