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API Reference

ShadowFan-X edited this page Nov 18, 2014 · 13 revisions

ImoSPC provides methods giving you both basic playback controls as well as more “sophisticated” features such as fairly accurate time-telling, seeking, volume controls, getting SPC metadata, and detecting playback state changes.

Important: ImoSPC2 is currently in an alpha stage, so its API is subject to change.

(under construction)


function ImoSPC.querySupportedRuntimes(callback : Function)

function ImoSPC.init(options = null)

The following optional parameters can be passed as the object options:

  • autostart : boolean: If true, then when open() is called, files will begin playing immediately after they are loaded. The default value is false.
  • autoplay : boolean: If false, then playlists will not automatically switch from one track to the next at the end of the track.
  • preferredRuntime : Runtime: If specified, then ImoSPC will try to load the specified runtime, if possible.
  • timeout : number: If specified, then the maximum amount of time in seconds to wait for ImoSPC to load before failing with TIMEOUT. The default value is 5 seconds.

Initializes the ImoSPC runtime so it can be used. The initialization is asynchronous, so listen for the init event rather than doing anything immediately. If there is a failure, initerror will be raised instead.

function : string, options = null)

The following optional parameters can be passed as the object options:

  • autostart : boolean: If defined, then overrides the current autostart setting.
  • userdata : object: An arbitrary JavaScript object to be associated with the loaded track and playlist.

Loads SPC metadata from the specified SPC file or Zip archive.

To open a single SPC file out of an archive, use a fragment identifier, like so:

The fragment identifier cannot contain hash characters; they must be URL-encoded. All special URL characters

Nested zip files are not supported; URLs such as the following will fail with BAD_URL:

Once the SPC metadata is loaded, the load event will be raised. If the metadata can’t be loaded, then the loaderror event will be raised instead.

Important: There are security restrictions on loading files across domains. In order to use cross-domain requests, you must first:


function : Track, startAt : number = 0)
function : Playlist, track : Track | number = 0, startAt : number = 0)

Plays the specified track or playlist, starting at the specified time in seconds.

function ImoSPC.pause() : boolean

Pauses the currently playing track or playlist. If nothing was playing, then false is returned; otherwise, true is returned.

function ImoSPC.unpause() : boolean

Resumes the previously playing track or playlist after it was paused. If nothing was playing, or if something was playing but not paused, then false is returned; otherwise, true is returned.

function ImoSPC.stop() : boolean

Stops the currently playing track or playlist. If nothing was playing, then false is returned; otherwise, true is returned.

function ImoSPC.time() : number

Gets the playback position of the current track, in seconds, or -1 if nothing is playing.

function ImoSPC.getVolume() : number
function ImoSPC.setVolume(volume : number)

Gets and sets the volume at which all SPC files will be played, respectively. volume must be in the range of [0, 1].

function ImoSPC.currentTrack() : ImoSPC.Track

Gets the currently playing track, or null if nothing is playing.

function ImoSPC.currentPlaylist() : ImoSPC.Playlist

Gets the currently playing playlist, or null if no playlist is playing.


var ImoSPC.autostart : boolean

If true, then when metadata for a file is loaded, it will play automatically. The default value is false.

var ImoSPC.autoplay : boolean

If true, then sequential playlists are enabled when calling Otherwise, only one track will be played. The default value is true.

var ImoSPC.allowMultipleInstances : boolean

If true, then the runtime will allow multiple SPC files to be playing simultaneously in separate browser tabs. The default value is false.

Important: This can only affect instances of ImoSPC running on the same domain. Furthermore, an instance in one browser can’t pause an instance running in a different browser.

const ImoSPC.version

const version.major : number
const version.minor : number
const : number

The version number of the loaded ImoSPC build.

const version.runtime : Runtime

Indicates what runtime, if any, is currently running.

Note: ImoSPC2 is currently in an alpha stage, so interpret 1.9.1 as "alpha."




function : number = 0)

Plays a solo track, starting at the specified time.

function : number, isRelative : boolean = false) : boolean

If the track is playing, then the track will relocate to the specified time, and return true. Otherwise, returns false.

function Track.pause() : boolean

Pauses the track and returns true, if it is playing. Otherwise, returns false. Also returns false if the track is already paused.

function Track.unpause() : boolean

Unpauses the track and returns true, if it is paused. Otherwise, returns false.

function Track.stop() : boolean

Stops the track and returns true if it is playing.

function Track.time() : number

Gets returns the time in seconds at which the track is playing, or -1 if the track is not playing or paused.


  • Track.url : string: The complete URL from which the track was loaded.
  • Track.path : string: The path to the track within its parent archive, or undefined if the track wasn’t loaded from an archive.
  • Track.archive : string: The complete URL of the archive from which the track was loaded, or undefined if the track wasn’t loaded from an archive.
  • Track.title : string: The title of the track, or undefined if the SPC file doesn’t have a title in its metadata.
  • Track.length : number: The length of the track, in seconds.
  • : string: The name of the game the track is from, or undefined if the SPC file doesn’t have the name of the game in its metadata.
  • Track.artist : string: The name of the artist who composed the track, or undefined if the SPC file doesn’t have the name of the track’s artist in its metadata.
  • Track.publisher : string: The name of the publisher who published the game the track is from, or undefined if the SPC file doesn’t have the publisher name in its metadata.
  • Track.copyright : number: The copyright year, or undefined if the SPC file doesn’t specify a copyright year in its metadata.
  • Track.osttitle : string: The title of the original sound track (OST) the track is from, if any.
  • Track.ostdisc : number: The OST disc the track is from, if any.
  • Track.osttrack : string: The track number, if any, which may have an arbitrary ASCII character appended.
    • Track.osttracknum : number: The track number, as a number. Since alphabetical sorting doesn’t work with numbers, this value should be used when sorting tracks manually.
    • Track.osttrackchar : string: An optional character appended to the track number.
  • Track.userdata : object: The object that was passed to, if any.



Playlist(tracks : Array)


function : Track | number = 0, startAt : number = 0)
function Playlist.pause() : boolean
function Playlist.unpause() : boolean
function Playlist.stop() : boolean
function Playlist.first() : Track
function Playlist.previous() : Track
function Playlist.current() : Track
function : Track
function Playlist.last() : Track
function Playlist.indexOfFirst() : number
function Playlist.indexOfPrevious() : number
function Playlist.indexOfCurrent() : number
function Playlist.indexOfNext() : number
function Playlist.indexOfLast() : number
function Playlist.sort(trackSort = TrackSort.Chronological) : Playlist
function Playlist.sortReverse(trackSort = TrackSort.Chronological) : Playlist


  • Playlist.tracks : Array
  • Playlist.length : number
  • Playlist.userdata : object






  • Error.SUCCESS: Self-explanatory.
  • Error.UNKNOWN: An unknown error occurred.
  • Error.INVALID_SPC: Attempted to load a bad SPC file.
  • Error.INVALID_ZIP: Attempted to load a bad Zip archive.
  • Error.EMPTY_ARCHIVE: Attempted to load an empty archive.
  • Error.UNKNOWN_FILE_TYPE: Attempted to load a file that was neither an SPC file nor a Zip archive.
  • Error.BAD_URL: The URL is malformed.
  • Error.DOWNLOAD_ERROR: A download error occurred. If the error was an HTTP error, then the error message will be accompanied with the HTTP response code.
  • Error.IO_ERROR: An I/O error occurred when trying to download or read a file.
  • Error.PATH_NOT_FOUND: The requested file could not be found in the archive.
  • Error.BROWSER_NOT_SUPPORTED: The user is using a browser that doesn’t support HTML5 and either doesn’t have Flash installed, or has the Flash plug-in disabled.
  • Error.TIMEOUT: The initialization timeout has expired.
  • Error.FLASHBLOCK: Flashblock-like behaviour was detected. The initialization is still pending, and will complete as soon as ImoSPC’s Flash backend is allowed to run.


  • const Runtime.NONE: init() has not been called, or it has been called, but is still initializing.
  • const Runtime.FLASH: ImoSPC is running through its Flash backend.
  • const Runtime.HTML5: ImoSPC is running through its HTML5 backend.


  • const PlaybackState.STOPPED
  • const PlaybackState.PLAYING
  • const PlaybackState.PAUSED
  • const PlaybackState.BUFFERING
  • const PlaybackState.LOADING


  • const TrackSort.Title
  • const TrackSort.Game
  • const TrackSort.URL
  • const TrackSort.Filename
  • const TrackSort.Chronological


event init : ImoSPC.InitEvent

Raised when ImoSPC has been initialized successfully.

event initerror : ImoSPC.InitEvent

Raised when ImoSPC couldn’t be initialized. The event descriptor’s error field will indicate what error occurred.

event load : ImoSPC.LoadEvent

Raised when the metadata for a file is loaded. This event can be used even when autostart is enabled.

event loaderror : ImoSPC.LoadEvent

Raised when either:

  • The metadata for a file could not be loaded.
  • A file could not be downloaded for playback.

event playstatechange : ImoSPC.PlayStateEvent

Raised whenever ImoSPC’s playback state changes.

function ImoSPC.addEventListener(type : string, listener : Function)

function ImoSPC.removeEventListener(type : string, listener : Function)

Adds and removes an event listener, respectively. Event listeners are called in the order they are added, and they are removed in the reverse order; i.e. when a single listener is added twice and removed once, the second listener will be removed.

listener must be a function.

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