diff --git a/Frends.MongoDB.Update/CHANGELOG.md b/Frends.MongoDB.Update/CHANGELOG.md
index 921f572..dc11050 100644
--- a/Frends.MongoDB.Update/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/Frends.MongoDB.Update/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,9 @@
# Changelog
+## [1.0.1] - 2023-11-23
+### Fixed
+- Fixed dll error when importing the Task to Frends by adding local dll reference to the project file.
## [1.0.0] - 2022-11-01
### Added
- Initial implementation
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update.Tests/Frends.MongoDB.Update.Tests.csproj b/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update.Tests/Frends.MongoDB.Update.Tests.csproj
index 222a0e2..9e4fec7 100644
--- a/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update.Tests/Frends.MongoDB.Update.Tests.csproj
+++ b/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update.Tests/Frends.MongoDB.Update.Tests.csproj
@@ -15,6 +15,12 @@
diff --git a/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update.Tests/UnitTests.cs b/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update.Tests/UnitTests.cs
index 9765ae4..6e0c0a0 100644
--- a/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update.Tests/UnitTests.cs
+++ b/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update.Tests/UnitTests.cs
@@ -1,224 +1,254 @@
-using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
-using Frends.MongoDB.Update.Definitions;
-using MongoDB.Bson;
-using MongoDB.Driver;
-using System;
-namespace Frends.MongoDB.Update.Tests;
-public class UnitTests
- /*
- Run command 'docker-compose up -d' in \Frends.MongoDB.Update.Tests\Files\
- */
- private static readonly Connection _connection = new()
- {
- ConnectionString = "mongodb://admin:Salakala@localhost:27017/?authSource=admin",
- Database = "testdb",
- CollectionName = "testcoll",
- };
- private readonly string _doc1 = "{ 'foo':'bar', 'bar': 'foo' }";
- private readonly string _doc2 = "{ 'foo':'bar', 'bar': 'foo' }";
- private readonly string _doc3 = "{ 'qwe':'rty', 'asd': 'fgh' }";
- [TestInitialize]
- public void StartUp()
- {
- InsertTestData();
- }
- [TestCleanup]
- public void CleanUp()
- {
- UpdateTestData();
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public async Task Test_Update_NotFound()
- {
- var _input = new Input()
- {
- InputType = InputType.Filter,
- UpdateOptions = Definitions.UpdateOptions.UpdateOne,
- Filter = "{'not':'found'}",
- Filters = null,
- File = null,
- UpdateString = "{$set: {foo:'update'}}"
- };
- var result = await MongoDB.Update(_input, _connection, default);
- Assert.IsTrue(result.Success.Equals(true) && result.Count == 0);
- Assert.IsTrue(GetDocuments("update").Equals(false));
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public async Task Test_Update_Single_UpdateOne()
- {
- var _input = new Input()
- {
- InputType = InputType.Filter,
- UpdateOptions = Definitions.UpdateOptions.UpdateOne,
- Filter = "{'foo':'bar'}",
- Filters = null,
- File = null,
- UpdateString = "{$set: {foo:'update'}}"
- };
- var result = await MongoDB.Update(_input, _connection, default);
- Assert.IsTrue(result.Success.Equals(true) && result.Count == 1);
- Assert.IsTrue(GetDocuments("update").Equals(true));
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public async Task Test_Update_Single_UpdateMany()
- {
- var _input = new Input()
- {
- InputType = InputType.Filter,
- UpdateOptions = Definitions.UpdateOptions.UpdateMany,
- Filter = "{'foo':'bar'}",
- Filters = null,
- File = null,
- UpdateString = "{$set: {foo:'update'}}"
- };
- var result = await MongoDB.Update(_input, _connection, default);
- Assert.IsTrue(result.Success.Equals(true) && result.Count == 2);
- Assert.IsTrue(GetDocuments("update").Equals(true));
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public async Task Test_Update_Array_UpdateOne()
- {
- var doc1 = new DocumentValues() { Value = "{'foo':'bar'}" };
- var doc2 = new DocumentValues() { Value = "{'qwe':'rty'}" };
- var _input = new Input()
- {
- InputType = InputType.Filters,
- UpdateOptions = Definitions.UpdateOptions.UpdateOne,
- Filter = null,
- Filters = new[] { doc1, doc2 },
- File = null,
- UpdateString = "{$set: {foo:'update'}}"
- };
- var result = await MongoDB.Update(_input, _connection, default);
- Assert.IsTrue(result.Success.Equals(true) && result.Count == 2);
- Assert.IsTrue(GetDocuments("update").Equals(true));
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public async Task Test_Update_Array_UpdateMany()
- {
- var doc1 = new DocumentValues() { Value = "{'foo':'bar'}" };
- var doc2 = new DocumentValues() { Value = "{'qwe':'rty'}" };
- var _input = new Input()
- {
- InputType = InputType.Filters,
- UpdateOptions = Definitions.UpdateOptions.UpdateMany,
- Filter = null,
- Filters = new[] { doc1, doc2 },
- File = null,
- UpdateString = "{$set: {foo:'update'}}"
- };
- var result = await MongoDB.Update(_input, _connection, default);
- Assert.IsTrue(result.Success.Equals(true) && result.Count == 3);
- Assert.IsTrue(GetDocuments("update").Equals(true));
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public async Task Test_Update_File_UpdateOne()
- {
- var _input = new Input()
- {
- InputType = InputType.File,
- UpdateOptions = Definitions.UpdateOptions.UpdateOne,
- Filter = null,
- Filters = null,
- File = "..//..//..//Files//testdata.json",
- UpdateString = "{$set: {foo:'update'}}"
- };
- var result = await MongoDB.Update(_input, _connection, default);
- Assert.IsTrue(result.Success.Equals(true) && result.Count == 1);
- Assert.IsTrue(GetDocuments("update").Equals(true));
- }
- [TestMethod]
- public async Task Test_Update_File_UpdateMany()
- {
- var _input = new Input()
- {
- InputType = InputType.File,
- UpdateOptions = Definitions.UpdateOptions.UpdateMany,
- Filter = null,
- Filters = null,
- File = "..//..//..//Files//testdata.json",
- UpdateString = "{$set: {foo:'update'}}"
- };
- var result = await MongoDB.Update(_input, _connection, default);
- Assert.IsTrue(result.Success.Equals(true) && result.Count == 2);
- Assert.IsTrue(GetDocuments("update").Equals(true));
- }
- private void InsertTestData()
- {
- try
- {
- var collection = GetMongoCollection(_connection.ConnectionString, _connection.Database, _connection.CollectionName);
- var doc1 = BsonDocument.Parse(_doc1);
- var doc2 = BsonDocument.Parse(_doc2);
- var doc3 = BsonDocument.Parse(_doc3);
- collection.InsertOne(doc1);
- collection.InsertOne(doc2);
- collection.InsertOne(doc3);
- }
- catch (Exception ex)
- {
- throw new Exception(ex.Message);
- }
- }
- private static void UpdateTestData()
- {
- var collection = GetMongoCollection(_connection.ConnectionString, _connection.Database, _connection.CollectionName);
- var filter1 = "{'bar':'foo'}";
- var filter2 = "{'qwe':'rty'}";
- var filter3 = "{'asd':'fgh'}";
- collection.DeleteMany(filter1);
- collection.DeleteMany(filter2);
- collection.DeleteMany(filter3);
- }
- private static IMongoCollection GetMongoCollection(string connectionString, string database, string collectionName)
- {
- var dataBase = GetMongoDatabase(connectionString, database);
- var collection = dataBase.GetCollection(collectionName);
- return collection;
- }
- private static IMongoDatabase GetMongoDatabase(string connectionString, string database)
- {
- var mongoClient = new MongoClient(connectionString);
- var dataBase = mongoClient.GetDatabase(database);
- return dataBase;
- }
- private static bool GetDocuments(string updated)
- {
- var collection = GetMongoCollection(_connection.ConnectionString, _connection.Database, _connection.CollectionName);
- var documents = collection.Find(new BsonDocument()).ToList();
- var i = documents.Any(x => x.Values.Contains(updated));
- return i;
- }
+using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
+using Frends.MongoDB.Update.Definitions;
+using MongoDB.Bson;
+using MongoDB.Driver;
+namespace Frends.MongoDB.Update.Tests;
+public class UnitTests
+ /*
+ Run command 'docker-compose up -d' in \Frends.MongoDB.Update.Tests\Files\
+ */
+ private static readonly Connection _connection = new()
+ {
+ ConnectionString = "mongodb://admin:Salakala@localhost:27017/?authSource=admin",
+ Database = "testdb",
+ CollectionName = "testcoll",
+ };
+ private readonly string _doc1 = "{ 'foo':'bar', 'bar': 'foo' }";
+ private readonly string _doc2 = "{ 'foo':'bar', 'bar': 'foo' }";
+ private readonly string _doc3 = "{ 'qwe':'rty', 'asd': 'fgh' }";
+ [TestInitialize]
+ public void StartUp()
+ {
+ InsertTestData();
+ }
+ [TestCleanup]
+ public void CleanUp()
+ {
+ UpdateTestData();
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public async Task Test_Update_NotFound()
+ {
+ var _input = new Input()
+ {
+ InputType = InputType.Filter,
+ UpdateOptions = Definitions.UpdateOptions.UpdateOne,
+ Filter = "{'not':'found'}",
+ Filters = null,
+ File = null,
+ UpdateString = "{$set: {foo:'update'}}"
+ };
+ var result = await MongoDB.Update(_input, _connection, default);
+ Assert.IsTrue(result.Success);
+ Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Count);
+ Assert.IsFalse(GetDocuments("update"));
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public async Task Test_Update_Single_UpdateOne()
+ {
+ var _input = new Input()
+ {
+ InputType = InputType.Filter,
+ UpdateOptions = Definitions.UpdateOptions.UpdateOne,
+ Filter = "{'foo':'bar'}",
+ Filters = null,
+ File = null,
+ UpdateString = "{$set: {foo:'update'}}"
+ };
+ var result = await MongoDB.Update(_input, _connection, default);
+ Assert.IsTrue(result.Success);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count);
+ Assert.IsTrue(GetDocuments("update"));
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public async Task Test_Update_Single_UpdateMany()
+ {
+ var _input = new Input()
+ {
+ InputType = InputType.Filter,
+ UpdateOptions = Definitions.UpdateOptions.UpdateMany,
+ Filter = "{'foo':'bar'}",
+ Filters = null,
+ File = null,
+ UpdateString = "{$set: {foo:'update'}}"
+ };
+ var result = await MongoDB.Update(_input, _connection, default);
+ Assert.IsTrue(result.Success);
+ Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count);
+ Assert.IsTrue(GetDocuments("update"));
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public async Task Test_Update_Array_UpdateOne()
+ {
+ var doc1 = new DocumentValues() { Value = "{'foo':'bar'}" };
+ var doc2 = new DocumentValues() { Value = "{'qwe':'rty'}" };
+ var _input = new Input()
+ {
+ InputType = InputType.Filters,
+ UpdateOptions = Definitions.UpdateOptions.UpdateOne,
+ Filter = null,
+ Filters = new[] { doc1, doc2 },
+ File = null,
+ UpdateString = "{$set: {foo:'update'}}"
+ };
+ var result = await MongoDB.Update(_input, _connection, default);
+ Assert.IsTrue(result.Success);
+ Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count);
+ Assert.IsTrue(GetDocuments("update"));
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public async Task Test_Update_Array_UpdateMany()
+ {
+ var doc1 = new DocumentValues() { Value = "{'foo':'bar'}" };
+ var doc2 = new DocumentValues() { Value = "{'qwe':'rty'}" };
+ var _input = new Input()
+ {
+ InputType = InputType.Filters,
+ UpdateOptions = Definitions.UpdateOptions.UpdateMany,
+ Filter = null,
+ Filters = new[] { doc1, doc2 },
+ File = null,
+ UpdateString = "{$set: {foo:'update'}}"
+ };
+ var result = await MongoDB.Update(_input, _connection, default);
+ Assert.IsTrue(result.Success);
+ Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Count);
+ Assert.IsTrue(GetDocuments("update"));
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public async Task Test_Update_File_UpdateOne()
+ {
+ var _input = new Input()
+ {
+ InputType = InputType.File,
+ UpdateOptions = Definitions.UpdateOptions.UpdateOne,
+ Filter = null,
+ Filters = null,
+ File = "..//..//..//Files//testdata.json",
+ UpdateString = "{$set: {foo:'update'}}"
+ };
+ var result = await MongoDB.Update(_input, _connection, default);
+ Assert.IsTrue(result.Success);
+ Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count);
+ Assert.IsTrue(GetDocuments("update"));
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public async Task Test_Update_File_UpdateMany()
+ {
+ var _input = new Input()
+ {
+ InputType = InputType.File,
+ UpdateOptions = Definitions.UpdateOptions.UpdateMany,
+ Filter = null,
+ Filters = null,
+ File = "..//..//..//Files//testdata.json",
+ UpdateString = "{$set: {foo:'update'}}"
+ };
+ var result = await MongoDB.Update(_input, _connection, default);
+ Assert.IsTrue(result.Success);
+ Assert.AreEqual(2, result.Count);
+ Assert.IsTrue(GetDocuments("update"));
+ }
+ [TestMethod]
+ public void Test_InvalidConnectionString()
+ {
+ var _input = new Input()
+ {
+ InputType = InputType.File,
+ UpdateOptions = Definitions.UpdateOptions.UpdateMany,
+ Filter = null,
+ Filters = null,
+ File = "..//..//..//Files//testdata.json",
+ UpdateString = "{$set: {foo:'update'}}"
+ };
+ var connection = new Connection
+ {
+ ConnectionString = "mongodb://admin:Incorrect@localhost:27017/?authSource=invalid",
+ CollectionName = _connection.CollectionName,
+ Database = _connection.Database,
+ };
+ var ex = Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync(async () => await MongoDB.Update(_input, connection, default));
+ Assert.IsTrue(ex.Result.Message.StartsWith("Update error: System.Exception: UpdateOperation error: MongoDB.Driver.MongoAuthenticationException: Unable to authenticate using sasl protocol mechanism SCRAM-SHA-1."));
+ }
+ private void InsertTestData()
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ var collection = GetMongoCollection(_connection.ConnectionString, _connection.Database, _connection.CollectionName);
+ var doc1 = BsonDocument.Parse(_doc1);
+ var doc2 = BsonDocument.Parse(_doc2);
+ var doc3 = BsonDocument.Parse(_doc3);
+ collection.InsertOne(doc1);
+ collection.InsertOne(doc2);
+ collection.InsertOne(doc3);
+ }
+ catch (Exception ex)
+ {
+ throw new Exception(ex.Message);
+ }
+ }
+ private static void UpdateTestData()
+ {
+ var collection = GetMongoCollection(_connection.ConnectionString, _connection.Database, _connection.CollectionName);
+ var filter1 = "{'bar':'foo'}";
+ var filter2 = "{'qwe':'rty'}";
+ var filter3 = "{'asd':'fgh'}";
+ collection.DeleteMany(filter1);
+ collection.DeleteMany(filter2);
+ collection.DeleteMany(filter3);
+ }
+ private static IMongoCollection GetMongoCollection(string connectionString, string database, string collectionName)
+ {
+ var dataBase = GetMongoDatabase(connectionString, database);
+ var collection = dataBase.GetCollection(collectionName);
+ return collection;
+ }
+ private static IMongoDatabase GetMongoDatabase(string connectionString, string database)
+ {
+ var mongoClient = new MongoClient(connectionString);
+ var dataBase = mongoClient.GetDatabase(database);
+ return dataBase;
+ }
+ private static bool GetDocuments(string updated)
+ {
+ var collection = GetMongoCollection(_connection.ConnectionString, _connection.Database, _connection.CollectionName);
+ var documents = collection.Find(new BsonDocument()).ToList();
+ var i = documents.Any(x => x.Values.Contains(updated));
+ return i;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update.csproj b/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update.csproj
index 1258525..1d16c54 100644
--- a/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update.csproj
+++ b/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update.csproj
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- 1.0.0
+ 1.0.1
@@ -14,15 +14,38 @@
- PreserveNewest
+ PreserveNewest
+ true
+ true
+ lib\MongoDB.Driver.dll
+ lib\MongoDB.Driver.Core.dll
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update/lib/MongoDB.Driver.Core.dll b/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update/lib/MongoDB.Driver.Core.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef4f87f
Binary files /dev/null and b/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update/lib/MongoDB.Driver.Core.dll differ
diff --git a/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update/lib/MongoDB.Driver.dll b/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update/lib/MongoDB.Driver.dll
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a5f429a
Binary files /dev/null and b/Frends.MongoDB.Update/Frends.MongoDB.Update/lib/MongoDB.Driver.dll differ