The UEA glider group piloting website at
Emulate funcionality of old website
- Map with dive locations and optional layers
- Menu of glider dives
- Page of dive plots
- Glider status page
- Science page
- login to add missions and waypoints
Show all legacy data
- Waypoints on map
- All figures showing on site
Improve the map
- No more blue markers
- GEBCO 1000 m contour
- Add Caravela location
- Add ships location (Rob)
- Click on a particular dive on the map to get the plots up (Karen)
- Add graticule (Adrian and Gareth)
- Add 500m isobath (Karen and Gillian)
- Add all overlays from old site (Gillian)
Improve the dive plots
- Add/remove lines on main dive plot (Gareth)
- Zoom in on plots, spcifically apogee zero crossing (Rob)
- Consider streamlit for this functionality (Tom)
- Experiment with bokeh for interactivity
- Add more mission long plots for e.g. suggested pitch center
- Better pcolor plots, using cmocean
- Overview of the critical issues - batteries, and when the next call is due (Karen)
- Gebco bathymetric depth at the location of the last surfacing (Rob)
- page for each glider showing most recent mission etc (Gareth)
Extra pages
- Summary of each glider
- Summary of each mission
- install bootstrap locally with npm
- secure with SSL
- Make sure you can't delete stuff from the website
- sql injection vulns
- XSS vulns
include sitemap and robots
- Sitemap url requests
- Home tests
- Glider tests
- Dive tests
- Account tests
Architecture follows several of the paradigms taught by Michael Kenndy in his flask course on
Other glider sites to check out
- flask for the main web app
- bootstrap for pretty front end stuff
- sqlalchemy to talk to the database
- leaflet (javascript) for maps