Release with new features:
- Added support for touch controllers ili2130 and ST1633i
- Added abstraction for touch controllers
- Added compatibility to use our touch controller abstraction with esp_lcd_touch in esp-idf
- Added math_log2_int function
- Added IMAGE_FILTER_T to image of eve ui
- Added mcu_io_reset and made it accessible via debug console "io reset "
- Added support for ESP32-P4 and ESP-IDF 5.4
- Added display abstraction
- Added support for SLD in the displays. See SLD_Demo for more information.
- Added esp console to use "esp hash" for reading out the hash of the firmware
- Added slint inclusion
- Added lvgl helper and detection of lvgl usage
- Recalibrated 4.3" touch on eve
- Moved position_3d_s from magnet.h to sensor_common.h
- Warning of DBG_INFO in c++ fixed
- Fixed Milliseconds in string_create_datetime_ocmf
- Initialization of nvs on esp32 happens before board_init now.