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Checklist for head-to-head phase

F1TENTH autonomous grand prix (ICRA'23 London) - ForzaETH


  • [Control_MissionControl]
  • [Localization_MissionControl]
  • [MissionControl]
  • [Pilot]
  • [Orbiters] (as many as possible)


Precheck [MissionControl]:

  1. Use a fully charged battery and turn on the car
  2. Check all walkie-talkie batteries
  3. Check if you are in the correct branch (master) on the car.
  4. catkin build and sauce
  5. No wires in the way, battery is firmly positioned with tape
  6. Wheel nuts tightened and pin checked
  7. Walkie-Talkie connection is established between mission control [Localization_MissionControl] and [Pilot].
  8. Make sure [Pilot] knows the normal and overtaking sectors of the track, as well as the raceline
  9. [Orbiters] are equidistant along the track
  10. [Orbiter] get ready to countdown laps into walkie-talkie


  • If we don't expect to overtake, put trailing distance higher (eg 2.0)
  • If opponent is very slow (30% laptime slower) also higher trailing distance
  • Otherwise keep 1.5m trailing distance
  • Set ratio_to_glob_path in dynamic_tracker_server to expected opponent speed

Head To Head

  1. Launch roscore and base_system on the car
  2. Locally, launch pit_rvizX and pitX rqt.
  3. [MissionControl] Check all rqt dynamic reconfigure parameters are good.
  4. Launch head-to-head:
roslaunch stack_master headtohead.launch racecar_version:=<VERSION> LU_table:=<LU_table_name> overtake_mode:=spliner od_mode:=sami
  1. Check that the Perception Detect and Perception Tracking printed out Ready in the terminal
  2. Check that Perception Detect noMemorymode is set!
  3. [MisisonControl] Check if localization is good. If needed, correct the position either telling the [Pilot] to localize or with the pose estimation button in RViz.
  4. When all MissionControl parameters are OK, [Localization_MissionControl] gives a thumbs-up. When [Pilot] sees this, start autonomous driving.
  5. Ready check: "pit ready" --> "orbiter ready" --> "driver ready"

Procedure in case of a Crash

  1. The two closest [Orbiters] run to the crash site.
  2. One student raises the barriers while the [Driver] drives the car back onto the track.
  3. [Driver] drives manually around the track while the barriers are repaired.
  4. When localization is ready, [Localization_MissionControl] informs the [Driver].
  5. The driver must return to the position of the crash.
  6. When the driver receives the signal from the referees, resume autonomous driving.
  7. Check-Uncheck the force_GBTRACK option in dynamic_statemachine_server to ensure we restart the race in GB_FREE mode

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