name | desc |
HpBonus | Unit is granted HP +5. |
StrBonus | Unit is granted STR +2. |
MagBonus | Unit is granted MAG +2. |
SklBonus | Unit is granted SKL +2. |
SpdBonus | Unit is granted SPD +2. |
LckBonus | Unit is granted LUCK +2. |
DefBonus | Unit is granted DEF +2. |
ResBonus | Unit is granted RES +2. |
MovBonus | Unit is granted MOV +2. |
Resolve | When HP < 50%, STR/SKL/SPD +50% bonus. |
DefiantStr | STR +7 if HP < 25% |
DefiantMag | MAG +7 if HP < 25% |
DefiantSkl | SKL +7 if HP < 25% |
DefiantSpd | SPD +7 if HP < 25% |
DefiantLck | LUCK +7 if HP < 25% |
DefiantDef | DEF +7 if HP < 25% |
DefiantRes | RES +7 if HP < 25% |
DefiantCrit | Crit Rate +50%, if HP < 25%. |
DefiantAvoid | Avoid Rate +30%, if HP < 25%. |
PushDefense | +5 DEF if HP is full. |
PushMagic | +5 MAG if HP is full. |
PushResistance | +5 RES when HP is full. |
PushSkill | +5 SKL if HP is full. |
PushSpeed | +5 SPD if HP is full. |
PushStrength | +5 STR if HP is full. |
PushLuck | +5 LUCK if HP is full. |
PushSpectrum | +5 to all stats if HP is full. |
Fury | All stats +3, HP -6 after combat. |
FuryPlus | All stats +4, HP -8 after combat. |
FortressDef | STR/MAG -3, DEF +5. |
FortressRes | STR/MAG -3, RES +5. |
LifeAndDeath | For both unit and enemy, STR/MAG +5, DEF/RES -5. |
Leader | Unit grants leadership +2 |
Resourceful | Double bonus effectiveness multipliers. |
Nihil | Negates enemy's combat-related skills. |
CritSword | Crit rate +10%, if a Sword is equipped. |
CritAxe | Crit rate +10%, if an Axe is equipped. |
CritLance | Crit rate +10%, if a Lance is equipped. |
CritBow | Crit rate +10%, if a Bow is equipped. |
FaireSword | Atk +5 if unit equips a Sword. |
FaireLance | Atk +5 if unit equips a Lance. |
FaireAxe | Atk +5 if unit equips an Axe. |
FaireBow | Atk +5 if unit equips a Bow. |
FaireBMag | Atk +5 if unit equips B.Mag. |
FaireAnima | ATK +5 if the unit has anima magic equipped. |
FaireLight | ATK +5 if the unit has light magic equipped. |
FaireDark | ATK +5 if the unit has dark magic equipped. |
Avoid | Avoid rate +10%. |
RuinedBlade | Str/Mag-5, Spd+5, increases real damage by 5 in combat. |
HeavyBlade | If unit's attack is higher than foe, critical rate +15%. |
FlashingBlade | If unit's AS is higher than foe, critical rate +15%. |
HeavyBladePlus | Str+5. If unit's attack is higher than foe, critical rate +25%. |
FlashingBladePlus | Dmg+3. If unit's AS is higher than foe, critical rate +25%. |
LunaAttack | Grants real dmg bonus of enemy's DEF / 4. |
SorceryBlade | Target defense is calculated as lower value of DEF or RES. |
Fortune | This unit cannot be crit. |
Frenzy | For every 4 damage taken,+1 to damage dealt. |
WonderGuard | Cannot be damaged by weapons of the same weapon type as the user's. |
Merciless | Guaranteed critical hit against poisoned foes. |
CriticalPierce | Ignore enemy's dodge rate. |
KillingMachine | Double this unit's total crit rate. |
HeavyStrikes | Add weapon weight to critical chance. |
Technician | If the user is holding an E-ranked weapon, boost weapon damage by 50%. |
CatchingUp | If foe doubles unit, increase their attack by the amount they're above the doubling threshold. |
BattleVeteran | Gain +1 damage and +5% Hit per 10 levels unit has. |
ElbowRoom | +3 damage dealt when on open terrain. |
ChaosStyle | +3 AS when using a physical weapon against a magical foe, or vice versa. |
ArcaneBlade | When initiating battle at 1 range: Add 3+(MAG/2) to Hit and Crit |
QuickDraw | +4 Damage when initiating battle. |
KeenFighter | Unit takes 50% damage if the opponent can double. |
Hawkeye | User will always hit the enemy. |
MagicEye | Unit will not lose hit range when attacking from distance |
DragonSkin | Halve damage taken. |
WaterBoost | Grants +6 RES if unit's current HP is at least 3 higher than the enemy's. |
EarthBoost | Grants +6 DEF if unit's current HP is at least 3 higher than the enemy's. |
WindBoost | Grants +6 SPD if unit's current HP is at least 3 higher than the enemy's. |
FireBoost | Grants +6 ATK if unit's current HP is at least 3 higher than the enemy's. |
StoneBody | If the user's CON is greater than the enemy, boost damage by the difference. |
CriticalForce | Base critical is SKL * 1.5. |
Pursuit | When under attack, attack speed +2. |
Patience | When under attack, avoid +10. |
StrongRiposte | When under attack, damage +3. |
Perfectionist | +15 Hit and Avoid when user's HP is at maximum. |
WindDisciple | +10 Hit and Avoid when HP is not at max. |
Pragmatic | When foe is not at full HP, attack +3 and DEF/RES+1. |
Chivalry | When foe is at full HP, attack and DEF/RES +2. |
Charge | +1 damage for every two tiles moved. |
ChargePlus | Apply brave effect if all movement used this turn. |
FieryBlood | +4 strength if HP is not at max. |
Wrath | If current HP is < 50% of max, +20 Crit Rate. |
OutdoorFighter | +10 Hit and Avoid when fighting outdoors. |
KnightAspirant | When above 75% health, +2 damage, +15% avoid. |
Outrider | -1 damage taken and +3% crit per tile moved. |
EvenRhythm | +10 Hit and Avoid on even numbered turns. |
OddRhythm | +10 Hit and Avoid on odd numbered turns. |
Corrosion | Reduce enemy's weapon durability by user's level (Skill % activation). |
NoGuard | Both sides have a 100% chance of hitting. |
Puissance | +3 Attack if the unit's attack is greater than the enemy's. |
Prescience | If initiating at melee range, +15 Hit and Avoid. |
SilentPride | Gain +2 damage and take -2 damage per 25% below max HP. |
RightfulKing | Add +10% to the activation rate of this unit's skills. |
RightfulGod | Add +30% to the activation rate of this unit's skills. |
RightfulArch | Set activation rate of this unit's skills to 100%. |
Hero | If unit's HP < 50%, add +30% to unit's activation skill rate. |
Guts | +5 Attack if afflicted by any status condition. |
StrongCon | +5 Def/Res if afflicted by any status condition. |
SuperLuck | Use Luck as crit rate. |
Spurn | Reduce damage as 4% AS diff (max 40%). Damage +5 for critical atk if unit HP is less than 75% |
Counter | Reflect physical damage dealt at melee range. |
CounterMagic | Reflect magical damage dealt at range. |
BonusDoubler | Grants bonus to unit stats in battle |
BloodSurge | Consumes 5 HP to boost damage by 20% max HP in each round |
SwordBreaker | Hit and Avoid +20% if unit battles a Sword with a Lance. |
AxeBreaker | Hit and Avoid +20% if unit battles an Axe with a Sword. |
LanceBreaker | Hit and Avoid +20% if unit battles a Lance with an Axe. |
BowBreaker | Hit and Avoid +20% if unit battles a Bow with B.mag. |
BMagBreaker | Hit and Avoid +20%. |
Vantage | When unit is defender while their HP is < 50%, attack first. |
Desperation | When unit attacks while their HP < 50%, double attack immediately. |
QuickRiposte | If unit is attacked while their HP > 50%, they attack twice. |
WaryFighter | Prevents follow up attack if unit's HP > 50%. |
DoubleLion | If unit attacks with full HP, bestow Brave effect and lose 1 HP. |
Adept | Allow unit to perform another attack if HP is full. |
GaleWings | When unit is defender while their HP is 100%, attack first. |
Astra | Unit attacks 5 times but damage is halved. (SPD % activation). |
Aegis | Nullify a magic attack. (Skill % activation). |
Pavise | Nullify a physical attack. (Skill % activation). |
Bane | Leave the opponent at 1 HP (Skill % activation). |
Mercy | Leave the opponent at 1 HP if the attack would kill. (Skill % activation). |
Aether | Negate 80% of enemy defenses and absorb HP. (Skill % activation). |
Corona | Negate enemy resistance. (Skill % activation). |
Luna | Negates enemy defense. (Skill % activation). |
Flare | Halve enemy resistance. (Skill % activation). |
Sol | Restore damage dealt as HP. (Skill % activation). |
DragonFang | Damage +50%. (Skill % activation). |
Foresight | Avoid the damage from enemy Critical Hits and Skill Activations. |
Colossus | Damage +200%. (Skill % activation). |
Ignis | Add DEF/2 or RES/2 to attack based on weapon type (Skill % activation). |
Impale | Damage +300%. (Skill % activation). |
Glacies | Add unit resistance to damage dealt. (Skill % activation). |
Vengeance | Add damage taken to attack. (Skill % activation). |
Deadeye | Doubles hit rate and inflict sleep. (Skill % activation). |
AxeFaith | When attacking with an Axe, hit + attack%. (Attack % activation). |
DivinePulse | Turn a missed attack into a hit (30% + Luck % activation). |
BlowDarting | If unit initiates combat, grants +6 AS during combat. |
BlowDeath | If unit initiates combat, grants +6 STR during combat. |
BlowArmored | If unit initiates combat, grants +6 DEF during combat. |
BlowFiendish | If unit initiates combat, grants +6 MAG during combat. |
BlowWarding | If unit initiates combat, grants +6 RES during combat. |
BlowDuelist | If unit initiates combat, grants +20 Avoid during combat. |
BlowUncanny | If unit initiates combat, grants +30 Hit during combat. |
BlowKilling | If unit initiates combat, grants +20 Crit during combat. |
StanceBracing | Grants +4 DEF and RES if attacked. |
StanceDarting | Grants +6 AS if attacked. |
StanceFierce | Grants +6 ATK if attacked. |
StanceKestrel | Grants +4 ATK and AS if attacked. |
StanceMirror | Grants +4 ATK and RES if attacked. |
StanceReady | Grants +4 AS and DEF if attacked. |
StanceSteady | Grants +6 DEF if attacked. |
StanceSturdy | Grants +4 ATK and DEF if attacked. |
StanceSwift | Grants +4 AS and RES if attacked. |
StanceWarding | Grants +6 RES if attacked. |
StanceSpectrum | Grants +2 ATK, SPD, DEF and RES if attacked. |
RangeBonusBMag1 | Increases black magic range by 1 |
RangeBonusBMag2 | Increases black magic range by 2 |
RangeBonusBow1 | Increases bow range by 1 |
RangeBonusBow2 | Increases bow range by 2 |
RunningStart | +1 attack range for every two tiles moved. |
BattleRange_Todo1 | ATK +10 if no ally with 3 tiles. |
BattleRange_Todo2 | ATK +7 if no ally with 2 tiles. |
BattleRange_Todo3 | ATK +5 if no ally with 1 tiles. |
Canto | Unit can move again after combat. |
CantoPlus | Unit can move again. |
Galeforce | Move again after attacking and defeating an enemy. (Skill % activation) |
AlertStance | If unit takes no action except Wait, grants Avoid +15%. |
AlertStancePlus | If unit takes no action except Wait, grants Avoid +30%. |
SavageBlow | After attacking, enemies within 2 tiles take 20% damage. |
BreathOfLife | After attacking, allies in 2 tiles heal for 20% their max HP. |
Thunderstorm | Call thunder-storm with AOE damage on emey when attacking from distance. |
PosReturn | If the enemy is defeated, you can return to your starting position. |
Lunge | Swap positions with the enemy after attacking them. |
PowerStaff | Gain another action after using a staff. |
SoulSap | At the end of this unit's action, drain up to 10% HP from each enemy within two tiles for healing. |
Renewal | Restore 30% of max HP at the start of each turn. |
Imbue | Recover HP equal to MAG at the start of each turn. |
Forager | Recover 20% HP each turn if on a Plain, Forest or Mountain. |
Relief | Restore 20% of max HP at the start of turn, if there are no allies within 2 tiles. |
Camaraderie | Restore 10% of max HP at the start of turn, if there are allies within 2 tiles. |
Anathema | -10 Avoid/Dodge to all enemies within 3 tiles. |
Bond | +10 Hit, +3 damage to all allies within 3 tiles. |
Charm | Allies within 2 tiles deal +3 attack. |
Intimidate | -10 Avoid to all enemies within 2 tiles. |
Tantivy | +10 Hit/Avoid if there are no allies within 3 tiles. |
Focus | +10 Crit if there are no allies within 3 tiles. |
Hex | -15 Avoid to all adjacent enemies. |
Infiltrator | If within 2 spaces of two or more enemies, gain +3 damage and +15% Hit. |
Inspiration | Allies within 2 tiles deal +2 damage and receive -2 damage. |
DivinelyInspiring | Adjacent allies deal +3 damage and receive -1 damage. |
VoiceOfPeace | Enemies within 2 tiles deal -2 damage. |
Peacebringer | Allies and enemies within 2 tiles deal -2 damage. |
BloodTide | Grants +5 ATK and Hit to adjacent allies. |
WhitePool | Grants +5 ATK and AS to adjacent allies. |
NightTide | Grants +5 DEF and RES to adjacent allies. |
DriveStr | Allies within 2 tiles receive +4 STR. |
DriveMag | Allies within 2 tiles receive +4 MAG. |
DriveDef | Allies within 2 tiles receive +4 DEF. |
DriveRes | Allies within 2 tiles receive +4 RES. |
DriveSpd | Allies within 2 tiles receive +4 SPD. |
Charisma | Grants +10 Hit/Avoid to all allies within three tiles. |
Gentilhomme | Female allies within 2 tiles receive -2 damage. |
Demoiselle | Male allies within 2 tiles receive -2 damage. |
LilysPoise | Adjacent allies deal +1 damage and receive -3 damage. |
Daunt | -5 Hit and Crit to all enemy units in a 3-tile radius. |
SpurStr | Adjacent allies gain +4 STR. |
SpurMag | Adjacent allies gain +4 MAG. |
SpurDef | Adjacent allies gain +4 DEF. |
SpurRes | Adjacent allies gain +4 RES. |
SpurSpd | Adjacent allies gain +4 SPD. |
Solidarity | +10 Crit and Crit Avoid to adjacent allies. |
MaleficAura | Enemies within 2 tiles receive +2 magic damage. |
ChillPow | Enemy with the highest STR get STR-7 until next action |
ChillMag | Enemy with the highest MAG get MAG-7 until next action |
ChillSkl | Enemy with the highest SKL get SKL-7 until next action |
ChillSpd | Enemy with the highest SPD get SPD-7 until next action |
ChillLck | Enemy with the highest LCK get LCK-7 until next action |
ChillDef | Enemy with the highest DEF get DEF-7 until next action |
ChillRes | Enemy with the highest RES get RES-7 until next action |
PowHone | Grants allies in 2x2 +4 STR for one turn during the start of each turn. |
MagHone | Grants allies in 2x2 +4 MAG for one turn during the start of each turn. |
SklHone | Grants allies in 2x2 +4 SKL for one turn during the start of each turn. |
SpdHone | Grants allies in 2x2 +4 SPD for one turn during the start of each turn. |
LckHone | Grants allies in 2x2 +4 LUCK for one turn during the start of each turn. |
DefHone | Grants allies in 2x2 +4 DEF for one turn during the start of each turn. |
ResHone | Grants allies in 2x2 Res+4 for one turn during the start of each turn. |
MovHone | Grants allies in 2x2 +4 MOV for one turn during the start of each turn. |
Blossom | 2x growth rates, but 1/2 EXP gain. |
Paragon | Experience gained is doubled. |
VoidCurse | This unit gives no experience when defeated. |
Aptitude | +20% to all growth rates. |
LEGEND_InoriAtk | (once per chapter) If attacked to 0 HP, unit will survive and receive +10 ATK, Crit +100% |
LEGEND_InoriAvo | (once per chapter) If attacked to 0 HP, unit will survive and receive +10 SPD, AVO +100% |
LEGEND_InoriDef | (once per chapter) If attacked to 0 HP, unit will survive, recover HP and receive +10 DEF/RES. |
Assist | +5 damage dealt on assistance of allies' combo-attack |
Synergism | Allies +3 damage dealt on assistance on combo-attack |
Pass | If HP more than 25% unit can move through foes' spaces. |
Obstruct | If HP more than 50%, foes cannot move through adjacent to unit. (Null on Pass skill) |
Aerobatics | Non-flier allies can provides 2 additional movement for the unit |
FlierGuidance | Provide 3 additional movement for flier allies |
HealingFocus | Art: Unit recovers 50% HP. |
Teleportation | Allows unit to teleport before attack if unit have more than 50% HP. |
Swarp | Swap positions with a distant ally. |
name | desc |
RuinedBladePlus | Spd +5, deal real damage +5, battle hit +1 but cannot crit. |
COMBAT_Grounder | Unit get combat-art: Grounder |
COMBAT_BaneOfMonsters | Unit get combat-art: B-Monster |
COMBAT_Hexblade | Unit get combat-art: Hexblade |
COMBAT_FoudroyantStrike | Unit get combat-art: Foudroyant |
COMBAT_TempestLance | Unit get combat-art: Tempest |
COMBAT_SwiftStrikes | Unit get combat-art: Swift Strike |
COMBAT_FrozenLance | Unit get combat-art: Frozen |
COMBAT_Vengeance | Unit get combat-art: Vengeance |
COMBAT_HelmSplitter | Unit get combat-art: HelmSplit |
COMBAT_LightningAxe | Unit get combat-art: Lightning |
COMBAT_WarMasterStrike | Unit get combat-art: W-M Strike |
COMBAT_CurvedShot | Unit get combat-art: Curve Shot |
COMBAT_Deadeye | Unit get combat-art: Dead Eye |
COMBAT_Encloser | Unit get combat-art: Encloser |
COMBAT_EncloserPlus | Unit get combat-art: Encloser+ |
COMBAT_MonsterBlast | Unit get combat-art: M-Blast |
COMBAT_SchismShot | Unit get combat-art: Schism Shot |
COMBAT_BreakShot | Unit get combat-art: Break Shot |
COMBAT_BreakShotPlus | Unit get combat-art: Break Shot+ |
COMBAT_WaningShot | Unit get combat-art: Waning Shot |
COMBAT_WaningShotPlus | Unit get combat-art: Waning Shot+ |
COMBAT_HuntersVolley | Unit get combat-art: H-Volley |
name | desc |
GreatShield | Nullify all attacks. (Skill % activation). |
HoneCavalry | Grants Cavalry allies in 2x2 +6 ATK/SPD at the start of each turn. |
HoneFlier | Grants Flier allies in 2x2 +6 ATK/SPD at the start of each turn. |
HoneArmor | Grants Armor allies in 2x2 +6 ATK/SPD at the start of each turn. |
FortifyArmor | Grants Armor allies in 2x2 +6 LCK/DEF/RES at the start of each turn. |
Skyguard | +4 Defense against flying enemies if within 3 spaces of an ally flier. |
Horseguard | +4 Defense against horseback enemies if within 3 spaces of an ally horse rider. |
Armorboost | +4 ATK/DEF against armored enemies if within 3 spaces of an armored ally. |
Shade | Enemies are less likely to target this unit. |
ShadePlus | Enemies won't target this unit. |
Provoke | Enemies are more likely to target this unit. |
Lethality | Unit may instantly kill enemy with a critical attack. (Skill % activation). |
Crit | Crit rate +15%. |
InfinityEdge | Critical attacks damage +100%. |
SureShot | 100% hit rate, damage +50%. (Skill % activation). |
WatchfulEye | Hit rate +20%. |
AversaNight | If enemy's HP < unit's HP -3 and have allies in 2x2, inflicts ATK/SPD/DEF/RES -3 and inflict Panic. |
Inori | Unit may not die if attacked to 0 HP (Luck % activation). |
Armsthrift | A weapon use is not consumed. (Skill % activation). |
Synchronize | Copy status of unit to target. Allies only get buffs, and vice-versa. |
PoisonPoint | Inflict poison on the opponent. |
PushMovement | +5 MOV if HP is full. |
LightWeight | If unit has 3 or less items, +3 speed. |
Analytic | +10 ATK if SPD is less than enemy's by 4 or more. If between 1-3, then +5 ATK. |
Lifetaker | Restore up to 25% current HP after attacking and defeating an enemy. |
Tsuzuku | Gain an additional action at the end of this unit's turn (Skill % activation). |
MysticBoost | Disables foe's skills as "calculate on lower def/res for damage". Restores 6 HP after combat. |
GuardBearing | During first combat in enemy phase, if attacked, reduces 50 %damage from foe's first attack. |
YuneWhispers | At start of turn, put ATK/SPD -6 to enemy who's RES is 3 less than unit's |
CounterRoar | Reduce 30% damage for fist attack from foe, and 70% damage for the next attacks. |
Gambit | Reduce 50% damage on critical attack from the foe in melee. |
MagicGambit | Reduce 50% damage on critical attack from the foe at 2+ ranges. |
BeastAssault | Reduce 40% damage on non-critical attack |
LightAndDark | Inflicts Atk/Spd/ Def/Res-5 on foe, neutralizes unit's penalties and foe's bonuses in battle |
Bushido | Reduce damage as 4% AS diff (max 40%). Damage +7 |
DragonWall | Reduce damage as 4% RES diff (max 40%). |
DragonWarth | Damage -20% of the first attack from the foe and attack+20% on first own attack |
BlueLionRule | Reduce damage as 4% DEF diff (max 40%). |
FaerghusAncestry | Weapon damage doubled, weapon consumption doubled |
CrusaderWard | Reduces damage from foe's second ranged attack onward by 80% |
Plus | At the start of the turn, +4 to all combat stats for adjacent allies that have the 'Minus' skill. |
Minus | At the start of the turn, +4 to all combat stats for adjacent allies that have the 'Plus' skill. |
VengefulFighter | If HP is higher than 50% Always attack twice when under attack. |
LuckySeven | Apply a fresh +7 stat bonus on each subsequent turn. |
EvenFooted | +1 MOV on even numbered turns. |
OddFooted | +1 MOV on odd numbered turns. |
Slayer | Deal effective damage to monster units. |
Skybreaker | Deal effective damage to flying units. |
Nullify | Unit is protected from all effective attacks. |
Vigilance | Gain +20 Avoid. |
AvoidSword | Grants avoid rate +20% if unit equips a Sword. |
Vanity | Gain +2 Damage and +10 Hit when fighting enemy at 2 range. |
ShortShield | Gain 6 Defense against attacks recieved in melee. |
Opportunist | +4 damage if the foe cannot counter. |
TowerShield | Gain 6 Defense against attacks received at range. |
StunningSmile | If foe is male, inflicts -20 Avoid on that foe during combat. |
Trample | +5 damage to unmounted units. |
Loyalty | When within 2 spaces of a Lord, -3 damage taken, +15% Hit. |
HolyAura | Gain +1 damage, +5% Hit, +5% Avoid, +5% Crit when using Light. |
BlueFlame | Attack +2 to this unit. When adjacent to an ally with this skill, gain Attack +2. |
DancingBlade | +4 Attack Speed/-2 Damage when unit's CON. is lower than the enemy. |
QuickBurn | +15 Hit and Avoid. This bonus decreases each turn. |
SlowBurn | +1 Hit and Avoid for each passing turn, up to 15. |
NaturalCover | -3 damage taken when on terrain with effects. |
RecklessFighter | If HP is higher than 50% Both sides always attack twice. |
BoldFighter | If HP is higher than 50% Always attack twice when attacking. |
Dazzle | Enemy cannot counterattack this unit. |
BidingBlow | Attack twice if the enemy cannot counterattack. |
Discipline | Weapon experience gains are doubled for this unit. |
AdvantageChaser | Unit always doubles if they have Weapon Triangle Advantage. |
Nonconforming | Invert the effect of the weapon triangle for both units in battle. |
Moonlight | This unit cannot double, but the enemy cannot counterattack. |
Multiscale | Halve damage taken if the user is at full HP. |
PridefulWarrior | Unit always attacks last in the round, but always doubles. |
MageSlayer | +2 damage and +10% crit against magical enemies. |
TriangleAdept | Doubles weapon triangle effects for this unit. |
TriangleAdeptPlus | Doubles weapon triangle effects for both units. |
TowerShieldPlus | Take no damage from attacks received at range. |
PoisonStrike | If user initiated combat, deal up to 20% of enemy's current HP in damage. |
GrislyWound | Deal up to 20% of the enemy's current HP in damage, after combat. |
Poise | +1 MOV. Negates enemy weapon triangle advantage. |
Enrage | Inflict Berserk on the opponent. (Skill % activation). |
Petrify | Inflict stone on the opponent. (Skill % activation). |
Amaterasu | Allies within 2 tiles recover 20% HP each turn. |
AirRaidAttack | When standing on a tile the enemy cannot enter, ATK + 5. |
AirRaidAvoid | When standing on a tile the enemy cannot enter, AVO + 15. |
AirRaidCrit | When standing on a tile the enemy cannot enter, CRT + 5. |
AirRaidDefense | When standing on a tile the enemy cannot enter, DEF + 5. |
AirRaidHit | When standing on a tile the enemy cannot enter, HIT + 15. |
AirRaidResistance | When standing on a tile the enemy cannot enter, RES + 5. |
AirRaidSpeed | When standing on a tile the enemy cannot enter, SPD + 5. |
Pickup | Obtain the last item in the enemy's inventory after attacking and killing them. (Luck % activation) |
IndoorMarch | +2 MOV at the start of the turn, if the unit is on indoor terrain. |
NatureRush | +2 MOV at the start of the turn, if the unit is on outdoor terrain. |
Expertise | Halve damage taken from critical hits. |
PassionsFlow | Unit doubles if currently gaining support bonuses. |
LadyBlade | If this unit is female, double weapon might. |
ShrewdPotential | +1 to stat boosters used by this unit. |
KeepUp | +2 to MOV at the start of the turn, if within 3 tiles of an ally with Canto or Canto+. |
CloseCombat | +2 damage if at 1 range. Your double attacks occur before countering. |
ArmorMarch | At the start of the turn, if unit is adjacent to an armor ally, unit and adjacent armor allies +2 MOV. |
Eclipse | Halve the opponent's current HP. (Skill % activation). |
Barricade | Damage taken is halved in this combat only, after first being struck. |
BarricadePlus | Damage taken is halved in this combat only, after every strike against this unit. |
LunarBrace | Negate 25% of enemy defense. |
Pursuer | If initiating combat, attack speed +5, attack + 25% of unit speed, double attack immediately. |
EffectSpore | If attacked, 50% chance of inflicting poison, silence or sleep. |
DominantArm | If the unit's equipped weapon is the same type as their highest weapon rank, +50% weapon ATK. |
SolidRock | Halves effective damage against this unit. |
Sturdy | If the unit has full HP at the start of the fight, they cannot die. |
FranticSwing | If hit rate is less than or equal to 50%, +50 crit. |
SocialButterfly | This unit gains support points at twice the usual rate. |
MeleeManiac | Deal 2x damage at 1 range, take 2x damage otherwise. |
CriticalOverload | +1% crit for every +3% hit over 100%. |
WyvernFlight | Debuff the foe based on DEF diff if unit's SPD > foe's SPD-10 |
YngviAscendant | Follow-up attack cannot be nullified and occurs immediately if exists |
DragonWrath | Exec none-cancellable guaranteed double attack as defender with HP>50% |
BrashAssault | If foe can counter, follow-up attack is guaranteed |
Scendscale | Deals 25% of unit's Atk as damage. After combat, if unit attacked, takes 7 damage. |
LawsOfSacae | If attacked with 2+ allies in 2x2, ATK/SPD/DEF/RES +4 |
ShieldPulse | Reduce 50% damage on foe's critical attack |
BestDefense | If unit initiates combat Transfer defense to attack |
DoOrDie | If the enemy's damage exceeds current HP, deal effective damage. |
OverKill | Unit is healed for surplus damage if enemy defeated. |
Momentum | Unit is healed for surplus damage if enemy defeated. |
FatalTen | If unit attacks 10 times during one turn, he wins the Duel. |
LionFlame | Grants CRIT+15%, ATK+4 in melee, but cause CRIT-100%, ATK-3 in range |
LimitBreak | After 5 hits, next attack deals double damage with 100% accuracy. |
ImmovableObject | Unit takes damage -50%, but sets unit and foe's AVO to 0 |
UnstoppableForce | Unit damage +100%, but sets unit and foe's AVO to 0 |
WeaponHeal | 50% chance to restore 1 durability to ally's equipped weapon after healing. |
BloodReaver | Consumes 5 HP to boost damage by foe's 20% max HP in each round |
Saint | Unit may not cost HP when using B/W.Magic. |
Witch | B.Magic might +5 |
Deal | Reduce cost of items bought by this unit by 20%. |
Bargain | Reduce cost of items bought by this unit by 50%. |
DevilsPact | Inflict the Devil effect upon the enemy unit. |
DevilsWhim | Inflict the Devil effect upon both units. |
DevilsLuck | Give the unit's devil effect to the enemy in battle. |
Guidance | Provide 2 additional movement for non-flier allies |
SoaringGuidance | Provide 1 additional movement for allies |
FlierFormation | Flier allies can provides 3 additional movement for the unit |
SoaringWings | Allies can provides 1 additional movement for the unit |
DetailedReport | if HP>50%, ranged foes cannot move throgh 2x2 spaces adjacent. |
HighGround | +2 range for bows and tomes when unit is atop forts. |
PointBlank | Set minimum range of bows to 1. |
StaffSavant | +1 range for staves. |
Airlock | Set weather to clear at the start of the turn. |
Drought | Set weather to sunny at the start of the turn. |
Drizzle | Set weather to rain at the start of the turn. |
SnowWarning | Set weather to snowing at the start of the turn. |
SandStream | Set weather to a sandstorm at the start of the turn. |
Chlorophyll | If it is sunny, double this unit's battle speed. |
SlushRush | If it is snowing, double this this unit's battle speed. |
SandRush | If there is a sandstorm, double this unit's battle speed. |
SwiftSwim | If it is raining, double this unit's battle speed. |
SolarPower | If the weather is sunny, +25% damage when using magic. |
InitStrong | +7 STR at the beginning of the turn. |
InitClever | +7 MAG at the beginning of the turn. |
InitDeft | +7 SKL at the beginning of the turn. |
InitQuick | +7 SPD at the beginning of the turn. |
InitSturdy | +7 DEF at the beginning of the turn. |
InitCalm | +7 RES at the beginning of the turn. |
InitLucky | +7 LUCK at the beginning of the turn. |
InitNimble | +7 MOV at the beginning of the turn. |
InitSpectrum | +7 to all stats at the beginning of the turn. |
OathDefense | +4 DEF at the start of the turn if an adjacent ally is present. |
OathLuck | +4 LUCK at the start of the turn if an adjacent ally is present. |
OathMagic | +4 MAG at the start of the turn if an adjacent ally is present. |
OathMovement | +4 MOV at the start of the turn if an adjacent ally is present. |
OathResistance | +4 RES at the start of the turn if an adjacent ally is present. |
OathSkill | +4 SKL at the start of the turn if an adjacent ally is present. |
OathSpeed | +4 SPD at the start of the turn if an adjacent ally is present. |
OathStrength | +4 STR at the start of the turn if an adjacent ally is present. |
RouseDefense | +4 DEF at the start of the turn if an adjacent ally isn't present. |
RouseLuck | +4 LUCK at the start of the turn if an adjacent ally isn't present. |
RouseMagic | +4 MAG at the start of the turn if an adjacent ally isn't present. |
RouseMovement | +4 MOV at the start of the turn if an adjacent ally isn't present. |
RouseResistance | +4 RES at the start of the turn if an adjacent ally isn't present. |
RouseSkill | +4 SKL at the start of the turn if an adjacent ally isn't present. |
RouseSpeed | +4 SPD at the start of the turn if an adjacent ally isn't present. |
RouseStrength | +4 STR at the start of the turn if an adjacent ally isn't present. |
DefenseBoost | +1 DEF per turn up to a maximum of 6 turns. |
LuckBoost | +1 LUCK per turn up to a maximum of 6 turns. |
MagicBoost | +1 MAG per turn up to a maximum of 6 turns. |
MoveBoost | +1 MOV per turn up to a maximum of 6 turns. |
ResistanceBoost | +1 RES per turn up to a maximum of 6 turns. |
SkillBoost | +1 SKL per turn up to a maximum of 6 turns. |
SpeedBoost | +1 SPD per turn up to a maximum of 6 turns. |
StrengthBoost | +1 STR per turn up to a maximum of 6 turns. |
SpectrumBoost | +1 to all stats per turn up to a maximum of 6 turns. |
GentleFlower | Allies within 2 spaces restore x1.5 as much HP from healing items. |
Admiration | -2 damage taken if two female allies are adjacent within 2 spaces. |
FairyTaleFolk | +2 damage dealt if a male ally and a female ally are adjacent within 2 spaces. |
RainDish | If it is raining, then restore 30% of max HP at the start of each turn. |
Boon | Heal bad status effects at the beginning of the turn. |
FailGale | Move again after attacking and failing to harm an enemy. |
Clearance | Clear own negative status after combat |
Despoil | Gain a red gem after killing an enemy unit. (Skill % activation) |
GoldDigger | Gain 100 gold after killing an enemy. |
Glorifier | If enemy defeated, grants stat+3 until next combat |
Dance | Art: Unit can use "Dance" command. |
LockTouch | Art: Unit can use "Pick" command. |
Summon | Art: Unit summon a monter on assistance |
Steal | Unit can use "Steal" command. |
Supply | Unit can use "Supply" command. |
LightRune | Art: Consumes 20 HP to seal an area |
Mine | Art: Consumes 20 HP to plant a mine in an area |
RallyDefense | Art: +4 DEF to all allies in a 2x2 radius of user. |
RallyLuck | Art: +4 LCK to all allies in a 2x2 radius of user. |
RallyMagic | Art: +4 MAG to all allies in a 2x2 radius of user. |
RallyMovement | Art: +4 MOV to all allies in a 2x2 radius of user. |
RallyResistance | Art: +4 RES to all allies in a 2x2 radius of user. |
RallySkill | Art: +4 SKL to all allies in a 2x2 radius of user. |
RallySpeed | Art: +4 SPD to all allies in a 2x2 radius of user. |
RallyStrength | Art: +4 STR to all allies in a 2x2 radius of user. |
RallySpectrum | Art: +4 all stats for all allies in a 2x2 radius of user. |
GoddessDance | Art: Refresh all adjacent allies to the user. |
Stride | Increase the movement of all allies within 3 tiles by 3. |
Blacksmith | Pay 1000 gold to restore the user's equipped weapon, if from armory and C rank or less. |
Latona | Unit can use holly W.Mag: Latona. |
COMBAT_Galeforce | Art: ATK +3, Move again after defeating enemy. |
COMBAT_Gamble | Art: A reckless attack with halved hit but doubled crit. |
COMBAT_Detonate | Art: Strike a powerful pierced blow by sacrificing own weapon |
COMBAT_BloodTribute | Art: Sacrifice 30% HP to deal more damage as the cost. |
COMBAT_CrimsonStrike | Art: Sacrifice 50% HP to deal more damage as the cost. |
COMBAT_VitalReckoning | Art: Sacrifice 80% HP to deal more damage as the cost. |