Allow the user to specify full path to the SARAH installation (suggested by Florian). This will modify the Needs[] command used in all the scripts (createmodel, configure, start.m).
Comming soon.
Currently we're creating the parametr output names from their Mathematica symbols. For example in the MSSM we convert
\[Mu] -> "Mu" B[\[Mu]] -> "BMu"
However, in SARAH the user can chose the output name in the model file via:
{{ Description -> "Mu-parameter", LaTeX -> "\\mu", ... OutputName-> Mu }}, {{ Description -> "Bmu-parameter", LaTeX -> "B_{\\mu}", ... OutputName-> Bmu }},
We should use the user-defined output name, i.e.
\[Mu] -> "Mu" B[\[Mu]] -> "Bmu"
Jae-hyeon proposed the following: FS could provide a function which returns a list of (mass ordered) particles and their properies (R-parity, Hypercharge, ...). From this list a user can easily extract for example the LSP (which would be the first particle in the list with R-charge -1) or the weakly interacting particles etc.
In the E6SSM for example the VEV running from MZ to MX can become non-perturbative. A user interface for disabling the running of some parameters between some scales might be useful here. Maybe like this:
DisableRGRunning = { {vu, LowScale, HighScale}, {vd, LowScale, HighScale} };
The FS<model>CalculateSpectrum[handle] function could be extended to output the masses, mixing matrices and parameters in SLHA-2 convention. A possible user interface could be:
FS<model>CalculateSpectrum[handle, Convention -> HK] FS<model>CalculateSpectrum[handle, Convention -> SLHA]