Duende.IdentityModel is a .NET library for claims-based identity, OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect.
It provides an object model to interact with the endpoints defined in the various OAuth and OpenId Connect specifications in the form of:
- types to represent the requests and responses
- extension methods to invoke requests
- constants defined in the specifications, such as standard scope, claim, and parameter names
- other convenience methods for performing common identity related operations
Duende.IdentityModel targets .NET Standard 2.0, making it suitable for .NET and .NET Framework.
For more documentation, please see the
documentation site.
- Certified OIDC client library for native apps:
Duende.IdentityModel.OidcClient - Extensions for IdentityModel.OidcClient, including
DPoP support:
Duende.IdentityModel is released as open source under the Apache 2.0 license. Bug reports and contributions are welcome at the GitHub repository.