This repo consists of the App Behaviour Analysis Case Study from Super Data Science's course, Machine Learning Practical: 6 Real-World Applications.
The objective of this model is to predict which users will not subscribe to the paid membership of the Application involved, with the help of various features provided for each user, so that greater marketing efforts can go into trying to convert those users to Paid Users.
The case study utilises Logistic Regression Model from the Scikit Learn Library, which is evaluated using K-Fold Cross Validation & Grid Search, and later undergoes Feature Selection, to maintain a balance between the Accuracy and Number of Input Features.
- Pandas
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
- Seaborn
- Scikit Learn
The following plot (Matplotlib Subplots) shows Histograms of 7 of the Features from the entire Dataset
The following plot (Pandas Bar Plot) shows a measure of the Correlation of the above features, with the Response Variable (Enrollment of the User)
The following plot (Seaborn Heatmap) shows the Correlation among the above 7 Features, with each other
The following plot (Seaborn Heatmap) shows the Confusion Matrix for the Test Set Results & the Predicted Results