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This package provides functions to calculate the New Zealand River Ecosystem Health Score, as proposed by Clapcott et al. (2019). The score serves as a simple and holistic measure of the biophysical condition of rivers and streams in New Zealand.


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This document outlines the process for using a R package to calculate the New Zealand River Ecosystem Health Score, as proposed by Clapcott et al. (2019). The score serves as a simple and holistic measure of the biophysical condition of rivers and streams in New Zealand. It is based on the Freshwater Biophysical Ecosystem Health Framework and evaluates five core components of ecosystem health: Aquatic Life, Physical Habitat, Water Quality, Water Quantity, and Ecological Processes.


You can install the development version of riverhealth from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Preparing data

Before using riverhealth, it is assumed that users have followed the steps required to apply the Freshwater Biophysical Ecosystem Health Framework (Figure 1). This package assists users in Step 1 by providing default reference values for metrics, in Step 2 by harmonising and integrating data, and in Step 3 by calculating performance scores and plots for ecosystem health reporting. Users must complete other steps in the process before using this tool. Such as the establishment of representative monitoring sites, data collection, metric calculation, and data aggregation to a chosen spatial and temporal scale (e.g., the calculation of a 5-yr median for a given site).

Figure 1 Flow diagram of the steps in the application of the framework for freshwater ecosystem health (from Clapcott et al. 2019) with steps undertaken by this R package highlighted.

Figure 1 Flow diagram of the steps in the application of the framework for freshwater ecosystem health (from Clapcott et al. 2019) with steps undertaken by this R package highlighted.

Reference table

A nationally applicable reference table is provided with the package. This table provides default values for excellent ecological condition (minimum human impact) as well as for poor ecological condition (e.g., national bottom lines) for metrics against which sites are compared with to calculate performance scores. The reference table was populated using best available information.

For attributes in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management (NPSFM) 2020, the default values are provided in Tables in Appendix 2A and 2B. In this tool, the metric value denoting an A band was used for excellent condition and the metric value denoting the national bottom line was used for poor condition. Exceptions include: Dissolved reactive phosphorus and Fish Index of Biotic Integrity, where the metric value denoting the D band was used for poor condition; Ecosystem metabolism (both gross primary production and ecosystem respiration) default values were informed by Young et al. (2008) and STAG Report to the Minister for the Environment (2019). For attributes not in the NPSFM, the references used to inform default guidelines values can be found in the Appendix.

We recommend using the reference table provided with the package. The default reference table is included with the package and can be accessed once the package is installed as reference_table_default:

component indicator attribute metric class bottom_line bottom_line_range reference reference_range cut healthy_value npsfm suitability key_metric
aquatic_life fish fish_ibi fish_ibi universal 18.000 NA 34.000 NA 28.00 high TRUE 3 TRUE
aquatic_life fish exotic_species exotic_species universal 6.000 NA 0.000 NA NA low FALSE 1 TRUE
aquatic_life fish taxa_richness taxa_richness universal 20.000 NA 5.000 NA NA low FALSE 1 FALSE
aquatic_life plants exotic_species exotic_species universal 3.000 NA 0.000 NA NA low FALSE 1 TRUE
aquatic_life plants plant_productivity periphyton default 200.000 NA 50.000 NA 120.00 low TRUE 3 TRUE
aquatic_life plants plant_productivity periphyton productive 200.000 NA 50.000 NA 120.00 low TRUE 3 TRUE
aquatic_life plants plant_productivity macrophyte_channel_clogginess universal 30.000 NA 10.000 NA NA low FALSE 2 TRUE
aquatic_life plants weighted_composite_cover weighted_composite_cover universal 55.000 NA 20.000 NA NA low FALSE 2 FALSE
aquatic_life macroinvertebrates mci mci universal 90.000 NA 130.000 NA 110.00 high TRUE 3 TRUE
aquatic_life macroinvertebrates mci qmci universal 4.500 NA 6.500 NA 5.50 high TRUE 3 TRUE
aquatic_life macroinvertebrates aspm aspm universal 0.300 NA 0.600 NA 0.40 high TRUE 3 FALSE
aquatic_life macroinvertebrates ept_taxa_richness ept_taxa_richness universal 5.000 NA 15.000 NA NA high FALSE 1 FALSE
aquatic_life macroinvertebrates percentage_ept_taxa percentage_ept_taxa universal 25.000 NA 70.000 NA NA high FALSE 1 FALSE
aquatic_life macroinvertebrates exotic_species exotic_species universal NA NA NA NA NA low FALSE 1 TRUE
aquatic_life waterbirds abundance abundance universal NA NA NA NA NA high FALSE 1 FALSE
aquatic_life waterbirds taxa_richness taxa_richness universal NA NA NA NA NA low FALSE 1 TRUE
aquatic_life microbes bacterial_community_index bacterial_community_index universal NA NA NA NA NA high FALSE 1 TRUE
water_quality dissolved_oxygen dissolved_oxygen do_7_day_min universal 5.000 NA 8.000 NA 7.00 low TRUE 3 TRUE
water_quality dissolved_oxygen dissolved_oxygen do_1_day_min universal 4.000 NA 7.500 NA 5.00 low TRUE 3 TRUE
water_quality temperature cox_rutherford_index cox_rutherford_index maritime 24.000 NA 18.000 NA 20.00 low FALSE 1 TRUE
water_quality temperature cox_rutherford_index cox_rutherford_index eastern_dry 26.000 NA 20.000 NA 22.00 low FALSE 1 TRUE
water_quality suspended_fine_sediment visual_clarity visual_clarity 1 1.340 NA 1.780 NA 1.55 low TRUE 3 TRUE
water_quality suspended_fine_sediment visual_clarity visual_clarity 2 0.610 NA 0.930 NA 0.76 low TRUE 3 TRUE
water_quality suspended_fine_sediment visual_clarity visual_clarity 3 2.220 NA 2.950 NA 2.57 low TRUE 3 TRUE
water_quality suspended_fine_sediment visual_clarity visual_clarity 4 0.980 NA 1.380 NA 1.17 low TRUE 3 TRUE
water_quality contaminants ammonia ammonia_median universal 1.300 NA 0.030 NA 0.24 low TRUE 3 TRUE
water_quality contaminants ammonia amonia_95_percentile universal 2.200 NA 0.050 NA 0.40 low TRUE 3 TRUE
water_quality contaminants nitrate nitrate_median universal 6.900 NA 1.000 NA 2.40 low TRUE 3 TRUE
water_quality contaminants nitrate nitrate_95_percentile universal 9.800 NA 1.500 NA 3.50 low TRUE 3 TRUE
water_quality contaminants metals copper universal 1.300 NA 0.200 NA NA low FALSE 3 FALSE
water_quality contaminants metals lead universal 9.400 NA 1.000 NA NA low FALSE 3 FALSE
water_quality contaminants metals zinc universal 31.000 NA 2.400 NA NA low FALSE 3 FALSE
water_quality nutrients dissolved_reactive_phosphorus drp_median universal 0.180 NA 0.006 NA 0.01 low TRUE 3 TRUE
water_quality nutrients dissolved_reactive_phosphorus drp_95_percentile universal 0.054 NA 0.021 NA 0.03 low TRUE 3 TRUE
water_quality nutrients dissolved_inorganic_nitrogen din_median universal 1.000 NA 0.240 NA NA low FALSE 2 TRUE
water_quality nutrients dissolved_inorganic_nitrogen din_95_percentile universal 2.050 NA 0.560 NA NA low FALSE 3 TRUE
water_quantity extent water_allocation_index water_allocation_index universal 0.300 NA 0.000 NA NA low FALSE 2 TRUE
water_quantity extent median_flow median_flow universal 20.000 NA 10.000 NA NA low FALSE 2 TRUE
water_quantity extent mean_annual_flow mean_annual_flow universal 20.000 NA 10.000 NA NA low FALSE 2 TRUE
water_quantity hydrological_variability fre3 fre3 universal NA NA NA NA NA low FALSE 1 TRUE
water_quantity hydrological_variability mean:median mean:median universal NA NA NA NA NA low FALSE 1 FALSE
water_quantity connectivity floodplain floodplain universal NA NA NA NA NA high FALSE 1 TRUE
water_quantity connectivity groundwater groudwater universal NA NA NA NA NA high FALSE 1 FALSE
physical_habitat substrate deposited_fine_sediment deposited_fine_sediment 1 21.000 NA 7.000 NA 14.00 low TRUE 3 TRUE
physical_habitat substrate deposited_fine_sediment deposited_fine_sediment 2 29.000 NA 10.000 NA 19.00 low TRUE 3 TRUE
physical_habitat substrate deposited_fine_sediment deposited_fine_sediment 3 27.000 NA 9.000 NA 18.00 low TRUE 3 TRUE
physical_habitat substrate deposited_fine_sediment deposited_fine_sediment 4 27.000 NA 13.000 NA 19.00 low TRUE 3 TRUE
physical_habitat form natural_character_index natural_character_index universal NA NA NA NA NA high FALSE 1 TRUE
physical_habitat form catchment_impermeability catchment_impermeability universal 15.000 NA 5.000 NA NA low FALSE 1 TRUE
physical_habitat form bank_stability bank_stability universal 75.000 NA 5.000 NA NA low FALSE 1 TRUE
physical_habitat extent wetland_extent wetland_extent universal 10.000 NA 60.000 NA NA high FALSE 2 FALSE
physical_habitat extent rapid_habitat_assessment_score rapid_habitat_assessment_score universal 25.000 NA 75.000 NA NA high FALSE 2 TRUE
physical_habitat riparian shade shade universal 10.000 NA 70.000 NA NA high FALSE 2 TRUE
physical_habitat riparian riparian_function riparian_function universal 22.000 NA 55.000 NA NA high FALSE 1 FALSE
ecological_processes biotic_interactions food_web_indeces food_web_indeces universal NA NA NA NA NA high TRUE 1 TRUE
ecological_processes biogeochemical_processes gross_primary_productivity gross_primary_productivity wadeable 7.000 NA 3.500 NA NA low TRUE 2 TRUE
ecological_processes biogeochemical_processes gross_primary_productivity gross_primary_productivity nonwadeable 8.000 NA 3.000 NA NA low TRUE 2 TRUE
ecological_processes biogeochemical_processes ecosystem_respiration ecosystem_respiration wadeable 9.500 0.800 1.600 5.80 NA nonlinear TRUE 2 TRUE
ecological_processes biogeochemical_processes ecosystem_respiration ecosystem_respiration nonwadeable 13.000 0.600 1.600 3.00 NA nonlinear TRUE 2 TRUE
ecological_processes biogeochemical_processes cotton_breakdown cotton_breakdown universal 0.050 0.005 0.030 0.01 NA low FALSE 1 FALSE

Each row corresponds to a different metric and each column denotes:

  • component: Each component describes a different aspect of freshwater biophysical ecosystem health.
  • indicator: Within a component, indicators aggregate similar metrics. This column denotes the indicator to which a given metric belongs to.
  • attribute: The biophysical attributes a given metric aims to quantify. The attribute classification often matches the metric classification, but it can vary when multiple metrics measure the same attribute(e.g., both the do_7_day_min and do_1_day_min metrics measure the dissolved oxygen attribute).
  • metric: Measured or modeled biophysical characteristics of rivers and streams.
  • class: The category used for calculating metric performance scores (e.g., productive/default, sediment class). Different categories will have different benchmarks.
  • bottom_line: This numerical value is a benchmark that denotes a degraded state or poor condition for a given metric, against which sites will be compared to calculate performance scores.
  • bottom_line_range: For non-linear metrics only, these values denote the range that comprises a degraded state for a given metric. If the metric is linear, then this column should be NA.
  • reference: This numerical value is a benchmark that denotes a healthy state or excellent condition for a given metric, against which sites will be compared to calculate performance scores.
  • reference_line_range: For non-linear metrics only, these values denote the range that comprises a healthy state for a given metric. If the metric is linear, then this column should be NA.
  • cut: For NPSFM metrics, this numerical value is the benchmark that denotes metric grades between the bottom_line and the reference values (e.g., delineating B/C grades). These values are only used to calculate NPSFM grade bands and are not used to calculate metric performance scores.
  • healthy_value: A categorical value that denotes whether high or low values of a metric indicate a healthy stream. Categories are high, low, or non-linear.
  • NPSFM: A Boolean variable (TRUE or FALSE) denoting if a metric is part of the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020.
  • suitability: A numerical value (1, 2, or 3) for each metric, assigned using expert assessment to quantify if metrics are fit for purpose. These values are used in the data integration process.
  • key_metric: A Boolean variable denoting if a metric is necessary for a holistic assessment of a river or stream. Metrics denoted as key metrics will be used to calculate plotting ratios of each indicator.

If the user needs to apply different benchmarks (e.g., to account for regional guideline values or spatial variation), they can use their own user-defined reference table. However, a user-defined reference table must follow the exact same format as the default reference table. The final output will indicate whether the default or user-defined benchmarks were used. We recommend the user employ best practice guidelines to inform alternative benchmarks, such as those used in Clapcott et al (2019).

A note on metric suitability values. In the default reference table, these were assigned using the following logic: All metrics with tables in Appendix 2A and 2B of the NPSFM 2020 were assigned a 3, indicating high suitability. Metrics with standardised methods and/or national datasets and/or national guideline values were assigned a 2, indicating medium suitability. Remaining metrics that did not meet the above definitions or only provided partial assessment of an indicator compared to an alternative metric (e.g., taxa_richness compared to fish_ibi) were assigned a 1, indicating low suitability.

A note on key_metric identification. Metrics were labelled as key metrics if they contributed to a holistic assessment of ecological integrity, which includes nativeness, pristineness, diversity, and resilience, where applicable. Each indicator must contain at least one key metric even if that metric has low suitability. For example, plant exotic_species is a key metric despite a suitability of 1 because there are no alternative metrics assessing nativeness.

Preparing data – Indicator tables

Within each component, indicator tables should be prepared independently. Each table should be presented as a tidy data frame, where each variable constitutes a column, and each observation forms a row. The data in these tables should already be aggregated at the desired level for analysis. For example, as detailed in Clapcott et al. (2019), data were aggregated at the site level using the mean average for the given period (e.g. 2013-2017).

Each indicator table must include the following columns:

  • site: The unique identifier for the spatial scale at which observations were aggregated (e.g. NZSegment, Site name).
  • class: The category of a given site in the context of the metrics being measured (e.g. productive/default for periphyton, sediment class for visual_clarity).
  • indicator: This column denotes the indicator to which the given metrics belong to. Values in this column should be an exact match to the indicators listed in the Reference Table.
  • component: This column denotes the component to which the given metric/s belong to. Values in this column should be an exact match to the components listed in the Reference Table.
  • reporting_scale: The chosen scale for data integration. This could be, for example, Freshwater Management Unit, region, or stream class. This column should be the same for all indicator tables for calculating an ecosystem health score. The names for all reporting scales should be consistent across all indicator tables.
  • individual metric columns: Each metric observed or modelled should have its own column, containing the respective metric values for evaluating the indicator. At least one metric column is required. Column names should be an exact match to the metrics listed in the Reference Table (eg., fish_ibi, qmci).

As an example, all subsequent analyses will show how to calculate health scores for the Aquatic Life component using simulated data. This data is provided with the package. The first few rows of the macroinvertebrates indicator table show:

site mci percentage_ept_taxa ept_taxa_richness reporting_scale indicator component class
2005826 102.03704 46.5 15.345 region 1 macroinvertebrates aquatic_life universal
2004945 72.54873 10.0 2.450 region 1 macroinvertebrates aquatic_life universal
2004945 72.54873 10.0 2.450 region 1 macroinvertebrates aquatic_life universal
2004945 72.54873 10.0 2.450 region 1 macroinvertebrates aquatic_life universal
2001345 86.99597 25.5 6.630 region 1 macroinvertebrates aquatic_life universal
2009507 82.25263 26.5 6.890 region 1 macroinvertebrates aquatic_life universal

The order of the columns will not affect the analyses. However, all the required columns should be present within each indicator table.

Following the Aquatic Life example, we also simulated data for the fish indicator:

site fish_ibi reporting_scale indicator component class
1002057 16 region 9 fish aquatic_life universal
1002114 16 region 9 fish aquatic_life universal
1006679 14 region 9 fish aquatic_life universal
1006843 14 region 9 fish aquatic_life universal
1007395 16 region 9 fish aquatic_life universal
1008653 14 region 9 fish aquatic_life universal

And finally, the plants indicator:

site class reporting_scale periphyton indicator component
13019274 default region 3 28.9200 plants aquatic_life
13511847 default region 3 32.5868 plants aquatic_life
13058883 default region 3 16.1380 plants aquatic_life
13064793 default region 3 121.2352 plants aquatic_life
13064432 default region 3 90.4284 plants aquatic_life
13064432 default region 3 90.4284 plants aquatic_life

Note that it is not necessary to have all indicator tables that make up a component to perform the subsequent analyses. Analyses can be performed with a minimum of one metric measured and one indicator table.

Ecosystem health analyses

Before conducting analyses, two global options must be defined, which will apply to all components. The first option, NPSFM, is a Boolean variable. When set to TRUE, it exclusively calculates indicator, component, and overall river health scores for metrics outlined in the 2020 National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management.

The second option, overall_score, is also a Boolean variable. When set to TRUE, it computes a single indicator, component, and overall river health score. Otherwise, calculations are performed for individual groups listed in the reporting_scale column.

npsfm_only <- FALSE
overall_score <- TRUE

Data harmonisation

Data harmonisation involves converting data to a common scale. This is done so that disparate metrics can combined at indicator and component levels.

Following Clapcott et al. (2019), data harmonisation involved calculating performance scores for each metric. These performance scores range from 0 to 1, where 0 signifies a degraded condition (e.g., the bottom line), and 1 indicates a minimally-impacted reference condition. Sites performing better than the reference target cannot achieve scores higher than 1, and those performing worse than the bottom line cannot score less than 0.

Where low values of a metric indicate a healthy performance, as indicated by the healthy_value in the Reference table performance scores are calculated as:

$$\text{ps}_{i,c,m} = \text{min(}1,\text{max(}\frac{\text{bl}_{c,m} - \text{value}_{i,m}}{\text{bl}_{c,m} - \text{ref}_{c,m}}\text{))}$$

Where $\text{ps}_{i,c,m}$ and denotes the performance score for site $i$ belonging to class $c$ and metric $m$, $\text{bl}_{c,}$ and $\text{ref}_{c,m}$ represent the metric-specific bottom line and reference values for class $c$ respectively, while $\text{value}_{i,m}$ stands for the measured or modeled value of metric $m$ in site $i$.

In contrast, where high values of a metric indicate a healthy performance, as indicated by the healthy_value in the Reference table, performance scores for each site are calculated as:

$$\text{ps}_{i,c,m} = \text{min(}1,\text{max(}\frac{\text{value}_{i,m} - \text{bl}_{c,m} }{ \text{ref}_{c,m} - \text{bl}_{c,m}}\text{))}$$

Data integration

Data integration involves combining different metric performance scores into a combined assessment (i.e. into an indicator, component and overall river ecosystem health score). To do so, weighted averaging is applied based on data suitability scores to integrate metric scores. Suitability scores (1, 2 or 3) for each metric are provided with the Reference table. A score of 3 indicates the data is of high quality, whereas a score of 1 indicates the data is less accurate and should have less weight.

Indicator scores are calculated based on all available metric performance scores and weighted by metric-associated suitability scores. Formally, indicator scores, ($I$), can be calculated as:

$$\text{I} = \frac{\sum_{m=1}^{p} \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n}\text{ps}_{i,m} S_{m}}{\sum_{m=1}^{p} S_{m}}$$

In this equation, $p$ represents the total number of metrics that comprise an indicator, with $m$ iterating through each metric. Meanwhile $n$ denotes the total number of sites (observations) per metric, and $ps_{i}$ represents the performance score of site $i$. Finally, $S_{m}$ is the suitability score for metric $m$. In simpler terms, this equation computes a weighted average of the average values within each metric, where the weights are determined by $S_{m}$. Indicator scores can be calculated for all sites (i.e., an overall score) or independently for each group in the reporting_scale column.

Importantly, if two metrics measure the same attribute, then only the metric with the lowest average performance score will be taken into account to calculate $I$. This is done to avoid over-reporting of the similar data.

Suitability-weighted average scores are also used in the calculation of component scores in a similar fashion to indicator scores. Data harmonisation and integration can be easily done using the function calculate_health_score. To use this function, indicator tables must be provided as a list:

indicators <- list(macroinvertebrates,

score_table <- calculate_health_score(indicators = indicators,
                                      reference_table = reference_table_default,
                                      overall_score = overall_score,
                                      npsfm_only = npsfm_only)

component indicator attribute metric reporting_scale metric_score indicator_score indicator_grade component_score component_grade observations suitability key_metric default_baseline npsfm
aquatic_life fish fish_ibi fish_ibi overall 0.5538244 0.5538244 B- 0.6209283 B- 2824 3 TRUE TRUE TRUE
aquatic_life macroinvertebrates ept_taxa_richness ept_taxa_richness overall 0.4774871 0.4420313 C+ 0.6209283 B- 954 1 FALSE TRUE FALSE
aquatic_life macroinvertebrates mci mci overall 0.4361241 0.4420313 C+ 0.6209283 B- 1021 3 TRUE TRUE TRUE
aquatic_life macroinvertebrates percentage_ept_taxa percentage_ept_taxa overall 0.4242971 0.4420313 C+ 0.6209283 B- 954 1 FALSE TRUE FALSE
aquatic_life plants plant_productivity periphyton overall 0.7874194 0.7874194 B+ 0.6209283 B- 231 3 TRUE TRUE TRUE

The results of this function yield a table where each row is a unique combination of metric and reporting_scale. If overall = TRUE then groups in reporting_scale are ignored and scores are calculated for all sites. The new columns in this table denote:

  • metric_score: The average metric performance score for a given reporting scale
  • indicator_score: The results of data integration at the indicator level. Note that if all suitability scores are the same for all metrics, then the indicator score shows the average performance scores of all metrics that comprise an indicator. Since the data is shown per metric, rows belonging to the same indicator will have repeated values for this column.
  • indicator_grade: This column shows the grade assigned to each indicator score as shown in Clapcott et al. (2019).
  • component_score: The results of data integration at the component level. Similar to the indicator_score column, if all suitability scores are the same, then this column will show the average performance score for all metrics that comprise a component.
  • component_grade: This column shows the grade assigned to a component based on its score as shown in Clapcott et al. (2019).
  • observations: This column denotes the number of observations per metric and reportinc scale used to calculate performance scores.
  • default_baselines: This column denotes if default baselines were used (TRUE) or if user defined baselines were used (FALSE) to calculate preformance scores.

Note on grade assignment. There are six possible grades assigned based on the division of performance scores between 0 and 1 as follows: 0 (D), 0 > and < 0.25 (C-), 0.25 > and < 0.5 (C+), 0.5 > and < 0.75 (B-), 0.75 > and < 1 (B+) and 1 (A).

Ecosystem health reporting

The package also offers convenient functions to visualise and report the results of the river ecosystem health analyses.

Component plot

To visualize the health scores within a component, the results from the function calculate_health_score have to be given to the plot_component function as follows:

component_plot <- plot_component(
  score_table = score_table,
  npsfm_only = npsfm_only,
  reference_table = reference_table_default,
  font_size = 15,
  color_table = NULL,
  start_year = 2017,
  end_year = 2024

#> [[1]]

The output of the plot_component function is a list of plots, where each element corresponds to a different reporting_scale group.

The left panel is a doughnut plot where each wedge represents a different indicator, as shown in the labels. The center of the doughnut plot shows the component health score as a grade, and each wedge displays the indicator health scores as grades. Different colors denote different grades. If the user wishes to use a different color palette than the one provided with the package, they should provide a color table (see help for plot_component).

Each wedge is filled to denote data availability. To calculate how much each wedge should be filled, the function calculates the availability for each indicator, $\text{A}_{I}$, as:

$$\text{A}_{I} = \frac{\sum_{m=1}^p S_{m}}{\sum_{k=1}^n S_{k}}$$

Where $S_{m}$ denote metrics measured by the user and $S_{k}$ denote key_metrics for a given indicator, as shown in the Reference table.

The right panel shows a metadata table for the plotted results, including the component the metrics belong to, the reporting scale being plotted, the mean suitability for all metrics, and the number of observations per metric. The Year range row is a numeric value input by the user to the plot_component function to specify the temporal scale of observations. The Metric baselines row indicates whether the reference table provided by the user is the same as the one provided by the package (default) or if the user defined different benchmarks (user defined).

River ecosystem report card

The package also provides a function to visualize a report card on the state of all five core components of ecosystem health as well as an overall assessment of river health.

To produce this report card the user must input the outputs of the calculate_health_score function for all the components available as a list. In the present example, only the Aquatic Life component is present:

component_scores <- list(score_table)

report_card <- plot_report_card(
  component_scores = component_scores,
  reference_table = reference_table_default,
  npsfm_only = npsfm_only,
  start_year = 2017,
  end_year = 2024,
  color_table = NULL,
  font_size = 10

#save it to aid visualization
jpeg("man/figures/aquatic_life_plot.jpeg",width = 1975, height = 3100, res = 150)
#> png 
#>   2

The plot_all_components output is a table of the overall ecosystem health plot followed by the five ecosystem health component plots. A simple key is provided for plot interpretation in the first row. If there are no data provided for a given component, then an empty plot is printed and the metadata states ‘no data’.

We recommend saving the outputs of this function as individual image files to aid visualization, as shown in the code above. The user can customise font size, image size and the image type of file outputted (e.g., pdf, png).

Figure 2 River ecosystem health report card. For the present example, only data for the Aquatic Life component was available.

Figure 2 River ecosystem health report card. For the present example, only data for the Aquatic Life component was available.

Extra functionality – NPSFM grades

The package offers the option to calculate metric grades based on the 2020 National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management benchmarks. However, these grades are not used for data integration as they are metric-specific and cannot be integrated into indicator and component levels. To calculate metric grades, all indicator tables within a component should be put in a list and given to the function calculate_npsfm_grade as follows:

indicators <- list(fish,macroinvertebrates,plants)

npsfm_grades <- calculate_npsfm_grade(indicators = indicators,
                                      reference_table = reference_table_default,
                                      overall = overall_score)

component indicator attribute metric class reporting_scale metric_mean npsfm_grade reference bottom_line cut
aquatic_life fish fish_ibi fish_ibi universal overall 28.94193 B 34 18 28
aquatic_life macroinvertebrates mci mci universal overall 105.92847 C 130 90 110
aquatic_life plants plant_productivity periphyton default overall 69.75908 B 50 200 120
aquatic_life plants plant_productivity periphyton productive overall 80.40864 B 50 200 120

The output of the calculate_npsfm_grade function is a table where each row is a unique combination of metric, class, and reporting_scale. The new additional columns of this table denote:

  • metric_mean: The average value of a metric for a particular class and reporting scale.
  • npsfm_grade: The NPSFM grade band that corresponds to a metric given its average value.


Clapcott, J., Goodwin, E., Williams, E., Harding, J., McArthur, K., Schallenberg, M., Young, R., & Death, R. (2019). Technical report on the prototype New Zealand River Ecosystem Health Score. Cawthron Institute.

MFE. 2020. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020. Ministry for the Environment, Wellington.


The following references were consulted to establish benchmarks:

Component Indicator Attribute Metric Units Citation
Aquatic life Fish Index Biotic Integrity F-IBI index MFE. 2020. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020. Ministry for the Environment, Wellington.
Aquatic life Fish Fish exotic species Exotic species number Williamson, B., J. Quinn, E. Williams, and C. van Schravendijk-Goodman. 2016. 2016 Pilot Waikato River Report Card: Methods and Technical Summary. Prepared for Waikato River Authority. NIWA Client Report No. HAM2016-011.
Aquatic life Fish Fish taxa richness Taxa richness number Franklin, P., R. Stoffells, J. Clapcott, D. Booker, A. Wagenhoff, and C. Hickey. 2019. Deriving potential fine sediment attribute thresholds for the National Objectives Framework. Prepared for Ministry for the Environment. NIWA Client Report No. 2019039HN.
Aquatic life Plants Plant productivity Periphyton mg chl-a/m3 MFE. 2020. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020. Ministry for the Environment, Wellington.
Aquatic life Plants Plant productivity Macrophyte channel clogginess mg chl-a/m3 Collier, K., J. Kelly, and P. Champion. 2007. Regional Guidelines for Ecological Assessments of Freshwater Environments: Aquatic Plant Cover in Wadeable Streams. Environment Waikato Technical Report 2006/47.
Aquatic life Plants Weighted composite cover Weighted composite cover percentage Matheson, F., J. M. Quinn, and M. Unwin. 2016. Instream plant and nutrient guidelines. Review and development of an extended decision-making framework Phase 3. Prepared for Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Envirolink Fund. NIWA Client Report HAM2015-064.
Aquatic life Macroinvertebrates Macroinverbrate community Index MCI index MFE. 2020. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020. Ministry for the Environment, Wellington.
Aquatic life Macroinvertebrates Macroinverbrate community Index QMCI index MFE. 2020. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020. Ministry for the Environment, Wellington.
Aquatic life Macroinvertebrates Aveage score per metric ASPM index MFE. 2020. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020. Ministry for the Environment, Wellington.
Aquatic life Macroinvertebrates EPT taxa richness EPT taxa richness number Clapcott, J., A. Wagenhoff, M. Neale, R. Storey, B. Smith, R. Death, J. Harding, C. Matthaei, J. Quinn, K. Collier, J. Atalah, E. Goodwin, H. Rabel, J. Mackman, and R. Young. 2017. Macroinvertebrate metrics for the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management. Prepared for the Ministry for the Environment. Cawthron Report No. 3073.
Aquatic life Macroinvertebrates Percentage EPT taxa Percentage EPT taxa percentage Franklin, P., R. Stoffells, J. Clapcott, D. Booker, A. Wagenhoff, and C. Hickey. 2019. Deriving potential fine sediment attribute thresholds for the National Objectives Framework. Prepared for Ministry for the Environment. NIWA Client Report No. 2019039HN.
Water quality Dissolved oxygen Dissolved oxygen Dissolved oxygen 7-day min mg/L MFE. 2020. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020. Ministry for the Environment, Wellington.
Water quality Dissolved oxygen Dissolved oxygen Dissolved oxygen 1-day min mg/L MFE. 2020. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020. Ministry for the Environment, Wellington.
Water quality Temperature Cox-Rutherford Index Cox-Rutherford Index degrees C Davies-Colley, R., P. Franklin, B. Wilcock, S. Clearwater, and C. Hickey. 2013. National Objectives Framework - Temperature, Dissolved Oxygen & pH, Proposed thresholds for discussion. Prepared for Ministry for the Environment. NIWA Client Report No. HAM2013-056.
Water quality Suspended fine sediment Visual clarity Visual clarity m MFE. 2020. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020. Ministry for the Environment, Wellington.
Water quality Contaminants Ammonia Ammonia median mg/L MFE. 2020. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020. Ministry for the Environment, Wellington.
Water quality Contaminants Ammonia Ammonia 95th percentile mg/L MFE. 2020. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020. Ministry for the Environment, Wellington.
Water quality Contaminants Nitrate Nitrate median mg/L MFE. 2020. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020. Ministry for the Environment, Wellington.
Water quality Contaminants Nitrate Nitrate 95th percentile mg/L MFE. 2020. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020. Ministry for the Environment, Wellington.
Water quality Contaminants Metals Copper ug/L ANZG. 2018. Australian and New Zealand guidelines for fresh and marine water quality. Australian and New Zealand Governments and Australian state and territory governments. Canberra ACT, Australia.
Water quality Contaminants Metals Lead ug/L ANZG. 2018. Australian and New Zealand guidelines for fresh and marine water quality. Australian and New Zealand Governments and Australian state and territory governments. Canberra ACT, Australia.
Water quality Contaminants Metals Zinc ug/L ANZG. 2018. Australian and New Zealand guidelines for fresh and marine water quality. Australian and New Zealand Governments and Australian state and territory governments. Canberra ACT, Australia.
Water quality Nutrients Dissolved reactive phosphorus Phosphorus median mg/L MFE. 2020. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020. Ministry for the Environment, Wellington.
Water quality Nutrients Dissolved reactive phosphorus Phosphorus 95th percentile mg/L MFE. 2020. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020. Ministry for the Environment, Wellington.
Water quality Nutrients Dissolved inorganic nitrogen Nitrogen median mg/L Freshwater Science and Technical Advisory Group. 2019. STAG Report to the Minister for the Environment
Water quality Nutrients Dissolved inorganic nitrogen Nitrogen 95th percentile mg/L Freshwater Science and Technical Advisory Group. 2019. STAG Report to the Minister for the Environment
Water quantity Extent Water Allocation Index Water Allocation Index index Richter, B. D., M. M. Davis, C. Apse, and C. Konrad. 2012. A presumptive standard for environmental flow protection. River Research and Applications 28:1312-1321.
Water quantity Extent Median flow Median flow percentage Richter, B. D., M. M. Davis, C. Apse, and C. Konrad. 2012. A presumptive standard for environmental flow protection. River Research and Applications 28:1312-1321.
Water quantity Extent Mean annual low flow MALF percentage Richter, B. D., M. M. Davis, C. Apse, and C. Konrad. 2012. A presumptive standard for environmental flow protection. River Research and Applications 28:1312-1321.
Physical habitat Substrate Deposited fine sediment Deposited fine sediment percentage MFE. 2020. National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020. Ministry for the Environment, Wellington.
Physical habitat Form Catchment impermeability Impermeability percentage Clapcott, J. E., K. J. Collier, R. G. Death, E. O. Goodwin, J. S. Harding, D. Kelly, J. R. Leathwick, and R. G. Young. 2012. Quantifying relationships between land-use gradients and structural and functional indicators of stream ecological integrity. Freshwater Biology 57:74-90.
Physical habitat Form Bank stability Bank stability percentage Clapcott, J. 2015. National rapid habitat assessment protocol development for streams and rivers. Prepared for Northland Regional Council. Cawthron report No. 2649.
Physical habitat Extent Wetland extent Wetland extent percentage Freshwater Science and Technical Advisory Group. 2019. STAG Report to the Minister for the Environment
Physical habitat Extent Rapid habitat assessment score RHA score index Clapcott, J., P. Casanovas, and K. Doehring. 2019. Indicators of freshwater quality based on deposited sediment and rapid habitat assessment. Prepared for Ministry for the Environment. Cawthron Report No. 3402.
Physical habitat Riparian Shade Shade percentage Rutherford, J. C.; Blackett, S.; Blackett, C.; Saito, L.; Davies-Colley, R. J. 1997: Predicting the effects of shade on water temperature in small streams. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 31: 101-121
Physical habitat Riparian Riparian function Riparian function index Harding, J. S., J. E. Clapcott, J. M. Quinn, J. W. Hayes, M. K. Joy, R. G. Storey, H. S. Greig, J. Hay, T. James, M. A. Beech, R. Ozane, A. S. Meredith, and I. K. D. Boothroyd. 2009. Stream habitat assessment protocols for wadeable rivers and streams of New Zealand. Christchurch.
Ecological processes Biogeochemical processes Gross primary productivity Gross primary productivity mg O2/m2/d Freshwater Science and Technical Advisory Group. 2019. STAG Report to the Minister for the Environment
Ecological processes Biogeochemical processes Ecosystem respiration Ecosystem respiration mg O2/m2/d Freshwater Science and Technical Advisory Group. 2019. STAG Report to the Minister for the Environment
Ecological processes Biogeochemical processes Cotton breakdown Cotton breakdown k/d Young, R. G., C. D. Matthaei, and C. R. Townsend. 2008. Organic matter breakdown and ecosystem metabolism: functional indicators for assessing river ecosystem health. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 27:605-625.


This package provides functions to calculate the New Zealand River Ecosystem Health Score, as proposed by Clapcott et al. (2019). The score serves as a simple and holistic measure of the biophysical condition of rivers and streams in New Zealand.







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