These are the high level packages required for the gridtools library. It is not an exhasutive list. There may be smaller dependencies that need to be installed.
For grid generation, the required packages are:
- cartopy
- matplotlib
- numba
- numpy
- pyproj
- pandas
- scipy
- xarray
For the grid generation application:
- bokeh
- datashader
- jupyterlab
- panel
For the jupyter grid editor application:
- geoviews >= 1.9
For regridding operations:
- xesmf
- xgcm
For parallel and additional memory management options:
- dask
Development tools:
- coverage
- docutils==0.16
- pip
- pytest
- sphinx
- sphinx-rtd-theme (called
for conda)
To generate PDF version of the documentation, a good portion of the latex software will need to be installed.
If you are using the conda environment, there is a python module as well called conda.
Package/Environment management:
- conda