To handle all the different possibilities to select our photons and neutral meson candidates we make use of a "cutstring" for the event cuts, conversion cuts, calo cuts and meson cuts. Changing for example a minimum energy threshold for your analysis will be done by changing a digit in the corresponding cutstring. It is recommended to open the classes in parallel so you can easily navigate around to find which digit corresponds to which cut.
Conversion cut:
cuts.AddCut("80000113", "00200009327000008250404000", "0162103500900000");
Calo cut:
ConvCalo cut:
Explanation of the cutstrings:
const char* AliConvEventCuts::fgkCutNames[AliConvEventCuts::kNCuts] = {
"HeavyIon", //0
"CentralityMin", //1
"CentralityMax", //2
"SelectSpecialTrigger", //3
"SelectSpecialSubTriggerClass", //4
"RemovePileUp", //5
"RejectExtraSignals", //6
"VertexCut", //7
const char* AliConversionPhotonCuts::fgkCutNames[AliConversionPhotonCuts::kNCuts] = {
"V0FinderType", // 0
"EtaCut", // 1
"MinRCut", // 2
"EtaForPhiCut", // 3
"MinPhiCut", // 4
"MaxPhiCut", // 5
"SinglePtCut", // 6
"ClsTPCCut", // 7
"ededxSigmaCut", // 8
"pidedxSigmaCut", // 9
"piMomdedxSigmaCut", // 10
"piMaxMomdedxSigmaCut", // 11
"LowPRejectionSigmaCut", // 12
"TOFelectronPID", // 13
"ITSelectronPID", // 14 -- new ITS PID
"TRDelectronPID", // 15 -- new TRD PID
"QtMaxCut", // 16
"Chi2GammaCut", // 17
"PsiPair", // 18
"DoPhotonAsymmetryCut", // 19
"CosinePointingAngle", // 20
"SharedElectronCuts", // 21
"RejectToCloseV0s", // 22
"DcaRPrimVtx", // 23
"DcaZPrimVtx", // 24
"EvetPlane" // 25
const char* AliCaloPhotonCuts::fgkCutNames[AliCaloPhotonCuts::kNCuts] = {
"ClusterType", //0 0: all, 1: EMCAL, 2: PHOS
"EtaMin", //1 0: -10, 1: -0.6687, 2: -0,5, 3: -2
"EtaMax", //2 0: 10, 1: 0.66465, 2: 0.5, 3: 2
"PhiMin", //3 0: -10000, 1: 1.39626
"PhiMax", //4 0: 10000, 1: 3.125
"NonLinearity1" //5
"NonLinearity2" //6
"DistanceToBadChannel", //7 0: 0, 1: 5
"Timing", //8 0: no cut
"TrackMatching", //9 0: 0, 1: 5
"ExoticCluster", //10 0: no cut
"MinEnergy", //11 0: no cut, 1: 0.05, 2: 0.1, 3: 0.15, 4: 0.2, 5: 0.3, 6: 0.5, 7: 0.75, 8: 1, 9: 1.25 (all GeV)
"MinNCells", //12 0: no cut, 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6
"MinM02", //13
"MaxM02", //14
"MinM20", //15
"MaxM20", //16
"MaximumDispersion", //17
"NLM" //18
const char* AliConversionMesonCuts::fgkCutNames[AliConversionMesonCuts::kNCuts] = {
"MesonKind", //0
"BackgroundScheme", //1
"NumberOfBGEvents", //2
"DegreesForRotationMethod", //3
"RapidityMesonCut", //4
"RCut", //5
"AlphaMesonCut", //6
"SelectionWindow", //7
"SharedElectronCuts", //8
"RejectToCloseV0s", //9
"UseMCPSmearing", //10
"DcaGammaGamma", //11
"DcaRPrimVtx", //12
"DcaZPrimVtx", //13
"MinOpanMesonCut", //14
"MaxOpanMesonCut" //15