There are several ways you can contribute to Jaybird or Firebird in general:
- Participate on the mailing lists (see
- Report bugs or submit patches on the tracker (see below)
- Create pull requests on GitHub (
- Become a developer (for Jaybird contact us on firebird-java, for Firebird in general, use firebird-devel)
- Donate to the Firebird Foundation (see
- Become a paying member or sponsor of the Firebird Foundation (see
The developers follow the [email protected] list. Join the list and post information about suspected bugs. List members may be able to help out to determine if it is an actual bug, provide a workaround and get you going again, whereas bug fixes might take a while.
You can report bugs in the Firebird bug tracker,
When reporting bugs, please provide a minimal, but complete reproduction, including databases and sourcecode to reproduce the problem. Patches to fix bugs are also appreciated. Make sure the patch is against a recent master version of the code. You can also fork the jaybird repository and create pull requests.