A Flutter plugin for prompting and help users to upgrade when there is a newer version of this app in the app store or server repository.
This is an developing plugin. The plugin's API maybe has breaking changes. Please use with caution or continuous attention updates.
- Overview
- Platform Support
- How it work?
- Getting Started
- Basic Concepts
- Custom View
- Core API Reference
- License
This plugin has the following functions:
- Check for whether has a newer app version
- When a newer app version is available in the app store, notify user to update.
- When a newer app version is available in custom app version management server, download and install it.
With today's modern app stores, there is little need to persuade users to upgrade because most are already using the auto upgrade feature. However, there may be times when an app needs to be updated more quickly than usual, and nagging a user to upgrade will entice the upgrade sooner.
Also, Flutter supported more than just Android and iOS platforms that doesn't has the dominant app store, like macOS, linux and windows, need to handle distribution and upgrade ourselves.
Platform | Open App Store | Download/Install Installer | Third-party App Store |
iOS | ✅Yes | ❌No | |
android | ✅Yes | ✅Yes | Google Play, 酷安, 应用宝, 百度手机助手, 360手机助手, 豌豆荚 |
macOS | ✅Yes | ✅Yes | |
linux | ❌No | ✅Yes | |
windows | ❌No | ✅Yes |
You should supply a server that offer App Version Config File lookup and install files download services.
Example server at Upgrade Server.
add this code in pubspec.yaml
upgrade: last version
- Create
, and add below content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<files-path name="files" path="." />
<cache-path name="cache" path="." />
<external-path name="external" path="." />
<external-cache-path name="cache" path="." />
<external-files-path name="files" path="." />
- Add below attributes in
<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="your.package">
<!--other attributes-->
<!--(if you want to upload google store,can not add this permission)-->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<!--other attributes-->
You should set below attributes in *.entitlements
<!--other attributes-->
3. Create Version Config File at local to mark current app's version.
Example at AppcastItem.
void main() {
url: '', // upgrade server url
currentVersionPath: '',
runApp(const MyApp());
how to use? see UpgradeManager
// Download if need
// Install
An Array of AppcastItem. will select the best one as the latest version.
Name | Type | Description |
release_notes | dynamic | Any types, all data will pass to CustomUpgradeDialog completely. |
date | DateTime? | The appcast's release date. |
version | String | Object | The semantic Versioning spec at https://semver.org/, must be a string same with the spec or an object like Version Object |
display_version_string | String? | Custom display version string, If you don't like version' string |
os | ios | android | macos | linux | windows | Enum, must one of ios | android | macos | linux | windows, the appcast only used in the os |
minimum_system_version | String? | Not implementation yet |
maximum_system_version | String? | Not implementation yet |
installers | Array<Map<String, dynamic>> | The appcast's installers. Execute in sequence, one execution fails to select the next, see Installer |
Appcast config file example as below:
/// version.json
"name": "Flutter-InAppUpgrade",
"description": "this is Flutter-InAppUpgrade local example app",
"release_notes": "\n1. \n2. \n3.",
"version": "0.3.1-beta+20130313144700",
"os": "macos",
"installers": [{
"initializer": "macos_app_store",
"app_id": "1233593954"
}, {
"initializer": "file",
"file_url": "http://localhost:8000/download/flutter-inappupgrade-v0.3.2-beta.dmg"
"name": "Flutter-InAppUpgrade",
"description": "this is Flutter-InAppUpgrade local example app",
"release_notes": "\n1. \n2. \n3.",
"version": "0.3.1-beta+20130313144700",
"os": "ios",
"installers": [{
"initializer": "ios_app_store",
"app_id": "",
"in_app": false
"name": "Flutter-InAppUpgrade",
"description": "this is Flutter-InAppUpgrade local example app",
"release_notes": "\n1. \n2. \n3.",
"version": "0.3.1-beta+20130313144700",
"os": "android",
"installers": [{
"initializer": "android_app_market",
"market": "official"
major, minor, patch at least one must be greater than 0
Name | ||
major | required | Int, greater than 0 |
minor | required | Int, greater than 0 |
patch | required | Int, greater than 0 |
pre_release | optional | Array, and each item may only contain [0-9A-Za-z-] |
build | optional | String, must contain only [0-9A-Za-z-.] |
Plugin's state, will auto update when state changes.
Name | Description |
loadingLocalConfig | Plugin's state will be loadingLocalConfig when init() load local version config file |
idle | Plugin's state will be idle when init() finished, Initial state |
checking | Plugin's state will be checking when calling checkForUpdates() |
available | Plugin's state will be available when has newer version after checkForUpdates() |
upToDate | Plugin's state will be upToDate when no newer version after checkForUpdates() |
downloading | Plugin's state will be downloading when downloading install file |
readyToInstall | Plugin's state will be readToInstall when downloaded install file |
installing | Plugin's state will be installing when install download file or open app store |
error | Plugin's state will be error when catch error |
dismissed | Plugin's state will be dismissed when call dismiss() |
Appcast's installer, specifies how to install update.
Download install file and install it.
"identifier": "file", // must
"file_url": "", // parameter, where to download
"close_on_installing": true, // parameter, default is true, If if ture, will close app when installing.
Download android apk and install it.
Don't use file installer, it does not work because of system limitations.
"identifier": "android_apk", // must
"file_url": "", // parameter, where to download
open android app market.
"identifier": "android_app_market", // must
"market": "official | google_play | cool | tencent | baidu | 360 | wandoujia", // enum, app market
open ios app store.
"identifier": "ios_app_store", // must
"app_id": "", // parameter, app id
"in_app": false, // parameter, default is false, If ture, will open app store in app.
open macos app store.
"identifier": "macos_app_store", // must
"app_id" "", // parameter, app id
If system installers cannot meet your requirements. you can define your custom installer like below:
/// custom installer define file.
class CustomInstallerInitializer extends InstallInitializer {
String get identifier => "custom installer identifer, unique";
Installer init({
required UpgradeStateChangeNotifier state,
required Map<String, dynamic> data,
}) {
return CustomInstaller(
state: state,
param: data['param'],
class CustomInstaller extends Installer {
var param;
required super.state,
required this.param,
}) : super.init();
bool hasDownload() => true;
void download({
String? url,
File? file,
void Function(int received, int total, bool failed)? onReceiveProgress,
void Function()? onDone,
}) async {
/// How to download, can empty if has download is false.
Future<bool> install() async {
/// How to install.
url: "",
currentVersionPath: "",
customInstallInitializers: const [
If you want build some UI view rely on Upgrade state, you can use CustomUpgradeView widget.
The widget will pass plugin's all state to you, and responsively.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return CustomUpgradeView(
builder: (context, state) {
return Text("implement your widget");
There are two convenient widgets of CustomUpgradeView:
The widget will pass #UpgradeStatus to you, it is convenient for you to create components that prompt the user for changes in upgrage state.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return CustomUpgradeStatusIndicator(
builder: (context, status) {
return Text(status.toString());
The widget will pass latest AppcastItem's releaseNotes, it is convenient for you to create dialog that prompt the user about what's update.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return CustomUpgradeDialog(
builder: (context, releaseNotes) {
return Text(releaseNotes.toString());
Plugin's core class, manage app's upgrade.
UpgradeStatus staus;
Plugin's state, see UpgradeStatus
AppcastItem? current;
App's current version, see Appcast, AppcastItem.
AppcastItem? latest;
App's latest version, see Appcast, AppcastItem.
Installer? installer;
Current Installer.
void UpgradeManager.instance.init({
required String url,
required String currentVersionPath,
List<InstallInitializer> customInstallInitializers = const [],
bool crashIfNoLegalConfigFile = false,
Init UpgradeManger.
- url: A URL used to detect if there is a new version of the app.
- currentVersionPath: A config file path that mark current version, see Appcast, Create Version Config File at Local.
- customInstallInitializers: custom InstallInitializer, see Custom Installers.
- crashIfNoLegalConfigFile: Whether crash if no legal config file in local, default is false.
void UpgradeManager.instance.checkForUpdates()
Check for updates.
void UpgradeManager.instance.download({
String? url,
File? file,
void Function(int received, int total, bool failed)? onReceiveProgress,
void Function()? onDone,
Download install file, if has new version.
- url: A URL to download install file. if null, it will try to download from file installer's
. - file: Where the downloaded file is stored, If null, will store at Temporary Directory.
- onReceiveProgress: Download progress.
- onDone: call on download finish.
Future<bool> UpgradeManager.instance.install();
Install from current installer, will return install success or failure.
bool UpgradeManager.instance.nextInstaller();
If install failure, you can call nextInstaller()
to change to next installer, and then call install()
to install it.