Today, organizations are increasingly deploying more Kubernetes clusters and are implementing multi-cluster strategies in an effort to improve availability, scalability and isolation. Multi-cluster strategy is achieved by deploying an application on multiple Kubernetes clusters. This can be architected with two fundamental ways;
- Global Server Load Balancing (DNS)
- Local Load Balancing (LTM)
Although both ways can help an organization achieve multi-clustering, they have quite few differences on the capabilities of these two methods. Global Server Load Balancing is relying on the DNS protocol to direct the user to the Kubernetes cluster according to the GSLB distribution algorithm by resolving a DNS name to an IP address. Local Load Balancing is based on the typical reverse proxy functionality that the load balancer (BIGIP) will terminate the client's connection and distribute the traffic across a group of backend Kubernetes clusters.
For LTM multi-cluster, we rely on GitOps deployment to provide such funcitonality. With GitOps the user needs to create are the parameters of the service they want to publish (YAML format) and save them to the file. An example of such file is shown below.
- name:
port: 80
template: http
monitor: http
- cluster_name: primary
nodeport: 33002
ratio: 9
- cluster_name: secondary
nodeport: 33002
ratio: 1
Once the file is created/modified on a Git repository we are using a CI/CD pipeline to automatically create the Virtual Server on the BIGIP and start load balancing services for multiple Kubernetes clusters.
Details and demo on this scenario can be found on GitOps use case.
LTM multi-cluster method is recommended when
- Advanced Load Balancing conditions/logic is required (Ratio, HTTP Headers, Geolocation, etc).
- DNS Load Balancing is not possible due to TTL caching or other application related constrain.
DNS multi-clustering is achieved with the use of CIS ExternalDNS CRD. ExternalDNS role is to create WideIPs on F5 BIGIP DNS platform that will load balance the DNS traffic to the BIGIP Virtual Servers that publish the Kubernetes resources (Ingress Controller).
DNS multi-clustering is a two step process. First we create a Custom Resource of type VirtualServer, TransportServer or IngressLink that contain the Hostname (FQDN) of the service we want to load balance.
kind: VirtualServer
f5cr: "true"
name: sample-virtual
host: <==== Hostname (FQDN)
- monitor:
interval: 20
recv: ""
send: /
timeout: 10
type: http
path: /
service: svc-1
servicePort: 80
An ExternalDNS Custom Resource must be created that will have the same hostname as with Custom Resource (VS/TS/IL) we created earlier.
apiVersion: ""
kind: ExternalDNS
name: exdns
f5cr: "true"
domainName: <==== Hostname matches with pervious CR
dnsRecordType: A
loadBalanceMethod: round-robin
- name: www-primary-k8s
dnsRecordType: A
loadBalanceMethod: round-robin
dataServerName: /Common/GSLBServer
type: https
send: "GET /"
recv: ""
interval: 10
timeout: 10
Note: The Host parameter can be configured to be either explicit or wildcard (*
DNS multi-cluster provides the following functionalities:
Active-Active Applications. EDNS can be configured to load balance equally (Round Robin) services running in different clusters.
Active-Standby Applications. EDNS can be configured to have order preference between the services running in different clusters.
Health Monitoring. EDNS provides real-time health monitoring of the services (via HTTP/HTTPS/TCP probes) so that the user is always sent to the Kubernetes cluster that the application is available/operational.
(Important) Note: Since the application runs behind NGINX+ Ingress Controller, it is recommened to have liveness probes configured on the K8s deployments so that NGINX+ removes the services when they are facing health issues and that the timeout/frequency on the EDNS is bigger than the one on liveness probes.
- Distributed environments. Given the fact that EDNS relies on DNS, it can accomodates Kuberentes clusters that are deployed across different datacenters.
Ideally for the multi-cluster demo we would need 2 K8s clusters and 2 BIGIP, one BIGIP for each cluster. Due to the fact that we have 1 BIGIP and 1 K8s cluster in our environment we will simulate mutli-cluster environment by deployhing the same application on 2 Namespaces, deploy 2 CIS instances that monitor these namespaces and both CIS instances will update the same BIGIP DNS.
Access the terminal on the VS Code.
Create the 2 namespaces. Each namespace will represent a different cluster
kubectl create namespace cluster1
kubectl create namespace cluster2
For each namespace (cluster) we will deploy a seperate NGINX+ Ingress Controller.
Change the working directory to multi-cluster
cd ~/oltra/use-cases/two-tier-architectures/multi-cluster
Copy the NGINX plus deployment from the setup folder
mkdir nginx_t1
mkdir nginx_t2
cp -R ~/oltra/setup/nginx-ic/* nginx_t1
cp -R ~/oltra/setup/nginx-ic/* nginx_t2
Replace the namespace nginx
with cluster1
and cluster2
for the required manifests
Deploy NGNINX+ IC for each namespace (cluster).
kubectl apply -f ~/oltra/use-cases/two-tier-architectures/multi-cluster/nginx_t1/rbac
kubectl apply -f ~/oltra/use-cases/two-tier-architectures/multi-cluster/nginx_t2/rbac
kubectl apply -f ~/oltra/use-cases/two-tier-architectures/multi-cluster/nginx_t1/resources
kubectl apply -f ~/oltra/use-cases/two-tier-architectures/multi-cluster/nginx_t2/resources
kubectl apply -f ~/oltra/use-cases/two-tier-architectures/multi-cluster/nginx_t1/nginx-plus
kubectl apply -f ~/oltra/use-cases/two-tier-architectures/multi-cluster/nginx_t2/nginx-plus
Verify that the NGINX pods are up and running on both namespaces
kubectl get pods -n cluster1
kubectl get pods -n cluster2
#################################### Expected Output ######################################
nginx-cluster1-74fd9b786-hqm6k 1/1 Running 0 22s
Before creating 2 CIS instances (one for each namespace), we need to scale down to 0 the existing CIS instance.
kubectl scale deployment f5-cis-crd -n bigip --replicas=0
Note: We scale down to zero the existing CIS since it listens across all Namespaces. In this case we will create a conflict of multiple CIS configuring BIGP for the same CRD but on different partitions.
Deploy 2 new CIS instances. One will manage namespace cluster1
and the other will manage namespace cluster2
cp ~/oltra/setup/cis/cis/cis-ctlr-crd.yml cis-cluster1.yml
cp ~/oltra/setup/cis/cis/cis-ctlr-crd.yml cis-cluster2.yml
sed -i '50i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "--namespace=cluster1",' cis-cluster1.yml
sed -i 's/f5-cis-crd/f5-cis-crd1/' cis-cluster1.yml
sed -i 's/bigip-partition=cis-crd/bigip-partition=cis-crd1/' cis-cluster1.yml
sed -i '50i \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ "--namespace=cluster2",' cis-cluster2.yml
sed -i 's/f5-cis-crd/f5-cis-crd2/' cis-cluster2.yml
sed -i 's/bigip-partition=cis-crd/bigip-partition=cis-crd2/' cis-cluster2.yml
kubectl apply -f cis-cluster1.yml
kubectl apply -f cis-cluster2.yml
Create TransportServer resrouce for cluster1 and cluster2
kubectl apply -f transport.yml
Create EDNS resource for cluster1 and cluster2
kubectl apply -f edns.yml
Try accessing the services with DNS
for i in {1..50} ; do dig @ gslb.f5demo.local +short; done
Delete the namespaces that were created during this demo to remove all configuration
kubectl delete -f transport.yml
sleep 15
kubectl delete -f edns.yml
sleep 45
kubectl delete -f cis-cluster1.yml
kubectl delete -f cis-cluster2.yml
kubectl delete ns cluster1
kubectl delete ns cluster2
kubectl scale deployment f5-cis-crd -n bigip --replicas=1
rm -R nginx_t1
rm -R nginx_t2
rm cis-cluster1.yml
rm cis-cluster2.yml