diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index ae916806c6..130f252e2c 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ src/dynamics/fv3/atmos_cubed_sphere
@@ -23,6 +24,9 @@ src/hemco
+# ignore ide configs
# Ignore editor temporaries and backups
diff --git a/Externals_CAM.cfg b/Externals_CAM.cfg
index 03698dc3f6..8de90f77a0 100644
--- a/Externals_CAM.cfg
+++ b/Externals_CAM.cfg
@@ -71,6 +71,13 @@ sparse = ../.mpas_sparse_checkout
hash = b8c33daa
required = True
+local_path = libraries/tuv-x
+protocol = git
+repo_url = https://github.com/NCAR/tuv-x.git
+hash = ccda76c0553064a9b7b0eba73162ddeee6d8eaff
+required = True
local_path = src/hemco
tag = hemco-cesm1_2_1_hemco3_6_3_cesm
diff --git a/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml b/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml
index 286bf4f953..912c2848b2 100644
--- a/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml
+++ b/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml
@@ -7352,6 +7352,17 @@ Maximum zenith angle (degrees) used for photolysis.
Default: set by build-namelist.
+Filepath of TUV-X configuration specification.
+Default: NONE
+Switch to turn on TUV-X photolysis.
+Default: FALSE
diff --git a/cime_config/buildlib b/cime_config/buildlib
index 73db5db3dd..0b125e032b 100755
--- a/cime_config/buildlib
+++ b/cime_config/buildlib
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ create the cam library
# pylint: disable=unused-wildcard-import, bad-whitespace, too-many-locals
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
import sys, os, filecmp, shutil, imp
+from glob import glob
_CIMEROOT = os.environ.get("CIMEROOT")
if _CIMEROOT is None:
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ from CIME.case import Case
from CIME.utils import run_sub_or_cmd, expect, run_cmd
from CIME.buildlib import parse_input
from CIME.build import get_standard_makefile_args
+from CIME.XML.env_build import EnvBuild
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -113,12 +114,151 @@ def _build_cam(caseroot, libroot, bldroot):
logger.info("%s: \n\n output:\n %s \n\n err:\n\n%s\n", cmd, out, err)
expect(rc == 0, "Command %s failed with rc=%s" % (cmd, rc))
+def _run_cmd(command, working_dir):
+ rc, out, err = run_cmd(command, from_dir=working_dir, verbose=True)
+ expect(rc == 0, "Command {} failed with rc={}".format(command, rc))
+def _cmake_default_args(caseroot):
+# Returns a dictionary of CMake variables based on the Macros.cmake file for
+# the build.
+ build = EnvBuild(case_root=caseroot)
+ with Case(caseroot) as case:
+ macro_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(caseroot, "cmake_macros", ""))
+ args = "-DCONVERT_TO_MAKE=ON "
+ args += "-DCASEROOT={} ".format(caseroot)
+ args += "-DCOMPILER={} ".format(build.get_value("COMPILER"))
+ args += "-DOS={} ".format(build.get_value("OS"))
+ args += "-DMACH={} ".format(case.get_value("MACH"))
+ args += "-DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER_WORKS=1 "
+ args += "-DDEBUG={} ".format(build.get_value("DEBUG"))
+ cmd = "cmake {} .".format(args)
+ rc, out, err = run_cmd(cmd, combine_output=True, from_dir=macro_path)
+ expect(rc == 0, "Command {} failed with rc={} out={} err={}".format(cmd, rc, out, err))
+ arg_dict = {}
+ for line in out.splitlines():
+ if ":=" in line:
+ key, val = line.split(":=")
+ arg_dict[key.replace('CIME_SET_MAKEFILE_VAR','').strip()] = val.strip()
+ return arg_dict
+def _build_tuvx(caseroot, libroot, bldroot):
+# Builds the TUV-x library and updates the case variables used to set the
+# include paths and linked libraries
+ build = EnvBuild(case_root=caseroot)
+ with Case(caseroot) as case:
+ bldpath = os.path.join(bldroot, "tuv-x")
+ if not os.path.exists(bldpath):
+ os.makedirs(bldpath)
+ srcpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(case.get_value("COMP_ROOT_DIR_ATM"), \
+ "libraries", "tuv-x", ""))
+ logger.info("Building TUV-x in {} from source in {}\n".format(bldpath, srcpath))
+ arg_dict = _cmake_default_args(caseroot)
+ if build.get_value("MPILIB") == "mpi-serial":
+ cmake_args = "-DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER={} ".format(arg_dict["SFC"])
+ else:
+ cmake_args = "-DCMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER={} ".format(arg_dict["MPIFC"])
+ cmake_args += "-DTUVX_ENABLE_MPI:BOOL=TRUE "
+ if case.get_value("DEBUG"):
+ cmake_args += "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug "
+ else:
+ cmake_args += "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release "
+ cmake_args += "-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER_WORKS=1 "
+ cmake_args += "-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_WORKS=1 "
+ cmake_args += "-DTUVX_ENABLE_TESTS=OFF "
+ cmake_args += "-DTUVX_ENABLE_COVERAGE=OFF "
+ cmake_args += "-DCMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS='{}' ".format(arg_dict["FFLAGS"])
+ cmake_args += "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX='{}' ".format(libroot)
+ cmake_args += "-DTUVX_INSTALL_INCLUDE_DIR='{}' ".format(_tuvx_include_dir(libroot))
+ cmake_args += "-DTUVX_INSTALL_MOD_DIR='{}' ".format(_tuvx_include_dir(libroot))
+ cmake_args += srcpath
+ _run_cmd("cmake {}".format(cmake_args), bldpath)
+ _run_cmd(case.get_value("GMAKE"), bldpath)
+ _run_cmd("{} install".format(case.get_value("GMAKE")), bldpath)
+ # add TUV-x to include paths
+ incldir = os.environ.get('USER_INCLDIR')
+ if incldir is None:
+ incldir = ''
+ os.environ['USER_INCLDIR'] = incldir + \
+ " -I{} ".format(_tuvx_include_dir(libroot))
+ # create simlink to library in folder CIME expects libraries to be in
+ dst = os.path.join(libroot, "libtuvx.a")
+ if os.path.isfile(dst):
+ os.remove(dst)
+ os.symlink(_tuvx_lib_path(libroot), dst)
+def _tuvx_include_dir(libroot):
+# Returns the path to the TUV-x include directory
+ coreinc = os.path.join(libroot, "include", "")
+ expect(os.path.exists(coreinc), \
+ "TUV-x include directory not found at {}".format(coreinc))
+ return coreinc
+def _tuvx_lib_path(libroot):
+# Returns the path to the TUV-x library
+ corelib = os.path.join(_tuvx_install_dir(libroot), "lib64", "libtuvx.a")
+ if not os.path.exists(corelib):
+ corelib = os.path.join(_tuvx_install_dir(libroot), "lib", "libtuvx.a")
+ expect(os.path.exists(corelib), \
+ "TUV-x library not found at {}".format(corelib))
+ return corelib
+def _tuvx_install_dir(libroot):
+# Returns the path to the TUV-x install directory
+ corepaths = glob(os.path.join(libroot, "tuvx*"))
+ expect(len(corepaths)>0, \
+ "TUV-x not found at {}".format(libroot))
+ expect(len(corepaths)<2, \
+ "Multiple TUV-x versions found at {}".format(libroot))
+ expect(os.path.exists(corepaths[0]), \
+ "TUV-x install directory not found at {}".format(corepaths[0]))
+ return corepaths[0]
+def _tuvx_package_dir(libroot):
+# Returns the path to the TUV-x CMake package
+ paths = glob(os.path.join(libroot, "tuvx*", "cmake", "tuvx*" ))
+ expect(len(paths)>0, \
+ "TUV-x package not found at {}".format(libroot))
+ expect(len(paths)<2, \
+ "Multiple TUV-x versions found at {}".format(libroot))
+ expect(os.path.exists(paths[0]), \
+ "TUV-x package directory not found at {}".format(paths[0]))
+ return paths[0]
def _main_func():
caseroot, libroot, bldroot = parse_input(sys.argv)
+ _build_tuvx(caseroot, libroot, bldroot)
_build_cam(caseroot, libroot, bldroot)
diff --git a/cime_config/buildnml b/cime_config/buildnml
index 28e3e8198c..bebcd94426 100755
--- a/cime_config/buildnml
+++ b/cime_config/buildnml
@@ -211,6 +211,17 @@ def buildnml(case, caseroot, compname):
if (os.path.isfile(file1)) and (not os.path.isfile(file2)):
+ # Temporary copy of TUV-x data for development
+ dest_data = os.path.join(rundir, "data")
+ if os.path.exists(dest_data):
+ shutil.rmtree(dest_data)
+ shutil.copytree(os.path.join(srcroot, "libraries", "tuv-x", "data"), \
+ dest_data)
+ shutil.copy2(os.path.join(srcroot, "cime_config", "tuvx_MOZART.json"), \
+ os.path.join(rundir, "tuvx_MOZART.json"))
+ shutil.copy2(os.path.join(srcroot, "cime_config", "tuvx_MOZART_TS1.json"), \
+ os.path.join(rundir, "tuvx_MOZART_TS1.json"))
def _main_func():
diff --git a/cime_config/config_component.xml b/cime_config/config_component.xml
index 0dc9a4d10b..fc1ca74b8b 100644
--- a/cime_config/config_component.xml
+++ b/cime_config/config_component.xml
@@ -203,6 +203,18 @@
+ char
+ -ltuvx -lstdc++
+ build_component_cam
+ env_build.xml
+ CAM linked libraries. The libraries are built by CAM's buildlib script and should be included
+ during linking of the model executable.
diff --git a/cime_config/tuvx_MOZART.json b/cime_config/tuvx_MOZART.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8129266467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cime_config/tuvx_MOZART.json
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+ "__description": "TUV-x configuration for the MOZART chemical mechanism",
+ "O2 absorption" : {
+ "cross section parameters file": "data/cross_sections/O2_parameters.txt"
+ },
+ "grids": [
+ ],
+ "profiles": [
+ ],
+ "radiative transfer": {
+ "solver": {
+ "type": "discrete ordinate",
+ "number of streams": 4
+ },
+ "cross sections": [
+ {
+ "name": "air",
+ "type": "air"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "O3",
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_1.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_2.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_3.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_4.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "O3"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "O2",
+ "netcdf files": [
+ {
+ "file path": "data/cross_sections/O2_1.nc",
+ "lower extrapolation": { "type": "boundary" },
+ "interpolator": { "type": "fractional target" }
+ }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ }
+ ],
+ "radiators": [
+ {
+ "name": "air",
+ "type": "base",
+ "treat as air": true,
+ "cross section": "air",
+ "vertical profile": "air",
+ "vertical profile units": "molecule cm-3"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "O2",
+ "type": "base",
+ "cross section": "O2",
+ "vertical profile": "O2",
+ "vertical profile units": "molecule cm-3"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "O3",
+ "type": "base",
+ "cross section": "O3",
+ "vertical profile": "O3",
+ "vertical profile units": "molecule cm-3"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "photolysis": {
+ "reactions": [
+ {
+ "name": "jo2",
+ "__reaction": "O2 + hv -> O + O",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ {
+ "file path": "data/cross_sections/O2_1.nc",
+ "lower extrapolation": { "type": "boundary" },
+ "interpolator": { "type": "fractional target" }
+ }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jo1d",
+ "__reaction": "O3 + hv -> O2 + O(1D)",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_1.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_2.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_3.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_4.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "O3"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "O3+hv->O2+O(1D)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jo3p",
+ "__reaction": "O3 + hv -> O2 + O(3P)",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_1.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_2.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_3.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_4.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "O3"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "O3+hv->O2+O(3P)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jn2o",
+ "__reaction": "N2O + hv -> N2 + O(1D)",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "N2O+hv->N2+O(1D)"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jno2",
+ "__reaction": "NO2 + hv -> NO + O(3P)",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/NO2_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "NO2 tint"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "netcdf files": ["data/quantum_yields/NO2_1.nc"],
+ "type": "NO2 tint",
+ "lower extrapolation": { "type": "boundary" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jn2o5",
+ "__reaction": "N2O5 + hv -> NO2 + NO3",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/N2O5_1.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/N2O5_2.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "N2O5+hv->NO2+NO3"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jhno3",
+ "__reaction": "HNO3 + hv -> OH + NO2",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/HNO3_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "HNO3+hv->OH+NO2"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jno3_a",
+ "__reaction": "NO3 + hv -> NO2 + O(3P)",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/NO3_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ "data/quantum_yields/NO3-NO2+O(3P)_1.nc"
+ ],
+ "type": "tint",
+ "lower extrapolation": {
+ "type": "constant",
+ "value": 1.0
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jno3_b",
+ "__reaction": "NO3 + hv -> NO + O2",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/NO3_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ "data/quantum_yields/NO3-NO+O2_1.nc"
+ ],
+ "type": "tint"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jch3ooh",
+ "__reaction": "CH3OOH + hv -> CH3O + OH",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CH3OOH_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jch2o_a",
+ "__reaction": "CH2O + hv -> H + HCO",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CH2O_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "CH2O"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ "data/quantum_yields/CH2O_1.nc"
+ ],
+ "type": "base",
+ "lower extrapolation": {
+ "type": "boundary"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jch2o_b",
+ "__reaction": "CH2O + hv -> H2 + CO",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CH2O_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "CH2O"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ "data/quantum_yields/CH2O_1.nc"
+ ],
+ "type": "CH2O",
+ "lower extrapolation": {
+ "type": "boundary"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jh2o2",
+ "__reaction": "H2O2 + hv -> OH + OH",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/H2O2_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "H2O2+hv->OH+OH"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jch3cho",
+ "__reaction": "CH3CHO + hv -> CH3 + HCO",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CH3CHO_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ "data/quantum_yields/CH3CHO_1.nc"
+ ],
+ "type": "CH3CHO+hv->CH3+HCO"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jpan",
+ "__reaction": "PAN + hv -> 0.6*CH3CO3 + 0.6*NO2 + 0.4*CH3O2 + 0.4*NO3 + 0.4*CO2",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/PAN_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "CH3ONO2+hv->CH3O+NO2"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jmvk",
+ "__reaction": "MVK + hv -> 0.7*C3H6 + 0.7*CO + 0.3*CH3O2 + 0.3*CH3CO3",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/MVK_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "MVK+hv->Products"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jacet",
+ "__reaction": "CH3COCH3 + hv -> CH3CO + CH3",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CH3COCH3_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "CH3COCH3+hv->CH3CO+CH3"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "CH3COCH3+hv->CH3CO+CH3"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jmgly",
+ "__reaction": "CH3COCHO + hv -> CH3CO3 + CO + HO2",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CH3COCHO_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "CH3COCHO+hv->CH3CO+HCO"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jglyald",
+ "__reaction": "GLYALD + hv -> 2*HO2 + CO + CH2O",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/HOCH2CHO_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jglyoxal",
+ "__reaction": "GLYOXAL + hv -> 2*CO + 2*HO2",
+ "__comments": "TODO the products of this reaction don't exactly match",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CHOCHO_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ "data/quantum_yields/CHOCHO-H2_CO_CO_1.nc"
+ ],
+ "type": "base",
+ "lower extrapolation": {
+ "type": "boundary"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jho2no2_a",
+ "__reaction": "HNO4 + hv -> OH + NO3",
+ "__comments": "TODO Doug's data sets have special temperature dependence - need new type?",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/HNO4_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 0.2
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jho2no2_b",
+ "__reaction": "HNO4 + hv -> HO2 + NO2",
+ "__comments": "TODO Doug's data sets have special temperature dependence - need new type?",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/HNO4_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 0.8
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jmacr_a",
+ "__reaction": "CH2=C(CH3)CHO->1.34HO2+0.66MCO3+1.34CH2O+CH3CO3",
+ "__comments": "Methacrolein photolysis channel 1",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/Methacrolein_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 0.005
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jmacr_b",
+ "__reaction": "CH2=C(CH3)CHO->0.66OH+1.34CO",
+ "__comments": "Methacrolein photolysis channel 2",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/Methacrolein_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 0.005
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jhyac",
+ "__reaction": "CH2(OH)COCH3->CH3CO3+HO2+CH2O",
+ "__comments": "hydroxy acetone",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/Hydroxyacetone_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 0.65
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "__CAM options": {
+ "aliasing": {
+ "default matching": "backup",
+ "pairs": [
+ {
+ "to": "jpooh",
+ "__reaction": "POOH (C3H6OHOOH) + hv -> CH3CHO + CH2O + HO2 + OH",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jch3co3h",
+ "__reaction": "CH3COOOH + hv -> CH3O2 + OH + CO2",
+ "from": "jh2o2",
+ "scale by": 0.28
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jmpan",
+ "__reaction": "MPAN + hv -> MCO3 + NO2",
+ "from": "jpan"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jc2h5ooh",
+ "__reaction": "C2H5OOH + hv -> CH3CHO + HO2 + OH",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jc3h7ooh",
+ "__reaction": "C3H7OOH + hv -> 0.82*CH3COCH3 + OH + HO2",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jrooh",
+ "__reaction": "ROOH + hv -> CH3CO3 + CH2O + OH",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jxooh",
+ "__reaction": "XOOH + hv -> OH",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jonitr",
+ "__reaction": "ONITR + hv -> NO2",
+ "from": "jch3cho"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jisopooh",
+ "__reaction": "ISOPOOH + hv -> 0.402*MVK + 0.288*MACR + 0.69*CH2O + HO2",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jmek",
+ "__reaction": "MEK + hv -> CH3CO3 + C2H5O2",
+ "from": "jacet"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jbigald",
+ "__reaction": "BIGALD + hv -> .45*CO + .13*GLYOXAL + .56*HO2 + .13*CH3CO3 + .18*CH3COCHO",
+ "from": "jno2",
+ "scale by": 0.2
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jalkooh",
+ "__reaction": "ALKOOH + hv -> .4*CH3CHO + .1*CH2O + .25*CH3COCH3 + .9*HO2 + .8*MEK + OH",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jmekooh",
+ "__reaction": "MEKOOH + hv -> OH + CH3CO3 + CH3CHO",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jtolooh",
+ "__reaction": "TOLOOH + hv -> OH + .45*GLYOXAL + .45*CH3COCHO + .9*BIGALD",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jterpooh",
+ "__reaction": "TERPOOH + hv -> OH + .1*CH3COCH3 + HO2 + MVK + MACR",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/cime_config/tuvx_MOZART_TS1.json b/cime_config/tuvx_MOZART_TS1.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..82b5d0175c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cime_config/tuvx_MOZART_TS1.json
@@ -0,0 +1,2006 @@
+ "__description": "TUV-x configuration for the MOZART-TS1 and MOZART-TSMLT chemical mechanisms",
+ "O2 absorption" : {
+ "cross section parameters file": "data/cross_sections/O2_parameters.txt"
+ },
+ "grids": [
+ ],
+ "profiles": [
+ ],
+ "radiative transfer": {
+ "solver": {
+ "type": "discrete ordinate",
+ "number of streams": 4
+ },
+ "cross sections": [
+ {
+ "name": "air",
+ "type": "air"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "O3",
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_1.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_2.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_3.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_4.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "O3"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "O2",
+ "netcdf files": [
+ {
+ "file path": "data/cross_sections/O2_1.nc",
+ "lower extrapolation": { "type": "boundary" },
+ "interpolator": { "type": "fractional target" }
+ }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ }
+ ],
+ "radiators": [
+ {
+ "name": "air",
+ "type": "base",
+ "treat as air": true,
+ "cross section": "air",
+ "vertical profile": "air",
+ "vertical profile units": "molecule cm-3"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "O2",
+ "type": "base",
+ "cross section": "O2",
+ "vertical profile": "O2",
+ "vertical profile units": "molecule cm-3"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "O3",
+ "type": "base",
+ "cross section": "O3",
+ "vertical profile": "O3",
+ "vertical profile units": "molecule cm-3"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "photolysis": {
+ "reactions": [
+ {
+ "name": "jo2_a",
+ "__reaction": "O2 + hv -> O + O1D",
+ "cross section": {
+ "apply O2 bands": true,
+ "netcdf files": [
+ {
+ "file path": "data/cross_sections/O2_1.nc",
+ "lower extrapolation": { "type": "boundary" },
+ "interpolator": { "type": "fractional target" }
+ }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 0,
+ "override bands": [
+ {
+ "band": "lyman-alpha",
+ "value": 0.53
+ },
+ {
+ "band": "schumann-runge continuum",
+ "value": 1.0
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "heating" : {
+ "energy term": 175.05
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jo2_b",
+ "__reaction": "O2 + hv -> O + O",
+ "cross section": {
+ "apply O2 bands": true,
+ "netcdf files": [
+ {
+ "file path": "data/cross_sections/O2_1.nc",
+ "lower extrapolation": { "type": "boundary" },
+ "interpolator": { "type": "fractional target" }
+ }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0,
+ "override bands": [
+ {
+ "band": "lyman-alpha",
+ "value": 0.47
+ },
+ {
+ "band": "schumann-runge continuum",
+ "value": 0.0
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "heating" : {
+ "energy term": 242.37
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jo3_a",
+ "__reaction": "O3 + hv -> O2 + O(1D)",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_1.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_2.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_3.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_4.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "O3"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "O3+hv->O2+O(1D)"
+ },
+ "heating" : {
+ "energy term": 310.32
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jo3_b",
+ "__reaction": "O3 + hv -> O2 + O(3P)",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_1.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_2.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_3.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/O3_4.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "O3"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "O3+hv->O2+O(3P)"
+ },
+ "heating" : {
+ "energy term": 1179.87
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jn2o",
+ "__reaction": "N2O + hv -> N2 + O(1D)",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "N2O+hv->N2+O(1D)"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jno2",
+ "__reaction": "NO2 + hv -> NO + O(3P)",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/NO2_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "NO2 tint"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "netcdf files": ["data/quantum_yields/NO2_1.nc"],
+ "type": "NO2 tint",
+ "lower extrapolation": { "type": "boundary" }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jn2o5_a",
+ "__reaction": "N2O5 + hv -> NO2 + NO3",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type":"temperature based",
+ "netcdf file": "data/cross_sections/N2O5_JPL06.nc",
+ "parameterization": {
+ "type": "HARWOOD",
+ "aa": [ -18.27, -18.42, -18.59, -18.72, -18.84,
+ -18.90, -18.93, -18.87, -18.77, -18.71,
+ -18.31, -18.14, -18.01, -18.42, -18.59,
+ -18.13 ],
+ "bb": [ -91.0, -104.0, -112.0, -135.0, -170.0,
+ -226.0, -294.0, -388.0, -492.0, -583.0,
+ -770.0, -885.0, -992.0, -949.0, -966.0,
+ -1160.0 ],
+ "base temperature": 0.0,
+ "base wavelength": 0.0,
+ "logarithm": "base 10",
+ "minimum wavelength": 260.0,
+ "maximum wavelength": 410.0,
+ "temperature ranges": [
+ {
+ "maximum": 199.999999999999,
+ "fixed value": 200
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 200,
+ "maximum": 295
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 295.00000000001,
+ "fixed value": 295.0
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "parameterization wavelength grid": {
+ "name": "custom wavelengths",
+ "type": "from config file",
+ "units": "nm",
+ "values": [
+ 255.0, 265.0, 275.0, 285.0, 295.0, 305.0,
+ 315.0, 325.0, 335.0, 345.0, 355.0, 365.0,
+ 375.0, 385.0, 395.0, 405.0, 415.0
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "Taylor series",
+ "constant value": 0.0,
+ "coefficients": [ -2.832441, 0.012809638 ],
+ "override bands": [
+ {
+ "band": "range",
+ "minimum wavelength": 300.0,
+ "value": 1.0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jn2o5_b",
+ "__reaction": "N2O5 + hv -> NO + O + NO3",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type":"temperature based",
+ "netcdf file": "data/cross_sections/N2O5_JPL06.nc",
+ "parameterization": {
+ "type": "HARWOOD",
+ "aa": [ -18.27, -18.42, -18.59, -18.72, -18.84,
+ -18.90, -18.93, -18.87, -18.77, -18.71,
+ -18.31, -18.14, -18.01, -18.42, -18.59,
+ -18.13 ],
+ "bb": [ -91.0, -104.0, -112.0, -135.0, -170.0,
+ -226.0, -294.0, -388.0, -492.0, -583.0,
+ -770.0, -885.0, -992.0, -949.0, -966.0,
+ -1160.0 ],
+ "base temperature": 0.0,
+ "base wavelength": 0.0,
+ "logarithm": "base 10",
+ "minimum wavelength": 260.0,
+ "maximum wavelength": 410.0,
+ "temperature ranges": [
+ {
+ "maximum": 199.999999999999,
+ "fixed value": 200
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 200,
+ "maximum": 295
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 295.00000000001,
+ "fixed value": 295.0
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "parameterization wavelength grid": {
+ "name": "custom wavelengths",
+ "type": "from config file",
+ "units": "nm",
+ "values": [
+ 255.0, 265.0, 275.0, 285.0, 295.0, 305.0,
+ 315.0, 325.0, 335.0, 345.0, 355.0, 365.0,
+ 375.0, 385.0, 395.0, 405.0, 415.0
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "Taylor series",
+ "constant value": 0.0,
+ "coefficients": [ 3.832441, -0.012809638 ],
+ "override bands": [
+ {
+ "band": "range",
+ "minimum wavelength": 300.0,
+ "value": 0.0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jhno3",
+ "__reaction": "HNO3 + hv -> OH + NO2",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/HNO3_JPL06.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "HNO3+hv->OH+NO2"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jno3_a",
+ "__reaction": "NO3 + hv -> NO2 + O(3P)",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/NO3_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ "data/quantum_yields/NO3-NO2+O(3P)_1.nc"
+ ],
+ "type": "tint",
+ "lower extrapolation": {
+ "type": "constant",
+ "value": 1.0
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jno3_b",
+ "__reaction": "NO3 + hv -> NO + O2",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/NO3_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ "data/quantum_yields/NO3-NO+O2_1.nc"
+ ],
+ "type": "tint"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jch3ooh",
+ "__reaction": "CH3OOH + hv -> CH3O + OH",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CH3OOH_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jch2o_a",
+ "__reaction": "CH2O + hv -> H + HCO",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CH2O_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "CH2O"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ "data/quantum_yields/CH2O_1.nc"
+ ],
+ "type": "base",
+ "lower extrapolation": {
+ "type": "boundary"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jch2o_b",
+ "__reaction": "CH2O + hv -> H2 + CO",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CH2O_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "CH2O"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ "data/quantum_yields/CH2O_1.nc"
+ ],
+ "type": "CH2O",
+ "lower extrapolation": {
+ "type": "boundary"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jh2o2",
+ "__reaction": "H2O2 + hv -> OH + OH",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/H2O2_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "H2O2+hv->OH+OH"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jch3cho",
+ "__reaction": "CH3CHO + hv -> CH3 + HCO",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CH3CHO_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ "data/quantum_yields/CH3CHO_1.nc"
+ ],
+ "type": "CH3CHO+hv->CH3+HCO"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jpan",
+ "__reaction": "PAN + hv -> 0.6*CH3CO3 + 0.6*NO2 + 0.4*CH3O2 + 0.4*NO3 + 0.4*CO2",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/PAN_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "CH3ONO2+hv->CH3O+NO2"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jmvk",
+ "__reaction": "MVK + hv -> 0.7*C3H6 + 0.7*CO + 0.3*CH3O2 + 0.3*CH3CO3",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/MVK_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "MVK+hv->Products"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jacet",
+ "__reaction": "CH3COCH3 + hv -> CH3CO + CH3",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "temperature based",
+ "parameterization": {
+ "type": "TAYLOR_SERIES",
+ "netcdf file": {
+ "file path": "data/cross_sections/ACETONE_JPL06.nc"
+ },
+ "base temperature": 0.0,
+ "temperature ranges": [
+ {
+ "maximum": 234.999999999999,
+ "fixed value": 235.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 235.0,
+ "maximum": 298.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 298.00000000001,
+ "fixed value": 298.0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "CH3COCH3+hv->CH3CO+CH3",
+ "branch": "CO+CH3CO",
+ "low wavelength value": 1,
+ "minimum temperature": 218,
+ "maximum temperature": 295
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jmgly",
+ "__reaction": "CH3COCHO + hv -> CH3CO3 + CO + HO2",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CH3COCHO_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "CH3COCHO+hv->CH3CO+HCO"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jglyald",
+ "__reaction": "GLYALD + hv -> 2*HO2 + CO + CH2O",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/HOCH2CHO_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 0.5
+ }
+ },
+ "name": "jglyoxal",
+ "__reaction": "GLYOXAL + hv -> 2*CO + 2*HO2",
+ "__comments": "TODO the products of this reaction don't exactly match",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CHOCHO_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ "data/quantum_yields/CHOCHO-H2_CO_CO_1.nc"
+ ],
+ "type": "base",
+ "lower extrapolation": {
+ "type": "boundary"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jbrcl",
+ "__reaction": "BrCl + hv -> Br + Cl",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/BrCl_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jbro",
+ "__reaction": "BrO + hv -> Br + O",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ {
+ "file path": "data/cross_sections/BRO_JPL06.nc"
+ }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jbrono2_a",
+ "__reaction": "BrONO2 + hv -> Br + NO3",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "temperature based",
+ "parameterization": {
+ "type": "TAYLOR_SERIES",
+ "netcdf file": {
+ "file path": "data/cross_sections/BRONO2_JPL06.nc"
+ },
+ "base temperature": 296.0,
+ "temperature ranges": [
+ {
+ "maximum": 199.999999999999,
+ "fixed value": 200.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 200.0,
+ "maximum": 296.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 296.00000000001,
+ "fixed value": 296.0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 0.85
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jbrono2_b",
+ "__reaction": "BrONO2 + hv -> BrO + NO2",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "temperature based",
+ "parameterization": {
+ "type": "TAYLOR_SERIES",
+ "netcdf file": {
+ "file path": "data/cross_sections/BRONO2_JPL06.nc"
+ },
+ "base temperature": 296.0,
+ "temperature ranges": [
+ {
+ "maximum": 199.999999999999,
+ "fixed value": 200.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 200.0,
+ "maximum": 296.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 296.00000000001,
+ "fixed value": 296.0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 0.15
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jccl4",
+ "__reaction": "CCl4 + hv -> Products",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CCl4_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "CCl4+hv->Products"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jcf2clbr",
+ "__reaction": "CF2BrCl + hv -> Products",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CF2BrCl_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jcf3br",
+ "__reaction": "CF3Br + hv -> Products",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "temperature based",
+ "netcdf file": "data/cross_sections/H1301_JPL06.nc",
+ "parameterization": {
+ "AA": [ 62.563, -2.0068, 1.6592e-2, -5.6465e-5, 6.7459e-8 ],
+ "BB": [ -9.1755e-1, 1.8575e-2, -1.3857e-4, 4.5066e-7, -5.3803e-10 ],
+ "lp": [ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ],
+ "minimum wavelength": 178.0,
+ "maximum wavelength": 280.0,
+ "base temperature": 273.0,
+ "base wavelength": 0.0,
+ "logarithm": "base 10",
+ "temperature ranges": [
+ {
+ "maximum": 209.999999999999,
+ "fixed value": 210.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 210.0,
+ "maximum": 300.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 300.00000000001,
+ "fixed value": 300.0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jcfcl3",
+ "__reaction": "CCl3F + hv -> Products",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "temperature based",
+ "netcdf file": "data/cross_sections/CFCL3_JPL06.nc",
+ "parameterization": {
+ "AA": [ -84.611, 7.9551e-1, -2.0550e-3, -4.4812e-6, 1.5838e-8 ],
+ "BB": [ -5.7912, 1.1689e-1, -8.8069e-4, 2.9335e-6, -3.6421e-9 ],
+ "lp": [ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ],
+ "minimum wavelength": 174.1,
+ "maximum wavelength": 230.0,
+ "base temperature": 273.0,
+ "base wavelength": 0.0,
+ "logarithm": "base 10",
+ "temperature ranges": [
+ {
+ "maximum": 209.999999999999,
+ "fixed value": 210.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 210,
+ "maximum": 300
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 300.00000000001,
+ "fixed value": 300.0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jcfc113",
+ "__reaction": "CFC-113 + hv -> Products",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "temperature based",
+ "netcdf file": "data/cross_sections/CFC113_JPL06.nc",
+ "parameterization": {
+ "AA": [ -1087.9, 20.004, -1.3920e-1, 4.2828e-4, -4.9384e-7 ],
+ "BB": [ 12.493, -2.3937e-1, 1.7142e-3, -5.4393e-6, 6.4548e-9 ],
+ "lp": [ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ],
+ "minimum wavelength": 182.0,
+ "maximum wavelength": 230.0,
+ "base temperature": 273.0,
+ "base wavelength": 0.0,
+ "logarithm": "base 10",
+ "temperature ranges": [
+ {
+ "maximum": 209.999999999999,
+ "fixed value": 210.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 210,
+ "maximum": 300
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 300.00000000001,
+ "fixed value": 300.0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jcfc114",
+ "__reaction": "CFC-114 + hv -> Products",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "temperature based",
+ "netcdf file": "data/cross_sections/CFC114_JPL10.nc",
+ "parameterization": {
+ "AA": [ -160.50, 2.4807, -1.5202e-2, 3.8412e-5, -3.4373e-8 ],
+ "BB": [ -1.5296, 3.5248e-2, -2.9951e-4, 1.1129e-6, -1.5259e-9 ],
+ "lp": [ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ],
+ "minimum wavelength": 172.0,
+ "maximum wavelength": 220.0,
+ "base temperature": 273.0,
+ "base wavelength": 0.0,
+ "logarithm": "base 10",
+ "temperature ranges": [
+ {
+ "maximum": 209.999999999999,
+ "fixed value": 210.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 210,
+ "maximum": 300
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 300.00000000001,
+ "fixed value": 300.0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jcfc115",
+ "__reaction": "CFC-115 + hv -> Products",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CFC115_JPL10.nc" }
+ ]
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jcf2cl2",
+ "__reaction": "CCl2F2 + hv -> Products",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "temperature based",
+ "netcdf file": "data/cross_sections/CF2CL2_JPL06.nc",
+ "parameterization": {
+ "AA": [ -43.8954569, -2.403597e-1, -4.2619e-4, 9.8743e-6, 0.0 ],
+ "BB": [ 4.8438e-3, 4.96145e-4, -5.6953e-6, 0.0, 0.0 ],
+ "lp": [ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ],
+ "minimum wavelength": 200.0,
+ "maximum wavelength": 231.0,
+ "base temperature": 296.0,
+ "base wavelength": 200.0,
+ "logarithm": "natural",
+ "temperature ranges": [
+ {
+ "maximum": 219.999999999999,
+ "fixed value": 220.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 220,
+ "maximum": 296
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 296.00000000001,
+ "fixed value": 296.0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jch2br2",
+ "__reaction": "CH2BR2 + hv -> 2*BR",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "temperature based",
+ "netcdf file": "data/cross_sections/CH2BR2_1.nc",
+ "parameterization": {
+ "AA": [ -70.211776, 1.940326e-1, 2.726152e-3, -1.695472e-5, 2.500066e-8 ],
+ "BB": [ 2.899280, -4.327724e-2, 2.391599e-4, -5.807506e-7, 5.244883e-10 ],
+ "lp": [ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ],
+ "minimum wavelength": 210.0,
+ "maximum wavelength": 290.0,
+ "base temperature": 273.0,
+ "base wavelength": 0.0,
+ "logarithm": "base 10",
+ "temperature ranges": [
+ {
+ "maximum": 209.999999999999,
+ "fixed value": 210.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 210,
+ "maximum": 300
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 300.00000000001,
+ "fixed value": 300.0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jch3br",
+ "__reaction": "CH3Br + hv -> Products",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "temperature based",
+ "netcdf file": "data/cross_sections/CH3BR_JPL06.nc",
+ "parameterization": {
+ "AA": [ 46.520, -1.4580, 1.1469e-2, -3.7627e-5, 4.3264e-8 ],
+ "BB": [ 9.3408e-1, -1.6887e-2, 1.1487e-4, -3.4881e-7, 3.9945e-10 ],
+ "lp": [ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ],
+ "minimum wavelength": 200.0,
+ "maximum wavelength": 280.0,
+ "base temperature": 273.0,
+ "base wavelength": 0.0,
+ "logarithm": "base 10",
+ "temperature ranges": [
+ {
+ "maximum": 209.999999999999,
+ "fixed value": 210.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 210,
+ "maximum": 300
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 300.00000000001,
+ "fixed value": 300.0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jch3ccl3",
+ "__reaction": "CH3CCl3+hv->Products",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CH3CCl3_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "tint"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jch3cl",
+ "__reaction": "CH3Cl + hv -> Products",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "temperature based",
+ "netcdf file": "data/cross_sections/CH3CL_JPL06.nc",
+ "parameterization": {
+ "AA": [ -299.80, 5.1047, -3.3630e-2, 9.5805e-5, -1.0135e-7 ],
+ "BB": [ -7.1727, 1.4837e-1, -1.1463e-3, 3.9188e-6, -4.9994e-9 ],
+ "lp": [ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ],
+ "minimum wavelength": 174.1,
+ "maximum wavelength": 216.0,
+ "base temperature": 273.0,
+ "base wavelength": 0.0,
+ "logarithm": "base 10",
+ "temperature ranges": [
+ {
+ "maximum": 209.999999999999,
+ "fixed value": 210.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 210,
+ "maximum": 300
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 300.00000000001,
+ "fixed value": 300.0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jchbr3",
+ "__reaction": "CHBr3 + hv -> Products",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "temperature based",
+ "netcdf file": "data/cross_sections/CHBR3_JPL10.nc",
+ "parameterization": {
+ "AA": [ -32.6067, 0.10308, 6.39e-5, -7.7392e-7, -2.2513e-9, 6.1376e-12 ],
+ "BB": [ 0.1582, -0.0014758, 3.8058e-6, 9.187e-10, -1.0772e-11, 0.0 ],
+ "lp": [ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 ],
+ "minimum wavelength": 260.0,
+ "maximum wavelength": 362.0,
+ "base temperature": 296.0,
+ "base wavelength": 0.0,
+ "logarithm": "base 10",
+ "invert temperature offset": true,
+ "temperature ranges": [
+ {
+ "maximum": 259.999999999999,
+ "fixed value": 260.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 260.0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jcl2",
+ "__reaction": "Cl2 + hv -> Cl + Cl",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "Cl2+hv->Cl+Cl"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jcl2o2",
+ "__reaction": "ClOOCl + hv -> Cl + ClOO",
+ "__comments": "TODO - this doesn't exactly match the products in TS1",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CL2O2_JPL10.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jclo",
+ "__reaction": "ClO + hv -> Cl + O",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CLO_JPL06.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jclono2_a",
+ "__reaction": "ClONO2 + hv -> Cl + NO3",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/ClONO2_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "ClONO2"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "ClONO2+hv->Cl+NO3"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jclono2_b",
+ "__reaction": "ClONO2 + hv -> ClO + NO2",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/ClONO2_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "ClONO2"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "ClONO2+hv->ClO+NO2"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jcof2",
+ "__reaction": "CF2O + hv -> Products",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CF2O_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jcofcl",
+ "__reaction": "CClFO + hv -> Products",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CClFO_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jh2402",
+ "__reaction": "H2402 + hv -> 2*BR + 2*COF2",
+ "__comments": "TUV data set name CF2BrCF2Br",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "temperature based",
+ "netcdf file": "data/cross_sections/H2402_JPL06.nc",
+ "parameterization": {
+ "AA": [ 34.026, -1.152616, 8.959798e-3, -2.9089e-5, 3.307212e-8 ],
+ "BB": [ 4.010664e-1, -8.358968e-3, 6.415741e-5, -2.157554e-7, 2.691871e-10 ],
+ "lp": [ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ],
+ "minimum wavelength": 190.0,
+ "maximum wavelength": 290.0,
+ "base temperature": 273.0,
+ "base wavelength": 0.0,
+ "logarithm": "base 10",
+ "temperature ranges": [
+ {
+ "maximum": 209.999999999999,
+ "fixed value": 210.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 210.0,
+ "maximum": 300.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 300.00000000001,
+ "fixed value": 300.0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jhcfc141b",
+ "__reaction": "HCFC-141b + hv -> Products",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "temperature based",
+ "netcdf file": "data/cross_sections/HCFC141b_JPL10.nc",
+ "parameterization": {
+ "AA": [ -682.913042, 12.122290, -8.187699e-2, 2.437244e-4, -2.719103e-7 ],
+ "BB": [ 4.074747, -8.053899e-2, 5.946552e-4, -1.945048e-6, 2.380143e-9 ],
+ "lp": [ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ],
+ "minimum wavelength": 172.0,
+ "maximum wavelength": 240.0,
+ "base temperature": 273.0,
+ "base wavelength": 0.0,
+ "logarithm": "base 10",
+ "temperature ranges": [
+ {
+ "maximum": 209.999999999999,
+ "fixed value": 210.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 210.0,
+ "maximum": 300.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 300.00000000001,
+ "fixed value": 300.0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jhcfc142b",
+ "__reaction": "HCFC-142b + hv -> Products",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "temperature based",
+ "netcdf file": "data/cross_sections/HCFC142b_JPL10.nc",
+ "parameterization": {
+ "AA": [ -328.092008, 6.342799, -4.810362e-2, 1.611991e-4, -2.042613e-7 ],
+ "BB": [ 4.289533e-1, -9.042817e-3, 7.018009e-5, -2.389064e-7, 3.039799e-10 ],
+ "lp": [ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ],
+ "minimum wavelength": 172.0,
+ "maximum wavelength": 230.0,
+ "base temperature": 273.0,
+ "base wavelength": 0.0,
+ "logarithm": "base 10",
+ "temperature ranges": [
+ {
+ "maximum": 209.999999999999,
+ "fixed value": 210.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 210.0,
+ "maximum": 300.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 300.00000000001,
+ "fixed value": 300.0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jhcfc22",
+ "__reaction": "HCFC-22 + hv -> Products",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "temperature based",
+ "netcdf file": "data/cross_sections/HCFC22_JPL06.nc",
+ "parameterization wavelength grid": {
+ "name": "custom wavelengths",
+ "type": "from config file",
+ "units": "nm",
+ "values": [
+ 169.0, 171.0, 173.0, 175.0, 177.0, 179.0, 181.0, 183.0, 185.0,
+ 187.0, 189.0, 191.0, 193.0, 195.0, 197.0, 199.0, 201.0, 203.0,
+ 205.0, 207.0, 209.0, 211.0, 213.0, 215.0, 217.0, 219.0, 221.0
+ ]
+ },
+ "parameterization": {
+ "AA": [ -106.029, 1.5038, -8.2476e-3, 1.4206e-5 ],
+ "BB": [ -1.3399e-1, 2.7405e-3, -1.8028e-5, 3.8504e-8 ],
+ "lp": [ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 ],
+ "minimum wavelength": 174.0,
+ "maximum wavelength": 204.0,
+ "base temperature": 273.0,
+ "base wavelength": 0.0,
+ "logarithm": "base 10",
+ "temperature ranges": [
+ {
+ "maximum": 209.999999999999,
+ "fixed value": 210.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 210.0,
+ "maximum": 300.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 300.00000000001,
+ "fixed value": 300.0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jhcl",
+ "__reaction": "HCl + hv -> H + Cl",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/HCl_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jhobr",
+ "__reaction": "HOBr + hv -> OH + Br",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "HOBr+hv->OH+Br"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jhocl",
+ "__reaction": "HOCl + hv -> HO + Cl",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/HOCl_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "joclo",
+ "__reaction": "OClO + hv -> Products",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/OClO_1.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/OClO_2.nc" },
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/OClO_3.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "OClO+hv->Products"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jho2no2_a",
+ "__reaction": "HNO4 + hv -> OH + NO3",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "temperature based",
+ "netcdf file": "data/cross_sections/HO2NO2_JPL06.nc",
+ "parameterization": {
+ "type": "BURKHOLDER",
+ "netcdf file": {
+ "file path": "data/cross_sections/HO2NO2_temp_JPL06.nc"
+ },
+ "A": -988.0,
+ "B": 0.69,
+ "temperature ranges": [
+ {
+ "maximum": 279.999999999999,
+ "fixed value": 280.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 280.0,
+ "maximum": 350.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 350.00000000001,
+ "fixed value": 350.0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 0.30,
+ "override bands": [
+ {
+ "band": "range",
+ "minimum wavelength": 200.0,
+ "value": 0.20
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jho2no2_b",
+ "__reaction": "HNO4 + hv -> HO2 + NO2",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "temperature based",
+ "netcdf file": "data/cross_sections/HO2NO2_JPL06.nc",
+ "parameterization": {
+ "type": "BURKHOLDER",
+ "netcdf file": {
+ "file path": "data/cross_sections/HO2NO2_temp_JPL06.nc"
+ },
+ "A": -988.0,
+ "B": 0.69,
+ "temperature ranges": [
+ {
+ "maximum": 279.999999999999,
+ "fixed value": 280.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 280.0,
+ "maximum": 350.0
+ },
+ {
+ "minimum": 350.00000000001,
+ "fixed value": 350.0
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 0.70,
+ "override bands": [
+ {
+ "band": "range",
+ "minimum wavelength": 200.0,
+ "value": 0.80
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jmacr_a",
+ "__reaction": "CH2=C(CH3)CHO->1.34HO2+0.66MCO3+1.34CH2O+CH3CO3",
+ "__comments": "Methacrolein photolysis channel 1",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/Methacrolein_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 0.005
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jmacr_b",
+ "__reaction": "CH2=C(CH3)CHO->0.66OH+1.34CO",
+ "__comments": "Methacrolein photolysis channel 2",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/Methacrolein_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 0.005
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jhyac",
+ "__reaction": "CH2(OH)COCH3->CH3CO3+HO2+CH2O",
+ "__comments": "hydroxy acetone TODO: the products of this reaction differ from standalone TUV-x",
+ "cross section": {
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/Hydroxyacetone_1.nc" }
+ ],
+ "type": "base"
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 0.65
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jh2o_a",
+ "__reaction": "H2O + hv -> OH + H",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "merge data": true,
+ "netcdf files": [
+ {
+ "file path": "data/cross_sections/H2O_1.nc",
+ "zero above": 183.0
+ },
+ {
+ "file path": "data/cross_sections/H2O_2.nc",
+ "zero below": 183.00000000001,
+ "zero above": 190.0
+ },
+ {
+ "file path": "data/cross_sections/H2O_3.nc",
+ "zero below": 190.00000000001
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "quantum yield" : {
+ "type": "base",
+ "netcdf files": [ "data/quantum_yields/H2O_H_OH.nc" ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jh2o_b",
+ "__reaction": "H2O + hv -> H2 + O1D",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "merge data": true,
+ "netcdf files": [
+ {
+ "file path": "data/cross_sections/H2O_1.nc",
+ "zero above": 183.0
+ },
+ {
+ "file path": "data/cross_sections/H2O_2.nc",
+ "zero below": 183.00000000001,
+ "zero above": 190.0
+ },
+ {
+ "file path": "data/cross_sections/H2O_3.nc",
+ "zero below": 190.00000000001
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "quantum yield" : {
+ "type": "base",
+ "netcdf files": [ "data/quantum_yields/H2O_H2_O1D.nc" ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jh2o_c",
+ "__reaction": "H2O + hv -> 2*H + O",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "merge data": true,
+ "netcdf files": [
+ {
+ "file path": "data/cross_sections/H2O_1.nc",
+ "zero above": 183.0
+ },
+ {
+ "file path": "data/cross_sections/H2O_2.nc",
+ "zero below": 183.00000000001,
+ "zero above": 190.0
+ },
+ {
+ "file path": "data/cross_sections/H2O_3.nc",
+ "zero below": 190.00000000001
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "quantum yield" : {
+ "type": "base",
+ "netcdf files": [ "data/quantum_yields/H2O_2H_O3P.nc" ]
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jch4_a",
+ "__reaction": "CH4 + hv -> H + CH3O2",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CH4_1.nc" }
+ ]
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 0.45
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jch4_b",
+ "__reaction": "CH4 + hv -> 1.44*H2 + 0.18*CH2O + 0.18*O + 0.33*OH + 0.33*H + 0.44*CO2 + 0.38*CO + 0.05*H2O",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CH4_1.nc" }
+ ]
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 0.55
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jco2",
+ "__reaction": "CO2 + hv -> CO + O",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/CO2_1.nc" }
+ ]
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jhbr",
+ "__reaction": "HBR + hv -> BR + H",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/HBr_1.nc" }
+ ]
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jhf",
+ "__reaction": "HF + hv -> H + F",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/HF_1.nc" }
+ ]
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jsf6",
+ "__reaction": "SF6 + hv -> sink",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/SF6_1.nc" }
+ ]
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jh2so4",
+ "__reaction": "H2SO4 + hv -> SO3 + H2O",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "data": {
+ "default value": 0.0,
+ "point values": [
+ { "wavelength": 121.65, "value": 6.3e-17 },
+ { "wavelength": 525.0, "value": 1.43e-26 },
+ { "wavelength": 625.0, "value": 1.8564e-25 },
+ { "wavelength": 725.0, "value": 3.086999e-24 }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "H2SO4 Mills",
+ "netcdf files": [
+ "data/quantum_yields/H2SO4_mills.nc"
+ ],
+ "parameterized wavelengths": [
+ 525,
+ 625,
+ 725
+ ],
+ "collision interval s": [
+ 1.1e-9,
+ 8.9e-9,
+ 1.7e-7
+ ],
+ "molecular diameter m": 4.18e-10,
+ "molecular weight kg mol-1": 98.078479e-3
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jocs",
+ "__reaction": "OCS + hv -> S + CO",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/OCS_1.nc" }
+ ]
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jso",
+ "__reaction": "SO + hv -> S + O",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/SO_1.nc" }
+ ]
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jso2",
+ "__reaction": "SO2 + hv -> SO + O",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/SO2_Mills.nc" }
+ ]
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jso3",
+ "__reaction": "SO3 + hv -> SO2 + O",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "netcdf files": [
+ { "file path": "data/cross_sections/SO3_1.nc" }
+ ]
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "jno_i",
+ "__reaction": "NO + hv -> NOp + e",
+ "cross section": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "data": {
+ "default value": 0.0,
+ "point values": [
+ { "wavelength": 121.65, "value": 2.0e-18 }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "quantum yield": {
+ "type": "base",
+ "constant value": 1.0
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "__CAM options": {
+ "disable clouds": true,
+ "disable aerosols": true,
+ "aliasing": {
+ "default matching": "backup",
+ "pairs": [
+ {
+ "to": "jalknit",
+ "__reaction": "ALKNIT + hv -> NO2 + 0.4*CH3CHO + 0.1*CH2O + 0.25*CH3COCH3 + HO2 + 0.8*MEK",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jpooh",
+ "__reaction": "POOH (C3H6OHOOH) + hv -> CH3CHO + CH2O + HO2 + OH",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jch3co3h",
+ "__reaction": "CH3COOOH + hv -> CH3O2 + OH + CO2",
+ "from": "jh2o2",
+ "scale by": 0.28
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jmpan",
+ "__reaction": "MPAN + hv -> MCO3 + NO2",
+ "from": "jpan"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jc2h5ooh",
+ "__reaction": "C2H5OOH + hv -> CH3CHO + HO2 + OH",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jc3h7ooh",
+ "__reaction": "C3H7OOH + hv -> 0.82*CH3COCH3 + OH + HO2",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jc6h5ooh",
+ "__reaction": "C6H5OOH + hv -> PHENO + OH",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jeooh",
+ "__reaction": "EOOH + hv -> EO + OH",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jrooh",
+ "__reaction": "ROOH + hv -> CH3CO3 + CH2O + OH",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jxooh",
+ "__reaction": "XOOH + hv -> OH",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jonitr",
+ "__reaction": "ONITR + hv -> NO2",
+ "from": "jch3cho"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jisopooh",
+ "__reaction": "ISOPOOH + hv -> 0.402*MVK + 0.288*MACR + 0.69*CH2O + HO2",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jmek",
+ "__reaction": "MEK + hv -> CH3CO3 + C2H5O2",
+ "from": "jacet"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jalkooh",
+ "__reaction": "ALKOOH + hv -> .4*CH3CHO + .1*CH2O + .25*CH3COCH3 + .9*HO2 + .8*MEK + OH",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jbenzooh",
+ "__reaction": "BENZOOH + hv -> OH + GLYOXAL + 0.5*BIGALD1 + HO2",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jbepomuc",
+ "__reaction": "BEPOMUC + hv -> BIGALD1 + 1.5*HO2 + 1.5*CO",
+ "from": "jno2",
+ "scale by": 0.1
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jbigald",
+ "__reaction": "BIGALD + hv -> 0.45*CO + 0.13*GLYOXAL + 0.56*HO2 + 0.13*CH3CO3 + 0.18*CH3COCHO",
+ "from": "jno2",
+ "scale by": 0.2
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jbigald1",
+ "__reaction": "BIGALD1 + hv -> 0.6*MALO2 + HO2",
+ "from": "jno2",
+ "scale by": 0.14
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jbigald2",
+ "__reaction": "BIGALD2 + hv -> 0.6*HO2 + 0.6*DICARBO2",
+ "from": "jno2",
+ "scale by": 0.2
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jbigald3",
+ "__reaction": "BIGALD3 + hv -> 0.6*HO2 + 0.6*CO + 0.6*MDIALO2",
+ "from": "jno2",
+ "scale by": 0.2
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jbigald4",
+ "__reaction": "BIGALD4 + hv -> HO2 + CO + CH3COCHO + CH3CO3",
+ "from": "jno2",
+ "scale by": 0.006
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jbzooh",
+ "__reaction": "BZOOH + hv -> BZALD + OH + HO2",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jmekooh",
+ "__reaction": "MEKOOH + hv -> OH + CH3CO3 + CH3CHO",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jtolooh",
+ "__reaction": "TOLOOH + hv -> OH + .45*GLYOXAL + .45*CH3COCHO + .9*BIGALD",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jterpooh",
+ "__reaction": "TERPOOH + hv -> OH + .1*CH3COCH3 + HO2 + MVK + MACR",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jhonitr",
+ "__reaction": "HONITR + hv -> NO2 + 0.67*HO2 + 0.33*CH3CHO + 0.33*CH2O + 0.33*CO + 0.33*GLYALD + 0.33*CH3CO3 + 0.17*HYAC + 0.17*CH3COCH3",
+ "from": "jch2o_a"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jhpald",
+ "__reaction": "HPALD + hv -> BIGALD3 + OH + HO2",
+ "from": "jno2",
+ "scale by": 0.006
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jisopnooh",
+ "__reaction": "ISOPNOOH + hv -> NO2 + HO2 + ISOPOOH",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jnc4cho",
+ "__reaction": "NC4CHO + hv -> BIGALD3 + NO2 + HO2",
+ "from": "jch2o_a"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jnoa",
+ "__reaction": "NOA + hv -> NO2 + CH2O + CH3CO3",
+ "from": "jch2o_a"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jnterpooh",
+ "__reaction": "NTERPOOH + hv -> TERPROD1 + NO2 + OH",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jphenooh",
+ "__reaction": "PHENOOH + hv -> OH + HO2 + 0.7*GLYOXAL",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jtepomuc",
+ "__reaction": "TEPOMUC + hv -> 0.5*CH3CO3 + HO2 + 1.5*CO",
+ "from": "jno2",
+ "scale by": 0.1
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jterp2ooh",
+ "__reaction": "TERP2OOH + hv -> OH + 0.375*CH2O + 0.3*CH3COCH3 + 0.25*CO + CO2 + TERPROD2 + HO2 + 0.25*GLYALD",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jterpnit",
+ "__reaction": "TERPNIT + hv -> TERPROD1 + NO2 + HO2",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jterprd1",
+ "__reaction": "TERPROD1 + hv -> HO2 + CO + TERPROD2",
+ "from": "jch3cho"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jterprd2",
+ "__reaction": "TERPROD2 + hv -> 0.15*RO2 + 0.68*CH2O + 0.8*CO2 + 0.5*CH3COCH3 + 0.65*CH3CO3 + 1.2*HO2 + 1.7*CO",
+ "from": "jch3cho"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jxylenooh",
+ "__reaction": "XYLENOOH + hv -> OH + HO2 + 0.34*GLYOXAL + 0.54*CH3COCHO + 0.06*BIGALD1 + 0.2*BIGALD2 + 0.15*BIGALD3 + 0.21*BIGALD4",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jxylolooh",
+ "__reaction": "XYLOLOOH + hv -> OH + 0.17*GLYOXAL + 0.51*CH3COCHO + HO2",
+ "from": "jch3ooh"
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jsoa1_a1",
+ "__reaction": "soa1_a1 + hv -> Products",
+ "from": "jno2",
+ "scale by": 0.0004
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jsoa1_a2",
+ "__reaction": "soa1_a2 + hv -> Products",
+ "from": "jno2",
+ "scale by": 0.0004
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jsoa2_a1",
+ "__reaction": "soa2_a1 + hv -> Products",
+ "from": "jno2",
+ "scale by": 0.0004
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jsoa2_a2",
+ "__reaction": "soa2_a2 + hv -> Products",
+ "from": "jno2",
+ "scale by": 0.0004
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jsoa3_a1",
+ "__reaction": "soa3_a1 + hv -> Products",
+ "from": "jno2",
+ "scale by": 0.0004
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jsoa3_a2",
+ "__reaction": "soa3_a2 + hv -> Products",
+ "from": "jno2",
+ "scale by": 0.0004
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jsoa4_a1",
+ "__reaction": "soa4_a1 + hv -> Products",
+ "from": "jno2",
+ "scale by": 0.0004
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jsoa4_a2",
+ "__reaction": "soa4_a2 + hv -> Products",
+ "from": "jno2",
+ "scale by": 0.0004
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jsoa5_a1",
+ "__reaction": "soa5_a1 + hv -> Products",
+ "from": "jno2",
+ "scale by": 0.0004
+ },
+ {
+ "to": "jsoa5_a2",
+ "__reaction": "soa5_a2 + hv -> Products",
+ "from": "jno2",
+ "scale by": 0.0004
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/chemistry/mozart/chemistry.F90 b/src/chemistry/mozart/chemistry.F90
index ff42e870d9..9557907f1f 100644
--- a/src/chemistry/mozart/chemistry.F90
+++ b/src/chemistry/mozart/chemistry.F90
@@ -162,6 +162,7 @@ subroutine chem_register
use short_lived_species, only : slvd_index, short_lived_map=>map, register_short_lived_species
use cfc11star, only : register_cfc11star
use mo_photo, only : photo_register
+ use mo_tuvx, only : tuvx_register, tuvx_active
use mo_aurora, only : aurora_register
use aero_model, only : aero_model_register
use physics_buffer, only : pbuf_add_field, dtype_r8
@@ -311,9 +312,12 @@ subroutine chem_register
call register_cfc11star()
if ( waccmx_is('ionosphere') ) then
- call photo_register()
+ if( .not. tuvx_active ) then
+ call photo_register( )
+ end if
call aurora_register()
+ call tuvx_register( )
! add fields to pbuf needed by aerosol models
call aero_model_register()
@@ -340,6 +344,7 @@ subroutine chem_readnl(nlfile)
use mo_sulf, only: sulf_readnl
use species_sums_diags,only: species_sums_readnl
use ocean_emis, only: ocean_emis_readnl
+ use mo_tuvx, only: tuvx_readnl
! args
@@ -551,6 +556,7 @@ subroutine chem_readnl(nlfile)
call sulf_readnl(nlfile)
call species_sums_readnl(nlfile)
call ocean_emis_readnl(nlfile)
+ call tuvx_readnl(nlfile)
end subroutine chem_readnl
@@ -1035,6 +1041,7 @@ subroutine chem_timestep_init(phys_state,pbuf2d)
use mo_aurora, only : aurora_timestep_init
use mo_photo, only : photo_timestep_init
+ use mo_tuvx, only : tuvx_active, tuvx_timestep_init
use cfc11star, only : update_cfc11star
use physics_buffer, only : physics_buffer_desc
@@ -1106,6 +1113,11 @@ subroutine chem_timestep_init(phys_state,pbuf2d)
call photo_timestep_init( calday )
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! ... setup the TUV-x profiles for this timestep
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if( tuvx_active ) call tuvx_timestep_init( )
call update_cfc11star( pbuf2d, phys_state )
! Galatic Cosmic Rays ...
@@ -1258,7 +1270,7 @@ subroutine chem_timestep_tend( state, ptend, cam_in, cam_out, dt, pbuf, fh2o)
fsds, cam_in%ts, cam_in%asdir, cam_in%ocnfrac, cam_in%icefrac, &
cam_out%precc, cam_out%precl, cam_in%snowhland, ghg_chem, state%latmapback, &
drydepflx, wetdepflx, cam_in%cflx, cam_in%fireflx, cam_in%fireztop, &
- nhx_nitrogen_flx, noy_nitrogen_flx, use_hemco, ptend%q, pbuf )
+ nhx_nitrogen_flx, noy_nitrogen_flx, use_hemco, ptend%q, pbuf, state )
if (associated(cam_out%nhx_nitrogen_flx)) then
cam_out%nhx_nitrogen_flx(:ncol) = nhx_nitrogen_flx(:ncol)
@@ -1333,10 +1345,12 @@ subroutine chem_final()
use mee_ionization, only: mee_ion_final
use rate_diags, only: rate_diags_final
use species_sums_diags, only: species_sums_final
+ use mo_tuvx, only: tuvx_finalize
call mee_ion_final()
call rate_diags_final()
call species_sums_final()
+ call tuvx_finalize()
end subroutine chem_final
diff --git a/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_chemini.F90 b/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_chemini.F90
index 0f4005be96..a13de223b9 100644
--- a/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_chemini.F90
+++ b/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_chemini.F90
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ subroutine chemini &
use mo_srf_emissions, only : srf_emissions_inti
use mo_sulf, only : sulf_inti
use mo_photo, only : photo_inti
+ use mo_tuvx, only : tuvx_init, tuvx_active
use mo_drydep, only : drydep_inti
use mo_imp_sol, only : imp_slv_inti
use mo_exp_sol, only : exp_sol_inti
@@ -196,11 +197,17 @@ subroutine chemini &
call euvac_init (euvac_file)
call photo_inti( xs_coef_file, xs_short_file, xs_long_file, rsf_file, &
- photon_file, electron_file, &
- exo_coldens_file, photo_max_zen )
+ photon_file, electron_file, exo_coldens_file, photo_max_zen )
if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) 'chemini: after photo_inti on node ',iam
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! ... initialize the TUV-x photolysis rate constant calculator
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if( tuvx_active ) then
+ call tuvx_init( photon_file, electron_file, photo_max_zen, pbuf2d )
+ if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) 'chemini: after tuvx_init on node ',iam
+ end if
! ... initialize ion production
diff --git a/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_gas_phase_chemdr.F90 b/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_gas_phase_chemdr.F90
index 68657d0739..c894e99c74 100644
--- a/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_gas_phase_chemdr.F90
+++ b/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_gas_phase_chemdr.F90
@@ -259,8 +259,9 @@ subroutine gas_phase_chemdr(lchnk, ncol, imozart, q, &
delt, ps, &
fsds, ts, asdir, ocnfrac, icefrac, &
precc, precl, snowhland, ghg_chem, latmapback, &
- drydepflx, wetdepflx, cflx, fire_sflx, fire_ztop, nhx_nitrogen_flx, noy_nitrogen_flx, &
- use_hemco, qtend, pbuf)
+ drydepflx, wetdepflx, cflx, fire_sflx, fire_ztop, &
+ nhx_nitrogen_flx, noy_nitrogen_flx, &
+ use_hemco, qtend, pbuf, state)
! ... Chem_solver advances the volumetric mixing ratio
@@ -272,6 +273,7 @@ subroutine gas_phase_chemdr(lchnk, ncol, imozart, q, &
use chem_mods, only : nabscol, nfs, indexm, clscnt4
use physconst, only : rga, gravit
use mo_photo, only : set_ub_col, setcol, table_photo
+ use mo_tuvx, only : tuvx_get_photo_rates, tuvx_active
use mo_exp_sol, only : exp_sol
use mo_imp_sol, only : imp_sol
use mo_setrxt, only : setrxt
@@ -304,6 +306,7 @@ subroutine gas_phase_chemdr(lchnk, ncol, imozart, q, &
use mo_chm_diags, only : chm_diags, het_diags
use perf_mod, only : t_startf, t_stopf
use gas_wetdep_opts, only : gas_wetdep_method
+ use physics_types, only : physics_state
use physics_buffer, only : physics_buffer_desc, pbuf_get_field, pbuf_old_tim_idx
use infnan, only : nan, assignment(=)
use rate_diags, only : rate_diags_calc, rate_diags_o3s_loss
@@ -363,6 +366,7 @@ subroutine gas_phase_chemdr(lchnk, ncol, imozart, q, &
logical, intent(in) :: use_hemco ! use Harmonized Emissions Component (HEMCO)
type(physics_buffer_desc), pointer :: pbuf(:)
+ type(physics_state), target, intent(in) :: state
! ... Local variables
@@ -811,12 +815,22 @@ subroutine gas_phase_chemdr(lchnk, ncol, imozart, q, &
call shr_orb_decl( calday, eccen, mvelpp, lambm0, obliqr , &
delta, esfact )
- !-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ! ... lookup the photolysis rates from table
- !-----------------------------------------------------------------
- call table_photo( reaction_rates, pmid, pdel, tfld, zmid, zint, &
- col_dens, zen_angle, asdir, cwat, cldfr, &
- esfact, vmr, invariants, ncol, lchnk, pbuf )
+ if (tuvx_active) then
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! ... get calculated photolysis rates from TUV-x
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ call tuvx_get_photo_rates( state, pbuf, ncol, lchnk, zmid, zint, &
+ tfld, ts, invariants, vmr, col_delta, &
+ asdir, zen_angle, esfact, pdel, cldfr,&
+ cwat, reaction_rates(:,:,1:phtcnt) )
+ else
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! ... lookup the photolysis rates from table
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------
+ call table_photo( reaction_rates, pmid, pdel, tfld, zmid, zint, &
+ col_dens, zen_angle, asdir, cwat, cldfr, &
+ esfact, vmr, invariants, ncol, lchnk, pbuf )
+ endif
do i = 1,phtcnt
call outfld( tag_names(i), reaction_rates(:ncol,:,rxt_tag_map(i)), ncol, lchnk )
diff --git a/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_jeuv.F90 b/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_jeuv.F90
index c13255250e..b893ad9f20 100644
--- a/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_jeuv.F90
+++ b/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_jeuv.F90
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ subroutine jeuv_init (photon_file, electron_file, indexer)
character(len=2) :: mstring
character(len=7) :: jstring
logical :: do_jeuv
+ logical, save :: is_initialized = .false.
@@ -97,6 +98,11 @@ subroutine jeuv_init (photon_file, electron_file, indexer)
+ ! If the module has already been initialized, return after
+ ! computing index map
+ if( is_initialized ) return
+ is_initialized = .true.
if (.not.do_jeuv) return
if (solar_euv_data_active) then
diff --git a/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_jshort.F90 b/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_jshort.F90
index aa47dffb31..65efa66de4 100644
--- a/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_jshort.F90
+++ b/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_jshort.F90
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ module mo_jshort
public :: jshort
public :: sphers
public :: slant_col
+ public :: calc_jno
public :: nj
diff --git a/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_tuvx.F90 b/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_tuvx.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8791053431
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_tuvx.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1947 @@
+! Wrapper for TUV-x photolysis rate constant calculator
+module mo_tuvx
+ use musica_map, only : map_t
+ use musica_string, only : string_t
+ use ppgrid, only : pver, & ! number of vertical layers
+ pverp ! number of vertical interfaces (pver + 1)
+ use shr_kind_mod, only : r8 => shr_kind_r8, cl=>shr_kind_cl
+ use tuvx_core, only : core_t
+ use tuvx_grid_from_host, only : grid_updater_t
+ use tuvx_profile_from_host, only : profile_updater_t
+ use tuvx_radiator_from_host, only : radiator_updater_t
+ implicit none
+ private
+ public :: tuvx_readnl
+ public :: tuvx_register
+ public :: tuvx_init
+ public :: tuvx_timestep_init
+ public :: tuvx_get_photo_rates
+ public :: tuvx_finalize
+ public :: tuvx_active
+ ! Inidices for grid updaters
+ integer, parameter :: NUM_GRIDS = 2 ! number of grids that CAM will update at runtime
+ integer, parameter :: GRID_INDEX_HEIGHT = 1 ! Height grid index
+ integer, parameter :: GRID_INDEX_WAVELENGTH = 2 ! Wavelength grid index
+ ! Indices for profile updaters
+ integer, parameter :: NUM_PROFILES = 8 ! number of profiles that CAM will update at runtime
+ integer, parameter :: PROFILE_INDEX_TEMPERATURE = 1 ! Temperature profile index
+ integer, parameter :: PROFILE_INDEX_ALBEDO = 2 ! Surface albedo profile index
+ integer, parameter :: PROFILE_INDEX_ET_FLUX = 3 ! Extraterrestrial flux profile index
+ integer, parameter :: PROFILE_INDEX_AIR = 4 ! Air density profile index
+ integer, parameter :: PROFILE_INDEX_O3 = 5 ! Ozone profile index
+ integer, parameter :: PROFILE_INDEX_O2 = 6 ! Molecular oxygen profile index
+ integer, parameter :: PROFILE_INDEX_SO2 = 7 ! Sulfur dioxide profile index
+ integer, parameter :: PROFILE_INDEX_NO2 = 8 ! Nitrogen dioxide profile index
+ ! Indices for radiator updaters
+ integer, parameter :: NUM_RADIATORS = 2 ! number of radiators that CAM will update at runtime
+ integer, parameter :: RADIATOR_INDEX_AEROSOL = 1 ! Aerosol radiator index
+ integer, parameter :: RADIATOR_INDEX_CLOUDS = 2 ! Cloud radiator index
+ ! Definition of the MS93 wavelength grid TODO add description of this
+ integer, parameter :: NUM_BINS_MS93 = 4
+ real(kind=r8), parameter :: WAVELENGTH_EDGES_MS93(NUM_BINS_MS93+1) = &
+ (/ 181.6_r8, 183.1_r8, 184.6_r8, 190.2_r8, 192.5_r8 /)
+ ! Heating rate indices
+ integer :: number_of_heating_rates = 0 ! number of heating rates in TUV-x
+ integer :: index_cpe_jo2_a = -1 ! index for jo2_a in heating rate array
+ integer :: index_cpe_jo2_b = -1 ! index for jo2_b in heating rate array
+ integer :: index_cpe_jo3_a = -1 ! index for jo3_a in heating rate array
+ integer :: index_cpe_jo3_b = -1 ! index for jo3_b in heating rate array
+ integer :: cpe_jo2_a_pbuf_index = -1 ! index in physics buffer for jo2_a heating rate
+ integer :: cpe_jo2_b_pbuf_index = -1 ! index in physics buffer for jo2_b heating rate
+ integer :: cpe_jo3_a_pbuf_index = -1 ! index in physics buffer for jo3_a heating rate
+ integer :: cpe_jo3_b_pbuf_index = -1 ! index in physics buffer for jo3_b heating rate
+ ! Information needed to access CAM species state data
+ logical :: is_fixed_N2 = .false. ! indicates whether N2 concentrations are fixed
+ logical :: is_fixed_O = .false. ! indicates whether O concentrations are fixed
+ logical :: is_fixed_O2 = .false. ! indicates whether O2 concentrations are fixed
+ logical :: is_fixed_O3 = .false. ! indicates whether O3 concentrations are fixed
+ logical :: is_fixed_NO = .false. ! indicates whether NO concentrations are fixed
+ integer :: index_N2 = 0 ! index for N2 in concentration array
+ integer :: index_O = 0 ! index for O in concentration array
+ integer :: index_O2 = 0 ! index for O2 in concentration array
+ integer :: index_O3 = 0 ! index for O3 in concentration array
+ integer :: index_NO = 0 ! index for NO in concentration array
+ ! Information needed to access aerosol and cloud optical properties
+ logical :: do_aerosol = .false. ! indicates whether aerosol optical properties
+ ! are available and should be used in radiative
+ ! transfer calculations
+ logical :: do_clouds = .false. ! indicates whether cloud optical properties
+ ! should be calculated and used in radiative
+ ! transfer calculations
+ ! Information needed to set extended-UV photo rates
+ logical :: do_euv = .false. ! Indicates whether to calculate
+ ! extended-UV photo rates
+ integer :: ion_rates_pbuf_index = 0 ! Index in physics buffer for
+ ! ionization rates
+ ! Information needed to do special NO photolysis rate calculation
+ logical :: do_jno = .false. ! Indicates whether to calculate jno
+ integer :: jno_index = 0 ! Index in tuvx_ptr::photo_rates_ array for jno
+ ! Cutoff solar zenith angle for doing photolysis rate calculations [degrees]
+ real(r8) :: max_sza = 0.0_r8
+ ! TODO how should these paths be set and communicated to this wrapper?
+ character(len=*), parameter :: wavelength_config_path = &
+ "data/grids/wavelength/cam.csv"
+ logical, parameter :: enable_diagnostics = .true.
+ ! TUV-x calculator for each OMP thread
+ type :: tuvx_ptr
+ type(core_t), pointer :: core_ => null( ) ! TUV-x calculator
+ integer :: n_photo_rates_ = 0 ! number of photo reactions in TUV-x
+ integer :: n_euv_rates_ = 0 ! number of extreme-UV rates
+ integer :: n_special_rates_ = 0 ! number of special photo rates
+ integer :: n_wavelength_bins_ = 0 ! number of wavelength bins in TUV-x
+ type(map_t) :: photo_rate_map_ ! map between TUV-x and CAM
+ ! photo rate constant arrays
+ type(grid_updater_t) :: grids_(NUM_GRIDS) ! grid updaters
+ type(profile_updater_t) :: profiles_(NUM_PROFILES) ! profile updaters
+ type(radiator_updater_t) :: radiators_(NUM_RADIATORS) ! radiator updaters
+ real(r8) :: height_delta_(pver+1) ! change in height in each
+ ! vertical layer (km)
+ real(r8), allocatable :: wavelength_edges_(:) ! TUV-x wavelength bin edges (nm)
+ ! on the TUV-x wavelength grid
+ real(r8) :: et_flux_ms93_(NUM_BINS_MS93) ! extraterrestrial flux on the MS93 grid
+ ! [photon cm-2 nm-1 s-1]
+ end type tuvx_ptr
+ type(tuvx_ptr), allocatable :: tuvx_ptrs(:)
+ ! Diagnostic photolysis rate constant output
+ type :: diagnostic_t
+ character(len=:), allocatable :: name_ ! Name of the output field
+ integer :: index_ ! index of the photolysis rate constant from TUV-x
+ end type diagnostic_t
+ type(diagnostic_t), allocatable :: diagnostics(:)
+ ! namelist options
+ character(len=cl) :: tuvx_config_path = 'NONE' ! absolute path to TUVX configuration file
+ logical, protected :: tuvx_active = .false.
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! registers fields in the physics buffer
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine tuvx_register( )
+ use mo_jeuv, only : nIonRates
+ use physics_buffer, only : pbuf_add_field, dtype_r8
+ use ppgrid, only : pcols ! maximum number of columns
+ if( .not. tuvx_active ) return
+ ! add photo-ionization rates to physics buffer for WACCMX Ionosphere module
+ call pbuf_add_field( 'IonRates', 'physpkg', dtype_r8, (/ pcols, pver, nIonRates /), &
+ ion_rates_pbuf_index ) ! Ionization rates for O+, O2+, N+, N2+, NO+
+ call pbuf_add_field( 'CPE_jO2a', 'global', dtype_r8, (/ pcols, pver /), cpe_jo2_a_pbuf_index )
+ call pbuf_add_field( 'CPE_jO2b', 'global', dtype_r8, (/ pcols, pver /), cpe_jo2_b_pbuf_index )
+ call pbuf_add_field( 'CPE_jO3a', 'global', dtype_r8, (/ pcols, pver /), cpe_jo3_a_pbuf_index )
+ call pbuf_add_field( 'CPE_jO3b', 'global', dtype_r8, (/ pcols, pver /), cpe_jo3_b_pbuf_index )
+ end subroutine tuvx_register
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! read namelist options
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine tuvx_readnl(nlfile)
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI
+ use mpi
+ use cam_abortutils, only : endrun
+ use cam_logfile, only : iulog ! log file output unit
+ use namelist_utils, only : find_group_name
+ use spmd_utils, only : mpicom, is_main_task => masterproc, &
+ main_task => masterprocid
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: nlfile ! filepath for file containing namelist input
+ integer :: unitn, ierr
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'tuvx_readnl'
+ ! ===================
+ ! Namelist definition
+ ! ===================
+ namelist /tuvx_opts/ tuvx_active, tuvx_config_path
+ ! =============
+ ! Read namelist
+ ! =============
+ if (is_main_task) then
+ open( newunit=unitn, file=trim(nlfile), status='old' )
+ call find_group_name(unitn, 'tuvx_opts', status=ierr)
+ if (ierr == 0) then
+ read(unitn, tuvx_opts, iostat=ierr)
+ if (ierr /= 0) then
+ call endrun(subname // ':: ERROR reading namelist')
+ end if
+ end if
+ close(unitn)
+ end if
+ ! ============================
+ ! Broadcast namelist variables
+ ! ============================
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI
+ call mpi_bcast(tuvx_config_path, len(tuvx_config_path), mpi_character, main_task, mpicom, ierr)
+ call mpi_bcast(tuvx_active, 1, mpi_logical, main_task, mpicom, ierr)
+ if (tuvx_active .and. tuvx_config_path == 'NONE') then
+ call endrun(subname // ' : must set tuvx_config_path when TUV-X is active')
+ end if
+ if (is_main_task) then
+ write(iulog,*) 'tuvx_readnl: tuvx_config_path = ', trim(tuvx_config_path)
+ write(iulog,*) 'tuvx_readnl: tuvx_active = ', tuvx_active
+ end if
+ end subroutine tuvx_readnl
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Initializes TUV-x for photolysis calculations
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine tuvx_init( photon_file, electron_file, max_solar_zenith_angle, pbuf2d )
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI
+ use mpi
+ use cam_history, only : addfld
+ use cam_logfile, only : iulog ! log file output unit
+ use infnan, only : nan, assignment(=)
+ use mo_chem_utls, only : get_spc_ndx, get_inv_ndx
+ use mo_jeuv, only : neuv ! number of extreme-UV rates
+ use musica_assert, only : assert_msg, die_msg
+ use musica_config, only : config_t
+ use musica_mpi, only : musica_mpi_rank, &
+ musica_mpi_pack_size, &
+ musica_mpi_pack, &
+ musica_mpi_unpack
+ use musica_string, only : string_t, to_char
+ use physics_buffer, only : physics_buffer_desc
+ use physics_buffer, only : pbuf_set_field
+ use ppgrid, only : pcols ! maximum number of columns
+ use shr_const_mod, only : pi => shr_const_pi
+ use solar_irrad_data, only : has_spectrum
+ use spmd_utils, only : main_task => masterprocid, &
+ is_main_task => masterproc, &
+ mpicom
+ use tuvx_grid, only : grid_t
+ use tuvx_grid_warehouse, only : grid_warehouse_t
+ use tuvx_profile_warehouse, only : profile_warehouse_t
+ use tuvx_radiator_warehouse, only : radiator_warehouse_t
+ use time_manager, only : is_first_step
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: photon_file ! photon file used in extended-UV module setup
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: electron_file ! electron file used in extended-UV module setup
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: max_solar_zenith_angle ! cutoff solar zenith angle for
+ ! photo rate calculations [degrees]
+ type(physics_buffer_desc), pointer :: pbuf2d(:,:) ! Physics buffer
+ character(len=*), parameter :: my_name = "TUV-x wrapper initialization"
+ class(core_t), pointer :: core
+ character, allocatable :: buffer(:)
+ type(string_t) :: config_path
+ type(config_t) :: tuvx_config, cam_config, map_config
+ type(map_t) :: map
+ class(grid_t), pointer :: height
+ class(grid_t), pointer :: wavelength
+ class(grid_warehouse_t), pointer :: cam_grids
+ class(profile_warehouse_t), pointer :: cam_profiles
+ class(radiator_warehouse_t), pointer :: cam_radiators
+ integer :: pack_size, pos, i_core, i_err
+ logical :: disable_aerosols, disable_clouds
+ type(string_t) :: required_keys(1), optional_keys(2)
+ logical, save :: is_initialized = .false.
+ type(string_t), allocatable :: labels(:)
+ character(len=16) :: label
+ integer :: i
+ real(r8) :: nanval
+ if( .not. tuvx_active ) return
+ if( is_initialized ) return
+ is_initialized = .true.
+ nanval=nan
+ call pbuf_set_field( pbuf2d, ion_rates_pbuf_index, nanval )
+ if( is_first_step( ) ) then
+ call pbuf_set_field( pbuf2d, cpe_jo2_a_pbuf_index, 0.0_r8 )
+ call pbuf_set_field( pbuf2d, cpe_jo2_b_pbuf_index, 0.0_r8 )
+ call pbuf_set_field( pbuf2d, cpe_jo3_a_pbuf_index, 0.0_r8 )
+ call pbuf_set_field( pbuf2d, cpe_jo3_b_pbuf_index, 0.0_r8 )
+ end if
+ if( is_main_task ) write(iulog,*) "Beginning TUV-x Initialization"
+ config_path = trim(tuvx_config_path)
+ ! ===============================
+ ! CAM TUV-x configuration options
+ ! ===============================
+ required_keys(1) = "aliasing"
+ optional_keys(1) = "disable aerosols"
+ optional_keys(2) = "disable clouds"
+#ifndef HAVE_MPI
+ call assert_msg( 113937299, is_main_task, "Multiple tasks present without " &
+ //"MPI support enabled for TUV-x" )
+ ! ===============================================================
+ ! set the maximum solar zenith angle to calculate photo rates for
+ ! ===============================================================
+ max_sza = max_solar_zenith_angle
+ if( max_sza <= 0.0_r8 .or. max_sza > 180.0_r8 ) then
+ call die_msg( 723815691, "TUV-x max solar zenith angle must be between 0 and 180 degress" )
+ end if
+ ! =================================
+ ! initialize the extended-UV module
+ ! =================================
+ call initialize_euv( photon_file, electron_file, do_euv )
+ ! ==========================================================================
+ ! create the set of TUV-x grids and profiles that CAM will update at runtime
+ ! ==========================================================================
+ cam_grids => get_cam_grids( wavelength_config_path )
+ cam_profiles => get_cam_profiles( cam_grids )
+ cam_radiators => get_cam_radiators( cam_grids )
+ ! ==================================================================
+ ! construct a core and a map between TUV-x and CAM photolysis arrays
+ ! on the primary process and pack them onto an MPI buffer
+ ! ==================================================================
+ if( is_main_task ) then
+ call tuvx_config%from_file( config_path%to_char( ) )
+ call tuvx_config%get( "__CAM options", cam_config, my_name )
+ call assert_msg( 973680295, &
+ cam_config%validate( required_keys, optional_keys ), &
+ "Bad configuration for CAM TUV-x options." )
+ call cam_config%get( "disable aerosols", disable_aerosols, my_name, &
+ default = .false. )
+ call cam_config%get( "disable clouds", disable_clouds, my_name, &
+ default = .false. )
+ call cam_config%get( "aliasing", map_config, my_name )
+ core => core_t( config_path, cam_grids, cam_profiles, cam_radiators )
+ call set_photo_rate_map( core, map_config, do_euv, do_jno, jno_index, map )
+ pack_size = core%pack_size( mpicom ) + &
+ map%pack_size( mpicom ) + &
+ musica_mpi_pack_size( do_jno, mpicom ) + &
+ musica_mpi_pack_size( jno_index, mpicom ) + &
+ musica_mpi_pack_size( disable_aerosols, mpicom ) + &
+ musica_mpi_pack_size( disable_clouds, mpicom )
+ allocate( buffer( pack_size ) )
+ pos = 0
+ call core%mpi_pack( buffer, pos, mpicom )
+ call map%mpi_pack( buffer, pos, mpicom )
+ call musica_mpi_pack( buffer, pos, do_jno, mpicom )
+ call musica_mpi_pack( buffer, pos, jno_index, mpicom )
+ call musica_mpi_pack( buffer, pos, disable_aerosols, mpicom )
+ call musica_mpi_pack( buffer, pos, disable_clouds, mpicom )
+ deallocate( core )
+ end if
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI
+ ! ====================================================
+ ! broadcast the core and map data to all MPI processes
+ ! ====================================================
+ call mpi_bcast( pack_size, 1, MPI_INTEGER, main_task, mpicom, i_err )
+ if( i_err /= MPI_SUCCESS ) then
+ write(iulog,*) "TUV-x MPI int bcast error"
+ call mpi_abort( mpicom, 1, i_err )
+ end if
+ if( .not. is_main_task ) allocate( buffer( pack_size ) )
+ call mpi_bcast( buffer, pack_size, MPI_CHARACTER, main_task, mpicom, i_err )
+ if( i_err /= MPI_SUCCESS ) then
+ write(iulog,*) "TUV-x MPI char array bcast error"
+ call mpi_abort( mpicom, 1, i_err )
+ end if
+ ! ================================================================
+ ! unpack the core and map for each OMP thread on every MPI process
+ ! ================================================================
+ allocate( tuvx_ptrs( max_threads( ) ) )
+ do i_core = 1, size( tuvx_ptrs )
+ associate( tuvx => tuvx_ptrs( i_core ) )
+ allocate( tuvx%core_ )
+ pos = 0
+ call tuvx%core_%mpi_unpack( buffer, pos, mpicom )
+ call tuvx%photo_rate_map_%mpi_unpack( buffer, pos, mpicom )
+ call musica_mpi_unpack( buffer, pos, do_jno, mpicom )
+ call musica_mpi_unpack( buffer, pos, jno_index, mpicom )
+ call musica_mpi_unpack( buffer, pos, disable_aerosols, mpicom )
+ call musica_mpi_unpack( buffer, pos, disable_clouds, mpicom )
+ ! ===================================================================
+ ! Set up connections between CAM and TUV-x input data for each thread
+ ! ===================================================================
+ call create_updaters( tuvx, cam_grids, cam_profiles, cam_radiators, &
+ disable_aerosols, disable_clouds )
+ ! ============================================
+ ! Save the number of photolysis rate constants
+ ! ============================================
+ tuvx%n_photo_rates_ = tuvx%core_%number_of_photolysis_reactions( )
+ if( do_euv ) tuvx%n_euv_rates_ = neuv
+ if( do_jno ) tuvx%n_special_rates_ = tuvx%n_special_rates_ + 1
+ end associate
+ end do
+ deallocate( cam_grids )
+ deallocate( cam_profiles )
+ deallocate( cam_radiators )
+ ! =============================================
+ ! Get index info for CAM species concentrations
+ ! =============================================
+ index_N2 = get_inv_ndx( 'N2' )
+ is_fixed_N2 = index_N2 > 0
+ if( .not. is_fixed_N2 ) index_N2 = get_spc_ndx( 'N2' )
+ index_O = get_inv_ndx( 'O' )
+ is_fixed_O = index_O > 0
+ if( .not. is_fixed_O ) index_O = get_spc_ndx( 'O' )
+ index_O2 = get_inv_ndx( 'O2' )
+ is_fixed_O2 = index_O2 > 0
+ if( .not. is_fixed_O2 ) index_O2 = get_spc_ndx( 'O2' )
+ index_O3 = get_inv_ndx( 'O3' )
+ is_fixed_O3 = index_O3 > 0
+ if( .not. is_fixed_O3 ) index_O3 = get_spc_ndx( 'O3' )
+ index_NO = get_inv_ndx( 'NO' )
+ is_fixed_NO = index_NO > 0
+ if( .not. is_fixed_NO ) index_NO = get_spc_ndx( 'NO' )
+ ! ====================================================
+ ! make sure extraterrestrial flux values are available
+ ! ====================================================
+ call assert_msg( 170693514, has_spectrum, &
+ "Solar irradiance spectrum needed for TUV-x" )
+ ! ============================================
+ ! set up diagnostic output of photolysis rates
+ ! ============================================
+ call initialize_diagnostics( tuvx_ptrs( 1 ) )
+ ! ===============================
+ ! set up map to CAM heating rates
+ ! ===============================
+ labels = tuvx_ptrs(1)%core_%heating_rate_labels( )
+ do i = 1, size( labels )
+ label = trim( labels( i )%to_char( ) )
+ select case( label )
+ case( 'jo2_a' )
+ index_cpe_jo2_a = i
+ number_of_heating_rates = number_of_heating_rates + 1
+ call addfld('CPE_jO2a',(/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'joules sec-1', &
+ trim(label)//' chemical potential energy')
+ case( 'jo2_b' )
+ index_cpe_jo2_b = i
+ number_of_heating_rates = number_of_heating_rates + 1
+ call addfld('CPE_jO2b',(/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'joules sec-1', &
+ trim(label)//' chemical potential energy')
+ case( 'jo3_a' )
+ index_cpe_jo3_a = i
+ number_of_heating_rates = number_of_heating_rates + 1
+ call addfld('CPE_jO3a',(/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'joules sec-1', &
+ trim(label)//' chemical potential energy')
+ case( 'jo3_b' )
+ index_cpe_jo3_b = i
+ number_of_heating_rates = number_of_heating_rates + 1
+ call addfld('CPE_jO3b',(/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'joules sec-1', &
+ trim(label)//' chemical potential energy')
+ end select
+ end do
+ call assert_msg( 398372957, &
+ number_of_heating_rates == size( labels ), &
+ "TUV-x heating rate mismatch. Expected "// &
+ trim( to_char( size( labels ) )// &
+ " rates, but only matched "// &
+ trim( to_char( number_of_heating_rates ) )//"." ) )
+ if( is_main_task ) call log_initialization( labels )
+ end subroutine tuvx_init
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Updates TUV-x profiles that depend on time but not space
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine tuvx_timestep_init( )
+ integer :: i_thread
+ if( .not. tuvx_active ) return
+ do i_thread = 1, size( tuvx_ptrs )
+ associate( tuvx => tuvx_ptrs( i_thread ) )
+ call set_et_flux( tuvx )
+ end associate
+ end do
+ end subroutine tuvx_timestep_init
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Calculates and returns photolysis rate constants
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine tuvx_get_photo_rates( state, pbuf, ncol, lchnk, height_mid, &
+ height_int, temperature_mid, surface_temperature, fixed_species_conc, &
+ species_vmr, exo_column_conc, surface_albedo, solar_zenith_angle, &
+ earth_sun_distance, pressure_delta, cloud_fraction, liquid_water_content, &
+ photolysis_rates )
+ use cam_history, only : outfld
+ use cam_logfile, only : iulog ! log info output unit
+ use chem_mods, only : phtcnt, & ! number of photolysis reactions
+ gas_pcnst, & ! number of non-fixed species
+ nfs, & ! number of fixed species
+ nabscol ! number of absorbing species (radiators)
+ use physics_types, only : physics_state
+ use physics_buffer, only : physics_buffer_desc
+ use physics_buffer, only : pbuf_get_field
+ use ppgrid, only : pcols ! maximum number of columns
+ use shr_const_mod, only : pi => shr_const_pi
+ use spmd_utils, only : main_task => masterprocid, &
+ is_main_task => masterproc, &
+ mpicom
+ type(physics_state), target, intent(in) :: state
+ type(physics_buffer_desc), pointer, intent(inout) :: pbuf(:)
+ integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of active columns on this thread
+ integer, intent(in) :: lchnk ! identifier for this thread
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: height_mid(ncol,pver) ! height at mid-points (km)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: height_int(ncol,pver+1) ! height at interfaces (km)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: temperature_mid(pcols,pver) ! midpoint temperature (K)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: surface_temperature(pcols) ! surface temperature (K)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: fixed_species_conc(ncol,pver,max(1,nfs)) ! fixed species densities
+ ! (molecule cm-3)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: species_vmr(ncol,pver,max(1,gas_pcnst)) ! species volume mixing
+ ! ratios (mol mol-1)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: exo_column_conc(ncol,0:pver,max(1,nabscol)) ! layer column densities
+ ! (molecule cm-2)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: surface_albedo(pcols) ! surface albedo (unitless)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: solar_zenith_angle(ncol) ! solar zenith angle (radians)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: earth_sun_distance ! Earth-Sun distance (AU)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: pressure_delta(pcols,pver) ! pressure delta about midpoints (Pa)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: cloud_fraction(ncol,pver) ! cloud fraction (unitless)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: liquid_water_content(ncol,pver) ! liquid water content (kg/kg)
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: photolysis_rates(ncol,pver,phtcnt) ! photolysis rate
+ ! constants (1/s)
+ integer :: i_col ! column index
+ integer :: i_level ! vertical level index
+ real(r8) :: sza ! solar zenith angle [degrees]
+ real(r8) :: cpe_rates(ncol,pverp+1,number_of_heating_rates) ! heating rates from TUV-x
+ real(r8), pointer :: cpe_jo2_a(:,:) ! heating rate for jo2_a in physics buffer
+ real(r8), pointer :: cpe_jo2_b(:,:) ! heating rate for jo2_b in physics buffer
+ real(r8), pointer :: cpe_jo3_a(:,:) ! heating rate for jo3_a in physics buffer
+ real(r8), pointer :: cpe_jo3_b(:,:) ! heating rate for jo3_b in physics buffer
+ ! working arrays
+ real(r8), allocatable :: photo_rates(:,:,:) ! calculated photo rate constants (column, level, reaction) [s-1]
+ real(r8), allocatable :: optical_depth(:,:,:) ! aerosol optical depth (column, level, wavelength) [unitless]
+ real(r8), allocatable :: single_scattering_albedo(:,:,:) ! aerosol single scattering albedo (column, level, wavelength) [unitless]
+ real(r8), allocatable :: asymmetry_factor(:,:,:) ! aerosol asymmetry factor (column, level, wavelength) [unitless]
+ if( .not. tuvx_active ) return
+ call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, cpe_jo2_a_pbuf_index, cpe_jo2_a)
+ call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, cpe_jo2_b_pbuf_index, cpe_jo2_b)
+ call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, cpe_jo3_a_pbuf_index, cpe_jo3_a)
+ call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, cpe_jo3_b_pbuf_index, cpe_jo3_b)
+ cpe_rates(:,:,:) = 0.0_r8
+ cpe_jo2_a(:,:) = 0.0_r8
+ cpe_jo2_b(:,:) = 0.0_r8
+ cpe_jo3_a(:,:) = 0.0_r8
+ cpe_jo3_b(:,:) = 0.0_r8
+ associate( tuvx => tuvx_ptrs( thread_id( ) ) )
+ allocate( photo_rates( pcols, pver+2, tuvx%n_photo_rates_ + tuvx%n_euv_rates_ &
+ + tuvx%n_special_rates_ ) )
+ allocate( optical_depth( pcols, pver+1, tuvx%n_wavelength_bins_ ) )
+ allocate( single_scattering_albedo( pcols, pver+1, tuvx%n_wavelength_bins_ ) )
+ allocate( asymmetry_factor( pcols, pver+1, tuvx%n_wavelength_bins_ ) )
+ photo_rates(:,:,:) = 0.0_r8
+ ! ==============================================
+ ! set aerosol optical properties for all columns
+ ! ==============================================
+ call get_aerosol_optical_properties( tuvx, state, pbuf, optical_depth, &
+ single_scattering_albedo, asymmetry_factor )
+ do i_col = 1, ncol
+ ! ===================================
+ ! skip columns in near total darkness
+ ! ===================================
+ sza = solar_zenith_angle(i_col) * 180.0_r8 / pi
+ if( sza < 0.0_r8 .or. sza > max_sza ) cycle
+ ! ===================
+ ! update grid heights
+ ! ===================
+ call set_heights( tuvx, i_col, ncol, height_mid, height_int )
+ ! =======================================
+ ! set conditions for this column in TUV-x
+ ! =======================================
+ call set_temperatures( tuvx, i_col, temperature_mid, surface_temperature )
+ call set_surface_albedo( tuvx, i_col, surface_albedo )
+ call set_radiator_profiles( tuvx, i_col, ncol, fixed_species_conc, &
+ species_vmr, exo_column_conc, &
+ pressure_delta(1:ncol,:), cloud_fraction, &
+ liquid_water_content, optical_depth, &
+ single_scattering_albedo, asymmetry_factor)
+ ! ===================================================
+ ! Calculate photolysis rate constants for this column
+ ! ===================================================
+ call tuvx%core_%run( solar_zenith_angle = sza, &
+ earth_sun_distance = earth_sun_distance, &
+ photolysis_rate_constants = &
+ photo_rates(i_col,:,1:tuvx%n_photo_rates_), &
+ heating_rates = cpe_rates(i_col,:,:) )
+ ! ==============================
+ ! Calculate the extreme-UV rates
+ ! ==============================
+ if( do_euv ) then
+ associate( euv_begin => tuvx%n_photo_rates_ + 1, &
+ euv_end => tuvx%n_photo_rates_ + tuvx%n_euv_rates_ )
+ call calculate_euv_rates( sza, &
+ fixed_species_conc(i_col,:,:), &
+ species_vmr(i_col,:,:), &
+ height_mid(i_col,:), &
+ height_int(i_col,:), &
+ photo_rates(i_col,2:pver+1,euv_begin:euv_end) )
+ end associate
+ end if
+ ! =============================
+ ! Calculate special photo rates
+ ! =============================
+ if( do_jno ) then
+ call calculate_jno( sza, &
+ tuvx%et_flux_ms93_, &
+ fixed_species_conc(i_col,:,:), &
+ species_vmr(i_col,:,:), &
+ height_int(i_col,:), &
+ photo_rates(i_col,2:pver+1,jno_index) )
+ end if
+ end do
+ ! =====================
+ ! Filter negative rates
+ ! =====================
+ photo_rates(:,:,:) = max( 0.0_r8, photo_rates(:,:,:) )
+ ! ============================================
+ ! Return the photolysis rates on the CAM grids
+ ! ============================================
+ do i_col = 1, ncol
+ do i_level = 1, pver
+ call tuvx%photo_rate_map_%apply( photo_rates(i_col,pver-i_level+2,:), &
+ photolysis_rates(i_col,i_level,:) )
+ end do
+ end do
+ call output_diagnostics( tuvx, ncol, lchnk, photo_rates )
+ end associate
+ if (index_cpe_jo2_a>0) then
+ do i_level = 1, pver
+ cpe_jo2_a(:ncol,i_level) = &
+ 0.5_r8 * ( cpe_rates(:ncol,pver-i_level+2,index_cpe_jo2_a) &
+ + cpe_rates(:ncol,pver-i_level+1,index_cpe_jo2_a) )
+ end do
+ call outfld('CPE_jO2a', cpe_jo2_a(:ncol,:), ncol, lchnk )
+ end if
+ if (index_cpe_jo2_b>0) then
+ do i_level = 1, pver
+ cpe_jo2_b(:ncol,i_level) = &
+ 0.5_r8 * ( cpe_rates(:ncol,pver-i_level+2,index_cpe_jo2_b) &
+ + cpe_rates(:ncol,pver-i_level+1,index_cpe_jo2_b) )
+ end do
+ call outfld('CPE_jO2b', cpe_jo2_b(:ncol,:), ncol, lchnk )
+ end if
+ if (index_cpe_jo3_a>0) then
+ do i_level = 1, pver
+ cpe_jo3_a(:ncol,i_level) = &
+ 0.5_r8 * ( cpe_rates(:ncol,pver-i_level+2,index_cpe_jo3_a) &
+ + cpe_rates(:ncol,pver-i_level+1,index_cpe_jo3_a) )
+ end do
+ call outfld('CPE_jO3a', cpe_jo3_a(:ncol,:), ncol, lchnk )
+ end if
+ if (index_cpe_jo3_b>0) then
+ do i_level = 1, pver
+ cpe_jo3_b(:ncol,i_level) = &
+ 0.5_r8 * ( cpe_rates(:ncol,pver-i_level+2,index_cpe_jo3_b) &
+ + cpe_rates(:ncol,pver-i_level+1,index_cpe_jo3_b) )
+ end do
+ call outfld('CPE_jO3b', cpe_jo3_b(:ncol,:), ncol, lchnk )
+ end if
+ end subroutine tuvx_get_photo_rates
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Cleans up memory associated with TUV-x calculators
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine tuvx_finalize( )
+ integer :: i_core
+ if( allocated( tuvx_ptrs ) ) then
+ do i_core = 1, size( tuvx_ptrs )
+ associate( tuvx => tuvx_ptrs( i_core ) )
+ if( associated( tuvx%core_ ) ) deallocate( tuvx%core_ )
+ end associate
+ end do
+ end if
+ end subroutine tuvx_finalize
+! Support functions
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Returns the id of the current OpenMP thread, or 1 if not
+ ! using OpenMP (1 <= id <= max_threads())
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ integer function thread_id( )
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+ use omp_lib, only : omp_get_thread_num
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+ thread_id = 1 + omp_get_thread_num( )
+ thread_id = 1
+ end function thread_id
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Returns the number of threads available for calculations at
+ ! runtime
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ integer function max_threads( )
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+ use omp_lib, only : omp_get_max_threads
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+ max_threads = omp_get_max_threads( )
+ max_threads = 1
+ end function max_threads
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Prints initialization conditions to the log file
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine log_initialization( heating_rate_labels )
+ use cam_logfile, only : iulog ! log info output unit
+ use musica_string, only : to_char
+ use spmd_utils, only : main_task => masterprocid, &
+ is_main_task => masterproc
+ type(string_t), intent(in) :: heating_rate_labels(:) ! heating rate labels
+ integer :: i
+ if( is_main_task ) then
+ write(iulog,*) "Initialized TUV-x"
+#ifdef HAVE_MPI
+ write(iulog,*) " - with MPI support on task "//trim( to_char( main_task ) )
+ write(iulog,*) " - without MPI support"
+#ifdef _OPENMP
+ write(iulog,*) " - with OpenMP support for "// &
+ trim( to_char( max_threads( ) ) )//" threads, on thread " &
+ //trim( to_char( thread_id( ) ) )
+ write(iulog,*) " - without OpenMP support"
+ write(iulog,*) " - with configuration file: '"//trim( tuvx_config_path )//"'"
+ if( do_aerosol ) then
+ write(iulog,*) " - with on-line aerosols"
+ else
+ write(iulog,*) " - without on-line aerosols"
+ end if
+ if( do_clouds ) then
+ write(iulog,*) " - with on-line clouds"
+ else
+ write(iulog,*) " - without on-line clouds"
+ end if
+ if( index_N2 > 0 ) write(iulog,*) " - including N2"
+ if( index_O > 0 ) write(iulog,*) " - including O"
+ if( index_O2 > 0 ) write(iulog,*) " - including O2"
+ if( index_O3 > 0 ) write(iulog,*) " - including O3"
+ if( index_NO > 0 ) write(iulog,*) " - including NO"
+ if( do_euv ) write(iulog,*) " - doing Extreme-UV calculations"
+ if( do_jno ) write(iulog,*) " - including special jno rate calculation"
+ write(iulog,*) " - max solar zenith angle [degrees]:", max_sza
+ if( size( heating_rate_labels ) > 0 ) then
+ write(iulog,*) " - with heating rates:"
+ do i = 1, size( heating_rate_labels )
+ write(iulog,*) " - "//trim( heating_rate_labels( i )%to_char( ) )
+ end do
+ end if
+ end if
+ end subroutine log_initialization
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! initializes the external extreme-UV module
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine initialize_euv( photon_file, electron_file, do_euv )
+ use chem_mods, only : phtcnt ! number of CAM-Chem photolysis reactions
+ use mo_jeuv, only : jeuv_init ! extreme-UV initialization
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: photon_file ! photon file used in extended-UV module
+ ! setup
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: electron_file ! electron file used in extended-UV
+ ! module setup
+ logical, intent(out) :: do_euv ! indicates whether extreme-UV
+ ! calculations are needed
+ integer, allocatable :: euv_index_map(:)
+ allocate( euv_index_map( phtcnt ) )
+ euv_index_map(:) = 0
+ call jeuv_init( photon_file, electron_file, euv_index_map )
+ do_euv = any( euv_index_map(:) > 0 )
+ end subroutine initialize_euv
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Registers fields for diagnostic output
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine initialize_diagnostics( this )
+ use cam_history, only : addfld
+ use musica_assert, only : assert
+ use musica_string, only : string_t
+ type(tuvx_ptr), intent(in) :: this
+ type(string_t), allocatable :: labels(:), all_labels(:)
+ integer :: i_label
+ if( .not. enable_diagnostics ) then
+ allocate( diagnostics( 0 ) )
+ return
+ end if
+ ! ==========================================================
+ ! add output for specific photolysis reaction rate constants
+ ! ==========================================================
+ labels = this%core_%photolysis_reaction_labels( )
+ allocate( all_labels( size( labels ) + this%n_special_rates_ ) )
+ all_labels( 1 : size( labels ) ) = labels(:)
+ i_label = size( labels ) + 1
+ if( do_jno ) then
+ all_labels( i_label ) = "jno"
+ i_label = i_label + 1
+ end if
+ call assert( 522515214, i_label == size( all_labels ) + 1 )
+ allocate( diagnostics( size( all_labels ) ) )
+ do i_label = 1, size( all_labels )
+ diagnostics( i_label )%name_ = trim( all_labels( i_label )%to_char( ) )
+ diagnostics( i_label )%index_ = i_label
+ call addfld( "tuvx_"//diagnostics( i_label )%name_, (/ 'lev' /), 'A', 'sec-1', &
+ 'photolysis rate constant' )
+ end do
+ end subroutine initialize_diagnostics
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Sets up a map between the TUV-x and CAM photolysis rate arrays
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine set_photo_rate_map( core, config, do_euv, do_jno, jno_index, map )
+ use cam_logfile, only : iulog ! log info output unit
+ use chem_mods, only : phtcnt, & ! number of photolysis reactions
+ rxt_tag_lst ! labels for all chemical reactions
+ ! NOTE photolysis reactions are
+ ! expected to appear first
+ use mo_jeuv, only : neuv ! number of extreme-UV rates
+ use musica_config, only : config_t
+ use musica_string, only : string_t
+ type(core_t), intent(in) :: core ! TUV-x core
+ type(config_t), intent(inout) :: config ! CAM<->TUV-x map configuration
+ logical, intent(in) :: do_euv ! indicates whether to include
+ ! extreme-UV rates in the mapping
+ logical, intent(out) :: do_jno ! indicates whether jno should be
+ ! calculated
+ integer, intent(out) :: jno_index ! index for jno in source photo
+ ! rate array
+ type(map_t), intent(out) :: map
+ integer :: i_label, i_start, i_end
+ type(string_t) :: str_label
+ type(string_t), allocatable :: tuvx_labels(:), euv_labels(:), special_labels(:), &
+ all_labels(:), cam_labels(:)
+ ! ==================
+ ! MOZART photo rates
+ ! ==================
+ allocate( cam_labels( phtcnt ) )
+ do i_label = 1, phtcnt
+ cam_labels( i_label ) = trim( rxt_tag_lst( i_label ) )
+ end do
+ ! =================
+ ! TUV-x photo rates
+ ! =================
+ tuvx_labels = core%photolysis_reaction_labels( )
+ ! ======================
+ ! Extreme-UV photo rates
+ ! ======================
+ if( do_euv ) then
+ allocate( euv_labels( neuv ) )
+ do i_label = 1, neuv
+ str_label = i_label
+ euv_labels( i_label ) = "jeuv_"//str_label
+ end do
+ else
+ allocate( euv_labels(0) )
+ end if
+ ! ===============================
+ ! Special photo rate calculations
+ ! ===============================
+ do_jno = .false.
+ jno_index = 0
+ do i_label = 1, size( cam_labels )
+ if( cam_labels( i_label ) == "jno" ) then
+ do_jno = .true.
+ exit
+ end if
+ end do
+ if( do_jno ) then
+ allocate( special_labels(1) )
+ special_labels(1) = "jno"
+ else
+ allocate( special_labels(0) )
+ end if
+ ! ==========================
+ ! Combine photo rate sources
+ ! ==========================
+ allocate( all_labels( size( tuvx_labels ) + size( euv_labels ) + &
+ size( special_labels ) ) )
+ i_end = 0
+ if( size( tuvx_labels ) > 0 ) then
+ i_start = i_end + 1
+ i_end = i_start + size( tuvx_labels ) - 1
+ all_labels( i_start : i_end ) = tuvx_labels(:)
+ end if
+ if( size( euv_labels ) > 0 ) then
+ i_start = i_end + 1
+ i_end = i_start + size( euv_labels ) - 1
+ all_labels( i_start : i_end ) = euv_labels(:)
+ end if
+ if( size( special_labels ) > 0 ) then
+ i_start = i_end + 1
+ i_end = i_start + size( special_labels ) - 1
+ all_labels( i_start : i_end ) = special_labels(:)
+ jno_index = i_start
+ end if
+ ! ==========
+ ! Create map
+ ! ==========
+ map = map_t( config, all_labels, cam_labels )
+ write(iulog,*)
+ write(iulog,*) "TUV-x --> CAM-Chem photolysis rate constant map"
+ call map%print( all_labels, cam_labels, iulog )
+ end subroutine set_photo_rate_map
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Outputs diagnostic information for the current time step
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine output_diagnostics( this, ncol, lchnk, photo_rates )
+ use cam_history, only : outfld
+ type(tuvx_ptr), intent(in) :: this
+ integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of active columns on this thread
+ integer, intent(in) :: lchnk ! identifier for this thread
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: photo_rates(:,:,:) ! photo rate constants
+ ! (column, level, reaction) [s-1]
+ integer :: i_diag
+ if( .not. enable_diagnostics ) return
+ do i_diag = 1, size( diagnostics )
+ associate( diag => diagnostics( i_diag ) )
+ call outfld( "tuvx_"//diag%name_, photo_rates(:ncol,pver+1:2:-1,diag%index_), &
+ ncol, lchnk )
+ end associate
+ end do
+ end subroutine output_diagnostics
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Creates and loads a grid warehouse with grids that CAM will
+ ! update at runtime
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function get_cam_grids( wavelength_path ) result( grids )
+ use musica_assert, only : assert_msg
+ use musica_config, only : config_t
+ use tuvx_grid, only : grid_t
+ use tuvx_grid_factory, only : grid_builder
+ use tuvx_grid_from_host, only : grid_from_host_t
+ use tuvx_grid_warehouse, only : grid_warehouse_t
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: wavelength_path ! path to the wavelength data file
+ class(grid_warehouse_t), pointer :: grids ! collection of grids to be updated by CAM
+ character(len=*), parameter :: my_name = "CAM grid creator"
+ class(grid_t), pointer :: host_grid
+ type(config_t) :: config
+ grids => grid_warehouse_t( )
+ ! =========================
+ ! heights above the surface
+ ! =========================
+ host_grid => grid_from_host_t( "height", "km", pver+1 )
+ call grids%add( host_grid )
+ deallocate( host_grid )
+ ! ============================================
+ ! wavelengths (will not be updated at runtime)
+ ! ============================================
+ call config%empty( )
+ call config%add( "type", "from csv file", my_name )
+ call config%add( "name", "wavelength", my_name )
+ call config%add( "units", "nm", my_name )
+ call config%add( "file path", wavelength_path, my_name )
+ host_grid => grid_builder( config )
+ call grids%add( host_grid )
+ deallocate( host_grid )
+ end function get_cam_grids
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Creates and loads a profile warehouse with profiles that CAM
+ ! will update at runtime
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function get_cam_profiles( grids ) result( profiles )
+ use tuvx_grid, only : grid_t
+ use tuvx_grid_warehouse, only : grid_warehouse_t
+ use tuvx_profile_from_host, only : profile_from_host_t
+ use tuvx_profile_warehouse, only : profile_warehouse_t
+ class(grid_warehouse_t), intent(in) :: grids ! CAM grids used in TUV-x
+ class(profile_warehouse_t), pointer :: profiles ! collection of profiles to be updated by CAM
+ class(profile_from_host_t), pointer :: host_profile
+ class(grid_t), pointer :: height, wavelength
+ profiles => profile_warehouse_t( )
+ height => grids%get_grid( "height", "km" )
+ wavelength => grids%get_grid( "wavelength", "nm" )
+ ! ==================================
+ ! Temperature profile on height grid
+ ! ==================================
+ host_profile => profile_from_host_t( "temperature", "K", height%size( ) )
+ call profiles%add( host_profile )
+ deallocate( host_profile )
+ ! =================================
+ ! Surface albedo on wavelength grid
+ ! =================================
+ host_profile => profile_from_host_t( "surface albedo", "none", wavelength%size( ) )
+ call profiles%add( host_profile )
+ deallocate( host_profile )
+ ! ========================================
+ ! Extraterrestrial flux on wavelength grid
+ ! ========================================
+ host_profile => profile_from_host_t( "extraterrestrial flux", "photon cm-2 s-1", &
+ wavelength%size( ) )
+ call profiles%add( host_profile )
+ deallocate( host_profile )
+ ! ===========
+ ! Air profile
+ ! ===========
+ host_profile => profile_from_host_t( "air", "molecule cm-3", height%size( ) )
+ call profiles%add( host_profile )
+ deallocate( host_profile )
+ ! ==========
+ ! O3 profile
+ ! ==========
+ host_profile => profile_from_host_t( "O3", "molecule cm-3", height%size( ) )
+ call profiles%add( host_profile )
+ deallocate( host_profile )
+ ! ==========
+ ! O2 profile
+ ! ==========
+ host_profile => profile_from_host_t( "O2", "molecule cm-3", height%size( ) )
+ call profiles%add( host_profile )
+ deallocate( host_profile )
+ deallocate( height )
+ deallocate( wavelength )
+ end function get_cam_profiles
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Creates and loads a radiator warehouse with radiators that CAM will
+ ! update at runtime
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function get_cam_radiators( grids ) result( radiators )
+ use tuvx_grid, only : grid_t
+ use tuvx_grid_warehouse, only : grid_warehouse_t
+ use tuvx_radiator_from_host, only : radiator_from_host_t
+ use tuvx_radiator_warehouse, only : radiator_warehouse_t
+ type(grid_warehouse_t), intent(in) :: grids ! CAM grids used in TUV-x
+ class(radiator_warehouse_t), pointer :: radiators ! collection of radiators to be updated by CAM
+ class(radiator_from_host_t), pointer :: host_radiator
+ class(grid_t), pointer :: height, wavelength
+ radiators => radiator_warehouse_t( )
+ height => grids%get_grid( "height", "km" )
+ wavelength => grids%get_grid( "wavelength", "nm" )
+ ! ================
+ ! Aerosol radiator
+ ! ================
+ host_radiator => radiator_from_host_t( "aerosol", height, wavelength )
+ call radiators%add( host_radiator )
+ deallocate( host_radiator )
+ ! ==============
+ ! Cloud radiator
+ ! ==============
+ host_radiator => radiator_from_host_t( "clouds", height, wavelength )
+ call radiators%add( host_radiator )
+ deallocate( host_radiator )
+ deallocate( height )
+ deallocate( wavelength )
+ end function get_cam_radiators
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Forms connections between CAM and TUV-x data structures
+ !
+ ! - creates updaters for each grid and profile that CAM will use
+ ! to update TUV-x at each timestep.
+ ! - allocates working arrays when needed for interpolation between
+ ! grids
+ ! - initializes CAM modules if necessary and sets parameters needed
+ ! for runtime access of CAM data
+ !
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine create_updaters( this, grids, profiles, radiators, disable_aerosols, &
+ disable_clouds )
+ use ppgrid, only : pcols ! maximum number of columns
+ use rad_constituents, only : rad_cnst_get_info
+ use musica_assert, only : assert
+ use tuvx_grid, only : grid_t
+ use tuvx_grid_from_host, only : grid_updater_t
+ use tuvx_grid_warehouse, only : grid_warehouse_t
+ use tuvx_profile, only : profile_t
+ use tuvx_profile_from_host, only : profile_updater_t
+ use tuvx_profile_warehouse, only : profile_warehouse_t
+ use tuvx_radiator, only : radiator_t
+ use tuvx_radiator_from_host, only : radiator_updater_t
+ use tuvx_radiator_warehouse, only : radiator_warehouse_t
+ class(tuvx_ptr), intent(inout) :: this
+ class(grid_warehouse_t), intent(in) :: grids
+ class(profile_warehouse_t), intent(in) :: profiles
+ class(radiator_warehouse_t), intent(in) :: radiators
+ logical, intent(in) :: disable_aerosols
+ logical, intent(in) :: disable_clouds
+ class(grid_t), pointer :: height, wavelength
+ class(profile_t), pointer :: host_profile
+ class(radiator_t), pointer :: host_radiator
+ integer :: n_modes
+ logical :: found
+ ! =============
+ ! Grid updaters
+ ! =============
+ height => grids%get_grid( "height", "km" )
+ this%grids_( GRID_INDEX_HEIGHT ) = this%core_%get_updater( height, found )
+ call assert( 213798815, found )
+ ! ============================================
+ ! wavelength grid cannot be updated at runtime
+ ! ============================================
+ wavelength => grids%get_grid( "wavelength", "nm" )
+ this%n_wavelength_bins_ = wavelength%size( )
+ allocate( this%wavelength_edges_( this%n_wavelength_bins_ + 1 ) )
+ this%wavelength_edges_(:) = wavelength%edge_(:)
+ deallocate( height )
+ deallocate( wavelength )
+ ! ================
+ ! Profile updaters
+ ! ================
+ host_profile => profiles%get_profile( "temperature", "K" )
+ this%profiles_( PROFILE_INDEX_TEMPERATURE ) = this%core_%get_updater( host_profile, found )
+ call assert( 418735162, found )
+ deallocate( host_profile )
+ host_profile => profiles%get_profile( "surface albedo", "none" )
+ this%profiles_( PROFILE_INDEX_ALBEDO ) = this%core_%get_updater( host_profile, found )
+ call assert( 720785186, found )
+ deallocate( host_profile )
+ host_profile => profiles%get_profile( "extraterrestrial flux", "photon cm-2 s-1" )
+ this%profiles_( PROFILE_INDEX_ET_FLUX ) = this%core_%get_updater( host_profile, found )
+ call assert( 550628282, found )
+ deallocate( host_profile )
+ host_profile => profiles%get_profile( "air", "molecule cm-3" )
+ this%profiles_( PROFILE_INDEX_AIR ) = this%core_%get_updater( host_profile, found )
+ call assert( 380471378, found )
+ deallocate( host_profile )
+ host_profile => profiles%get_profile( "O3", "molecule cm-3" )
+ this%profiles_( PROFILE_INDEX_O3 ) = this%core_%get_updater( host_profile, found )
+ call assert( 210314474, found )
+ deallocate( host_profile )
+ host_profile => profiles%get_profile( "O2", "molecule cm-3" )
+ this%profiles_( PROFILE_INDEX_O2 ) = this%core_%get_updater( host_profile, found )
+ call assert( 105165970, found )
+ deallocate( host_profile )
+ ! =================
+ ! radiator updaters
+ ! =================
+ ! ====================================================================
+ ! determine if aerosol optical properties will be available, and if so
+ ! intialize the aerosol optics module
+ ! ====================================================================
+ call rad_cnst_get_info( 0, nmodes = n_modes )
+ if( n_modes > 0 .and. .not. do_aerosol .and. .not. disable_aerosols ) then
+ do_aerosol = .true.
+ ! TODO update to use new aerosol_optics class
+ ! call modal_aer_opt_init( )
+ end if
+ host_radiator => radiators%get_radiator( "aerosol" )
+ this%radiators_( RADIATOR_INDEX_AEROSOL ) = &
+ this%core_%get_updater( host_radiator, found )
+ call assert( 675200430, found )
+ nullify( host_radiator )
+ ! =====================================
+ ! get an updater for the cloud radiator
+ ! =====================================
+ do_clouds = .not. disable_clouds
+ host_radiator => radiators%get_radiator( "clouds" )
+ this%radiators_( RADIATOR_INDEX_CLOUDS ) = &
+ this%core_%get_updater( host_radiator, found )
+ call assert( 993715720, found )
+ nullify( host_radiator )
+ end subroutine create_updaters
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Sets the height values in TUV-x for the given column
+ !
+ ! NOTE: This function must be called before updating any profile data.
+ !
+ ! CAM to TUV-x height grid mapping
+ !
+ ! TUV-x heights are "bottom-up" and require atmospheric constituent
+ ! concentrations at interfaces. Therefore, CAM mid-points are used as
+ ! TUV-x grid interfaces, with an additional layer introduced between
+ ! the surface and the lowest CAM mid-point, and a layer at the
+ ! top of the TUV-x grid to hold species densities above the top CAM
+ ! mid-point.
+ !
+ ! ---- (interface) ===== (mid-point)
+ !
+ ! CAM TUV-x
+ ! ------(top)------ i_int = 1 -------(top)------ i_int = pver + 2
+ ! ************************ (exo values) *****************************
+ ! ================== i_mid = pver + 1
+ ! ================= i_mid = 1 ------------------ i_int = pver + 1
+ ! ----------------- i_int = 2 ================== i_mid = pver
+ ! ------------------ i_int = pver
+ ! ||
+ ! || ||
+ ! ||
+ ! ----------------- i_int = pver
+ ! ================= i_imd = pver ------------------ i_int = 2
+ ! ================== i_mid = 1
+ ! -----(ground)---- i_int = pver+1 -----(ground)----- i_int = 1
+ !
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine set_heights( this, i_col, ncol, height_mid, height_int )
+ use ppgrid, only : pcols ! maximum number of columns
+ class(tuvx_ptr), intent(inout) :: this ! TUV-x calculator
+ integer, intent(in) :: i_col ! column to set conditions for
+ integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of colums to calculated photolysis for
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: height_mid(ncol,pver) ! height above the surface at mid-points (km)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: height_int(ncol,pver+1) ! height above the surface at interfaces (km)
+ integer :: i_level
+ real(r8) :: edges(pver+2)
+ real(r8) :: mid_points(pver+1)
+ edges(1) = height_int(i_col,pver+1)
+ edges(2:pver+1) = height_mid(i_col,pver:1:-1)
+ edges(pver+2) = height_int(i_col,1)
+ mid_points(1) = ( height_mid(i_col,pver) - height_int(i_col,pver+1) ) * 0.5_r8 &
+ + height_int(i_col,pver+1)
+ mid_points(2:pver) = height_int(i_col,pver:2:-1)
+ mid_points(pver+1) = 0.5_r8 * ( edges(pver+1) + edges(pver+2) )
+ call this%grids_( GRID_INDEX_HEIGHT )%update( edges = edges, mid_points = mid_points )
+ this%height_delta_(1:pver+1) = edges(2:pver+2) - edges(1:pver+1)
+ end subroutine set_heights
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Sets the temperatures in TUV-x for the given column
+ !
+ ! See description of `set_heights` for CAM <-> TUV-x vertical grid
+ ! mapping.
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine set_temperatures( this, i_col, temperature_mid, surface_temperature )
+ use ppgrid, only : pcols ! maximum number of columns
+ class(tuvx_ptr), intent(inout) :: this ! TUV-x calculator
+ integer, intent(in) :: i_col ! column to set conditions for
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: temperature_mid(pcols,pver) ! midpoint temperature (K)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: surface_temperature(pcols) ! surface temperature (K)
+ real(r8) :: edges(pver+2)
+ edges(1) = surface_temperature(i_col)
+ edges(2:pver+1) = temperature_mid(i_col,pver:1:-1)
+ edges(pver+2) = temperature_mid(i_col,1) ! Use upper mid-point temperature for top edge
+ call this%profiles_( PROFILE_INDEX_TEMPERATURE )%update( edge_values = edges )
+ end subroutine set_temperatures
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Sets the surface albedo in TUV-x for the given column
+ !
+ ! CAM uses a single value for surface albedo at all wavelengths
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine set_surface_albedo( this, i_col, surface_albedo )
+ use ppgrid, only : pcols ! maximum number of columns
+ class(tuvx_ptr), intent(inout) :: this ! TUV-x calculator
+ integer, intent(in) :: i_col ! column to set conditions for
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: surface_albedo(pcols) ! surface albedo (unitless)
+ real(r8) :: albedos(this%n_wavelength_bins_ + 1)
+ albedos(:) = surface_albedo( i_col )
+ call this%profiles_( PROFILE_INDEX_ALBEDO )%update( &
+ edge_values = albedos(:) )
+ end subroutine set_surface_albedo
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Sets the extraterrestrial flux in TUV-x for the given column
+ !
+ ! Extraterrestrial flux is read from data files and interpolated to the
+ ! TUV-x wavelength grid. CAM ET Flux values are multiplied by the
+ ! width of the wavelength bins to get the TUV-x units of photon cm-2 s-1
+ !
+ ! NOTE: TUV-x only uses mid-point values for ET Flux
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine set_et_flux( this )
+ use mo_util, only : rebin
+ use solar_irrad_data, only : nbins, & ! number of wavelength bins
+ we, & ! wavelength bin edges
+ sol_etf ! extraterrestrial flux
+ ! (photon cm-2 nm-1 s-1)
+ class(tuvx_ptr), intent(inout) :: this ! TUV-x calculator
+ real(r8) :: et_flux_orig(nbins), tuv_mid_values(this%n_wavelength_bins_), &
+ tuv_edge_values(this%n_wavelength_bins_ + 1)
+ integer :: i_bin
+ ! ===============================================
+ ! regrid normalized flux to TUV-x wavelength grid
+ !================================================
+ et_flux_orig(:) = sol_etf(:)
+ call rebin( nbins, this%n_wavelength_bins_, we, this%wavelength_edges_, &
+ et_flux_orig, tuv_mid_values )
+ ! ========================================================
+ ! convert normalized flux to flux on TUV-x wavelength grid
+ ! ========================================================
+ tuv_mid_values(:) = tuv_mid_values(:) * &
+ ( this%wavelength_edges_(2:this%n_wavelength_bins_+1) - &
+ this%wavelength_edges_(1:this%n_wavelength_bins_) )
+ ! ====================================
+ ! estimate unused edge values for flux
+ ! ====================================
+ tuv_edge_values(1) = tuv_mid_values(1) - &
+ ( tuv_mid_values(2) - tuv_mid_values(1) ) * 0.5_r8
+ do i_bin = 2, this%n_wavelength_bins_
+ tuv_edge_values(i_bin) = tuv_mid_values(i_bin-1) + &
+ ( tuv_mid_values(i_bin) - tuv_mid_values(i_bin-1) ) * 0.5_r8
+ end do
+ tuv_edge_values(this%n_wavelength_bins_+1) = &
+ tuv_mid_values(this%n_wavelength_bins_) + &
+ ( tuv_mid_values(this%n_wavelength_bins_) - &
+ tuv_mid_values(this%n_wavelength_bins_-1) ) * 0.5_r8
+ ! ============================
+ ! update TUV-x ET flux profile
+ ! ============================
+ call this%profiles_( PROFILE_INDEX_ET_FLUX )%update( &
+ mid_point_values = tuv_mid_values, &
+ edge_values = tuv_edge_values)
+ ! ======================================================================
+ ! rebin extraterrestrial flux to MS93 grid for use with jno calculations
+ ! ======================================================================
+ call rebin( nbins, NUM_BINS_MS93, we, WAVELENGTH_EDGES_MS93, et_flux_orig, &
+ this%et_flux_ms93_ )
+ end subroutine set_et_flux
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Sets the profiles of optically active atmospheric constituents
+ ! in TUV-x for the given column
+ !
+ ! See `set_height` for a description of the CAM <-> TUV-x vertical grid
+ ! mapping.
+ !
+ ! Above layer densities are calculated using a scale height for air
+ ! and pre-calculated values for O2 and O3
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine set_radiator_profiles( this, i_col, ncol, fixed_species_conc, species_vmr, &
+ exo_column_conc, delta_pressure, cloud_fraction, liquid_water_content, &
+ optical_depth, single_scattering_albedo, asymmetry_factor )
+ use chem_mods, only : gas_pcnst, & ! number of non-fixed species
+ nfs, & ! number of fixed species
+ nabscol, & ! number of absorbing species (radiators)
+ indexm ! index for air density in fixed species array
+ use ppgrid, only : pcols ! maximum number of columns
+ class(tuvx_ptr), intent(inout) :: this ! TUV-x calculator
+ integer, intent(in) :: i_col ! column to set conditions for
+ integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of columns
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: fixed_species_conc(ncol,pver,max(1,nfs)) ! fixed species densities
+ ! (molecule cm-3)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: species_vmr(ncol,pver,max(1,gas_pcnst)) ! species volume mixing
+ ! ratios (mol mol-1)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: exo_column_conc(ncol,0:pver,max(1,nabscol)) ! above column densities
+ ! (molecule cm-2)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: delta_pressure(ncol,pver) ! pressure delta about midpoints (Pa)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: cloud_fraction(ncol,pver) ! cloud fraction (unitless)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: liquid_water_content(ncol,pver) ! liquid water content (kg/kg)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: optical_depth(pcols, pver+1, this%n_wavelength_bins_) ! aerosol optical depth [unitless]
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: single_scattering_albedo(pcols, pver+1, this%n_wavelength_bins_) ! single scattering albedo [unitless]
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: asymmetry_factor(pcols, pver+1, this%n_wavelength_bins_) ! asymmetry factor [unitless]
+ integer :: i_level
+ real(r8) :: tmp(pver)
+ real(r8) :: tau(pver+1, this%n_wavelength_bins_)
+ real(r8) :: edges(pver+2), densities(pver+1)
+ real(r8) :: exo_val
+ real(r8), parameter :: rgrav = 1.0_r8 / 9.80616_r8 ! reciprocal of acceleration by gravity (s/m)
+ real(r8), parameter :: km2cm = 1.0e5_r8 ! conversion from km to cm
+ ! ===========
+ ! air profile
+ ! ===========
+ edges(1) = fixed_species_conc(i_col,pver,indexm)
+ edges(2:pver+1) = fixed_species_conc(i_col,pver:1:-1,indexm)
+ edges(pver+2) = fixed_species_conc(i_col,1,indexm) ! use upper mid-point value for top edge
+ densities(1:pver+1) = this%height_delta_(1:pver+1) * km2cm * &
+ sqrt(edges(1:pver+1)) * sqrt(edges(2:pver+2))
+ call this%profiles_( PROFILE_INDEX_AIR )%update( &
+ edge_values = edges, layer_densities = densities, &
+ scale_height = 8.01_r8 ) ! scale height in [km]
+ ! ==========
+ ! O2 profile
+ ! ==========
+ if( is_fixed_O2 ) then
+ edges(1) = fixed_species_conc(i_col,pver,index_O2)
+ edges(2:pver+1) = fixed_species_conc(i_col,pver:1:-1,index_O2)
+ edges(pver+2) = fixed_species_conc(i_col,1,index_O2)
+ else if( index_O2 > 0 ) then
+ edges(1) = species_vmr(i_col,pver,index_O2) * &
+ fixed_species_conc(i_col,pver,indexm)
+ edges(2:pver+1) = species_vmr(i_col,pver:1:-1,index_O2) * &
+ fixed_species_conc(i_col,pver:1:-1,indexm)
+ edges(pver+2) = species_vmr(i_col,1,index_O2) * &
+ fixed_species_conc(i_col,1,indexm)
+ else
+ edges(:) = 0.0_r8
+ end if
+ densities(1:pver+1) = this%height_delta_(1:pver+1) * km2cm * &
+ sqrt(edges(1:pver+1)) * sqrt(edges(2:pver+2))
+ call this%profiles_( PROFILE_INDEX_O2 )%update( &
+ edge_values = edges, layer_densities = densities, &
+ scale_height = 7.0_r8 )
+ ! ==========
+ ! O3 profile
+ ! ==========
+ if( is_fixed_O3 ) then
+ edges(1) = fixed_species_conc(i_col,pver,index_O3)
+ edges(2:pver+1) = fixed_species_conc(i_col,pver:1:-1,index_O3)
+ edges(pver+2) = fixed_species_conc(i_col,1,index_O3)
+ else if( index_O3 > 0 ) then
+ edges(1) = species_vmr(i_col,pver,index_O3) * &
+ fixed_species_conc(i_col,pver,indexm)
+ edges(2:pver+1) = species_vmr(i_col,pver:1:-1,index_O3) * &
+ fixed_species_conc(i_col,pver:1:-1,indexm)
+ edges(pver+2) = species_vmr(i_col,1,index_O3) * &
+ fixed_species_conc(i_col,1,indexm)
+ else
+ edges(:) = 0.0_r8
+ end if
+ if( nabscol >= 1 ) then
+ densities(1) = 0.5_r8 * exo_column_conc(i_col,pver,1)
+ densities(2:pver) = 0.5_r8 * ( exo_column_conc(i_col,pver-1:1:-1,1) &
+ + exo_column_conc(i_col,pver:2:-1,1) )
+ densities(pver+1) = exo_column_conc(i_col,0,1) &
+ + 0.5_r8 * exo_column_conc(i_col,1,1)
+ call this%profiles_( PROFILE_INDEX_O3 )%update( &
+ edge_values = edges, layer_densities = densities, &
+ exo_density = exo_column_conc(i_col,0,1) )
+ else
+ densities(1:pver+1) = this%height_delta_(1:pver+1) * km2cm * &
+ ( edges(1:pver+1) + edges(2:pver+2) ) * 0.5_r8
+ call this%profiles_( PROFILE_INDEX_O3 )%update( &
+ edge_values = edges, layer_densities = densities, &
+ scale_height = 7.0_r8 )
+ end if
+ ! ===============
+ ! aerosol profile
+ ! ===============
+ if( do_aerosol ) then
+ call this%radiators_( RADIATOR_INDEX_AEROSOL )%update( &
+ optical_depths = optical_depth(i_col,:,:), &
+ single_scattering_albedos = single_scattering_albedo(i_col,:,:), &
+ asymmetry_factors = asymmetry_factor(i_col,:,:) )
+ end if
+ ! =============
+ ! cloud profile
+ ! =============
+ if( do_clouds ) then
+ ! ===================================================
+ ! estimate cloud optical depth as:
+ ! liquid_water_path * 0.155 * cloud_fraction^(1.5)
+ ! ===================================================
+ associate( clouds => cloud_fraction(i_col,:) )
+ where( clouds(:) /= 0.0_r8 )
+ tmp(:) = ( rgrav * liquid_water_content(i_col,:) * delta_pressure(i_col,:) &
+ * 1.0e3_r8 / clouds(:) ) * 0.155_r8 * clouds(:)**1.5_r8
+ elsewhere
+ tmp(:) = 0.0_r8
+ end where
+ end associate
+ do i_level = 1, pver
+ tau(i_level,:) = tmp(pver-i_level+1)
+ end do
+ tau(pver+1,:) = 0.0_r8
+ call this%radiators_( RADIATOR_INDEX_CLOUDS )%update( optical_depths = tau )
+ end if
+ end subroutine set_radiator_profiles
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Updates working arrays of aerosol optical properties for all
+ ! columns from the aerosol package
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine get_aerosol_optical_properties( this, state, pbuf, optical_depth, &
+ single_scattering_albedo, asymmetry_factor )
+ use aer_rad_props, only : aer_rad_props_sw
+ use mo_util, only : rebin
+ use physics_types, only : physics_state
+ use physics_buffer, only : physics_buffer_desc
+ use ppgrid, only : pcols ! maximum number of columns
+ use radconstants, only : nswbands, & ! Number of CAM shortwave radiation bands
+ get_sw_spectral_boundaries
+ class(tuvx_ptr), intent(inout) :: this ! TUV-x calculator
+ type(physics_state), target, intent(in) :: state
+ type(physics_buffer_desc), pointer, intent(inout) :: pbuf(:)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: optical_depth(pcols,pver+1,this%n_wavelength_bins_) ! aerosol optical depth [unitless]
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: single_scattering_albedo(pcols,pver+1,this%n_wavelength_bins_) ! aerosol single scattering albedo [unitless]
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: asymmetry_factor(pcols,pver+1,this%n_wavelength_bins_) ! aerosol asymmetry factor [unitless]
+ real(r8) :: wavelength_edges(nswbands+1) ! CAM radiation wavelength grid edges [nm]
+ real(r8) :: aer_tau (pcols,0:pver,nswbands) ! aerosol extinction optical depth
+ real(r8) :: aer_tau_w (pcols,0:pver,nswbands) ! aerosol single scattering albedo * tau
+ real(r8) :: aer_tau_w_g(pcols,0:pver,nswbands) ! aerosol assymetry parameter * w * tau
+ real(r8) :: aer_tau_w_f(pcols,0:pver,nswbands) ! aerosol forward scattered fraction * w * tau
+ real(r8) :: low_bound(nswbands) ! lower bound of CAM wavenumber bins
+ real(r8) :: high_bound(nswbands) ! upper bound of CAM wavenumber bins
+ integer :: n_night ! number of night columns
+ integer :: idx_night(pcols) ! indices of night columns
+ integer :: n_tuvx_bins ! number of TUV-x wavelength bins
+ integer :: i_col, i_level ! column and level indices
+ ! ===================================================================
+ ! return default optical properties if no aerosol module is available
+ ! ===================================================================
+ if( .not. do_aerosol ) then
+ optical_depth(:,:,:) = 0.0_r8
+ single_scattering_albedo(:,:,:) = 0.0_r8
+ asymmetry_factor(:,:,:) = 0.0_r8
+ return
+ end if
+ ! TODO just assume all daylight columns for now
+ ! can adjust later if necessary
+ n_night = 0
+ idx_night(:) = 0
+ ! ===========================================================
+ ! get aerosol optical properties on native CAM radiation grid
+ ! ===========================================================
+ call aer_rad_props_sw( 0, state, pbuf, n_night, idx_night, &
+ aer_tau, aer_tau_w, aer_tau_w_g, aer_tau_w_f )
+ ! =========================================================================
+ ! Convert CAM wavenumber grid to wavelength grid and re-order optics arrays
+ ! NOTE: CAM wavenumber grid is continuous and increasing, except that the
+ ! last bin should be moved to the just before the first bin (!?!)
+ ! =========================================================================
+ call get_sw_spectral_boundaries( low_bound, high_bound, 'nm' )
+ wavelength_edges(1:nswbands-1) = low_bound( nswbands-1:1:-1)
+ wavelength_edges(nswbands ) = low_bound( nswbands )
+ wavelength_edges(nswbands+1 ) = high_bound(nswbands )
+ call reorder_optics_array( aer_tau )
+ call reorder_optics_array( aer_tau_w )
+ call reorder_optics_array( aer_tau_w_g )
+ ! =============================================================
+ ! regrid optical properties to TUV-x wavelength and height grid
+ ! =============================================================
+ ! TODO is this the correct regridding scheme to use?
+ n_tuvx_bins = this%n_wavelength_bins_
+ do i_col = 1, pcols
+ do i_level = 1, pver + 1
+ call rebin(nswbands, n_tuvx_bins, wavelength_edges, this%wavelength_edges_, &
+ aer_tau(i_col,pver+1-i_level,:), optical_depth(i_col,i_level,:))
+ call rebin(nswbands, n_tuvx_bins, wavelength_edges, this%wavelength_edges_, &
+ aer_tau_w(i_col,pver+1-i_level,:), single_scattering_albedo(i_col,i_level,:))
+ call rebin(nswbands, n_tuvx_bins, wavelength_edges, this%wavelength_edges_, &
+ aer_tau_w_g(i_col,pver+1-i_level,:), asymmetry_factor(i_col,i_level,:))
+ end do
+ end do
+ ! ================================================================
+ ! back-calculate the single scattering albedo and asymmetry factor
+ ! ================================================================
+ associate( tau => optical_depth, &
+ omega => single_scattering_albedo, &
+ g => asymmetry_factor )
+ where(omega > 0.0_r8 .and. g > 0.0_r8)
+ g = g / omega
+ elsewhere
+ g = 0.0_r8
+ end where
+ where(tau > 0.0_r8 .and. omega > 0.0_r8)
+ omega = omega / tau
+ elsewhere
+ omega = 0.0_r8
+ end where
+ end associate
+ end subroutine get_aerosol_optical_properties
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Reorders elements of an optical property array for conversion
+ ! from wavenumber to wavelength grid and out-of-order final
+ ! element in CAM wavenumber grid
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine reorder_optics_array( optics_array )
+ use ppgrid, only : pcols ! maximum number of columns
+ use radconstants, only : nswbands ! Number of CAM shortwave radiation bands
+ real(r8), intent(inout) :: optics_array(pcols,0:pver,nswbands) ! optics array to reorder
+ real(r8) :: working(pcols,0:pver,nswbands) ! working array
+ working(:,:,:) = optics_array(:,:,:)
+ optics_array(:,:,1:nswbands-1) = working(:,:,nswbands-1:1:-1)
+ end subroutine reorder_optics_array
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Calculates extreme-UV ionization rates
+ !
+ ! NOTE This never includes an above-column layer
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calculate_euv_rates( solar_zenith_angle, fixed_species_conc, &
+ species_vmr, height_mid, height_int, euv_rates )
+ use chem_mods, only : gas_pcnst, & ! number of non-fixed species
+ nfs, & ! number of fixed species
+ indexm ! index for air density in fixed species array
+ use mo_jeuv, only : jeuv, neuv ! number of extreme-UV rates
+ use ref_pres, only : ptop_ref ! pressure at the top of the column (Pa)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: solar_zenith_angle ! degrees
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: fixed_species_conc(pver,max(1,nfs)) ! fixed species densities
+ ! (molecule cm-3)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: species_vmr(pver,max(1,gas_pcnst)) ! species volume mixing
+ ! ratios (mol mol-1)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: height_mid(pver) ! height at mid-points (km)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: height_int(pver+1) ! height at interfaces (km)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: euv_rates(pver,neuv) ! calculated extreme-UV rates
+ real(r8) :: o_dens(pver), o2_dens(pver), n2_dens(pver), height_arg(pver)
+ ! ==========
+ ! N2 density
+ ! ==========
+ if( is_fixed_N2 ) then
+ n2_dens(:) = fixed_species_conc(:pver,index_N2)
+ else
+ n2_dens(:) = species_vmr(:pver,index_N2) * fixed_species_conc(:pver,indexm)
+ end if
+ ! =========
+ ! O density
+ ! =========
+ if( is_fixed_O ) then
+ o_dens(:) = fixed_species_conc(:pver,index_O)
+ else
+ o_dens(:) = species_vmr(:pver,index_O) * fixed_species_conc(:pver,indexm)
+ end if
+ ! ==========
+ ! O2 density
+ ! ==========
+ if( is_fixed_O2 ) then
+ o2_dens(:) = fixed_species_conc(:pver,index_O2)
+ else
+ o2_dens(:) = species_vmr(:pver,index_O2) * fixed_species_conc(:pver,indexm)
+ end if
+ ! =======================
+ ! special height argument
+ ! =======================
+ height_arg(:) = height_mid(:)
+ call jeuv( pver, solar_zenith_angle, o_dens, o2_dens, n2_dens, height_arg, &
+ euv_rates(pver:1:-1,:) )
+ end subroutine calculate_euv_rates
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Calculates NO photolysis rates
+ !
+ ! NOTE: Always includes an above-column layer
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ subroutine calculate_jno( solar_zenith_angle, et_flux, fixed_species_conc, species_vmr, &
+ height_int, jno )
+ use chem_mods, only : gas_pcnst, & ! number of non-fixed species
+ nfs, & ! number of fixed species
+ indexm ! index for air density in fixed species array
+ use mo_jshort, only : sphers, slant_col, calc_jno
+ use ref_pres, only : ptop_ref ! pressure at the top of the column (Pa)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: solar_zenith_angle ! degrees
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: et_flux(NUM_BINS_MS93) ! extraterrestrial flux MS93 grid
+ ! (photon cm-2 nm-1 s-1)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: fixed_species_conc(pver,max(1,nfs)) ! fixed species densities
+ ! (molecule cm-3)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: species_vmr(pver,max(1,gas_pcnst)) ! species volume mixing
+ ! ratios (mol mol-1)
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: height_int(pver+1) ! height at interfaces (km)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: jno(pver) ! calculated NO rate
+ ! species column densities (molecule cm-3)
+ real(kind=r8) :: n2_dens(pver+1), o2_dens(pver+1), o3_dens(pver+1), no_dens(pver+1)
+ ! species slant column densities (molecule cm-2)
+ real(kind=r8) :: o2_slant(pver+1), o3_slant(pver+1), no_slant(pver+1)
+ ! working photo rate array
+ real(kind=r8) :: work_jno(pver+1)
+ ! parameters needed to calculate slant column densities
+ ! (see sphers routine description for details)
+ integer :: nid(pver+1)
+ real(kind=r8) :: dsdh(0:pver+1,pver+1)
+ ! layer thickness (cm)
+ real(kind=r8) :: delz(pver+1)
+ ! conversion from km to cm
+ real(kind=r8), parameter :: km2cm = 1.0e5_r8
+ ! ==========
+ ! N2 density
+ ! ==========
+ if( is_fixed_N2 ) then
+ n2_dens(2:) = fixed_species_conc(:pver,index_N2)
+ else
+ n2_dens(2:) = species_vmr(:pver,index_N2) * fixed_species_conc(:pver,indexm)
+ end if
+ n2_dens(1) = n2_dens(2) * 0.9_r8
+ ! ==========
+ ! O2 density
+ ! ==========
+ if( is_fixed_O2 ) then
+ o2_dens(2:) = fixed_species_conc(:pver,index_O2)
+ else
+ o2_dens(2:) = species_vmr(:pver,index_O2) * fixed_species_conc(:pver,indexm)
+ end if
+ o2_dens(1) = o2_dens(2) * 7.0_r8 / ( height_int(1) - height_int(2) )
+ ! ==========
+ ! O3 density
+ ! ==========
+ if( is_fixed_O3 ) then
+ o3_dens(2:) = fixed_species_conc(:pver,index_O3)
+ else
+ o3_dens(2:) = species_vmr(:pver,index_O3) * fixed_species_conc(:pver,indexm)
+ end if
+ o3_dens(1) = o3_dens(2) * 7.0_r8 / ( height_int(1) - height_int(2) )
+ ! ==========
+ ! NO density
+ ! ==========
+ if( is_fixed_NO ) then
+ no_dens(2:) = fixed_species_conc(:pver,index_NO)
+ else
+ no_dens(2:) = species_vmr(:pver,index_NO) * fixed_species_conc(:pver,indexm)
+ end if
+ no_dens(1) = no_dens(2) * 0.9_r8
+ ! ================================
+ ! calculate slant column densities
+ ! ================================
+ call sphers( pver+1, height_int, solar_zenith_angle, dsdh, nid )
+ delz(1:pver) = km2cm * ( height_int(1:pver) - height_int(2:pver+1) )
+ call slant_col( pver+1, delz, dsdh, nid, o2_dens, o2_slant )
+ call slant_col( pver+1, delz, dsdh, nid, o3_dens, o3_slant )
+ call slant_col( pver+1, delz, dsdh, nid, no_dens, no_slant )
+ ! =========================================
+ ! calculate the NO photolysis rate constant
+ ! =========================================
+ call calc_jno( pver+1, et_flux, n2_dens, o2_slant, o3_slant, no_slant, work_jno )
+ jno(:) = work_jno(pver:1:-1)
+ end subroutine calculate_jno
+end module mo_tuvx
diff --git a/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_waccm_hrates.F90 b/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_waccm_hrates.F90
index 4f368c749f..322360d94c 100644
--- a/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_waccm_hrates.F90
+++ b/src/chemistry/mozart/mo_waccm_hrates.F90
@@ -25,6 +25,11 @@ module mo_waccm_hrates
logical :: has_hrates
integer :: ele_temp_ndx, ion_temp_ndx
+ integer :: cpe_jo2a_ndx = -1
+ integer :: cpe_jo2b_ndx = -1
+ integer :: cpe_jo3a_ndx = -1
+ integer :: cpe_jo3b_ndx = -1
subroutine init_hrates( )
@@ -81,9 +86,34 @@ subroutine init_hrates( )
attr = 'total jo2 euv photolysis rate'
call addfld( 'JO2_EUV', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', '/s', trim(attr) )
+ attr = 'O2 + hv -> O1D + O3P tuvx photo-chem heating rate'
+ call addfld( 'QRS_O2A_tuvx', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'K/s', trim(attr) )
+ attr = 'O2 + hv -> O3P + O3P tuvx photo-chem heating rate'
+ call addfld( 'QRS_O2B_tuvx', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'K/s', trim(attr) )
+ attr = 'O3 + hv -> O1D + O2_1S tuvx photo-chem heating rate'
+ call addfld( 'QRS_O3A_tuvx', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'K/s', trim(attr) )
+ attr = 'O3 + hv -> O3P + O2 tuvx photo-chem heating rate'
+ call addfld( 'QRS_O3B_tuvx', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'K/s', trim(attr) )
+ attr = 'O2 + hv -> O1D + O3P table photo-chem heating rate'
+ call addfld( 'QRS_O2A_tabl', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'K/s', trim(attr) )
+ attr = 'O2 + hv -> O3P + O3P table photo-chem heating rate'
+ call addfld( 'QRS_O2B_tabl', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'K/s', trim(attr) )
+ attr = 'O3 + hv -> O1D + O2_1S table photo-chem heating rate'
+ call addfld( 'QRS_O3A_tabl', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'K/s', trim(attr) )
+ attr = 'O3 + hv -> O3P + O2 table photo-chem heating rate'
+ call addfld( 'QRS_O3B_tabl', (/ 'lev' /), 'I', 'K/s', trim(attr) )
ele_temp_ndx = pbuf_get_index('TElec',errcode=err)! electron temperature index
ion_temp_ndx = pbuf_get_index('TIon',errcode=err) ! ion temperature index
+ cpe_jo2a_ndx = pbuf_get_index('CPE_jO2a',errcode=err)
+ cpe_jo2b_ndx = pbuf_get_index('CPE_jO2b',errcode=err)
+ cpe_jo3a_ndx = pbuf_get_index('CPE_jO3a',errcode=err)
+ cpe_jo3b_ndx = pbuf_get_index('CPE_jO3b',errcode=err)
end subroutine init_hrates
subroutine waccm_hrates(ncol, state, asdir, bot_mlt_lev, qrs_tot, pbuf )
@@ -124,6 +154,9 @@ subroutine waccm_hrates(ncol, state, asdir, bot_mlt_lev, qrs_tot, pbuf )
use phys_control, only : waccmx_is
use orbit, only : zenith
+ use physconst, only : avogad
+ use mo_tuvx, only : tuvx_active
! ... dummy arguments
@@ -161,6 +194,14 @@ subroutine waccm_hrates(ncol, state, asdir, bot_mlt_lev, qrs_tot, pbuf )
real(r8) :: qrl_col(pver,4) ! column thermal heating > 200nm
real(r8) :: qrs(ncol,pver,4) ! chunk thermal heating < 200nm
real(r8) :: qrl(ncol,pver,4) ! chunk thermal heating > 200nm
+ real(r8) :: qr_jo2a_tuvx(ncol,pver) ! heating rates (K/s)
+ real(r8) :: qr_jo2b_tuvx(ncol,pver) ! heating rates (K/s)
+ real(r8) :: qr_jo3a_tuvx(ncol,pver) ! heating rates (K/s)
+ real(r8) :: qr_jo3b_tuvx(ncol,pver) ! heating rates (K/s)
+ real(r8) :: hfactor(pver)
real(r8) :: euv_hrate_col(pver) ! column euv thermal heating rate
real(r8) :: co2_hrate_col(pver) ! column co2 nir heating rate
real(r8) :: euv_hrate(ncol,pver) ! chunk euv thermal heating rate
@@ -196,6 +237,11 @@ subroutine waccm_hrates(ncol, state, asdir, bot_mlt_lev, qrs_tot, pbuf )
real(r8), pointer :: ele_temp_fld(:,:) ! electron temperature pointer
real(r8), pointer :: ion_temp_fld(:,:) ! ion temperature pointer
+ real(r8), pointer :: cpe_jo2a(:,:) ! chemical potential energy
+ real(r8), pointer :: cpe_jo2b(:,:) ! chemical potential energy
+ real(r8), pointer :: cpe_jo3a(:,:) ! chemical potential energy
+ real(r8), pointer :: cpe_jo3b(:,:) ! chemical potential energy
if ( ele_temp_ndx>0 .and. ion_temp_ndx>0 ) then
call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, ele_temp_ndx, ele_temp_fld)
call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, ion_temp_ndx, ion_temp_fld)
@@ -204,6 +250,11 @@ subroutine waccm_hrates(ncol, state, asdir, bot_mlt_lev, qrs_tot, pbuf )
ion_temp_fld => state%t
+ if (cpe_jo2a_ndx > 0) call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, cpe_jo2a_ndx, cpe_jo2a)
+ if (cpe_jo2b_ndx > 0) call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, cpe_jo2b_ndx, cpe_jo2b)
+ if (cpe_jo3a_ndx > 0) call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, cpe_jo3a_ndx, cpe_jo3a)
+ if (cpe_jo3b_ndx > 0) call pbuf_get_field(pbuf, cpe_jo3b_ndx, cpe_jo3b)
qrs_tot(:ncol,:) = 0._r8
if (.not. has_hrates) return
@@ -343,6 +394,12 @@ subroutine waccm_hrates(ncol, state, asdir, bot_mlt_lev, qrs_tot, pbuf )
qrl(:,k,m) = 0._r8
end do
end do
+ qr_jo2a_tuvx = 0._r8
+ qr_jo2b_tuvx = 0._r8
+ qr_jo3a_tuvx = 0._r8
+ qr_jo3b_tuvx = 0._r8
do k = 1,pver
euv_hrate(:,k) = 0._r8
co2_hrate(:,k) = 0._r8
@@ -372,18 +429,29 @@ subroutine waccm_hrates(ncol, state, asdir, bot_mlt_lev, qrs_tot, pbuf )
mw(:) = mbar(i,:)
cparg(:) = cpair(i,:)
do_diag = .false.
call jshort( pver, sza, o2_line, o3_line, o2cc, &
o3cc, tline, zarg, mw, qrs_col, &
cparg, lchnk, i, co2cc, scco2, do_diag )
- call jlong( pver, sza, eff_alb, parg, tline, &
- mw, o2_line, o3_line, colo3, qrl_col, &
- cparg, kbot_hrates )
- do m = 1,4
- qrs(i,pver:1:-1,m) = qrs_col(:,m) * esfact
- end do
- do m = 2,4
- qrl(i,:,m) = qrl_col(:,m) * esfact
- end do
+ if (tuvx_active) then
+ hfactor(:) = avogad/(cparg(:)*mw(:))
+ qr_jo2a_tuvx(i,:) = cpe_jo2a(i,:) * hfactor(:) * o2_line(:) * esfact
+ qr_jo2b_tuvx(i,:) = cpe_jo2b(i,:) * hfactor(:) * o2_line(:) * esfact
+ qr_jo3a_tuvx(i,:kbot_hrates) = cpe_jo3a(i,:kbot_hrates) * hfactor(:kbot_hrates) * o3_line(:kbot_hrates) * esfact
+ qr_jo3b_tuvx(i,:kbot_hrates) = cpe_jo3b(i,:kbot_hrates) * hfactor(:kbot_hrates) * o3_line(:kbot_hrates) * esfact
+ else
+ call jlong( pver, sza, eff_alb, parg, tline, &
+ mw, o2_line, o3_line, colo3, qrl_col, &
+ cparg, kbot_hrates )
+ do m = 1,4
+ qrs(i,pver:1:-1,m) = qrs_col(:,m) * esfact
+ end do
+ do m = 2,4
+ qrl(i,:,m) = qrl_col(:,m) * esfact
+ end do
+ end if
call heuv( pver, sza, occ, o2cc, n2cc, &
o_line, o2_line, n2_line, cparg, mw, &
zarg, euv_hrate_col, kbot_hrates )
@@ -403,6 +471,8 @@ subroutine waccm_hrates(ncol, state, asdir, bot_mlt_lev, qrs_tot, pbuf )
write(iulog,*) '==================================='
co2_hrate(i,:kbot_hrates) = co2_hrate_col(:kbot_hrates) * esfact * daypsec
end if
end do column_loop
@@ -414,10 +484,23 @@ subroutine waccm_hrates(ncol, state, asdir, bot_mlt_lev, qrs_tot, pbuf )
call outfld( 'QRS_LO2B', qrl(:,:,2), ncol, lchnk )
call outfld( 'QRS_LO3A', qrl(:,:,3), ncol, lchnk )
call outfld( 'QRS_LO3B', qrl(:,:,4), ncol, lchnk )
call outfld( 'QRS_LO3', qrl(:,:,3)+qrl(:,:,4), ncol, lchnk )
call outfld( 'QRS_EUV', euv_hrate(:,:), ncol, lchnk )
call outfld( 'QRS_CO2NIR', co2_hrate(:,:), ncol, lchnk )
+ if (tuvx_active) then
+ call outfld( 'QRS_O2A_tuvx', qr_jo2a_tuvx(:ncol,:), ncol, lchnk )
+ call outfld( 'QRS_O2B_tuvx', qr_jo2b_tuvx(:ncol,:), ncol, lchnk )
+ call outfld( 'QRS_O3A_tuvx', qr_jo3a_tuvx(:ncol,:), ncol, lchnk )
+ call outfld( 'QRS_O3B_tuvx', qr_jo3b_tuvx(:ncol,:), ncol, lchnk )
+ else
+ call outfld( 'QRS_O2A_tabl', qrs(:,:,1)+qrl(:,:,1), ncol, lchnk )
+ call outfld( 'QRS_O2B_tabl', qrs(:,:,2)+qrl(:,:,2), ncol, lchnk )
+ call outfld( 'QRS_O3A_tabl', qrs(:,:,3)+qrl(:,:,3), ncol, lchnk )
+ call outfld( 'QRS_O3B_tabl', qrs(:,:,4)+qrl(:,:,4), ncol, lchnk )
+ endif
! ... chemical pot heating rate
@@ -436,7 +519,7 @@ subroutine waccm_hrates(ncol, state, asdir, bot_mlt_lev, qrs_tot, pbuf )
call outfld( 'QRS_AUR', aur_hrate(:,:), ncol, lchnk )
-! ... airglow heating rate
+! ... airglow heating rate -- for diagnostic output only within airglow
call airglow( aghrate, vmr(1,1,id_o2_1s), vmr(1,1,id_o2_1d), vmr(1,1,id_o1d), reaction_rates, cpair, &
ncol, lchnk )
@@ -444,11 +527,17 @@ subroutine waccm_hrates(ncol, state, asdir, bot_mlt_lev, qrs_tot, pbuf )
! ... form total heating rate
- do k = 1,kbot_hrates
- qrs_tot(:ncol,k) = qrs(:,k,1) + qrs(:,k,2) + qrs(:,k,3) + qrs(:,k,4) &
- + qrl(:,k,1) + qrl(:,k,2) + qrl(:,k,3) + qrl(:,k,4)
- end do
+ if (tuvx_active) then
+ qrs_tot(:ncol,:kbot_hrates) = qr_jo2a_tuvx(:ncol,:kbot_hrates) + qr_jo2b_tuvx(:ncol,:kbot_hrates) &
+ + qr_jo3a_tuvx(:ncol,:kbot_hrates) + qr_jo3b_tuvx(:ncol,:kbot_hrates)
+ else
+ do k = 1,kbot_hrates
+ qrs_tot(:ncol,k) = qrs(:,k,1) + qrs(:,k,2) + qrs(:,k,3) + qrs(:,k,4) &
+ + qrl(:,k,1) + qrl(:,k,2) + qrl(:,k,3) + qrl(:,k,4)
+ end do
+ end if
call outfld( 'QTHERMAL', qrs_tot, pcols, lchnk )
do k = 1,kbot_hrates
qrs_tot(:ncol,k) = qrs_tot(:ncol,k) &
+ cphrate(:,k) + euv_hrate(:,k) + aur_hrate(:,k) + co2_hrate(:,k)