This is the LDAP schema used by EndFirst to provide LDAP authentication and directory services to our suite of applications. In order to ensure interoperability with other objectClasses such as inetOrgPerson, account, etc., we have not defined attributes that exist in other standard schemas. The upside, of course, is interoperability. The downside is that the endfirst schema is dependent upon attributes found in the standard cosine schema, and will not work without this being installed first.
EndFirst LLC has registered the OID with IANA for its LDAP schema. We have defined our schema in accordance with the recommendations found in the OpenLDAP Admin guide
- LDAP objects
- LDAP attributes
- LDAP object classes
fileQuota maintains the user quota for the file server
- OID:
- DataType: IA5String
- Size: 50, single-value
mailQuota maintains the user quota for the mail server
- OID:
- DataType: IA5String
- Size: 50, single-value
proxy field is used by Dovecot to determing how to proxy access to mail for the user. This is used together with the host field (part of the built-in cosine schema) to handle all proxying aspects.
- OID:
- DataType: IA5String
- Size: 50, single-value
mailFolder is an override to the default user mail folder. This can be used when migrating users to different file shares, etc.
- OID:
- DataType: IA5String
- Size: 255, single-value
This is the userid assigned in the Postgres database for the user. Having this here helps maintain integrity between different databases
- OID:
- DataType: Integer, single-value
This objectClass grants users login access, but grants no access to endfirst services.
- OID:
- MUST: uid, dbUserId, cn, userPassword
Adds additional fields for users who are subscribed to the email, calendar and file-sharing service
NOTE: endFirstSubscriber relies on the standard cosine schema that ships with OpenLDAP. In order to use the endfirstSubscriber objectClass, this schema must be installed first.
- OID:
- MAY: fileQuota, mailQuota
- MUST: host, proxy, mailFolder, gidNumber, uidNumber
Verified accounts are given the endfirstAccount objectClass which grants them access to the system.
Subscribers are also given the endfirstSubscriber objectClass. These additional attributes make it possible to administer these services on their account.
NOTE: The endfirst schema relies on the standard cosine schema that ships with OpenLDAP. In order to use the endfirstSubscriber objectClass, this schema must be installed first.
To install the schema in OpenLDAP using OLC (cn=config), use the ldapadd
root# ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f endfirst.ldif
And verify that the schema is correctly loaded:
root# ldapsearch -H ldapi:// -Y EXTERNAL -LLL -b cn=config "(cn={*}endfirst)"
# {5}endfirst, schema, config
dn: cn={5}endfirst,cn=schema,cn=config
objectClass: olcSchemaConfig
cn: {5}endfirst
olcAttributeTypes: {0}( NAME 'userHash' DESC 'EndFirst
User Hash' EQUALITY caseExactMatch SINGLE-VALUE
olcObjectClasses: {0}( NAME 'endfirst' DESC 'endfirst
LDAP Schema' AUXILIARY MUST ( userHash ) )
If your LDAP server does not use OLC (cn=config), then add the schema endfirst.schema
in the schema directory, and update your configuration accordingly.
root# ldapsearch -H ldapi:// -Y EXTERNAL -LLL -b ou=Users,dc=endfirstlocal "(objectclass=endfirst)"
objectClass: endfirstUser
objectClass: endfirst
dn: [email protected],ou=Users,dc=endfirstlocal
uid: [email protected]
cn: Bogus User
dbUserId: 1234
userPassword: secret-SHA512-Hash-iterated-to-make-hard-to-crack