Cole, Vivi, William April Tag Testing Saturday January 13, 2024
”Pinky Swear” —interlock fingers to equalize potential static electricity— before handing over a camera
April Tag Distance Detection: Normal Lens (H7 Board): 8.5 ft Telephoto (Narrow) Lens (H7 Board): 23 ft Snapshot’s Lens (H7 Plus Board): 6 ft 2 inches Telephoto Global Shutter Ultra Monochrome Lens H7 Plus Board: 40 ft
Ultra-Wide Lens Tests for Note Detection (LAB colorspace) Note on (light blue) tile floor: L min: 15 L max: 62 A min: 4 A max: 65 B min: -11 B max: 65
Most likely to use on robot: Global Shutter Ultra Monochrome Lens Cole, William, and Mr. Sarget Serial Port Research Monday, January 15, 2024
Client Server Half duplex communications where 1 person talks at time but multiple camera connections Cameras turn on and listen to Roborio client Roborio send request on bus (ID, command, args, … new line) Identify separate commands with a new line Cameras read ID and act depending on own ID Rio gets message back, same ID, command responding to (first 2 bytes the same for call and response), answer, … new line Protocol definitions for each command and what will look like Think about what values want to get back
Ex. April tags: (3, a, new line) (3, a, apriltag_ID, {centerX, centerY, distance, etc} * the amount of april tags, quality)
Whiteboard talk:
RoboRio -----------------------------------------------------------------------> OpenMV Camera
- Game Piece(Vivi) GP
- Other Robots(Vivi)* OR
- AprtlTags(Cole) AT
- Line Detection(Cole) LD
<Camera ID, Cmd(GP, OR, AT, LD), Args..., New Line> <Camera ID, Same ID Sent, Args ..., New Line>
OpenMV Camera -------------------------------------------------------------------------> RoboRio
<Camera ID, AT, Args[TagID, Center X, Center Y, rotation, distance, quality]
- Num of AprilTags, New Line> Parce the information sent
/* Dictionary = Key:Value X Size : 4 Y Size : 1 Billion/ //Int = Whole Number, 1,2,3,4,5,etc... //Double = Int + decmial, 1.2, 2.6, 3.8, etc...
Public Camera { (int); (dict*); this.apriltags (dict); this.gamepiece (dict); this.linedectection (dict);
public class SerialComms{
this.route (int);
this.send (dict);
this.recieve (dict);