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File metadata and controls

2188 lines (1985 loc) · 71 KB


Telemetry Streaming is an iControl LX extension to stream telemetry from BIG-IP(s) to analytics consumers such as the following.

  • Splunk
  • Azure Log Analytics
  • AWS CloudWatch
  • AWS S3
  • Graphite
  • Kafka
  • Elastic Search
  • Sumo Logic
  • Statsd

For the complete Telemetry Streaming documentation, see



The telemetry streaming design accounts for a number of key components, including System Poller, Event Listener and Consumer. Those are described in more detail below. To reduce the likelihood of socket overflow, TS restricts the maximum number of sockets per connection to 5.


Definition: Target system to use for stats polling, iHealth polling.

Examples: System declaration

System Poller

Definition: Polls a system on a defined interval for information such as device statistics, virtual server statistics, pool statistics and much more.

Examples: System Poller declaration

iHealth Poller

Definition: Creates system's Qkview file, uploads it to F5 iHealth Service and polls diagnostics from it on a defined schedule.

Examples: iHealth Poller declaration

iHealth Poller interval (object):

  • frequency - daily, weekly or monthly. weekly.
  • day - when frequency=daily then user SHOULD NOT specify this option. When frequency=weekly then day could be a number from 0 to 7 (Sunday - 0 and 7) or string e.g. Monday, friday and etc. (capitalized or not). When frequency=monthly then day is a number from 1 to 31.
  • timeWindow - object with properties start and end which defines the time window in HH:MM format (minimum 2 hours) when TS can poll Qkview from the target system and send it to F5 iHealth Service.

Event Listener

Definition: Provides a listener, on both TCP and UDP protocols, that can accept events in a specific format and process them.

Event Format: key1="value",key2="value"

Examples: Event Listener declaration


Definition: Accepts information from disparate systems and provides the tools to process that information. In the context of Telemetry Streaming this simply means providing a mechanism by which to integrate with existing analytics products.

Examples: Consumer declaration

Connection verification

Both System and Consumers have property allowSelfSignedCert which allows to establish connection which are secured by self-signed certificates. Global restriction is disallowing connections secured by self-signed certificates but by setting this property to true users allows TS to connect to such hosts.

Configuration examples

Examples: Declaration examples


POST /mgmt/shared/telemetry/declare

    "class": "Telemetry",
    "My_System": {
        "class": "Telemetry_System",
        "systemPoller": {
            "interval": 60
    "My_Listener": {
        "class": "Telemetry_Listener",
        "port": 6514
    "My_Consumer": {
        "class": "Telemetry_Consumer",
        "type": "Splunk",
        "host": "",
        "protocol": "https",
        "port": 8088,
        "passphrase": {
            "cipherText": "apikey"


There is a fixed class called "Controls", which contains a number of properties:

  • logLevel - logging level, possible values are debug, info, error. Default value is info
  • debug - enable debug mode. Boolean, default value is false
    "controls": {
        "class": "Controls",
        "logLevel": "info",
        "debug": false

Additional properties

The schema has some additional properties which might not be covered elsewhere, defined below.

  • enable
    • Definition: Useful to disable any object in declaration
    • Type: boolean
    • Default: true - always enabled
  • trace
    • Definition: Useful during debug of TS because it dumps intermediate data to file.
    • Values:
      • false - tracer disabled
      • true - tracer enabled, file name will be DEFAULT_LOCATION/OBJ_TYPE.OBJ_NAME - Default location for files is /var/tmp/telemetry
      • string - custom path to file Default: false - always disabled
    • Note: Applies to the Telemetry_System_Poller, Telemetry_Listener and Telemetry_Consumer class(es)
  • match
    • Definition: Provide a string or pattern (regex) which will result in events being dropped that do not match the value of a defined set of keys in the event. Defined keys: virtual_name, policy_name, Access_Profile, context_name
    • Values: String or pattern (regex)
    • Note: Applies to the Telemetry_Listener class



Required information:

  • Host: The address of the Splunk instance that runs the HTTP event collector (HEC).
  • Protocol: Check if TLS is enabled within the HEC settings (Settings > Data Inputs > HTTP Event Collector).
  • Port: Default is 8088, this can be configured within the Global Settings section of the Splunk HEC.
  • API Key: An API key must be created and provided in the passphrase object of the declaration, refer to Splunk documentation for the correct way to create an HEC token.

Note: More information about using the HEC can be found on the Splunk website here.

    "My_Consumer": {
        "class": "Telemetry_Consumer",
        "type": "Splunk",
        "host": "",
        "protocol": "https",
        "port": 8088,
        "passphrase": {
            "cipherText": "apikey"

Azure Log Analytics


Required information:

  • Workspace ID: Navigate to the Log Analytics workspace > Advanced Settings > Connected Sources to find the workspace ID. More information here.
  • Shared Key: Navigate to the Log Analytics workspace > Advanced Settings > Connected Sources to find the primary key. More information here.

Note: More information about using the data collector API can be found here.

Note: Certain keys are reserved when streaming to this consumer, specifically 'tenant'. Those will have the prefix 'f5' added, for example 'f5tenant'.

    "My_Consumer": {
        "class": "Telemetry_Consumer",
        "type": "Azure_Log_Analytics",
        "workspaceId": "workspaceid",
        "passphrase": {
            "cipherText": "sharedkey"

Example Dashboard - dashboard export in examples/consumers


AWS CloudWatch


Required information:

  • Region: AWS region of the CloudWatch resource.
  • Log Group: Navigate to CloudWatch > Logs to find the name of the log group.
  • Log Stream: Navigate to CloudWatch > Logs > Your_Log_Group_Name to find the name of the log stream.
  • Access Key: Navigate to IAM > Users to find the access key.
  • Secret Key: Navigate to IAM > Users to find the secret key.

Note: More information about creating and using IAM roles can be found here.

    "My_Consumer": {
        "class": "Telemetry_Consumer",
        "type": "AWS_CloudWatch",
        "region": "us-west-1",
        "logGroup": "f5telemetry",
        "logStream": "default",
        "username": "accesskey",
        "passphrase": {
            "cipherText": "secretkey"



Required information:

  • Region: AWS region of the S3 bucket.
  • Bucket: Navigate to S3 to find the name of the bucket.
  • Access Key: Navigate to IAM > Users to find the access key.
  • Secret Key: Navigate to IAM > Users to find the secret key.

Note: More information about creating and using IAM roles can be found here.

    "My_Consumer": {
        "class": "Telemetry_Consumer",
        "type": "AWS_S3",
        "region": "us-west-1",
        "bucket": "bucketname",
        "username": "accesskey",
        "passphrase": {
            "cipherText": "secretkey"

Generic HTTP

Required information:

  • Host: The address of the system.
  • Protocol: The protocol of the system. Options: https or http. Default is http.
  • Port: The protocol of the system. Default is 443.
  • Path: The path of the system. Default is /.
  • Method: The method of the system. Options: POST, PUT, GET. Default is POST.
  • Headers: The headers of the system.
  • Passphrase: The secret to use when sending data to the system, for example an API key to be used in an HTTP header.

Note: Since this consumer is designed to be generic and flexible, how authentication is performed is left up to the web service. To ensure the secrets are encrypted within Telemetry Streaming please note the use of JSON pointers. The secret to protect should be stored inside passphrase and referenced in the desired destination property, such as an API token in a header as show in this example.

    "class": "Telemetry",
    "My_Consumer": {
        "class": "Telemetry_Consumer",
        "type": "Generic_HTTP",
        "host": "",
        "protocol": "https",
        "port": 443,
        "path": "/",
        "method": "POST",
        "headers": [
                "name": "content-type",
                "value": "application/json"
                "name": "x-api-key",
                "value": "`>@/passphrase`"
        "passphrase": {
            "cipherText": "apikey"

Note: If multiple secrets are required, defining an additional secret within Shared and referencing it using pointers is supported. For more details about pointers see the section on pointer syntax.

Example with multiple passphrases:

    "class": "Telemetry",
    "Shared": {
        "class": "Shared",
        "secretPath": {
            "class": "Secret",
            "cipherText": "/?token=secret"
    "My_Consumer": {
        "class": "Telemetry_Consumer",
        "type": "Generic_HTTP",
        "host": "",
        "protocol": "https",
        "port": 443,
        "path": "`>/Shared/secretPath`",
        "method": "POST",
        "headers": [
                "name": "content-type",
                "value": "application/json"
                "name": "x-api-key",
                "value": "`>@/passphrase`"
        "passphrase": {
            "cipherText": "apikey"



Required information:

  • Host: The address of the Graphite system.
  • Protocol: Check Graphite documentation for configuration.
  • Port: Check Graphite documentation for configuration.

Note: More information about installing Graphite can be found here.

Note: More information about Graphite events can be found here.

    "My_Consumer": {
        "class": "Telemetry_Consumer",
        "type": "Graphite",
        "host": "",
        "protocol": "https",
        "port": 443



Required information:

  • Host: The address of the Kafka system. This can be a string with a single host or an array containing multiple addresses.
  • Protocol: The port of the Kafka system. Options: binaryTcp or binaryTcpTls. Default is binaryTcpTls.
  • Port: The port of the Kafka system.
  • Topic: The topic where data should go within the Kafka system.
  • Authentication Protocol: The protocol to use for authentication. Options: SASL-PLAIN or None. Default is None.
  • Username: The username for authentication.
  • Passphrase: The passphrase for authentication.

Optional parameters:

  • Format: Toggles formatting of data. Options: default (no additional formatting as with TS versions < 1.36) and split (splits system information into multiple smaller messages).
  • Partitioner Type: Allows the message to be sent using a chosen partitioning strategy. Options:
    • default uses the default or partition at index 0
    • random pick from available partitions randomly
    • cyclic will cycle through the available partitions
    • keyed use a specific partition with key (a value forpartitionKey must be provided)
  • Partition Key: Key used to lookup a partition. Required when Partitioner Type is keyed. Must not be specified if using other partitioner types.
  • CustomOpts: Custom settings to pass to KafkaClient if using TS versions >= 1.36. These are a subset of what the kafka-node library supports. Please see the following example containing valid options:
      "customOpts": [
          { "name": "connectTimeout", "value": 10000 },
          { "name": "requestTimeout", "value": 10000 },
          { "name": "idleConnection", "value": 10 },
          { "name": "maxAsyncRequests", "value": 50 },
          { "name": "connectRetryOptions.retries", "value": 10 },
          { "name": "connectRetryOptions.factor", "value": 3 },
          { "name": "connectRetryOptions.minTimeout", "value": 3000 },
          { "name": "connectRetryOptions.maxTimeout", "value": 10000 },
          { "name": "connectRetryOptions.randomize", "value": false },

TS, Kafka and Kafka Client (kafka-node) Compatibility

TS versions prior to v1.36

Use TS versions prior to v1.36 with ZooKeeper deployments. The previous TS releases use an older version of kafka-node library, which has dropped support for ZooKeeper apis for new versions. ZooKeeper itself has been marked as deprecated since the Kafka 3.5.0 release and will be removed in Apache Kafka 4.0. For more information, please see the documentation for ZooKeeper Deprecation

    "My_Consumer": {
        "class": "Telemetry_Consumer",
        "type": "Kafka",
        "host": "",
        "protocol": "binaryTcpTls",
        "port": 9092,
        "topic": "f5-telemetry"
TS versions v1.36 or later

Use with Kafka Raft (KRaft) mode deployments. Requires BIG-IP versions with Node >= 8.11.1. Supports option to split System Poller data into multiple smaller messages. Also supports multiple hosts and additional Kafka client customization.

    "My_Consumer": {
        "class": "Telemetry_Consumer",
        "type": "Kafka",
        "host": ["", ""],
        "protocol": "binaryTcpTls",
        "port": 9092,
        "topic": "f5-telemetry",
        "authenticationProtocol": "SASL-PLAIN",
        "username": "username",
        "passphrase": {
        	"cipherText": "secretkey"
        "format": "split",
        "partitionerType": "cyclic",
        "customOpts": [
            { "name": "connectTimeout", "value": 10000 }

Note: More information about installing Kafka can be found here.



Required information:

  • Host: The address of the ElasticSearch system.
  • Index: The index where data should go within the ElasticSearch system.

Optional parameters:

  • Port: The port of the ElasticSearch system. Default is 9200.
  • Protocol: The protocol of the ElasticSearch system. Options: http or https. Default is http.
  • Allow Self Signed Cert: allow TS to skip Cert validation. Options: true or false. Default is false.
  • Path: The path to use when sending data to the ElasticSearch system.
  • Data Type: The type of data posted to the ElasticSearch system. Default is f5.telemetry
  • API Version: The API version of the ElasticSearch system.
  • Username: The username to use when sending data to the ElasticSearch system.
  • Passphrase: The secret/password to use when sending data to the ElasticSearch system.

Note: More information about installing ElasticSearch can be found here.

    "My_Consumer": {
        "class": "Telemetry_Consumer",
        "type": "ElasticSearch",
        "host": "",
        "port": 9200,
        "protocol": "https",
        "allowSelfSignedCert": false,
        "path": "/path/to/post/data",
        "index": "f5telemetry",
        "dataType": "f5telemetry",
        "apiVersion": "6.5",
        "username": "username",
        "passphrase": {
            "cipherText": "secretkey"


Sumo Logic


Required information:

  • Host: The address of the Sumo Logic collector.
  • Protocol: The protocol of the Sumo Logic collector.
  • Port: The port of the Sumo Logic collector.
  • Path: The HTTP path of the Sumo Logic collector (without the secret).
  • Secret: The protected portion of the HTTP path (the final portion of the path, sometimes called a system tenant).

Note: Typically the required information can be found by navigating to the HTTP collector created within Sumo Logic and selecting 'Show URL'. For example: would be broken up into the required information.

    "My_Consumer": {
        "class": "Telemetry_Consumer",
        "type": "Sumo_Logic",
        "host": "",
        "protocol": "https",
        "port": 443,
        "path": "/receiver/v1/http/",
        "passphrase": {
            "cipherText": "secret"



Required information:

  • Host: The address of the statsd instance.
  • Protocol: The protocol of the statsd instance Default is udp. - Only supported option
  • Port: The port of the statsd instance.

Note: Statsd is designed primarily to support integers and floating point numbers. Because of that this consumer will only process a system info event. Note: Official container which contains graphite and statsd: Note: All metrics are stored as gauges in statsd, those can be seen within graphite by navigating to stats -> gauges.

    "class": "Telemetry",
    "My_Consumer": {
        "class": "Telemetry_Consumer",
        "type": "Statsd",
        "host": "",
        "protocol": "udp",
        "port": 8125

IHealth Polling

    "class": "Telemetry",
    "My_System": {
        "class": "Telemetry_System",
        "systemPoller": {
            "interval": 60
        "iHealthPoller": {
            "username": "username",
            "passphrase": {
                "cipherText": "passphrase"
            "proxy": {
                "host": "",
                "protocol": "http",
                "port": 80,
                "enableHostConnectivityCheck": false,
                "allowSelfSignedCert": false,
                "username": "username",
                "passphrase": {
                    "cipherText": "passphrase"
            "interval": {
                "timeWindow": {
                    "start": "23:15",
                    "end":   "02:15"
                "frequency": "monthly",
                "day": "5"

2 Consumers

    "class": "Telemetry",
    "My_Consumer": {
        "class": "Telemetry_Consumer",
        "type": "Azure_Log_Analytics",
        "host": "workspaceid",
        "passphrase": {
            "cipherText": "sharedkey"
    "My_Second_Consumer": {
        "class": "Telemetry_Consumer",
        "type": "Splunk",
        "host": "",
        "protocol": "https",
        "port": 8088,
        "passphrase": {
            "cipherText": "apikey"

External system (BIG-IP)

    "My_System": {
        "class": "Telemetry_System",
        "host": "",
        "protocol": "https",
        "port": 443,
        "allowSelfSignedCert": false,
        "username": "myuser",
        "passphrase": {
            "cipherText": "mypassphrase"
        "systemPoller": {
            "interval": 60

Pointer Syntax

Configuration of TS is typically straightforward, however the need to reference objects in other parts of the configuration may be necessary for certain use cases, such as the generic http consumer with secrets. TS uses JSON pointers to accomplish this, with syntax derived primarily from one of the other tool chain components Application Services 3.

  • RFC 6901 compliant, with some enhancements to account for scenarios not outlined in the RFC
  • Pointer types
    • Absolute pointer: `=/Shared/secretPath`
    • Relative pointer: `=passphrase`
    • Relative (nearest class) pointer: `=@/passphrase`
  • Pointer formats (determined by leading character)
    • Resolve value: =
    • Resolve value and base64 decode: +
    • Resolve value and replace property with object (no stringify): >

REST API Endpoints

Base endpoint

  • Telemetry's base URI is mgmt/shared/telemetry
  • Allowed Content-Type for POST requests is application/json. Otherwise HTTP code 415 Unsupported Media Type will be returned.
  • Response is valid JSON data.

Request example:

curl -v -u admin:<admin_password> -X GET http://localhost:8100/mgmt/shared/telemetry/info




As mentioned above - response is valid JSON data. When response is HTTP 200 - everything went well, response body - JSON data.

When response code is other than 2xx then response body in general will looks like following object:

    "code": ERROR_CODE, // number
    "message": "ERROR_MESSAGE" // string

Additional properties might be added (depends on error type).


<base_endpoint>/info - endpoint to retrieve information about application. Allowed HTTP method - GET. Output:

    "nodeVersion": "v4.6.0",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "release": "2",
    "schemaCurrent": "1.0.0",
    "schemaMinimum": "1.0.0"

Declare configuration

<base_endpoint>/declare - endpoint to declare/retrieve configuration. Allowed HTTP method - POST, GET. Request body - valid JSON object. For example see Configuration Example.

System poller

Allowed URIs:

  • <base_endpoint>/systempoller/ - endpoint to retrieve data from configured poller.
  • <base_endpoint>/systempoller/ - endpoint to retrieve data from configured system.
  • <base_endpoint>/systempoller// - endpoint to retrieve data from configured system using specific poller.

Allowed HTTP method - GET. Useful for demo or to check if poller was able to connect to device. systemName and pollerName should match the name of one of configured Systems or System Pollers. Otherwise HTTP 404 will be returned. For output example see System Info.

Note: available only when debug is turned on.

iHealth poller

<base_endpoint>/ihealthpoller// - endpoint to retrieve data from configured poller. Allowed HTTP method - GET. Useful for demo or to check if poller was able to connect to device.

  • pollerName - optional, should match the name of one of configured System pollers.
  • ihealthName - optional, should match the name of one of configured iHealth pollers.

When no pollerName and ihealthName specified then current status for running pollers will be returned. When pollerName specified then iHealth poller will be stared with System Poller's configuration. When ihealthName specified then iHealth poller will be stared with System Poller's configuration and matched iHealth Poller's configuration.

Otherwise HTTP 404 will be returned. For output example see iHealth Info.

Note: available only when debug is turned on.

Output Example

System Info

    "system": {
        "hostname": "",
        "version": "15.1.0",
        "versionBuild": "0.0.2",
        "location": "Seattle",
        "description": "Telemetry BIG-IP",
        "marketingName": "BIG-IP Virtual Edition",
        "platformId": "Z100",
        "chassisId": "9c3abad5-513a-1c43-5bc2be62e957",
        "baseMac": "00:0d:3a:30:34:51",
        "callBackUrl": "",
        "configReady": "yes",
        "licenseReady": "yes",
        "provisionReady": "yes",
        "configSyncSucceeded": true,
        "syncMode": "standalone",
        "syncColor": "green",
        "syncStatus": "Standalone",
        "syncSummary": " ",
        "failoverStatus": "ACTIVE",
        "failoverColor": "green",
        "systemTimestamp": "2019-01-01T01:01:01Z",
        "cpu": 0,
        "memory": 0,
        "tmmCpu": 0,
        "tmmMemory": 0,
        "tmmTraffic": {
            "clientSideTraffic.bitsIn": 0,
            "clientSideTraffic.bitsOut": 0,
            "serverSideTraffic.bitsIn": 0,
            "serverSideTraffic.bitsOut": 0
        "diskStorage": {
            "/": {
                "1024-blocks": "436342",
                "Capacity": "55%",
                "Capacity_Float": 0.55,
                "name": "/"
            "/dev/shm": {
                "1024-blocks": "7181064",
                "Capacity": "9%",
                "Capacity_Float": 0.09,
                "name": "/dev/shm"
            "/config": {
                "1024-blocks": "3269592",
                "Capacity": "11%",
                "Capacity_Float": 0.11,
                "name": "/config"
            "/usr": {
                "1024-blocks": "4136432",
                "Capacity": "83%",
                "Capacity_Float": 0.83,
                "name": "/usr"
            "/var": {
                "1024-blocks": "3096336",
                "Capacity": "37%",
                "Capacity_Float": 0.37,
                "name": "/var"
            "/shared": {
                "1024-blocks": "20642428",
                "Capacity": "3%",
                "Capacity_Float": 0.03,
                "name": "/shared"
            "/var/log": {
                "1024-blocks": "3023760",
                "Capacity": "8%",
                "Capacity_Float": 0.08,
                "name": "/var/log"
            "/appdata": {
                "1024-blocks": "51607740",
                "Capacity": "3%",
                "Capacity_Float": 0.03,
                "name": "/appdata"
            "/shared/rrd.1.2": {
                "1024-blocks": "7181064",
                "Capacity": "1%",
                "Capacity_Float": 0.01,
                "name": "/shared/rrd.1.2"
            "/var/run": {
                "1024-blocks": "7181064",
                "Capacity": "1%",
                "Capacity_Float": 0.01,
                "name": "/var/run"
            "/var/tmstat": {
                "1024-blocks": "7181064",
                "Capacity": "1%",
                "Capacity_Float": 0.01,
                "name": "/var/tmstat"
            "/var/prompt": {
                "1024-blocks": "4096",
                "Capacity": "1%",
                "Capacity_Float": 0.01,
                "name": "/var/prompt"
            "/var/apm/mount/apmclients-7170.2018.627.21-3.0.iso": {
                "1024-blocks": "298004",
                "Capacity": "100%",
                "Capacity_Float": 1,
                "name": "/var/apm/mount/apmclients-7170.2018.627.21-3.0.iso"
            "/var/loipc": {
                "1024-blocks": "7181064",
                "Capacity": "0%",
                "Capacity_Float": 0,
                "name": "/var/loipc"
            "/mnt/sshplugin_tempfs": {
                "1024-blocks": "7181064",
                "Capacity": "0%",
                "Capacity_Float": 0,
                "name": "/mnt/sshplugin_tempfs"
        "diskLatency": {
            "sda": {
                "r/s": "1.46",
                "w/s": "8.25",
                "%util": "0.09",
                "name": "sda"
            "sdb": {
                "r/s": "1.00",
                "w/s": "0.00",
                "%util": "0.04",
                "name": "sdb"
            "dm-0": {
                "r/s": "0.00",
                "w/s": "0.00",
                "%util": "0.00",
                "name": "dm-0"
            "dm-1": {
                "r/s": "0.01",
                "w/s": "11.01",
                "%util": "0.01",
                "name": "dm-1"
            "dm-2": {
                "r/s": "0.14",
                "w/s": "2.56",
                "%util": "0.00",
                "name": "dm-2"
            "dm-3": {
                "r/s": "0.01",
                "w/s": "4.28",
                "%util": "0.01",
                "name": "dm-3"
            "dm-4": {
                "r/s": "0.00",
                "w/s": "0.00",
                "%util": "0.00",
                "name": "dm-4"
            "dm-5": {
                "r/s": "0.04",
                "w/s": "1.52",
                "%util": "0.00",
                "name": "dm-5"
            "dm-6": {
                "r/s": "0.13",
                "w/s": "0.00",
                "%util": "0.00",
                "name": "dm-6"
            "dm-7": {
                "r/s": "0.00",
                "w/s": "0.05",
                "%util": "0.00",
                "name": "dm-7"
            "dm-8": {
                "r/s": "0.11",
                "w/s": "4.72",
                "%util": "0.01",
                "name": "dm-8"
        "networkInterfaces": {
            "1.1": {
                "counters.bitsIn": 0,
                "counters.bitsOut": 0,
                "status": "up",
                "name": "1.1"
            "1.2": {
                "counters.bitsIn": 0,
                "counters.bitsOut": 0,
                "status": "up",
                "name": "1.2"
            "mgmt": {
                "counters.bitsIn": 0,
                "counters.bitsOut": 0,
                "status": "up",
                "name": "mgmt"
        "provisioning": {
            "afm": {
                "name": "afm",
                "level": "nominal"
            "am": {
                "name": "am",
                "level": "none"
            "apm": {
                "name": "apm",
                "level": "nominal"
            "asm": {
                "name": "asm",
                "level": "nominal"
            "avr": {
                "name": "avr",
                "level": "nominal"
            "dos": {
                "name": "dos",
                "level": "none"
            "fps": {
                "name": "fps",
                "level": "none"
            "gtm": {
                "name": "gtm",
                "level": "none"
            "ilx": {
                "name": "ilx",
                "level": "none"
            "lc": {
                "name": "lc",
                "level": "none"
            "ltm": {
                "name": "ltm",
                "level": "nominal"
            "pem": {
                "name": "pem",
                "level": "none"
            "sslo": {
                "name": "sslo",
                "level": "none"
            "swg": {
                "name": "swg",
                "level": "none"
            "urldb": {
                "name": "urldb",
                "level": "none"
        "throughputPerformance": {
            "clientBitsIn": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "clientBitsIn"
            "clientBitsOut": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "clientBitsOut"
            "clientIn": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "clientIn"
            "clientOut": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "clientOut"
            "compression": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "compression"
            "inBits": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "inBits"
            "inPackets": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "inPackets"
            "managementBitsIn": {
                "average": 2969820,
                "current": 846485,
                "max": 36591317,
                "name": "managementBitsIn"
            "managementBitsOut": {
                "average": 133,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 12478,
                "name": "managementBitsOut"
            "outBits": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "outBits"
            "outPackets": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "outPackets"
            "serverBitsIn": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "serverBitsIn"
            "serverBitsOut": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "serverBitsOut"
            "serverIn": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "serverIn"
            "serverOut": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "serverOut"
            "serviceBits": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "serviceBits"
            "servicePackets": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "servicePackets"
            "sslTps": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "sslTps"
        "connectionsPerformance": {
            "blade1": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "blade1"
            "blade2": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "blade2"
            "client": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "client"
            "clientAccepts": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "clientAccepts"
            "clientConnections": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "clientConnections"
            "clientConnects": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "clientConnects"
            "connections": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "connections"
            "httpRequests": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "httpRequests"
            "pvaClient": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "pvaClient"
            "pvaServer": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "pvaServer"
            "server": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "server"
            "serverConnections": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "serverConnections"
            "activeSslClientConnections": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "activeSslClientConnections"
            "newSslClientConnections": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "newSslClientConnections"
            "activeSslServerConnections": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "activeSslServerConnections"
            "newSslServerConnections": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "newSslServerConnections"
            "serverNewConnections": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "serverNewConnections"
            "serverNewTcpConnections": {
                "average": 0,
                "current": 0,
                "max": 0,
                "name": "serverNewTcpConnections"
        "asmAttackSignatures": {
            "ff8080817a3a4908017a3a490958000e": {
                "filename": "",
                "createDateTime": 1563279691000,
                "name": "ff8080817a3a4908017a3a490958000e"
    "virtualServers": {
        "/Common/": {
            "clientside.bitsIn": 0,
            "clientside.bitsOut": 0,
            "clientside.curConns": 0,
            "destination": "",
            "availabilityState": "available",
            "enabledState": "enabled",
            "name": "/Common/",
            "tenant": "Common",
            "application": ""
        "/Example_Tenant/A1/serviceMain": {
            "clientside.bitsIn": 0,
            "clientside.bitsOut": 0,
            "clientside.curConns": 0,
            "destination": "",
            "availabilityState": "offline",
            "enabledState": "enabled",
            "name": "/Example_Tenant/A1/serviceMain",
            "tenant": "Example_Tenant",
            "application": "A1"
        "/Example_Tenant/A1/serviceMain-Redirect": {
            "clientside.bitsIn": 0,
            "clientside.bitsOut": 0,
            "clientside.curConns": 0,
            "destination": "",
            "availabilityState": "unknown",
            "enabledState": "enabled",
            "name": "/Example_Tenant/A1/serviceMain-Redirect",
            "tenant": "Example_Tenant",
            "application": "A1"
    "pools": {
        "/Common/": {
            "activeMemberCnt": 0,
            "serverside.bitsIn": 0,
            "serverside.bitsOut": 0,
            "serverside.curConns": 0,
            "availabilityState": "available",
            "enabledState": "enabled",
            "name": "/Common/",
            "members": {
                "/Common/": {
                    "addr": "",
                    "port": 0,
                    "serverside.bitsIn": 0,
                    "serverside.bitsOut": 0,
                    "serverside.curConns": 0,
                    "availabilityState": "available",
                    "enabledState": "enabled"
            "tenant": "Common",
            "application": ""
        "/Common/telemetry-local": {
            "activeMemberCnt": 0,
            "serverside.bitsIn": 0,
            "serverside.bitsOut": 0,
            "serverside.curConns": 0,
            "availabilityState": "available",
            "enabledState": "enabled",
            "name": "/Common/telemetry-local",
            "members": {
                "/Common/": {
                    "addr": "",
                    "port": 0,
                    "serverside.bitsIn": 0,
                    "serverside.bitsOut": 0,
                    "serverside.curConns": 0,
                    "availabilityState": "available",
                    "enabledState": "enabled"
            "tenant": "Common",
            "application": ""
        "/Example_Tenant/A1/hsl_pool": {
            "activeMemberCnt": 0,
            "serverside.bitsIn": 0,
            "serverside.bitsOut": 0,
            "serverside.curConns": 0,
            "availabilityState": "offline",
            "enabledState": "enabled",
            "name": "/Example_Tenant/A1/hsl_pool",
            "members": {
                "/Example_Tenant/": {
                    "addr": "",
                    "port": 0,
                    "serverside.bitsIn": 0,
                    "serverside.bitsOut": 0,
                    "serverside.curConns": 0,
                    "availabilityState": "offline",
                    "enabledState": "enabled"
            "tenant": "Example_Tenant",
            "application": "A1"
        "/Example_Tenant/A1/web_pool": {
            "activeMemberCnt": 0,
            "serverside.bitsIn": 0,
            "serverside.bitsOut": 0,
            "serverside.curConns": 0,
            "availabilityState": "offline",
            "enabledState": "enabled",
            "name": "/Example_Tenant/A1/web_pool",
            "members": {
                "/Example_Tenant/": {
                    "addr": "",
                    "port": 0,
                    "serverside.bitsIn": 0,
                    "serverside.bitsOut": 0,
                    "serverside.curConns": 0,
                    "availabilityState": "offline",
                    "enabledState": "enabled"
                "/Example_Tenant/": {
                    "addr": "",
                    "port": 0,
                    "serverside.bitsIn": 0,
                    "serverside.bitsOut": 0,
                    "serverside.curConns": 0,
                    "availabilityState": "offline",
                    "enabledState": "enabled"
            "tenant": "Example_Tenant",
            "application": "A1"
    "ltmPolicies": {
        "/Common/": {
            "invoked": 0,
            "succeeded": 0,
            "actions": {
                "default:1": {
                    "invoked": 0,
                    "succeeded": 0
            "name": "/Common/",
            "tenant": "Common",
            "application": ""
        "/Common/telemetry": {
            "invoked": 0,
            "succeeded": 0,
            "actions": {
                "default:0": {
                    "invoked": 0,
                    "succeeded": 0
            "name": "/Common/telemetry",
            "tenant": "Common",
            "application": ""
    "httpProfiles": {
        "/Common/": {
            "cookiePersistInserts": 0,
            "getReqs": 0,
            "maxKeepaliveReq": 0,
            "numberReqs": 0,
            "postReqs": 0,
            "2xxResp": 0,
            "3xxResp": 0,
            "4xxResp": 0,
            "5xxResp": 0,
            "respLessThan2m": 0,
            "respGreaterThan2m": 0,
            "v10Reqs": 0,
            "v10Resp": 0,
            "v11Reqs": 0,
            "v11Resp": 0,
            "v9Reqs": 0,
            "v9Resp": 0,
            "name": "/Common/",
            "tenant": "Common",
            "application": ""
        "/Common/http": {
            "cookiePersistInserts": 0,
            "getReqs": 0,
            "maxKeepaliveReq": 0,
            "numberReqs": 0,
            "postReqs": 0,
            "2xxResp": 0,
            "3xxResp": 0,
            "4xxResp": 0,
            "5xxResp": 0,
            "respLessThan2m": 0,
            "respGreaterThan2m": 0,
            "v10Reqs": 0,
            "v10Resp": 0,
            "v11Reqs": 0,
            "v11Resp": 0,
            "v9Reqs": 0,
            "v9Resp": 0,
            "name": "/Common/http",
            "tenant": "Common",
            "application": ""
        "/Example_Tenant/A1/custom_http_profile": {
            "cookiePersistInserts": 0,
            "getReqs": 0,
            "maxKeepaliveReq": 0,
            "numberReqs": 0,
            "postReqs": 0,
            "2xxResp": 0,
            "3xxResp": 0,
            "4xxResp": 0,
            "5xxResp": 0,
            "respLessThan2m": 0,
            "respGreaterThan2m": 0,
            "v10Reqs": 0,
            "v10Resp": 0,
            "v11Reqs": 0,
            "v11Resp": 0,
            "v9Reqs": 0,
            "v9Resp": 0,
            "name": "/Example_Tenant/A1/custom_http_profile",
            "tenant": "Example_Tenant",
            "application": "A1"
    "clientSslProfiles": {
        "/Common/clientssl": {
            "activeHandshakeRejected": 0,
            "currentCompatibleConnections": 0,
            "currentConnections": 0,
            "currentNativeConnections": 0,
            "currentActiveHandshakes": 0,
            "decryptedBytesIn": 0,
            "decryptedBytesOut": 0,
            "encryptedBytesIn": 0,
            "encryptedBytesOut": 0,
            "fatalAlerts": 0,
            "handshakeFailures": 0,
            "peercertInvalid": 0,
            "peercertNone": 0,
            "peercertValid": 0,
            "protocolUses.dtlsv1": 0,
            "protocolUses.sslv2": 0,
            "protocolUses.sslv3": 0,
            "protocolUses.tlsv1": 0,
            "protocolUses.tlsv1_1": 0,
            "protocolUses.tlsv1_2": 0,
            "protocolUses.tlsv1_3": 0,
            "recordsIn": 0,
            "recordsOut": 0,
            "sniRejects": 0,
            "name": "/Common/clientssl",
            "tenant": "Common",
            "application": ""
        "/Example_Tenant/A1/webtls": {
            "activeHandshakeRejected": 0,
            "currentCompatibleConnections": 0,
            "currentConnections": 0,
            "currentNativeConnections": 0,
            "currentActiveHandshakes": 0,
            "decryptedBytesIn": 0,
            "decryptedBytesOut": 0,
            "encryptedBytesIn": 0,
            "encryptedBytesOut": 0,
            "fatalAlerts": 0,
            "handshakeFailures": 0,
            "peercertInvalid": 0,
            "peercertNone": 0,
            "peercertValid": 0,
            "protocolUses.dtlsv1": 0,
            "protocolUses.sslv2": 0,
            "protocolUses.sslv3": 0,
            "protocolUses.tlsv1": 0,
            "protocolUses.tlsv1_1": 0,
            "protocolUses.tlsv1_2": 0,
            "protocolUses.tlsv1_3": 0,
            "recordsIn": 0,
            "recordsOut": 0,
            "sniRejects": 0,
            "name": "/Example_Tenant/A1/webtls",
            "tenant": "Example_Tenant",
            "application": "A1"
    "serverSslProfiles": {
        "/Common/serverssl": {
            "activeHandshakeRejected": 0,
            "currentCompatibleConnections": 0,
            "currentConnections": 0,
            "currentNativeConnections": 0,
            "currentActiveHandshakes": 0,
            "decryptedBytesIn": 0,
            "decryptedBytesOut": 0,
            "encryptedBytesIn": 0,
            "encryptedBytesOut": 0,
            "fatalAlerts": 0,
            "handshakeFailures": 0,
            "peercertInvalid": 0,
            "peercertNone": 0,
            "peercertValid": 0,
            "protocolUses.dtlsv1": 0,
            "protocolUses.sslv2": 0,
            "protocolUses.sslv3": 0,
            "protocolUses.tlsv1": 0,
            "protocolUses.tlsv1_1": 0,
            "protocolUses.tlsv1_2": 0,
            "protocolUses.tlsv1_3": 0,
            "recordsIn": 0,
            "recordsOut": 0,
            "name": "/Common/serverssl",
            "tenant": "Common",
            "application": ""
    "sslCerts": {
        "ca-bundle.crt": {
            "expirationDate": 0,
            "expirationString": "2019-01-01T01:01:01Z",
            "issuer": "CN=Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority,OU=,O=Starfield Technologies, Inc.,L=Scottsdale,ST=Arizona,C=US",
            "subject": "CN=Starfield Services Root Certificate Authority,OU=,O=Starfield Technologies, Inc.,L=Scottsdale,ST=Arizona,C=US",
            "name": "ca-bundle.crt"
        "default.crt": {
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "expirationDate": 0,
            "expirationString": "2019-01-01T01:01:01Z",
            "issuer": "[email protected],CN=localhost.localdomain,OU=IT,O=MyCompany,L=Seattle,ST=WA,C=US",
            "subject": "[email protected],CN=localhost.localdomain,OU=IT,O=MyCompany,L=Seattle,ST=WA,C=US",
            "name": "default.crt"
        "f5-ca-bundle.crt": {
            "expirationDate": 0,
            "expirationString": "2019-01-01T01:01:01Z",
            "issuer": "CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2,OU=(c) 2009 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only,OU=See,O=Entrust, Inc.,C=US",
            "subject": "CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority - G2,OU=(c) 2009 Entrust, Inc. - for authorized use only,OU=See,O=Entrust, Inc.,C=US",
            "name": "f5-ca-bundle.crt"
        "f5-irule.crt": {
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "expirationDate": 0,
            "expirationString": "2019-01-01T01:01:01Z",
            "issuer": "[email protected],,OU=Product Development,O=F5 Networks,L=Seattle,ST=Washington,C=US",
            "subject": "[email protected],,OU=Product Development,O=F5 Networks,L=Seattle,ST=Washington,C=US",
            "name": "f5-irule.crt"
    "networkTunnels": {
        "/Common/http-tunnel": {
            "hcInBroadcastPkts": 0,
            "hcInMulticastPkts": 0,
            "hcInOctets": 0,
            "hcInUcastPkts": 0,
            "hcOutBroadcastPkts": 0,
            "hcOutMulticastPkts": 0,
            "hcOutOctets": 0,
            "hcOutUcastPkts": 0,
            "inDiscards": 0,
            "inErrors": 0,
            "inUnknownProtos": 0,
            "outDiscards": 0,
            "outErrors": 0,
            "name": "/Common/http-tunnel",
            "tenant": "Common",
            "application": ""
        "/Common/socks-tunnel": {
            "hcInBroadcastPkts": 0,
            "hcInMulticastPkts": 0,
            "hcInOctets": 0,
            "hcInUcastPkts": 0,
            "hcOutBroadcastPkts": 0,
            "hcOutMulticastPkts": 0,
            "hcOutOctets": 0,
            "hcOutUcastPkts": 0,
            "inDiscards": 0,
            "inErrors": 0,
            "inUnknownProtos": 0,
            "outDiscards": 0,
            "outErrors": 0,
            "name": "/Common/socks-tunnel",
            "tenant": "Common",
            "application": ""
    "iRules": {
        "/Common/_sys_APM_ExchangeSupport_OA_BasicAuth": {
            "events": {
                "RULE_INIT": {
                    "aborts": 0,
                    "avgCycles": 19014,
                    "failures": 0,
                    "maxCycles": 19014,
                    "minCycles": 8804,
                    "priority": 500,
                    "totalExecutions": 4
            "name": "/Common/_sys_APM_ExchangeSupport_OA_BasicAuth",
            "tenant": "Common",
            "application": ""
        "/Common/_sys_APM_ExchangeSupport_OA_NtlmAuth": {
            "events": {
                "RULE_INIT": {
                    "aborts": 0,
                    "avgCycles": 28942,
                    "failures": 0,
                    "maxCycles": 28942,
                    "minCycles": 20102,
                    "priority": 500,
                    "totalExecutions": 4
            "name": "/Common/_sys_APM_ExchangeSupport_OA_NtlmAuth",
            "tenant": "Common",
            "application": ""
    "telemetryServiceInfo": {
        "pollingInterval": 0,
        "cycleStart": "2019-01-01T01:01:01Z",
        "cycleEnd": "2019-01-01T01:01:01Z"
    "telemetryEventCategory": "systemInfo"

iHealth Info

Request: GET <base_endpoint>/ihealthpoller/ Response:

    "code": 200,
    "message": [
            "systemPollerDeclName": "My_Poller",
            "ihealthDeclName": "My_iHealth",
            "state": "IHEALTH_POLL_RETRY",
            "nextFireDate": "2019-03-11T07:35:19.828Z",
            "timeBeforeNextFire": 381089490

Events (Logs)

LTM Request Log

Note: all 'keys' should be in lower case to enable classification (tenant/application).


  • Create Pool: Log Publisher Configuration
    • Note: (destination/publisher objects not required)
  • Create LTM Request Log Profile
    • TMSH: create ltm profile request-log telemetry request-log-pool telemetry request-log-protocol mds-tcp request-log-template event_source=\"request_logging\",hostname=\"$BIGIP_HOSTNAME\",client_ip=\"$CLIENT_IP\",server_ip=\"$SERVER_IP\",http_method=\"$HTTP_METHOD\",http_uri=\"$HTTP_URI\",virtual_name=\"$VIRTUAL_NAME\",event_timestamp=\"$DATE_HTTP\" request-logging enabled
      • Note: If creating the profile from the GUI, the \ are not required.
    • F5 Application Services 3.0: Log Profile Creation Using AS3
  • Attach profile to the virtual server
    • F5 Application Services Extension (snippet) - Note: Requires v3.8.0 or greater
              "serviceMain": {
                  "class": "Service_HTTP",
                  "virtualAddresses": [""],
                  "virtualPort": 80,
                  "profileTrafficLog": {
                      "bigip": "/Common/telemetry"


    "telemetryEventCategory": "LTM"



  • Create Log Publisher (and related objects): Log Publisher Configuration
  • Create Security Log Profile:
    • TMSH: create security log profile telemetry network replace-all-with { telemetry { filter { log-acl-match-drop enabled log-acl-match-reject enabled } publisher telemetry_publisher } }
    • F5 Application Services 3.0: Log Profile Creation Using AS3
  • Attach profile to the virtual server
    • F5 Application Services Extension (snippet)
              "serviceMain": {
                  "class": "Service_HTTP",
                  "virtualAddresses": [""],
                  "virtualPort": 80,
                  "securityLogProfiles": [
                          "bigip": "/Common/telemetry"


    "context_type":"Virtual Server",
    "device_product":"Advanced Firewall Module",
    "errdefs_msg_name":"Network Event",



  • Create Security Log Profile:
    • Note: When TS is not a local listener the servers property should be the listener's remote address.
    • TMSH: create security log profile telemetry application replace-all-with { telemetry { filter replace-all-with { request-type { values replace-all-with { all } } } logger-type remote remote-storage splunk servers replace-all-with { {} } } }
    • F5 Application Services 3.0: Log Profile Creation Using AS3
  • Attach profile to the virtual server
    • F5 Application Services Extension (snippet)
              "serviceMain": {
                  "class": "Service_HTTP",
                  "virtualAddresses": [""],
                  "virtualPort": 80,
                  "securityLogProfiles": [
                          "bigip": "/Common/telemetry"


    "policy_apply_date":"2018-11-19 22:17:57",
    "violations":"Evasion technique detected",
    "date_time":"2018-11-19 22:34:40",
    "attack_type":"Detection Evasion,Path Traversal",
    "sub_violations":"Evasion technique detected:Directory traversals",
    "request":"GET /admin/..%2F..%2F..%2Fdirectory/file HTTP/1.0\\r\\nHost:\\r\\nConnection: keep-alive\\r\\nCache-Control: max-age",
    "telemetryEventCategory": "ASM"



  • Create Log Publisher (and related objects): Log Publisher Configuration
  • Create APM Log Profile
    • TMSH: create apm log-setting telemetry access replace-all-with { access { publisher telemetry_publisher } }
  • Attach profile to the APM policy
  • Attach APM policy to the virtual server
    • F5 Application Services Extension (snippet)
              "serviceMain": {
                  "class": "Service_HTTP",
                  "virtualAddresses": [""],
                  "virtualPort": 80,
                  "policyIAM": {
                      "bigip": "/Common/my_apm_policy"



AVR log


  • Modify AVR streaming configuration
    • BIG-IP 15.1.x:
      • TMSH: modify analytics global-settings { offbox-protocol tcp offbox-tcp-addresses add { } offbox-tcp-port 6514 use-offbox enabled } Output
    "hostname": "telemetry-bigip-14-0.localhost",
    "errdefs_msgno": "22282286",
    "Entity": "SystemMonitor",
    "AggrInterval": "30",
    "EOCTimestamp": "1555572150",
    "HitCount": "1",
    "SlotId": "0",
    "CpuHealth": "54",
    "AvgCpu": "5487",
    "AvgCpuDataPlane": "0",
    "AvgCpuControlPlane": "0",
    "AvgCpuAnalysisPlane": "0",
    "MaxCpu": "5487",
    "MemoryHealth": "53",
    "AvgMemory": "5343",
    "ThroughputHealth": "0",
    "TotalBytes": "0",
    "AvgThroughput": "0",
    "ConcurrentConnectionsHealth": "0",
    "AvgConcurrentConnections": "0",
    "MaxConcurrentConnections": "0",
    "telemetryEventCategory": "AVR"

Note: AVR data is different for each 'Entity'. For more info look for AVR documentation.



  • Create Log Publisher (and related objects): Log Publisher Configuration
  • Modifications to the CGNAT LSN Pool:
    • Attach the Log Publisher 'telemetry_publisher' to the LSN pool
      • TMSH: modify ltm lsn-pool cgnat_lsn_pool log-publisher telemetry_publisher
      • GUI: "Carrier Grade NAT" -> "LSN Pools" -> "LSN Pools List"
    • Create and attach your own CGNAT Logging Profile to the LSN pool. This determines what types of logs you wish to receive (optional):
      • TMSH-create: create ltm lsn-log-profile telemetry_lsn_log_profile { start-inbound-session { action enabled } }
      • TMSH-attach: modify ltm lsn-pool cgnat_lsn_pool log-profile telemetry_lsn_log_profile
      • GUI: "Carrier Grade NAT" -> "Logging Profiles" -> LSN



System Log


  • Modify System syslog configuration (add destination)
    • TMSH: modify sys syslog remote-servers replace-all-with { server { host remote-port 6514 } }
    • GUI: System -> Logs -> Configuration -> Remote Logging
  • Modify System logging configuration (update what gets logged)
    • TMSH: ```modify sys daemon-log-settings mcpd audit enabled`` Note: Other daemon-log-settings exist
    • GUI: System -> Logs -> Configuration -> Options


    "data":"<85>Feb 12 21:39:43 telemetry notice sshd[22277]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=  user=root",

Log Publisher Configuration

Configuration Notes

  • Note: Examples assume TS listener is using port 6514.
  • Note: BIG-IP configuration pointing to a local on-box listener requires additional objects, configuration of those are included below.
  • Note: Per-app Virtual Edition BIG-IP limits the number of virtual servers available, to avoid creating the virtual server in the following configuration it is possible to point the pool directly at the TMM link-local IPv6 address (configuration note: remove any pool monitor). Example: ip addr -> tmm (interface) -> inet6 (entry) = look for link-local address starts with FE80


  • Create iRule (localhost forwarder)
    • Note: Only required when TS is a local listener
    • Definition:
      when CLIENT_ACCEPTED {
          node 6514
    • TMSH: create ltm rule telemetry_local_rule (include definition and save)
  • Create Virtual Server
    • Note: Only required when TS is a local listener
    • TMSH: create ltm virtual telemetry_local destination rules { telemetry_local_rule }
  • Create Pool
    • Note: When TS is not a local listener the member should be the listener's remote address.
    • TMSH: create ltm pool telemetry monitor tcp members replace-all-with { }
  • Create Log Destination (Remote HSL)
    • GUI: System -> Logs -> Configuration -> Log Destinations
      • Name: telemetry_hsl
      • Type: Remote HSL
      • Protocol: TCP
      • Pool: telemetry
    • TMSH: create sys log-config destination remote-high-speed-log telemetry_hsl protocol tcp pool-name telemetry
  • Create Log Destination (Format)
    • GUI: System -> Logs -> Configuration -> Log Destinations
      • Name: telemetry_formatted
      • Forward To: telemetry_hsl
    • TMSH: create sys log-config destination splunk telemetry_formatted forward-to telemetry_hsl
  • Create Log Publisher
    • GUI: System -> Logs -> Configuration -> Log Publishers
      • Name: telemetry_publisher
      • Destinations: telemetry_formatted
    • TMSH: create sys log-config publisher telemetry_publisher destinations replace-all-with { telemetry_formatted }

Log Profile Creation Using AS3

Note: AS3 version 3.10.0 or greater required.

    "class": "ADC",
    "schemaVersion": "3.10.0",
    "remark": "Example depicting creation of BIG-IP module log profiles",
    "Common": {
        "Shared": {
            "class": "Application",
            "template": "shared",
            "telemetry_local_rule": {
                "remark": "Only required when TS is a local listener",
                "class": "iRule",
                "iRule": "when CLIENT_ACCEPTED {\n  node 6514\n}"
            "telemetry_local": {
                "remark": "Only required when TS is a local listener",
                "class": "Service_TCP",
                "virtualAddresses": [
                "virtualPort": 6514,
                "iRules": [
            "telemetry": {
                "class": "Pool",
                "members": [
                        "enable": true,
                        "serverAddresses": [
                        "servicePort": 6514
                "monitors": [
                        "bigip": "/Common/tcp"
            "telemetry_hsl": {
                "class": "Log_Destination",
                "type": "remote-high-speed-log",
                "protocol": "tcp",
                "pool": {
                    "use": "telemetry"
            "telemetry_formatted": {
                "class": "Log_Destination",
                "type": "splunk",
                "forwardTo": {
                    "use": "telemetry_hsl"
            "telemetry_publisher": {
                "class": "Log_Publisher",
                "destinations": [
                        "use": "telemetry_formatted"
            "telemetry_traffic_log_profile": {
                "class": "Traffic_Log_Profile",
                "requestSettings": {
                    "requestEnabled": true,
                    "requestProtocol": "mds-tcp",
                    "requestPool": {
                        "use": "telemetry"
                    "requestTemplate": "event_source=\"request_logging\",hostname=\"$BIGIP_HOSTNAME\",client_ip=\"$CLIENT_IP\",server_ip=\"$SERVER_IP\",http_method=\"$HTTP_METHOD\",http_uri=\"$HTTP_URI\",virtual_name=\"$VIRTUAL_NAME\",event_timestamp=\"$DATE_HTTP\""
            "telemetry_security_log_profile": {
                "class": "Security_Log_Profile",
                "application": {
                    "localStorage": false,
                    "remoteStorage": "splunk",
                    "protocol": "tcp",
                    "servers": [
                            "address": "",
                            "port": "6514"
                    "storageFilter": {
                        "requestType": "illegal-including-staged-signatures"
                "network": {
                    "publisher": {
                        "use": "telemetry_publisher"
                    "logRuleMatchAccepts": false,
                    "logRuleMatchRejects": true,
                    "logRuleMatchDrops": true,
                    "logIpErrors": true,
                    "logTcpErrors": true,
                    "logTcpEvents": true