Stago - Instrument R&D Dpt. | Paris October 2018 - Today
- Application development: design, implementation and deployment of internal applications (R Shiny). Implementation and maintenance of the infrastructure (Linux).
- Data processing: creation and maintenance of data flows (pySpark, SQL) in a "big data" context (Databricks, Hadoop).
- Analysis and investigation: extraction, transformation (tidyverse, pandas) of data to answer business and scientific problems (Dashboards, Dynamic reports).
- Modelling and Algorithms: design, parameterisation and evaluation of models for improvement, security or innovation purposes.
Stago - Prospective Research Dpt. | Paris September 2016 - September 2018
- Evaluation of the clinical potential of a prototype technology using a statistical approach,
- Design of experiments and analysis of results for the evaluation of the clinical potential of an active ingredient in partnership with a pharmaceutical company.
Stago - Immunology R&D Dpt. | Paris March 2016 - September 2016
Design, development and evaluation of an immunoagglutination assay by fixation of nanobodies on latex microsphere.
Microbiome - Amsterdam March 2015 - August 2015
Design, execution and analysis of tests and technical documentation for the CE marking of an in vitro diagnostic kit.
Institut Supérieur de la Santé et des Bioproduits d'Angers, University of Angers September 2014 - September 2016
DataCamp Apr. 2019
Feb 2015
R, Python, SQL
pySpark, Hadoop, Oozie, Azure, Databricks
Shiny, Rmarkdown, Jupyter Notebooks
ggplot2, plotly, Tableau, PowerBI
Hypothesis testing, Regression, Classification
Git, Github, Sharepoint, Office 365
Trail, Bouldering, Hiking, Mountain biking
Board Games, Action Figures, Cards, Video
Bass, Guitar
Italian, Japanese