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Integrated code of SCOPE and STEMMUS.
-## Run the model
-You need the python package
-See the relevant instructions for `Users` or `Developers` on how to run the
-### Users
-As a user, you don't need to have a MATLAB license to run the STEMMUS-SCOPE
-model. The workflow is executed using python and MATLAB Runtime on a Unix-like
-system. Follow this
-### Developers
-If you want to contribute to the development of STEMMUS_SCOPE,
+SCOPE is a radiative transfer and energy balance model, and STEMMUS model is a two-phase mass and heat transfer model. For more information about the coupling between these two models, please check [this reference](https://gmd.copernicus.org/articles/14/1379/2021/). Before running the model, you need to prepare input data and a configuration file. This can be done using the python package
+(by Zeng & Su, 2021)
+flowchart LR
+ subgraph Platform
+ direction RL
+ b[Snellius]
+ c[CRIB]
+ d[Your own machine]
+ end
+ A(Data)
+ Platform --> A
+ B(Config file)
+ A --> B
+ C{{Run model}}
+ B --> C
+ click b "https://github.com/EcoExtreML/STEMMUS_SCOPE/tree/main/docs/STEMMUS_SCOPE_on_Snellius.md" "Run STEMMUS_SCOPE on Snellius" _blank
+ click c "https://github.com/EcoExtreML/STEMMUS_SCOPE/tree/main/docs/STEMMUS_SCOPE_on_CRIB.md" "Run STEMMUS_SCOPE on CRIB" _blank
+ click d "https://github.com/EcoExtreML/STEMMUS_SCOPE/tree/main/docs/STEMMUS_SCOPE_on_local_device.md" "Run STEMMUS_SCOPE on your own machine" _blank
+About how to run `STEMMUS_SCOPE` on Snellius, check [this document](./docs/STEMMUS_SCOPE_on_Snellius.md).
+If you want to run `STEMMUS_SCOPE` on CRIB, check [this document](./docs/STEMMUS_SCOPE_on_CRIB.md).
+If you want to run `STEMMUS_SCOPE` on your own machine, check [this document](./docs/STEMMUS_SCOPE_on_local_device.md).
+## Contributing
+If you want to contribute to the development of `STEMMUS_SCOPE`,
have a look at the [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md).
-### Dataflow of STEMMUS_SCOPE on CRIB:
-[CRIB](https://crib.utwente.nl/) is the ITC Geospatial Computing Platform.
-1. Data required by the model are in a folder named "input" under project
- directory on CRIB. This folder includes:
- - Plumber2_data: the forcing/driving data provided by PLUMBER2.
- - SoilProperty: the soil texture data and soil hydraulic parameters.
- Below the directory explanations are from [SCOPE
- documentation](https://scope-model.readthedocs.io/en/latest/directories.html):
- - directional: the observer’s zenith and azimuth angles.(only used for
- multi-angle simulations (if the option ‘directional’ is switched on in
- parameters).
- - fluspect_parameters: absorption spectra of different leaf components are
- provided, according to PROSPECT 3.1, as well as Fluspect input: standard
- spectra for PSI and PSII.
- - leafangles: example leaf inclination distribution data are provided.
- - radiationdata: RTMo.m calculates spectra based on MODTRAN5 outputs (T-18
- system).Note that in the input data (files as well as the spreadsheet),
- the broadband input radiation may be provided. SCOPE linearly scales the
- input spectra of the optical and the thermal domain in such a way that
- the spectrally integrated input shortwave and long-wave radiation matches
- with the measured values.
- - soil_spectra: the soil spectrum is provided. Note that it is also possible
- to simulate a soil reflectance spectrum with the BSM model. In that case,
- the values for the BSM model parameters are taken from the input data, and
- the archived spectra in this folder are not used.
- - input_data.xlsx: the input to SCOPE model is provided. It
- provides parameter inputs for PROSPECT, leaf_biochemical, fluorescence,
- soil, canopy, aerodynamic, angles, photosynthetic temperature dependence
- functional parameters, etc.
-2. Config file: it is a text file that sets the paths **required** by the
- model. For example, see `config_file_crib.txt` in this repository. This file
- includes:
- - SoilPropertyPath: a path to soil texture data and soil hydraulic
- parameters.
- - InputPath: this is the working/running directory of the model and should
- include the data of `directional`, `fluspect_parameters`, `leafangles`,
- `radiationdata`, `soil_spectra`, and `input_data.xlsx`.
- - OutputPath: this is the base path to store outputs of the model. When the
- model runs, it creates `sitename_timestamped` directories under this
- path.
- - ForcingPath: a path to the forcing/driving data.
- - ForcingFileName: name of the forcing file in a netcdf format. Currently,
- the model runs at the site scale. For example, if we put the
- `FI-Hyy_1996-2014_FLUXNET2015_Met.nc` here, the model runs at the `FI-Hyy` site.
- - NumberOfTimeSteps: total number of time steps which model runs for. It can be
- `NA` or a number. Examples: `NumberOfTimeSteps=17520` runs the model for one year a
- half-hour time step i.e. `365*24*2=17520`. `NumberOfTimeSteps=NA` runs the
- model for all time steps in which the forcing data are available.
-### Workflow of STEMMUS_SCOPE on CRIB:
-1. The model reads the `ForcingFile` e.g. `FI-Hyy_1996-2014_FLUXNET2015_Met.nc`
- from "ForcingPath" and extracts forcing variables in `.dat` format using
- `filesread.m`. The `.dat` files are stored in the "InputPath" directory. In
- addition, the model reads the site information i.e. the location and
- vegetation parameters.
-2. The model reads the soil parameters from "SoilPropertyPath" using
- `soilpropertyread.m`.
-3. Some constants are loaded using `Constant.m`.
-4. The model runs step by step until the whole simulation period is completed
- i.e till the last time step of the forcing data.
-5. The results are saved as binary files temporarily. Then, the binary files are
- converted to `.csv` files and stored in a `sitename_timestamped` output
- directory under "OutputPath". A netcdf file is also created in the same
- directory, see [csv_to_nc/README](./utils/csv_to_nc/README.md).
-### Dataflow of STEMMUS_SCOPE on Snellius:
-[Snellius](https://servicedesk.surfsara.nl/wiki/display/WIKI/Snellius) is the
-Dutch National supercomputer hosted at SURF.
-1. Data required by the model are in a folder named "data" in the project
- directory `einf2480` on Snellius. This directory includes:
- - forcing/plumber2_data: the forcing/driving data provided by PLUMBER2.
- - model_parameters/soil_property: the soil texture data and soil hydraulic parameters.
- - model_parameters/vegetation_property:
- - directional
- - fluspect_parameters
- - leafangles
- - radiationdata
- - soil_spectra
- - input_data.xlsx
- For the explanation of the directories see
- [Dataflow of STEMMUS_SCOPE on CRIB](#dataflow-of-stemmus_scope-on-crib).
-2. Config file: it is a text file that sets the paths **required** by the model.
- For example, see [config_file_snellius.txt](config_file_snellius.txt) in
- this repository. This file includes:
- - SoilPropertyPath: a path to soil texture data and soil hydraulic
- parameters.
- - InputPath: this is the working/running directory of the model and should
- include the data of `directional`, `fluspect_parameters`, `leafangles`,
- `radiationdata`, `soil_spectra`, and `input_data.xlsx`.
- - OutputPath: this is the base path to store outputs of the model. When
- the model runs, it creates `sitename_timestamped` directories under
- this path.
- - ForcingPath: a path to the forcing/driving data.
- - ForcingFileName: name of the forcing file in a netcdf format. Currently,
- the model runs at the site scale. For example, if we put the
- `FI-Hyy_1996-2014_FLUXNET2015_Met.nc` here, the model runs at the `FI-Hyy` site.
- - VegetationPropertyPath: path to required data except `Plumber2_data` and `SoilProperty`.
- - NumberOfTimeSteps: total number of time steps in which model runs. It can be
- `NA` or a number. Examples: `NumberOfTimeSteps=17520` runs the model for one year a
- half-hour time step i.e. `365*24*2=17520`. `NumberOfTimeSteps=NA` runs the
- model for all time steps in which the forcing data are available.
-### Workflow of STEMMUS_SCOPE on Snellius:
-This is the same as the workflow of STEMMUS_SCOPE on crib, see section
-[Workflow of STEMMUS_SCOPE on CRIB](#workflow-of-stemmus_scope-on-crib).
+## How to cite us
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+[CRIB](https://crib.utwente.nl/) is the ITC Geospatial Computing Platform.
+### Dataflow of STEMMUS_SCOPE on CRIB:
+1. Data required by the model are in a folder named "input" under project
+ directory on CRIB. This folder includes:
+ - Plumber2_data: the forcing/driving data provided by PLUMBER2.
+ - SoilProperty: the soil texture data and soil hydraulic parameters.
+ Below the directory explanations are from [SCOPE
+ documentation](https://scope-model.readthedocs.io/en/latest/directories.html):
+ - directional: the observer’s zenith and azimuth angles.(only used for
+ multi-angle simulations (if the option ‘directional’ is switched on in
+ parameters).
+ - fluspect_parameters: absorption spectra of different leaf components are
+ provided, according to PROSPECT 3.1, as well as Fluspect input: standard
+ spectra for PSI and PSII.
+ - leafangles: example leaf inclination distribution data are provided.
+ - radiationdata: RTMo.m calculates spectra based on MODTRAN5 outputs (T-18
+ system).Note that in the input data (files as well as the spreadsheet),
+ the broadband input radiation may be provided. SCOPE linearly scales the
+ input spectra of the optical and the thermal domain in such a way that
+ the spectrally integrated input shortwave and long-wave radiation matches
+ with the measured values.
+ - soil_spectra: the soil spectrum is provided. Note that it is also possible
+ to simulate a soil reflectance spectrum with the BSM model. In that case,
+ the values for the BSM model parameters are taken from the input data, and
+ the archived spectra in this folder are not used.
+ - input_data.xlsx: the input to SCOPE model is provided. It
+ provides parameter inputs for PROSPECT, leaf_biochemical, fluorescence,
+ soil, canopy, aerodynamic, angles, photosynthetic temperature dependence
+ functional parameters, etc.
+2. Config file: it is a text file that sets the paths **required** by the
+ model. For example, see [config_file_crib.txt](../config_file_crib.txt) in this repository. This file
+ includes:
+ - SoilPropertyPath: a path to soil texture data and soil hydraulic
+ parameters.
+ - InputPath: this is the working/running directory of the model and should
+ include the data of `directional`, `fluspect_parameters`, `leafangles`,
+ `radiationdata`, `soil_spectra`, and `input_data.xlsx`.
+ - OutputPath: this is the base path to store outputs of the model. When the
+ model runs, it creates `sitename_timestamped` directories under this
+ path.
+ - ForcingPath: a path to the forcing/driving data.
+ - ForcingFileName: name of the forcing file in a netcdf format. Currently,
+ the model runs at the site scale. For example, if we put the
+ `FI-Hyy_1996-2014_FLUXNET2015_Met.nc` here, the model runs at the `FI-Hyy`
+ site.
+ - DurationSize: total number of time steps in which model runs. It can be
+ `NA` or a number. Example `DurationSize=17520` runs the model for one year a
+ half-hour time step i.e. `365*24*2=17520`.
+ To edit the config file, open the file with a text editor and change the
+ paths. The variable names e.g. `SoilPropertyPath` should not be changed.
+ Also, note a `/` is required at the end of each line.
+As explained above, the "InputPath" directory of the model is considered as
+the working/running directory and should include some data required by the
+model. As seen in the config file, the "InputPath" is now set as same as the
+"input" folder. This means that the "input" folder is treated as the
+model's working/running directory. However, it is possible to create a
+different working/running directory and set the "InputPath" to it. Then,
+you should copy the required data i.e. `directional`, `fluspect_parameters`,
+`leafangles`, `radiationdata`, `soil_spectra`, and `input_data.xlsx` to the
+working/running directory.
+### Workflow of STEMMUS_SCOPE on CRIB:
+1. The model reads the `ForcingFile` e.g. `FI-Hyy_1996-2014_FLUXNET2015_Met.nc`
+ from "ForcingPath" and extracts forcing variables in `.dat` format using
+ `filesread.m`. The `.dat` files are stored in the "InputPath" directory. In
+ addition, the model reads the site information i.e. the location and
+ vegetation parameters.
+2. The model reads the soil parameters from "SoilPropertyPath" using
+ `soilpropertyread.m`.
+3. Some constants are loaded using `Constant.m`.
+4. The model runs step by step until the whole simulation period is completed
+ i.e till the last time step of the forcing data.
+5. The results are saved as binary files temporarily. Then, the binary files are
+ converted to `.csv` files and stored in a `sitename_timestamped` output
+ directory under "OutputPath".
+### How to run STEMMUS_SCOPE on CRIB:
+1. Log in CRIB with your username and password and select a proper compute unit.
+2. Download the source code from this repository or get it using `git clone` in
+ a terminal:
+ ` git clone https://github.com/EcoExtreML/STEMMUS_SCOPE.git `
+ All the codes can be found in the folder `src` whereas the executable file in
+ the folder `exe`.
+3. Check `config_file_crib.txt` and change the paths if needed, specifically
+ "InputPath" and "OutputPath".
+4. Follow the instructions below:
+#### Run using MATLAB that requires a license
+If you want to use MATLAB desktop,
+1. click on the `Remote Desktop` in the
+Launcher. Click on the `Applications`. You will find the 'MATLAB' software under
+the `Research`.
+2. After clicking on 'MATLAB', it asks for your account information that is
+connected to a MATLAB license.
+3. Open the file `filesread.m` and set the
+variable `CFG` to the path of the config file e.g. `CFG =
+4. Then, run the main script `STEMMUS_SCOPE.m`.
+As an alternative, you can run the
+main script using MATLAB command line in a terminal:
+matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "run('STEMMUS_SCOPE.m');exit;"
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+## STEMMUS_SCOPE on Snellius
+[Snellius](https://servicedesk.surfsara.nl/wiki/display/WIKI/Snellius) is the
+Dutch National supercomputer hosted at SURF.
+### Dataflow of STEMMUS_SCOPE on Snellius:
+1. Data required by the model are in a folder named "data" in the project
+ directory `einf2480` on Snellius. This directory includes:
+ - forcing/plumber2_data: the forcing/driving data provided by PLUMBER2.
+ - model_parameters/soil_property: the soil texture data and soil hydraulic parameters.
+ - model_parameters/vegetation_property:
+ - directional
+ - fluspect_parameters
+ - leafangles
+ - radiationdata
+ - soil_spectra
+ - input_data.xlsx
+ For the explanation of the directories see
+ [Dataflow of STEMMUS_SCOPE on CRIB](./STEMMUS_SCOPE_on_CRIB.md#dataflow-of-stemmus_scope-on-crib).
+2. Config file: it is a text file that sets the paths **required** by the model.
+ For example, see [config_file_snellius.txt](../config_file_snellius.txt) in
+ this repository. This file includes:
+ - SoilPropertyPath: a path to soil texture data and soil hydraulic
+ parameters.
+ - InputPath: this is the working/running directory of the model and should
+ include the data of `directional`, `fluspect_parameters`, `leafangles`,
+ `radiationdata`, `soil_spectra`, and `input_data.xlsx`.
+ - OutputPath: this is the base path to store outputs of the model. When
+ the model runs, it creates `sitename_timestamped` directories under
+ this path.
+ - ForcingPath: a path to the forcing/driving data.
+ - ForcingFileName: name of the forcing file in a netcdf format. Currently,
+ the model runs at the site scale. For example, if we put the
+ `FI-Hyy_1996-2014_FLUXNET2015_Met.nc` here, the model runs at the `FI-Hyy`
+ site.
+ - VegetationPropertyPath: path to required data except `Plumber2_data` and `SoilProperty`.
+ - DurationSize: total number of time steps in which model runs. It can be
+ `NA` or a number. Example `DurationSize=17520` runs the model for one year a
+ half-hour time step i.e. `365*24*2=17520`.
+ To edit the config file, open the file with a text editor and change the
+ paths. The `InputPath` and `OutputPath` are user-defined directories, make
+ sure they exist and you have right permissions. The variable name e.g.
+ `SoilPropertyPath` should not be changed. Also, note a `/` is required at
+ the end of each line.
+As explained above, the "InputPath" directory of the model is considered as
+the working/running directory and should include some data required by the
+model. As seen in the config file, the "InputPath" is now set to an "input"
+folder under "scratch-shared" directory. This means that the "input" folder is
+treated as the model's working/running directory. However, it is possible to
+create a different working/running directory and set the "InputPath" to it.
+Then, you should copy the required data i.e. `directional`,
+`fluspect_parameters`, `leafangles`, `radiationdata`, `soil_spectra`, and `
+input_data.xlsx` to the working/running directory. For example:
+` cp -r
+/scratch-shared/EcoExtreML/STEMMUS_SCOPE/input/ `
+### Workflow of STEMMUS_SCOPE on Snellius:
+This is the same as the workflow of STEMMUS_SCOPE on crib, see section
+[Workflow of STEMMUS_SCOPE on CRIB](./STEMMUS_SCOPE_on_CRIB.md#workflow-of-stemmus_scope-on-crib).
+### How to run STEMMUS_SCOPE on Snellius:
+1. Log in to Snellius.
+2. Download the source code from this repository or get it using `git clone` in
+ a terminal:
+ ` git clone https://github.com/EcoExtreML/STEMMUS_SCOPE.git `
+ All the codes can be found in the folder `src` whereas the executable file in
+ the folder `exe`.
+3. Check `config_file_snellius.txt` and change the paths if needed,
+ specifically "InputPath" and "OutputPath".
+4. Follow one of the instructions below:
+#### Run using MATLAB that requires a license
+In order to use MATLAB, you need to send a request to add you to the user pool
+on Snellius. Then, open the file
+[config_file_snellius.txt](../config_file_snellius.txt) and set the paths. Then,
+run the main script `STEMMUS_SCOPE_exe.m` using MATLAB command line in a terminal on
+a **compute node**:
+module load 2021
+module load MATLAB/2021a-upd3
+matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "STEMMUS_SCOPE_exe('config_file_snellius.txt');exit;"
+> To run the codes above on a compute node, you can create a bash script as:
+# SLURM settings
+#SBATCH -J stemmus_scope
+#SBATCH -t 01:00:00
+#SBATCH --ntasks=1
+#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=32
+#SBATCH -p thin
+#SBATCH --output=./slurm_%j.out
+#SBATCH --error=./slurm_%j.out
+module load 2021
+module load MATLAB/2021a-upd3
+matlab -nodisplay -nosplash -nodesktop -r "STEMMUS_SCOPE_exe('config_file_snellius.txt');exit;"
+#### Run using MATLAB Compiler that does not require a license
+If you want to run the model as a standalone application, you need MATLAB
+Runtime version `2021a`. This is available on Snellius. You can run the
+model by passing the path of the config file in a terminal on a **compute
+module load 2021
+module load MCR/R2021a.3
+./STEMMUS_SCOPE/exe/STEMMUS_SCOPE config_file_snellius.txt
+The bash script `run_stemmus_scope_snellius.sh` in this repository, runs the
+model at 170 sites (default) on a **compute node**. The scripts loops over
+forcing files in the "ForcingPath", creates `sitename_timestamped` working
+directories under "InputPath" directory and copies required data to those
+working dirs. To change the number of sites, open the script and on the last
+line change the parameter `{1..170}`. For example `env_parallel -n1 -j32
+--joblog $log_file loop_func ::: {1..170}` will run the model at 32 sites
+simultaneously. For testing purposes, the time of the bash script is set to
+`00:10:00`. Note that the model run can take long for some of the sites. As the
+maxium time wall is 5 days on a partition thin, time can be set to`5-00:00:00`
+for a complete run of the model.
+ You can run the script in a terminal:
+mkdir -p slurm
+sbatch run_stemmus_scope_snellius.sh
+This creates a log file per each forcing file in the folder `slurm`.
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+## STEMMUS_SCOPE on local device
+You can run STEMMUS_SCOPE locally. Follow the steps below and use `config_file_crib.txt` to configure the paths correctly.
+### How to run STEMMUS_SCOPE on local device:
+1. Download the source code from this repository or get it using `git clone` in
+ a terminal:
+ ` git clone https://github.com/EcoExtreML/STEMMUS_SCOPE.git `
+ All the codes can be found in the folder `src` whereas the executable file in
+ the folder `exe`.
+2. Check `config_file_crib.txt` and change the paths if needed, specifically
+ "InputPath" and "OutputPath".
+3. Follow the instructions below:
+#### Run using MATLAB Compiler that does not require a license
+If you want to run the model as a standalone application, you need MATLAB
+Runtime version `2021a`. To download and install the MATLAB Runtime, follow
+The "STEMMUS_SCOPE" executable file is in `STEMMUS_SCOPE/exe` directory
+in this repository. You can run the model by passing the path of the config
+file in a terminal:
+exe/STEMMUS_SCOPE config_file_crib.txt
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