The mod status in the table below means:
- Not Implemented: not yet started, the mod is missing from the pack
- In Progress: work has started but the textures are not complete
- Finished: all textures of the mod are done
Mod | Status | Texture Folder |
Minecraft | In Progress | minecraft |
Actually Additions | In Progress | actuallyadditions |
Advanced Rocketry | Not Implemented | advancedrocketry |
AE2 Stuff | Not Implemented | ae2stuff |
Akashic Tome | In Progress | akashictome |
Appleskin | Finished | appleskin |
Applied Energistics 2 | In Progress | appliedenergistics2 |
Architecturecraft | Not Implemented | architecturecraft |
Aroma1997 Core | Not Implemented | aroma1997core |
Aroma1997s Dimensional World | Not Implemented | aroma1997sdimension |
Astral Sorcery | In Progress | astralsorcery |
Auto Dropper | In Progress | autodropper |
BASE | Not Implemented | base |
Bagginses | In Progress | bagginses |
Barrels | In Progress | barrels |
Baubles | Finished | baubles |
Better Advancements | Not Implemented | betteradvancedments |
Better Builders Wands | Finished | betterbuilderswands |
Bibliocraft | Textures from 1.7 | bibliocraft |
Binnie Mods | Textures from 1.7 (Binniecore) | binniecore / binniedesign / botany / extrabees / extratrees / forestry / genetics |
Biomes'o'Plenty | In Progress | biomesoplenty |
Blockcraftery | Not Implemented | blockcraftery |
Blockdrops | In Progress | blockdrops |
Blood Magic | Textures from 1.7 | bloodmagic / bloodmagicguide |
Bookshelf | Not Implemented | bookshelf |
Botania | Textures from 1.10 | botania / minecraft |
Brandons Core | Not Implemented | brandonscore |
Buildcraft | Textures from 1.7 | buildcraftbuilders / buildcraftcompat / buildcraftcore / buildcraftenergy / buildcraftfactory / buildcraftsilicon / buildcrafttransport |
Bullseye | In Progress | bullseye |
Careerbees | Not Implemented | careerbees |
Chest Transporter | Not Implemented | chesttransporter |
Chicken Chunks | In Progress | chickenchunks |
Chisel | Textures from 1.10 | chisel |
Chisels and Bits | Not Implemented | chiselsandbits |
CoFH Core | In Progress | cofh |
Comforts | Not Implemented | comforts |
Compacter | Not Implemented | compacter |
Compact Machines 3 | Not Implemented | compactmachines3 |
Compact Solars | Textures from 1.7 | compactsolars |
Cosmetic Armor Reworked | Finished | cosmeticarmorreworked |
Cooking for Blockheads | Not Implemented | cookingforblockheads |
Craft Tweaker | Not Implemented | crafttweaker |
Custom Main Menu | Not Implemented | custommainmenu |
Cyclic | In Progress | cyclicmagic |
Dank Null | Not Implemented | danknull |
Dark Utilities | Textures from 1.10 | darkutils / minecraft |
Deep Resonance | Textures from 1.10 | deepresonance |
Disenchanter | In Progress | disenchanter |
Draconic Evolution | In Progress | draconicevolution |
ElecCore | Not Implemented | eleccore |
Elevator Mod | Not Implemented | elevatorid |
EluLib | Not Implemented | elulib |
Embers | Not Implemented | embers |
Ender Compass | In Progress | endercompass |
Ender Core | In Progress | endercore |
Ender IO | In Progress | enderio |
Ender Storage | Finished | enderstorage |
Engieers Workshop Reborn | Not Implemented | engineersworkshop |
Environmental Tech | Not Implemented | environmentaltech |
ET Lunar | Not Implemented | etlunar |
Ex Compressum | In Progress | excompressum |
Ex Nihilo | In Progress | exnihilocreatio |
Exchangers | Not Implemented | excnagers |
Expandable Backpack | In Progress | expandablebackpack |
Extra Cells | Textures from 1.7 | extracells |
Extra Utilities 2 | Textures from 1.10 | extrautils2 / minecraft |
Extreme Reactors | Textures from 1.10 | bigreactors |
Flat Colored Blocks | In Progress | flatcoloredblocks |
Flux Networks | Not Implemented | calculator / fluxnetworks / sonarcore |
Forestry | In Progress | forestry |
FTBLib | Not Implemented | ftbl |
FTBUtilities | Not Implemented | ftbu |
Gadgetry Core | Not Implemented | gadgetrycore |
Gadgetry Machines | Not Implemented | gadgetrymachines |
Gendustry | Not Implemented | gendustry |
Gravestone | Not Implemented | gravestone |
Guide API | Not Implemented | guideapi |
Immersive Engineering | In Progress | immersiveengineering / minecraft |
Immersive Petroleum | Not Implemented | immersivepetroleum |
Industrialcraft 2 | In Progress | ic2 / minecraft |
Industrial Foregoing | Textures from 1.10 | industrialforegoing |
Iron Backpacks | Textures from 1.10 | ironbackpacks |
Iron Chest | Textures from 1.10 | ironchest |
JEHC | Not Implemented | jehc |
JEI | Finished | jei |
JEI Bees | Finished | jeibees |
JEI Integration | Not Implemented | jeiintegration |
Journeymap | Not Implemented | journeymap / minecraft |
Just Enough Resources | Finished | jeresources |
LivVulpes | Textures from 1.10 | libvulpes |
LLOverlay Reloaded | Not Implemented | llor |
Long Fall Boots | Not Implemented | longfallboots |
Magic Bees | Textures from 1.7 | magicbees |
Malisis Core | Not Implemented | malisiscore |
Malisis Doors | Not Implemented | malisisdoors |
Mantle | Not Implemented | mantle |
Mekanism | In Progress | mekanism |
Mekanism Tools | In Progress | mekanismtools |
Mini Coal | In Progress | minicoal |
Mob Grinding Utils | Not Implemented | mob_grinding_utils |
Morph-o-Tool | Finished | morphtool |
Mystical Agriculture | In Progress | mysticalagricultire |
Natura | Textures from 1.10 | natura |
Natures Compass | Not Implemented | naturescompass |
Nether Metals | In Progress | nethermetals |
NICE | Not Implemented | nice |
Not Enough Wands | Finished | notenoughwands |
Nuclearcraft | Not Implemented | nuclearcraft |
Open Blocks | Textures from 1.7 | openblocks |
Open Computers | Textures from 1.10 | opencomputers |
Overworld Quartz | In Progress | overworld-quartz |
p455w0rdslib | Not Implemented | p455w0rdslib |
Pam's Harvestcraft | In Progress | harvestcraft |
Platforms | Not Implemented | platforms |
ProjectE | In Progress | projecte |
Project Red | Textures from 1.7 | projectred |
Quark | In Progress | minecraft / quark |
Railcraft | In Progress | railcraft |
Rangedpumps | Not Implemented | rangedpumps |
Reborm Core | Not Implemented | reborncore |
Redstone Arsenal | In Progress | redstonearsenal |
Refined Storage | In Progress | refinedstorage |
Reliquary | Not Implemented | xreliquary |
RFTools | Textures from 1.10 | rftools |
RFTools Control | Not Implemented | rftoolscontrol |
RFTools Dimension | In Progress | rftoolsdim |
Roots | Textures from 1.10 | roots |
Rustic | In Progress | rustic |
Secret Rooms Mod | Not Implemented | secretroomsmod |
Shetiphian Core | Not Implemented | minecraft / shetiphiancore / shetiphianguide |
Signals | Not Implemented | signals |
Simple Achievements | In Progress | simpleachievements |
Simple Covers | In Progress | covers |
Simple Void World | Not Implemented | simpleviodworld |
SonarCore | Not Implemented | sonarcore |
Soul Shards The Old Way | Not Implemented | soulshardstow |
Spice of Life | In Progress | spiceoflife |
Steves Carts | Textures from 1.10 | stevescarts |
Storage Drawers | Textures from 1.10 | storagedrawers |
Storage Drawers Extra | Not Implemented | storagedrawersextra |
Super Circuit Maker | In Progress | rcircuits |
Tinkers Construct | Textures from 1.10 | tconstruct |
TeslaCoreLib | Not Implemented | teslacorelib |
Thaumcraft | Textures from 1.7 | thaumcraft |
ThaumicJEI | Finished | thaumicjei |
The One Probe | Textures from 1.10 | theoneprobe |
Thermal Cultivation | Not Implemented | thermalcultivation |
Thermal Dynamics | In Progress | thermaldynamics |
Thermal Expansion | In Progress | thermalexpansion |
Thermal Foundation | In Progress | thermalfoundation |
Thermal Innovation | Not Implemented | thermalinnovation |
ThutCore | Not Implemeted | thutcore |
ThutTech | Not Implemented | thuttech |
Tiny Progression | In Progress | tp |
TOP Addons | Not Implemented | topaddons |
Torchmaster | Not Implemented | torchmaster |
Traverse | Not Implemented | traverse |
Twilight Forest | Textures from 1.7 | twilightforest |
ValkyrieLib | Not Implemented | minecraft / valkyrielib |
Visible Armor Slots | In Progress | visiblearmorslots |
Waystones | Not Implemented | waystones |
Whoosh | Not Implemented | whoosh |
Wireless Crafting Terminal | Not Implemented | wct |
Wooden Shears | In Progress | woodenshears |
XNet | In Progress | xnet |
XTones | Not Implemented | xtones |
YABBA | Not Implemented | yabba |