diff --git a/.github/workflows/validation.yml b/.github/workflows/validation.yml index 61f598b1..d9463b13 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/validation.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/validation.yml @@ -6,13 +6,6 @@ jobs: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - - name: Set up Python - uses: actions/setup-python@v2 + - uses: Tar-Minyatur/gettext-validation@v1.0 with: - python-version: 3.8 - - name: Install dependencies - run: | - python -m pip install --upgrade pip - pip install pyyaml - - name: Validate - run: ./validate_yaml.py + folder: Localization/ diff --git a/Localization/es-ES/.gitignore b/Localization/bg-BG/.gitignore similarity index 100% rename from Localization/es-ES/.gitignore rename to Localization/bg-BG/.gitignore diff --git a/Localization/bg-BG/about.yaml b/Localization/bg-BG/about.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0fda74e9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/bg-BG/about.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/about/" +language: "bg-BG" +title: "ЗА НАС" +text: [ +# Bold text at the start +"Folding@home (FAH или F@h)", + +# The rest of the paragraph +"е разпределен изчислителен проект за симулиране на протеиновата динамика, включващ процеса на сгъване на протеини и движенията на протеини, замесени в различни заболявания. Той обединява граждани учени, които доброволно пускат симулации на протеиновата динамика на своите лични компютри. Вникването в тези данни помага на учените да разберат по-добре биологията и дават нови възможности за разработване на терапевтика." +] diff --git a/Localization/bg-BG/diseases.yaml b/Localization/bg-BG/diseases.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1f686437 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/bg-BG/diseases.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/diseases/" +language: "bg-BG" +title: "БОЛЕСТИ" +text: [ +# Bold first paragraph +"Проектът Folding@home(FAH) е посветен на разбирането на сгъването на протеини, болестите, които са резултат от неправилно сгъване и агрегация на протеини, и нови изчислителни начини за разработване на нови лекарства като цяло. Тук накратко описваме нашите цели, какво правим и някои акценти досега.", + +# Second paragraph +"Разпределеният изчислителен проект трябва не само да изпълнява изчисления на милиони персонални компютри, но такива проекти трябва да дават резултати, особено под формата на рецензирани публикации, публични лекции и други начини, които разпространяват резултатите от FAH в по-голямата научна общност. В страничната лента ще намерите връзки към нашия напредък в различни области.", + +# Third paragraph +"Освен това ще намерите актуална информация относно нашата работа, напредък и нови проекти в главният", + +# Folding@Home blog link +"Folding@home блог", + +# End of sentence punctuation +".", + +# Bold heading 1 +"КАКВО Е СГЪВАНЕ НА ПРОТЕИНИ И КАК СЕ СВЪРЗВА С БОЛЕСТИТЕ?", + +# Text block +"Протеините са огърлици от аминокиселини, молекули с дълги вериги. Те са в основата на това как биологията върши нещата. Като ензими те са движещата сила за всички биохимични реакции, които карат биологията да работи. Като структурни елементи те са основните съставна част от нашите кости, мускули, коса, кожа и кръвоносни съдове. Като антитела те разпознават нахлуващи елементи и позволяват на имунната система да се отърве от нежеланите нашественици. Поради тези причини учените са секвенцирали човешкия геном - скицата за всички протеините в биологията - но как да разберем какво правят тези протеини и как работят? + +Обаче само познаването на тази последователност ни казва малко за това какво прави протеинът и как го прави. За да изпълняват функцията си (например като ензими или антитела), те трябва да придобият определена форма, известна също като „гънка“. По този начин протеините са наистина невероятни машини: преди да свършат своята работа, те се сглобяват! Това самосглобяване се нарича „сгъване“.", + +# Bold heading 2 +"КАКВО СЕ СЛУЧВА АКО ПРОТЕИНИТЕ НЕ СЕ СГЪНАТ ПРАИЛНО?", + +# Text block +"Заболявания като болестта на Алцхаймер, болестта на Хънтингтън, муковисцидоза, СЕГ (болест на Лудата крава), наследствена форма на емфизем и дори много ракови заболявания се смятат за резултат от неправилно сгъване на протеини. Когато протеините се сгънат, те могат да се скупчат („агрегират“). Тези бучки често могат да се съберат в мозъка, където се смята, че причиняват симптомите на Лудата крава или болестта на Алцхаймер." +] diff --git a/Localization/bg-BG/faq.yaml b/Localization/bg-BG/faq.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3545d1d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/bg-BG/faq.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/support/faq/" +language: "bg-BG" +title: "FAQ" +text: [ +# Bold paragraph +„Ще намерите голямо разнообразие от често задавани въпроси за всички неща, свързани с Folding@Home.“, + +# The rest of the paragraph +"Този раздел съдържа всичко от ръководства и информация за това как да инсталирате и използвате софтуера Folding@home до науката зад нашите изследвания. Погледнете през страничната лента и намерете темата, за която искате да знаете повече." +] diff --git a/Localization/bg-BG/home.yaml b/Localization/bg-BG/home.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ae4e1f7a --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/bg-BG/home.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/" +title: "Folding@home" +language: "bg-BG" +text: [ +# I AM One IN A MILLION bold text +"АЗ СЪМ Един НА МИЛИОН", + +# Associated text +„Независимо дали вече сгъвате протеини или не сте чували нито дума за това, ние се нуждаем от вашата помощ, за да постигнем целта си - която е 1 милион фолдъри.“, + +#Associated square button +"ЗАПОЧНЕТЕ ДА СГЪВАТЕ СЕГА", + +#Associated text with the aobve square button +"Скрий това и гледай видеото.", + +# START FOLDING NOW bold text +"ЗАПОЧНЕТЕ ДА СГЪВАТЕ СЕГА", + +# Associated text +"Намерете версията на софтуера, която предпочитате, и започнете. Изтеглянето на Folding@home е напълно безплатно, лесно за инсталиране и безопасно за използване. +Достъпно за: +Linux +Windows +Mac", + +#Associated square button +"ЗАПОЧНЕТЕ ДА СГЪВАТЕ", + +#JOIN THE COMMUNITY bold text +"ПРИСЪЕДИНЕТЕ СЕ КЪМ ОБЩНОСТТА", + +# Associated text +"Общността на Folding@Home е разпространена в безброй форуми, уебсайтове и социални мрежи. +Ето списък на нашите официални канали. +За техническа поддръжка: ", + +#URLs - Facebook and Twitter have localised name in certain languages: +"foldingforum.org", +"Facebook", +"Twitter", + +#LATEST POSTS bold text +"ПОСЛЕДНИ ПУБЛИКАЦИИ", + +# WHY WE NEED YOU bold text +"ЗАЩО НИ ТРЯБВАШ", + +# Associated text +„Folding@home е проект, фокусиран върху изследвания на болести. Проблемите, които решаваме, изискват огромни компютърни изчисления и се нуждаем от вашата помощ, за да намерим лечение!“, + +#FIGHT DESIEASES TOGETHER WITH US bold text +"БОРИ СЕ С БОЛЕСТИТЕ ЗАЕДНО С НАС.", + +#Associated text +„Софтуерът Folding@home ви позволява да споделяте неизползваната енергия на вашия компютър с нас, така че да можем да изследваме още повече потенциални лечения.“, + +#Associated text in pentagon +"1 НА МИЛИОН", + +#FOLDING? bold text +"СГЪВАНЕ?", + +#Associated text +"Сгъването се отнася до начина, по който човешките протеини се сгъват в клетките, които изграждат телата ни. Разчитаме на протеините да ни поддържат здрави и те се събират чрез сгъване. Но когато те не се сгънат правилно, може да има сериозни последици за здравето на човека.", + +#Associated square button +"НАУЧЕТЕ ПОВЕЧЕ", + +#TEAM bold text +"ЕКИП", + +#Associated text +"Folding@home вече е базиран във Вашингтонския университет в Медицинското училище в Сейнт Луис, под ръководството на д-р Грег Боуман. Д-р Джон Чодера (MSKCC) и Винс Воелц (Temple University) също са активни в подпомагането на проекта. Заедно трите им лаборатории са основните двигатели на Folding@home." +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Localization/bg-BG/start-folding.yaml b/Localization/bg-BG/start-folding.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..f6354044 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/bg-BG/start-folding.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/start-folding/" +language: "bg-BG" +title: "ЗАПОЧНЕТЕ ДА СГЪВАТЕ" +text: [ +# Bold first paragraph +"Софтуерът Folding@home работи, докато правите други неща.", + +# Second paragraph +"Докато вършите ежедневните си дейности, вашият компютър ще работи, за да ни помогне да намерим лекове за заболявания като рак, ALS, Паркинсон, Хънтингтън, грип и много други.", + +# Third paragraph first sentence in bold +"Моля, бъдете търпеливи, ако изпитате време на празен ход, докато заедно се сблъскваме с пандемията от COVID-19! ", + +# Rest of the third paragraph +"Работим като луди за да започнем симулации на протеини на COVID-19. Ентусиазираният отговор на нашите усилия беше огромен и понякога изпразваше опашките ни от задачи. Това е голям “проблем“, тъй като ценната наука няма край, който можем да поставим, въпрос на време е да ни дадете малко повече време за да се забързаме.", + +# +# OS-dependent binary download box +# + +# Bold text +"Не виждате правилния софтуер за вашето устройство? Опитайте от нашия списък от", + +# Alternative downloads text +"алтернативни изтегляния", + +# End of sentence punctuation +".", + +# Bold text +"Допълнителни платформи", + +# URLs +"Docker за видеокарти", +"vSphere" +] diff --git a/Localization/bg-BG/statistics.yaml b/Localization/bg-BG/statistics.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..41c84cd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/bg-BG/statistics.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/statistics/" +language: "bg-BG" +title: "СТАТИСТИКИ" +text: [ +# First two paragraphs +„Един от най-добрите начини да помогнете на Folding@home е като кажете на вашите приятели и семейство. Започнете като споделите нашия проект с тях. След това се присъединете към екип или дори стартирайте свой собствен екип. Колкото повече точки печели вашият екип, толкова по-близо доближаваме намиране на лекове. + +На тази страница ще намерите достъп до статистически данни за лица и отбори, които са се обединили, за да печелят точки и се състезават с други отбори. Някои от нас са доста интензивни в подхода си към сгъване на протеини. Имаме уебсайтове на екипи, забързваме компютрите си и движим технологията напред, като съобщаваме за грешки и правим предложения как да подобрим софтуера. ", +# Maximise your effort stylistic bold text +"МАКСИМИЗИРАЙТЕ своите УСИЛИЯ", + +# SET UP YOUR TEAM +"СЪЗДАЙТЕ СВОЙ ЕКИП", + +# Associated text for setting up a team +„Ако се интересувате от създаването на собствен екип, можете да започнете тук.“, + +# START A TEAM button +"СЪЗДАЙТЕ ЕКИП", + +# CHANGE YOUR TEAM INFO button +"ПРОМЕНЕТЕ ИНФОРМАЦИЯТА ЗА ВАШИЯ ЕКИП", + +# Lost team password? link +"Изгубена парола на екипа?", + +# Heading 1 +"СТАТИСТИЧЕСКИТЕ ДАННИ СЕ АКТУАЛИЗИРАТ АВТОМАТИЧНО: НАЛИЧНИ ИЗТЕГЛЯНИЯ И ПРАВИЛА ЗА УПОТРЕБА", + +# Text block +„Статистиката за донорите и отборите се актуализира на всеки час, това може да се забави, ако през този час имаме много работни единици, които се връщат. Ние изключваме уеб достъпа до базата данни със статистически данни по време на актуализации на статистически данни (обикновено на същия час). + +Моля, не използвайте скриптове за достъп до страниците на донорите или екипите, а вместо това използвайте пълния списък с донори (плоски файлове). IP адреси, които не спазват правилата на robots.txt, ще бъдат забранени." +] diff --git a/Localization/de-DE/about.yaml b/Localization/de-DE/about.yaml index 8555fe52..3c183fc3 100644 --- a/Localization/de-DE/about.yaml +++ b/Localization/de-DE/about.yaml @@ -1,12 +1,12 @@ --- url: "https://foldingathome.org/about/" language: "de-DE" -title: "ÜBER" +title: "ÜBER UNS" text: [ # Bold text at the start "Folding@home (FAH oder F@h)", # The rest of the paragraph #"is a distributed computing project for simulating protein dynamics, including the process of protein folding and the movements of proteins implicated in a variety of diseases. It brings together citizen scientists who volunteer to run simulations of protein dynamics on their personal computers. Insights from this data are helping scientists to better understand biology, and providing new opportunities for developing therapeutics." -"ist ein verteiltes Computingprojekt zur Simulation von Proteindynamiken, inklusive dem Prozess der Proteinfaltung und der Bewegung von Proteinen innerhalb verschiedenster Erkrankungen. Es bringt zivile Wissenschaftler, die sich freiwillig melden um Simulationen auf ihrem PC laufen zu lassen, zusammen. Wissenschaftler können durch diese Daten neue Einblicke gewinnen, um Biologie besser zu verstehen und neue Möglichkeiten zur Entwicklung von Therapeutika aufzudecken." +"ist ein Projekt für verteiltes Rechnen zur Simulation von Proteindynamiken, einschließlich des Prozesses der Proteinfaltung und der Bewegung von Proteinen, welche innerhalb verschiedenster Erkrankungen eine wichtige Rolle spielen. Es bringt Menschen zusammen, die freiwillig Simulationen dieser Proteindynamik auf ihrem PC laufen lassen. Wissenschaftler können durch diese Daten neue Einblicke gewinnen, um Biologie besser zu verstehen und neue Möglichkeiten zur Entwicklung von Heilmittel zu entwickeln." ] diff --git a/Localization/de-DE/diseases.yaml b/Localization/de-DE/diseases.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9f6f07ff --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/de-DE/diseases.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/diseases/" +language: "de-DE" +title: "KRANKHEITEN" +text: [ +# Bold first paragraph +#"The Folding@home project (FAH) is dedicated to understanding protein folding, the diseases that result from protein misfolding and aggregation, and novel computational ways to develop new drugs in general. Here, we briefly describe our goals, what we are doing, and some highlights so far.", +"Das Folding@home-Projekt (FAH) widmet sich dem Verständnis der Proteinfaltung, den Krankheiten, die aus falscher Proteinfaltung und -gruppierung entstehen, und ganz generell neuartigen computergestützten Möglichkeiten neue Medikamente zu entwickeln. Hier beschreiben wir kurz unsere Ziele, was wir machen und auch einige schon erreichte Höhepunkte.", + +# Second paragraph +#"A distributed computing project must not only run calculations on millions of PCs, but such projects must produce results, especially in the form of peer-reviewed publications, public lectures, and other ways that disseminate the results from FAH to the greater scientific community. In the sidebar, you will find links to our progress in different areas.", +"Ein Projekt im Bereich verteiltes Rechnen muss nicht nur Berechnungen auf Millionen von PCs laufen lassen, sondern so ein Projekt muss auch Ergebnisse liefern, insbesondere in der Form von durch Fachleute geprüften Veröffentlichungen, öffentlichen Vorlesungen und auf anderen Wegen, die die Ergebnisse von FAH an die breite Wissenschaftsgemeinschaft verteilen. In der Seitenleiste finden Sie Links zu den Fortschritten, die wir in verschiedenen Bereichen gemacht haben.", + +# Third paragraph +#"You will also find updates about our work, advancements and new projects in the main", +"Neuigkeiten zu unserer Arbeit, Weiterentwicklungen und neuen Projekten finden Sie auch im", + +# Folding@Home blog link +#"Folding@home blog", +"Folding@home Haupt-Blog", + +# End of sentence punctuation +".", + +# Bold heading 1 +#"WHAT IS PROTEIN FOLDING AND HOW IS IT RELATED TO DISEASE?", +"WAS IST PROTEINFALTUNG UND WAS HAT SIE MIT KRANKHEITEN ZU TUN?", + +# Text block +#"Proteins are necklaces of amino acids, long chain molecules. They are the basis of how biology gets things done. As enzymes, they are the driving force behind all of the biochemical reactions that make biology work. As structural elements, they are the main constituent of our bones, muscles, hair, skin and blood vessels. As antibodies, they recognize invading elements and allow the immune system to get rid of the unwanted invaders. For these reasons, scientists have sequenced the human genome – the blueprint for all of the proteins in biology – but how can we understand what these proteins do and how they work? +# +#However, only knowing this sequence tells us little about what the protein does and how it does it. In order to carry out their function (e.g. as enzymes or antibodies), they must take on a particular shape, also known as a “fold.” Thus, proteins are truly amazing machines: before they do their work, they assemble themselves! This self-assembly is called “folding.”", +"Proteine sind Aneinanderreihungen von Aminosäuren, also lange Kettenmoleküle. Diese schaffen die Basis für alles, was die Biologie tut. Als Enzyme sind sie die treibende Kraft hinter all den biochemischen Reaktionen, die Biologie funktionieren lassen. Als strukturelle Elemente sind sie der Hauptbestandteil unserer Knochen, Muskeln, Haare, Haut und Blutgefäße. Als Antikörper erkennen sie eindringende Elemente und erlauben dem Immunsystem die unerwünschten Eindringlinge zu beseitigen. Aus diesen Gründen haben Wissenschaftler das menschliche Genom sequenziert - die Blaupause für alle Proteine in der Biologie. Aber wie können wir verstehen was diese Proteine machen und wie sie funktionieren? + +Einfach nur diese Sequenz zu kennen sagt uns allerdings nur wenig darüber was ein Protein tut und wie es das tut. Um ihre Funktion zu erfüllen (bspw. als Enzyme oder Antikörper) müssen sie eine bestimmte Form annehmen, was man auch „Faltung“ (engl. „fold“) nennt. So gesehen sind Proteine also wirklich erstaunliche Maschinen: bevor sie ihre Arbeit verrichten müssen sie sich selbst zusammenbauen! Dieser Selbstzusammenbau wird „Faltung“ (engl. „folding“) genannt.", + +# Bold heading 2 +#"WHAT HAPPENS IF PROTEINS DON’T FOLD CORRECTLY?", +"WAS PASSIERT, WENN PROTEINE SICH NICHT RICHTIG FALTEN?", + +# Text block +#"Diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, cystic fibrosis, BSE (Mad Cow disease), an inherited form of emphysema, and even many cancers are believed to result from protein misfolding. When proteins misfold, they can clump together (“aggregate”). These clumps can often gather in the brain, where they are believed to cause the symptoms of Mad Cow or Alzheimer’s disease." +"Von Krankheiten wie Alzheimer, Chorea Huntington, Mukoviszidose, BSE (Rinderwahn), einer erblichen Form von Emphysemen und sogar vielen Krebsarten glaubt man, dass sie das Ergebnis falscher Proteinfaltung sind. Wenn sich Proteine falsch falten, können sie sich verklumpen („aggregieren“). Diese Klumpen sammeln sich dann häufig im Gehirn und man vermutet, dass sie die Symptome von BSE oder Alzheimer verursachen." +] diff --git a/Localization/de-DE/faq.yaml b/Localization/de-DE/faq.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fe10840e --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/de-DE/faq.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/support/faq/" +language: "de-DE" +title: "FAQ" +text: [ +# Bold paragraph +# "You’ll find a large library of frequently asked questions about all things connected to Folding@home.", +"Hier finden Sie eine große Sammlung der am häufigsten gestellten Fragen im Zusammenhang mit Folding@home.", + +# The rest of the paragraph +# "This section contains everything from guides and information about how to install and use the Folding@home software to the science behind our research. Look through the sidebar and find the topic you want to know more about." +"Dieser Abschnitt enthält alles, von Anleitungen und Informationen über die Installation und Verwendung der Folding@home Software, bis hin zu der Wissenschaft hinter unserer Forschung. Navigieren Sie einfach durch die Seitenleiste und finden Sie das Thema über welches Sie mehr erfahren wollen." +] diff --git a/Localization/de-DE/home.yaml b/Localization/de-DE/home.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ee27daa5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/de-DE/home.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,102 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/" +title: "Folding@home" +language: "de-DE" +text: [ +# I AM One IN A MILLION bold text +#"I AM One IN A MILLION", +"ICH BIN Einer VON EINER MILLION", + +# Associated text +#"Regardless if you are already folding or haven't heard a word about it before, we need your help to reach our goal -- which is 1 million folders.", +"Egal, ob Sie bereits mitfalten oder noch nie davon gehört haben: Wir brauchen IHRE Hilfe, um unser Ziel – eine Million Unterstützer – zu erreichen", + +#Associated square button +#"START FOLDING NOW", +"JETZT MITFALTEN", + +#Associated text with the aobve square button +#"Hide this and watch the video.", +"Schließen, um das Video anzusehen.", + +# START FOLDING NOW bold text +#"START FOLDING NOW", +"JETZT MITFALTEN", + +# Associated text +#"Find the version of the software you prefer and get started. Downloading Folding@home is completely free, easy to install and safe to use. +#Available for: +#Linux +#Windows +#Mac", +"Suchen Sie sich die Version der Software aus, welche Ihnen am liebsten ist und legen Sie los. Folding@home herunterzuladen ist komplett kostenlos, einfach zu installieren, und die Nutzung ist sicher. +Verfügbar für: +Linux +Windows +MacOS", + +#Associated square button +#"START FOLDING", +"JETZT MITFALTEN", + +#JOIN THE COMMUNITY bold text +#"JOIN THE COMMUNITY", +"WERDEN SIE TEIL DER COMMUNITY", + +# Associated text +#"The Folding@Home community is spread over countless forums, websites and social media. +#Here’s a list of our official channels. +#For tech support: ", +"Die Folding@home Community ist über unzählige Foren, Internetseiten und soziale Medien verteilt. +Hier ist eine Liste unser offiziellen Kanäle. +Für technische Hilfe: ", + +#URLs - Facebook and Twitter have localised name in certain languages: +"foldingforum.org", +"Facebook", +"Twitter", + +#LATEST POSTS bold text +#"LATEST POSTS", +"NEUESTE POSTS", + +# WHY WE NEED YOU bold text +#"WHY WE NEED YOU", +"WARUM WIR SIE BRAUCHEN", + +# Associated text +#"Folding@home is a project focused on disease research. The problems we're solving require so many computer calculations and we need your help to find the cures!", +"Folding@home ist ein Projekt, das sich auf die Erforschung von Krankheiten konzentriert. Diese Forschung erfordert eine so große Menge an Berechnungen, dass wir Ihre Hilfe brauchen, um Heilmittel zu finden!", + +#FIGHT DESIEASES TOGETHER WITH US bold text +#"FIGHT DISEASES TOGETHER WITH US.", +"BEKÄMPFEN SIE KRANKHEITEN GEMEINSAM MIT UNS", + +#Associated text +#"The Folding@home software allows you to share your unused computer power with us so that we can research even more potential cures.", +"Die Folding@home-Software erlaubt es Ihnen, uns Ihre ungenutzte Rechenleistung zur Verfügung zu stellen, so dass wir noch mehr mögliche Heilmittel finden können.", + +#Associated text in pentagon +#"1 in a million", +"Einer von einer Million", + +#FOLDING? bold text +"FALTEN?", + +#Associated text +#"Folding refers to the way human protein folds in the cells that make up your body. We rely on the proteins to keep us healthy and they assemble themselves by folding. But when they misfold, there can be serious consequences to a person's health.", +"Als „Falten“ wird der Vorgang bezeichnet, wie sich die Proteine in den Zellen des menschlichen Körpers verformen. Unsere Gesundheit ist auf Proteine angewiesen und diese werden durch das Falten zusammengefügt. Wenn sich Proteine jedoch falsch falten, kann dies ernsthafte Folgen für die Gesundheit einer Person haben.", + +#Associated square button +#"LEARN MORE", +"MEHR ERFAHREN", + +#TEAM bold text +#TEAM, +"TEAM", + +#Associated text +#"Folding@home is now based at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, under the directorship of Dr. Greg Bowman. Drs. John Chodera (MSKCC) and Vince Voelz (Temple University) are also active in helping manage the project. Together, their three labs are the primary drivers of Folding@home." +"Folding@home ist derzeit bei der Washington University in der St. Louis School of Medicine zu Hause und steht unter der Leitung von Dr. Greg Bowman. Die Doktoren John Chodera (MSKCC) und Vince Voelz (Temple University) unterstützen das Projektmanagement ebenfalls aktiv. Ihre drei Labore sind die Hauptantriebskraft von Folding@home." + +] diff --git a/Localization/de-DE/start-folding.yaml b/Localization/de-DE/start-folding.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..83e675a1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/de-DE/start-folding.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/start-folding/" +language: "de-DE" +title: "JETZT MITFALTEN" +text: [ +# Bold first paragraph +#"The Folding@home software runs while you do other things.", +"Die Folding@home Software läuft im Hintergrund.", + + +# Second paragraph +#"While you keep going with your everyday activities, your computer will be working to help us find cures for diseases like cancer, ALS, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Influenza and many others.", +"Während Sie Ihren alltäglichen Dingen nachgehen, hilft uns Ihr Computer im Hintergrund dabei, Heilmittel für Krankheiten wie Krebs, ALS, Parkinson, Chorea Huntington, Grippe und viele andere zu finden.", + +# Third paragraph first sentence in bold +#"Please be patient if you experience idle time as we face the COVID-19 pandemic together! ", +"Wir sind alle von der COVID-19 Pandemie betroffen. Bitte haben Sie daher etwas Geduld, falls Ihr Computer zwischendurch nichts zu tun hat. ", + +# Rest of the third paragraph +#"We are working like mad to start simulations of COVID-19 proteins. The enthusiastic response to our effort has been tremendous and has sometimes emptied our queues. This is a great “problem” to have as there is no end to the valuable science we can do, its just a matter of giving us some time to get more running.", +"Wir arbeiten mit Hochdruck daran Simulationen von COVID-19 Proteinen zu starten. Die enthusiastischen Reaktionen auf unsere Bemühungen waren enorm und dies hat die Warteschlangen manchmal geleert. Das ist ein großartiges „Problem“, denn die wertvolle Wissenschaft, zu der wir fähig sind, ist nicht abgeschlossen. Es geht lediglich darum, uns etwas mehr Zeit zu geben, um mehr in Gang zu bringen.", + +# +# OS-dependent binary download box +# TODO: needs translation as well! + +# Bold text +#"Don’t see the correct software for your device? Try our list of", +"Sie finden nicht die richtige Software für Ihr Gerät? Probieren Sie unsere Liste mit ", + +# Alternative downloads text +#"alternative downloads", +"alternativen Downloads", + +# End of sentence punctuation +#".", +" aus.", + +# Bold text +#"Additional platforms", +"Weitere Plattformen", + +# URLs +#"Docker for GPUs", +"Docker für GPUs", +"vSphere" +] diff --git a/Localization/de-DE/statistics.yaml b/Localization/de-DE/statistics.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c4b58c29 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/de-DE/statistics.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/statistics/" +language: "de-DE" +title: "STATISTIKEN" +text: [ +# First two paragraphs +#"One of the best ways to help Folding@home is by recruiting your friends and family. Start by sharing our project with them. Then join a team or even start your own team. The more points your team earns, the closer we come to finding cures. +#On this page you will find access to statistics for individuals and teams who have joined together to earn points and compete with other teams. Some of us are quite intense in our approach to folding. We have team websites, we supe up our computers, and we drive the technology forward by reporting bugs and making suggestions about how to improve the software.", +"Eine der besten Möglichkeiten, Folding@home zu helfen, besteht darin, Freunde und Familie zu rekrutieren. Teilen Sie zunächst unser Projekt mit ihnen. Schließen Sie sich dann einem Team an oder gründen Sie sogar ein eigenes Team. Je mehr Punkte Ihr Team verdient, desto näher kommen wir neuen Heilmitteln. +Auf dieser Seite haben Sie Zugriff auf Statistiken für Personen und Teams, die sich zusammengeschlossen haben, um Punkte zu sammeln und mit anderen Teams zu konkurrieren. Einige von uns gehen sehr intensiv mit dem Falten um. Wir haben Team-Websites, wir verbessern unsere Computer und wir treiben die Technologie voran, indem wir Fehler melden und Vorschläge zur Verbesserung der Software machen. ", + +# Maximise your effort stylistic bold text +#"MAXIMIZE your EFFORT", +"MAXIMALER EINSATZ", + +# SET UP YOUR TEAM +#"SET UP YOUR TEAM", +"JETZT EIN TEAM EINRICHTEN", + +# Associated text for setting up a team +#"If you are interested in setting up a team of your own, you can get started here.", +"Wenn Sie daran interessiert sind, ein eigenes Team zu gründen, können Sie hier loslegen.", + +# START A TEAM button +#"START A TEAM", +"JETZT EIN TEAM EINRICHTEN", + +# CHANGE YOUR TEAM INFO button +#"CHANGE YOUR TEAM INFO", +"ÄNDERN SIE IHRE TEAMINFO", + +# Lost team password? link +#"Lost team password?", +"Teampasswort verloren?", + +# Heading 1 +#"MONITORING STATS UPDATES AUTOMATICALLY: AVAILABLE DOWNLOADS AND RULES OF USE", +"STATISTIK-UPDATES AUTOMATISCH ÜBERWACHEN: VERFÜGBARE DOWNLOADS UND NUTZUNGSBESTIMMUNGEN", + +# Text block +#"The donor and team stats are updated every hour, although this can be delayed if there were a lot of work units to come back during that hour. We have been turning off web access to the stats database during stats updates (usually on the hour). +#Please do not use scripts to access the donor or team pages, but use the full donor list (flat files) instead. IP addresses which do not abide by our robots.txt rules will be banned." +"Die Spender- und Teamstatistiken werden stündlich aktualisiert. Dies kann sich jedoch verzögern, wenn während dieser Stunde viele Arbeitseinheiten zurückkommen. Wir deaktivieren den Webzugriff auf die Statistikdatenbank während der Statistikaktualisierungen (normalerweise zu jeder vollen Stunde). +Bitte verwenden Sie keine Skripte, um auf die Unterstützer:innen- oder Teamseiten zuzugreifen, sondern verwenden Sie stattdessen die vollständige Unterstützer:innenliste (Flatfiles). IP-Adressen, die nicht unseren robots.txt-Regeln entsprechen, werden gesperrt." +] diff --git a/Localization/en-US/about.po b/Localization/en-US/about.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ee137780 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/en-US/about.po @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"FAH-Translate-Schema-Version: 1.0\n" +"URL: https://foldingathome.org/about/\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Source-Language: en-US\n" +"Source-Version: 1.0\n" +"Source-Last-Modified: 20200705\n" +"Target-Language: \n" +"Target-Version: \n" +"Target-Last-Modified: \n" + +msgid "About" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Folding@home (FAH or F@h)" +msgstr "" + +msgid "" +"is a distributed computing project for simulating protein dynamics, including" +" the process of protein folding and the movements of proteins implicated in a" +" variety of diseases. It brings together citizen scientists who volunteer to" +" run simulations of protein dynamics on their personal computers. Insights" +" from this data are helping scientists to better understand biology, and" +" providing new opportunities for developing therapeutics." +msgstr "" + + diff --git a/Localization/en-US/about.yaml b/Localization/en-US/about.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index ccccaa69..00000000 --- a/Localization/en-US/about.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ ---- -url: "https://foldingathome.org/about/" -language: "en-US" -title: "ABOUT" -text: [ -# Bold text at the start -"Folding@home (FAH or F@h)", - -# The rest of the paragraph -"is a distributed computing project for simulating protein dynamics, including the process of protein folding and the movements of proteins implicated in a variety of diseases. It brings together citizen scientists who volunteer to run simulations of protein dynamics on their personal computers. Insights from this data are helping scientists to better understand biology, and providing new opportunities for developing therapeutics." -] diff --git a/Localization/en-US/diseases.po b/Localization/en-US/diseases.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..882b889a --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/en-US/diseases.po @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"FAH-Translate-Schema-Version: 1.0\n" +"URL: https://foldingathome.org/diseases/\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Source-Language: en-US\n" +"Source-Version: 1.0\n" +"Source-Last-Modified: 20200705\n" +"Target-Language: \n" +"Target-Version: \n" +"Target-Last-Modified: \n" + +msgid "Diseases" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The Folding@home project (FAH) is dedicated to understanding protein folding, the diseases that result from protein misfolding and aggregation, and novel computational ways to develop new drugs in general. Here, we briefly describe our goals, what we are doing, and some highlights so far." +msgstr "" + +msgid "A distributed computing project must not only run calculations on millions of PCs, but such projects must produce results, especially in the form of peer-reviewed publications, public lectures, and other ways that disseminate the results from FAH to the greater scientific community. In the sidebar, you will find links to our progress in different areas." +msgstr "" + +msgid "You will also find updates about our work, advancements and new projects in the main [Folding@home blog](https://foldingathome.org/news/)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "What is protein folding and how is it related to disease?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Proteins are necklaces of amino acids, long chain molecules. They are the basis of how biology gets things done. As enzymes, they are the driving force behind all of the biochemical reactions that make biology work. As structural elements, they are the main constituent of our bones, muscles, hair, skin and blood vessels. As antibodies, they recognize invading elements and allow the immune system to get rid of the unwanted invaders. For these reasons, scientists have sequenced the human genome - the blueprint for all of the proteins in biology - but how can we understand what these proteins do and how they work?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "However, only knowing this sequence tells us little about what the protein does and how it does it. In order to carry out their function (e.g. as enzymes or antibodies), they must take on a particular shape, also known as a \"fold\". Thus, proteins are truly amazing machines: before they do their work, they assemble themselves! This self-assembly is called \"folding\"." +msgstr "" + +msgid "What happens if proteins don't fold correctly?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, cystic fibrosis, BSE (Mad Cow disease), an inherited form of emphysema, and even many cancers are believed to result from protein misfolding. When proteins misfold, they can clump together (\"aggregate\"). These clumps can often gather in the brain, where they are believed to cause the symptoms of Mad Cow or Alzheimer's disease." +msgstr "" diff --git a/Localization/en-US/diseases.yaml b/Localization/en-US/diseases.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 607bf82b..00000000 --- a/Localization/en-US/diseases.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,34 +0,0 @@ ---- -url: "https://foldingathome.org/diseases/" -language: "en-US" -title: "DISEASES" -text: [ -# Bold first paragraph -"The Folding@home project (FAH) is dedicated to understanding protein folding, the diseases that result from protein misfolding and aggregation, and novel computational ways to develop new drugs in general. Here, we briefly describe our goals, what we are doing, and some highlights so far.", - -# Second paragraph -"A distributed computing project must not only run calculations on millions of PCs, but such projects must produce results, especially in the form of peer-reviewed publications, public lectures, and other ways that disseminate the results from FAH to the greater scientific community. In the sidebar, you will find links to our progress in different areas.", - -# Third paragraph -"You will also find updates about our work, advancements and new projects in the main", - -# Folding@Home blog link -"Folding@home blog", - -# End of sentence punctuation -".", - -# Bold heading 1 -"WHAT IS PROTEIN FOLDING AND HOW IS IT RELATED TO DISEASE?", - -# Text block -"Proteins are necklaces of amino acids, long chain molecules. They are the basis of how biology gets things done. As enzymes, they are the driving force behind all of the biochemical reactions that make biology work. As structural elements, they are the main constituent of our bones, muscles, hair, skin and blood vessels. As antibodies, they recognize invading elements and allow the immune system to get rid of the unwanted invaders. For these reasons, scientists have sequenced the human genome – the blueprint for all of the proteins in biology – but how can we understand what these proteins do and how they work? - -However, only knowing this sequence tells us little about what the protein does and how it does it. In order to carry out their function (e.g. as enzymes or antibodies), they must take on a particular shape, also known as a “fold.” Thus, proteins are truly amazing machines: before they do their work, they assemble themselves! This self-assembly is called “folding.”", - -# Bold heading 2 -"WHAT HAPPENS IF PROTEINS DON’T FOLD CORRECTLY?", - -# Text block -"Diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, cystic fibrosis, BSE (Mad Cow disease), an inherited form of emphysema, and even many cancers are believed to result from protein misfolding. When proteins misfold, they can clump together (“aggregate”). These clumps can often gather in the brain, where they are believed to cause the symptoms of Mad Cow or Alzheimer’s disease." -] diff --git a/Localization/en-US/faq.po b/Localization/en-US/faq.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..03964a22 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/en-US/faq.po @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"FAH-Translate-Schema-Version: 1.0\n" +"URL: https://foldingathome.org/support/faq/\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Source-Language: en-US\n" +"Source-Version: 1.0\n" +"Source-Last-Modified: 20200705\n" +"Target-Language: \n" +"Target-Version: \n" +"Target-Last-Modified: \n" + +msgid "FAQ" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You'll find a large library of frequently asked questions about all things connected to Folding@home." +msgstr "" + +msgid "This section contains everything from guides and information about how to install and use the Folding@home software to the science behind our research. Look through the sidebar and find the topic you want to know more about." +msgstr "" diff --git a/Localization/en-US/faq.yaml b/Localization/en-US/faq.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index bd8ef86e..00000000 --- a/Localization/en-US/faq.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ ---- -url: "https://foldingathome.org/support/faq/" -language: "en-US" -title: "FAQ" -text: [ -# Bold paragraph -"You’ll find a large library of frequently asked questions about all things connected to Folding@home.", - -# The rest of the paragraph -"This section contains everything from guides and information about how to install and use the Folding@home software to the science behind our research. Look through the sidebar and find the topic you want to know more about." -] diff --git a/Localization/en-US/home.po b/Localization/en-US/home.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..91e1dff1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/en-US/home.po @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"FAH-Translate-Schema-Version: 1.0\n" +"URL: https://foldingathome.org/\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Source-Language: en-US\n" +"Source-Version: 1.0\n" +"Source-Last-Modified: 20200705\n" +"Target-Language: \n" +"Target-Version: \n" +"Target-Last-Modified: \n" + +msgid "I AM" +msgstr "" + +msgid "One" +msgstr "" + +msgid "IN A MILLION" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Regardless if you are already folding or haven't heard a word about it before, we need your help to reach our goal – which is 1 million folders." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Start folding now" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Hide this and watch the video." +msgstr "" + +msgid "START FOLDING NOW" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Find the version of the software you prefer and get started. Downloading Folding@home is completely free, easy to install and safe to use." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Available for:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Linux" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Windows" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Mac" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Start folding" +msgstr "" + +msgid "JOIN THE COMMUNITY" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The Folding@Home community is spread over countless forums, websites and social media." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Here's a list of our official channels." +msgstr "" + +msgid "For tech support:" +msgstr "" + +msgid "foldingforum.org" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Facebook" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Twitter" +msgstr "" + +msgid "1 in a million" +msgstr "" + +msgid "WHY WE NEED YOU" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Folding@home is a project focused on disease research. The problems we are solving require so many computer calculations and we need your help to find the cures!" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Fight diseases Together with us." +msgstr "" + +msgid "The Folding@home software allows you to share your unused computer power with us – so that we can research even more potential cures." +msgstr "" + +msgid "FOLDING?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Folding refers to the way human protein folds in the cells that make up your body. We rely on the proteins to keep us healthy and they assemble themselves by folding. But when they misfold, there can be serious consequences to a person's health." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Learn more" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Team" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Folding@home is now based at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, under the directorship of Dr. [Greg Bowman](https://bowmanlab.biochem.wustl.edu/). Drs. [John Chodera](http://www.choderalab.org/) (MSKCC) and [Vince Voelz](http://www.voelzlab.org/) (Temple University) are also active in helping manage the project. Together, their three labs are the primary drivers of Folding@home." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Latest Posts" +msgstr "" diff --git a/Localization/en-US/home.yaml b/Localization/en-US/home.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 2d2be9d6..00000000 --- a/Localization/en-US/home.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ ---- -url: "https://foldingathome.org/" -title: "Folding@home" -language: "en-US" -text: [ -# I AM One IN A MILLION bold text -"I AM One IN A MILLION", - -# Associated text -"Regardless if you are already folding or haven't heard a word about it before, we need your help to reach our goal -- which is 1 million folders.", - -#Associated square button -"START FOLDING NOW", - -#Associated text with the aobve square button -"Hide this and watch the video.", - -# START FOLDING NOW bold text -"START FOLDING NOW", - -# Associated text -"Find the version of the software you prefer and get started. Downloading Folding@home is completely free, easy to install and safe to use. -Available for: -Linux -Windows -Mac", - -#Associated square button -"START FOLDING", - -#JOIN THE COMMUNITY bold text -"JOIN THE COMMUNITY", - -# Associated text -"The Folding@Home community is spread over countless forums, websites and social media. -Here's a list of our official channels. -For tech support: ", - -#URLs - Facebook and Twitter have localised name in certain languages: -"foldingforum.org", -"Facebook", -"Twitter", - -#LATEST POSTS bold text -"LATEST POSTS", - -# WHY WE NEED YOU bold text -"WHY WE NEED YOU", - -# Associated text -"Folding@home is a project focused on disease research. The problems we're solving require so many computer calculations and we need your help to find the cures!", - -#FIGHT DESIEASES TOGETHER WITH US bold text -"FIGHT DISEASES TOGETHER WITH US.", - -#Associated text -"The Folding@home software allows you to share your unused computer power with us so that we can research even more potential cures.", - -#Associated text in pentagon -"1 in a million", - -#FOLDING? bold text -"FOLDING?", - -#Associated text -"Folding refers to the way human protein folds in the cells that make up your body. We rely on the proteins to keep us healthy and they assemble themselves by folding. But when they misfold, there can be serious consequences to a person's health.", - -#Associated square button -"LEARN MORE", - -#TEAM bold text -"TEAM", - -#Associated text -"Folding@home is now based at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, under the directorship of Dr. Greg Bowman. Drs. John Chodera (MSKCC) and Vince Voelz (Temple University) are also active in helping manage the project. Together, their three labs are the primary drivers of Folding@home." -] diff --git a/Localization/en-US/start-folding.po b/Localization/en-US/start-folding.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3486e597 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/en-US/start-folding.po @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"FAH-Translate-Schema-Version: 1.0\n" +"URL: https://foldingathome.org/start-folding/\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Source-Language: en-US\n" +"Source-Version: 1.0\n" +"Source-Last-Modified: 20200705\n" +"Target-Language: \n" +"Target-Version: \n" +"Target-Last-Modified: \n" + +msgid "Start folding" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The Folding@home software runs while you do other things." +msgstr "" + +msgid "While you keep going with your everyday activities, your computer will be working to help us find cures for diseases like cancer, ALS, Parkinson's, Huntington's, Influenza and many others." +msgstr "" + +msgid "**Please be patient if you experience idle time as we face the COVID-19 pandemic together!** We are working like mad to start simulations of COVID-19 proteins. The enthusiastic response to our effort has been tremendous and has sometimes emptied our queues. This is a great “problem“ to have as there is no end to the valuable science we can do, its just a matter of giving us some time to get more running." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Don't see the correct software for your device? Try our list of [alternative downloads](/alternative-downloads)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Additional platforms" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Docker for GPUs" +msgstr "" + +msgid "vSphere" +msgstr "" diff --git a/Localization/en-US/start-folding.yaml b/Localization/en-US/start-folding.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 4fbfdafd..00000000 --- a/Localization/en-US/start-folding.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ ---- -url: "https://foldingathome.org/start-folding/" -language: "en-US" -title: "START FOLDING" -text: [ -# Bold first paragraph -"The Folding@home software runs while you do other things.", - -# Second paragraph -"While you keep going with your everyday activities, your computer will be working to help us find cures for diseases like cancer, ALS, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Influenza and many others.", - -# Third paragraph first sentence in bold -"Please be patient if you experience idle time as we face the COVID-19 pandemic together! ", - -# Rest of the third paragraph -"We are working like mad to start simulations of COVID-19 proteins. The enthusiastic response to our effort has been tremendous and has sometimes emptied our queues. This is a great “problem” to have as there is no end to the valuable science we can do, its just a matter of giving us some time to get more running.", - -# -# OS-dependent binary download box -# - -# Bold text -"Don’t see the correct software for your device? Try our list of", - -# Alternative downloads text -"alternative downloads", - -# End of sentence punctuation -".", - -# Bold text -"Additional platforms", - -# URLs -"Docker for GPUs", -"vSphere" -] diff --git a/Localization/en-US/statistics.po b/Localization/en-US/statistics.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8ea3e11c --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/en-US/statistics.po @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"FAH-Translate-Schema-Version: 1.0\n" +"URL: https://foldingathome.org/statistics/\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Source-Language: en-US\n" +"Source-Version: 1.0\n" +"Source-Last-Modified: 20200705\n" +"Target-Language: \n" +"Target-Version: \n" +"Target-Last-Modified: \n" + +msgid "Statistics" +msgstr "" + +msgid "One of the best ways to help Folding@home is by recruiting your friends and family. Start by sharing our project with them. Then join a team or even start your own team. The more points your team earns, the closer we come to finding cures." +msgstr "" + +msgid "On this page you will find access to statistics for individuals and teams who have joined together to earn points and compete with other teams. Some of us are quite intense in our approach to folding. We have team websites, we supe up our computers, and we drive the technology forward by reporting bugs and making suggestions about how to improve the software." +msgstr "" + +msgid "**MAXIMIZE** your **EFFORT**" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Set up your team" +msgstr "" + +msgid "If you are interested in setting up a team of your own, you can get started here." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Start a team" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Lost team password?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Change your team info" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Monitoring stats updates automatically: available downloads and rules of use" +msgstr "" + +msgid "The donor and team stats are updated every hour, although this can be delayed if there were a lot of work units to come back during that hour. We have been turning off web access to the stats database during stats updates (usually on the hour)." +msgstr "" + +msgid "Please do not use scripts to access the donor or team pages, but use the full donor list (flat files) instead. IP addresses which do not abide by our robots.txt rules will be banned." +msgstr "" diff --git a/Localization/en-US/statistics.yaml b/Localization/en-US/statistics.yaml deleted file mode 100644 index 2f1f618e..00000000 --- a/Localization/en-US/statistics.yaml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,36 +0,0 @@ ---- -url: "https://foldingathome.org/statistics/" -language: "en-US" -title: "STATISTICS" -text: [ -# First two paragraphs -"One of the best ways to help Folding@home is by recruiting your friends and family. Start by sharing our project with them. Then join a team or even start your own team. The more points your team earns, the closer we come to finding cures. - -On this page you will find access to statistics for individuals and teams who have joined together to earn points and compete with other teams. Some of us are quite intense in our approach to folding. We have team websites, we soup up our computers, and we drive the technology forward by reporting bugs and making suggestions about how to improve the software.", - -# Maximise your effort stylistic bold text -"MAXIMIZE your EFFORT", - -# SET UP YOUR TEAM -"SET UP YOUR TEAM", - -# Associated text for setting up a team -"If you are interested in setting up a team of your own, you can get started here.", - -# START A TEAM button -"START A TEAM", - -# CHANGE YOUR TEAM INFO button -"CHANGE YOUR TEAM INFO", - -# Lost team password? link -"Lost team password?", - -# Heading 1 -"MONITORING STATS UPDATES AUTOMATICALLY: AVAILABLE DOWNLOADS AND RULES OF USE", - -# Text block -"The donor and team stats are updated every hour, although this can be delayed if there were a lot of work units to come back during that hour. We have been turning off web access to the stats database during stats updates (usually on the hour). - -Please do not use scripts to access the donor or team pages, but use the full donor list (flat files) instead. IP addresses which do not abide by our robots.txt rules will be banned." -] diff --git a/Localization/es-ES/about.yaml b/Localization/es-ES/about.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8fdaafd5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/es-ES/about.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/about/" +language: "es-ES" +title: "Acerca de" +text: [ +# Bold text at the start +"Folding@home (FAH o F@H)", + +# The rest of the paragraph +#"is a distributed computing project for simulating protein dynamics, including the process of protein folding and the movements of proteins implicated in a variety of diseases. It brings together citizen scientists who volunteer to run simulations of protein dynamics on their personal computers. Insights from this data are helping scientists to better understand biology, and providing new opportunities for developing therapeutics." +"es un proyecto de computación distribuida para la simulación de la dinámica de las proteínas, así como el proceso de plegamiento de proteínas y los movimientos de proteínas implicados en diversas enfermedades. Reune a la ciencia ciudadana que voluntariamente ejecutan simulaciones de la dinámica de proteínas en sus ordenadores personales. Las investigaciones realizadas sobre estos datos ayudan a los científicos a comprender mejor la biología, y proporcionan nuevas oportunidades para desarrollar tratamientos." + +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Localization/es-ES/diseases.yaml b/Localization/es-ES/diseases.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a28c528e --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/es-ES/diseases.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/diseases/" +language: "es-ES" +title: "ENFERMEDADES" +text: [ +# Bold first paragraph +# "The Folding@home project (FAH) is dedicated to understanding protein folding, the diseases that result from protein misfolding and aggregation, and novel computational ways to develop new drugs in general. Here, we briefly describe our goals, what we are doing, and some highlights so far." +"El proyecto Folding@home (FAH) está enfocado a la comprensión del plegamiento de proteinas, las enfermedades resultantes de un plegamiento incorrecto y su agregación, y a novedosas técnicas computacionales para desarrollar nuevos fármacos en general. En esta sección se describe de forma breve nuestros objetivos, lo que estamos haciendo, y algunos avances significativos hasta el momento.", + +# Second paragraph +# "A distributed computing project must not only run calculations on millions of PCs, but such projects must produce results, especially in the form of peer-reviewed publications, public lectures, and other ways that disseminate the results from FAH to the greater scientific community. In the sidebar, you will find links to our progress in different areas." +"Un proyecto de computación distribuida no sólo debe ser capaz de ejecutar cálculos en millones de PCs, sino que dichos proyectos han de producir resultados, especialmente en la forma de publicaciones contrastadas, exposiciones públicas, y otras formas que diseminen los resultado de FAH al resto de la comunidad científica. En la barra lateral encontrará enlaces a nuestro progreso en diferentes áreas.", + +# Third paragraph +# "You will also find updates about our work, advancements and new projects in the main" +"También encontrará actualizaciones sobre nuestro trabajo, avances y nuevos proyectos en general", + +# Folding@Home blog link +# "Folding@home blog" +"Folding@home blog", + +# End of sentence punctuation +".", + +# Bold heading 1 +# "WHAT IS PROTEIN FOLDING AND HOW IS IT RELATED TO DISEASE?" +"¿QUE ES EL PLEGAMIENTO DE PROTEÍNAS Y CÓMO ESTÁ RELACIONADO CON LAS ENFERMEDADES?", + +# Text block +# "Proteins are necklaces of amino acids, long chain molecules. They are the basis of how biology gets things done. As enzymes, they are the driving force behind all of the biochemical reactions that make biology work. As structural elements, they are the main constituent of our bones, muscles, hair, skin and blood vessels. As antibodies, they recognize invading elements and allow the immune system to get rid of the unwanted invaders. For these reasons, scientists have sequenced the human genome – the blueprint for all of the proteins in biology – but how can we understand what these proteins do and how they work? +"Las proteínas son cadenas de aminoácidos, largas cadenas de moléculas. Son la base de cómo la biología hace que las cosas funcionen correctamente. Como enzimas, son el motor detrás de todas las reacciones biomecánicas que hacen que la biología funcione. Como elementos estructurales, son los principales consituyentes de nuestros huesos, músculos, pelo, piel y vasos sanguíneos. Como anticuerpos, identifican a los elementos invasores y permiten al sistema inmune actuar para eliminar a los invasores no deseados. Por estas razones, los científicos han secuenciado el genoma humano - la base para todas las proteínas en biología - pero , ¿cómo podemos comprender que hacen estas proteínas y cómo funcionan?", + +# However, only knowing this sequence tells us little about what the protein does and how it does it. In order to carry out their function (e.g. as enzymes or antibodies), they must take on a particular shape, also known as a “fold.” Thus, proteins are truly amazing machines: before they do their work, they assemble themselves! This self-assembly is called “folding.”" +"Sin embargo, sólo concer esta secuencia nos da poca información acerca de lo que la proteína hace y cómo lo hace. Para poder realizar sus funciones (por ejemplo como encimas o anticuerpos), deben tomar una forma determinada, también conocida como “pliegue.” Por tanto, las proteínas son máquinas realmente impresionantes: antes de hacer su trabajo, ¡se construyen a sí mismas! Esta auto-construcción se denomina “plegamiento.”", + +# Bold heading 2 +# "WHAT HAPPENS IF PROTEINS DON’T FOLD CORRECTLY?" +"¿QUÉ OCURRE SI LAS PROTEÍNAS NO SE PLIEGAN CORRECTAMENTE?", + +# Text block +# "Diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, cystic fibrosis, BSE (Mad Cow disease), an inherited form of emphysema, and even many cancers are believed to result from protein misfolding. When proteins misfold, they can clump together (“aggregate”). These clumps can often gather in the brain, where they are believed to cause the symptoms of Mad Cow or Alzheimer’s disease." +"Enfermedades como el Alzheimer, la enfermedad de Huntington, fibrosis quística, EEB (enfermedad de las Vacas Locas), un tipo de enfisema heredado, e incluso muchos cánceres pueden ser el resultado de un plegamiento erróneo. Cuando las proteínas no se pliegan correctamente, pueden amontonarse juntas (“agregación”). Estas acumulaciones pueden producirse frecuentemente en el cerebro, que es donde se creé que se causan los síntomas de las enfermedades de las Vacas Locas o el Alzheimer." +] diff --git a/Localization/es-ES/faq.yaml b/Localization/es-ES/faq.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..421e6a89 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/es-ES/faq.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,14 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/support/faq/" +language: "es-ES" +title: "FAQ" +text: [ +# Bold paragraph +# "You’ll find a large library of frequently asked questions about all things connected to Folding@home." +"Usted encontrará un amplio catálogo de preguntas frecuentes sobre todo lo relacionado con Folding@Home", + +# The rest of the paragraph +# "This section contains everything from guides and information about how to install and use the Folding@home software to the science behind our research. Look through the sidebar and find the topic you want to know more about." +"Esta sección contiene todo lo necesario desde guías a información sobre como instalar y utilizar el software de Folding@home para la ciencia que hay detrás de nuestra investigación. Revise en la barra lateral y encuentre aquello sobre lo que quiera saber más." + +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Localization/es-ES/home.yaml b/Localization/es-ES/home.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1f1779fb --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/es-ES/home.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/" +title: "Folding@home" +language: "es-ES" +text: [ +# I AM One IN A MILLION bold text +# "I AM One IN A MILLION" +"SOY Uno ENTRE UN MILLÓN", + +# Associated text +# "Regardless if you are already folding or haven't heard a word about it before, we need your help to reach our goal -- which is 1 million folders." +"Independientemente de si ya está haciendo folding o si nunca ha escuchado hablar de ello, necesitamos su ayuda para alcanzar nuestro objetivo -- que es 1 millón de folders.", + +#Associated square button +# "START FOLDING NOW" +"EMPEZAR AHORA", + +#Associated text with the aobve square button +# "Hide this and watch the video." +"Ocultar esto y ver el video.", + +# START FOLDING NOW bold text +# "START FOLDING NOW" +"EMPEZAR AHORA", + +# Associated text +# "Find the version of the software you prefer and get started. Downloading Folding@home is completely free, easy to install and safe to use. +# Available for: +"Encuentre la versión del software que usted prefiera y comience. Descargar Folding@home is completamente gratuito, fácil de instalar y seguro de usar. +Disponible para : +Linux +Windows +Mac", + +#Associated square button +# "START FOLDING" +"EMPEZAR AHORA", + +#JOIN THE COMMUNITY bold text +# "JOIN THE COMMUNITY" +"ÚNASE A LA COMUNIDAD", + +# Associated text +# "The Folding@Home community is spread over countless forums, websites and social media. +# Here's a list of our official channels. +# For tech support: " +"La comunidad de Folding@Home se encuentra repartida entre incontables foros, sitios web y redes sociales +Esta es una lista de nuestros canales oficiales. +Para soporte técnico:", + +#URLs - Facebook and Twitter have localised name in certain languages: +"foldingforum.org", +"Facebook", +"Twitter", + +#LATEST POSTS bold text +# "LATEST POSTS" +"ÚLTIMOS POSTS", + +# WHY WE NEED YOU bold text +# "WHY WE NEED YOU" +"¿POR QUÉ TE NECESITAMOS?", + +# Associated text +# "Folding@home is a project focused on disease research. The problems we're solving require so many computer calculations and we need your help to find the cures!" +"Folding@home es un proyecto enfocado en la investigación contra las enfermades. ¡Los problemas que estamos resolviendo requieren de muchísimos cálculos computaciones y necesitamos tu ayuda para encontra las curas!", + +#FIGHT DESIEASES TOGETHER WITH US bold text +# "FIGHT DISEASES TOGETHER WITH US." +"LUCHA CON NOSOTROS CONTRA LAS ENFERMEDADES.", + +#Associated text +# "The Folding@home software allows you to share your unused computer power with us so that we can research even more potential cures." +"El software de Folding@home te permite compartir la potencia de cálculo que está sin utilizar con nosotros para que podamos investigar aún más posible curas.", + +#Associated text in pentagon +# "1 in a million" +"1 entre un millón", + +#FOLDING? bold text +"FOLDING ?", + +#Associated text +# "Folding refers to the way human protein folds in the cells that make up your body. We rely on the proteins to keep us healthy and they assemble themselves by folding. But when they misfold, there can be serious consequences to a person's health." +"El término inglés folding (literalmente: plegamiento) se refiere a la forma en que las proteínas humanas se pliegan en las células que conforman nuestro cuerpo. Dependemos de las proteínas para mantenernos saludables y se componen por sí mismas mediante el plegamiento. Pero cuando esto no ocurre correctamente, pueden derivar en serias consecuencias para la salud de una persona.", + + +#Associated square button +# "LEARN MORE", +"CONOZCA MÁS", + +#TEAM bold text +# "TEAM" +"EL EQUIPO", + +#Associated text +# "Folding@home is now based at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, under the directorship of Dr. Greg Bowman. Drs. John Chodera (MSKCC) and Vince Voelz (Temple University) are also active in helping manage the project. Together, their three labs are the primary drivers of Folding@home." +"En la actualidad Folding@home está asentado en la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Washington de St. Louis (Missouri, Estados Unidos), bajo la dirección del Dr. Ggreg Bowman. Los doctores John Chodera (MSKCC) y Vince Voelz (Temple University) también participan de forma activa para ayudar en la gestión del proyecto. Juntos, los tres laboratorios son los principales motores de Folding@home" + +] diff --git a/Localization/es-ES/start-folding.yaml b/Localization/es-ES/start-folding.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..46afb304 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/es-ES/start-folding.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/start-folding/" +language: "es-ES" +title: "EMPEZAR" +text: [ +# Bold first paragraph +# "The Folding@home software runs while you do other things." +"El software de Folding@home se ejecuta mientras realizas otras cosas.", + +# Second paragraph +# "While you keep going with your everyday activities, your computer will be working to help us find cures for diseases like cancer, ALS, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Influenza and many others." +"Mientras realizas tus quehaceres del día a día, tu ordenador estará trabajando para ayudarnos a encontrar curas para enfermedades como el cáncer, ALS, Parkinson, Huntington, Influenza y muchas otras.", + +# Third paragraph first sentence in bold +# "Please be patient if you experience idle time as we face the COVID-19 pandemic together!" +"¡Por favor sea paciente si experimenta tiempos de inactividad mientras combatimos la pandemia del COVID-19 juntos!", + +# Rest of the third paragraph +# "We are working like mad to start simulations of COVID-19 proteins. The enthusiastic response to our effort has been tremendous and has sometimes emptied our queues. This is a great “problem” to have as there is no end to the valuable science we can do, its just a matter of giving us some time to get more running." +"Estamos trabajando sin descanso para comenzar simulaciones de proteinas del COVID-19. La entusiasta respuesta a nuestro esfuerzo ha sido tremenda y a veces a vaciado nuestras colas de trabajo. Esto es un “problema estupendo” que tenemos ya que no hay límites a la valiosa ciencia que podemos hacer, es cuestión de conseguir algo de tiempo para poder poner más tareas en ejecución.", + +# +# OS-dependent binary download box +# + +# Bold text +# "Don’t see the correct software for your device? Try our list of" +"¿No ve el software correcto para su dispositivo? Pruebe nuestra lista de", + +# Alternative downloads text +# "alternative downloads", +"descargas alternativas", + +# End of sentence punctuation +"disponibles.", + +# Bold text +# "Additional platforms" +"Plataformas extra", + +# URLs +"Docker para GPU", +"vSphere", + +] diff --git a/Localization/es-ES/statistics.yaml b/Localization/es-ES/statistics.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6f78f372 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/es-ES/statistics.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/statistics/" +language: "es-ES" +title: "ESTADÍSTICAS" +text: [ +# First two paragraphs +# "One of the best ways to help Folding@home is by recruiting your friends and family. Start by sharing our project with them. Then join a team or even start your own team. The more points your team earns, the closer we come to finding cures. +# On this page you will find access to statistics for individuals and teams who have joined together to earn points and compete with other teams. Some of us are quite intense in our approach to folding. We have team websites, we supe up our computers, and we drive the technology forward by reporting bugs and making suggestions about how to improve the software.", +"Una de las mejores formas de ayudar a Folding@home es reclutando a sus compañeros y familiares. Empiece por compartir nuestro proyecto con ellos. Después únase a un equipo o incluso comience el suyo. Cuantos más puntos obtenga su equipo, más cerca estaremos de encontrar curas. +En esta página encontrará acceso a las estadísticas individuales y de equipos que se han unido para ganar puntos y competir con otros equipos. Algunos de nosotros tenemos una tendencia un tanto intensa sobre nuestra forma de realizar folding. Tenemos sitios web de equipos, llevamos nuestros equipos al límite, y avanzamos en la tecnología reportando bugs y haciendo sugerencias sobre cómo mejorar el software.", + +# Maximise your effort stylistic bold text +# "MAXIMIZE your EFFORT", +"MAXIMICE su ESFUERZO", + +# SET UP YOUR TEAM +# "SET UP YOUR TEAM", +"CONFIGURAR SU EQUIPO", + +# Associated text for setting up a team +# "If you are interested in setting up a team of your own, you can get started here.", +"Si está interesado en crear su propio equipo, puede comenzar aquí.", + +# START A TEAM button +# "START A TEAM", +"CREAR UN EQUIPO", + +# CHANGE YOUR TEAM INFO button +# "CHANGE YOUR TEAM INFO", +"CAMBIAR SU INFORMACIÓN DE EQUIPO", + +# Lost team password? link +# "Lost team password?", +"¿Perdió su contraseña de equipo?", + +# Heading 1 +# "MONITORING STATS UPDATES AUTOMATICALLY: AVAILABLE DOWNLOADS AND RULES OF USE", +"LAS ESTADÍSTICAS DE MONITORIZACIÓN SE ACTUALIZAN AUTOMÁTICAMENTE: DESCARGAS DISPONIBLES Y REGLAS DE USO", + +# Text block +# "The donor and team stats are updated every hour, although this can be delayed if there were a lot of work units to come back during that hour. We have been turning off web access to the stats database during stats updates (usually on the hour). +# Please do not use scripts to access the donor or team pages, but use the full donor list (flat files) instead. IP addresses which do not abide by our robots.txt rules will be banned." +"Las estadísticas de los donantes y equipos se actualizan cada hora, a pesar de que puede retrasarse si hay demasiadas work units que procesar durante esa hora. Hemos desconectado el acceso web a la base de datos de las estadísticas durante la actualización de las mismas (normalmente durate esa hora). +Por favor, no utilice scripts para acceder a las páginas de donante o equipo, utilice en su lugar la lista completa (ficheros de texto). Las direcciones IP que no sigan las reglas de nuestro robots.txt serán bloqueadas." + +] diff --git a/Localization/it-IT/.gitignore b/Localization/es-MX/.gitignore similarity index 100% rename from Localization/it-IT/.gitignore rename to Localization/es-MX/.gitignore diff --git a/Localization/es-MX/about.yaml b/Localization/es-MX/about.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..caa9ef80 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/es-MX/about.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/about/" +language: "es-MX" +title: "ACERCA DE" +text: [ +# Bold text at the start +"Folding@home (FAH o F@h)", + +# The rest of the paragraph +"es un proyecto de computación distribuida para simular la dinámica de las proteínas, incluyendo el proceso de plegamiento de proteínas y los movimientos de proteínas implicadas en diversas enfermedades. Reúne a científicos ciudadanos que se ofrecen como voluntarios para ejecutar simulaciones de dinámica de proteínas en sus computadoras personales. El conocimiento de estos datos está ayudando a los científicos a comprender mejor la biología y brindar nuevas oportunidades para desarrollar terapias." +] diff --git a/Localization/es-MX/diseases.yaml b/Localization/es-MX/diseases.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..d6b31dea --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/es-MX/diseases.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/diseases/" +language: "es-MX" +title: "ENFERMEDADES" +text: [ +# Bold first paragraph +"El proyecto de Folding@home (FAH) se dedica a comprender el plegamiento de las proteínas, las enfermedades resultantes del mal plegado y agregación proteica, y nuevas formas computacionales para desarrollar nuevos fármacos en general. Aquí, describimos brevemente nuestros objetivos, lo que estamos haciendo y algunos aspectos destacados hasta ahora.", + +# Second paragraph +"Un proyecto de computación distribuida no solo debe realizar cálculos en millones de PC, sino que dichos proyectos deben producir resultados, especialmente en forma de publicaciones revisadas por pares, conferencias públicas y otras formas que difunden los resultados de FAH a la comunidad científica en general. En la barra lateral, encontrará enlaces a nuestro progreso en diferentes áreas.", + +# Third paragraph +"También encontrarás actualizaciones sobre nuestro trabajo, avances y proyectos nuevos en la página principal", + +# Folding@Home blog link +"Folding@home blog", + +# End of sentence punctuation +".", + +# Bold heading 1 +"¿QUÉ ES EL PLEGAMIENTO DE PROTEÍNAS Y CÓMO SE RELACIONA CON LAS ENFERMEDADES?", + +# Text block +"Las proteínas son collares de aminoácidos, moléculas de cadena larga. Son la base de cómo la biología hace las cosas. Como enzimas, son la fuerza impulsora detrás de todas las reacciones bioquímicas que hacen que la biología funcione. Como elementos estructurales, son el componente principal de nuestros huesos, músculos, cabello, piel y vasos sanguíneos. Como anticuerpos, reconocen los elementos invasores y permiten que el sistema inmunitario elimine a los invasores no deseados. Por estas razones, los científicos han secuenciado el genoma humano, el modelo para todas las proteínas en biología, pero ¿cómo podemos entender qué hacen estas proteínas y cómo funcionan? + +Sin embargo, solo conocer esta secuencia nos dice poco sobre lo que hace la proteína y cómo lo hace. Para llevar a cabo su función (por ejemplo, como enzimas o anticuerpos), deben adoptar una forma particular, también conocida como \"pliegue\". Por lo tanto, las proteínas son máquinas realmente sorprendentes: ¡Antes de hacer su trabajo, se ensamblan! Este autoensamblaje se llama \"plegado\".", + +# Bold heading 2 +"¿QUÉ OCURRE SI LAS PROTEÍNAS NO SE PLEGAN CORRECTAMENTE?", + +# Text block +"Enfermedades como la enfermedad de Alzheimer, la enfermedad de Huntington, la fibrosis quística, la EEB (enfermedad de las vacas locas), una forma hereditaria de enfisema, e incluso se cree que muchos cánceres son el resultado del mal plegamiento de proteínas. Cuando las proteínas se pliegan incorrectamente, pueden agruparse (\"agregado\"). Estos grupos a menudo pueden acumularse en el cerebro, donde se cree que causan los síntomas de la vaca loca o la enfermedad de Alzheimer." +] diff --git a/Localization/es-MX/faq.yaml b/Localization/es-MX/faq.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1f859c07 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/es-MX/faq.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/support/faq/" +language: "es-MX" +title: "PF" +text: [ +# Bold paragraph +"Encontrarás una gran biblioteca de preguntas frecuentes sobre todo lo relacionado con Folding@home.", + +# The rest of the paragraph +"Esta sección contiene todo desde guías e información sobre cómo instalar y usar el software Folding@home, hasta la ciencia detrás de nuestra investigación. Mire a través de la barra lateral y encuentre el tema sobre el que desea saber más." +] diff --git a/Localization/es-MX/home.yaml b/Localization/es-MX/home.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4980e037 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/es-MX/home.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/" +title: "Folding@home" +language: "es-MX" +text: [ +# I AM One IN A MILLION bold text +"SOY Uno EN UN MILLÓN", + +# Associated text +"Sin importar que ya te encuentres plegando o si no has escuchado sobre esto anteriormente, necesitamos tu ayuda para alcanzar nuestra meta --- la cual es tener 1 millón de plegadores.", + +#Associated square button +"COMIENZA A PLEGAR YA", + +#Associated text with the above square button +"Oculta esto y mira el video.", + +# START FOLDING NOW bold text +"COMIENZA A PLEGAR YA", + +# Associated text +"Encuentra la versión de tu preferencia del software y comienza. Descargar Folding@Home es completamente gratis, fácil de instalar y seguro de usar +Disponible para: +Linux +Windows +Mac", + +#Associated square button +"COMIENZA A PLEGAR", + +#JOIN THE COMMUNITY bold text +"ÚNETE A LA COMUNIDAD", + +# Associated text +"La comunidad de Folding@Home está dispersa sobre diversos foros, sitios web y redes sociales. +Aquí está una lista de nuestros canales oficiales. +Para soporte técnico: ", + +#URLs - Facebook and Twitter have localized name in certain languages: +"foldingforum.org", +"Facebook", +"Twitter", + +#LATEST POSTS bold text +"ÚLTIMAS PUBLICACIONES", + +# WHY WE NEED YOU bold text +"POR QUÉ TE NECESITAMOS", + +# Associated text +"Folding@home es un proyecto enfocado en la investigación de enfermedades. ¡Los problemas que estamos resolviendo requieren tantos cálculos de computadora y necesitamos su ayuda para encontrar las curas!", + +#FIGHT DISEASES TOGETHER WITH US bold text +"LUCHA CONTRA LAS ENFERMEDADES CON NOSOTROS.", + +#Associated text +"El programa de Folding@home le permite compartir la potencia no utilizada de su computadora con nosotros para que podamos investigar más curas potenciales.", + +#Associated text in pentagon +"1 en un millón", + +#FOLDING? bold text +"PLEGAR?", + +#Associated text +"Plegar se refiere a la forma en que la proteína humana se pliega en las células que componen el cuerpo. Dependemos de las proteínas para mantenernos sanos y estas se ensamblan plegándose. Pero cuando se pliegan mal, puede haber graves consecuencias para la salud de una persona.", + +#Associated square button +"APRENDE MÁS", + +#TEAM bold text +"EQUIPO", + +#Associated text +"Folding@home ahora tiene su sede en la Universidad De Washington en la Escuela de Medicina en St. Louis, bajo la dirección del Dr. Greg Bowman. Los Doctores John Chodera (MSKCC) y Vince Voelz (Temple University) también están activamente ayudando a administrar el proyecto. Juntos, sus tres laboratorios son los principales impulsores de Folding@Home." +] diff --git a/Localization/es-MX/start-folding.yaml b/Localization/es-MX/start-folding.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7c27a965 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/es-MX/start-folding.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/start-folding/" +language: "es-MX" +title: "COMIENZA A PLEGAR" +text: [ +# Bold first paragraph +"Folding@home trabaja mientras haces otras cosas.", + +# Second paragraph +"Mientras continúa con sus actividades diarias, su computadora estará trabajando para ayudarnos a encontrar curas para enfermedades como el cáncer, ELA, Parkinson, Huntington, Influenza y muchas otras.", + +# Third paragraph first sentence in bold +"¡Tenga paciencia si experimenta tiempo de inactividad mientras enfrentamos la pandemia de COVID-19 juntos!", + +# Rest of the third paragraph +"Estamos trabajando como locos para comenzar las simulaciones de las proteínas COVID-19. La entusiasta respuesta a nuestro esfuerzo ha sido tremenda y a veces ha vaciado nuestras colas de trabajo. Esto un gran \"problema\", ya que no hay fin para la valiosa ciencia que podemos hacer, es solo una cuestión de darnos algo de tiempo para ponernos en marcha.", + +# +# OS-dependent binary download box +# + +# Bold text +"¿No ve el software correcto para su dispositivo? Prueba nuestra lista de", + +# Alternative downloads text +"descargas alternativas", + +# End of sentence punctuation +".", + +# Bold text +"Plataformas adicionales", + +# URLs +"Docker para GPUs", +"vSphere" +] diff --git a/Localization/es-MX/statistics.yaml b/Localization/es-MX/statistics.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..05cc35a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/es-MX/statistics.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/statistics/" +language: "es-MX" +title: "ESTADÍSTICAS" +text: [ +# First two paragraphs +"Una de las mejores maneras de ayudar a Folding@home es reclutando a sus amigos y familiares. Comience compartiendo nuestro proyecto con ellos. Entonces únete a un equipo o incluso comienza uno propio. Cuantos más puntos gane su equipo, más nos acercaremos a encontrar curas. + +En esta página encontrará acceso a estadísticas para individuos y equipos que se han unido para ganar puntos y competir con otros equipos. Algunos de nosotros somos bastante intensos en nuestro enfoque del plegado. Tenemos sitios web de equipos, mejoramos nuestras computadoras e impulsamos la tecnología hacia adelante al informar errores y hacer sugerencias sobre cómo mejorar el software.", + +# Maximise your effort stylistic bold text +"MAXIMIZA tu ESFUERZO", + +# SET UP YOUR TEAM +"CREA TU EQUIPO", + +# Associated text for setting up a team +"Si está interesado en crear un equipo propio, puede comenzar aquí.", + +# START A TEAM button +"COMIENZA UN EQUIPO", + +# CHANGE YOUR TEAM INFO button +"CAMBIA LA INFORMACIÓN DE TU EQUIPO", + +# Lost team password? link +"¿Perdió la contraseña del equipo?", + +# Heading 1 +"ACTUALIZACIÓN DE ESTADÍSTICAS DE MONITOREO AUTOMÁTICAS: DESCARGAS DISPONIBLES Y NORMAS DE USO", + +# Text block +"Las estadísticas de donación y de los equipos se actualizan cada hora, aunque esto se puede atrasar si había muchas unidades de trabajo que regresaran durante esa hora. Hemos estado desactivando el acceso web a la base de datos de estadísticas durante las actualizaciones de estadísticas (usualmente en él al momento). + +No use scripts para acceder a las páginas de donación o de los equipos, sino que utilice la lista completa de donantes (archivos planos). Las direcciones IP que no cumplan con nuestras reglas de robots.txt serán prohibidas." +] diff --git a/Localization/fi-FI/.gitignore b/Localization/fi-FI/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8b137891 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/fi-FI/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/Localization/fi-FI/about.yaml b/Localization/fi-FI/about.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3e3c6b81 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/fi-FI/about.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/about/" +language: "fi-FI" +title: "TIETOA" +text: [ +# Bold text at the start +"Folding@home (FAH tai F@h)", + +# The rest of the paragraph +"on hajautetun laskennan projekti, jolla simuloidaan proteiinien toimintaa kuten niiden laskostumista (engl. folding) ja liikkeitä, jotka on yhdistetty useisiin sairauksiin. Projekti tuo yhteen tieteestä kiinnostuneet tavalliset kansalaiset, jotka suorittavat vapaaehtoisesti proteiinien toimintaan liittyviä simulaatioita kotitietokoneillaan. Tästä laskennasta saatu tieto auttaa ammattilaisia ymmärtämään paremmin biologiaa ja tarjoamaan uusia mahdollisuuksia hoitokeinojen kehitykseen." +] diff --git a/Localization/fi-FI/diseases.yaml b/Localization/fi-FI/diseases.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4c67862f --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/fi-FI/diseases.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/diseases/" +language: "fi-FI" +title: "TAUDIT" +text: [ +# Bold first paragraph +"Folding@home-projekti (FAH) on omistautunut lisäämään ymmärrystä proteiinien laskostumistavoista, virheellisestä laskostumisesta tai yhdistymisestä aiheutuvista taudeista, sekä uudenlaisista laskennallisista tavoista kehittää uusia lääkkeitä. Kuvaamme tässä lyhyesti tavoitteitamme, mitä me käytännössä teemme ja joitain tähänastisia kohokohtia.", + +# Second paragraph +"Hajautetun laskennan projektin täytyy ei ainoastaan suorittaa laskentaa miljoonilla tietokoneilla, vaan projektien täytyy myös aikaansaada tuloksia, erityisesti vertaisarvioitujen julkaisujen muodossa, julkisina luentoina ja muilla tavoilla, jotka levittävät FAH-projektin aikaansaamia tuloksia laajemman tiedeyhteisön tietoisuuteen. Löydät sivupalkista linkkejä edistymisestä eri tutkimusalueilla.", + +# Third paragraph +"Löydät myös päivityksiä työstämme, edistysaskelista ja uusista projekteista virallisesta", + +# Folding@Home blog link +"Folding@home-blogista", + +# End of sentence punctuation +".", + +# Bold heading 1 +"MITÄ ON PROTEIINIEN LASKOSTAMINEN JA MITEN SE LIITTYY TAUTEIHIN?", + +# Text block +"Proteiinit ovat aminohapoista koostuvia helminauhoja, pitkäketjuisia molekyylejä. Ne ovat biologian perusrakennuspalikka, jolla saadaan asioita tapahtumaan. Entsyymeinä ne ovat voima kaikkien biokemiallisten reaktioiden taustalla saaden biologian toimimaan. Rakenteellisina elementteinä ne ovat luidemme, lihastemme, hiustemme, ihomme ja verisuoniemme päärakennusaine. Vasta-aineina ne tunnistavat tunkeutuvat ainekset ja mahdollistavat immuunijärjestelmämme hankkiutua eroon tunkeilijasta. Näistä syistä tutkijat ovat sekvensoineet ihmisperimän – piirustukset kaikille proteiineille biologiassamme – mutta miten voimme ymmärtää mitä nämä proteiinit tekevät ja miten ne toimivat? + +Pelkän geenisekvenssin tietäminen ei kerro meille juuri mitään, mitä proteiinit tekevät ja miten ne sen tekevät. Niiden tulee muuttaa muotoaan tarkkaan tietyllä tavalla, jotta ne voivat suorittaa kulloinkin halutun toiminnon (esim. toimia entsyyminä tai vasta-aineena). Tästä syystä proteiinit ovat kerrassaan uskomattomia koneita: Ennen työn suorittamista ne kokoavat itse itsensä! Tätä itsensä kokoamista nimitämme laskostumiseksi (engl. folding)", + +# Bold heading 2 +"MITÄ TAPAHTUU JOS PROTEIINIT EIVÄT LASKOSTU OIKEIN?", + +# Text block +"Tautien kuten Alzheimerin taudin, Huntingtonin taudin, kystisen fibroosin, BSE:n (Hullun lehmän tauti), periytyvän keuhkolaajentuman ja jopa monien syövän muotojen uskotaan johtuvan proteiinien laskostumisvirheistä. Kun proteiinit laskostuvat väärin, ne saattavat kasautua yhteen. Nämä kasaumat saattavat kertyä aivoihin, missä niiden uskotaan aiheuttavan Hullun lehmän taudin tai Alzheimerin taudin oireita." +] diff --git a/Localization/fi-FI/home.yaml b/Localization/fi-FI/home.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1522bc7a --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/fi-FI/home.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/" +title: "Folding@home" +language: "fi-FI" +text: [ +# I AM One IN A MILLION bold text +"OLEN Yksi MILJOONASTA", + +# Associated text +"Riippumatta siitä oletko koskaan kuullutkaan foldaamisesta tai oletko jo vapaaehtoinen, tarvitsemme apuasi päämäärämme saavuttamiseen -- miljoona vapaaehtoista foldaajaa.", + +#Associated square button +"ALOITA LASKENTA NYT", + +#Associated text with the aobve square button +"Piilota tämä ja katso video.", + +# START FOLDING NOW bold text +"ALOITA LASKENTA NYT", + +# Associated text +"Valitse sinulle soveltuva versio ohjelmasta aloittaaksesi. Folding@home-sovelluksen lataaminen on ilmaista, asennus helppoa ja käyttö turvallista. +Saatavilla: +Linux +Windows +Mac", + +#Associated square button +"ALOITA LASKENTA", + +#JOIN THE COMMUNITY bold text +"LIITY YHTEISÖÖN", + +# Associated text +"Folding@Home-yhteisö on hajautunut useille keskustelufoorumeille, nettisivuille ja sosiaaliseen mediaan. +Tässä lista virallisista kanavistamme. +Teknistä tukea varten: ", + +#URLs - Facebook and Twitter have localised name in certain languages: +"foldingforum.org", +"Facebook", +"Twitter", + +#LATEST POSTS bold text +"VIIMEISIMMÄT UUTISET", + +# WHY WE NEED YOU bold text +"MIKSI TARVITSEMME SINUA", + +# Associated text +"Folding@home-projekti keskittyy tautitutkimukseen. Ongelmat, joita ratkomme vaativat valtavasti tietokonelaskentaa ja tarvitsemme apuasi parannuskeinojen löytämiseen!", + +#FIGHT DESIEASES TOGETHER WITH US bold text +"TAISTELE TAUTEJA VASTAAN KANSSAMME.", + +#Associated text +"Folding@home-ohjelma mahdollistaa käyttämättömän tietokoneen laskentakapasiteetin jakamisen kanssamme, jotta voimme tutkia useampia mahdollisia parannuskeinoja.", + +#Associated text in pentagon +"1 miljoonasta", + +#FOLDING? bold text +"FOLDAAMINEN?", + +#Associated text +"Foldaaminen viittaa tapaan, jolla proteiinit laskostuvat (engl. fold) soluissa, joista ihminen koostuu. Terveytemme nojaa proteiininen kykyyn koota itsensä laskostumalla. Mutta välillä laskostumisessa tapahtuu virheitä, joilla on usein vakavia seurauksia terveydelle.", + +#Associated square button +"LUE LISÄÄ", + +#TEAM bold text +"JOUKKUE", + +#Associated text +"Folding@home-projektin tukikohta sijaitsee nykyään Washington Universityn alaisessa St. Louis School of Medicine -yksikössä ja sitä johtaa tohtori Greg Bowman. Tohtorit John Chodera (MSKCC) ja Vince Voelz (Temple University) ovat myös aktiivisia projektin hallinnassa. Yhdessä heidän kolme laboratoriotaan ovat suurin Folding@home-projektia eteenpäin vievä taho." +] diff --git a/Localization/fi-FI/start-folding.yaml b/Localization/fi-FI/start-folding.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0242eeb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/fi-FI/start-folding.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/start-folding/" +language: "fi-FI" +title: "ALOITA LASKENTA" +text: [ +# Bold first paragraph +"Folding@home-ohjelma työskentelee samalla kun teet muuta.", + +# Second paragraph +"Kun teet jokapäiväisiä asioitasi, tietokoneesi työskentelee auttaakseen meitä löytämään parannuskeinoja tauteihin kuten syöpä, ALS, Parkinsonin tauti, Huntingtonin tauti, influenssa ja monia muita.", + +# Third paragraph first sentence in bold +"Ole huoleti vaikka havaitsisitkin joutokäyntiä taistelussamme COVID-19 pandemiaa vastaan! ", + +# Rest of the third paragraph +"Työskentelemme vauhdilla saadaksemme simulaatioita COVID-19 proteineista laskettavaksi. Suuri mielenkiinto projektiamme kohtaan on yllättänyt meidät ja välillä tyhjentänyt työjonoja. Tämä on hieno positiivinen ongelma, koska loppua arvokkaille tutkimusmahdollisuuksille ei ole - kyse on vain siitä, että ehdimme asettaa lisää tutkimuksia laskettavaksi.", + +# +# OS-dependent binary download box +# + +# Bold text +"Etkä näe sopivaa ohjelmaversiota laitteellesi? Kokeile listaa", + +# Alternative downloads text +"vaihtoehtoisista versioista", + +# End of sentence punctuation +".", + +# Bold text +"Muut alustat", + +# URLs +"Docker (näytönohjaimille)", +"vSphere" +] diff --git a/Localization/fi-FI/statistics.yaml b/Localization/fi-FI/statistics.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b61bbd43 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/fi-FI/statistics.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/statistics/" +language: "fi-FI" +title: "TILASTOT" +text: [ +# First two paragraphs +"Paras tapa auttaa Folding@home-projektia on rekrytoida mukaan ystäviä ja perheenjäseniä. Aloita kertomalla projektista muille. Liity joukkueeseen tai perusta jopa oma joukkueesi. Mitä enemmän joukkueesi kerää pisteitä, sitä lähemmäksi pääsemme hoitokeinojen löytymistä. + +Tältä sivulta löydät tilastoja yksittäisistä käyttäjistä, sekä joukkueista, jotka on perustettu keräämään käyttäjien pisteet yhteen ja kilpailemaan toisia joukkueita vastaan. Joidenkin suhtautuminen laskentaan on hyvinkin intohimoista. Joukkueilla on omia nettiyhteisöjä, virittelemme tietokoneita nopeammiksi ja puskemme kehitystä eteenpäin ilmoittamalla bugeja ja parannusehdotuksia ohjelman kehittämiseksi.", + +# Maximise your effort stylistic bold text +"MAKSIMOI oma PANOKSESI", + +# SET UP YOUR TEAM +"PERUSTA JOUKKUE", + +# Associated text for setting up a team +"Jos sinua kiinnostaa oman joukkueen perustaminen, voit aloittaa sen tästä.", + +# START A TEAM button +"LUO JOUKKUE", + +# CHANGE YOUR TEAM INFO button +"MUUTA JOUKKUEEN TIETOJA", + +# Lost team password? link +"Unohditko joukkueen salasanan?", + +# Heading 1 +"TILASTOJEN AUTOMAATTINEN SEURANTA: LADATTAVISSA OLEVA TIETO JA NIIDEN KÄYTTÖ", + +# Text block +"Vapaaehtoisten ja joukkueiden tilastot päivittyvät tunneittain, mutta joissain tapauksissa tätä saatetaan viivästyttää jos suuri määrä laskentatöitä on palautuksessa juuri sillä hetkellä. Pääsy tilastoihin nettisivujen kautta katkeaa tilastojen päivityksen ajaksi (yleensä tasatunti). + +Älä käytä skriptejä lukemaan yksittäisten vapaaehtoisten tai joukkueiden tilastosivuja, vaan käytä täyttä tietolistausta. IP-osoitteet, jotka eivät noudata robots.txt-tiedoston sääntöjä tullaan estämään." +] diff --git a/Localization/fr-FR/diseases.yaml b/Localization/fr-FR/diseases.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..59919074 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/fr-FR/diseases.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/diseases/" +language: "fr-FR" +title: "MALADIES" +text: [ +# Bold first paragraph +# "The Folding@home project (FAH) is dedicated to understanding protein folding, the diseases that result from protein misfolding and aggregation, and novel computational ways to develop new drugs in general. Here, we briefly describe our goals, what we are doing, and some highlights so far." +"Le projet Folding@home (FAH) s'attache à comprendre le phénomène du repliement des protéines, les maladies dues à un repliement anormal et à l'agrégation des protéines et les nouvelles approches informatiques du développement de médicaments en général. Nous décrivons ici brièvement nos objectifs, nos activités actuelles et quelques temps forts.", + +# Second paragraph +# "A distributed computing project must not only run calculations on millions of PCs, but such projects must produce results, especially in the form of peer-reviewed publications, public lectures, and other ways that disseminate the results from FAH to the greater scientific community. In the sidebar, you will find links to our progress in different areas." +"Un projet de calcul distribué doit non seulement gérer des calculs sur des millions de PC, mais aussi et surtout produire des résultats, notamment sous forme de publications soumises à un examen collégial, de conférences publiques et autres voies de communication ciblant la communauté scientifique au sens large. Vous trouverez dans la barre latérale divers liens illustrant nos progrès dans différents domaines.", + +# Third paragraph +# "You will also find updates about our work, advancements and new projects in the main" +"Vous pouvez aussi lire des contributions sur notre travail, nos percées et nos nouveaux projets dans le ", + +# Folding@Home blog link +# "Folding@home blog" +"blog Folding@home", + +# End of sentence punctuation +".", + +# Bold heading 1 +# "WHAT IS PROTEIN FOLDING AND HOW IS IT RELATED TO DISEASE?" +"QU'EST-CE QUE LE REPLIEMENT DES PROTÉINES ET QUELS SONT SES LIENS AVEC LA MALADIE?", + +# Text block +# "Proteins are necklaces of amino acids, long chain molecules. They are the basis of how biology gets things done. As enzymes, they are the driving force behind all of the biochemical reactions that make biology work. As structural elements, they are the main constituent of our bones, muscles, hair, skin and blood vessels. As antibodies, they recognize invading elements and allow the immune system to get rid of the unwanted invaders. For these reasons, scientists have sequenced the human genome – the blueprint for all of the proteins in biology – but how can we understand what these proteins do and how they work? +"Les protéines sont des chaînes d'acides aminés, de longues chaînes de molécules. Elles constituent la base des activités biologiques. Sous forme d'enzymes, elles forment l'élément moteur des réactions biochimiques: elles font fonctionner la biologie. Sous forme d'éléments structurels, elles constituent l'essentiel de nos os, nos muscles, nos cheveux, notre peau et nos vaisseaux sanguins. Sous forme d'anticorps, elles détectent les éléments envahisseurs et permettent au système immunitaire de les éliminer. C'est pourquoi les scientifiques ont séquencé le génome humain – le modèle de toutes les protéines de notre biologie. Mais comment comprendre ces protéines et leur mode de fonctionnement?", + +# However, only knowing this sequence tells us little about what the protein does and how it does it. In order to carry out their function (e.g. as enzymes or antibodies), they must take on a particular shape, also known as a “fold.” Thus, proteins are truly amazing machines: before they do their work, they assemble themselves! This self-assembly is called “folding.”" +"La simple connaissance de cette séquence ne nous apprend en effet pas grand-chose sur ce que font les protéines et comment. Pour accomplir leur tâche (par ex. en tant qu'enzymes ou anticorps), elles doivent adopter une certaine forme, un certain « repliement ». Les protéines sont des mécanismes vraiment fascinants: elles s'assemblent par elles-mêmes avant de faire leur travail! Cet autoassemblage est appelé le « repliement ».", + +# Bold heading 2 +# "WHAT HAPPENS IF PROTEINS DON’T FOLD CORRECTLY?" +"QUE SE PASSE-T-IL SI LES PROTÉINES NE SE REPLIENT PAS CORRECTEMENT?", + +# Text block +# "Diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, cystic fibrosis, BSE (Mad Cow disease), an inherited form of emphysema, and even many cancers are believed to result from protein misfolding. When proteins misfold, they can clump together (“aggregate”). These clumps can often gather in the brain, where they are believed to cause the symptoms of Mad Cow or Alzheimer’s disease." +"Des troubles tels que la maladie d'Alzheimer, la maladie de Huntington, la mucoviscidose, l'ESB (maladie de la vache folle), une forme transmise de l'emphysème et de nombreux cancers sont supposés provenir d'un repliement incorrect des protéines. Lorsque des protéines se replient mal, elles peuvent s'agglomérer et former ainsi des agrégats. Ceux-ci peuvent souvent se réunir dans le cerveau, où ils causeraient les symptômes de la maladie de la vache folle ou de la maladie d'Alzheimer." +] diff --git a/Localization/fr-FR/faq.yaml b/Localization/fr-FR/faq.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..57d6a6ff --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/fr-FR/faq.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/support/faq/" +language: "fr-FR" +title: "FAQ" +text: [ +# Bold paragraph +# "You’ll find a large library of frequently asked questions about all things connected to Folding@home." +"Vous trouverez ici un large éventail de questions fréquentes sur les divers thèmes associés à Folding@home.", + +# The rest of the paragraph +# "This section contains everything from guides and information about how to install and use the Folding@home software to the science behind our research. Look through the sidebar and find the topic you want to know more about." +"Cette section contient des guides et des informations sur l'installation et l'utilisation du logiciel Folding@home ainsi que sur les aspects scientifiques de nos recherches. Examinez la barre latérale pour trouver le thème sur lequel vous souhaitez en savoir plus." +] diff --git a/Localization/fr-FR/home.yaml b/Localization/fr-FR/home.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..730c54f9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/fr-FR/home.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/" +title: "Folding@home" +language: "fr-FR" +text: [ +# I AM One IN A MILLION bold text +# "I AM One IN A MILLION" +"ÊTRE un/e PARMI UN MILLION", + +# Associated text +# "Regardless if you are already folding or haven't heard a word about it before, we need your help to reach our goal -- which is 1 million folders." +"Que vous participiez déjà à l'effort de « folding » ou que le sujet vous soit encore totalement étranger, nous avons besoin de vous pour atteindre notre objectif, à savoir un million de participants.", + +#Associated square button +# "START FOLDING NOW" +"SE LANCER", + +#Associated text with the aobve square button +# "Hide this and watch the video." +"Masquer cet écran pour visionner la vidéo.", + +# START FOLDING NOW bold text +# "START FOLDING NOW" +"DÉMARRER", + +# Associated text +# "Find the version of the software you prefer and get started. Downloading Folding@home is completely free, easy to install and safe to use. +# Available for: +"Trouvez la version du logiciel qui vous convient et lancez-vous. Folding@home est entièrement gratuit, facile à installer et utilisable sans aucun risque. +Disponible pour : +Linux +Windows +Mac", + +#Associated square button +# "START FOLDING" +"DÉMARRER", + +#JOIN THE COMMUNITY bold text +# "JOIN THE COMMUNITY" +"REJOINDRE LA COMMUNAUTÉ", + +# Associated text +# "The Folding@Home community is spread over countless forums, websites and social media. +# Here's a list of our official channels. +# For tech support: " +"La communauté Folding@Home est répartie entre d'innombrables forums, sites web et réseaux sociaux. +Voici une liste de nos canaux officiels. +Support technique : ", + +#URLs - Facebook and Twitter have localised name in certain languages: +"foldingforum.org", +"Facebook", +"Twitter", + +#LATEST POSTS bold text +# "LATEST POSTS" +"DERNIERS BILLETS", + +# WHY WE NEED YOU bold text +# "WHY WE NEED YOU" +"POURQUOI NOUS AVONS BESOIN DE VOUS", + +# Associated text +# "Folding@home is a project focused on disease research. The problems we're solving require so many computer calculations and we need your help to find the cures!" +"Folding@home est un projet axé sur diverses recherches. Les problèmes que nous traitons nécessitent une immense puissance de calcul et nous avons besoin de votre aide pour guérir ces maladies!", + +#FIGHT DESIEASES TOGETHER WITH US bold text +# "FIGHT DISEASES TOGETHER WITH US." +"LUTTEZ AVEC NOUS CONTRE LA MALADIE.", + +#Associated text +# "The Folding@home software allows you to share your unused computer power with us so that we can research even more potential cures." +"Le logiciel Folding@home vous permet de partager votre ordinateur inutilisé avec nous, afin que nous puissions étudier davantage encore de remèdes potentiels.", + +#Associated text in pentagon +# "1 in a million" +"1 parmi un million", + +#FOLDING? bold text +"FOLDING ?", + +#Associated text +# "Folding refers to the way human protein folds in the cells that make up your body. We rely on the proteins to keep us healthy and they assemble themselves by folding. But when they misfold, there can be serious consequences to a person's health." +"Le terme anglais folding (littéralement: plier/pliage) désigne ici la manière avec laquelle se replient les protéines qui composent notre organisme. Nous avons besoin des protéines pour rester en bonne santé et celles-ci s'assemblent par un processus de repliement. Mais si ce repliement est anormal, incorrect, cela peut sérieusement compromettre notre santé.", + +#Associated square button +# "LEARN MORE", +"EN SAVOIR PLUS", + +#TEAM bold text +# "TEAM" +"L'ÉQUIPE", + +#Associated text +# "Folding@home is now based at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, under the directorship of Dr. Greg Bowman. Drs. John Chodera (MSKCC) and Vince Voelz (Temple University) are also active in helping manage the project. Together, their three labs are the primary drivers of Folding@home." +"Actuellement, Folding@home est basé à l'École de médecine de l'Université Washington de Saint-Louis (Missouri, États-Unis) et dirigé par le Dr Greg Bowman. Les Drs John Chodera (MSKCC) and Vince Voelz (Temple University) participent aussi à la gestion du projet. Ensemble, leurs trois laboratoires constituent les principaux moteurs de Folding@home." +] diff --git a/Localization/fr-FR/start-folding.yaml b/Localization/fr-FR/start-folding.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..96f00aa8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/fr-FR/start-folding.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/start-folding/" +language: "fr-FR" +title: "DÉMARRER" +text: [ +# Bold first paragraph +# "The Folding@home software runs while you do other things." +"Le logiciel Folding@home travaille pendant que vous faites autre chose.", + +# Second paragraph +# "While you keep going with your everyday activities, your computer will be working to help us find cures for diseases like cancer, ALS, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Influenza and many others." +"Vous accomplissez vos activités quotidiennes comme d'ordinaire et, pendant ce temps, votre ordinateur nous aide à trouver des traitements contre des maladies comme le cancer, la SLA, la maladie de Parkinson, la maladie de Huntington, la grippe et bien d'autres.", + +# Third paragraph first sentence in bold +# "Please be patient if you experience idle time as we face the COVID-19 pandemic together!" +"Merci de faire preuve de patience si le système connaît des temps morts en raison des surcharges causées actuellement par la lutte contre la pandémie COVID-19 !", + +# Rest of the third paragraph +# "We are working like mad to start simulations of COVID-19 proteins. The enthusiastic response to our effort has been tremendous and has sometimes emptied our queues. This is a great “problem” to have as there is no end to the valuable science we can do, its just a matter of giving us some time to get more running." +"Nous travaillons d'arrache-pied pour lancer des simulations des protéines COVID-19. Nos efforts ont suscité des avalanches de réactions enthousiastes, au point que nos serveurs sont parfois dépassés par la demande. Ce n'est certes pas un problème grave, car nous n'aurons pas de sitôt une surabondance de recherches scientifiques. Mais il vous faudra peut-être nous laisser le temps de préparer de nouveaux projets.", + +# +# OS-dependent binary download box +# + +# Bold text +# "Don’t see the correct software for your device? Try our list of" +"Vous ne trouvez pas le logiciel qui convient à votre appareil ? Examinez notre liste des ", + +# Alternative downloads text +# "alternative downloads", +"autres versions", + +# End of sentence punctuation +"disponibles.", + +# Bold text +# "Additional platforms" +"Plateformes supplémentaires", + +# URLs +"Docker pour GPU", +"vSphere" +] diff --git a/Localization/fr-FR/statistics.yaml b/Localization/fr-FR/statistics.yaml index 30555042..9abeb656 100644 --- a/Localization/fr-FR/statistics.yaml +++ b/Localization/fr-FR/statistics.yaml @@ -40,6 +40,6 @@ Sur cette page, vous allez avoir accès aux statistiques par participant et par # Text block # "The donor and team stats are updated every hour, although this can be delayed if there were a lot of work units to come back during that hour. We have been turning off web access to the stats database during stats updates (usually on the hour). # Please do not use scripts to access the donor or team pages, but use the full donor list (flat files) instead. IP addresses which do not abide by our robots.txt rules will be banned." -"Les statisitques des donateurs et de des équipes sont mises à jour toutes les heures, bien qu'un délai soit possible si un grand nombre d'unités de travail doit être retourné durant cette heure. Nous suspendons l'accès à la base de données des statistiques durant la mise à jour (habituallement dans l'heure). +"Les statisitques des donateurs et des équipes sont mises à jour toutes les heures, bien qu'un délai soit possible si un grand nombre d'unités de travail doit être retourné durant cette heure. Nous suspendons l'accès à la base de données des statistiques durant la mise à jour (habituallement dans l'heure). Merci de ne pas utiliser des scripts pour consulter les pages des donateurs et/ou des équipes : veuillez utiliser la liste complète des donateurs. Les adresses IP qui ne ne respectent pas nos règles seront bannies." ] diff --git a/Localization/it-IT/about.po b/Localization/it-IT/about.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1f0479e8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/it-IT/about.po @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"FAH-Translate-Schema-Version: 1.0\n" +"URL: https://foldingathome.org/about/\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Source-Language: en-US\n" +"Source-Version: 1.0\n" +"Source-Last-Modified: 20200705\n" +"Target-Language: it-IT\n" +"Target-Version: 1.0.0\n" +"Target-Last-Modified: 20200710\n" + +msgid "About" +msgstr "Cos'è?" + +msgid "Folding@home (FAH or F@h)" +msgstr "Folding@home (FAH o F@h)" + +msgid "" +"is a distributed computing project for simulating protein dynamics, including" +" the process of protein folding and the movements of proteins implicated in a" +" variety of diseases. It brings together citizen scientists who volunteer to" +" run simulations of protein dynamics on their personal computers. Insights" +" from this data are helping scientists to better understand biology, and" +" providing new opportunities for developing therapeutics." +msgstr "" +"è un progetto di calcolo distribuito con lo scopo di simulare le dinamiche proteiche, inclusi" +" il processo di ripiegamento proteico e i movimenti di proteine coinvolte in" +" svariate malattie. Riunisce cittadini scienziati che mettono a disposizione" +" i loro personal computer per eseguire le simulazioni. Le informazioni" +" prodotte stanno aiutando gli scienziati a capire meglio la biologia e" +" stanno offrendo nuove opportunità per lo sviluppo di cure terapeutiche." + + diff --git a/Localization/it-IT/diseases.po b/Localization/it-IT/diseases.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1a69ddb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/it-IT/diseases.po @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"FAH-Translate-Schema-Version: 1.0\n" +"URL: https://foldingathome.org/diseases/\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Source-Language: en-US\n" +"Source-Version: 1.0\n" +"Source-Last-Modified: 20200705\n" +"Target-Language: it-IT\n" +"Target-Version: 1.0.0\n" +"Target-Last-Modified: 20200710\n" + +msgid "Diseases" +msgstr "Malattie" + +msgid "The Folding@home project (FAH) is dedicated to understanding protein folding, the diseases that result from protein misfolding and aggregation, and novel computational ways to develop new drugs in general. Here, we briefly describe our goals, what we are doing, and some highlights so far." +msgstr "Il progetto Folding@home ha come scopo lo studio del ripiegamento proteico e delle malattie che conseguono dal cattivo ripiegamento delle proteine e dalla loro aggregazione. Inoltre, si occupa dello sviluppo di nuovi metodi computazionali per lo sviluppo di nuovi farmaci. In questa pagina, illustreremo brevemente i nostri obiettivi e in cosa consiste il nostro lavoro." + +msgid "A distributed computing project must not only run calculations on millions of PCs, but such projects must produce results, especially in the form of peer-reviewed publications, public lectures, and other ways that disseminate the results from FAH to the greater scientific community. In the sidebar, you will find links to our progress in different areas." +msgstr "Un progetto di calcolo distribuito non deve limitarsi ad eseguire calcoli su milioni di computer ma deve anche produrre risultati da condividere con la più vasta comunità scientifica: pubblicazioni, seminari pubblici e altro ancora. Nella barra laterale, puoi trovare i collegamenti alle pagine che mostrano i nostri progressi nelle differenti aree." + +msgid "You will also find updates about our work, advancements and new projects in the main [Folding@home blog](https://foldingathome.org/news/)." +msgstr "Troverai anche aggiornamenti riguardanti il nostro lavoro, i nostri progressi e nuovi progetti sul [blog di Folding@home](https://foldingathome.org/news/)." + +msgid "What is protein folding and how is it related to disease?" +msgstr "Cos'è il ripiegamento proteico? Qual è il suo rapporto con le malattie?" + +msgid "Proteins are necklaces of amino acids, long chain molecules. They are the basis of how biology gets things done. As enzymes, they are the driving force behind all of the biochemical reactions that make biology work. As structural elements, they are the main constituent of our bones, muscles, hair, skin and blood vessels. As antibodies, they recognize invading elements and allow the immune system to get rid of the unwanted invaders. For these reasons, scientists have sequenced the human genome – the blueprint for all of the proteins in biology – but how can we understand what these proteins do and how they work?" +msgstr "Le proteine sono 'collane' di amminoacidi, molecole a catena lunga. Sono l'elemento fondamentale per il funzionamento biologico. Come enzimi, sono la forza motrice dietro a tutte le reazioni biochimiche che fanno funzionare la biologia. Come elementi strutturali, sono i costituenti principali delle nostre ossa, muscoli, capelli, pelle e vasi sanguigni. Come anticorpi, riconoscono gli intrusi e consentono al sistema immunitario di liberarsene. Per queste ragioni, gli scienziati hanno sequenziato il genoma umano, la matrice di tutte le proteine. Ma come possiamo capire cosa fanno e come funzionano queste proteine?" + +msgid "However, only knowing this sequence tells us little about what the protein does and how it does it. In order to carry out their function (e.g. as enzymes or antibodies), they must take on a particular shape, also known as a \"fold\". Thus, proteins are truly amazing machines: before they do their work, they assemble themselves! This self-assembly is called \"folding\"." +msgstr "Conoscere solo la sequenza genetica ci dice ben poco sul funzionamento delle proteine. Per svolgere la loro funzione, infatti, devono prima prendere una specifica forma, per esempio quella dell'enzima o dell'anticorpo. Le proteine sono macchine davvero incredibili: prima di svolgere il loro compito, si assemblano da sole! Questo autoassemblamento è chiamato \"ripiegamento\" (folding)" + +msgid "What happens if proteins don't fold correctly?" +msgstr "Cosa succede se le proteine non si ripiegano correttamente?" + +msgid "Diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, Huntington's disease, cystic fibrosis, BSE (Mad Cow disease), an inherited form of emphysema, and even many cancers are believed to result from protein misfolding. When proteins misfold, they can clump together (\"aggregate\"). These clumps can often gather in the brain, where they are believed to cause the symptoms of Mad Cow or Alzheimer's disease." +msgstr "Sembra che molte malattie, come la sindrome di Alzheimer, la corea di Huntington, la fibrosi cistica, la Mucca Pazza, una forma ereditaria di enfisema e anche diversi tipi di cancro, siano il risultato di un cattivo ripiegamento proteico. Quando le proteine non si ripiegano correttamente, possono formare degli aggregati che spesso si radunano nel cervello, dove sembra possano causare i sintomi della Mucca Pazza o dell'Alzheimer." diff --git a/Localization/it-IT/faq.po b/Localization/it-IT/faq.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..a5291b76 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/it-IT/faq.po @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"FAH-Translate-Schema-Version: 1.0\n" +"URL: https://foldingathome.org/support/faq/\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Source-Language: en-US\n" +"Source-Version: 1.0\n" +"Source-Last-Modified: 20200705\n" +"Target-Language: it-IT\n" +"Target-Version: 1.0.0\n" +"Target-Last-Modified: 20200710\n" + +msgid "FAQ" +msgstr "" + +msgid "You'll find a large library of frequently asked questions about all things connected to Folding@home." +msgstr "Troverai un ampio elenco di domande frequenti su tutto ciò che riguarda Folding@home." + +msgid "This section contains everything from guides and information about how to install and use the Folding@home software to the science behind our research. Look through the sidebar and find the topic you want to know more about." +msgstr "Questa sezione contiene guide e informazioni su come installare e usare il software di Folding@home, e sulla scienza alla base della nostra ricerca. Cerca l'argomento che vuoi approfondire sulla barra laterale." diff --git a/Localization/it-IT/home.po b/Localization/it-IT/home.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ebefdb7c --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/it-IT/home.po @@ -0,0 +1,104 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"FAH-Translate-Schema-Version: 1.0\n" +"URL: https://foldingathome.org/\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Source-Language: en-US\n" +"Source-Version: 1.0\n" +"Source-Last-Modified: 20200705\n" +"Target-Language: it-IT\n" +"Target-Version: 1.0.0\n" +"Target-Last-Modified: 20200710\n" + +msgid "I AM" +msgstr "SONO" + +msgid "One" +msgstr "Uno/a" + +msgid "IN A MILLION" +msgstr "SU UN MILIONE" + +msgid "Regardless if you are already folding or haven't heard a word about it before, we need your help to reach our goal - which is 1 million folders." +msgstr "Sia se stai già collaborando, sia se ancora non sai nulla riguardo al progetto, abbiamo bisogno del tuo aiuto per raggiungere il nostro obiettivo: 1 milione di \"folders\"!" + +msgid "Start folding now" +msgstr "Comincia ora" + +msgid "Hide this and watch the video." +msgstr "Guarda il video." + +msgid "START FOLDING NOW" +msgstr "Comincia ora" + +msgid "Find the version of the software you prefer and get started. Downloading Folding@home is completely free, easy to install and safe to use." +msgstr "Scarica la versione del programma adatta al tuo computer e comincia subito. Folding@Home è completamente gratuito, semplice da installare e del tutto sicuro." + +msgid "Available for:" +msgstr "Disponibile per:" + +msgid "Linux" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Windows" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Mac" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Start folding" +msgstr "Comincia ora" + +msgid "JOIN THE COMMUNITY" +msgstr "UNISCITI ALLA COMMUNITY" + +msgid "The Folding@Home community is spread over countless forums, websites and social media." +msgstr "La comunità di Folding@Home è diffusa su moltissimi forum, siti web e social media." + +msgid "Here's a list of our official channels." +msgstr "Questa è una lista dei nostri canali ufficiali." + +msgid "For tech support:" +msgstr "Per il supporto tecnico:" + +msgid "foldingforum.org" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Facebook" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Twitter" +msgstr "" + +msgid "1 in a million" +msgstr "1 su un milione" + +msgid "WHY WE NEED YOU" +msgstr "PERCHÈ ABBIAMO BISOGNO DI TE" + +msgid "Folding@home is a project focused on disease research. The problems we are solving require so many computer calculations and we need your help to find the cures!" +msgstr "Folding@Home è un progetto dedicato alla ricerca medica. I problemi che stiamo affrontando richiedono una grandissima potenza di calcolo e abbiamo bisogno del tuo aiuto!" + +msgid "Fight diseases Together with us." +msgstr "Combatti le malattie insieme a noi" + +msgid "The Folding@home software allows you to share your unused computer power with us – so that we can research even more potential cures." +msgstr "Il software di Folding@Home ti permette di condividere con noi la potenza di calcolo inutilizzata del tuo computer, permettendoci così di far progredire la nostra ricerca e cercare sempre più possibili cure." + +msgid "FOLDING?" +msgstr "" + +msgid "Folding refers to the way human protein folds in the cells that make up your body. We rely on the proteins to keep us healthy and they assemble themselves by folding. But when they misfold, there can be serious consequences to a person's health." +msgstr "La parola \"folding\" significa \"ripiegamento\" e si riferisce al modo in cui le proteine si trasformano nelle cellule che compongono il nostro corpo: le proteine assemblano sè stesse. Tuttavia, quando questa trasformazione non va a buon fine, ci possono essere conseguenze serie per la salute di un individuo." + +msgid "Learn more" +msgstr "Per saperne di più" + +msgid "Team" +msgstr "La squadra" + +msgid "Folding@home is now based at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, under the directorship of Dr. [Greg Bowman](https://bowmanlab.biochem.wustl.edu/). Drs. [John Chodera](http://www.choderalab.org/) (MSKCC) and [Vince Voelz](http://www.voelzlab.org/) (Temple University) are also active in helping manage the project. Together, their three labs are the primary drivers of Folding@home." +msgstr "Folding@home è gestito dalla St. Louis School of Medicine della Washington University, sotto la direzione del dottor [Greg Bowman](https://bowmanlab.biochem.wustl.edu/). Anche i dottori [John Chodera](http://www.choderalab.org/) (MSKCC) e [Vince Voelz](http://www.voelzlab.org/) (Temple University) aiutano nella gestione del progetto. Questi sono i tre laboratori principali che lavorano su Folding@Home." + +msgid "Latest Posts" +msgstr "Ultimi articoli" diff --git a/Localization/it-IT/start-folding.po b/Localization/it-IT/start-folding.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..95fe2bb2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/it-IT/start-folding.po @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"FAH-Translate-Schema-Version: 1.0\n" +"URL: https://foldingathome.org/start-folding/\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Source-Language: en-US\n" +"Source-Version: 1.0\n" +"Source-Last-Modified: 20200705\n" +"Target-Language: it-IT\n" +"Target-Version: 1.0.0\n" +"Target-Last-Modified: 20200710\n" + +msgid "Start folding" +msgstr "Comincia ora" + +msgid "The Folding@home software runs while you do other things." +msgstr "Il software di Folding@home funziona mentre usi il tuo computer per fare altro." + +msgid "While you keep going with your everyday activities, your computer will be working to help us find cures for diseases like cancer, ALS, Parkinson's, Huntington's, Influenza and many others." +msgstr "Mentre prosegui con le tue attività giornaliere, il tuo computer ci aiuterà a trovare cure per malattie come il cancro, la SLA, il morbo di Parkinson, la corea di Huntington, l'influenza e molte altre." + +msgid "**Please be patient if you experience idle time as we face the COVID-19 pandemic together!** We are working like mad to start simulations of COVID-19 proteins. The enthusiastic response to our effort has been tremendous and has sometimes emptied our queues. This is a great “problem“ to have as there is no end to the valuable science we can do, its just a matter of giving us some time to get more running." +msgstr "**Sii paziente se ogni tanto ci sono dei tempi morti: stiamo affrontando la pandemia da COVID-19 tutti insieme!** Stiamo lavorando duramente per preparare nuove simulazioni delle proteine del COVID-19. La risposta al nostro progetto è stata imponente e qualche volta abbiamo terminato le simulazioni da assegnare ai volontari. La ricerca che possiamo fare insieme non ha limiti, dacci solo un po' di tempo per prepararla." + +msgid "Don't see the correct software for your device? Try our list of [alternative downloads](/alternative-downloads)." +msgstr "Non vedi il software giusto per il tuo computer? Prova la nostra lista di [download alternativi](/alternative-downloads)." + +msgid "Additional platforms" +msgstr "Ulteriori piattaforme" + +msgid "Docker for GPUs" +msgstr "Docker per le GPUs" + +msgid "vSphere" +msgstr "" diff --git a/Localization/it-IT/statistics.po b/Localization/it-IT/statistics.po new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3937725a --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/it-IT/statistics.po @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"FAH-Translate-Schema-Version: 1.0\n" +"URL: https://foldingathome.org/statistics/\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Source-Language: en-US\n" +"Source-Version: 1.0\n" +"Source-Last-Modified: 20200705\n" +"Target-Language: it-IT\n" +"Target-Version: 1.0.0\n" +"Target-Last-Modified: 20200710\n" + +msgid "Statistics" +msgstr "Statistiche" + +msgid "One of the best ways to help Folding@home is by recruiting your friends and family. Start by sharing our project with them. Then join a team or even start your own team. The more points your team earns, the closer we come to finding cures." +msgstr "Il modo migliore per contribuire a Folding@home è coinvolgere i tuoi amici e la tua famiglia. Comincia parlando loro del nostro progetto. Poi unisciti a una squadra, o magari crea la tua. Più sono i punti guadagnati dalla tua squadra, più vicini siamo tutti nel trovare delle cure." + +msgid "On this page you will find access to statistics for individuals and teams who have joined together to earn points and compete with other teams. Some of us are quite intense in our approach to folding. We have team websites, we supe up our computers, and we drive the technology forward by reporting bugs and making suggestions about how to improve the software." +msgstr "Su questa pagina troverai le statistiche degli individui e delle squadre formatesi per guadagnare punti e competere con altre squadre. Alcuni di noi prendono questa ricerca molto seriamente: alcune squadre hanno il loro sito web, altri aggiornano i loro computer per farli andare più veloci, altri aiutano il progetto segnalando errori e suggerendo miglioramenti." + +msgid "**MAXIMIZE** your **EFFORT**" +msgstr "**MASSIMIZZA** il tuo **IMPEGNO**" + +msgid "Set up your team" +msgstr "Crea la tua squadra" + +msgid "If you are interested in setting up a team of your own, you can get started here." +msgstr "Se vuoi creare la tua squadra, puoi farlo qui." + +msgid "Start a team" +msgstr "Crea una squadra" + +msgid "Lost team password?" +msgstr "Hai perso la password del tuo team?" + +msgid "Change your team info" +msgstr "Modifica la tua squadra" + +msgid "Monitoring stats updates automatically: available downloads and rules of use" +msgstr "Monitoraggio automatico degli aggiornamenti delle statistiche: regole di utilizzo" + +msgid "The donor and team stats are updated every hour, although this can be delayed if there were a lot of work units to come back during that hour. We have been turning off web access to the stats database during stats updates (usually on the hour)." +msgstr "Le statistiche individuali e delle squadre vengono aggiornate ogni ora, anche se possono verificarsi dei rallentamenti causati dal gran numero di risultati inviati. L'accesso al database delle statistiche viene disabilitato durante l'aggiornamento (di solito allo scoccare dell'ora)." + +msgid "Please do not use scripts to access the donor or team pages, but use the full donor list (flat files) instead. IP addresses which do not abide by our robots.txt rules will be banned." +msgstr "Invece di usare script per accedere alle statistiche di un donatore o di una squadra, scaricate i file con l'elenco di tutti i donatori e tutte le squadre. Gli indirizzi IP che non seguono le regole dettate dal file robots.txt verranno bloccati." diff --git a/Localization/ja-JP/about.yaml b/Localization/ja-JP/about.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6b6a4dd8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/ja-JP/about.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/about/" +language: "ja-JP" +title: "ABOUT" +text: [ +# Bold text at the start +#"Folding@home (FAH or F@h)", +"Folding@home (FAH もしくは F@h)", + +# The rest of the paragraph +#"is a distributed computing project for simulating protein dynamics, including the process of protein folding and the movements of proteins implicated in a variety of diseases. It brings together citizen scientists who volunteer to run simulations of protein dynamics on their personal computers. Insights from this data are helping scientists to better understand biology, and providing new opportunities for developing therapeutics." +"はタンパク質の動きをシミュレーションする分散コンピューティングプロジェクトで、分子が折りたたまれる過程や、さまざまな病気に関与するタンパク質の挙動を取り扱っています。そのためにこのプロジェクトでは、手持ちのコンピューターでこれらのシミュレーションに協力しようとする市民科学者の協力を集めています。これによって得られた成果は、科学者が生物学の理解を深める助けになり、治療法を開発するきっかけをもたらします。" +] diff --git a/Localization/ja-JP/start-folding.yaml b/Localization/ja-JP/start-folding.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..6960ce20 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/ja-JP/start-folding.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/start-folding/" +language: "ja-JP" +title: "Folding@homeをはじめる" +text: [ +# Bold first paragraph +# "The Folding@home software runs while you do other things.", +"Folding@homeは他の作業をしている間も動作し続けます。", + +# Second paragraph +# "While you keep going with your everyday activities, your computer will be working to help us find cures for diseases like cancer, ALS, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Influenza and many others.", +"あなたがいつも通り過ごしている間も、コンピューターはがんやALS、パーキンソン病、ハンチントン病、インフルエンザなどのさまざまな病気の治療法を見つける手助けを続けます。", + +# Third paragraph first sentence in bold +#"Please be patient if you experience idle time as we face the COVID-19 pandemic together! ", +"もし計算が停止していたら、COVID-19パンデミックの影響ですので、そのままお待ちください。", + +# Rest of the third paragraph +#"We are working like mad to start simulations of COVID-19 proteins. The enthusiastic response to our effort has been tremendous and has sometimes emptied our queues. This is a great “problem” to have as there is no end to the valuable science we can do, its just a matter of giving us some time to get more running.", +"私たちはCOVID-19関連タンパク質のシミュレーションを開始するため懸命に作業しています。ただし、私たちの取り組みへ熱狂的な反応をいただいているため、計算課題が不足することがあります。実施できる貴重な研究には際限がないので、これは大きな「問題」です。さらなる課題を追加できるまで、私たちにお時間をいただければ幸いです。", + +# +# OS-dependent binary download box +# + +# Bold text +# "Don’t see the correct software for your device? Try our list of", +"デバイスに合わないバージョンが表示されている場合は、", + +# Alternative downloads text +# "alternative downloads", +"他のバージョンのダウンロード", + +# End of sentence punctuation +# ".", +"をお試しください。", + +# Bold text +# "Additional platforms", +"追加のプラットフォーム", + +# URLs +# "Docker for GPUs", +"Docker (GPU用)", +# "vSphere" +"vSphere" +] diff --git a/Localization/mt-MT/.gitignore b/Localization/mt-MT/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8b137891 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/mt-MT/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + diff --git a/Localization/mt-MT/about.yaml b/Localization/mt-MT/about.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c670514e --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/mt-MT/about.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/about/" +language: "mt-MT" +title: "DWAR FOLDING@HOME" +text: [ +# Bold text at the start +"Folding@home (FAH jew F@h)", + +# The rest of the paragraph +"huwa proġett tal-informatika distribwita għas-simulazzjoni tad-dinamiċi tal-proteini, li jinkludi l-proċess tat-tiwi tal-proteini u l-moviment tal-proteini implikati f'varjetà ta' mard differenti. Jgħaqqad flimkien xjentisti ċittadini li volonterjament jmexxu s-simulazzjonijiet tad-dinamika tal-proteini fuq il-kompjuters personali tagħhom. L-għarfien minn dan id-dejta qed jgħin xjentisti jifhmu aħjar il-bijoloġija, u jipprovdi oppurtinatijiet ġodda għall-iżviluppar tat-terapewtiki." +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Localization/mt-MT/diseases.yaml b/Localization/mt-MT/diseases.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..665c5dee --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/mt-MT/diseases.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/diseases/" +language: "mt-MT" +title: "MARD" +text: [ +# Bold first paragraph +"Il-proġett ta' Folding@home (FAH) huwa ddedikat għall-fehim tat-tiwi tal-proteini, il-mard li jirriżulta mit-tiwi ħażin u aggregazzjoni, u modi tal-komputazzjoni ġodda għall-iżvilupp ta' drogi ġenerali ġodda. Hawnhekk, niddeskrivu fil-qosor għanijietna, dak li qegħdin nagħmlu, u xi punti ewlenin s'issa.", + +# Second paragraph +"Proġett tal-informatika distribwita m'għandux biss jagħmel kalkuli fuq miljoni ta' kompjuters, iżda proġetti bħal dawn għandhom jipproduċu risultati, speċjalment fil-forma ta' pubblikazzjonijiet riveduti mill-pari, lectures pubbliċi, u modi oħra li jxerrdu r-riżultati mill-FAH lill-komunità akbar xjentifika. Mal-ġenb, issib links dwar il-progress tagħna f'oqsma differenti.", + +# Third paragraph +"Issib ukoll aġġornamenti dwar xogħlna, avvanzi u proġetti ġodda fil-", + +# Folding@Home blog link +"blog prinċipali ta' Folding@home", + +# End of sentence punctuation +".", + +# Bold heading 1 +"X'INHUWA T-TIWI TAL-PROTEINI U X'GĦANDU X'JAQSAM MAL-MARD?", + +# Text block +"Proteini huma ġiżirani ta' aċidi amminiċi, katina twila ta' molekuli. Huma l-bażi ta' kif il-bijoloġija jagħmel ix-xogħol. Bħala enżimi, dawn huma l-forza mexxejja wara r-reazzjonijiet bijokimiċi kollha li jħaddmu l-bijoloġija. Bħala elementi strutturali, huma l-kostitwent prinċipali tal-għadam, moħħ, xagħar, ġisem u l-vini ta' demm tagħna. Bħala antikorpi, jagħrfu elementi li qed jinvadu u jippermettu lis-sistema immunitarja teħles mill-invażuri mhux mixtieqa. Għal dawn ir-raġunijiet, xjentisti senslu l-ġenoma uman – l-iskema tal-proteini kollha fil-bijoloġija – imma kif nistgħu nifhmu x'jagħmlu l-proteini u kif jaħdmu? + +Madankollu, biss li nkunu nafu din is-segwenza ftit tgħidilna dwar x'tagħmel il-proteina u kif tagħmilha. Sabiex iwettqu l-funzjoni tagħhom (e.ż. bħala enżimi jew antikorpi), għandom bżonn jieħdu forma partikolari, li tissejjaħ ukoll “tiwja”. Għalhekk, il-proteini huma makkinarji tal-għaġeb: qabel ma jagħmlu xogħolhom, jiġbru nfushom! Dan l-awtoassemblaġġ ngħidulu “tiwi”.", + +# Bold heading 2 +"X'JIĠRI JEKK IL-PROTEINI MA JINTWEWX KIF SUPPOST?", + +# Text block +"Mard bħal ta' Alzheimer, ta' Huntington, il-fibrożi ċistika, il-BSE (Marda tal-Mad Cow), forma li tintiret mill-enfisema, u ħafna kanċeri oħra huma maħsuba li jirriżultaw minn tiwi ħażin tal-proteini. Meta l-proteini jintwew ħażin, jistgħu jeħlu flimkien (“jaggregaw”). Dawn iċ-ċapep spiss jiffurmaw fil-moħħ, fejn huma maħsubin jikkawżaw is-sintomi tal-marda tal-Mad Cow jew ta' Alzheimer." +] diff --git a/Localization/mt-MT/faq.yaml b/Localization/mt-MT/faq.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5b9432a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/mt-MT/faq.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/support/faq/" +language: "mt-MT" +title: "FAQ" +text: [ +# Bold paragraph +"Issib librerija kbira dwar mistoqsijiet frekwenti fuq dak kollu li għandu x'jaqsam ma' Folding@home.", + +# The rest of the paragraph +"Din it-taqsima fiha kollox minn gwidi u informazzjoni dwar kif tinstalla u tuża s-software ta' Folding@home sa l-ixjenza wara r-riċerka tagħna. Fittex fil-ġenb u sib is-suġġett li trid tkun aftar dwaru." +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Localization/mt-MT/home.yaml b/Localization/mt-MT/home.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5f1d3a39 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/mt-MT/home.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/" +title: "Folding@home" +language: "mt-MT" +text: [ +# I AM One IN A MILLION bold text +"JIEN WIEĦED F'MILJUN", + +# Associated text +Irrispettivament jekk diġà qed titwi jekk qatt ma smajt kelma dwara, għandna bżonn l-għajnuna tiegħek biex nilħqu l-għan tagħna -- li huwa miljun tennej.", + +#Associated square button +"IBDA ITWI ISSA", + +#Associated text with the aobve square button +"Għatti din u ara l-vidjow.", + +# START FOLDING NOW bold text +"IBDA ITWI ISSA", + +# Associated text +"Għażel il-verżjoni tas-software li tippreferi u ibda. It-tniżżil ta' Folding@home huwa totalment b'xejn, faċli biex tinstalla u sigur biex tuża. +Disponnibli għal: +Linux +Windows +Mac", + +#Associated square button +"IBDA ITWI", + +#JOIN THE COMMUNITY bold text +"INGĦAQAD MAGĦNA", + +# Associated text +"Il-komunità ta' Folding@Home hija mifruxa fuq diversi forums, websajts u midja soċjali. +Hawnhekk hawn lista ta' kanali offiċjali. +Għall-appoġġ teknoloġiku: ", + +#URLs - Facebook and Twitter have localised name in certain languages: +"foldingforum.org", +"Facebook", +"Twitter", + +#LATEST POSTS bold text +"L-AKTAR POSTS RIĊENTI", + +# WHY WE NEED YOU bold text +"GĦALA GĦANDNA BŻONNOK", + +# Associated text +"Folding@home huwa proġett iffukat fuq ir-riċerka tal-mard. Il-problemi li qed insolvu jirrikjedu ammont kbir ta' kalkoli tal-kompjuters u għandna bżonn l-għajnuna tiegħek biex nsibu l-kuri!", + +#FIGHT DESIEASES TOGETHER WITH US bold text +"IĠĠIELED IL-MARD FLIMKIEN MAGĦNA.", + +#Associated text +"Is-software ta' Folding@home iħallik taqsam is-saħħa mhux użat tal-kompjuter tiegħek magħna biex b'hekk nkunu nistgħu nirriċerkaw aktar dwar kuri potenzjali.", + +#Associated text in pentagon +"1 f'miljun", + +#FOLDING? bold text +"TITWI?", + +#Associated text +"Tiwi jirriferi għall-mod ta' kif proteini tal-ġisem jintwew fiċ-ċelluli li jiffurmaw ġismek. Aħna niddependu fuq il-proteini biex iżommuna b'saħħitna u huma jiġġantu billi jintwew. Iżda meta jintwew ħażin, ikun hemm konsegwenzi serji fis-saħħa tal-persuna.", + +#Associated square button +"TGĦALLEM AKTAR", + +#TEAM bold text +"TIM", + +#Associated text +"Folding@home huwa bgħalissa bbażat fl-Università ta' Washington fl-Iskola tal-Mediċina St. Louis, taħt id-direttorat ta' Dr. Greg Bowman. Drs. John Chodera (MSKCC) u Vince Voelz (Università Temple) huma wkoll attivi fl-għajnuna tal-manniġjar tal-proġett. Flimkien, it-tlett laboritajiet tagħhom huma s-sewwieqa primarji ta' Folding@home." +] diff --git a/Localization/mt-MT/start-folding.yaml b/Localization/mt-MT/start-folding.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cbb7c7a7 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/mt-MT/start-folding.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/start-folding/" +language: "mt-MT" +title: "IBDA ITWI" +text: [ +# Bold first paragraph +"Is-software ta' Folding@home jaħdem waqt li int tagħmel affarjiet oħra.", + +# Second paragraph +"Waqt li int tkompli bl-attivitajiet ta' kuljum, il-kompjuter tiegħek ikun qed jgħina nsibu kuri għal mard bħall-kanċer, ALS, l-marda ta' Parikinson, ta' Huntington, l-Influwenza u ħafna oħrajn.", + +# Third paragraph first sentence in bold +"Jekk jogħġbok kun paċenzjuż jekk tesperjenza ħin wieqaf sakemm naffaċjaw il-pandemija tal-COVID-19 flimkien!", + +# Rest of the third paragraph +"Qegħdin naħdmu isna mġienen biex nibdew simulazzjonijiet tal-proteini ta' COVID-19. Ir-rispons entużjastiku għall-isforz tagħna kien tremend u xi kultant ħeles mil-kjus li kien qed ikollna. Din kienet “problema” tajba ħafna biex ikollna għaliex m'hemmx tmiem għall-ixjenza prezzjuża li nistgħu nagħmlu, ija biss kwistjoni li ttuna ftit ħin biex nibdew nħaddmu aktar.", + +# +# OS-dependent binary download box +# + +# Bold text +"Mintiex qed tara s-software t-tajjeb għall-apparat tiegħek? Prova l-lista ta'", + +# Alternative downloads text +"downloads alternattivi.", + +# End of sentence punctuation +".", + +# Bold text +"Pjattaformi addizzjonali", + +# URLs +"Docker għall-GPUs", +"vSphere" +] diff --git a/Localization/mt-MT/statistics.yaml b/Localization/mt-MT/statistics.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..1e8bd849 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/mt-MT/statistics.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/statistics/" +language: "mt-MT" +title: "STATISTIKI" +text: [ +# First two paragraphs +"Wieħed mill-aħjar modi ta' kif tgħin Folding@home huwa billi tirrekluta l-ħbieb u l-familjari. Ibda billi taqsam il-proġett tagħna magħhom. Imbagħad ingħaqad ma' tim jew ibda t-tim tiegħek stess. Iktar ma jaqla' punti t-tim tiegħek, iktar niġu viċin li nsibu l-kuri. + +Fuq din il-paġna għandek issib aċċess għal statistika dwar individwi u timijiet li ngħaqdu flimkien biex jaqilgħu l-punti u jikkompetu ma' timijiet oħra. Xi wħud minna huma pjuttost intensivi fl-approċċ għat-tiwi. Għandna websajts għal timijiet, nsaħħu l-kompjuters tagħna, u navvanzaw it-teknoloġija billi nirraportaw bugs u nagħmlu suġġerimenti dwar it-titjib tas-software.", + +# Maximise your effort stylistic bold text +"IMMASSIMIZZA SFORZOK", + +# SET UP YOUR TEAM +"STABILIXXI T-TIM TIEGĦEK", + +# Associated text for setting up a team +"Jekk int interessat fl-istabilixximent tat-tim tiegħek stess, tista' tibda hawn.", + +# START A TEAM button +"WAQQAF TIM", + +# CHANGE YOUR TEAM INFO button +"BIDDEL L-INFO TAT-TIM TIEGĦEK", + +# Lost team password? link +"Tlift il-password tat-tim tiegħek?", + +# Heading 1 +"L-ISTASTIKI TAL-MONITORAĠĠ JIĠU AĠĠORNATI AWTOMATIKAMENT: DOWNLOADS DISPONIBBLI U REGOLI TAL-UŻU", + +# Text block +"L-istatistiċi tad-donaturi u t-tims huma aġġornati kull siegħa, għalkemm dan jista' jiġi ttardjat jekk ikun hemm ħafna unitajiet ta’ xogħol li jkunu għadhom biex jaslu dik is-siegħa. Qegħdin nitfu l-aċċess mill-web għad-database tal-istatistiki waqt l-aġġornamenti (ġeneralment f'dik is-siegħa). + +Jekk jogħġbok tużax skripts biex taċċessa l-paġni tad-donaturi u t-tims, minflok uża l-lista sħiħa tad-donaturi (flat files). Indirizzi tal-IP li ma jimxux mar-regoli tar-robots.txt tagħna jiġu projbiti." +] diff --git a/Localization/nl-NL/about.yaml b/Localization/nl-NL/about.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..90d774a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/nl-NL/about.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/about/" +language: "nl-NL" +title: "OVER" +text: [ +# Bold text at the start +"Folding@home (FAH or F@h)", + +# The rest of the paragraph +"is een gedistribueerd computerproject voor het simuleren van eiwitdynamica, het proces van eiwitvouwing en de bewegingen van eiwitten die betrokken zijn bij verschillende ziektes. Het brengt burgerwetenschappers samen die als vrijwilligers simulaties uitvoeren van eiwitdynamica op hun computer. De opgedane inzichten uit de data helpen wetenschappers de biologie beter te begrijpen en bieden nieuwe kansen voor het ontwikkelen van therapieën." +] diff --git a/Localization/nl-NL/diseases.yaml b/Localization/nl-NL/diseases.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..10c23e4c --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/nl-NL/diseases.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/diseases/" +language: "nl-NL" +title: "ZIEKTES" +text: [ +# Bold first paragraph +"Het Folding@home project (FAH) is gewijd aan het beter begrijpen van eiwitvouwing, de ziektes die het gevolg zijn van verkeerde eiwitvouwing en aggregatie van eiwitten. Het is tevens toegespits op het ontwikkelen van nieuwe computationele manieren om geneesmiddelen te ontwikkelen. Hier beschrijven we kort onze doelen, wat wij doen en enkele hoogtepunten tot nu toe.", + +# Second paragraph +"Een gedistribueerd onderzoek moet niet alleen berekeningen uitvoeren op miljoenen computers, het moet resultaten opleveren. Vooral in de vorm van getoetste publicaties, openbare lezingen en andere manieren om de resultaten van FAH naar de grotere wetenschappelijke gemeenschap te verspreiden.", + +# Third paragraph +"Je kunt updates over ons werk, vorderingen en nieuwe projecten ook terugvinden in het", + +# Folding@Home blog link +"Folding@home blog", + +# End of sentence punctuation +".", + +# Bold heading 1 +"WAT IS EIWITVOUWING EN HOE IS HET GERELATEERD AAN ZIEKTE?", + +# Text block +"Eiwitten bestaan uit ketens van aminozuren. Ze zijn de basis van hoe in de natuur dingen geregeld worden. Als enzymen zijn ze de drijvende kracht achter alle biochemische reacties in de natuur. Als structurele elementen vormen ze het belangrijkste bestanddeel van onze botten, spieren, haren, huid en bloedvaten. Als antilichamen herkennen ze binnengedrongen elementen en laten ze het immuunsysteem de ongewenste indringers verwijderen. Om deze redenen hebben wetenschappers het menselijk genoom gesequenced - de blauwdruk voor alle eiwitten in de biologie - maar hoe kunnen we beter begrijpen wat deze eiwitten doen en hoe ze werken? + +Echter, enkel het begrijpen van de sequentie vertelt ons weinig over wat het eiwit doet en hoe het werkt. Om hun functie te kunnen vervullen (bijv. als enzymen of antilichamen), moeten eiwitten een bepaalde vorm aannemen. Ook wel een “vouw” genoemd. Eiwitten zijn dus echt wonderbaarlijke machines: voordat ze hun werk doen assembleren zij zichzelf! Deze zelfassemblage wordt “vouwen” (folding) genoemd.", + +# Bold heading 2 +"WAT GEBEURT ER ALS EIWITTEN NIET CORRECT VOUWEN", + +# Text block +"Ziektes zoals de ziekte van Alzheimer, de ziekte van Huntington, cystic fibrosis, BSE (gekkekoeienziekte), een erfelijke vorm van emfyseem en zelfs van veel soorten kanker wordt aangenomen dat ze het gevolg zijn van het verkeerd vouwen van eiwitten. Wanneer eiwitten verkeerd uitvouwen, kunnen ze samenklonteren ('aggregeren'). Deze klonten kunnen zich vaak in de hersenen verzamelen, waar wordt aangenomen dat ze de symptomen van BSE of de ziekte van Alzheimer veroorzaken." +] diff --git a/Localization/nl-NL/faq.yaml b/Localization/nl-NL/faq.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..770c33b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/nl-NL/faq.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/support/faq/" +language: "nl-NL" +title: "FAQ" +text: [ +# Bold paragraph +"Je vindt een grote verzameling met veelgestelde vragen over alles wat te maken heeft met Folding@home.", + +# The rest of the paragraph +"Deze sectie bevat alles, van handleidingen en informatie over het installeren en gebruiken van de Folding@home software, tot de wetenschap achter ons onderzoek. Kijk in de zijbalk en vind het onderwerp waarover je meer wilt weten." +] diff --git a/Localization/nl-NL/home.yaml b/Localization/nl-NL/home.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b318ee5e --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/nl-NL/home.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,76 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/" +title: "Folding@home" +language: "nl-NL" +text: [ +# I AM One IN A MILLION bold text +"IK BEN 1 VAN EEN MILJOEN", + +# Associated text +"Ongeacht of je al bezig bent met 'folding' of er nog nooit iets over gehoord hebt, we hebben jouw hulp nodig om ons doel te bereiken -- 1 miljoen 'folders'.", + +#Associated square button +"BEGIN DIRECT MET 'FOLDEN'", + +#Associated text with the aobve square button +"Verberg deze tekst en bekijk de video.", + +# START FOLDING NOW bold text +"BEGIN NU MET 'FOLDEN'", + +# Associated text +"Kies de softwareversie van jouw voorkeur en begin. Het downloaden van Folding@home is helemaal gratis, makkelijk om te installeren en veilig te gebruiken. +Beschikbaar voor: +Linux +Windows +Mac", + +#Associated square button +"BEGIN NU MET 'FOLDEN'", + +#JOIN THE COMMUNITY bold text +"WORD LID VAN DE COMMUNITY", + +# Associated text +"De Folding@Home COMMUNITY is verspreid over talloze forums, websites en social media. +Hieronder is een lijst van onze officiële kanalen. +Voor technische ondersteuning: ", + +#URLs - Facebook and Twitter have localised name in certain languages: +"foldingforum.org", +"Facebook", +"Twitter", + +#LATEST POSTS bold text +"MEEST RECENTE BERICHTEN", + +# WHY WE NEED YOU bold text +"WAAROM WIJ JOU NODIG hebben", + +# Associated text +"Folding@home is een project gefocused op het onderzoeken van ziektes. De problemen waar wij aan werken vereisen heel veel computerberekeningen en we hebben jouw hulp nodig bij het vinden van geneesmiddelen.", + +#FIGHT DESIEASES TOGETHER WITH US bold text +"VECHT SAMEN MET ONS TEGEN ZIEKTES.", + +#Associated text +"De Folding@home software stelt je in staat jouw ongebruikte computerkracht te delen om zo nog meer potentiële behandelingen te vinden.", + +#Associated text in pentagon +"1 van een miljoen", + +#FOLDING? bold text +"FOLDING?", + +#Associated text +"'Folding verwijst naar het proces waarop eiwitten vouwen in cellen van het menselijk lichaam. Wij zijn afhankelijk van eiwitten en de manier waarop zij zich vormen voor een goede gezondheid. Wanneer de eiwitten verkeerd vouwen kan dit ernstige gevolgen hebben voor iemands gezondheid.", + +#Associated square button +"MEER INFORMATIE", + +#TEAM bold text +"TEAM", + +#Associated text +"Folding@home is momenteel gevestigd in de Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, onder leiding van Dr. Greg Bowman. Drs. John Chodera (MSKCC) en Vince Voelz (Temple University) zijn ook actief betrokken bij het leiden van het project. Samen zijn de drie laboratoria de belangrijkste drijfveren achter Folding@home." +] diff --git a/Localization/nl-NL/start-folding.yaml b/Localization/nl-NL/start-folding.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..16ac900a --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/nl-NL/start-folding.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/start-folding/" +language: "nl-NL" +title: "START FOLDING" +text: [ +# Bold first paragraph +"De software van Folding@home werkt terwijl jij bezig bent met andere dingen.", + +# Second paragraph +"Terwijl jij bezig bent je allerdaagse activiteiten is jouw computer ons aan het helpen om medicijnen te vinden tegen ziektes zoals kanker, ALS, Parkinson, Huntington, Influenza en nog veel meer.", + +# Third paragraph first sentence in bold +"Wees alsjeblieft geduldig als je system even niks doet want we vechten samen tegen de COVID-19 pandemie!", + +# Rest of the third paragraph +"Wij werken keihard om te kunnen starten met simulaties van COVID-19 eiwitten. Er is met groot enthousiasme gereageerd op onze inspanningen en dit zorgt er soms voor dat wij geen voorraad meer hebben. Dit is een luxe “probleem” om te hebben omdat de waardevolle wetenschap die wij kunnen verrichten eindeloos is. Het is een kwestie van ons een beetje tijd gunnen om meer werk klaar te zetten.", + +# +# OS-dependent binary download box +# + +# Bold text +"Zie je niet de juiste softwareversie voor jouw apparaat? bekijk onze lijst van", + +# Alternative downloads text +"alternatieve downloads", + +# End of sentence punctuation +".", + +# Bold text +"Alternatieve platformen", + +# URLs +"Docker voor GPUs", +"vSphere" +] diff --git a/Localization/nl-NL/statistics.yaml b/Localization/nl-NL/statistics.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..0cbd0e42 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/nl-NL/statistics.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/statistics/" +language: "nl-NL" +title: "STATISTIEKEN" +text: [ +# First two paragraphs +"Een van de beste manieren om Folding@home te helpen, is door je vrienden en familie zich aan te laten sluiten. Sluit je vervolgens aan bij een team of maak een je eigen team. Hoe meer punten jouw team verdient, hoe dichter we komen bij het vinden van remedies. + +Op deze pagina vind je statistieken voor individuen en teams die gezamenlijk punten verdienen en concurreren met andere teams. Sommige van ons zijn behoorlijk fanatiek in onze aanpak van folden. Wij hebben teamwebsites, we voeren onze computers op, we helpen de technologie vooruit door het melden van bugs en we maken suggesties om de software te verbeteren.", + +# Maximise your effort stylistic bold text +"MAXIMALISEER jouw INSPANNING", + +# SET UP YOUR TEAM +"STEL JOUW TEAM SAMEN", + +# Associated text for setting up a team +"Als je zelf een team op wilt zetten, dan kun je hier starten.", + +# START A TEAM button +"START EEN TEAM", + +# CHANGE YOUR TEAM INFO button +"WIJZIG JOUW TEAM INFO", + +# Lost team password? link +"Teamwachtwoord verloren?", + +# Heading 1 +"AUTOMATISCH MONITOREN VAN STATS UPDATES: BESCHIKBARE DOWNLOADS EN REGELS VOOR GEBRUIK", + +# Text block +"De donor- en teamstatistieken worden elk uur bijgewerkt, hoewel dit opgeschort kan worden als er gedurende dat uur veel werkeenheden terugkomen. We schakelen webtoegang tot de statistiekendatabase uit tijdens de statistiekenupdates (meestal op het hele uur). + +Gebruik geen scripts om toegang te krijgen tot de donor- of teampagina's, maar gebruik in plaats daarvan de volledige donorlijst (flat files). IP-adressen die niet voldoen aan onze robots.txt regels worden geblokkeerd." +] diff --git a/Localization/zh-CN/about.yaml b/Localization/zh-CN/about.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e004a5fd --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/zh-CN/about.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/about/" +language: "zh-CN" +title: "关于" +text: [ +# Bold text at the start +"Folding@home (FAH or F@h)", + +# The rest of the paragraph +#"is a distributed computing project for simulating protein dynamics, including the process of protein folding and the movements of proteins implicated in a variety of diseases. It brings together citizen scientists who volunteer to run simulations of protein dynamics on their personal computers. Insights from this data are helping scientists to better understand biology, and providing new opportunities for developing therapeutics." +"是模拟蛋白质动力学的一个分布式计算项目,包括蛋白质折叠的过程和涉及多种疾病的蛋白质运动过程。它聚集了自愿参与并在其个人计算机上进行蛋白质动力学模拟的公民科学家们。从这些数据中获取的规律正在帮助科学家们更好地了解生物学,并为开发新的治疗方法提供了新的机会。" +] diff --git a/Localization/zh-CN/diseases.yaml b/Localization/zh-CN/diseases.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c5ec7a15 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/zh-CN/diseases.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/diseases/" +language: "zh-CN" +title: "相关疾病" +text: [ +# Bold first paragraph +# "The Folding@home project (FAH) is dedicated to understanding protein folding, the diseases that result from protein misfolding and aggregation, and novel computational ways to develop new drugs in general. Here, we briefly describe our goals, what we are doing, and some highlights so far.", +"Folding@home (FAH) 致力于理解蛋白质折叠,由蛋白质错误折叠和聚集导致的疾病以及开发新型药物的全新计算方法。在这里,我们将简要介绍我们的目标,我们正在进行的工作以及目前所取得的一些进展。", +# comments by @jmnie: I used the word '进展' to describe 'highlight'. + +# Second paragraph +# "A distributed computing project must not only run calculations on millions of PCs, but such projects must produce results, especially in the form of peer-reviewed publications, public lectures, and other ways that disseminate the results from FAH to the greater scientific community. In the sidebar, you will find links to our progress in different areas.", +"一个分布式项目不仅必须在数以百万计的个人计算机上进行计算,而且必须产生结果,尤其是以同行评审的出版物,公开演讲以及其他将Folding@home的结果传递至更大的科学界的方式。在左侧栏中,您可以找到我们在不同领域获得进展的链接。", + + +# Third paragraph +# "You will also find updates about our work, advancements and new projects in the main", +"在主页面中您也可以找到有关我们工作,进展和新项目的更新。", + +# Folding@Home blog link +"Folding@home blog", + +# End of sentence punctuation +".", + +# Bold heading 1 +# "WHAT IS PROTEIN FOLDING AND HOW IS IT RELATED TO DISEASE?", +"什么是蛋白质折叠?它又是和疾病如何联系起来的?", +# comments by @jmnie: I break this sentence into 2 sub sentences for better reading experience. + +# Text block +# "Proteins are necklaces of amino acids, long chain molecules. They are the basis of how biology gets things done. As enzymes, they are the driving force behind all of the biochemical reactions that make biology work. As structural elements, they are the main constituent of our bones, muscles, hair, skin and blood vessels. As antibodies, they recognize invading elements and allow the immune system to get rid of the unwanted invaders. For these reasons, scientists have sequenced the human genome – the blueprint for all of the proteins in biology – but how can we understand what these proteins do and how they work? + +# However, only knowing this sequence tells us little about what the protein does and how it does it. In order to carry out their function (e.g. as enzymes or antibodies), they must take on a particular shape, also known as a “fold.” Thus, proteins are truly amazing machines: before they do their work, they assemble themselves! This self-assembly is called “folding.”", + +"蛋白质是由氨基酸残基形成的长链条组成的。它们是生物学中完成工作的基础。作为酶,它们驱动了生物学中所有起作用的生化反应。作为结构元素,它们是我们谷歌,肌肉,头发,皮肤和血管的主要成分。作为抗体,它们识别入侵的问题并且允许免疫系统清除不需要的入侵者。基于以上原因,科学家们已经对人类基因组进行了测序---这是生物学中所有蛋白质的蓝图。但是我们如何理解这些蛋白质的作用以及它们的工作方式呢? + +仅仅了解序列只能揭示很小一部分蛋白质的作用和其工作原理。为了执行这些功能(例如,酶和抗体),它们必须形成某种特殊的形状,这种过程也为人熟知为“折叠”。因此,蛋白质实际上是一种令人赞叹的机器:在它们能工作之前,它们会自行组装!这种自组装的机制,被称为“折叠”。", + +# Bold heading 2 +# "WHAT HAPPENS IF PROTEINS DON’T FOLD CORRECTLY?", +"如果蛋白质不正确折叠会发生什么?", + +# Text block +# "Diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, cystic fibrosis, BSE (Mad Cow disease), an inherited form of emphysema, and even many cancers are believed to result from protein misfolding. When proteins misfold, they can clump together (“aggregate”). These clumps can often gather in the brain, where they are believed to cause the symptoms of Mad Cow or Alzheimer’s disease." + +"诸如阿兹海默症,亨廷顿病,囊性纤维化,BSE(疯牛病),某种遗传的肺气肿,甚至是许多癌症也被认为是由蛋白质错误折叠引起的。当蛋白质错误折叠时,它们会堆在一起形成团块(聚集)。这些团块通常会聚集在大脑中,被认为是引发了疯牛病或者阿兹海默症的症状的原因。" +] diff --git a/Localization/zh-CN/home.yaml b/Localization/zh-CN/home.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7721417f --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/zh-CN/home.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/" +title: "Folding@home" +language: "zh-CN" +text: [ +# I AM One IN A MILLION bold text +"我是百万分之一", + +# Associated text +# "Regardless if you are already folding or haven't heard a word about it before, we need your help to reach our goal -- which is 1 million folders.", +"无论你是否已经正在‘折叠’或者从未听说过这个词,我们需要你的帮助来完成愿景 -- 一百万个‘折叠者’", + +#Associated square button +# "START FOLDING NOW", +"现在开始折叠", + +#Associated text with the aobve square button +# "Hide this and watch the video.", +"隐藏此处并观看视频。", + +# START FOLDING NOW bold text +# "START FOLDING NOW", +"现在开始折叠", + +# Associated text +# "Find the version of the software you prefer and get started. Downloading Folding@home is completely free, easy to install and safe to use. +# Available for: +# Linux +# Windows +# Mac", +"发现你偏好的软件版本然后开始。下载Folding@Home是完全免费的,安装很简单,并且非常安全。 +提供以下版本: +Linux +Windows +Mac", + + +#Associated square button +# "START FOLDING", +"开始折叠", + +#JOIN THE COMMUNITY bold text +#"JOIN THE COMMUNITY", +"加入社区", + +# Associated text +# "The Folding@Home community is spread over countless forums, websites and social media. +# Here's a list of our official channels. +# For tech support: ", +"Folding@Home社区遍布于无数的论坛,网站和社交媒体。 +这是我们官方频道列表。 +技术支持:", + +#URLs - Facebook and Twitter have localised name in certain languages: +"foldingforum.org", +"Facebook", +"Twitter", + +#LATEST POSTS bold text +# "LATEST POSTS", +"最新发布", + +# WHY WE NEED YOU bold text +# "WHY WE NEED YOU", +"为什么我们需要你", + +# Associated text +# "Folding@home is a project focused on disease research. The problems we're solving require so many computer calculations and we need your help to find the cures!", +"Folding@home是一个专注于疾病研究的项目。我们正在解决的问题需要非常多的电脑来计算,所以我们需要你的帮助来发现治疗方案!", + +#FIGHT DESIEASES TOGETHER WITH US bold text +#"FIGHT DISEASES TOGETHER WITH US.", +"与我们一同抗击疾病。", + +#Associated text +# "The Folding@home software allows you to share your unused computer power with us so that we can research even more potential cures.", +"Folding@Home将会分享你闲置的计算力量给我们,这样我们可以研究更多潜在的治疗方式。", + +#Associated text in pentagon +# "1 in a million", +"百万分之一", + +#FOLDING? bold text +#"FOLDING?", +"折叠?", + +#Associated text +#"Folding refers to the way human protein folds in the cells that make up your body. We rely on the proteins to keep us healthy and they assemble themselves by folding. But when they misfold, there can be serious consequences to a person's health.", +"折叠是指人类蛋白质在细胞中折叠,并组成人体的方式。我们依赖于这些蛋白质来保持健康并且它们通过折叠的方式来构建自身。但是如果它们在折叠的过程中发生了错误,那么对人的健康将带来可怕的后果。", + + +#Associated square button +# "LEARN MORE", +"了解更多", + +#TEAM bold text +#"TEAM", +"团队", + +#Associated text +#"Folding@home is now based at the Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, under the directorship of Dr. Greg Bowman. Drs. John Chodera (MSKCC) and Vince Voelz (Temple University) are also active in helping manage the project. Together, their three labs are the primary drivers of Folding@home." +"Folding@home现在设于圣路易斯华盛顿大学医学院, 由Greg Bowan博士领导该项目。John Chodera博士(来自纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心,MSKCC)和Vince Voelz(来自天普大学)也是此项目中积极的领导者。他们的三个实验室是Folding@home中主要的驱动者。" +] diff --git a/Localization/zh-CN/start-folding.yaml b/Localization/zh-CN/start-folding.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8bd2c614 --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/zh-CN/start-folding.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,45 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/start-folding/" +language: "zh-CN" +title: "开始折叠" +text: [ +# Bold first paragraph +# "The Folding@home software runs while you do other things.", +"在您执行其他操作时,Folding@home将会运行。", + +# Second paragraph +# "While you keep going with your everyday activities, your computer will be working to help us find cures for diseases like cancer, ALS, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Influenza and many others.", +"当您继续进行日常活动时,您的计算机将帮助我们找到治疗癌症,肌萎缩性脊髓侧硬化症(ALS,渐冻症),帕金森病,亨廷顿病和流行性感冒等疾病的方法。", + +# Third paragraph first sentence in bold +# "Please be patient if you experience idle time as we face the COVID-19 pandemic together! ", +"如果您遇到空闲时间,请耐心等待,因为我们正一同面对COVID-19的大流行!", + +# Rest of the third paragraph +# "We are working like mad to start simulations of COVID-19 proteins. The enthusiastic response to our effort has been tremendous and has sometimes emptied our queues. This is a great “problem” to have as there is no end to the valuable science we can do, its just a matter of giving us some time to get more running.", +"我们正在全力以赴进行COVID-19蛋白质的模拟。对我们努力的热情反应是十分巨大的,并且有时候清空了我们的队列。这是一个非常艰难的问题,因为我们可以做的有价值的科学没有尽头,这将是给我们一些时间去进行更多的计算。", +# comments by jmnie: I add calculation(计算) at the end of the sentence to make it more smooth. + +# +# OS-dependent binary download box +# + +# Bold text +# "Don’t see the correct software for your device? Try our list of", +"没有找到适合您的设备的软件版本?尝试我们", + +# Alternative downloads text +"alternative downloads", +"其他下载列表", + +# End of sentence punctuation +".", + +# Bold text +#"Additional platforms", +"其他平台", + +# URLs +"Docker for GPUs", +"vSphere" +] diff --git a/Localization/zh-CN/statistics.yaml b/Localization/zh-CN/statistics.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..af952c9b --- /dev/null +++ b/Localization/zh-CN/statistics.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ +--- +url: "https://foldingathome.org/statistics/" +language: "zh-CN" +title: "统计数字" +text: [ +# First two paragraphs +# "One of the best ways to help Folding@home is by recruiting your friends and family. Start by sharing our project with them. Then join a team or even start your own team. The more points your team earns, the closer we come to finding cures. + +# On this page you will find access to statistics for individuals and teams who have joined together to earn points and compete with other teams. Some of us are quite intense in our approach to folding. We have team websites, we soup up our computers, and we drive the technology forward by reporting bugs and making suggestions about how to improve the software.", + +"帮助Folding@home其中一种最佳方式是招募您的朋友和家人。从与他们分享我们的项目开始。然后加入一个小组或者创建您自己的小组。您的小组获取的点数越多,那么我们就离发现治疗的方法越近。 + +在这个页面您可以访问不同的个人或团队协同合作获取点数并与其他小组进行竞争的数据。我们中部分人对这种得到折叠的方式态度很强烈[needs correction]。我们有团队网页,优化已有的计算资源,并且通过报告软件的缺陷以及改进软件来向前驱动这项技术。", + +# Comments by @jmnie: the translation of the sentence "Some of us are quite intense in our approach to folding." is inappropriate. The translation needs correction. + +# Maximise your effort stylistic bold text +# "MAXIMIZE your EFFORT", +"尽您最大的努力", + +# SET UP YOUR TEAM +#"SET UP YOUR TEAM", +"组建您的团队", + +# Associated text for setting up a team +#"If you are interested in setting up a team of your own, you can get started here.", +"如果您对组建自己的团队感兴趣,您可以从这里开始。", + +# START A TEAM button +# "START A TEAM", +"组建团队", + +# CHANGE YOUR TEAM INFO button +#"CHANGE YOUR TEAM INFO", +"更改您的队伍信息", + +# Lost team password? link +#"Lost team password?", +"忘记了队伍密码?", + +# Heading 1 +#"MONITORING STATS UPDATES AUTOMATICALLY: AVAILABLE DOWNLOADS AND RULES OF USE", +"自动监测数据更新: 可供提供的下载和使用准则", + +# Text block +# "The donor and team stats are updated every hour, although this can be delayed if there were a lot of work units to come back during that hour. We have been turning off web access to the stats database during stats updates (usually on the hour). + +# Please do not use scripts to access the donor or team pages, but use the full donor list (flat files) instead. IP addresses which do not abide by our robots.txt rules will be banned." + +"捐献者和队伍的信息每个小时更新一次, 在传回结果的高峰期更新可能会有延迟。我们会在信息更新的时候暂停对服务器的访问(通常为一小时)。 + +请勿使用脚本来访问捐献者和团队界面,请使用完整的捐赠者列表(平面文件)。不遵守机器人规则(robot.txt)的IP地址会被封禁。" + +# comments by @jmnie: the translation of "flat files (平面文件)" is not accurate. A better word should be used. +] diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index f5f38049..22253b75 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1,32 +1,132 @@ -# Translate +# Folding@home Translation Text Repository Thank you for helping us reach even more people around the world by adapting the experience to their native language. +**IMPORTANT UPDATE: We have switched away from YAML format to PO format. Please +read the updates.** + **Before you start translating, please read this README to learn how we collaborate and how to find out what is already done and what is left to do.** -**Please check out the -[coordination threads](https://github.com/FoldingCommunity/Translate/labels/coordination-thread), -and find out how your language team is coordinating with each other. Please +**Please check out the "Coordination" section, and the +[coordination threads](https://github.com/FoldingCommunity/Translate/labels/coordination-thread) +to find out how your language team is coordinating with each other. Please submit pull requests to your language team's repository first. Your language team coordinator will collate all the translation changes, and submit a pull request to this repository.** -## What do we translate? - -We will start translating the [Folding@Home](https://foldingathome.org) website. -We are starting with the following webpages: +## What has changed? +After the discussion within the translation plugin development team, we have +decided to move from the custom YAML format to the more standardised +[gettext](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gettext) Portable Object (PO) format. +We have decided to embed formatting (*not layout*) within the PO files. This +allows each PO file to follow the paragraph structure of the original webpage, +while enabling more flexibility the translated text within each paragraph. + +We believe that the format change is necessary for the long term maintainability +of the project. We apologise for the extra work that you have to do. It is +important to note that in software development, sometimes there are occasional +requirements changes that require code refactoring and rewrite. This happens +more often at the beginning of the project. We believe that there will not be +major format changes down the line. + +However we believe that the extra works we have to do is minimal - you should be +able to copy and paste your translated works + +The old YAML-based files are archived in the +[old-yaml branch](https://github.com/FoldingCommunity/Translate/tree/old-yaml). + +## How do we translate? +Please copy the files from [Localization/en-US](Localization/en-US) to your +local language folder, e.g. [Localization/zh-CN](Localization/zh-CN), update +the metadata field. For each file, translate each ``msgid`` to ``msgstr``. + +We are using Markdown for formatting the strings to be translated and the +translated string. We have made the decision to support the following Markdown +syntaxes: + + - Links: e.g. ``[Example](http://example.net/)`` + - Bold text: e.g. ``**Example**`` + - Italic: e.g. ``*example*`` + +For more information on Markdown, feel free to have a look at +[Github's official guide](https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/), + however, we are only supporting the formatting syntaxes statated above. + +You can use a text editor, such as [Notepad++](https://notepad-plus-plus.org/) +or [Atom](https://atom.io/). Please **Set your encoding to UTF-8, this is +important!**. Alternatively you can use tools such as +[Poedit](https://poedit.net/) or +[Lokalize](https://kde.org/applications/en/office/org.kde.lokalize). We do not +mind the extra metadata these tools add. + +### PO file mandatory metadata +At the top of each PO file, it is mandatory to have the following metadata +fields: + + 1. ``Schema-Version`` - The schema version of this PO file, e.g. ``1.2``. + In future, we may have minor update to the format of the PO files. + 2. ``URL`` - The URL of the webpage that generated the PO file. + 3. ``Source-Language`` - The original language of the webpage, it should be + ``en-US`. However, as FAH project grows, we may start seeing webpages that were + written in language that was not English. + 4. ``Source-Version`` - The version code for the source PO file, + e.g. ``1.2``. + 5. ``Source-Last-Modified`` - The last modification date for the source PO + file, this must be in the format of **YYYYMMDD**, e.g. ``20200704``. + 6. ``Target-Language`` - The target language for this PO file, e.g. ``zh-CN``. + 7. ``Target-Version`` - The version code for the target PO file, + e.g. ``1.2.1``. (Note that it should be a subversion of ``Source-Version``, + please refer to the note below.) + 8. ``Target-Last-Modified`` - The last modification date for this PO file, this + must be in the format of **YYYYMMDD**, ``20200704``. + 9. ``"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"`` is needed to remove warnings + during PO file validation. Your contribution should be in UTF-8 anyways. + + +Please note that: + + - For dates, ``YYYY`` is the 4-digit year, ``MM`` is the 2-digit month, + and ``DD`` is the 2-digit day. + - The ``Source-Version`` should follow the format of ``x.y``, where ``x`` and + ``y`` are both integers. Increase in ``x`` indicates a major structure + change, e.g. adding or removing a paragraph. Increase in ``y`` indicates a + minor change, e.g. a spelling mistake. Note that ``x`` and ``y`` can have + multiple digits, e.g. ``1.12``. ``y`` should start at 0. + - The ``Target-Version`` should also follow the format of ``x.y.z``. ``x`` and + ``y`` should follow the ``x`` and ``y`` in ``Original-Version``. ``z`` should + start at 0. It should be incremented before pushing the updated PO file to the + main repository. ``z`` should be reset to 0, if a new ``Source-Version`` is + released. + +The metadata should be stored as ``msgstr`` for an empty ``msgid``. It +should look like this: + + msgid "" + msgstr "" + "FAH-Translate-Schema-Version: 1.0\n" + "URL: https://foldingathome.org/diseases/\n" + "Source-Language: en-US\n" + "Source-Version: 1.0\n" + "Source-Last-Modified: 20200705\n" + "Target-Language: zh-CN\n" + "Target-Version: 1.0.0\n" + "Target-Last-Modified: 20200706\n" + "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" + +Please note that PO file editors may add their own fields. This is totally okay. + +### How do I add a PO file? +It's awesome that you're eager to do more translations. For now, however, we don't have an established process yet to add new pages to the translation effort. We have to be careful with how we define the message IDs to ensure that they will later work correctly with our translation system. The translation coordination team will add more files as our processes mature and become more stable. -1. https://foldingathome.org -2. https://foldingathome.org/about/ -3. https://foldingathome.org/start-folding/ -4. https://foldingathome.org/diseases/ -5. https://foldingathome.org/statistics/ +### Translation style guide +Please also check out the [Wiki](https://github.com/FoldingCommunity/Translate/wiki) +for the translation style guide. Please feel free to contribute to the Wiki. -We will add more pages as we go on. Please look out for the announcements. +We will be adding more examples as translation progress. -## Coordination +### Coordination There are languages with multiple translators, please organise a team amongst yourself. Please feel free to use the Folding@home Dev Discord server, or other communication methods your translation team is comfortable with. @@ -47,56 +147,19 @@ some general guidelines and we would highly recommend joining the development Discord server to easily coordinate with the other translators (and to avoid working on the same things). -## How do we translate? -So far we have extracted text blocks and created yaml files in -[Localization/en-US](Localization/en-US). Please copy the yaml in your -language's folder, edit the ``language`` code in the yaml file, and -translate the text between the quotation marks -(e.g. `` " These are the text that need to be translated " ``). - -These are the points you have to follow: - 1. use your favourite text editor to make the edit. On Windows, you could -use [Notepad++](https://notepad-plus-plus.org/) or -[Atom](https://atom.io/). - - 2. stick to the format, this will help with the automated webpage generation -in the later stage. - - 3. parse your yaml files through a yaml verifier, e.g. -[YAML Lint](http://www.yamllint.com/) or -[onlineyamltools](https://onlineyamltools.com/validate-yaml) before commiting. +## Todo for developers +For this respository, we urgently need followings: - 4. **Set your encoding to UTF-8, this is important!** +- [ ] PO file verification as a Github action -### Why are we using YAML? -We use YAML because it enables automation. The idea is that one of us will be -writing a Wordpress blog post generator, which takes in YAML files, and generates -Wordpress blog posts for Folding@home website. - -We believe that YAML files are quite easy for non-programmers to read and edit, -so even if we don't manage to create a blog post generator, it should not be -too difficult to manually copy and paste the content from YAML files and -create blog posts manually. The structure of the YAML file serve as a metadata -to guide the webmasters at editing languages which they might not understand. - -### Translation style guide -Please also check out the [Wiki](https://github.com/FoldingCommunity/Translate/wiki) -for the translation style guide. Please feel free to contribute to the Wiki. - -### Examples: - -- [Localization/de-DE/about.yaml](Localization/de-DE/about.yaml) -is the German translation for -[Localization/en-US/about.yaml](Localization/en-US/about.yaml) -- [Localization/fr-FR/about.yaml](Localization/fr-FR/about.yaml) -is the French translation for -[Localization/en-US/about.yaml](Localization/en-US/about.yaml) - -We will be adding more examples as translation progress. +Other development tasks include: +- [ ] A proper PO file generator +- [ ] PO file to HTML converter. ## What if I need help? Please feel free to open an Github issue, and tag -[fangfufu](https://github.com/fangfufu/), +[Fufu (fangfufu)](https://github.com/fangfufu/), +[Till Helge (Tar-Minyatur)](https://github.com/Tar-Minyatur), [ReadyPlayerEmma](https://github.com/ReadyPlayerEmma) and/or [Antonthynell](https://github.com/Antonthynell). Alternatively, you could diff --git a/validate_yaml.py b/validate_yaml.py deleted file mode 100755 index 911ddbe1..00000000 --- a/validate_yaml.py +++ /dev/null @@ -1,58 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env python3 - -import fnmatch -import yaml -import traceback -import os - - -def find(pattern, path): - result = [] - for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): - for name in files: - if fnmatch.fnmatch(name, pattern): - result.append(os.path.join(root, name)) - return result - - -# eg: Localization/en-US/statistics.yaml -def path_to_language(file): - (head, tail) = os.path.split(file) - (head, tail) = os.path.split(head) - return tail - - -def filename_is(path, filename): - (head, tail) = os.path.split(path) - return tail == filename - - -def ensure_schema(translation, path): - keys = ["url", "language", "text", "title"] - - for key in keys: - if key not in translation: - raise Exception("Missing '%s' key in %s" % (key, path)) - - -def ensure_language(translation, path): - expected_language = path_to_language(path) - if translation["language"] != expected_language: - raise Exception( - "%s was expected to be in language %s, but instead was %s" % - (path, expected_language, translation["language"])) - - -exit_code = 0 -for path in find("*.yaml", "Localization"): - with open(path) as f: - print("Validating", path) - try: - translation = yaml.safe_load(f) - ensure_schema(translation, path) - ensure_language(translation, path) - except Exception as e: - exit_code = 1 - traceback.print_exc() - -exit(exit_code)