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Project: Form based script parameterization

t-paul edited this page Sep 6, 2014 · 4 revisions


OpenSCAD uses a scripting language to describe 3D models. The scripts can be parametrized so one generic description can generate a whole class of specific models. This project intends to define a way how to store additional meta data that can be used to automatically generate a user interface to modify the parameters.


There are already some implementations that provide a similar functionality but those do not integrate with OpenSCAD and are not fully Open Source (e.g. Thingiverse Customizer, Sculpteo Customizer). Also it's anticipated to use a more general and clearly defined way to specify the needed meta data than using comments inside the script.

Topics that need to be solved:

  • An official way of specifying these parameters (could be based on one or both of the existing approaches)
  • Write a dynamic GUI in OpenSCAD giving an equivalent GUI to the two existing solutions (this could be done in Qt-JavaScript, or pure html using a web view)

Expected Outcome

Project Properties


  • Analyze subjects and specify ways to implement
  • Communicate with the community to fine tune requirements
  • C++ or JavaScript/HTML depending on the proposed solution



Additional Information

Note that Thingiverse Customizer is probably based on CloudSCAD (, so we can take some ideas from there.