+ selectedWorkflow: undefined,
+ theGraph: null,
+ currentmode: 1, //1: normal; 2: monitor
+ jsFrame: null,
+ svg: null,
+ keymap: {},
+ if_any_frame_on: false,
+ showNonSaved: function () {
+ console.log("changes happened");
+ $("#main-workspace-tab").html("Weaver *");
+ },
+ closeOtherFrames: function () {
+ try {
+ if (this.jsFrame) {
+ this.jsFrame.closeFrame();
+ }
+ } finally {
+ }
+ },
+ showSaved: function () {
+ $("#main-workspace-tab").html("Weaver");
+ },
+ resizeIframe: function (obj) {},
+ openModalWindow: function () {
+ $("#toolbar-left").css("z-index", 1);
+ $("#test-jsframe").addClass("fa-shower");
+ var content =
+ '
+ GW.workspace.jsFrame = GW.process.createJSFrameDialog(
+ 720,
+ 640,
+ content,
+ "Test Jupyter Notebook Server",
+ );
+ },
+ update_skip_process: function (workflow_process_id, skip_status) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < GW.workspace.theGraph.nodes.length; i += 1) {
+ if (GW.workspace.theGraph.nodes[i].id == workflow_process_id) {
+ GW.workspace.theGraph.nodes[i].skip = skip_status;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ GW.workspace.theGraph.updateGraph();
+ },
+ saveWorkflow: function () {
+ if (GW.workspace.checkIfWorkflowValid()) {
+ if (GW.workspace.theGraph.nodes.length != 0) {
+ var saveEdges = [];
+ GW.workspace.theGraph.edges.forEach(function (val, i) {
+ saveEdges.push({ source: val.source, target: val.target });
+ });
+ GW.workflow.save(GW.workspace.theGraph.nodes, saveEdges);
+ } else {
+ alert("No nodes are present!");
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Create a new GraphCreator object
+ * @svg SVG object
+ * @nodes
+ * @edges
+ */
+ GraphCreator: function (svg, nodes, edges) {
+ var thisGraph = this;
+ thisGraph.idct = 0;
+ thisGraph.nodes = nodes || [];
+ thisGraph.edges = edges || [];
+ thisGraph.state = {
+ selectedNode: null,
+ selectedEdge: null,
+ mouseDownNode: null,
+ mouseDownLink: null,
+ justDragged: false,
+ justScaleTransGraph: false,
+ lastKeyDown: -1,
+ shiftNodeDrag: false,
+ selectedText: null,
+ };
+ GW.workspace.keymap = {};
+ // define arrow markers for graph links
+ var defs = svg.append("svg:defs");
+ defs
+ .append("svg:marker")
+ .attr("id", "end-arrow")
+ .attr("viewBox", "0 -5 10 10")
+ .attr("refX", "32")
+ .attr("markerWidth", 3.5)
+ .attr("markerHeight", 3.5)
+ .attr("orient", "auto")
+ .append("svg:path")
+ .attr("d", "M0,-5L10,0L0,5");
+ // define arrow markers for leading arrow
+ defs
+ .append("svg:marker")
+ .attr("id", "mark-end-arrow")
+ .attr("viewBox", "0 -5 10 10")
+ .attr("refX", 7)
+ .attr("markerWidth", 3.5)
+ .attr("markerHeight", 3.5)
+ .attr("orient", "auto")
+ .append("svg:path")
+ .attr("d", "M0,-5L10,0L0,5");
+ defs
+ .append("pattern")
+ .attr("id", "diagonalHatch")
+ .attr("patternUnits", "userSpaceOnUse")
+ .attr("width", 4)
+ .attr("height", 4)
+ .attr("fill", "#FFF")
+ .append("path")
+ .attr("d", "M-1,1 l2,-2 M0,4 l4,-4 M3,5 l2,-2")
+ .attr("stroke", "#000000")
+ .attr("stroke-width", 1);
+ thisGraph.svg = svg;
+ thisGraph.svgG = svg.append("g").classed(thisGraph.consts.graphClass, true);
+ var svgG = thisGraph.svgG;
+ // displayed when dragging between nodes
+ thisGraph.dragLine = svgG
+ .append("svg:path")
+ .attr("class", "link dragline hidden")
+ .attr("d", "M0,0L0,0")
+ .style("marker-end", "url(#mark-end-arrow)");
+ // svg nodes and edges
+ thisGraph.paths = svgG.append("g").selectAll("g");
+ thisGraph.circles = svgG.append("g").selectAll("g");
+ // this listens the drag of nodes
+ thisGraph.drag = d3.behavior
+ .drag()
+ .origin(function (d) {
+ return { x: d.x, y: d.y };
+ })
+ .on("drag", function (args) {
+ thisGraph.state.justDragged = true;
+ thisGraph.dragmove.call(thisGraph, args);
+ })
+ .on("dragend", function () {
+ // todo check if edge-mode is selected
+ });
+ // listen for key events
+ d3.select(window)
+ .on("keydown", function () {
+ GW.workspace.keymap[d3.event.keyCode] = "keydown";
+ switch (d3.event.keyCode) {
+ case 8: //backspace = 8
+ // BACKSPACE_KEY was fired in
+ if (d3.event.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input") {
+ d3.event.stopPropagation();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ thisGraph.svgKeyDown.call(thisGraph);
+ })
+ .on("keyup", function () {
+ GW.workspace.keymap[d3.event.keyCode] = "keyup";
+ thisGraph.svgKeyUp.call(thisGraph);
+ });
+ svg.on("mousedown", function (d) {
+ thisGraph.svgMouseDown.call(thisGraph, d);
+ });
+ svg.on("mouseup", function (d) {
+ thisGraph.svgMouseUp.call(thisGraph, d);
+ });
+ // listen for dragging
+ thisGraph.zoom = d3.behavior
+ .zoom()
+ .on("zoom", function () {
+ if (d3.event.sourceEvent.shiftKey) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ thisGraph.zoomed.call(thisGraph);
+ }
+ return true;
+ })
+ .on("zoomstart", function () {
+ var ael = d3.select("#" + thisGraph.consts.activeEditId).node();
+ if (ael) {
+ ael.blur();
+ }
+ if (!d3.event.sourceEvent.shiftKey)
+ d3.select("body").style("cursor", "move");
+ })
+ .on("zoomend", function () {
+ d3.select("body").style("cursor", "auto");
+ });
+ svg.call(thisGraph.zoom).on("dblclick.zoom", null);
+ // listen for resize
+ window.onresize = function () {
+ thisGraph.updateWindow(svg);
+ };
+ // handle download data
+ d3.select("#download-input").on("click", function () {
+ if (GW.workflow.loaded_workflow != null) {
+ var content = `
@@ -291,1417 +279,1371 @@ GW.workspace = {
- GW.workspace.jsFrame = GW.process.createJSFrameDialog(620, 340, content, "Workflow Exportation Options");
- $("#workflow-download-confirm-btn").click(function(){
- // disable the button and show loading icon
- $("#export-loading-waiter").css('display', 'inline-block');
- $("#workflow-download-confirm-btn").css('display', 'none');
- let exportoption = $("input[name='workflowdownloadoption']:checked").val();
- $.ajax({
- url: "downloadworkflow",
- method: "POST",
- data: "id=" + GW.workflow.loaded_workflow + "&option=" + exportoption
- }).done(function(msg){
- if(msg.startsWith("download/temp/")){
- let zipurl = "../" + msg;
- window.open(zipurl)
- GW.workspace.jsFrame.closeFrame();
- }else{
- alert("Failed to export workflow.");
- }
- $("#export-loading-waiter").css('display', 'none');
- $("#workflow-download-confirm-btn").css('display', 'inline-block');
- }).fail(function(msg){
- alert("Fail to download workflow: " + msg);
- });
- });
- $("#workflow-download-cancel-btn").click(function(){
- GW.workspace.jsFrame.closeFrame();
- });
- }else{
- alert("No workflow in the workspace to download.");
- }
- });
- d3.select("#new-workflow").on("click", function(){
- thisGraph.nodes = [];
- thisGraph.edges = [];
- thisGraph.selectedWorkflow = null;
- thisGraph.svg = null;
- thisGraph.keymap = {};
- thisGraph.if_any_frame_on = false;
- GW.workflow.setCurrentWorkflowName("");
- GW.workflow.loaded_workflow = null;
- thisGraph.updateGraph();
- $("#main-workspace-tab").html('Weaver');
- });
- d3.select("#add-workflow").on("click", function(){
- if(GW.workflow.loaded_workflow != null){
- if(!confirm("This is an existing workflow. Do you want to create a new one?")){
- return;
- }
- }
- GW.workflow.newDialog(false);
- });
- d3.select("#save-workflow").on("click", function(){
- GW.workspace.saveWorkflow();
- });
- d3.select("#execute-workflow").on("click", function(){
- if($("#execute-workflow").hasClass("fa-stop")){
- GW.workflow.stop(GW.workflow.history_id);
- }else if($("#execute-workflow").hasClass("fa-play")){
- GW.workflow.history_id = null;
- //if the current workspace is loaded with an existing workflow, run it directly. Otherwise,
- //save the workflow first.
- if(GW.workflow.loaded_workflow==null){
- GW.workflow.newDialog(true);
- }else{
- GW.workflow.run(GW.workflow.loaded_workflow);
- }
- }
- });
- d3.select("#geoweaver-result").on("click", function(){
- //get the selected node id
- GW.result.showDialog("");
- });
- d3.select("#geoweaver-log").on("click", function(){
- //get the selected node id
- var selectedNode = GW.workspace.theGraph.state.selectedNode;
- if(selectedNode == null){
- alert("No process is selected");
- }else{
- GW.process.sidepanel.showProcessLog(GW.workflow.history_id, selectedNode.id, selectedNode.title);
- }
- });
- d3.select("#geoweaver-details").on("click", function(){
- //get the selected node id
- var selectedNode = GW.workspace.theGraph.state.selectedNode;
- if(selectedNode == null){
- // alert("No process is selected");
- GW.general.switchTab("workflow");
- }else{
- var id = selectedNode.id.split("-")[0];
- GW.menu.details(id, "process");
- }
- GW.process.sidepanel.close() //always close the side panel when leaving
- });
- d3.select("#workflow_info").on("click", function(){
- if(GW.workflow.loaded_workflow != null){
- GW.general.switchTab("workflow");
- }else{
- alert("There is no active workflow! Please select one existing workflow or create a new one.")
- }
- GW.process.sidepanel.close() //always close the side panel when leaving
- })
- d3.select("#upload-input").on("click", function(){
- GW.fileupload.showUploadWorkflowDialog();
- });
- d3.select("#show-full-view").on("click", function(){
- console.log("restore the window extent to full view of workflow graph")
- // get the current workflow's extent
- let maxX = -Infinity;
- let maxY = -Infinity;
- let minX = Infinity;
- let minY = Infinity;
- // Iterate through the list of points
- for (let i = 0; i < GW.workspace.theGraph.nodes.length; i++) {
- const node = GW.workspace.theGraph.nodes[i];
- // Check and update maximum x and y values
- if (node.x > maxX) {
- maxX = node.x;
- }
- if (node.y > maxY) {
- maxY = node.y;
- }
- // Check and update minimum x and y values
- if (node.x < minX) {
- minX = node.x;
- }
- if (node.y < minY) {
- minY = node.y;
- }
- }
- console.log("found the max and min X and Y: "+maxX + " "+minX + " " + maxY + " " + minY)
- // add a offset to leave space for margin
- offset_space = 80
- // calculate the translate and scale
- newWidth = maxX - minX + offset_space
- newHeight = maxY - minY + offset_space
- const svg = GW.workspace.svg;
- // Get the width and height attributes
- const oldWidth = +svg.attr("width"); // Convert to a number
- const oldHeight = +svg.attr("height"); // Convert to a number
- const newScaleX = oldWidth / newWidth;
- const newScaleY = oldHeight / newHeight;
- // You can use either newScaleX or newScaleY depending on your requirements
- const newScale = Math.min(newScaleX, newScaleY);
- // Calculate the translation to center the new extent within the SVG
- const translateX = (oldWidth - newWidth * newScale) / 2 - minX * newScale + offset_space/2;
- const translateY = (oldHeight - newHeight * newScale) / 2 - minY * newScale + offset_space/2;
- // update the zoom object and do the transition
- thisGraph.zoom.on("zoom", function(){
- if (d3.event.sourceEvent.shiftKey){
- return false;
- } else{
- thisGraph.zoomed.call(thisGraph);
- }
- return true;
- })
- thisGraph.zoom.scale(newScale);
- thisGraph.zoom.translate([translateX, translateY]);
- svg.call(thisGraph.zoom.event);
- })
- d3.select("#hidden-file-upload").on("change", function(){
- console.log("hidden-file-upload is changed")
- if (window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob) {
- var uploadFile = this.files[0];
- var filereader = new window.FileReader();
- filereader.onload = function(){
- var txtRes = filereader.result;
- // TODO better error handling
- try{
- var jsonObj = JSON.parse(txtRes);
- thisGraph.deleteGraph(true);
- thisGraph.nodes = jsonObj.nodes;
- thisGraph.setIdCt(jsonObj.nodes.length + 1);
- var newEdges = jsonObj.edges;
- newEdges.forEach(function(e, i){
- newEdges[i] = {source: thisGraph.nodes.filter(function(n){return n.id == e.source;})[0],
- target: thisGraph.nodes.filter(function(n){return n.id == e.target;})[0]};
- });
- thisGraph.edges = newEdges;
- thisGraph.updateGraph();
- }catch(err){
- window.alert("Error parsing uploaded file\nerror message: " + err.message);
- return;
- }
- };
- filereader.readAsText(uploadFile);
- } else {
- alert("Your browser won't let you save this graph -- try upgrading your browser to IE 10+ or Chrome or Firefox.");
- }
- });
- // handle delete graph
- d3.select("#delete-graph").on("click", function(){
- GW.workspace.theGraph.deleteSelectedOrAll();
- });
- },
- /**
- * Add listeners to the GraphCreator
- */
- addListeners: function(){
- GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.setIdCt = function(idct){
- this.idct = idct;
- };
- GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.consts = {
- selectedClass: "selected",
- connectClass: "connect-node",
- circleGClass: "conceptG",
- graphClass: "graph",
- activeEditId: "active-editing",
- ENTER_KEY: 13,
- nodeRadius: 20
- };
- // this drag move only works for nodes and lines
- GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.dragmove = function(d) {
- var thisGraph = this;
- if (thisGraph.state.shiftNodeDrag){
- thisGraph.dragLine.attr('d', 'M' + d.x + ',' + d.y + 'L' + d3.mouse(thisGraph.svgG.node())[0] + ',' + d3.mouse(this.svgG.node())[1]);
- } else{
- d.x += d3.event.dx;
- d.y += d3.event.dy;
- thisGraph.updateGraph();
- }
- GW.workspace.showNonSaved();
- };
- GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.deleteGraph = function(skipPrompt){
- var thisGraph = this;
- //first check if the current view is in the workspace
- if(document.getElementById("workspace").style.display=="flex"){
- //if some objects are selected, delete the selected only. If nothing selected, delete all.
- if (!skipPrompt){
- doDelete = window.confirm("Warning: everything in work area will be erased!!! Press OK to proceed.");
- if(doDelete){
- thisGraph.nodes = [];
- thisGraph.edges = [];
- thisGraph.updateGraph();
- GW.workflow.setCurrentWorkflowName("");
- GW.workflow.loaded_workflow = null;
- $("#main-workspace-tab").html('Weaver');
- let currentWorkflow = window.selectedWorkflow
- if (currentWorkflow !== undefined) {
- $.ajax({
- url: "del",
- method: "POST",
- data: "type=clear_nodes_edges&id=" + currentWorkflow
- })
- } else {
- alert("Please select a workflow to delete");
- }
- }
- }else{
- if(thisGraph.state.selectedEdge){
- //removing an edge is much easier than removing a process
- thisGraph.edges.splice(thisGraph.edges.indexOf(selectedEdge), 1);
- state.selectedEdge = null;
- thisGraph.updateGraph();
- }else if(thisGraph.state.selectedNode){
- var pid = thisGraph.state.selectedNode.id;
- console.log("going to remove process: " + pid);
- thisGraph.removeNode(pid);
- }
- GW.workspace.showNonSaved();
- }
- }
- };
- //add on 11/2/2018
- GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.load = function(workflow){
+ GW.workspace.jsFrame = GW.process.createJSFrameDialog(
+ 620,
+ 340,
+ content,
+ "Workflow Exportation Options",
+ );
+ $("#workflow-download-confirm-btn").click(function () {
+ // disable the button and show loading icon
+ $("#export-loading-waiter").css("display", "inline-block");
+ $("#workflow-download-confirm-btn").css("display", "none");
+ let exportoption = $(
+ "input[name='workflowdownloadoption']:checked",
+ ).val();
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "downloadworkflow",
+ method: "POST",
+ data:
+ "id=" + GW.workflow.loaded_workflow + "&option=" + exportoption,
+ })
+ .done(function (msg) {
+ if (msg.startsWith("download/temp/")) {
+ let zipurl = "../" + msg;
+ window.open(zipurl);
+ GW.workspace.jsFrame.closeFrame();
+ } else {
+ alert("Failed to export workflow.");
+ }
+ $("#export-loading-waiter").css("display", "none");
+ $("#workflow-download-confirm-btn").css(
+ "display",
+ "inline-block",
+ );
+ })
+ .fail(function (msg) {
+ alert("Fail to download workflow: " + msg);
+ });
+ });
+ $("#workflow-download-cancel-btn").click(function () {
+ GW.workspace.jsFrame.closeFrame();
+ });
+ } else {
+ alert("No workflow in the workspace to download.");
+ }
+ });
+ d3.select("#new-workflow").on("click", function () {
+ thisGraph.nodes = [];
+ thisGraph.edges = [];
+ thisGraph.selectedWorkflow = null;
+ thisGraph.svg = null;
+ thisGraph.keymap = {};
+ thisGraph.if_any_frame_on = false;
+ GW.workflow.setCurrentWorkflowName("");
+ GW.workflow.loaded_workflow = null;
+ thisGraph.updateGraph();
+ $("#main-workspace-tab").html("Weaver");
+ });
+ d3.select("#add-workflow").on("click", function () {
+ if (GW.workflow.loaded_workflow != null) {
+ if (
+ !confirm(
+ "This is an existing workflow. Do you want to create a new one?",
+ )
+ ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ GW.workflow.newDialog(false);
+ });
+ d3.select("#save-workflow").on("click", function () {
+ GW.workspace.saveWorkflow();
+ });
+ d3.select("#execute-workflow").on("click", function () {
+ if ($("#execute-workflow").hasClass("fa-stop")) {
+ GW.workflow.stop(GW.workflow.history_id);
+ } else if ($("#execute-workflow").hasClass("fa-play")) {
+ GW.workflow.history_id = null;
+ //if the current workspace is loaded with an existing workflow, run it directly. Otherwise,
+ //save the workflow first.
+ if (GW.workflow.loaded_workflow == null) {
+ GW.workflow.newDialog(true);
+ } else {
+ GW.workflow.run(GW.workflow.loaded_workflow);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ d3.select("#geoweaver-result").on("click", function () {
+ //get the selected node id
+ GW.result.showDialog("");
+ });
+ d3.select("#geoweaver-log").on("click", function () {
+ //get the selected node id
+ var selectedNode = GW.workspace.theGraph.state.selectedNode;
+ if (selectedNode == null) {
+ alert("No process is selected");
+ } else {
+ GW.process.sidepanel.showProcessLog(
+ GW.workflow.history_id,
+ selectedNode.id,
+ selectedNode.title,
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ d3.select("#geoweaver-details").on("click", function () {
+ //get the selected node id
+ var selectedNode = GW.workspace.theGraph.state.selectedNode;
+ if (selectedNode == null) {
+ // alert("No process is selected");
+ GW.general.switchTab("workflow");
+ } else {
+ var id = selectedNode.id.split("-")[0];
+ GW.menu.details(id, "process");
+ }
+ GW.process.sidepanel.close(); //always close the side panel when leaving
+ });
+ d3.select("#workflow_info").on("click", function () {
+ if (GW.workflow.loaded_workflow != null) {
+ GW.general.switchTab("workflow");
+ } else {
+ alert(
+ "There is no active workflow! Please select one existing workflow or create a new one.",
+ );
+ }
+ GW.process.sidepanel.close(); //always close the side panel when leaving
+ });
+ d3.select("#upload-input").on("click", function () {
+ GW.fileupload.showUploadWorkflowDialog();
+ });
+ d3.select("#show-full-view").on("click", function () {
+ console.log("restore the window extent to full view of workflow graph");
+ // get the current workflow's extent
+ let maxX = -Infinity;
+ let maxY = -Infinity;
+ let minX = Infinity;
+ let minY = Infinity;
+ // Iterate through the list of points
+ for (let i = 0; i < GW.workspace.theGraph.nodes.length; i++) {
+ const node = GW.workspace.theGraph.nodes[i];
+ // Check and update maximum x and y values
+ if (node.x > maxX) {
+ maxX = node.x;
+ }
+ if (node.y > maxY) {
+ maxY = node.y;
+ }
+ // Check and update minimum x and y values
+ if (node.x < minX) {
+ minX = node.x;
+ }
+ if (node.y < minY) {
+ minY = node.y;
+ }
+ }
+ console.log(
+ "found the max and min X and Y: " +
+ maxX +
+ " " +
+ minX +
+ " " +
+ maxY +
+ " " +
+ minY,
+ );
+ // add a offset to leave space for margin
+ offset_space = 80;
+ // calculate the translate and scale
+ newWidth = maxX - minX + offset_space;
+ newHeight = maxY - minY + offset_space;
+ const svg = GW.workspace.svg;
+ // Get the width and height attributes
+ const oldWidth = +svg.attr("width"); // Convert to a number
+ const oldHeight = +svg.attr("height"); // Convert to a number
+ const newScaleX = oldWidth / newWidth;
+ const newScaleY = oldHeight / newHeight;
+ // You can use either newScaleX or newScaleY depending on your requirements
+ const newScale = Math.min(newScaleX, newScaleY);
+ // Calculate the translation to center the new extent within the SVG
+ const translateX =
+ (oldWidth - newWidth * newScale) / 2 -
+ minX * newScale +
+ offset_space / 2;
+ const translateY =
+ (oldHeight - newHeight * newScale) / 2 -
+ minY * newScale +
+ offset_space / 2;
+ // update the zoom object and do the transition
+ thisGraph.zoom.on("zoom", function () {
+ if (d3.event.sourceEvent.shiftKey) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ thisGraph.zoomed.call(thisGraph);
+ }
+ return true;
+ });
+ thisGraph.zoom.scale(newScale);
+ thisGraph.zoom.translate([translateX, translateY]);
+ svg.call(thisGraph.zoom.event);
+ });
+ d3.select("#hidden-file-upload").on("change", function () {
+ console.log("hidden-file-upload is changed");
+ if (window.File && window.FileReader && window.FileList && window.Blob) {
+ var uploadFile = this.files[0];
+ var filereader = new window.FileReader();
+ filereader.onload = function () {
+ var txtRes = filereader.result;
+ // TODO better error handling
+ try {
+ var jsonObj = JSON.parse(txtRes);
+ thisGraph.deleteGraph(true);
+ thisGraph.nodes = jsonObj.nodes;
+ thisGraph.setIdCt(jsonObj.nodes.length + 1);
+ var newEdges = jsonObj.edges;
+ newEdges.forEach(function (e, i) {
+ newEdges[i] = {
+ source: thisGraph.nodes.filter(function (n) {
+ return n.id == e.source;
+ })[0],
+ target: thisGraph.nodes.filter(function (n) {
+ return n.id == e.target;
+ })[0],
+ };
+ });
+ thisGraph.edges = newEdges;
+ thisGraph.updateGraph();
+ } catch (err) {
+ window.alert(
+ "Error parsing uploaded file\nerror message: " + err.message,
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ filereader.readAsText(uploadFile);
+ } else {
+ alert(
+ "Your browser won't let you save this graph -- try upgrading your browser to IE 10+ or Chrome or Firefox.",
+ );
+ }
+ });
+ // handle delete graph
+ d3.select("#delete-graph").on("click", function () {
+ GW.workspace.theGraph.deleteSelectedOrAll();
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Add listeners to the GraphCreator
+ */
+ addListeners: function () {
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.setIdCt = function (idct) {
+ this.idct = idct;
+ };
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.consts = {
+ selectedClass: "selected",
+ connectClass: "connect-node",
+ circleGClass: "conceptG",
+ graphClass: "graph",
+ activeEditId: "active-editing",
+ ENTER_KEY: 13,
+ nodeRadius: 20,
+ };
+ // this drag move only works for nodes and lines
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.dragmove = function (d) {
+ var thisGraph = this;
+ if (thisGraph.state.shiftNodeDrag) {
+ thisGraph.dragLine.attr(
+ "d",
+ "M" +
+ d.x +
+ "," +
+ d.y +
+ "L" +
+ d3.mouse(thisGraph.svgG.node())[0] +
+ "," +
+ d3.mouse(this.svgG.node())[1],
+ );
+ } else {
+ d.x += d3.event.dx;
+ d.y += d3.event.dy;
+ thisGraph.updateGraph();
+ }
+ GW.workspace.showNonSaved();
+ };
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.deleteGraph = function (skipPrompt) {
+ var thisGraph = this;
+ //first check if the current view is in the workspace
+ if (document.getElementById("workspace").style.display == "flex") {
+ //if some objects are selected, delete the selected only. If nothing selected, delete all.
+ if (!skipPrompt) {
+ doDelete = window.confirm(
+ "Warning: everything in work area will be erased!!! Press OK to proceed.",
+ );
+ if (doDelete) {
+ thisGraph.nodes = [];
+ thisGraph.edges = [];
+ thisGraph.updateGraph();
+ GW.workflow.setCurrentWorkflowName("");
+ GW.workflow.loaded_workflow = null;
+ $("#main-workspace-tab").html("Weaver");
+ let currentWorkflow = window.selectedWorkflow;
+ if (currentWorkflow !== undefined) {
+ $.ajax({
+ url: "del",
+ method: "POST",
+ data: "type=clear_nodes_edges&id=" + currentWorkflow,
+ });
+ } else {
+ alert("Please select a workflow to delete");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (thisGraph.state.selectedEdge) {
+ //removing an edge is much easier than removing a process
+ thisGraph.edges.splice(thisGraph.edges.indexOf(selectedEdge), 1);
+ state.selectedEdge = null;
+ thisGraph.updateGraph();
+ } else if (thisGraph.state.selectedNode) {
+ var pid = thisGraph.state.selectedNode.id;
+ console.log("going to remove process: " + pid);
+ thisGraph.removeNode(pid);
+ }
+ GW.workspace.showNonSaved();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ //add on 11/2/2018
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.load = function (workflow) {
+ try {
+ console.log("Start to load workflow..");
+ window.selectedWorkflow = workflow.id;
+ var jsonObj = workflow;
+ this.deleteGraph(true);
+ GW.workspace.showSaved();
+ var newNodes = GW.general.parseResponse(jsonObj.nodes);
+ //remove the old color status - load a brand new workflow
+ newNodes.forEach(function (e, i) {
+ newNodes[i].color = "white";
+ });
+ this.nodes = newNodes;
+ this.setIdCt(jsonObj.nodes.length + 1);
+ var newEdges = GW.general.parseResponse(jsonObj.edges);
+ newEdges.forEach(function (e, i) {
+ newEdges[i] = {
+ source: GW.workspace.theGraph.nodes.filter(function (n) {
+ return n.id == e.source.id;
+ })[0],
+ target: GW.workspace.theGraph.nodes.filter(function (n) {
+ return n.id == e.target.id;
+ })[0],
+ };
+ });
+ this.edges = newEdges;
+ this.updateGraph();
+ } catch (err) {
+ window.alert(
+ "Error parsing uploaded file\nerror message: " + err.message,
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.selectElementContents = function (el) {
+ var range = document.createRange();
+ range.selectNodeContents(el);
+ var sel = window.getSelection();
+ sel.removeAllRanges();
+ sel.addRange(range);
+ };
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.insertTitleLinebreaks = function (
+ gEl,
+ title,
+ ) {
+ var words = title.split(/\s+/g),
+ nwords = words.length;
+ var el = gEl
+ .append("text")
+ .attr("text-anchor", "middle")
+ .attr("fill", "black")
+ .attr("stroke", "black")
+ .attr("stroke-width", "1px")
+ .attr("stroke-linecap", "butt")
+ .attr("stroke-linejoin", "miter")
+ .attr("font-weight", 500)
+ .attr("font-size", "20px")
+ .attr("y", "50px");
+ // .attr("dy", "-" + (nwords-1)*7.5);
+ el.append("tspan").text(title);
+ // for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
+ // var tspan = el.append('tspan').text(words[i]);
+ // if (i > 0)
+ // tspan.attr('x', 0).attr('dy', '15');
+ // }
+ };
+ // remove edges associated with a node
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.spliceLinksForNode = function (node) {
+ var thisGraph = this,
+ toSplice = thisGraph.edges.filter(function (l) {
+ return l.source === node || l.target === node;
+ });
+ toSplice.map(function (l) {
+ thisGraph.edges.splice(thisGraph.edges.indexOf(l), 1);
+ });
+ };
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.replaceSelectEdge = function (
+ d3Path,
+ edgeData,
+ ) {
+ var thisGraph = this;
+ d3Path.classed(thisGraph.consts.selectedClass, true);
+ if (thisGraph.state.selectedEdge) {
+ thisGraph.removeSelectFromEdge();
+ }
+ thisGraph.state.selectedEdge = edgeData;
+ };
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.replaceSelectNode = function (
+ d3Node,
+ nodeData,
+ ) {
+ var thisGraph = this;
+ d3Node.classed(this.consts.selectedClass, true);
+ if (thisGraph.state.selectedNode) {
+ thisGraph.removeSelectFromNode();
+ }
+ thisGraph.state.selectedNode = nodeData;
+ console.log("selected node changed : " + nodeData.id);
+ // show the prompt process panel
+ GW.process.sidepanel.close();
+ GW.process.sidepanel.open_panel(
+ GW.workflow.history_id,
+ nodeData.id,
+ nodeData.title,
+ );
+ };
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.removeSelectFromNode = function () {
+ var thisGraph = this;
+ thisGraph.circles
+ .filter(function (cd) {
+ return cd.id === thisGraph.state.selectedNode.id;
+ })
+ .classed(thisGraph.consts.selectedClass, false);
+ thisGraph.state.selectedNode = null;
+ GW.workspace.showNonSaved();
+ };
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.removeSelectFromEdge = function () {
+ var thisGraph = this;
+ thisGraph.paths
+ .filter(function (cd) {
+ return cd === thisGraph.state.selectedEdge;
+ })
+ .classed(thisGraph.consts.selectedClass, false);
+ thisGraph.state.selectedEdge = null;
+ GW.workspace.showNonSaved();
+ };
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.pathMouseDown = function (d3path, d) {
+ var thisGraph = this,
+ state = thisGraph.state;
+ d3.event.stopPropagation();
+ state.mouseDownLink = d;
+ if (state.selectedNode) {
+ thisGraph.removeSelectFromNode();
+ }
+ var prevEdge = state.selectedEdge;
+ if (!prevEdge || prevEdge !== d) {
+ thisGraph.replaceSelectEdge(d3path, d);
+ } else {
+ thisGraph.removeSelectFromEdge();
+ }
+ };
+ // mousedown on node
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.circleMouseDown = function (d3node, d) {
+ var thisGraph = this,
+ state = thisGraph.state;
+ d3.event.stopPropagation();
+ state.mouseDownNode = d;
+ if (d3.event.shiftKey) {
+ state.shiftNodeDrag = d3.event.shiftKey;
+ // reposition dragged directed edge
+ thisGraph.dragLine
+ .classed("hidden", false)
+ .attr("d", "M" + d.x + "," + d.y + "L" + d.x + "," + d.y);
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ /* place editable text on node in place of svg text */
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.changeTextOfNode = function (
+ d3node,
+ d,
+ ) {
+ var thisGraph = this,
+ consts = thisGraph.consts,
+ htmlEl = d3node.node();
+ d3node.selectAll("text").remove();
+ var nodeBCR = htmlEl.getBoundingClientRect(),
+ curScale = nodeBCR.width / consts.nodeRadius,
+ placePad = 5 * curScale,
+ useHW = curScale > 1 ? nodeBCR.width * 0.71 : consts.nodeRadius * 1.42;
+ // replace with editableconent text
+ var d3txt = thisGraph.svg
+ .selectAll("foreignObject")
+ .data([d])
+ .enter()
+ .append("foreignObject")
+ .attr("x", nodeBCR.left + placePad)
+ .attr("y", nodeBCR.top + placePad)
+ .attr("height", 2 * useHW)
+ .attr("width", useHW)
+ .append("xhtml:p")
+ .attr("id", consts.activeEditId)
+ .attr("contentEditable", "true")
+ .text(d.title)
+ .on("mousedown", function (d) {
+ d3.event.stopPropagation();
+ })
+ .on("keydown", function (d) {
+ d3.event.stopPropagation();
+ if (d3.event.keyCode == consts.ENTER_KEY && !d3.event.shiftKey) {
+ this.blur();
+ }
+ })
+ .on("blur", function (d) {
+ d.title = this.textContent;
+ thisGraph.insertTitleLinebreaks(d3node, d.title);
+ d3.select(this.parentElement).remove();
+ });
+ return d3txt;
+ };
+ // mouseup on nodes
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.circleMouseUp = function (d3node, d) {
+ var thisGraph = this,
+ state = thisGraph.state,
+ consts = thisGraph.consts;
+ // reset the states
+ state.shiftNodeDrag = false;
+ d3node.classed(consts.connectClass, false);
+ var mouseDownNode = state.mouseDownNode;
+ if (!mouseDownNode) return;
+ thisGraph.dragLine.classed("hidden", true);
+ if (mouseDownNode !== d) {
+ // we're in a different node: create new edge for mousedown edge and add to graph
+ var newEdge = { source: mouseDownNode, target: d };
+ var filtRes = thisGraph.paths.filter(function (d) {
+ if (d.source === newEdge.target && d.target === newEdge.source) {
+ thisGraph.edges.splice(thisGraph.edges.indexOf(d), 1);
+ }
+ return d.source === newEdge.source && d.target === newEdge.target;
+ });
+ if (!filtRes[0].length) {
+ thisGraph.edges.push(newEdge);
+ thisGraph.updateGraph();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // we're in the same node
+ if (state.justDragged) {
+ // dragged, not clicked
+ state.justDragged = false;
+ } else {
+ // clicked, not dragged
+ if (d3.event.shiftKey) {
+ // shift-clicked node: edit text content
+ var d3txt = thisGraph.changeTextOfNode(d3node, d);
+ var txtNode = d3txt.node();
+ thisGraph.selectElementContents(txtNode);
+ txtNode.focus();
+ } else {
+ if (state.selectedEdge) {
+ thisGraph.removeSelectFromEdge();
+ }
+ var prevNode = state.selectedNode;
+ if (!prevNode || prevNode.id !== d.id) {
+ thisGraph.replaceSelectNode(d3node, d);
+ } else {
+ thisGraph.removeSelectFromNode();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ state.mouseDownNode = null;
+ return;
+ }; // end of circles mouseup
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.circleDdlClick = function (d3node, d) {
+ // GW.process.sidepanel.showProcessLog(GW.workflow.history_id, d.id, d.title);
+ console.log("no action taken");
+ };
+ // mousedown on main svg
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.svgMouseDown = function () {
+ this.state.graphMouseDown = true;
+ };
+ // mouseup on main svg
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.svgMouseUp = function () {
+ var thisGraph = this,
+ state = thisGraph.state;
+ if (state.justScaleTransGraph) {
+ // dragged not clicked
+ state.justScaleTransGraph = false;
+ } else if (state.graphMouseDown && d3.event.shiftKey) {
+ // clicked not dragged from svg
+ var xycoords = d3.mouse(thisGraph.svgG.node()),
+ d = {
+ id: thisGraph.idct++,
+ title: "new concept",
+ x: xycoords[0],
+ y: xycoords[1],
+ };
+ thisGraph.nodes.push(d);
+ thisGraph.updateGraph();
+ // make title of text immediently editable
+ var d3txt = thisGraph.changeTextOfNode(
+ thisGraph.circles.filter(function (dval) {
+ return dval.id === d.id;
+ }),
+ d,
+ ),
+ txtNode = d3txt.node();
+ thisGraph.selectElementContents(txtNode);
+ txtNode.focus();
+ } else if (state.shiftNodeDrag) {
+ // dragged from node
+ state.shiftNodeDrag = false;
+ thisGraph.dragLine.classed("hidden", true);
+ }
+ state.graphMouseDown = false;
+ };
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.removeNode = function (pid) {
+ var thisGraph = this;
+ var selectedNode = null;
+ for (var i = 0; i < thisGraph.nodes.length; i++) {
+ if (thisGraph.nodes[i].id == pid) {
+ selectedNode = thisGraph.nodes[i];
+ thisGraph.nodes.splice(i, 1);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ thisGraph.spliceLinksForNode(selectedNode);
+ thisGraph.state.selectedNode = null;
+ thisGraph.updateGraph();
+ GW.workspace.showNonSaved();
+ };
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.removeNodes = function (pid) {
+ var thisGraph = this;
+ var selectedNodes = thisGraph.getNodesById(pid);
+ for (var i = 0; i < selectedNodes.length; i++) {
+ thisGraph.nodes.splice(selectedNodes[i], 1);
+ thisGraph.spliceLinksForNode(selectedNodes[i]);
+ }
+ thisGraph.state.selectedNode = null;
+ thisGraph.updateGraph();
+ GW.workspace.showNonSaved();
+ };
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.deleteSelected = function () {
+ if (Object.keys(BootstrapDialog.dialogs).length) {
+ return; //if there are shown dialogs, key activity will be disconnected from svg
+ }
+ var thisGraph = this,
+ state = thisGraph.state,
+ consts = thisGraph.consts;
+ var selectedNode = state.selectedNode,
+ selectedEdge = state.selectedEdge;
+ if (document.getElementById("workspace").style.display == "flex") {
+ if (selectedNode) {
+ var pid = selectedNode.id;
+ console.log("going to remove process: " + pid);
+ // GW.menu.del(pid, "process");
+ thisGraph.removeNode(pid);
+ } else if (selectedEdge) {
+ //removing an edge is much easier than removing a process
+ thisGraph.edges.splice(thisGraph.edges.indexOf(selectedEdge), 1);
+ state.selectedEdge = null;
+ GW.workspace.showNonSaved();
+ thisGraph.updateGraph();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.deleteSelectedOrAll = function () {
+ if (Object.keys(BootstrapDialog.dialogs).length) {
+ return; //if there are shown dialogs, key activity will be disconnected from svg
+ }
+ var thisGraph = this,
+ state = thisGraph.state,
+ consts = thisGraph.consts;
+ var selectedNode = state.selectedNode,
+ selectedEdge = state.selectedEdge;
+ if (document.getElementById("workspace").style.display == "flex") {
+ if (selectedNode) {
+ var pid = selectedNode.id;
+ console.log("going to remove process: " + pid);
+ thisGraph.removeNode(pid);
+ } else if (selectedEdge) {
+ //removing an edge is much easier than removing a process
+ thisGraph.edges.splice(thisGraph.edges.indexOf(selectedEdge), 1);
+ state.selectedEdge = null;
+ GW.workspace.showNonSaved();
+ thisGraph.updateGraph();
+ } else {
+ this.deleteGraph(false);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // keydown on main svg
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.svgKeyDown = function () {
+ if (Object.keys(BootstrapDialog.dialogs).length) {
+ return; //if there are shown dialogs, key activity will be disconnected from svg
+ }
+ var thisGraph = this,
+ state = thisGraph.state,
+ consts = thisGraph.consts;
+ // make sure repeated key presses don't register for each keydown
+ if (state.lastKeyDown !== -1) return;
+ state.lastKeyDown = d3.event.keyCode;
+ switch (d3.event.keyCode) {
+ case consts.BACKSPACE_KEY:
+ case consts.DELETE_KEY:
+ // d3.event.preventDefault();
+ //only delete the process nodes when there is no dialog in sight
+ if (
+ !GW.workspace.if_any_frame_on &&
+ !GW.process.sidepanel.isPresent()
+ )
+ this.deleteSelected();
+ break;
+ }
+ };
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.svgKeyUp = function () {
+ if (Object.keys(BootstrapDialog.dialogs).length) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.state.lastKeyDown = -1;
+ };
+ // call to propagate changes to graph
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.updateGraph = function () {
+ var thisGraph = this,
+ consts = thisGraph.consts,
+ state = thisGraph.state;
+ this.setIdCt(this.nodes.length);
+ // remove old links
+ thisGraph.paths = thisGraph.paths.data([], function (d) {
+ return String(d.source.id) + "+" + String(d.target.id);
+ });
+ thisGraph.paths.exit().remove();
+ thisGraph.paths = thisGraph.paths.data(thisGraph.edges, function (d) {
+ return String(d.source.id) + "+" + String(d.target.id);
+ });
+ var paths = thisGraph.paths;
+ // update existing paths
+ paths
+ .style("marker-end", "url(#end-arrow)")
+ .classed(consts.selectedClass, function (d) {
+ return d === state.selectedEdge;
+ })
+ .attr("d", function (d) {
+ return (
+ "M" +
+ d.source.x +
+ "," +
+ d.source.y +
+ "L" +
+ d.target.x +
+ "," +
+ d.target.y
+ );
+ });
+ // add new paths
+ paths
+ .enter()
+ .append("path")
+ .style("marker-end", "url(#end-arrow)")
+ .classed("link", true)
+ .attr("d", function (d) {
+ return (
+ "M" +
+ d.source.x +
+ "," +
+ d.source.y +
+ "L" +
+ d.target.x +
+ "," +
+ d.target.y
+ );
+ })
+ .on("mousedown", function (d) {
+ thisGraph.pathMouseDown.call(thisGraph, d3.select(this), d);
+ })
+ .on("mouseup", function (d) {
+ state.mouseDownLink = null;
+ });
+ // update existing nodes
+ // remove old nodes
+ thisGraph.circles = thisGraph.circles.data([], function (d) {
+ return d.id;
+ });
+ thisGraph.circles.exit().remove();
+ thisGraph.circles = thisGraph.circles.data(thisGraph.nodes, function (d) {
+ return d.id;
+ });
+ thisGraph.circles
+ .style("stroke", function (d) {
+ return "black";
+ })
+ .style("fill", function (d) {
+ console.log("circles together fill color: " + d.color);
+ if (d.skip == "true" || d.skip == true) {
+ return "url(#diagonalHatch)";
+ } else {
+ return d.color;
+ }
+ })
+ .attr("transform", function (d) {
+ return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")";
+ });
+ // add new nodes
+ var newGs = thisGraph.circles.enter().append("g");
+ var defs = GW.workspace.svg.append("defs");
+ var dropShadowFilter = defs
+ .append("svg:filter")
+ .attr("id", "drop-shadow")
+ .attr("filterUnits", "userSpaceOnUse")
+ .attr("width", "250%")
+ .attr("height", "250%");
+ dropShadowFilter
+ .append("svg:feGaussianBlur")
+ .attr("in", "SourceGraphic")
+ .attr("stdDeviation", 4)
+ .attr("result", "blur-out");
+ dropShadowFilter
+ .append("svg:feColorMatrix")
+ .attr("in", "blur-out")
+ .attr("type", "hueRotate")
+ .attr("values", 180)
+ .attr("result", "color-out");
+ dropShadowFilter
+ .append("svg:feOffset")
+ .attr("in", "color-out")
+ .attr("dx", 4)
+ .attr("dy", 4)
+ .attr("result", "the-shadow");
+ dropShadowFilter
+ .append("svg:feBlend")
+ .attr("in", "SourceGraphic")
+ .attr("in2", "the-shadow")
+ .attr("mode", "normal");
+ defs
+ .append("pattern")
+ .attr("id", "diagonalHatch")
+ .attr("patternUnits", "userSpaceOnUse")
+ .attr("width", 4)
+ .attr("height", 4)
+ .attr("fill", "AliceBlue")
+ .append("path")
+ .attr("d", "M-1,1 l2,-2 M0,4 l4,-4 M3,5 l2,-2")
+ .attr("stroke", "#006400")
+ .attr("stroke-width", 1);
+ // Define the div for the tooltip
+ if (!GW.workspace.tooltipdiv)
+ GW.workspace.tooltipdiv = d3
+ .select("body")
+ .append("div")
+ .attr("class", "processtooltip")
+ .style("opacity", 0);
+ var ismouseinside = false;
+ newGs
+ .classed(consts.circleGClass, true)
+ .attr("transform", function (d) {
+ return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")";
+ })
+ .on("mouseover", function (d) {
+ ismouseinside = true;
+ if (state.shiftNodeDrag) {
+ d3.select(this).classed(consts.connectClass, true);
+ }
+ var process_id = d.id.split("-")[0];
+ var pageX = d3.event.pageX;
+ var pageY = d3.event.pageY;
+ GW.menu.details(process_id, "process", function (msg) {
+ //sometimes the mouse moves too quickly, the mouse is already out but the response doesn't arrive yet. The div will persist forever. So ismouseinside is used.
+ if (ismouseinside) {
+ GW.workspace.tooltipdiv
+ .transition()
+ .duration(200)
+ .style("opacity", 0.9);
+ GW.workspace.tooltipdiv
+ .html(
+ `
+ ID
+ ` +
+ msg.id +
+ `
+ Language
+ ` +
+ msg.lang +
+ `
+ Code
+ ` +
+ GW.general.shorten_long_string(
+ GW.general.escapeCodeforHTML(msg.code),
+ 200,
+ ) +
+ `
+ `,
+ )
+ .style("left", pageX + "px")
+ .style("top", pageY + "px");
+ }
+ });
+ })
+ .on("mouseout", function (d) {
+ d3.select(this).classed(consts.connectClass, false);
+ GW.workspace.tooltipdiv.transition().duration(1).style("opacity", 0);
+ ismouseinside = false;
+ })
+ .on("mousedown", function (d) {
+ thisGraph.circleMouseDown.call(thisGraph, d3.select(this), d);
+ })
+ .on("mouseup", function (d) {
+ thisGraph.circleMouseUp.call(thisGraph, d3.select(this), d);
+ })
+ .on("dblclick", function (d) {
+ thisGraph.circleDdlClick.call(thisGraph, d3.select(this), d);
+ })
+ .call(thisGraph.drag);
+ // console.log("update circile once");
+ newGs
+ .append("circle")
+ .attr("r", String(consts.nodeRadius))
+ .attr("stroke-width", 2)
+ .style("stroke", function (d) {
+ return "black";
+ })
+ .style("fill", function (d) {
+ console.log("circle append called " + d.color);
+ if (d.skip == "true" || d.skip == true) {
+ return "url(#diagonalHatch)";
+ } else {
+ return d.color;
+ }
+ })
+ .attr("filter", "url(#drop-shadow)"); //add color
- try{
+ newGs.each(function (d) {
+ thisGraph.insertTitleLinebreaks(d3.select(this), d.title);
+ });
+ };
- console.log("Start to load workflow..");
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.zoomed = function () {
+ this.state.justScaleTransGraph = true;
+ console.log(
+ "d3.event.translate: " +
+ d3.event.translate +
+ ": d3.event.scale = " +
+ d3.event.scale,
+ );
- window.selectedWorkflow = workflow.id;
+ d3.select("." + this.consts.graphClass).attr(
+ "transform",
+ "translate(" + d3.event.translate + ") scale(" + d3.event.scale + ")",
+ );
+ };
- var jsonObj = workflow;
+ GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.addProcess = function (id, name) {
+ if (GW.workspace.currentmode == 1) {
+ var thisGraph = this;
- this.deleteGraph(true);
+ // dynamic way of handling the process circle position:
- GW.workspace.showSaved();
+ // S1: find the total size of the current weaver tab display screen dynamically
+ // if needed get the entire window size in JS
+ // later divide it in half to get the center position values and assign
+ // also handle the additional case, where we check the new process circle is not overlapping the existing non disturbed circle
+ // check the existing circle and it's position, if the position is the same, we try to update the new circle with a new position with small change
- var newNodes = GW.general.parseResponse(jsonObj.nodes);
+ var width = window.innerWidth;
- //remove the old color status - load a brand new workflow
- newNodes.forEach(function(e, i){
+ var height = window.innerHeight;
- newNodes[i].color = "white";
+ var x, y;
- });
+ if (thisGraph.nodes.length > 0) {
+ x = width / 2 + thisGraph.nodes.length + 10;
- this.nodes = newNodes;
+ y = height / 2 + thisGraph.nodes.length + 10;
+ } else {
+ x = width / 2;
- this.setIdCt(jsonObj.nodes.length + 1);
+ y = height / 2;
+ }
- var newEdges = GW.general.parseResponse(jsonObj.edges);
+ // get the div, offsetheight and offset width and calculate and apply if condition.
- newEdges.forEach(function(e, i){
+ var randomid = GW.workspace.makeid();
- newEdges[i] = {
- source: GW.workspace.theGraph.nodes.filter(function(n){
- return n.id == e.source.id;
- })[0],
- target: GW.workspace.theGraph.nodes.filter(function(n){
- return n.id == e.target.id;
- })[0]
- };
- });
+ var insid = id + "-" + randomid;
- this.edges = newEdges;
+ thisGraph.nodes.push({ title: name, id: insid, x: x, y: y });
- this.updateGraph();
+ thisGraph.updateGraph();
+ console.log("new process added: " + insid);
- }catch(err){
- window.alert("Error parsing uploaded file\nerror message: " + err.message);
- return;
- }
- }
+ GW.workspace.showNonSaved();
- GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.selectElementContents = function(el) {
- var range = document.createRange();
- range.selectNodeContents(el);
- var sel = window.getSelection();
- sel.removeAllRanges();
- sel.addRange(range);
- };
- GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.insertTitleLinebreaks = function (gEl, title) {
- var words = title.split(/\s+/g),
- nwords = words.length;
- var el = gEl.append("text")
- .attr("text-anchor","middle")
- .attr("fill", "black")
- .attr("stroke", "black")
- .attr("stroke-width", '1px')
- .attr("stroke-linecap", 'butt')
- .attr("stroke-linejoin", 'miter')
- .attr("font-weight", 500)
- .attr("font-size", '20px')
- .attr("y", "50px")
- // .attr("dy", "-" + (nwords-1)*7.5);
- el.append('tspan').text(title);
- // for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
- // var tspan = el.append('tspan').text(words[i]);
- // if (i > 0)
- // tspan.attr('x', 0).attr('dy', '15');
- // }
- };
- // remove edges associated with a node
- GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.spliceLinksForNode = function(node) {
- var thisGraph = this,
- toSplice = thisGraph.edges.filter(function(l) {
- return (l.source === node || l.target === node);
- });
- toSplice.map(function(l) {
- thisGraph.edges.splice(thisGraph.edges.indexOf(l), 1);
- });
- };
- GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.replaceSelectEdge = function(d3Path, edgeData){
- var thisGraph = this;
- d3Path.classed(thisGraph.consts.selectedClass, true);
- if (thisGraph.state.selectedEdge){
- thisGraph.removeSelectFromEdge();
- }
- thisGraph.state.selectedEdge = edgeData;
- };
- GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.replaceSelectNode = function(d3Node, nodeData){
- var thisGraph = this;
- d3Node.classed(this.consts.selectedClass, true);
- if (thisGraph.state.selectedNode){
- thisGraph.removeSelectFromNode();
- }
- thisGraph.state.selectedNode = nodeData;
- console.log("selected node changed : " + nodeData.id);
- // show the prompt process panel
- GW.process.sidepanel.close()
- GW.process.sidepanel.open_panel(GW.workflow.history_id, nodeData.id, nodeData.title)
- };
- GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.removeSelectFromNode = function(){
- var thisGraph = this;
- thisGraph.circles.filter(function(cd){
- return cd.id === thisGraph.state.selectedNode.id;
- }).classed(thisGraph.consts.selectedClass, false);
- thisGraph.state.selectedNode = null;
- GW.workspace.showNonSaved();
- };
- GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.removeSelectFromEdge = function(){
- var thisGraph = this;
- thisGraph.paths.filter(function(cd){
- return cd === thisGraph.state.selectedEdge;
- }).classed(thisGraph.consts.selectedClass, false);
- thisGraph.state.selectedEdge = null;
- GW.workspace.showNonSaved();
- };
- GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.pathMouseDown = function(d3path, d){
- var thisGraph = this,
- state = thisGraph.state;
- d3.event.stopPropagation();
- state.mouseDownLink = d;
- if (state.selectedNode){
- thisGraph.removeSelectFromNode();
- }
- var prevEdge = state.selectedEdge;
- if (!prevEdge || prevEdge !== d){
- thisGraph.replaceSelectEdge(d3path, d);
- } else{
- thisGraph.removeSelectFromEdge();
- }
- };
- // mousedown on node
- GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.circleMouseDown = function(d3node, d){
- var thisGraph = this,
- state = thisGraph.state;
- d3.event.stopPropagation();
- state.mouseDownNode = d;
- if (d3.event.shiftKey){
- state.shiftNodeDrag = d3.event.shiftKey;
- // reposition dragged directed edge
- thisGraph.dragLine.classed('hidden', false)
- .attr('d', 'M' + d.x + ',' + d.y + 'L' + d.x + ',' + d.y);
- return;
- }
- };
- /* place editable text on node in place of svg text */
- GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.changeTextOfNode = function(d3node, d){
- var thisGraph= this,
- consts = thisGraph.consts,
- htmlEl = d3node.node();
- d3node.selectAll("text").remove();
- var nodeBCR = htmlEl.getBoundingClientRect(),
- curScale = nodeBCR.width/consts.nodeRadius,
- placePad = 5*curScale,
- useHW = curScale > 1 ? nodeBCR.width*0.71 : consts.nodeRadius*1.42;
- // replace with editableconent text
- var d3txt = thisGraph.svg.selectAll("foreignObject")
- .data([d])
- .enter()
- .append("foreignObject")
- .attr("x", nodeBCR.left + placePad )
- .attr("y", nodeBCR.top + placePad)
- .attr("height", 2*useHW)
- .attr("width", useHW)
- .append("xhtml:p")
- .attr("id", consts.activeEditId)
- .attr("contentEditable", "true")
- .text(d.title)
- .on("mousedown", function(d){
- d3.event.stopPropagation();
- })
- .on("keydown", function(d){
- d3.event.stopPropagation();
- if (d3.event.keyCode == consts.ENTER_KEY && !d3.event.shiftKey){
- this.blur();
- }
- })
- .on("blur", function(d){
- d.title = this.textContent;
- thisGraph.insertTitleLinebreaks(d3node, d.title);
- d3.select(this.parentElement).remove();
- });
- return d3txt;
- };
- // mouseup on nodes
- GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.circleMouseUp = function(d3node, d){
- var thisGraph = this,
- state = thisGraph.state,
- consts = thisGraph.consts;
- // reset the states
- state.shiftNodeDrag = false;
- d3node.classed(consts.connectClass, false);
- var mouseDownNode = state.mouseDownNode;
- if (!mouseDownNode) return;
- thisGraph.dragLine.classed("hidden", true);
- if (mouseDownNode !== d){
- // we're in a different node: create new edge for mousedown edge and add to graph
- var newEdge = {source: mouseDownNode, target: d};
- var filtRes = thisGraph.paths.filter(function(d){
- if (d.source === newEdge.target && d.target === newEdge.source){
- thisGraph.edges.splice(thisGraph.edges.indexOf(d), 1);
- }
- return d.source === newEdge.source && d.target === newEdge.target;
- });
- if (!filtRes[0].length){
- thisGraph.edges.push(newEdge);
- thisGraph.updateGraph();
- }
- } else{
- // we're in the same node
- if (state.justDragged) {
- // dragged, not clicked
- state.justDragged = false;
- } else{
- // clicked, not dragged
- if (d3.event.shiftKey){
- // shift-clicked node: edit text content
- var d3txt = thisGraph.changeTextOfNode(d3node, d);
- var txtNode = d3txt.node();
- thisGraph.selectElementContents(txtNode);
- txtNode.focus();
- } else{
- if (state.selectedEdge){
- thisGraph.removeSelectFromEdge();
- }
- var prevNode = state.selectedNode;
- if (!prevNode || prevNode.id !== d.id){
- thisGraph.replaceSelectNode(d3node, d);
- } else{
- thisGraph.removeSelectFromNode();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- state.mouseDownNode = null;
- return;
- }; // end of circles mouseup
+ GW.general.switchTab("workspace");
- GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.circleDdlClick = function(d3node, d){
- // GW.process.sidepanel.showProcessLog(GW.workflow.history_id, d.id, d.title);
- console.log("no action taken");
- }
- // mousedown on main svg
- GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.svgMouseDown = function(){
- this.state.graphMouseDown = true;
- };
- // mouseup on main svg
- GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.svgMouseUp = function(){
- var thisGraph = this,
- state = thisGraph.state;
- if (state.justScaleTransGraph) {
- // dragged not clicked
- state.justScaleTransGraph = false;
- } else if (state.graphMouseDown && d3.event.shiftKey){
- // clicked not dragged from svg
- var xycoords = d3.mouse(thisGraph.svgG.node()),
- d = {id: thisGraph.idct++, title: "new concept", x: xycoords[0], y: xycoords[1]};
- thisGraph.nodes.push(d);
- thisGraph.updateGraph();
- // make title of text immediently editable
- var d3txt = thisGraph.changeTextOfNode(thisGraph.circles.filter(function(dval){
- return dval.id === d.id;
- }), d),
- txtNode = d3txt.node();
- thisGraph.selectElementContents(txtNode);
- txtNode.focus();
- } else if (state.shiftNodeDrag){
- // dragged from node
- state.shiftNodeDrag = false;
- thisGraph.dragLine.classed("hidden", true);
- }
- state.graphMouseDown = false;
- };
- GW.workspace.GraphCreator.prototype.removeNode = function(pid) {
- var thisGraph = this;
- var selectedNode = null;
- for(var i=0;i
- ID
- `+msg.id+`
- Language
- `+msg.lang+`
- Code
- `+GW.general.shorten_long_string(GW.general.escapeCodeforHTML(msg.code), 200)+`