ARMACOM provides a framework for ARMA to communicate with Arduinos, Raspberry Pis and any other device that can connect to or emulate a Windows COM port.
The extension that powers ARMACOM and the additional functions it provides are covered in a seperate GitHub here:
ARMACOM includes a set of frequenctly used commands. For more advanced usage, see the link to the ARMACOM extension above.
[] call ARMACOM_fnc_listPorts; //list the available COM ports
["COM1"] call ARMACOM_fnc_connect; //Connect to COM1
["COM1", 9600, 8, "none", 1] call ARMACOM_fnc_config; //Configure COM1 to 9600/8N1 (baud rate, data bits, parity bits, stop bits)
["COM1"] call ARMACOM_fnc_useWriteThread; //Configure to use threaded writes (improves performance if you're performing frequenct write operations)
["COM1", "Message"] call ARMACOM_fnc_write; //Send the string "Message" to COM1
Command | Arguments | Description | Return |
ARMACOM_fnc_listPorts |
None | Returns a list of available COM ports | List of Ports |
ARMACOM_fnc_connect |
portName |
Connects to the COM port (9600/8N1 settings default) |
true on success, false on failure |
ARMACOM_fnc_disconnect |
portName |
Disconnects from the COM port | true on success, false on failure |
ARMACOM_fnc_write |
portName ,message |
Sends message to COM port | true on success, false on failure |
ARMACOM_fnc_config |
portName , baud ,data ,parity , stop |
Configures COM port | None |
ARMACOM_fnc_getBaudIndex |
baudRate |
Returns the baudRate index needed for a given bitrate | baudIndex |
ARMACOM_fnc_useWriteThread |
portName |
Configures the port to use threaded writes (Improves performance for frequent writes) |
None |