- .. module : : WEBClient
- :synopsis: WEB client can be used both from command line and from queries to check remote systes via WEB(REST)
WEB client can be used both from command line and from queries to check remote systes via WEB(REST)
Queries (Overview):
- list of all available queries (check commands)
- : class : contentstable
:class: contentstable
:delim: |
:header: "Command", "Description"
:query:`web_exec` | Execute remote script via WEB.
:query:`web_forward` | Forward the request as-is to remote host via WEB.
:query:`web_query` | Request remote information via WEB.
:query:`web_submit` | Submit information to remote host via WEB.
TODO: Add a list of all external commands (this is not check commands)
Configuration (Overview):
Common Keys:
- : class : contentstable
:class: contentstable
:delim: |
:header: "Path / Section", "Key", "Description"
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client.channel` | CHANNEL
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default.address` | TARGET ADDRESS
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default.certificate` | SSL CERTIFICATE
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default.certificate key` | SSL CERTIFICATE KEY
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default.insecure` | Insecure legacy mode
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default.payload length` | PAYLOAD LENGTH
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default.timeout` | TIMEOUT
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default.use ssl` | ENABLE SSL ENCRYPTION
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default.verify mode` | VERIFY MODE
- : class : contentstable
:class: contentstable
:delim: |
:header: "Path / Section", "Key", "Default Value", "Description"
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default.alias` | ALIAS
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default.allowed ciphers` | ALLOWED CIPHERS
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default.ca` | CA
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default.certificate format` | CERTIFICATE FORMAT
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default.dh` | DH KEY
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default.host` | TARGET HOST
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default.is template` | IS TEMPLATE
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default.parent` | PARENT
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/default.port` | TARGET PORT
- : class : contentstable
:class: contentstable
:delim: |
:header: "Path / Section", "Key", "Default Value", "Description"
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample.address` | TARGET ADDRESS
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample.alias` | ALIAS
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample.allowed ciphers` | ALLOWED CIPHERS
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample.ca` | CA
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample.certificate` | SSL CERTIFICATE
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample.certificate format` | CERTIFICATE FORMAT
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample.certificate key` | SSL CERTIFICATE KEY
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample.dh` | DH KEY
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample.host` | TARGET HOST
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample.insecure` | Insecure legacy mode
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample.is template` | IS TEMPLATE
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample.parent` | PARENT
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample.payload length` | PAYLOAD LENGTH
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample.port` | TARGET PORT
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample.timeout` | TIMEOUT
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample.use ssl` | ENABLE SSL ENCRYPTION
:confpath:`/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample` | :confkey:`~/settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample.verify mode` | VERIFY MODE
- quick reference for all available queries (check commands) in the WEBClient module.
:synopsis: Execute remote script via WEB.
- : class : contentstable
:class: contentstable
:delim: |
:header: "Option", "Default Value", "Description"
:option:`help` | N/A | Show help screen (this screen)
:option:`help-pb` | N/A | Show help screen as a protocol buffer payload
:option:`show-default` | N/A | Show default values for a given command
:option:`help-short` | N/A | Show help screen (short format).
:option:`host` | | The host of the host running the server
:option:`port` | | The port of the host running the server
:option:`address` | | The address (host:port) of the host running the server
:option:`timeout` | | Number of seconds before connection times out (default=10)
:option:`target` | | Target to use (lookup connection info from config)
:option:`retry` | | Number of times ti retry a failed connection attempt (default=2)
:option:`command` | | The name of the command that the remote daemon should run
:option:`arguments` | | list of arguments
:option:`no-ssl` | N/A | Do not initial an ssl handshake with the server, talk in plain-text.
:option:`certificate` | | Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
:option:`dh` | | The pre-generated DH key (if ADH is used this will be your 'key' though it is not a secret key)
:option:`certificate-key` | | Client certificate to use
:option:`certificate-format` | | Client certificate format (default is PEM)
:option:`insecure` | N/A | Use insecure legacy mode
:option:`ca` | | A file representing the Certificate authority used to validate peer certificates
:option:`verify` | | Which verification mode to use: none: no verification, peer: that peer has a certificate, peer-cert: that peer has a valid certificate, ...
:option:`allowed-ciphers` | | Which ciphers are allowed for legacy reasons this defaults to ADH which is not secure preferably set this to DEFAULT which is better or a an even stronger cipher
:option:`payload-length` | | Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
:option:`buffer-length` | | Same as payload-length (used for legacy reasons)
:option:`ssl` | N/A | Initial an ssl handshake with the server.
- : synopsis : Show help screen (this screen)
:synopsis: Show help screen (this screen)
| Show help screen (this screen)
- : synopsis : Show help screen as a protocol buffer payload
:synopsis: Show help screen as a protocol buffer payload
| Show help screen as a protocol buffer payload
- : synopsis : Show default values for a given command
:synopsis: Show default values for a given command
| Show default values for a given command
- : synopsis : Show help screen (short format).
:synopsis: Show help screen (short format).
| Show help screen (short format).
- : synopsis : The host of the host running the server
:synopsis: The host of the host running the server
| The host of the host running the server
- : synopsis : The port of the host running the server
:synopsis: The port of the host running the server
| The port of the host running the server
- : synopsis : The address (host : port) of the host running the server
:synopsis: The address (host:port) of the host running the server
| The address (host:port) of the host running the server
- : synopsis : Number of seconds before connection times out (default=10)
:synopsis: Number of seconds before connection times out (default=10)
| Number of seconds before connection times out (default=10)
- : synopsis : Target to use (lookup connection info from config)
:synopsis: Target to use (lookup connection info from config)
| Target to use (lookup connection info from config)
- : synopsis : Number of times ti retry a failed connection attempt (default=2)
:synopsis: Number of times ti retry a failed connection attempt (default=2)
| Number of times ti retry a failed connection attempt (default=2)
- : synopsis : The name of the command that the remote daemon should run
:synopsis: The name of the command that the remote daemon should run
| The name of the command that the remote daemon should run
- : synopsis : list of arguments
:synopsis: list of arguments
| list of arguments
- : synopsis : Do not initial an ssl handshake with the server, talk in plain-text.
:synopsis: Do not initial an ssl handshake with the server, talk in plain-text.
| Do not initial an ssl handshake with the server, talk in plain-text.
- : synopsis : Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
:synopsis: Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
| Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
- : synopsis : The pre-generated DH key (if ADH is used this will be your 'key' though it is not a secret key)
:synopsis: The pre-generated DH key (if ADH is used this will be your 'key' though it is not a secret key)
| The pre-generated DH key (if ADH is used this will be your 'key' though it is not a secret key)
- : synopsis : Client certificate to use
:synopsis: Client certificate to use
| Client certificate to use
- : synopsis : Client certificate format (default is PEM)
:synopsis: Client certificate format (default is PEM)
| Client certificate format (default is PEM)
- : synopsis : Use insecure legacy mode
:synopsis: Use insecure legacy mode
| Use insecure legacy mode
- : synopsis : A file representing the Certificate authority used to validate peer certificates
:synopsis: A file representing the Certificate authority used to validate peer certificates
| A file representing the Certificate authority used to validate peer certificates
- : synopsis : Which verification mode to use : none : no verification, peer : that peer has a certificate, peer-cert : that peer has a valid certificate, ...
:synopsis: Which verification mode to use: none: no verification, peer: that peer has a certificate, peer-cert: that peer has a valid certificate, ...
| Which verification mode to use: none: no verification, peer: that peer has a certificate, peer-cert: that peer has a valid certificate, ...
- : synopsis : Which ciphers are allowed for legacy reasons this defaults to ADH which is not secure preferably set this to DEFAULT which is better or a an even stronger cipher
:synopsis: Which ciphers are allowed for legacy reasons this defaults to ADH which is not secure preferably set this to DEFAULT which is better or a an even stronger cipher
| Which ciphers are allowed for legacy reasons this defaults to ADH which is not secure preferably set this to DEFAULT which is better or a an even stronger cipher
- : synopsis : Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
:synopsis: Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
| Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
- : synopsis : Same as payload-length (used for legacy reasons)
:synopsis: Same as payload-length (used for legacy reasons)
| Same as payload-length (used for legacy reasons)
- : synopsis : Initial an ssl handshake with the server.
:synopsis: Initial an ssl handshake with the server.
| Initial an ssl handshake with the server.
:synopsis: Forward the request as-is to remote host via WEB.
:synopsis: Request remote information via WEB.
- : class : contentstable
:class: contentstable
:delim: |
:header: "Option", "Default Value", "Description"
:option:`help` | N/A | Show help screen (this screen)
:option:`help-pb` | N/A | Show help screen as a protocol buffer payload
:option:`show-default` | N/A | Show default values for a given command
:option:`help-short` | N/A | Show help screen (short format).
:option:`host` | | The host of the host running the server
:option:`port` | | The port of the host running the server
:option:`address` | | The address (host:port) of the host running the server
:option:`timeout` | | Number of seconds before connection times out (default=10)
:option:`target` | | Target to use (lookup connection info from config)
:option:`retry` | | Number of times ti retry a failed connection attempt (default=2)
:option:`command` | | The name of the query that the remote daemon should run
:option:`arguments` | | list of arguments
:option:`query-command` | | The name of the query that the remote daemon should run
:option:`query-arguments` | | list of arguments
:option:`no-ssl` | N/A | Do not initial an ssl handshake with the server, talk in plain-text.
:option:`certificate` | | Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
:option:`dh` | | The pre-generated DH key (if ADH is used this will be your 'key' though it is not a secret key)
:option:`certificate-key` | | Client certificate to use
:option:`certificate-format` | | Client certificate format (default is PEM)
:option:`insecure` | N/A | Use insecure legacy mode
:option:`ca` | | A file representing the Certificate authority used to validate peer certificates
:option:`verify` | | Which verification mode to use: none: no verification, peer: that peer has a certificate, peer-cert: that peer has a valid certificate, ...
:option:`allowed-ciphers` | | Which ciphers are allowed for legacy reasons this defaults to ADH which is not secure preferably set this to DEFAULT which is better or a an even stronger cipher
:option:`payload-length` | | Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
:option:`buffer-length` | | Same as payload-length (used for legacy reasons)
:option:`ssl` | N/A | Initial an ssl handshake with the server.
- : synopsis : Show help screen (this screen)
:synopsis: Show help screen (this screen)
| Show help screen (this screen)
- : synopsis : Show help screen as a protocol buffer payload
:synopsis: Show help screen as a protocol buffer payload
| Show help screen as a protocol buffer payload
- : synopsis : Show default values for a given command
:synopsis: Show default values for a given command
| Show default values for a given command
- : synopsis : Show help screen (short format).
:synopsis: Show help screen (short format).
| Show help screen (short format).
- : synopsis : The host of the host running the server
:synopsis: The host of the host running the server
| The host of the host running the server
- : synopsis : The port of the host running the server
:synopsis: The port of the host running the server
| The port of the host running the server
- : synopsis : The address (host : port) of the host running the server
:synopsis: The address (host:port) of the host running the server
| The address (host:port) of the host running the server
- : synopsis : Number of seconds before connection times out (default=10)
:synopsis: Number of seconds before connection times out (default=10)
| Number of seconds before connection times out (default=10)
- : synopsis : Target to use (lookup connection info from config)
:synopsis: Target to use (lookup connection info from config)
| Target to use (lookup connection info from config)
- : synopsis : Number of times ti retry a failed connection attempt (default=2)
:synopsis: Number of times ti retry a failed connection attempt (default=2)
| Number of times ti retry a failed connection attempt (default=2)
- : synopsis : The name of the query that the remote daemon should run
:synopsis: The name of the query that the remote daemon should run
| The name of the query that the remote daemon should run
- : synopsis : list of arguments
:synopsis: list of arguments
| list of arguments
- : synopsis : The name of the query that the remote daemon should run
:synopsis: The name of the query that the remote daemon should run
| The name of the query that the remote daemon should run
- : synopsis : list of arguments
:synopsis: list of arguments
| list of arguments
- : synopsis : Do not initial an ssl handshake with the server, talk in plain-text.
:synopsis: Do not initial an ssl handshake with the server, talk in plain-text.
| Do not initial an ssl handshake with the server, talk in plain-text.
- : synopsis : Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
:synopsis: Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
| Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
- : synopsis : The pre-generated DH key (if ADH is used this will be your 'key' though it is not a secret key)
:synopsis: The pre-generated DH key (if ADH is used this will be your 'key' though it is not a secret key)
| The pre-generated DH key (if ADH is used this will be your 'key' though it is not a secret key)
- : synopsis : Client certificate to use
:synopsis: Client certificate to use
| Client certificate to use
- : synopsis : Client certificate format (default is PEM)
:synopsis: Client certificate format (default is PEM)
| Client certificate format (default is PEM)
- : synopsis : Use insecure legacy mode
:synopsis: Use insecure legacy mode
| Use insecure legacy mode
- : synopsis : A file representing the Certificate authority used to validate peer certificates
:synopsis: A file representing the Certificate authority used to validate peer certificates
| A file representing the Certificate authority used to validate peer certificates
- : synopsis : Which verification mode to use : none : no verification, peer : that peer has a certificate, peer-cert : that peer has a valid certificate, ...
:synopsis: Which verification mode to use: none: no verification, peer: that peer has a certificate, peer-cert: that peer has a valid certificate, ...
| Which verification mode to use: none: no verification, peer: that peer has a certificate, peer-cert: that peer has a valid certificate, ...
- : synopsis : Which ciphers are allowed for legacy reasons this defaults to ADH which is not secure preferably set this to DEFAULT which is better or a an even stronger cipher
:synopsis: Which ciphers are allowed for legacy reasons this defaults to ADH which is not secure preferably set this to DEFAULT which is better or a an even stronger cipher
| Which ciphers are allowed for legacy reasons this defaults to ADH which is not secure preferably set this to DEFAULT which is better or a an even stronger cipher
- : synopsis : Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
:synopsis: Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
| Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
- : synopsis : Same as payload-length (used for legacy reasons)
:synopsis: Same as payload-length (used for legacy reasons)
| Same as payload-length (used for legacy reasons)
- : synopsis : Initial an ssl handshake with the server.
:synopsis: Initial an ssl handshake with the server.
| Initial an ssl handshake with the server.
:synopsis: Submit information to remote host via WEB.
- : class : contentstable
:class: contentstable
:delim: |
:header: "Option", "Default Value", "Description"
:option:`help` | N/A | Show help screen (this screen)
:option:`help-pb` | N/A | Show help screen as a protocol buffer payload
:option:`show-default` | N/A | Show default values for a given command
:option:`help-short` | N/A | Show help screen (short format).
:option:`host` | | The host of the host running the server
:option:`port` | | The port of the host running the server
:option:`address` | | The address (host:port) of the host running the server
:option:`timeout` | | Number of seconds before connection times out (default=10)
:option:`target` | | Target to use (lookup connection info from config)
:option:`retry` | | Number of times ti retry a failed connection attempt (default=2)
:option:`command` | | The name of the command that the remote daemon should run
:option:`alias` | | Same as command
:option:`message` | | Message
:option:`result` | | Result code either a number or OK, WARN, CRIT, UNKNOWN
:option:`no-ssl` | N/A | Do not initial an ssl handshake with the server, talk in plain-text.
:option:`certificate` | | Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
:option:`dh` | | The pre-generated DH key (if ADH is used this will be your 'key' though it is not a secret key)
:option:`certificate-key` | | Client certificate to use
:option:`certificate-format` | | Client certificate format (default is PEM)
:option:`insecure` | N/A | Use insecure legacy mode
:option:`ca` | | A file representing the Certificate authority used to validate peer certificates
:option:`verify` | | Which verification mode to use: none: no verification, peer: that peer has a certificate, peer-cert: that peer has a valid certificate, ...
:option:`allowed-ciphers` | | Which ciphers are allowed for legacy reasons this defaults to ADH which is not secure preferably set this to DEFAULT which is better or a an even stronger cipher
:option:`payload-length` | | Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
:option:`buffer-length` | | Same as payload-length (used for legacy reasons)
:option:`ssl` | N/A | Initial an ssl handshake with the server.
- : synopsis : Show help screen (this screen)
:synopsis: Show help screen (this screen)
| Show help screen (this screen)
- : synopsis : Show help screen as a protocol buffer payload
:synopsis: Show help screen as a protocol buffer payload
| Show help screen as a protocol buffer payload
- : synopsis : Show default values for a given command
:synopsis: Show default values for a given command
| Show default values for a given command
- : synopsis : Show help screen (short format).
:synopsis: Show help screen (short format).
| Show help screen (short format).
- : synopsis : The host of the host running the server
:synopsis: The host of the host running the server
| The host of the host running the server
- : synopsis : The port of the host running the server
:synopsis: The port of the host running the server
| The port of the host running the server
- : synopsis : The address (host : port) of the host running the server
:synopsis: The address (host:port) of the host running the server
| The address (host:port) of the host running the server
- : synopsis : Number of seconds before connection times out (default=10)
:synopsis: Number of seconds before connection times out (default=10)
| Number of seconds before connection times out (default=10)
- : synopsis : Target to use (lookup connection info from config)
:synopsis: Target to use (lookup connection info from config)
| Target to use (lookup connection info from config)
- : synopsis : Number of times ti retry a failed connection attempt (default=2)
:synopsis: Number of times ti retry a failed connection attempt (default=2)
| Number of times ti retry a failed connection attempt (default=2)
- : synopsis : The name of the command that the remote daemon should run
:synopsis: The name of the command that the remote daemon should run
| The name of the command that the remote daemon should run
- : synopsis : Same as command
:synopsis: Same as command
| Same as command
- : synopsis : Message
:synopsis: Message
| Message
- : synopsis : Result code either a number or OK, WARN, CRIT, UNKNOWN
:synopsis: Result code either a number or OK, WARN, CRIT, UNKNOWN
| Result code either a number or OK, WARN, CRIT, UNKNOWN
- : synopsis : Do not initial an ssl handshake with the server, talk in plain-text.
:synopsis: Do not initial an ssl handshake with the server, talk in plain-text.
| Do not initial an ssl handshake with the server, talk in plain-text.
- : synopsis : Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
:synopsis: Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
| Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
- : synopsis : The pre-generated DH key (if ADH is used this will be your 'key' though it is not a secret key)
:synopsis: The pre-generated DH key (if ADH is used this will be your 'key' though it is not a secret key)
| The pre-generated DH key (if ADH is used this will be your 'key' though it is not a secret key)
- : synopsis : Client certificate to use
:synopsis: Client certificate to use
| Client certificate to use
- : synopsis : Client certificate format (default is PEM)
:synopsis: Client certificate format (default is PEM)
| Client certificate format (default is PEM)
- : synopsis : Use insecure legacy mode
:synopsis: Use insecure legacy mode
| Use insecure legacy mode
- : synopsis : A file representing the Certificate authority used to validate peer certificates
:synopsis: A file representing the Certificate authority used to validate peer certificates
| A file representing the Certificate authority used to validate peer certificates
- : synopsis : Which verification mode to use : none : no verification, peer : that peer has a certificate, peer-cert : that peer has a valid certificate, ...
:synopsis: Which verification mode to use: none: no verification, peer: that peer has a certificate, peer-cert: that peer has a valid certificate, ...
| Which verification mode to use: none: no verification, peer: that peer has a certificate, peer-cert: that peer has a valid certificate, ...
- : synopsis : Which ciphers are allowed for legacy reasons this defaults to ADH which is not secure preferably set this to DEFAULT which is better or a an even stronger cipher
:synopsis: Which ciphers are allowed for legacy reasons this defaults to ADH which is not secure preferably set this to DEFAULT which is better or a an even stronger cipher
| Which ciphers are allowed for legacy reasons this defaults to ADH which is not secure preferably set this to DEFAULT which is better or a an even stronger cipher
- : synopsis : Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
:synopsis: Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
| Length of payload (has to be same as on the server)
- : synopsis : Same as payload-length (used for legacy reasons)
:synopsis: Same as payload-length (used for legacy reasons)
| Same as payload-length (used for legacy reasons)
- : synopsis : Initial an ssl handshake with the server.
:synopsis: Initial an ssl handshake with the server.
| Initial an ssl handshake with the server.
| Section for WEB active/passive check module.
.. csv-table::
:class: contentstable
:delim: |
:header: "Key", "Default Value", "Description"
:confkey:`channel` | NRPE | CHANNEL
# Section for WEB active/passive check module.
.. confkey:: channel
:synopsis: CHANNEL
| The channel to listen to.
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client
**Key**: channel
**Default value**: NRPE
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
| Target definition for: default
.. csv-table::
:class: contentstable
:delim: |
:header: "Key", "Default Value", "Description"
:confkey:`address` | | TARGET ADDRESS
:confkey:`alias` | | ALIAS
:confkey:`allowed ciphers` | ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH | ALLOWED CIPHERS
:confkey:`ca` | | CA
:confkey:`certificate` | | SSL CERTIFICATE
:confkey:`certificate format` | PEM | CERTIFICATE FORMAT
:confkey:`certificate key` | | SSL CERTIFICATE KEY
:confkey:`dh` | | DH KEY
:confkey:`host` | | TARGET HOST
:confkey:`insecure` | | Insecure legacy mode
:confkey:`is template` | 0 | IS TEMPLATE
:confkey:`parent` | default | PARENT
:confkey:`payload length` | 1024 | PAYLOAD LENGTH
:confkey:`port` | 0 | TARGET PORT
:confkey:`timeout` | 30 | TIMEOUT
:confkey:`use ssl` | 1 | ENABLE SSL ENCRYPTION
:confkey:`verify mode` | none | VERIFY MODE
# Target definition for: default
allowed ciphers=ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH
certificate format=PEM
certificate key=
is template=0
payload length=1024
use ssl=1
verify mode=none
.. confkey:: address
| Target host address
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/default
**Key**: address
**Default value**:
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
.. confkey:: alias
:synopsis: ALIAS
| The alias (service name) to report to server
**Advanced** (means it is not commonly used)
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/default
**Key**: alias
**Default value**:
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
.. confkey:: allowed ciphers
| The allowed list of ciphers (setting insecure wil override this to only support ADH
**Advanced** (means it is not commonly used)
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/default
**Key**: allowed ciphers
**Default value**: ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
allowed ciphers=ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH
.. confkey:: ca
:synopsis: CA
| The certificate authority to use to authenticate remote certificate
**Advanced** (means it is not commonly used)
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/default
**Key**: ca
**Default value**:
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
# CA
.. confkey:: certificate
| The ssl certificate to use to encrypt the communication
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/default
**Key**: certificate
**Default value**:
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
.. confkey:: certificate format
| Format of SSL certificate
**Advanced** (means it is not commonly used)
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/default
**Key**: certificate format
**Default value**: PEM
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
certificate format=PEM
.. confkey:: certificate key
| Key for the SSL certificate
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/default
**Key**: certificate key
**Default value**:
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
certificate key=
.. confkey:: dh
:synopsis: DH KEY
**DH KEY**
| The diffi-hellman perfect forwarded secret to use setting --insecure will override this
**Advanced** (means it is not commonly used)
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/default
**Key**: dh
**Default value**:
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
.. confkey:: host
:synopsis: TARGET HOST
| The target server to report results to.
**Advanced** (means it is not commonly used)
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/default
**Key**: host
**Default value**:
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
.. confkey:: insecure
:synopsis: Insecure legacy mode
**Insecure legacy mode**
| Use insecure legacy mode to connect to old NRPE server
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/default
**Key**: insecure
**Default value**:
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
# Insecure legacy mode
.. confkey:: is template
:synopsis: IS TEMPLATE
| Declare this object as a template (this means it will not be available as a separate object)
**Advanced** (means it is not commonly used)
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/default
**Key**: is template
**Default value**: 0
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
is template=0
.. confkey:: parent
:synopsis: PARENT
| The parent the target inherits from
**Advanced** (means it is not commonly used)
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/default
**Key**: parent
**Default value**: default
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
.. confkey:: payload length
| Length of payload to/from the NRPE agent. This is a hard specific value so you have to "configure" (read recompile) your NRPE agent to use the same value for it to work.
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/default
**Key**: payload length
**Default value**: 1024
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
payload length=1024
.. confkey:: port
:synopsis: TARGET PORT
| The target server port
**Advanced** (means it is not commonly used)
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/default
**Key**: port
**Default value**: 0
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
.. confkey:: timeout
:synopsis: TIMEOUT
| Timeout when reading/writing packets to/from sockets.
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/default
**Key**: timeout
**Default value**: 30
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
.. confkey:: use ssl
| This option controls if SSL should be enabled.
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/default
**Key**: use ssl
**Default value**: 1
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
use ssl=1
.. confkey:: verify mode
:synopsis: VERIFY MODE
| What to verify default is non, to validate remote certificate use remote-peer
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/default
**Key**: verify mode
**Default value**: none
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
verify mode=none
| Target definition for: sample
.. csv-table::
:class: contentstable
:delim: |
:header: "Key", "Default Value", "Description"
:confkey:`address` | | TARGET ADDRESS
:confkey:`alias` | | ALIAS
:confkey:`allowed ciphers` | ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH | ALLOWED CIPHERS
:confkey:`ca` | | CA
:confkey:`certificate` | | SSL CERTIFICATE
:confkey:`certificate format` | PEM | CERTIFICATE FORMAT
:confkey:`certificate key` | | SSL CERTIFICATE KEY
:confkey:`dh` | | DH KEY
:confkey:`host` | | TARGET HOST
:confkey:`insecure` | | Insecure legacy mode
:confkey:`is template` | 0 | IS TEMPLATE
:confkey:`parent` | default | PARENT
:confkey:`payload length` | 1024 | PAYLOAD LENGTH
:confkey:`port` | 0 | TARGET PORT
:confkey:`timeout` | 30 | TIMEOUT
:confkey:`use ssl` | 1 | ENABLE SSL ENCRYPTION
:confkey:`verify mode` | none | VERIFY MODE
# Target definition for: sample
allowed ciphers=ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH
certificate format=PEM
certificate key=
is template=0
payload length=1024
use ssl=1
verify mode=none
.. confkey:: address
| Target host address
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample
**Key**: address
**Default value**:
**Sample key**: This key is provided as a sample to show how to configure objects
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
.. confkey:: alias
:synopsis: ALIAS
| The alias (service name) to report to server
**Advanced** (means it is not commonly used)
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample
**Key**: alias
**Default value**:
**Sample key**: This key is provided as a sample to show how to configure objects
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
.. confkey:: allowed ciphers
| The allowed list of ciphers (setting insecure wil override this to only support ADH
**Advanced** (means it is not commonly used)
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample
**Key**: allowed ciphers
**Default value**: ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH
**Sample key**: This key is provided as a sample to show how to configure objects
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
allowed ciphers=ALL:!ADH:!LOW:!EXP:!MD5:@STRENGTH
.. confkey:: ca
:synopsis: CA
| The certificate authority to use to authenticate remote certificate
**Advanced** (means it is not commonly used)
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample
**Key**: ca
**Default value**:
**Sample key**: This key is provided as a sample to show how to configure objects
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
# CA
.. confkey:: certificate
| The ssl certificate to use to encrypt the communication
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample
**Key**: certificate
**Default value**:
**Sample key**: This key is provided as a sample to show how to configure objects
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
.. confkey:: certificate format
| Format of SSL certificate
**Advanced** (means it is not commonly used)
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample
**Key**: certificate format
**Default value**: PEM
**Sample key**: This key is provided as a sample to show how to configure objects
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
certificate format=PEM
.. confkey:: certificate key
| Key for the SSL certificate
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample
**Key**: certificate key
**Default value**:
**Sample key**: This key is provided as a sample to show how to configure objects
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
certificate key=
.. confkey:: dh
:synopsis: DH KEY
**DH KEY**
| The diffi-hellman perfect forwarded secret to use setting --insecure will override this
**Advanced** (means it is not commonly used)
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample
**Key**: dh
**Default value**:
**Sample key**: This key is provided as a sample to show how to configure objects
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
.. confkey:: host
:synopsis: TARGET HOST
| The target server to report results to.
**Advanced** (means it is not commonly used)
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample
**Key**: host
**Default value**:
**Sample key**: This key is provided as a sample to show how to configure objects
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
.. confkey:: insecure
:synopsis: Insecure legacy mode
**Insecure legacy mode**
| Use insecure legacy mode to connect to old NRPE server
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample
**Key**: insecure
**Default value**:
**Sample key**: This key is provided as a sample to show how to configure objects
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
# Insecure legacy mode
.. confkey:: is template
:synopsis: IS TEMPLATE
| Declare this object as a template (this means it will not be available as a separate object)
**Advanced** (means it is not commonly used)
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample
**Key**: is template
**Default value**: 0
**Sample key**: This key is provided as a sample to show how to configure objects
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
is template=0
.. confkey:: parent
:synopsis: PARENT
| The parent the target inherits from
**Advanced** (means it is not commonly used)
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample
**Key**: parent
**Default value**: default
**Sample key**: This key is provided as a sample to show how to configure objects
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
.. confkey:: payload length
| Length of payload to/from the NRPE agent. This is a hard specific value so you have to "configure" (read recompile) your NRPE agent to use the same value for it to work.
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample
**Key**: payload length
**Default value**: 1024
**Sample key**: This key is provided as a sample to show how to configure objects
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
payload length=1024
.. confkey:: port
:synopsis: TARGET PORT
| The target server port
**Advanced** (means it is not commonly used)
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample
**Key**: port
**Default value**: 0
**Sample key**: This key is provided as a sample to show how to configure objects
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
.. confkey:: timeout
:synopsis: TIMEOUT
| Timeout when reading/writing packets to/from sockets.
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample
**Key**: timeout
**Default value**: 30
**Sample key**: This key is provided as a sample to show how to configure objects
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
.. confkey:: use ssl
| This option controls if SSL should be enabled.
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample
**Key**: use ssl
**Default value**: 1
**Sample key**: This key is provided as a sample to show how to configure objects
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
use ssl=1
.. confkey:: verify mode
:synopsis: VERIFY MODE
| What to verify default is non, to validate remote certificate use remote-peer
**Path**: /settings/NRPE/client/targets/sample
**Key**: verify mode
**Default value**: none
**Sample key**: This key is provided as a sample to show how to configure objects
**Used by**: :module:`NRPEClient`, :module:`WEBClient`
verify mode=none