Convert individual .mbtile files to the Esri Compact Cache V2 format bundles. It only builds individual bundles, not a completely functional cache.
While operational, this code is only provided as an example of how a bundle file is created and updated.
This Python script takes two arguments, the input mbtile folder and the output folder. It assumes that the input folder contains mbtile files of the form: \<level#>.mbtile
The script does not check the input tile format, and assumes that all the files under the source contain valid SQLLite databases with tiles in MBTiles format. The algorithm loops over files, inserting each tile in the appropriate bundle. It keeps one bundle open in case the next tile fits in the same bundle. In most cases this combination results in good performance.
The sample_mbtiles folder contains example MBTiles the form of SQLite databases for the single zoom levels for the first three level of the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy - TopPlusOpen cache in Web Mercator projection. The [sample_cache] (../sample_cache) folder contains a Compact Cache V2 cache produced from these individual mbtiles using the script. The commands used to generate the bundles for each level are:
RGB processing:
python sample_code\ -i sample_mbtiles -o sample_cache\_alllayers
Grayscale processing:
python sample_code\ -i sample_mbtiles -o sample_cache\_alllayers -g
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