A simple custom script for minecraft server administration. Easy commands for turning the server on and off, automatically updating the jar file, and backing up the server.
To use, put mcbc.sh
and mcbc.conf
in your server folder, edit the configuration as you see fit, and run mcbc.sh
with any of the available commands. You can also use mcbc.sh
from another folder by specifying your server folder with the -d
switch. MCBC will not run if it does not find a configuration file in the server folder to prevent fumbles.
MCBC is made to work nicely with cron; the backup command is smart and will not backup the server if no players were online since the last backup.
Note that if you stop then start the server, MCBC won't know if players were present before the restart and will skip backupping until a player logs in. Directly restarting with MCBC automatically asks for an offline backup and as such does not have this problem.
My personal crontab configuration:
50 1 * * * ~/paper/mcbc.sh announce_restart
0 0-1,3-23 * * * ~/paper/mcbc.sh backup --live
30 * * * * ~/paper/mcbc.sh backup --live
Available switches:
-d specify the server directory
Available commands:
start start the server
stop stop the server
backup start a server backup
--live backup running server
--noskip don't check for player activity
restart restart the server
announce_restart plan a restart in 10 minutes and announce it