- Add imagemin-jpegoptim plugin to "images" gulp task
- Replace Yandex.Metrika and Google Analytics code from _footer.jade to separate jade-snippets and include them in _footer.jade
- Add 'scss-doc' gulp task for SCSS documentation generating
- Fix outdate cap wrapper and oppened classes
- Add fonts preload meta-tag in head
- Set jaguar template for jsDoc3
- add closing outdate modal by press Esc on keyboard (closeAMGOutdateBrowserModal.js)
- fix regexp in browser versions (getOutDateBrowserLink.js)
- add detect browser js (detectBrowser.js)
- add AStraMediaGroup outdate browser modal cap (for IE 7/8/9, Safari 7, Chrome/Opera 38,38,49, Firefox 40)
- delete much rules from .gitignore. It was mistake to add them
- delete svgmin from svg-sprite task
- add Async CSS Load (loadCSS.js)
- remove font-family from ./.csscomb.json (fonts did not working with it)
- change js load from async to defer in footer
- add jsdoc gulp task for JavaScript documentation generating
- change gulp tasks for svg and images for better optimisation
- remove svg-min and change it to imagemin in gulp/svg
- replace sass include font-face to _typography.scss
- fix example in main.js for lazyload
- add design folder to store .psd and over design files locally
- fix .csscomb.json
- fix project name on package.json
- replace gulp task to separated files (all tasks are in ./gulp folder)
- add .csscomb.json to configure css coding style formatter
- add project README.md and CHANGELOG.md
- add rules to ./.gitignore for ignoring all files not from template. Need to soft template update when working on any project
- replace amg-webstarter-kit README.md and CHANGELOG.md to current folder
- fix lazyload params in ./src/js/main.js
- move version to 1.0.4
- add ./.htaccess template
- add ./editorconfig template
- add Google Analytics template in src/jade/includes/_footer.jade
- add Yandex.Metrika template in src/jade/includes/_footer.jade
- update ./humans.txt
- fix sass-mq vars in src/scss/includes/_variables.scss
- fix gulp 'txt' task src
- move version to 1.0.3