Releases: EnderdracheLP/ClockMod
ClockMod 1.5.0 for BeatSaber 1.17.0
- Option to switch between 12/24 Hour format.
- Option to display seconds.
- Option to hide clock in song, "No Text And HUD" will do the same.
- Option to change font size (default: 3.5).
- Option to show Headset Battery charge Indicator, will change color according to charge, off by default.
- Option to Rainbowify the Clock.
- Option to change Clock Color, (unless rainbowify is on).
- Option to choose between the Clock being at the Top or the Bottom.
- Changed ColorPicker to a nice looking Modal
- Added UTC Clock into the Settings
- Tweaked Clock Positions yet again.
Send Feedback here:
Source Code (don't download):
Issues/Feature Requests can also be posted there under the issues tab.
Clockmod 1.4.0 for Beat Saber 1.16.4
- Option to switch between 12/24 Hour format.
- Option to display seconds.
- Option to hide clock in song, "No Text And HUD" will do the same.
- Option to change font size (default: 3.5).
- Option to show Headset Battery charge Indicator, will change color according to charge, off by default.
- Option to Rainbowify the Clock.
- Option to change Clock Color, (unless rainbowify is on).
- Option to choose between the Clock being at the Top or the Bottom.
WARNING: Clock Config will be reset as this version of the ClockMod now uses Config-Utils for the Config related stuff.
- Added Option to Rainbowify the Clock
- Added Option to change Clock Color, (will not affect Battery Indicator and will not affect clock when rainbowified)
- Added Option to choose between the Clock being at the Top or the Bottom (will not affect MP Lobby for now)
- Added Support for 360/90 degrees Maps
- Enabling NoTextAndHUDs will disable the Clock now as well in maps.
- Batterycharge Indicator will change color according to charge.
- Changed Default Font Size to 3.5 used to be 4.
- Tweaked Clock Positions yet again.
Send Feedback here:
Source Code (don't download):
Issues/Feature Requests can also be posted there under the issues tab.
Clockmod v1.4.0-Pre1 for Beat Saber 1.13.2
ClockMod 1.4.0 for BeatSaber 1.13.2
Made with Permission from BoopetyDoopety
- Option to switch between 12/24 Hour format.
- Option to display seconds.
- Option to hide clock in song, No Text and HUD will do the same.
- Option to change font size (default: 3.5).
- Option to show Headset Battery charge Indicator, will change color according to charge, off by default.
- Option to Rainbowify the Clock.
- Option to change Clock Color, (unless rainbowify is on).
- Option to choose between the Clock being at the Top or the Bottom.
WARNING: Clock Config will be reset as this version of the ClockMod now uses Config-Utils for the Config related stuff.
- Added Option to Rainbowify the Clock, (Only plays smoothly in 12 hour format with seconds shown)
- Added Option to change Clock Color, (will not affect Battery Indicator and will not affect clock when rainbowified)
- Added Option to choose between the Clock being at the Top or the Bottom (will not affect MP Lobby for now)
- Added Support for 360/90 Maps
- Enabling NoTextAndHUDs will disable the Clock now as well.
- Batterycharge Indicator will change color according to charge.
- Changed Default Font Size to 3.5 used to be 4.
- Tweaked Clock Positions yet again.
Coming in 1.5.0:
- ???
Send Feedback here:
Source Code (don't download):
Issues/Feature Requests can also be posted there under the issues tab.
ClockMod Patch 1.3.1 for BeatSaber 1.13.2
ClockMod 1.3.1 for BeatSaber 1.13.2
Made with Permission from BoopetyDoopety
- Headset Batterycharge Indicator, can be toggled on in the options, off by default.
- Option to change FontSize (default: 4).
- HoverTooltips for the Settings.
- Clock for the Multiplayer Lobby.
Bug Fixes:
- Did it crash when you tried joining someone in Multiplayer? Yeah I fixed that, (blame me for copy pasting my own code).
Coming in 1.4.0:
Option to Offset Clock Position
Option to Change Color
Battery Indicator will change color according to charge
General Code Tweaks
Send Feedback here:
ClockMod 1.3.0 for BeatSaber 1.13.2
ClockMod 1.3.0 for BeatSaber 1.13.2
Made with Permission from BoopetyDoopety
- Added Headset Batterycharge Indicator, can be toggled on in the options, off by default.
- Added Option to change FontSize (default: 4).
- Tweaked General Clock Position.
- Tweaked HoverTooltips for the Settings.
- Changed Clock Position for the Multiplayer Lobby.
- "Show During Song" will now be on by default.
Bug Fixes:
- Clock should now align properly with the Multiplayer Lobby Menu (not tested for Quick Play or joining per code, works when hosting though). Tell me if anyone is experiencing issues even after the patch.
- Battery Percentage should now always display correctly.
Planned Features:
- Option to change color.
- Option to change Position.
- Support for 360/90° Maps.
- Battery Percentage changing color, when below 15 %
- Rainbow clock?
Send Feedback here:
Clockmod v1.3.0-Pre1 for Beat Saber 1.13.2
ClockMod 1.3.0-Pre1 for BeatSaber 1.13.2
Made with Permission from BoopetyDoopety
- Added Headset Batterycharge Indicator, can be toggled on in the options, off by default.
- Added Option to change FontSize (default: 4).
- Tweaked General Clock Position.
- Tweaked HoverTooltips for the Settings.
- Changed Clock Position for the Multiplayer Lobby.
- "Show During Song" will now be on by default.
Bug Fixes:
- Clock should now align properly with the Multiplayer Lobby Menu (not tested for Quick Play or joining per code, works when hosting though). Tell me if anyone is experiencing issues even after the patch.
- Battery Percentage should now always display correctly.
Planned Features:
- Option to change color.
- Option to change Position.
- Support for 360/90° Maps.
- Battery Percentage changing color, when below 15 %
- Rainbow clock?
Send Feedback, Issues and whatever you want to say about the mod here:
Bugfix Clock Mod
ClockMod Patch for BeatSaber 1.13.2
Made with Permission from BoopetyDoopety
- Added Headset Batterycharge Indicator, can be toggled on in the options, off by default.
- Added Option to change FontSize (default: 4).
- Tweaked General Clock Position.
- Tweaked HoverTooltips for the Settings.
- Changed Clock Position for the Multiplayer Lobby.
- "Show During Song" will now be on by default.
- Temp Fix for the clock position in the multiplayer lobby ( set for someone of a height of 1.80m), apparenty the windows adjusts based on your height, I'll work on a better solution asap.
Missing Features:
- Change color.
- Change Position.
Clockmod v0.1.3 for Beat Saber 1.13.2
Made with Permission from BoopetyDoopety
- Added Headset Batterycharge Indicator, can be toggled on in the options, off by default.
- Added Option to change FontSize (default: 4).
- Tweaked General Clock Position.
- Tweaked HoverTooltips for the Settings.
- Changed Clock Position for the Multiplayer Lobby.
- "Show During Song" will now be on by default.
Missing Features:
- Change color.
- Change Position.
Pre-Release2 of Clockmod 0.1.3
- Added Option to show Battery Percentage.
Report any Bugs, Issues or suggestions to me.
Alpha Version of Clockmod 0.1.3
- Added option to change FontSize