Name | Type | Description | Notes |
state | String | State of the assignment | [optional] |
title | String | Title of the assignment | [optional] |
classroom | String | The unique identifier of the class where this assignment was posted | [optional] |
description | String | Description and content of the assignment | [optional] |
attachments | [MediaAttachment] | [optional] | |
submissions | [AssignmentSubmission] | [optional] | |
creator | String | The User unique identifier of the creator of this assignment | [optional] |
creationDate | Date | The creation date of this assignment | [optional] |
scheduledDate | Date | The publication (scheduled) date of the assignment. If this one is specified, the assignment will only be listed to the teachers of the class. | [optional] |
dueDate | Date | The due date of this assignment, late submissions will be marked as paste due. | [optional] |
googleClassroom | GoogleClassroomCoursework | [optional] |
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