On host machine, pull the server and desired backends:
docker pull regymm/openxc7
docker pull regymm/vivado-lite
docker pull regymm/fpgaol-caas-backend
Backend descriptions are at https://github.com/FPGAOL-CE/osstoolchain-docker-things .
Prepare working directories:
sudo mkdir /chipdb && sudo chmod 777 /chipdb
sudo mkdir /jobs && sudo chmod 777 /jobs
Run the server in Docker:
docker run -it --rm -p 18888:18888 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /chipdb:/chipdb -v /jobs:/jobs regymm/fpgaol-caas-backend
Server will be at localhost:18888. For frontend, please check https://github.com/FPGAOL-CE/fpgaol-caas-frontend .
--- Deprecated ---
pip install tornado aiofiles
uuidgen > token
For management panel access
Then check at To serve frontend and backend together, you can overwrite the page/
files using the built frontend(dist/
from fpgaol-caas-frontend