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This article describes the performance loss caused by the java agent that is attached to target applications.

The performance loss comes from several aspects.

  1. The time spent on code injection to target methods of some class when a specific class is loaded into class loader
  2. The injected code that is around some specific methods of some classes to finish the metrics and tracing data collection
  3. The background work that the agent is doing for sending the collected data to remote servers

Evaluation Method

The 1st slows the startup of an application. How many seconds that it may take depends on how many classes will be loaded into the class loader during the startup phase and how many plugins will take effect. Obviously, the more classes an application will load, the more time it needs to start up the application.

To evaluate such performance loss, we just pick up some application without any special purposes and then compare the startup time before and after the java is attached.

For the 2nd the 3rd performance issues, it's not easy to separate them for evaluation respectively. So let's consider them together.

Since the injected code are mainly on HTTP request call paths, we can evaluate the overhead by benchmark the QPS of a HTTP interface before and after the agent is attached to see how it impact the QPS of an interface. Also, we will monitor the CPU and memory usage during this phase to compare the overhead.

Target Application

We select target applications without any special purposes. The test can be done on any applications.

Here let's pick Apache Druid as the target application. Apache Druid is a distributed system which suits for the tracing feature. It's master branch(currently 0.23-SNAPSHOT) is used.

Evaluation Steps

Startup overhead

  1. start up the nano configuration of Apache Druid cluster(coordinator, overlord, middle-manager, historical, router, broker), check their logs to see when the applications start to specific point
  2. attache the java agent to the target applications by the default configuration, start up the cluster again to see how long the processes take to finish the startup

QPS loss


    flowchart LR
        subgraph macOS#1
        subgraph macOS#2
        coordinator --metrics/tracing--> Bithon
        middle-manager --metrics/tracing--> Bithon
        router --metrics/tracing--> Bithon
        broker --metrics/tracing--> Bithon
        historical --metrics/tracing--> Bithon
        peon --metrics/tracing--> Bithon
        test-code --requests--> router


The test-code is running on the same machine of the target applications, this is to eliminate network latency between two macOS which are under same WiFi network. Even they're under the same WiFi 5GHz channel network, the latency is still unstable.

Hardware Configurations

  • macOS#1

    • MacBookPro 2019, 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7, 16 GB 2667 MHz DDR4
  • macOS#2

    • MacBookPro 2018, 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7, 16 GB 2400 MHz DDR4


  1. start upt the nano configuration of Apache Druid with the java agent that only enable the JVM plugin to collect Java application's basic metrics such CPU usage and memory usage

    1. Issue query request on the wikipedia data source with different intervals from a client repeatedly to get the QPS
  2. start up the nano configuration of Apache Druid with java agent's default configuration which by default will load all plugins, do the test as described step 1 again to check the QPS

  3. start up the nano configuration of Apache Druid with java agent's default configuration which by default will load all plugins, set the sampling rate of tracing to 100%, do the test as described as step 1 again to evaluate the QPS

Startup Test Result

Once the application start, grep the 'Started' keyword to see the how long the application takes to start up. Following tables illustrates the result.

Process No Agent Attached(ms) Bithon Agent Attached
broker 11900 20639
coordinator-overlord 11561 19463
historical 11145 19109
middleManager 10521 18206
router 10255 17888

Performance Overhead

Test Code

Timer timer = Timer.builder("timer")
                   .publishPercentiles(0.95, 0.99)

while (counter++ < 1000) {
    query.query = String.format("SELECT * FROM wikipedia WHERE __time > MILLIS_TO_TIMESTAMP(%d) LIMIT 10", timestamp++);
    long s = System.nanoTime();
    URI uri = restTemplate.postForLocation("", query);
    long e = System.nanoTime();
    long t = e - s;
    min = Math.min(min, t);
    timer.record(t, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);

Execution Flow

The SQL is sent to Apache Druid's router process, and then will be forwarded to broker process. And the broker process will turn the SQL query into a Druid's native JSON query which is executed on historical process.

The execution flow is demonstrated as follows, which is illustrated on the trace map of a trace from Bithon.


Baseline data

Following table shows the test result of target application without the agent attached. It can be seen as the baseline.

Min(ms) Max(ms) Avg(ms) P95(ms) P99(ms) Total(ms) QPS
6.629687 259.565178 12.670067 24.903680 33.292288 12670.066548 78.926184
6.652671 63.801387 10.232591 15.990784 21.757952 10232.591163 97.726957
6.571454 100.769671 10.026595 15.466496 21.757952 10026.595042 99.734755
6.337419 65.668054 9.510715 13.893632 16.515072 9510.715252 105.144563
6.460049 68.611847 9.548022 14.417920 19.660800 9548.022110 104.733733
6.339690 66.701136 9.360598 13.893632 18.612224 9360.598283 106.830778
6.100043 70.867612 9.184785 13.369344 17.563648 9184.784936 108.875712
6.334391 66.943560 9.180635 13.893632 17.563648 9180.635342 108.924923

The first row reflects how the target application perform when they receive first batch of requests. This means the application run some extra code path to initialize the system such as web container. So it does not reflect the best performance of the system, and should be ignored.

100% Sample Rate

The agent is configured to collect all tracing data for all requests by setting this parameter -Dbithon.tracing.sampleRate=100 whose value by default is 0.

Min(ms) Max(ms) Avg(ms) P95(ms) P99(ms) Total(ms) QPS
9.841467 1598.517763 21.992187 37.224448 49.807360 21992.187414 45.470693
7.825205 68.539659 14.186356 25.952256 33.292288 14186.355529 70.490268
7.454702 65.591494 12.011027 19.660800 24.903680 12011.026735 83.256829
7.260074 69.390262 11.011897 16.515072 20.709376 11011.897113 90.810874
7.176657 65.607880 10.691981 15.990784 23.855104 10691.980970 93.528038
6.867503 69.031957 10.593516 17.563648 20.709376 10593.516474 94.397361
6.536093 62.991241 10.341561 17.563648 19.660800 10341.561371 96.697197
6.389569 70.144868 9.916755 14.942208 17.563648 9916.755239, 100.839435
6.590661 81.347927 9.851637 14.942208 19.660800 9851.637219, 101.505971

The first row in the table is under test that the system is started, it takes mor time to initialize many code path. So it's valueless to compare.

If we look at the Min column we can see that even under 100% sample rate, a response can be as soon as 6.38ms, only 0.28ms plus compared to the minimum value of the baseline table. And the system can still serve 1000 requests with 9851ms, about 700ms more compared to the lowest total time consumption, 9180ms, of the baseline. And only 0.7ms averaged to each request.

According to the rationality of the agent, the extra time spending is only related to a request itself, it can be seen as a fixed value. This value does not fluctuate how long a request takes. This means, the longer time a request takes, the less QPS impact the agent can cause.

CPU Consumption

Process Baseline 100% Sampling Rate(After 11:17)
router img.png img_3.png
broker img_1.png img_4.png
broker img_2.png img_5.png

From the charts we can see that there is about 1 percentage plus after enabling the tracing feature. And this 1 percentage is not a relative value, if the target application is deployed on servers with more cores, the increase amount may be is lower than 1 percentage.

Memory Consumption

The first part of the charts below show the memory consumption of the application disabling tracing feature, while the 2nd part shows the memory consumption when the tracing feature is enaled.

Process Memory Consumption
router img.png
broker img.png
historical img.png

From the charts we can see that during the test, the memory does not consume more.