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I figured it out.

First, you can create a method which will generate a new instance of MatomoTracker:

Future<MatomoTracker> createTracker(int siteId, String url) async {
  MatomoTracker tracker = MatomoTracker();
  await tracker.initialize(siteId: siteId, url: url);
  return tracker;

Next, whenever you want to change siteId and url, just call the createTracker function with the new siteId and url:

// Initialize a tracker for siteId 1
MatomoTracker tracker = await createTracker(1, '');

// ... Do tracking for siteId 1 ...

// Create a new tracker for siteId 2
tracker = await createTracker(2, '');

// Now the tracker is set up for siteId 2

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Answer selected by carlosfarfangalindoNL222
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