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186 lines (185 loc) · 8.41 KB

The mod status in the table below means:

  • Not Implemented: not yet started, the mod is missing from the pack
  • In Progress: work has started but the textures are not complete
  • Finished: all textures of the mod are done
Mod Status Texture Folder
Minecraft In Progress minecraft
Actually Additions In Progress actuallyadditions
Advanced Rocketry Not Implemented advancedrocketry
AE2 Stuff Not Implemented ae2stuff
Akashic Tome In Progress akashictome
Appleskin Finished appleskin
Applied Energistics 2 In Progress appliedenergistics2
Architecturecraft In Progress architecturecraft
Aroma1997 Core Not Implemented aroma1997core
Aroma1997s Dimensional World Not Implemented aroma1997sdimension
Astral Sorcery In Progress astralsorcery
Auto Dropper In Progress autodropper
BASE Not Implemented base
Bagginses In Progress bagginses
Barrels In Progress barrels
Baubles Finished baubles
Better Advancements Not Implemented betteradvancedments
Better Builders Wands Finished betterbuilderswands
BetterNether Finished betternether
Better With Mods In Progress betterwithmods
Bibliocraft Textures from 1.7 bibliocraft
Binnie Mods Textures from 1.7 (Binniecore) binniecore / binniedesign / botany / extrabees / extratrees / forestry / genetics
Biomes'o'Plenty In Progress biomesoplenty
Blockcraftery Not Implemented blockcraftery
Blockdrops In Progress blockdrops
Blood Magic Textures from 1.7 bloodmagic / bloodmagicguide
Bookshelf Not Implemented bookshelf
Botania Textures from 1.10 botania / minecraft
Brandons Core Not Implemented brandonscore
Buildcraft Textures from 1.7 buildcraftbuilders / buildcraftcompat / buildcraftcore / buildcraftenergy / buildcraftfactory / buildcraftsilicon / buildcrafttransport
Bullseye In Progress bullseye
Careerbees Not Implemented careerbees
Chest Transporter Not Implemented chesttransporter
Chicken Chunks In Progress chickenchunks
Chisel Textures from 1.10 chisel
Chisels and Bits Not Implemented chiselsandbits
CoFH Core In Progress cofh
Comforts Not Implemented comforts
Compacter Not Implemented compacter
Compact Machines 3 Not Implemented compactmachines3
Compact Solars Textures from 1.7 compactsolars
Cosmetic Armor Reworked Finished cosmeticarmorreworked
Cooking for Blockheads Not Implemented cookingforblockheads
Craft Tweaker Not Implemented crafttweaker
Custom Main Menu Not Implemented custommainmenu
Cyclic In Progress cyclicmagic
Dank Null Not Implemented danknull
Dark Utilities Textures from 1.10 darkutils / minecraft
Davincis Vessels In Progress davincisvessels
Deep Resonance Textures from 1.10 deepresonance
Disenchanter In Progress disenchanter
Draconic Evolution In Progress draconicevolution
ElecCore Not Implemented eleccore
Elevator Mod Not Implemented elevatorid
EluLib Not Implemented elulib
Embers Not Implemented embers
Ender Compass In Progress endercompass
Ender Core In Progress endercore
Ender IO In Progress enderio
Ender Storage Finished enderstorage
Engieers Workshop Reborn Not Implemented engineersworkshop
Environmental Tech Not Implemented environmentaltech
Equivalent Energistics In Progress equivalentenergistics
ET Lunar Not Implemented etlunar
Ex Compressum In Progress excompressum
Ex Nihilo In Progress exnihilocreatio
Exchangers Not Implemented excnagers
Expandable Backpack In Progress expandablebackpack
Extra Cells Textures from 1.7 extracells
Extra Utilities 2 Textures from 1.10 extrautils2 / minecraft
Extreme Reactors Textures from 1.10 bigreactors
Flat Colored Blocks In Progress flatcoloredblocks
Flux Networks Not Implemented calculator / fluxnetworks / sonarcore
Forestry In Progress forestry
FTBLib Not Implemented ftbl
FTBUtilities Not Implemented ftbu
Gadgetry Core Not Implemented gadgetrycore
Gadgetry Machines Not Implemented gadgetrymachines
Gendustry Not Implemented gendustry
Gravestone Not Implemented gravestone
Guide API Not Implemented guideapi
Immersive Engineering In Progress immersiveengineering / minecraft
Immersive Petroleum Not Implemented immersivepetroleum
Industrialcraft 2 In Progress ic2 / minecraft
Industrial Foregoing Textures from 1.10 industrialforegoing
Iron Backpacks Textures from 1.10 ironbackpacks
Iron Chest Textures from 1.10 ironchest
JEHC Not Implemented jehc
JEI Finished jei
JEI Bees Finished jeibees
JEI Integration Not Implemented jeiintegration
Journeymap Not Implemented journeymap / minecraft
Just Enough Resources Finished jeresources
LivVulpes Textures from 1.10 libvulpes
LLOverlay Reloaded Not Implemented llor
Long Fall Boots Not Implemented longfallboots
Magic Bees Textures from 1.7 magicbees
Malisis Doors In Progress malisisdoors
Mantle Not Implemented mantle
Mekanism In Progress mekanism
Mekanism Tools In Progress mekanismtools
Mini Coal In Progress minicoal
Mob Grinding Utils Not Implemented mob_grinding_utils
Morph-o-Tool Finished morphtool
Mystical Agriculture In Progress mysticalagricultire
Mystical World In Progress mysticalworld
Natura Textures from 1.10 natura
Natures Compass Not Implemented naturescompass
Nether Metals In Progress nethermetals
NICE Not Implemented nice
Not Enough Scaffolds Finished notenoughscaffold
Not Enough Wands Finished notenoughwands
Nuclearcraft Not Implemented nuclearcraft
Open Blocks Textures from 1.7 openblocks
Open Computers Textures from 1.10 opencomputers
Overworld Quartz In Progress overworld-quartz
p455w0rdslib Not Implemented p455w0rdslib
Pam's Harvestcraft In Progress harvestcraft
Platforms Not Implemented platforms
ProjectE In Progress projecte
Project Red Textures from 1.7 projectred
Quark In Progress minecraft / quark
Railcraft In Progress railcraft
Rangedpumps Not Implemented rangedpumps
Realistic Torches In Progress realistictorches
Reborm Core Not Implemented reborncore
Redstone Arsenal In Progress redstonearsenal
Refined Storage In Progress refinedstorage
Reliquary Not Implemented xreliquary
RFTools Textures from 1.10 rftools
RFTools Control Not Implemented rftoolscontrol
RFTools Dimension In Progress rftoolsdim
Roots Textures from 1.10 roots
Rustic In Progress rustic
Secret Rooms Mod Not Implemented secretroomsmod
Serene Seasons Finished sereneseasons
Shetiphian Core Not Implemented minecraft / shetiphiancore / shetiphianguide
Signals Not Implemented signals
Simple Achievements In Progress simpleachievements
Simple Covers In Progress covers
Simple Void World Not Implemented simpleviodworld
Sky Resources 2 In Progress skyresources
Snow Variants Finished snowvariants
SonarCore Not Implemented sonarcore
Soul Shards The Old Way Not Implemented soulshardstow
Speedy Ladders Finished speedyladders
Spice of Life In Progress spiceoflife
Steves Carts Textures from 1.10 stevescarts
Storage Drawers Textures from 1.10 storagedrawers
Storage Drawers Extra Not Implemented storagedrawersextra
Super Circuit Maker In Progress rcircuits
Tinkers Construct Textures from 1.10 tconstruct
TeslaCoreLib Not Implemented teslacorelib
Thaumcraft Textures from 1.7 thaumcraft
ThaumicJEI Finished thaumicjei
The One Probe Textures from 1.10 theoneprobe
Thermal Cultivation Not Implemented thermalcultivation
Thermal Dynamics In Progress thermaldynamics
Thermal Expansion In Progress thermalexpansion
Thermal Foundation In Progress thermalfoundation
Thermal Innovation Not Implemented thermalinnovation
ThutCore Not Implemeted thutcore
ThutTech Not Implemented thuttech
Tiny Progression In Progress tp
TOP Addons Not Implemented topaddons
Torchmaster Not Implemented torchmaster
Traverse Not Implemented traverse
Twilight Forest Textures from 1.7 twilightforest
ValkyrieLib Not Implemented minecraft / valkyrielib
Village Names In Progress villagenames
Visible Armor Slots In Progress visiblearmorslots
Waystones Not Implemented waystones
Whoosh Not Implemented whoosh
Wireless Crafting Terminal Finished wct
Wooden Shears In Progress woodenshears
XNet In Progress xnet
XP Book Finished xpbook
XTones Not Implemented xtones
YABBA Not Implemented yabba