[2015-06-06 Sun 13:49]
[2015-06-14 Sun 13:49]
- self-contained. all the package needed for this configuration will be installed automatically from main Emacs package repo, except for mu4e
- tryout friendly. anyone can have an try of this Emacs configuration without pollute yours
- fully tested on Linux and OS X and update setting and packages frequently
- including problematic settings are turned off temperately.
[2015-05-21 Thu 09:07]
- few third party software, like mu, ispell, plantuml. However they can be installed within few mins
- optimise start-up time, it takes about 3 seconds to start, which is fine for most Emacs-user who rarely re-start Emacs
- use-package to solve dependence. I have full understanding the dependence among all the packages.