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IOTA Identity WASM

This is the alpha version of the official WASM bindings for IOTA Identity.

Install the library:

$ npm install @iota/identity-wasm
// or using yarn
$ yarn add @iota/identity-wasm

NodeJS Setup

const identity = require('@iota/identity-wasm/node')

// Generate a new KeyPair
const key = new identity.KeyPair(identity.KeyType.Ed25519)

// Create a new DID Document with the KeyPair as the default authentication method
const doc = identity.Document.fromKeyPair(key)

// Sign the DID Document with the sceret key

// Publish the DID Document to the IOTA Tangle
identity.publish(doc.toJSON(), { node: "" })
  .then((message) => {
    console.log("Tangle Message Id: ", message)
    console.log("Tangle Message Url", `${message}`)
  }).catch((error) => {
    console.error("Error: ", error)

Web Setup

The library loads the WASM file with an HTTP GET request, so the .wasm file must be copied to the root of the dist folder.


  • Install rollup-plugin-copy:
$ npm install rollup-plugin-copy --save-dev
// or using yarn
$ yarn add rollup-plugin-copy --dev
  • Add the copy plugin usage to the plugins array under rollup.config.js:
// Include the copy plugin
import copy from 'rollup-plugin-copy'

// Add the copy plugin to the `plugins` array of your rollup config:
  targets: [{
    src: 'node_modules/@iota/identity-wasm/web/identity_wasm_bg.wasm',
    dest: 'public',
    rename: 'identity_wasm_bg.wasm'


  • Install copy-webpack-plugin:
$ npm install copy-webpack-plugin --save-dev
// or using yarn
$ yarn add copy-webpack-plugin --dev
// Include the copy plugin
const CopyWebPlugin= require('copy-webpack-plugin');

// Add the copy plugin to the `plugins` array of your webpack config:

new CopyWebPlugin({
  patterns: [
      from: 'node_modules/@iota/identity-wasm/web/identity_wasm_bg.wasm',
      to: 'identity_wasm_bg.wasm'


import * as identity from "@iota/identity-wasm/web";

identity.init().then(() => {
  const key = new identity.KeyPair(identity.KeyType.Ed25519)
  const doc = identity.Document.fromKeyPair(key)
  console.log("Key Pair", key)
  console.log("DID Document: ", doc)

// or

(async () => {
  await identity.init()
  const key = new identity.KeyPair(identity.KeyType.Ed25519)
  const doc = identity.Document.fromKeyPair(key)
  console.log("Key Pair", key)
  console.log("DID Document: ", doc)

// Default path is "identity_wasm_bg.wasm", but you can override it like this
await identity.init("./static/identity_wasm_bg.wasm");

identity.init().then(<callback>) or await identity.init() is required to load the wasm file (from the server if not available, because of that it will only be slow for the first time)