diff --git a/Example/background.chr b/Example/background.chr
deleted file mode 100644
index b585044..0000000
Binary files a/Example/background.chr and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Example/example.cdl b/Example/example.cdl
deleted file mode 100644
index ca5ea44..0000000
Binary files a/Example/example.cdl and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Example/example.cfg b/Example/example.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 8342b4d..0000000
--- a/Example/example.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
- ZP: start = $00, size = $0100, type = rw, file = "";
- OAM: start = $0200, size = $0100, type = rw, file = "";
- RAM: start = $0300, size = $0500, type = rw, file = "";
- HDR: start = $0000, size = $0010, type = ro, file = %O, fill = yes, fillval = $00;
- PRG: start = $8000, size = $8000, type = ro, file = %O, fill = yes, fillval = $00;
- CHR: start = $0000, size = $2000, type = ro, file = %O, fill = yes, fillval = $00;
- ZEROPAGE: load = ZP, type = zp;
- OAM: load = OAM, type = bss, align = $100;
- BSS: load = RAM, type = bss;
- HEADER: load = HDR, type = ro;
- CODE: load = PRG, type = ro, start = $8000;
- RODATA: load = PRG, type = ro;
- VECTORS: load = PRG, type = ro, start = $FFFA;
- TILES: load = CHR, type = ro;
diff --git a/Example/example.nes b/Example/example.nes
deleted file mode 100644
index 9142792..0000000
Binary files a/Example/example.nes and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Example/example.nes.ram.nl b/Example/example.nes.ram.nl
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a951a9..0000000
--- a/Example/example.nes.ram.nl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/Example/example.o b/Example/example.o
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e36256..0000000
Binary files a/Example/example.o and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Example/example.s b/Example/example.s
deleted file mode 100644
index 80b2a3a..0000000
--- a/Example/example.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,785 +0,0 @@
-; example.s
-; Brad Smith (rainwarrior), 4/06/2014
-; http://rainwarrior.ca
-; This is intended as an introductory example to NES programming with ca65.
-; It covers the basic use of background, sprites, and the controller.
-; This does not demonstrate how to use sound.
-; This is not intended as a ready-made game. It is only a very minimal
-; playground to assist getting started in NES programming. The idea here is
-; to get you past the most difficult parts of a minimal NES program setup
-; so that you can experiment from an almost blank slate.
-; To use your own graphics, replace the two 4k tile banks provided.
-; They are named "background.chr" and "sprite.chr".
-; The reset and nmi routines are provided as a simple working example of
-; these things. Writing these from scratch is a more advanced topic, so they
-; will not be fully explained here.
-; Under "drawing utilities" are some very primitive routines for working
-; with the NES graphics. See the "main" section for examples of how to use them.
-; Finally at the bottom you will find the "main" section that provides
-; a small example program. A cursor is shown. Pressing the d-pad will move
-; - pressing the d-pad will move the cursor around the screen
-; - pressing B will draw a tile to the screen
-; - pressing A will draw several tiles to the screen
-; - pressing SELECT will reset the background
-; - holding START will demonstrate scrolling
-; Please note that this example code is intended to be simple, not necessarily
-; efficient. I have tried to avoid optimization in favour of easier to understand code.
-; You may notice some odd behaviour when using the A button around the edges of the screen.
-; I will leave it as an exercise for the curious to understand what is going on.
-; iNES header
-.segment "HEADER"
-INES_MIRROR = 1 ; 0 = horizontal mirroring, 1 = vertical mirroring
-INES_SRAM = 0 ; 1 = battery backed SRAM at $6000-7FFF
-.byte 'N', 'E', 'S', $1A ; ID
-.byte $02 ; 16k PRG chunk count
-.byte $01 ; 8k CHR chunk count
-.byte INES_MIRROR | (INES_SRAM << 1) | ((INES_MAPPER & $f) << 4)
-.byte (INES_MAPPER & %11110000)
-.byte $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0, $0 ; padding
-.segment "TILES"
-.incbin "background.chr"
-.incbin "sprite.chr"
-; vectors placed at top 6 bytes of memory area
-.segment "VECTORS"
-.word nmi
-.word reset
-.word irq
-; reset routine
-.segment "CODE"
- sei ; mask interrupts
- lda #0
- sta $2000 ; disable NMI
- sta $2001 ; disable rendering
- sta $4015 ; disable APU sound
- sta $4010 ; disable DMC IRQ
- lda #$40
- sta $4017 ; disable APU IRQ
- cld ; disable decimal mode
- ldx #$FF
- txs ; initialize stack
- ; wait for first vblank
- bit $2002
- :
- bit $2002
- bpl :-
- ; clear all RAM to 0
- lda #0
- ldx #0
- :
- sta $0000, X
- sta $0100, X
- sta $0200, X
- sta $0300, X
- sta $0400, X
- sta $0500, X
- sta $0600, X
- sta $0700, X
- inx
- bne :-
- ; place all sprites offscreen at Y=255
- lda #255
- ldx #0
- :
- sta oam, X
- inx
- inx
- inx
- inx
- bne :-
- ; wait for second vblank
- :
- bit $2002
- bpl :-
- ; NES is initialized, ready to begin!
- ; enable the NMI for graphical updates, and jump to our main program
- lda #%10001000
- sta $2000
- jmp main
-; nmi routine
-.segment "ZEROPAGE"
-nmi_lock: .res 1 ; prevents NMI re-entry
-nmi_count: .res 1 ; is incremented every NMI
-nmi_ready: .res 1 ; set to 1 to push a PPU frame update, 2 to turn rendering off next NMI
-nmt_update_len: .res 1 ; number of bytes in nmt_update buffer
-scroll_x: .res 1 ; x scroll position
-scroll_y: .res 1 ; y scroll position
-scroll_nmt: .res 1 ; nametable select (0-3 = $2000,$2400,$2800,$2C00)
-temp: .res 1 ; temporary variable
-.segment "BSS"
-nmt_update: .res 256 ; nametable update entry buffer for PPU update
-palette: .res 32 ; palette buffer for PPU update
-.segment "OAM"
-oam: .res 256 ; sprite OAM data to be uploaded by DMA
-.segment "CODE"
- ; save registers
- pha
- txa
- pha
- tya
- pha
- ; prevent NMI re-entry
- lda nmi_lock
- beq :+
- jmp @nmi_end
- :
- lda #1
- sta nmi_lock
- ; increment frame counter
- inc nmi_count
- ;
- lda nmi_ready
- bne :+ ; nmi_ready == 0 not ready to update PPU
- jmp @ppu_update_end
- :
- cmp #2 ; nmi_ready == 2 turns rendering off
- bne :+
- lda #%00000000
- sta $2001
- ldx #0
- stx nmi_ready
- jmp @ppu_update_end
- :
- ; sprite OAM DMA
- ldx #0
- stx $2003
- lda #>oam
- sta $4014
- ; palettes
- lda #%10001000
- sta $2000 ; set horizontal nametable increment
- lda $2002
- lda #$3F
- sta $2006
- stx $2006 ; set PPU address to $3F00
- ldx #0
- :
- lda palette, X
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #32
- bcc :-
- ; nametable update
- ldx #0
- cpx nmt_update_len
- bcs @scroll
- @nmt_update_loop:
- lda nmt_update, X
- sta $2006
- inx
- lda nmt_update, X
- sta $2006
- inx
- lda nmt_update, X
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx nmt_update_len
- bcc @nmt_update_loop
- lda #0
- sta nmt_update_len
- lda scroll_nmt
- and #%00000011 ; keep only lowest 2 bits to prevent error
- ora #%10001000
- sta $2000
- lda scroll_x
- sta $2005
- lda scroll_y
- sta $2005
- ; enable rendering
- lda #%00011110
- sta $2001
- ; flag PPU update complete
- ldx #0
- stx nmi_ready
- ; if this engine had music/sound, this would be a good place to play it
- ; unlock re-entry flag
- lda #0
- sta nmi_lock
- ; restore registers and return
- pla
- tay
- pla
- tax
- pla
- rti
-; irq
-.segment "CODE"
- rti
-; drawing utilities
-.segment "CODE"
-; ppu_update: waits until next NMI, turns rendering on (if not already), uploads OAM, palette, and nametable update to PPU
- lda #1
- sta nmi_ready
- :
- lda nmi_ready
- bne :-
- rts
-; ppu_skip: waits until next NMI, does not update PPU
- lda nmi_count
- :
- cmp nmi_count
- beq :-
- rts
-; ppu_off: waits until next NMI, turns rendering off (now safe to write PPU directly via $2007)
- lda #2
- sta nmi_ready
- :
- lda nmi_ready
- bne :-
- rts
-; ppu_address_tile: use with rendering off, sets memory address to tile at X/Y, ready for a $2007 write
-; Y = 0- 31 nametable $2000
-; Y = 32- 63 nametable $2400
-; Y = 64- 95 nametable $2800
-; Y = 96-127 nametable $2C00
- lda $2002 ; reset latch
- tya
- lsr
- lsr
- lsr
- ora #$20 ; high bits of Y + $20
- sta $2006
- tya
- asl
- asl
- asl
- asl
- asl
- sta temp
- txa
- ora temp
- sta $2006 ; low bits of Y + X
- rts
-; ppu_update_tile: can be used with rendering on, sets the tile at X/Y to tile A next time you call ppu_update
- pha ; temporarily store A on stack
- txa
- pha ; temporarily store X on stack
- ldx nmt_update_len
- tya
- lsr
- lsr
- lsr
- ora #$20 ; high bits of Y + $20
- sta nmt_update, X
- inx
- tya
- asl
- asl
- asl
- asl
- asl
- sta temp
- pla ; recover X value (but put in A)
- ora temp
- sta nmt_update, X
- inx
- pla ; recover A value (tile)
- sta nmt_update, X
- inx
- stx nmt_update_len
- rts
-; ppu_update_byte: like ppu_update_tile, but X/Y makes the high/low bytes of the PPU address to write
-; this may be useful for updating attribute tiles
- pha ; temporarily store A on stack
- tya
- pha ; temporarily store Y on stack
- ldy nmt_update_len
- txa
- sta nmt_update, Y
- iny
- pla ; recover Y value (but put in Y)
- sta nmt_update, Y
- iny
- pla ; recover A value (byte)
- sta nmt_update, Y
- iny
- sty nmt_update_len
- rts
-; gamepad
-PAD_A = $01
-PAD_B = $02
-PAD_START = $08
-PAD_U = $10
-PAD_D = $20
-PAD_L = $40
-PAD_R = $80
-.segment "ZEROPAGE"
-gamepad: .res 1
-.segment "CODE"
-; gamepad_poll: this reads the gamepad state into the variable labelled "gamepad"
-; This only reads the first gamepad, and also if DPCM samples are played they can
-; conflict with gamepad reading, which may give incorrect results.
- ; strobe the gamepad to latch current button state
- lda #1
- sta $4016
- lda #0
- sta $4016
- ; read 8 bytes from the interface at $4016
- ldx #8
- :
- pha
- lda $4016
- ; combine low two bits and store in carry bit
- and #%00000011
- cmp #%00000001
- pla
- ; rotate carry into gamepad variable
- ror
- dex
- bne :-
- sta gamepad
- rts
-; main
-.segment "RODATA"
-.byte $0F,$15,$26,$37 ; bg0 purple/pink
-.byte $0F,$09,$19,$29 ; bg1 green
-.byte $0F,$01,$11,$21 ; bg2 blue
-.byte $0F,$00,$10,$30 ; bg3 greyscale
-.byte $0F,$18,$28,$38 ; sp0 yellow
-.byte $0F,$14,$24,$34 ; sp1 purple
-.byte $0F,$1B,$2B,$3B ; sp2 teal
-.byte $0F,$12,$22,$32 ; sp3 marine
-.segment "ZEROPAGE"
-cursor_x: .res 1
-cursor_y: .res 1
-temp_x: .res 1
-temp_y: .res 1
-.segment "CODE"
- ; setup
- ldx #0
- :
- lda example_palette, X
- sta palette, X
- inx
- cpx #32
- bcc :-
- jsr setup_background
- ; center the cursor
- lda #128
- sta cursor_x
- lda #120
- sta cursor_y
- ; show the screen
- jsr draw_cursor
- jsr ppu_update
- ; main loop
- ; read gamepad
- jsr gamepad_poll
- ; respond to gamepad state
- lda gamepad
- and #PAD_START
- beq :+
- jsr push_start
- jmp @draw ; start trumps everything, don't check other buttons
- :
- jsr release_start ; releasing start restores scroll
- lda gamepad
- and #PAD_U
- beq :+
- jsr push_u
- :
- lda gamepad
- and #PAD_D
- beq :+
- jsr push_d
- :
- lda gamepad
- and #PAD_L
- beq :+
- jsr push_l
- :
- lda gamepad
- and #PAD_R
- beq :+
- jsr push_r
- :
- lda gamepad
- beq :+
- jsr push_select
- :
- lda gamepad
- and #PAD_B
- beq :+
- jsr push_b
- :
- lda gamepad
- and #PAD_A
- beq :+
- jsr push_a
- :
- ; draw everything and finish the frame
- jsr draw_cursor
- jsr ppu_update
- ; keep doing this forever!
- jmp @loop
- dec cursor_y
- ; Y wraps at 240
- lda cursor_y
- cmp #240
- bcc :+
- lda #239
- sta cursor_y
- :
- rts
- inc cursor_y
- ; Y wraps at 240
- lda cursor_y
- cmp #240
- bcc :+
- lda #0
- sta cursor_y
- :
- rts
- dec cursor_x
- rts
- inc cursor_x
- rts
- ; turn off rendering so we can manually update entire nametable
- jsr ppu_off
- jsr setup_background
- ; wait for user to release select before continuing
- :
- jsr gamepad_poll
- lda gamepad
- bne :-
- rts
- inc scroll_x
- inc scroll_y
- ; Y wraps at 240
- lda scroll_y
- cmp #240
- bcc :+
- lda #0
- sta scroll_y
- :
- ; when X rolls over, toggle the high bit of nametable select
- lda scroll_x
- bne :+
- lda scroll_nmt
- eor #$01
- sta scroll_nmt
- :
- rts
- lda #0
- sta scroll_x
- sta scroll_y
- sta scroll_nmt
- rts
- jsr snap_cursor
- lda cursor_x
- lsr
- lsr
- lsr
- tax ; X = cursor_x / 8
- lda cursor_y
- lsr
- lsr
- lsr
- tay ; Y = cursor_y / 8
- lda #4
- jsr ppu_update_tile ; puts tile 4 at X/Y
- rts
- jsr snap_cursor
- lda cursor_x
- lsr
- lsr
- lsr
- sta temp_x ; cursor_x / 8
- lda cursor_y
- lsr
- lsr
- lsr
- sta temp_y ; cursor_y / 8
- ; draw a ring of 8 tiles around the cursor
- dec temp_x ; x-1
- dec temp_y ; y-1
- ldx temp_x
- ldy temp_y
- lda #5
- jsr ppu_update_tile
- inc temp_x ; x
- ldx temp_x
- ldy temp_y
- lda #6
- jsr ppu_update_tile
- inc temp_x ; x+1
- ldx temp_x
- ldy temp_y
- lda #5
- jsr ppu_update_tile
- dec temp_x
- dec temp_x ; x-1
- inc temp_y ; y
- ldx temp_x
- ldy temp_y
- lda #6
- jsr ppu_update_tile
- inc temp_x
- inc temp_x ; x+1
- ldx temp_x
- ldy temp_y
- lda #6
- jsr ppu_update_tile
- dec temp_x
- dec temp_x ; x-1
- inc temp_y ; y+1
- ldx temp_x
- ldy temp_y
- lda #5
- jsr ppu_update_tile
- inc temp_x ; x
- ldx temp_x
- ldy temp_y
- lda #6
- jsr ppu_update_tile
- inc temp_x ; x+1
- ldx temp_x
- ldy temp_y
- lda #5
- jsr ppu_update_tile
- rts
-; snap_cursor: snap cursor to nearest tile
- lda cursor_x
- clc
- adc #4
- and #$F8
- sta cursor_x
- lda cursor_y
- clc
- adc #4
- and #$F8
- sta cursor_y
- ; Y wraps at 240
- cmp #240
- bcc :+
- lda #0
- sta cursor_y
- :
- rts
- ; four sprites centred around the currently selected tile
- ; y position (note, needs to be one line higher than sprite's appearance)
- lda cursor_y
- sec
- sbc #5 ; Y-5
- sta oam+(0*4)+0
- sta oam+(1*4)+0
- lda cursor_y
- clc
- adc #3 ; Y+3
- sta oam+(2*4)+0
- sta oam+(3*4)+0
- ; tile
- lda #1
- sta oam+(0*4)+1
- sta oam+(1*4)+1
- sta oam+(2*4)+1
- sta oam+(3*4)+1
- ; attributes
- lda #%00000000 ; no flip
- sta oam+(0*4)+2
- lda #%01000000 ; horizontal flip
- sta oam+(1*4)+2
- lda #%10000000 ; vertical flip
- sta oam+(2*4)+2
- lda #%11000000 ; both flip
- sta oam+(3*4)+2
- ; x position
- lda cursor_x
- sec
- sbc #4 ; X-4
- sta oam+(0*4)+3
- sta oam+(2*4)+3
- lda cursor_x
- clc
- adc #4 ; X+4
- sta oam+(1*4)+3
- sta oam+(3*4)+3
- rts
- ; first nametable, start by clearing to empty
- lda $2002 ; reset latch
- lda #$20
- sta $2006
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
- ; empty nametable
- lda #0
- ldy #30 ; 30 rows
- :
- ldx #32 ; 32 columns
- :
- sta $2007
- dex
- bne :-
- dey
- bne :--
- ; set all attributes to 0
- ldx #64 ; 64 bytes
- :
- sta $2007
- dex
- bne :-
- ; fill in an area in the middle with 1/2 checkerboard
- lda #1
- ldy #8 ; start at row 8
- :
- pha ; temporarily store A, it will be clobbered by ppu_address_tile routine
- ldx #8 ; start at column 8
- jsr ppu_address_tile
- pla ; recover A
- ; write a line of checkerboard
- ldx #8
- :
- sta $2007
- eor #$3
- inx
- cpx #(32-8)
- bcc :-
- eor #$3
- iny
- cpy #(30-8)
- bcc :--
- ; second nametable, fill with simple pattern
- lda #$24
- sta $2006
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
- lda #$00
- ldy #30
- :
- ldx #32
- :
- sta $2007
- clc
- adc #1
- and #3
- dex
- bne :-
- clc
- adc #1
- and #3
- dey
- bne :--
- ; 4 stripes of attribute
- lda #0
- ldy #4
- :
- ldx #16
- :
- sta $2007
- dex
- bne :-
- clc
- adc #%01010101
- dey
- bne :--
- rts
-; end of file
diff --git a/Example/sprite.chr b/Example/sprite.chr
deleted file mode 100644
index 67620e9..0000000
Binary files a/Example/sprite.chr and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/Tic-Tac-Toe.nes b/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/Tic-Tac-Toe.nes
deleted file mode 100644
index c3c20ed..0000000
Binary files a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/Tic-Tac-Toe.nes and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/board.nam b/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/board.nam
deleted file mode 100644
index fb73190..0000000
Binary files a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/board.nam and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/final.nam b/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/final.nam
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ef8296..0000000
Binary files a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/final.nam and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/graphics.chr b/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/graphics.chr
deleted file mode 100644
index eb839a7..0000000
Binary files a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/graphics.chr and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/main.asm b/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/main.asm
deleted file mode 100644
index c9225d5..0000000
--- a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/main.asm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4644 +0,0 @@
-a_punch = $01
-b_punch = $02
-select_punch = $04
-start_punch = $08
-up_punch = $10
-down_punch = $20
-left_punch = $40
-right_punch = $80
-sprite = $200
-sprite1 = $204
-sprite2 = $208
-sprite3 = $20c
-sprite4 = $210
-sprite5 = $214
-sprite6 = $218
-sprite7 = $21c
-sprite8 = $220
-sprite9 = $224
-sprite10 = $228
-init = $898a
-play = $8977
-.segment "ZEROPAGE"
-control_pad: .res 1
-control_old: .res 1
-control_pad2: .res 1
-control_old2: .res 1
-game_start: .res 1
-whose_turn: .res 1
-stopleft: .res 1
-stop: .res 1
-stopright: .res 1
-sleft: .res 1
-smiddle: .res 1
-sright: .res 1
-sbottomleft: .res 1
-sbottom: .res 1
-sbottomright: .res 1
-xtopleft: .res 1
-xtop: .res 1
-xtopright: .res 1
-xleft: .res 1
-xmiddle: .res 1
-xright: .res 1
-xbottomleft: .res 1
-xbottom: .res 1
-xbottomright: .res 1
-otopleft: .res 1
-otop: .res 1
-otopright: .res 1
-oleft: .res 1
-omiddle: .res 1
-oright: .res 1
-obottomleft: .res 1
-obottom: .res 1
-obottomright: .res 1
-atopleft: .res 1
-atop: .res 1
-atopright: .res 1
-aleft: .res 1
-amiddle: .res 1
-aright: .res 1
-abottomleft: .res 1
-abottom: .res 1
-abottomright: .res 1
-stalecount: .res 1
-extra_turn: .res 1
-switch_to_x: .res 1
-clear_horiz: .res 1
-clear_vert: .res 1
-player_won: .res 1
-move_count: .res 1
-diag_win: .res 1
-horiz_win: .res 1
-vert_win: .res 1
-doing_item3: .res 1
-doing_item4: .res 1
-inc_win: .res 1
-no_control: .res 1
-comp_think: .res 1
-comp_think2: .res 1
-title_select: .res 1
-instr_hold: .res 1
-instr_hold2: .res 1
-instr_switch: .res 1
-instr_switch2:.res 1
-cant_see_hidden: .res 1
-.segment "CODE"
-.incbin "ttxo.nsf"
- sei
- ldx #$00
- stx $4015
- ldx #$40
- stx $4017
- ldx #$ff
- txs
- inx
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- txa
- sta $000,x
- sta $100,x
- sta $200,x
- sta $300,x
- sta $400,x
- sta $500,x
- sta $600,x
- sta $700,x
- inx
- bne clrmem
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- ldx #$ff
- txs
- lda #$00 ; turn off PPU
- sta $2000
- sta $2001
-; lda #$00 ; Sprites
-; ldx #$00
-;: sta sprite, x
-; inx
-; bne :-
- lda #$3F ; Load palette
- ldx #$00
- sta $2006
- stx $2006
-: lda palette,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$20
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta no_control
- lda #$00 ; turn off PPU
- sta $2000
- sta $2001
- ldy #$00 ; load title screen
- ldx #$04
- lda #
- sta $11
- lda #$20
- sta $2006
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
-: lda ($10),y
- sta $2007
- iny
- bne :-
- inc $11
- dex
- bne :-
- jsr PPU_no_sprites
- jsr PPU_with_sprites
- ldx #$30
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- dex
- bne wait_for_tune
- ;lda #$0 ; Load song 1
- ;ldx #$00
- ;jsr init
- ;lda #%10000000
- ;sta $2000
- lda #$01
- sta whose_turn
-hold_title: ; YOU ARE HERE
- lda title_select
- cmp #$01
- bne keep_holding_title
- ;jmp instructions0
- lda game_start
- cmp #$01
- bne hold_title
- lda #$01
- sta cant_see_hidden
- lda #$00 ; turn off PPU
- sta $2000
- sta $2001
- sta no_control
- ldy #$00 ; load game screen
- ldx #$04
- lda #board
- sta $11
- lda #$20
- sta $2006
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
-: lda ($10),y
- sta $2007
- iny
- bne :-
- inc $11
- dex
- bne :-
-; jsr PPU_no_sprites
- jsr PPU_with_sprites
- ;lda #$1 ; Load song 2
- ;ldx #$00
- ;jsr init
- ;lda #%10000000
- ;sta $2000
- ;lda #$00 ; Load 0 in game_start so the sound
- ;sta game_start ; effects won't trigger through buttons
- ;ldx #$60 ; Kill a bit of time before the sprites
-wait_it_out: ; get loaded. Raise X above wait_it_out
-: bit $2002 ; to waste more time. Use vblank to do
- bpl :- ; this. Decrement X and loop until X
- dex ; is at zero.
- bne wait_it_out
- lda #$01 ; Set game_start back to 1 so the
- sta game_start ; sound effects will work w/ controls.
- ldx #$0 ; Pull in bytes for sprites and their
-: lda the_sprites,x ; attributes which are stored in
- sta sprite,x ; the_sprites. Use X as an index
- inx ; to load and store each byte, which
- cpx #$2c ; get stored starting in $200, where
- bne :- ; 'sprite' is located at.
- ;lda #$2 ; Load song 3
- ;ldx #$00
- ;jsr init
- ;lda #%10000000
- ;sta $2000
- lda #$01
- sta stopleft
- sta stop
- sta stopright
- sta sright
- sta smiddle
- sta sleft
- sta sbottomleft
- sta sbottom
- sta sbottomright
- lda #$01
- sta atopleft
- sta atop
- sta atopright
- sta aright
- sta amiddle
- sta aleft
- sta abottomleft
- sta abottom
- sta abottomright
- lda #$00
- sta xtopleft
- sta xtop
- sta xtopright
- sta xleft
- sta xmiddle
- sta xright
- sta xbottomleft
- sta xbottom
- sta xbottomright
- lda #$00
- sta otopleft
- sta otop
- sta otopright
- sta oleft
- sta omiddle
- sta oright
- sta obottomleft
- sta obottom
- sta obottomright
- sta player_won
- sta move_count
- lda stalecount
- cmp #$03
- bne test_diag
- lda #$01
- sta extra_turn
- lda #$30
- sta sprite3+1
- lda diag_win
- cmp #$02
- bne test_horiz
- lda #$01
- sta switch_to_x
- lda #$30
- sta sprite5+1
- lda horiz_win
- cmp #$02
- bne test_vert
- lda #$01
- sta clear_horiz
- lda #$30
- sta sprite7+1
- lda vert_win
- cmp #$02
- bne wait_turn
- lda #$01
- sta clear_vert
- lda #$30
- sta sprite9+1
- lda move_count
- cmp #$09
- bne still_playing
- jsr PPU_no_sprites
- jmp end_computer
- lda whose_turn
- cmp #$00
- bne wait_turn
- jsr PPU_no_sprites
- lda otop
- beq pattern1_second
- lda otopright
- beq pattern1_second
- lda aleft
- beq pattern1_second
- lda amiddle
- beq pattern1_second
- lda aright
- beq pattern1_second
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern1_second
- lda abottom
- beq pattern1_second
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern1_second
- lda stopleft
- beq pattern1_second
- jsr comp_topleft
- jmp computer_win
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern1_third
- lda atop
- beq pattern1_third
- lda aleft
- beq pattern1_third
- lda amiddle
- beq pattern1_third
- lda oright
- beq pattern1_third
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern1_third
- lda abottom
- beq pattern1_third
- lda obottomright
- beq pattern1_third
- lda stopright
- beq pattern1_third
- jsr comp_topright
- jmp computer_win
-pattern1_third: ; CHECK
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern1_fourth
- lda atop
- beq pattern1_fourth
- lda atopright
- beq pattern1_fourth
- lda aleft
- beq pattern1_fourth
- lda amiddle
- beq pattern1_fourth
- lda aright
- beq pattern1_fourth
- lda obottomleft
- beq pattern1_fourth
- lda obottom
- beq pattern1_fourth
- lda sbottomright
- beq pattern1_fourth
- jsr comp_bottomright
- jmp computer_win
-pattern1_fourth: ; CHECK
- lda otopleft
- beq pattern2_first
- lda atop
- beq pattern2_first
- lda atopright
- beq pattern2_first
- lda oleft
- beq pattern2_first
- lda amiddle
- beq pattern2_first
- lda aright
- beq pattern2_first
- lda abottom
- beq pattern2_first
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern2_first
- lda sbottomleft
- beq pattern2_first
- jsr comp_bottomleft
- jmp computer_win
-pattern2_first: ; PATTERN 2-1 LOOKS GOOD ROB!!!
- lda atop
- beq pattern2_second
- lda atopright
- beq pattern2_second
- lda oleft
- beq pattern2_second
- lda amiddle
- beq pattern2_second
- lda aright
- beq pattern2_second
- lda obottomleft
- beq pattern2_second
- lda abottom
- beq pattern2_second
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern2_second
- lda stopleft
- beq pattern2_second
- jsr comp_topleft
- jmp computer_win
- lda otopleft
- beq pattern2_third
- lda otop
- beq pattern2_third
- lda aleft
- beq pattern2_third
- lda amiddle
- beq pattern2_third
- lda aright
- beq pattern2_third
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern2_third
- lda abottom
- beq pattern2_third
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern2_third
- lda stopright
- beq pattern2_third
- jsr comp_topright
- jmp computer_win
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern2_fourth
- lda atop
- beq pattern2_fourth
- lda otopright
- beq pattern2_fourth
- lda aleft
- beq pattern2_fourth
- lda amiddle
- beq pattern2_fourth
- lda oright
- beq pattern2_fourth
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern2_fourth
- lda abottom
- beq pattern2_fourth
- lda sbottomright
- beq pattern2_fourth
- jsr comp_bottomright
- jmp computer_win
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern3_first
- lda atop
- beq pattern3_first
- lda atopright
- beq pattern3_first
- lda aleft
- beq pattern3_first
- lda amiddle
- beq pattern3_first
- lda aright
- beq pattern3_first
- lda obottom
- beq pattern3_first
- lda obottomright
- beq pattern3_first
- lda sbottomleft
- beq pattern3_first
- jsr comp_bottomleft
- jmp computer_win
-pattern3_first: ; ALL OF PATTERN 3 LOOKS GOOD ROB!!!
- lda atop
- beq pattern3_second
- lda atopright
- beq pattern3_second
- lda aleft
- beq pattern3_second
- lda omiddle
- beq pattern3_second
- lda aright
- beq pattern3_second
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern3_second
- lda abottom
- beq pattern3_second
- lda obottomright
- beq pattern3_second
- lda stopleft
- beq pattern3_second
- jsr comp_topleft
- jmp computer_win
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern3_third
- lda atop
- beq pattern3_third
- lda aleft
- beq pattern3_third
- lda omiddle
- beq pattern3_third
- lda aright
- beq pattern3_third
- lda obottomleft
- beq pattern3_third
- lda abottom
- beq pattern3_third
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern3_third
- lda stopright
- beq pattern3_third
- jsr comp_topright
- jmp computer_win
- lda otopleft
- beq pattern3_fourth
- lda atop
- beq pattern3_fourth
- lda atopright
- beq pattern3_fourth
- lda aleft
- beq pattern3_fourth
- lda omiddle
- beq pattern3_fourth
- lda aright
- beq pattern3_fourth
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern3_fourth
- lda abottom
- beq pattern3_fourth
- lda sbottomright
- beq pattern3_fourth
- jsr comp_bottomright
- jmp computer_win
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern4_first
- lda atop
- beq pattern4_first
- lda otopright
- beq pattern4_first
- lda aleft
- beq pattern4_first
- lda omiddle
- beq pattern4_first
- lda aright
- beq pattern4_first
- lda abottom
- beq pattern4_first
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern4_first
- lda sbottomleft
- beq pattern4_first
- jsr comp_bottomleft
- jmp computer_win
-pattern4_first: ; ALL OF PATTERN 4 LOOKS GOOD ROB!!!
- lda otopleft
- beq pattern4_second
- lda otopright
- beq pattern4_second
- lda aleft
- beq pattern4_second
- lda amiddle
- beq pattern4_second
- lda aright
- beq pattern4_second
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern4_second
- lda abottom
- beq pattern4_second
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern4_second
- lda stop
- beq pattern4_second
- jsr comp_top
- jmp computer_win
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern4_third
- lda atop
- beq pattern4_third
- lda otopright
- beq pattern4_third
- lda aleft
- beq pattern4_third
- lda amiddle
- beq pattern4_third
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern4_third
- lda abottom
- beq pattern4_third
- lda obottomright
- beq pattern4_third
- lda sright
- beq pattern4_third
- jsr comp_right
- jmp computer_win
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern4_fourth
- lda atop
- beq pattern4_fourth
- lda atopright
- beq pattern4_fourth
- lda aleft
- beq pattern4_fourth
- lda amiddle
- beq pattern4_fourth
- lda aright
- beq pattern4_fourth
- lda obottomleft
- beq pattern4_fourth
- lda obottomright
- beq pattern4_fourth
- lda sbottom
- beq pattern4_fourth
- jsr comp_bottom
- jmp computer_win
- lda otopleft
- beq pattern5_first
- lda atop
- beq pattern5_first
- lda atopright
- beq pattern5_first
- lda amiddle
- beq pattern5_first
- lda aright
- beq pattern5_first
- lda obottomleft
- beq pattern5_first
- lda abottom
- beq pattern5_first
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern5_first
- lda sleft
- beq pattern5_first
- jsr comp_left
- jmp computer_win
-pattern5_first: ; ALL OF PATTERN 5 LOOKS GOOD ROB!!!
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern5_second
- lda atopright
- beq pattern5_second
- lda aleft
- beq pattern5_second
- lda omiddle
- beq pattern5_second
- lda aright
- beq pattern5_second
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern5_second
- lda obottom
- beq pattern5_second
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern5_second
- lda stop
- beq pattern5_second
- jsr comp_top
- jmp computer_win
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern5_third
- lda atop
- beq pattern5_third
- lda atopright
- beq pattern5_third
- lda omiddle
- beq pattern5_third
- lda oleft
- beq pattern5_third
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern5_third
- lda abottom
- beq pattern5_third
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern5_third
- lda sright
- beq pattern5_third
- jsr comp_right
- jmp computer_win
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern5_fourth
- lda atopright
- beq pattern5_fourth
- lda aleft
- beq pattern5_fourth
- lda omiddle
- beq pattern5_fourth
- lda otop
- beq pattern5_fourth
- lda aright
- beq pattern5_fourth
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern5_fourth
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern5_fourth
- lda sbottom
- beq pattern5_fourth
- jsr comp_bottom
- jmp computer_win
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern_extra_first
- lda atop
- beq pattern_extra_first
- lda atopright
- beq pattern_extra_first
- lda omiddle
- beq pattern_extra_first
- lda oright
- beq pattern_extra_first
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern_extra_first
- lda abottom
- beq pattern_extra_first
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern_extra_first
- lda sleft
- beq pattern_extra_first
- jsr comp_left
- jmp computer_win
- lda otopleft
- beq pattern_extra_second
- lda atop
- beq pattern_extra_second
- lda atopright
- beq pattern_extra_second
- lda aleft
- beq pattern_extra_second
- lda aright
- beq pattern_extra_second
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern_extra_second
- lda abottom
- beq pattern_extra_second
- lda obottomright
- beq pattern_extra_second
- lda smiddle
- beq pattern_extra_second
- jsr comp_middle
- jmp computer_win
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern_extra_third
- lda atop
- beq pattern_extra_third
- lda otopright
- beq pattern_extra_third
- lda aleft
- beq pattern_extra_third
- lda aright
- beq pattern_extra_third
- lda obottomleft
- beq pattern_extra_third
- lda abottom
- beq pattern_extra_third
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern_extra_third
- lda smiddle
- beq pattern_extra_third
- jsr comp_middle
- jmp computer_win
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern_extra_fourth
- lda otop
- beq pattern_extra_fourth
- lda atopright
- beq pattern_extra_fourth
- lda aleft
- beq pattern_extra_fourth
- lda aright
- beq pattern_extra_fourth
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern_extra_fourth
- lda obottom
- beq pattern_extra_fourth
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern_extra_fourth
- lda smiddle
- beq pattern_extra_fourth
- jsr comp_middle
- jmp computer_win
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern6_first
- lda atop
- beq pattern6_first
- lda atopright
- beq pattern6_first
- lda oleft
- beq pattern6_first
- lda oright
- beq pattern6_first
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern6_first
- lda abottom
- beq pattern6_first
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern6_first
- lda smiddle
- beq pattern6_first
- jsr comp_middle
- jmp computer_win
- lda xtop
- beq pattern6_second
- lda xtopright
- beq pattern6_second
- lda aleft
- beq pattern6_second
- lda amiddle
- beq pattern6_second
- lda aright
- beq pattern6_second
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern6_second
- lda abottom
- beq pattern6_second
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern6_second
- lda stopleft
- beq pattern6_second
- jsr comp_topleft
- jmp wait_turn
-pattern6_second: ; CHECK
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern6_third
- lda atop
- beq pattern6_third
- lda aleft
- beq pattern6_third
- lda amiddle
- beq pattern6_third
- lda xright
- beq pattern6_third
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern6_third
- lda abottom
- beq pattern6_third
- lda xbottomright
- beq pattern6_third
- lda stopright
- beq pattern6_third
- jsr comp_topright
- jmp wait_turn
-pattern6_third: ; CHECK
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern6_fourth
- lda atop
- beq pattern6_fourth
- lda atopright
- beq pattern6_fourth
- lda aleft
- beq pattern6_fourth
- lda amiddle
- beq pattern6_fourth
- lda aright
- beq pattern6_fourth
- lda xbottomleft
- beq pattern6_fourth
- lda xbottom
- beq pattern6_fourth
- lda sbottomright
- beq pattern6_fourth
- jsr comp_bottomright
- jmp wait_turn
-pattern6_fourth: ; CHECK
- lda xtopleft
- beq pattern7_first
- lda atop
- beq pattern7_first
- lda atopright
- beq pattern7_first
- lda xleft
- beq pattern7_first
- lda amiddle
- beq pattern7_first
- lda aright
- beq pattern7_first
- lda abottom
- beq pattern7_first
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern7_first
- lda sbottomleft
- beq pattern7_first
- jsr comp_bottomleft
- jmp wait_turn
-pattern7_first: ; PATTERN 2-1 LOOKS GOOD ROB!!!
- lda atop
- beq pattern7_second
- lda atopright
- beq pattern7_second
- lda xleft
- beq pattern7_second
- lda amiddle
- beq pattern7_second
- lda aright
- beq pattern7_second
- lda xbottomleft
- beq pattern7_second
- lda abottom
- beq pattern7_second
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern7_second
- lda stopleft
- beq pattern7_second
- jsr comp_topleft
- jmp wait_turn
- lda xtopleft
- beq pattern7_third
- lda xtop
- beq pattern7_third
- lda aleft
- beq pattern7_third
- lda amiddle
- beq pattern7_third
- lda aright
- beq pattern7_third
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern7_third
- lda abottom
- beq pattern7_third
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern7_third
- lda stopright
- beq pattern7_third
- jsr comp_topright
- jmp wait_turn
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern7_fourth
- lda atop
- beq pattern7_fourth
- lda xtopright
- beq pattern7_fourth
- lda aleft
- beq pattern7_fourth
- lda amiddle
- beq pattern7_fourth
- lda xright
- beq pattern7_fourth
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern7_fourth
- lda abottom
- beq pattern7_fourth
- lda sbottomright
- beq pattern7_fourth
- jsr comp_bottomright
- jmp wait_turn
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern8_first
- lda atop
- beq pattern8_first
- lda atopright
- beq pattern8_first
- lda aleft
- beq pattern8_first
- lda amiddle
- beq pattern8_first
- lda aright
- beq pattern8_first
- lda xbottom
- beq pattern8_first
- lda xbottomright
- beq pattern8_first
- lda sbottomleft
- beq pattern8_first
- jsr comp_bottomleft
- jmp wait_turn
-pattern8_first: ; ALL OF PATTERN 3 LOOKS GOOD ROB!!!
- lda atop
- beq pattern8_second
- lda atopright
- beq pattern8_second
- lda aleft
- beq pattern8_second
- lda xmiddle
- beq pattern8_second
- lda aright
- beq pattern8_second
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern8_second
- lda abottom
- beq pattern8_second
- lda xbottomright
- beq pattern8_second
- lda stopleft
- beq pattern8_second
- jsr comp_topleft
- jmp wait_turn
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern8_third
- lda atop
- beq pattern8_third
- lda aleft
- beq pattern8_third
- lda xmiddle
- beq pattern8_third
- lda aright
- beq pattern8_third
- lda xbottomleft
- beq pattern8_third
- lda abottom
- beq pattern8_third
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern8_third
- lda stopright
- beq pattern8_third
- jsr comp_topright
- jmp wait_turn
- lda xtopleft
- beq pattern8_fourth
- lda atop
- beq pattern8_fourth
- lda atopright
- beq pattern8_fourth
- lda aleft
- beq pattern8_fourth
- lda xmiddle
- beq pattern8_fourth
- lda aright
- beq pattern8_fourth
- lda abottomleft
- beq pattern8_fourth
- lda abottom
- beq pattern8_fourth
- lda sbottomright
- beq pattern8_fourth
- jsr comp_bottomright
- jmp wait_turn
- lda atopleft
- beq pattern9_first
- lda atop
- beq pattern9_first
- lda xtopright
- beq pattern9_first
- lda aleft
- beq pattern9_first
- lda xmiddle
- beq pattern9_first
- lda aright
- beq pattern9_first
- lda abottom
- beq pattern9_first
- lda abottomright
- beq pattern9_first
- lda sbottomleft
- beq pattern9_first
- jsr comp_bottomleft
- jmp wait_turn
-pattern9_first: ; ALL OF PATTERN 4 LOOKS GOOD ROB!!!
- lda xtopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_second
- lda xtopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_second
- lda aleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_second
- lda amiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_second
- lda aright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_second
- lda abottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_second
- lda abottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_second
- lda abottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_second
- lda stop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_second
- jsr comp_top
- jmp wait_turn
- lda atopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_third
- lda atop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_third
- lda xtopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_third
- lda aleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_third
- lda amiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_third
- lda abottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_third
- lda abottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_third
- lda xbottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_third
- lda sright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_third
- jsr comp_right
- jmp wait_turn
- lda atopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_fourth
- lda atop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_fourth
- lda atopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_fourth
- lda aleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_fourth
- lda amiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_fourth
- lda aright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_fourth
- lda xbottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_fourth
- lda xbottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_fourth
- lda sbottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern9_fourth
- jsr comp_bottom
- jmp wait_turn
- lda xtopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_first
- lda atop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_first
- lda atopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_first
- lda amiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_first
- lda aright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_first
- lda xbottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_first
- lda abottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_first
- lda abottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_first
- lda sleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_first
- jsr comp_left
- jmp wait_turn
-pattern10_first: ; ALL OF PATTERN 5 LOOKS GOOD ROB!!!
- lda atopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_second
- lda atopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_second
- lda aleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_second
- lda xmiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_second
- lda aright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_second
- lda abottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_second
- lda xbottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_second
- lda abottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_second
- lda stop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_second
- jsr comp_top
- jmp wait_turn
- lda atopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_third
- lda atop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_third
- lda atopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_third
- lda xmiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_third
- lda xleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_third
- lda abottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_third
- lda abottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_third
- lda abottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_third
- lda sright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_third
- jsr comp_right
- jmp wait_turn
- lda atopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_fourth
- lda xtop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_fourth
- lda atopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_fourth
- lda aleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_fourth
- lda xmiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_fourth
- lda aright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_fourth
- lda abottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_fourth
- lda abottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_fourth
- lda sbottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern10_fourth
- jsr comp_bottom
- jmp wait_turn
- lda atopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne extra_pattern_again
- lda atop
- cmp #$01
- bne extra_pattern_again
- lda atopright
- cmp #$01
- bne extra_pattern_again
- lda xmiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne extra_pattern_again
- lda xright
- cmp #$01
- bne extra_pattern_again
- lda abottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne extra_pattern_again
- lda abottom
- cmp #$01
- bne extra_pattern_again
- lda abottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne extra_pattern_again
- lda sleft
- cmp #$01
- bne extra_pattern_again
- jsr comp_left
- jmp wait_turn
- lda atopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_first
- lda atop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_first
- lda xtopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_first
- lda omiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_first
- lda aright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_first
- lda abottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_first
- lda xbottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_first
- lda sbottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_first
- lda aleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_first
- jsr comp_bottomright
- jmp wait_turn
- lda stopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_second
- lda xtopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_second
- lda sleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_second
- lda omiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_second
- lda sright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_second
- lda xbottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_second
- lda sbottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_second
- lda sbottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_second
- lda stop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_second
- jsr comp_top
- jmp wait_turn
- lda xtopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_third
- lda stop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_third
- lda stopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_third
- lda sleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_third
- lda omiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_third
- lda sbottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_third
- lda sbottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_third
- lda xbottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_third
- lda sright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_third
- jsr comp_right
- jmp wait_turn
- lda stopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_fourth
- lda stop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_fourth
- lda xtopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_fourth
- lda sleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_fourth
- lda omiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_fourth
- lda sright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_fourth
- lda xbottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_fourth
- lda sbottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_fourth
- lda sbottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern11_fourth
- jsr comp_bottom
- jmp wait_turn
- lda xtopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_first
- lda stop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_first
- lda stopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_first
- lda omiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_first
- lda sright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_first
- lda sbottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_first
- lda sbottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_first
- lda xbottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_first
- lda sleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_first
- jsr comp_left
- jmp wait_turn
- lda xtop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_second
- lda stopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_second
- lda omiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_second
- lda xleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_second
- lda aright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_second
- lda sbottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_second
- lda abottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_second
- lda abottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_second
- lda stopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_second
- jsr comp_topleft
- jmp wait_turn
- lda stopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_third
- lda xtop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_third
- lda aleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_third
- lda omiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_third
- lda xright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_third
- lda abottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_third
- lda abottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_third
- lda sbottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_third
- lda stopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_third
- jsr comp_topright
- jmp wait_turn
- lda atopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_fourth
- lda atop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_fourth
- lda stopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_fourth
- lda aleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_fourth
- lda xright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_fourth
- lda omiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_fourth
- lda sbottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_fourth
- lda xbottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_fourth
- lda sbottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern12_fourth
- jsr comp_bottomright
- jmp wait_turn
- lda stopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_first
- lda atop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_first
- lda atopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_first
- lda xleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_first
- lda omiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_first
- lda aright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_first
- lda xbottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_first
- lda sbottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_first
- lda sbottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_first
- jsr comp_bottomleft
- jmp wait_turn
- lda stop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_second
- lda xtopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_second
- lda omiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_second
- lda xleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_second
- lda aright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_second
- lda sbottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_second
- lda abottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_second
- lda abottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_second
- lda stopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_second
- jsr comp_topleft
- jmp wait_turn
- lda stopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_third
- lda xtop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_third
- lda aleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_third
- lda omiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_third
- lda sright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_third
- lda abottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_third
- lda abottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_third
- lda xbottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_third
- lda stopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_third
- jsr comp_topright
- jmp wait_turn
- lda atopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_fourth
- lda atop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_fourth
- lda stopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_fourth
- lda aleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_fourth
- lda xright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_fourth
- lda omiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_fourth
- lda xbottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_fourth
- lda sbottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_fourth
- lda sbottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern13_fourth
- jsr comp_bottomright
- jmp wait_turn
- lda xtopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_first
- lda atop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_first
- lda atopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_first
- lda sleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_first
- lda omiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_first
- lda aright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_first
- lda xbottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_first
- lda sbottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_first
- lda sbottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_first
- jsr comp_bottomleft
- jmp wait_turn
- lda stop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_second
- lda xtopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_second
- lda sleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_second
- lda omiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_second
- lda aright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_second
- lda xbottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_second
- lda abottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_second
- lda abottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_second
- lda stopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_second
- jsr comp_topleft
- jmp wait_turn
- lda xtopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_third
- lda stop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_third
- lda aleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_third
- lda omiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_third
- lda sright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_third
- lda abottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_third
- lda abottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_third
- lda xbottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_third
- lda stopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_third
- jsr comp_topright
- jmp wait_turn
- lda atopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_fourth
- lda atop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_fourth
- lda xtopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_fourth
- lda aleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_fourth
- lda omiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_fourth
- lda sright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_fourth
- lda xbottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_fourth
- lda sbottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_fourth
- lda sbottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern14_fourth
- jsr comp_bottomright
- jmp wait_turn
- lda xtopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_first
- lda atop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_first
- lda atopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_first
- lda sleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_first
- lda omiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_first
- lda aright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_first
- lda xbottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_first
- lda sbottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_first
- lda sbottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_first
- jsr comp_bottomleft
- jmp wait_turn
- lda atop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_second
- lda atopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_second
- lda aleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_second
- lda xmiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_second
- lda aright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_second
- lda abottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_second
- lda abottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_second
- lda sbottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_second
- lda stopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_second
- jsr comp_topleft
- jmp wait_turn
- lda atopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_third
- lda atop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_third
- lda aleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_third
- lda xmiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_third
- lda aright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_third
- lda sbottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_third
- lda abottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_third
- lda abottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_third
- lda stopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_third
- jsr comp_topright
- jmp wait_turn
- lda stopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_fourth
- lda atop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_fourth
- lda atopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_fourth
- lda aleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_fourth
- lda xmiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_fourth
- lda aright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_fourth
- lda abottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_fourth
- lda abottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_fourth
- lda sbottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern15_fourth
- jsr comp_bottomright
- jmp wait_turn
- lda atopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_first
- lda atop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_first
- lda stopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_first
- lda aleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_first
- lda xmiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_first
- lda aright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_first
- lda abottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_first
- lda abottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_first
- lda sbottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_first
- jsr comp_bottomleft
- jmp wait_turn
- lda atopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_second
- lda atopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_second
- lda aleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_second
- lda xmiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_second
- lda aright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_second
- lda abottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_second
- lda sbottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_second
- lda abottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_second
- lda stop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_second
- jsr comp_top
- jmp wait_turn
- lda atopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_third
- lda atop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_third
- lda atopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_third
- lda xmiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_third
- lda sleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_third
- lda abottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_third
- lda abottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_third
- lda abottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_third
- lda sright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_third
- jsr comp_right
- jmp wait_turn
- lda atopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_fourth
- lda stop
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_fourth
- lda atopright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_fourth
- lda aleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_fourth
- lda xmiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_fourth
- lda aright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_fourth
- lda abottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_fourth
- lda abottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_fourth
- lda sbottom
- cmp #$01
- bne pattern16_fourth
- jsr comp_bottom
- jmp wait_turn
- lda atopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne try_middle
- lda atop
- cmp #$01
- bne try_middle
- lda atopright
- cmp #$01
- bne try_middle
- lda xmiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne try_middle
- lda sright
- cmp #$01
- bne try_middle
- lda abottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne try_middle
- lda abottom
- cmp #$01
- bne try_middle
- lda abottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne try_middle
- lda sleft
- cmp #$01
- bne try_middle
- jsr comp_left
- jmp wait_turn
- lda smiddle
- cmp #$01
- bne try_topleft
- jsr comp_middle
- jmp wait_turn
- lda stopleft
- cmp #$01
- bne try_topright
- jsr comp_topleft
- jmp wait_turn
- lda stopright
- cmp #$01
- bne try_bottomleft
- jsr comp_topright
- jmp wait_turn
- lda sbottomleft
- cmp #$01
- bne try_bottomright
- jsr comp_bottomleft
- jmp wait_turn
- lda sbottomright
- cmp #$01
- bne try_top
- jsr comp_bottomright
- jmp wait_turn
- lda stop
- cmp #$01
- bne try_left
- jsr comp_top
- jmp wait_turn
- lda sleft
- cmp #$01
- bne try_right
- jsr comp_left
- jmp wait_turn
- lda sright
- cmp #$01
- bne try_bottom
- jsr comp_right
- jmp wait_turn
- lda sbottom
- cmp #$01
- bne end_computer
- jsr comp_bottom
- jmp wait_turn
- jsr waste_all_time
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
- lda #$21
- sta $2006
- lda #$0b
- sta $2006
- ;lda stalemate
-;: sta $2007
-; inx
-; lda stalemate,x
- ;cpx #$0a
- ;bne :-
- lda stalecount
- inc stalecount
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- ldx #$00
- lda #$21
- sta $2006
- lda #$2b
- sta $2006
- ;lda blank_under_stale
-;: sta $2007
- ;inx
- ;lda blank_under_stale,x
- ;cpx #$0a
- ;bne :-
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- lda whose_turn
- cmp #$00
- bne pass_whose_turn
- lda #$01
- sta whose_turn
- jsr PPU_no_sprites
- jsr fix_board
- jsr waste_all_time
- jsr clear_topleft
- jsr clear_top
- jsr clear_topright
- ;lda #$3 ; Load song 4
- ;ldx #$00
- ;jsr init
- ;lda #%10000000
- ;sta $2000
- jsr PPU_no_sprites
- jsr waste_all_time
- jsr clear_left
- jsr clear_middle
- jsr clear_right
- ;lda #$3 ; Load song 4
- ;ldx #$00
- ;jsr init
- ;lda #%10000000
- ;sta $2000
- jsr PPU_no_sprites
- jsr waste_all_time
- jsr clear_bottomleft
- jsr clear_bottom
- jsr clear_bottomright
- ;lda #$3 ; Load song 4
- ;ldx #$00
- ;jsr init
- ;lda #%10000000
- ;sta $2000
- jsr PPU_with_sprites
- lda player_won
- cmp #$01
- beq clear_for_player_win
- jsr waste_all_time
- ;lda #$2 ; Load song 3
- ;ldx #$00
- ;jsr init
- ;lda #%10000000
- ;sta $2000
- jmp reinit_variables
- rts
-; jmp loop
- lda #$00
- sta $2000
- sta $2001
- rts
- lda #%10000000
- sta $2000
- lda #%00011110
- sta $2001
- rts
- lda #%10000000
- sta $2000
- lda #%00001110
- sta $2001
- rts
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
-: lda #$20
- sta $2006
- lda filltopleft,x
- sta $2006
- lda clear_them,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- rts
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
-: lda #$20
- sta $2006
- lda filltop,x
- sta $2006
- lda clear_them,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- rts
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
-: lda #$20
- sta $2006
- lda filltopright,x
- sta $2006
- lda clear_them,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- rts
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
-: lda #$21
- sta $2006
- lda fillleft,x
- sta $2006
- lda clear_them,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- rts
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
-: lda #$21
- sta $2006
- lda fillmiddle,x
- sta $2006
- lda clear_them,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- rts
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
-: lda #$21
- sta $2006
- lda fillright,x
- sta $2006
- lda clear_them,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- rts
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
-: lda #$22
- sta $2006
- lda fillbottomleft,x
- sta $2006
- lda clear_them,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- rts
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
-: lda #$22
- sta $2006
- lda fillbottom,x
- sta $2006
- lda clear_them,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- rts
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
-: lda #$22
- sta $2006
- lda fillbottomright,x
- sta $2006
- lda clear_them,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- rts
- jsr waste_all_time
- jsr waste_all_time
- jsr waste_all_time
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
- lda #$21
- sta $2006
- lda #$0b
- sta $2006
- ;lda fix_message
-;: sta $2007
- ;inx
- ;lda fix_message,x
- ;cpx #$0a
- ;bne :-
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- ldx #$00
- lda #$21
- sta $2006
- lda #$2b
- sta $2006
- ;lda under_fix_message
-;: sta $2007
- ;inx
- ;lda under_fix_message,x
- ;cpx #$0a
- ;bne :-
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- jsr PPU_no_sprites
- rts
- ldy #$60
-: ldx #$60
-: stx comp_think
- dex
- cpx #$00
- bne :-
- ldx #$60
-: stx comp_think
- dex
- cpx #$00
- bne :-
- dey
- cpy #$00
- bne :---
- ldy #$60
-: ldx #$60
-: stx comp_think
- dex
- cpx #$00
- bne :-
- ldx #$60
-: stx comp_think
- dex
- cpx #$00
- bne :-
- dey
- cpy #$00
- bne :---
- ldy #$60
-: ldx #$60
-: stx comp_think
- dex
- cpx #$00
- bne :-
- ldx #$60
-: stx comp_think
- dex
- cpx #$00
- bne :-
- dey
- cpy #$00
- bne :---
- ldy #$60
-: ldx #$60
-: stx comp_think
- dex
- cpx #$00
- bne :-
- ldx #$60
-: stx comp_think
- dex
- cpx #$00
- bne :-
- dey
- cpy #$00
- bne :---
- ldy #$60
-: ldx #$60
-: stx comp_think
- dex
- cpx #$00
- bne :-
- ldx #$60
-: stx comp_think
- dex
- cpx #$00
- bne :-
- dey
- cpy #$00
- bne :---
- ldy #$60
-: ldx #$60
-: stx comp_think
- dex
- cpx #$00
- bne :-
- ldx #$60
-: stx comp_think
- dex
- cpx #$00
- bne :-
- dey
- cpy #$00
- bne :---
- ldy #$60
-: ldx #$60
-: stx comp_think
- dex
- cpx #$00
- bne :-
- ldx #$60
-: stx comp_think
- dex
- cpx #$00
- bne :-
- dey
- cpy #$00
- bne :---
- ldy #$60
-: ldx #$60
-: stx comp_think
- dex
- cpx #$00
- bne :-
- ldx #$60
-: stx comp_think
- dex
- cpx #$00
- bne :-
- dey
- cpy #$00
- bne :---
- rts
- jsr waste_all_time
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
-: lda #$20
- sta $2006
- lda filltopleft,x
- sta $2006
- lda o_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta otopleft
- sta whose_turn
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- lda move_count
- inc move_count
- lda #$00
- sta stopleft
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- jsr PPU_with_sprites
- rts
- jsr waste_all_time
- lda #$00
- sta $2000
- sta $2001
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$20
- sta $2006
- lda filltop,x
- sta $2006
- lda o_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta otop
- sta whose_turn
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- lda move_count
- inc move_count
- lda #$00
- sta stop
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- jsr PPU_with_sprites
- rts
- jsr waste_all_time
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$20
- sta $2006
- lda filltopright,x
- sta $2006
- lda o_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta otopright
- sta whose_turn
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- lda move_count
- inc move_count
- lda #$00
- sta stopright
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- jsr PPU_with_sprites
- rts
- jsr waste_all_time
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$21
- sta $2006
- lda fillleft,x
- sta $2006
- lda o_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta oleft
- sta whose_turn
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- lda move_count
- inc move_count
- lda #$00
- sta sleft
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- jsr PPU_with_sprites
- rts
- jsr waste_all_time
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$21
- sta $2006
- lda fillmiddle,x
- sta $2006
- lda o_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta omiddle
- sta whose_turn
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- lda move_count
- inc move_count
- lda #$00
- sta smiddle
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- jsr PPU_with_sprites
- rts
- jsr waste_all_time
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$21
- sta $2006
- lda fillright,x
- sta $2006
- lda o_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta oright
- sta whose_turn
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- lda move_count
- inc move_count
- lda #$00
- sta sright
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- jsr PPU_with_sprites
- rts
- jsr waste_all_time
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$22
- sta $2006
- lda fillbottomleft,x
- sta $2006
- lda o_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta obottomleft
- sta whose_turn
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- lda move_count
- inc move_count
- lda #$00
- sta sbottomleft
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- jsr PPU_with_sprites
- rts
- jsr waste_all_time
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$22
- sta $2006
- lda fillbottom,x
- sta $2006
- lda o_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta obottom
- sta whose_turn
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- lda move_count
- inc move_count
- lda #$00
- sta sbottom
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- jsr PPU_with_sprites
- rts
- jsr waste_all_time
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$22
- sta $2006
- lda fillbottomright,x
- sta $2006
- lda o_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta obottomright
- sta whose_turn
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- lda move_count
- inc move_count
- lda #$00
- sta sbottomright
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- jsr PPU_with_sprites
- rts
- lda #$00
- sta whose_turn
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
- jsr PPU_no_sprites
- ;lda #$4 ; Load song 5
- ;ldx #$00
- ;jsr init
- ;lda #%10000000
- ;sta $2000
- jsr waste_all_time
- jsr waste_all_time
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$21
- sta $2006
- lda fillmiddle,x
- sta $2006
- lda game_over,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- jsr PPU_no_sprites
- jsr waste_all_time
- jsr waste_all_time
- jsr waste_all_time
- jmp reset
- lda xtopleft
- beq test2
- lda xtop
- beq test2
- lda xtopright
- beq test2
- lda aleft
- beq test2
- lda amiddle
- beq test2
- lda aright
- beq test2
- lda abottomleft
- beq test2
- lda abottom
- beq test2
- lda abottomright
- beq test2
- lda horiz_win
- inc horiz_win
- jmp youwin_words
- lda xtopleft
- beq test3
- lda atop
- beq test3
- lda atopright
- beq test3
- lda aleft
- beq test3
- lda xmiddle
- beq test3
- lda aright
- beq test3
- lda abottomleft
- beq test3
- lda abottom
- beq test3
- lda xbottomright
- beq test3
- lda diag_win
- inc diag_win
- jmp youwin_words
- lda xtopleft
- beq test4
- lda atop
- beq test4
- lda atopright
- beq test4
- lda xleft
- beq test4
- lda amiddle
- beq test4
- lda aright
- beq test4
- lda xbottomleft
- beq test4
- lda abottom
- beq test4
- lda abottomright
- beq test4
- lda vert_win
- inc vert_win
- jmp youwin_words
- lda atopleft
- beq test5
- lda atop
- beq test5
- lda atopright
- beq test5
- lda xleft
- beq test5
- lda xmiddle
- beq test5
- lda xright
- beq test5
- lda abottomleft
- beq test5
- lda abottom
- beq test5
- lda abottomright
- beq test5
- lda horiz_win
- inc horiz_win
- jmp youwin_words
- lda atopleft
- beq test6
- lda atop
- beq test6
- lda atopright
- beq test6
- lda aleft
- beq test6
- lda amiddle
- beq test6
- lda aright
- beq test6
- lda xbottomleft
- beq test6
- lda xbottom
- beq test6
- lda xbottomright
- beq test6
- lda horiz_win
- inc horiz_win
- jmp youwin_words
- lda atopleft
- beq test7
- lda atop
- beq test7
- lda xtopright
- beq test7
- lda aleft
- beq test7
- lda xmiddle
- beq test7
- lda aright
- beq test7
- lda xbottomleft
- beq test7
- lda abottom
- beq test7
- lda abottomright
- beq test7
- lda diag_win
- inc diag_win
- jmp youwin_words
- lda atopleft
- beq test8
- lda xtop
- beq test8
- lda atopright
- beq test8
- lda aleft
- beq test8
- lda xmiddle
- beq test8
- lda aright
- beq test8
- lda abottomleft
- beq test8
- lda xbottom
- beq test8
- lda abottomright
- beq test8
- lda vert_win
- inc vert_win
- jmp youwin_words
- lda atopleft
- beq not_win
- lda atop
- beq not_win
- lda xtopright
- beq not_win
- lda aleft
- beq not_win
- lda amiddle
- beq not_win
- lda xright
- beq not_win
- lda abottomleft
- beq not_win
- lda abottom
- beq not_win
- lda xbottomright
- beq not_win
- lda vert_win
- inc vert_win
- jmp youwin_words
- rts
- lda #$00
-; sta $2000
-; sta $2001
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- sta $2005
- sta $2005
- lda #$01
- sta player_won
- jsr PPU_no_sprites
- jsr waste_all_time
- ldx #$00
- stx $2000
- stx $2001
- lda #$21
- sta $2006
- lda #$0b
- sta $2006
- ;lda youwin
-;: sta $2007
-; inx
-; lda youwin,x
-; cpx #$0a
-; bne :-
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- ldx #$00
- lda #$21
- sta $2006
- lda #$2b
- sta $2006
- ;lda blank_under_stale
-;: sta $2007
-; inx
-; lda blank_under_stale,x
- ;cpx #$0a
- ;bne :-
-: bit $2002
- bpl :-
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- lda #$01
- sta whose_turn
- jsr PPU_no_sprites
- jsr fix_board
- jsr waste_all_time
- jsr clear_topleft
- jsr clear_top
- jsr clear_topright
- ;lda #$3 ; Load song 4
- ;ldx #$00
- ;jsr init
- ;lda #%10000000
- ;sta $2000
- jsr PPU_no_sprites
- jsr waste_all_time
- jsr clear_left
- jsr clear_middle
- jsr clear_right
- ;lda #$3 ; Load song 4
- ;ldx #$00
- ;jsr init
- ;lda #%10000000
- ;sta $2000
- jsr PPU_no_sprites
- jsr waste_all_time
- jsr clear_bottomleft
- jsr clear_bottom
- jsr clear_bottomright
- ;lda #$3 ; Load song 4
- ;ldx #$00
- ;jsr init
- ;lda #%10000000
- ;sta $2000
- lda inc_win
- inc inc_win
- lda inc_win
- cmp #$05
- bne continue_game_more
- jmp computer_beaten_now
- jsr PPU_with_sprites
-; lda player_won
-; cmp #$01
-; beq clear_for_player_win
- jsr waste_all_time
- ;lda #$2 ; Load song 3
- ;ldx #$00
- ;jsr init
- ;lda #%10000000
- ;sta $2000
- jmp reinit_variables
- jsr waste_all_time
- jsr PPU_off
- lda #$00 ; turn off PPU
- sta $2000
- sta $2001
- sta no_control
- ldy #$00 ; load game screen
- ldx #$04
- lda #final
- sta $11
- lda #$20
- sta $2006
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
-: lda ($10),y
- sta $2007
- iny
- bne :-
- inc $11
- dex
- bne :-
- jsr PPU_no_sprites
- ;lda #$5 ; Load song 6
- ;ldx #$00
- ;jsr init
- ;lda #%10000000
- ;sta $2000
- jsr waste_all_time
- jsr waste_all_time
- jsr waste_all_time
- jsr waste_all_time
- jsr waste_all_time
- jsr waste_all_time
- jsr waste_all_time
- jsr waste_all_time
- jmp reset
-; *********************************************************
-; The control routine is below. The whole routine is *
-; triggered inside of NMI. *
-; *********************************************************
- lda #$01
- sta $4017
- lda #$00
- sta $4017
- lda control_pad2
- sta control_old2
- ldx #$08
- lda $4017
- lsr A
- ror control_pad2
- dex
- bne :-
- lda control_pad2 ; Right button check/routine
- eor control_old2
- and control_pad2
- and #right_punch
- beq no_play2
- ;jsr hidden_thanks
- rts
- lda #$01
- sta $4016
- lda #$00
- sta $4016
- lda control_pad
- sta control_old
- ldx #$08
- lda $4016
- lsr A
- ror control_pad
- dex
- bne :-
- lda control_pad ; Right button check/routine
- eor control_old
- and control_pad
- and #right_punch
- beq no_right_punch
- lda game_start
- beq skip_right_effects
- ldx #$04
- stx $4015
- ldx #$00
- ;jsr fx_routine
- lda game_start
- bne no_rightshift ; YOU ARE HERE
- lda #$01
- sta instr_switch
- jmp no_right_punch
- lda doing_item3
- bne no_right_punch
- lda #$c0
- cmp sprite1+3
- bne keep_right_going
- lda #$38
- sta sprite+3
- lda #$40
- sta sprite1+3
- cmp #$40
- beq no_right_punch
- clc
- lda sprite+3
- adc #$40
- sta sprite+3
- clc
- lda sprite1+3
- adc #$40
- sta sprite1+3
- lda control_pad ; Left button check/routine
- eor control_old
- and control_pad
- and #left_punch
- beq no_left_punch
- lda game_start
- bne skip_left_effects
- ldx #$04
- stx $4015
- ldx #$00
- ;jsr fx_routine
- lda game_start
- bne no_leftshift ; YOU ARE HERE
- lda #$01
- sta instr_switch2
- jmp no_left_punch
- lda doing_item3
- bne no_left_punch
- lda #$40
- cmp sprite1+3
- bne keep_left_going
- lda #$b8
- sta sprite+3
- lda #$c0
- sta sprite1+3
- cmp #$c0
- beq no_left_punch
- sec
- lda sprite+3
- sbc #$40
- sta sprite+3
- sec
- lda sprite1+3
- sbc #$40
- sta sprite1+3
- lda control_pad ; Down button check/routine
- eor control_old
- and control_pad
- and #down_punch
- beq no_down_punch
- lda game_start
- beq skip_down_effects
- ldx #$04
- stx $4015
- ldx #$00
- ;jsr fx_routine
- lda doing_item4
- bne no_down_punch
- lda #$8d
- cmp sprite1
- bne keep_down_going
- lda #$0d
- sta sprite
- lda #$0d
- sta sprite1
- cmp #$0d
- beq no_down_punch
- clc
- lda sprite
- adc #$40
- sta sprite
- clc
- lda sprite1
- adc #$40
- sta sprite1
- lda control_pad ; Up button check/routine
- eor control_old
- and control_pad
- and #up_punch
- beq no_up_punch
- lda game_start
- bne skip_up_effects
- ldx #$04
- stx $4015
- ldx #$00
- ;jsr fx_routine
- lda doing_item4
- bne no_up_punch
- lda #$0d
- cmp sprite1
- bne keep_up_going
- lda #$8d
- sta sprite
- lda #$8d
- sta sprite1
- cmp #$8d
- beq no_up_punch
- sec
- lda sprite
- sbc #$40
- sta sprite
- sec
- lda sprite1
- sbc #$40
- sta sprite1
- lda control_pad ; Start button check/routine
- eor control_old
- and control_pad
- and #start_punch
- beq no_start_punch
- lda cant_see_hidden
- cmp #$01
- bne check_game_start
- lda game_start
- bne no_start_punch
- jmp reset
- lda #$01
- sta game_start
- lda control_pad ; Select button check/routine
- eor control_old
- and control_pad
- and #select_punch
- beq no_select_punch
- lda game_start
- beq skip_select_effects
- ldx #$04
- stx $4015
- ldx #$04
- ;jsr fx_routine
- lda game_start
- bne no_instructions ; YOU ARE HERE
- lda #$01
- sta title_select
- jmp no_select_punch
- lda #$c0 ; Load A with the last position that
- cmp sprite2+3 ; the item cursor is allowed to be at.
- bne keep_select_going ; If it's there already, load A with
- lda #$30 ; the first allowed cursor position,
- sta sprite2+3 ; and do a comparison to be allowed to
- cmp #$30 ; jump over the rest of the code for
- beq no_select_punch ; the select button.
-keep_select_going: ; If it's not at the last allowed pos,
- clc ; add #$30 to the X-Pos of the item
- lda sprite2+3 ; selection sprite, and store that
- adc #$30 ; value back into the X-Pos of the
- sta sprite2+3 ; sprite
- lda control_pad ; B button check/routine
- eor control_old
- and control_pad
- and #b_punch
- beq fake_no_B_punch1
- lda no_control
- bne fake_no_B_punch1
- lda sprite2+3
- cmp #$30
- bne check_second_pos
- lda #$2f
- cmp sprite3+1
- beq fake_no_B_punch1
- lda #$02
- sta whose_turn
- lda #$2f
- sta sprite3+1
- lda #$00
- sta stalecount
- jmp no_b_punch
- lda sprite2+3
- cmp #$60
- bne fake_third_pos_jump1
- lda #$2f
- cmp sprite5+1
- beq fake_no_B_punch1
- lda sprite
- cmp #$0d
- beq check_for_top_row
- lda sprite
- cmp #$4d
- beq fake_check_for_middle_row
- lda sprite
- cmp #$8d
- beq fake_check_for_bottom_row
- jmp no_b_punch
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$38
- beq check_topleft_o
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$78
- beq check_top_o
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$b8
- beq fake_check_topright_o
- lda otopleft
- beq fake_no_B_punch1
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$20
- sta $2006
- lda filltopleft,x
- sta $2006
- lda x_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta xtopleft
- lda #$00
- sta stopleft
- sta otopleft
- sta switch_to_x
- sta diag_win
- lda #$2f
- sta sprite5+1
- jsr test_x_win
- lda player_won
- cmp #$01
- beq skip_that_turn1
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- jmp no_b_punch
- jmp check_for_middle_row
- jmp check_third_pos
- jmp check_for_bottom_row
- jmp check_topright_o
- lda otop
- beq fake_no_B_punch1
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$20
- sta $2006
- lda filltop,x
- sta $2006
- lda x_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta xtop
- lda #$00
- sta stop
- sta otop
- sta switch_to_x
- sta diag_win
- lda #$2f
- sta sprite5+1
- jsr test_x_win
- lda player_won
- cmp #$01
- beq skip_that_turn2
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- jmp no_b_punch
- lda otopright
- beq fake_no_B_punch2
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$20
- sta $2006
- lda filltopright,x
- sta $2006
- lda x_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta xtopright
- lda #$00
- sta stopright
- sta otopright
- sta switch_to_x
- sta diag_win
- lda #$2f
- sta sprite5+1
- jsr test_x_win
- lda player_won
- cmp #$01
- beq skip_that_turn3
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- jmp no_b_punch
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$38
- beq check_left_o
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$78
- beq check_middle_o
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$b8
- beq fake_check_right_o
- jmp no_b_punch
- lda oleft
- beq fake_no_B_punch2
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$21
- sta $2006
- lda fillleft,x
- sta $2006
- lda x_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta xleft
- lda #$00
- sta sleft
- sta oleft
- sta switch_to_x
- sta diag_win
- lda #$2f
- sta sprite5+1
- jsr test_x_win
- lda player_won
- cmp #$01
- beq skip_that_turn4
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- jmp no_b_punch
- jmp check_right_o
- lda omiddle
- beq fake_no_B_punch2
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$21
- sta $2006
- lda fillmiddle,x
- sta $2006
- lda x_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta xmiddle
- lda #$00
- sta smiddle
- sta omiddle
- sta switch_to_x
- sta diag_win
- lda #$2f
- sta sprite5+1
- jsr test_x_win
- lda player_won
- cmp #$01
- beq skip_that_turn5
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- jmp no_b_punch
- lda oright
- beq fake_no_B_punch3
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$21
- sta $2006
- lda fillright,x
- sta $2006
- lda x_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta xright
- lda #$00
- sta sright
- sta oright
- sta switch_to_x
- sta diag_win
- lda #$2f
- sta sprite5+1
- jsr test_x_win
- lda player_won
- cmp #$01
- beq skip_that_turn6
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- jmp no_b_punch
- jmp no_b_punch
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$38
- beq check_bottomleft_o
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$78
- beq check_bottom_o
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$b8
- beq fake_check_bottomright_o
- lda obottomleft
- beq fake_no_B_punch3
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$22
- sta $2006
- lda fillbottomleft,x
- sta $2006
- lda x_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta xbottomleft
- lda #$00
- sta sbottomleft
- sta obottomleft
- sta switch_to_x
- sta diag_win
- lda #$2f
- sta sprite5+1
- jsr test_x_win
- lda player_won
- cmp #$01
- beq skip_that_turn7
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- jmp no_b_punch
- jmp check_bottomright_o
- lda obottom
- beq fake_no_B_punch3
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$22
- sta $2006
- lda fillbottom,x
- sta $2006
- lda x_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta xbottom
- lda #$00
- sta sbottom
- sta obottom
- sta switch_to_x
- sta diag_win
- lda #$2f
- sta sprite5+1
- jsr test_x_win
- lda player_won
- cmp #$01
- beq skip_that_turn8
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- jmp no_b_punch
- lda obottomright
- beq skip_that_turn9
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$22
- sta $2006
- lda fillbottomright,x
- sta $2006
- lda x_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta xbottomright
- lda #$00
- sta sbottomright
- sta obottomright
- sta switch_to_x
- sta diag_win
- lda #$2f
- sta sprite5+1
- jsr test_x_win
- lda player_won
- cmp #$01
- beq skip_that_turn9
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- jmp no_b_punch
- lda sprite2+3
- cmp #$90
- bne check_fourth_pos
- lda horiz_win
- cmp #$02
- bne no_b_punch
- lda #$01
- sta doing_item3
- lda #$0d
- sta sprite
- sta sprite1
- lda #$38
- sta sprite+3
- lda #$40
- sta sprite1+3
- lda #$2f
- sta sprite7+1
- lda #$00
- sta clear_horiz ; MIGHT BE IFFY ROB!!!
- sta horiz_win
- jmp no_b_punch
- lda sprite2+3
- cmp #$c0
- bne no_b_punch
- lda vert_win ; YOU'RE HERE ROB!!!
- cmp #$02
- bne no_b_punch
- lda #$01
- sta doing_item4
- lda #$0d
- sta sprite
- sta sprite1
- lda #$38
- sta sprite+3
- lda #$40
- sta sprite1+3
- lda #$2f
- sta sprite9+1
- lda #$00
- sta clear_vert ; MIGHT BE IFFY ROB!!!
- sta vert_win
- jmp no_b_punch
- lda control_pad ; A button check/routine
- eor control_old
- and control_pad
- and #a_punch
- beq fake_no_a_punch
- lda doing_item3
- cmp #$01
- bne fake_test_item4
- lda sprite1
- cmp #$0d
- beq clear_that_top_row
- lda sprite1
- cmp #$4d
- beq clear_that_middle_row
- lda sprite1
- cmp #$8d
- beq fake_clear_that_bottom_row
- jmp test_item4
- jmp test_item4
- jmp no_a_punch
- jmp regular_placement
- jmp clear_that_middle_column
- jmp clear_that_right_column
- jmp clear_that_bottom_row
- lda stopleft
- bne not_topleft_row
- lda #$00
- sta otopleft
- sta xtopleft
- lda #$01
- sta stopleft
- jsr clear_topleft
- lda move_count
- dec move_count
- lda stop
- bne not_top_row
- lda #$00
- sta otop
- sta xtop
- lda #$01
- sta stop
- jsr clear_top
- lda move_count
- dec move_count
- lda stopright
- bne wasted_top_row_turn
- lda #$00
- sta otopright
- sta xtopright
- lda #$01
- sta stopright
- jsr clear_topright
- lda move_count
- dec move_count
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- lda #$00
- sta doing_item3
- sta $2005
- sta $2005
- jmp no_a_punch
- lda sleft
- bne not_left_row
- lda #$00
- sta oleft
- sta xleft
- lda #$01
- sta sleft
- jsr clear_left
- lda move_count
- dec move_count
- lda smiddle
- bne not_middle_row
- lda #$00
- sta omiddle
- sta xmiddle
- lda #$01
- sta smiddle
- jsr clear_middle
- lda move_count
- dec move_count
- lda sright
- bne wasted_middle_row_turn
- lda #$00
- sta oright
- sta xright
- lda #$01
- sta sright
- jsr clear_right
- lda move_count
- dec move_count
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- lda #$00
- sta doing_item3
- sta $2005
- sta $2005
- jmp no_a_punch
- lda sbottomleft
- bne not_bottomleft_row
- lda #$00
- sta obottomleft
- sta xbottomleft
- lda #$01
- sta sbottomleft
- jsr clear_bottomleft
- lda move_count
- dec move_count
- lda sbottom
- bne not_bottom_row
- lda #$00
- sta obottom
- sta xbottom
- lda #$01
- sta sbottom
- jsr clear_bottom
- lda move_count
- dec move_count
- lda sbottomright
- bne wasted_bottom_row_turn
- lda #$00
- sta obottomright
- sta xbottomright
- lda #$01
- sta sbottomright
- jsr clear_bottomright
- lda move_count
- dec move_count
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- lda #$00
- sta doing_item3
- sta $2005
- sta $2005
- jmp no_a_punch
- jmp regular_placement
- jmp clear_that_middle_column
- jmp clear_that_right_column
- lda doing_item4
- cmp #$01
- bne fake_regular_placement2
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$38
- beq clear_that_left_column
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$78
- beq fake_clear_that_middle_column2
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$b8
- beq fake_clear_that_right_column2
- jmp regular_placement
-clear_that_left_column: ; THIS IS THE BUGGY SHIT ROB!!!
- lda stopleft
- bne not_top_left_column
- lda #$00
- sta otopleft
- sta xtopleft
- lda #$01
- sta stopleft
- jsr clear_topleft
- lda move_count
- dec move_count
- lda sleft
- bne not_left_column
- lda #$00
- sta oleft
- sta xleft
- lda #$01
- sta sleft
- jsr clear_left
- lda move_count
- dec move_count
- lda sbottomleft
- bne wasted_left_column_turn
- lda #$00
- sta obottomleft
- sta xbottomleft
- lda #$01
- sta sbottomleft
- jsr clear_bottomleft
- lda move_count
- dec move_count
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- lda #$00
- sta doing_item4
- sta $2005
- sta $2005
- jmp no_a_punch
- lda stop
- bne not_top_column
- lda #$00
- sta otop
- sta xtop
- lda #$01
- sta stop
- jsr clear_top
- lda move_count
- dec move_count
- lda smiddle
- bne not_middle_column
- lda #$00
- sta omiddle
- sta xmiddle
- lda #$01
- sta smiddle
- jsr clear_middle
- lda move_count
- dec move_count
- lda sbottom
- bne wasted_middle_column_turn
- lda #$00
- sta obottom
- sta xbottom
- lda #$01
- sta sbottom
- jsr clear_bottom
- lda move_count
- dec move_count
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- lda #$00
- sta doing_item4
- sta $2005
- sta $2005
- jmp no_a_punch
- lda stopright
- bne not_topright_column
- lda #$00
- sta otopright
- sta xtopright
- lda #$01
- sta stopright
- jsr clear_topright
- lda move_count
- dec move_count
- lda sright
- bne not_right_column
- lda #$00
- sta oright
- sta xright
- lda #$01
- sta sright
- jsr clear_right
- lda move_count
- dec move_count
- lda sbottomright
- bne wasted_right_column_turn
- lda #$00
- sta obottomright
- sta xbottomright
- lda #$01
- sta sbottomright
- jsr clear_bottomright
- lda move_count
- dec move_count
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- lda #$00
- sta doing_item4
- sta $2005
- sta $2005
- jmp no_a_punch
- jmp no_a_punch
- lda sprite
- cmp #$0d
- beq top_row_compare
- lda sprite
- cmp #$4d
- beq fake_middle_compare
- lda sprite
- cmp #$8d
- beq fake_bottom_compare
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$38
- beq top_left_go
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$78
- beq top_go
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$b8
- beq top_right_go
- jmp bottom_row_compare
- lda stopleft
- cmp #$00
- beq fake_no_A_jump1
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$20
- sta $2006
- lda filltopleft,x
- sta $2006
- lda x_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta xtopleft
- lda #$00
- sta stopleft
- jsr test_x_win
- lda player_won
- cmp #$01
- beq skip_turn1
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- lda move_count
- inc move_count
- jmp no_a_punch
- jmp fake_no_A_jump2
- jmp middle_row_compare
- lda stop
- cmp #$00
- beq fake_no_A_jump1
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$20
- sta $2006
- lda filltop,x
- sta $2006
- lda x_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta xtop
- lda #$00
- sta stop
- jsr test_x_win
- lda player_won
- cmp #$01
- beq skip_turn2
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- lda move_count
- inc move_count
- jmp no_a_punch
- lda stopright
- cmp #$00
- beq fake_no_A_jump1
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$20
- sta $2006
- lda filltopright,x
- sta $2006
- lda x_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta xtopright
- lda #$00
- sta stopright
- jsr test_x_win
- lda player_won
- cmp #$01
- beq skip_turn3
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- lda move_count
- inc move_count
- jmp no_a_punch
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$38
- beq left_go
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$78
- beq middle_go
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$b8
- beq right_go
- lda sleft
- cmp #$00
- beq fake_no_A_jump2
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$21
- sta $2006
- lda fillleft,x
- sta $2006
- lda x_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta xleft
- lda #$00
- sta sleft
- jsr test_x_win
- lda player_won
- cmp #$01
- beq skip_turn4
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- lda move_count
- inc move_count
- jmp no_a_punch
- lda smiddle
- cmp #$00
- beq fake_no_A_jump2
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$21
- sta $2006
- lda fillmiddle,x
- sta $2006
- lda x_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta xmiddle
- lda #$00
- sta smiddle
- jsr test_x_win
- lda player_won
- cmp #$01
- beq skip_turn5
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- lda move_count
- inc move_count
- jmp no_a_punch
- jmp no_a_punch
- lda sright
- cmp #$00
- beq fake_no_A_jump2
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$21
- sta $2006
- lda fillright,x
- sta $2006
- lda x_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta xright
- lda #$00
- sta sright
- jsr test_x_win
- lda player_won
- cmp #$01
- beq skip_turn6
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- lda move_count
- inc move_count
- jmp no_a_punch
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$38
- beq bottom_left_go
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$78
- beq bottom_go
- lda sprite+3
- cmp #$b8
- beq bottom_right_go
- lda sbottomleft
- cmp #$00
- beq fake_no_A_jump2
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$22
- sta $2006
- lda fillbottomleft,x
- sta $2006
- lda x_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta xbottomleft
- lda #$00
- sta sbottomleft
- jsr test_x_win
- lda player_won
- cmp #$01
- beq skip_turn7
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- lda move_count
- inc move_count
- jmp no_a_punch
- lda sbottom
- cmp #$00
- beq no_a_punch
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$22
- sta $2006
- lda fillbottom,x
- sta $2006
- lda x_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta xbottom
- lda #$00
- sta sbottom
- jsr test_x_win
- lda player_won
- cmp #$01
- beq skip_turn8
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- lda move_count
- inc move_count
- jmp no_a_punch
- lda sbottomright
- cmp #$00
- beq no_a_punch
- ldx #$00
-: lda #$22
- sta $2006
- lda fillbottomright,x
- sta $2006
- lda x_tiles,x
- sta $2007
- inx
- cpx #$10
- bne :-
- lda #$01
- sta xbottomright
- lda #$00
- sta sbottomright
- jsr test_x_win
- lda player_won
- cmp #$01
- beq skip_turn9
- lda whose_turn
- dec whose_turn
- lda move_count
- inc move_count
- jmp no_a_punch
- rts
-; *********************************************************
-; sprite_cram is the routine to update all sprites when *
-; an NMI is triggered. *
-; *********************************************************
- lda #>sprite
- sta $4014
- rts
- pha
- txa
- pha
- tya
- pha
- jsr sprite_cram
- lda whose_turn
- cmp #$00
- beq skip_controls
- jsr controller
- lda cant_see_hidden
- cmp #$00
- bne skip_controls
- jsr play2
- lda #$00
- sta $2006
- sta $2006
- sta $2005
- sta $2005
- jsr play
- pla
- tay
- pla
- tax
- pla
- rti
- rti
-.incbin "ttxo.pal"
-; *********************************************************
-; The .bytes below are setup for the sprites to be used *
-; .byte (Y-Pos),(Tile Number),(Attributes),(X-Pos) *
-; *********************************************************
- .byte $0d,$11,$00,$38 ; Left side of arrow
- .byte $0d,$12,$00,$40 ; Right side of arrow
- .byte $c0,$13,$00,$30 ; Item Selection Arrow
- .byte $cd,$2f,$01,$38 ; 0 - For Extra Turn
- .byte $fe,$30,$01,$fe ; 1 - For Extra Turn
- .byte $cd,$2f,$01,$68 ; 0 - For Change Tile
- .byte $fe,$30,$01,$fe ; 1 - For Change Tile
- .byte $cd,$2f,$01,$98 ; 0 - For Erase Row
- .byte $fe,$30,$01,$fe ; 1 - For Erase Row
- .byte $cd,$2f,$01,$c8 ; 0 - For Erase Column
- .byte $fe,$30,$01,$fe ; 1 - For Erase Column
-; *********************************************************
-; Store the address of the background areas to be used *
-; by the X's and O's to be placed on the game board *
-; *********************************************************
- .byte $66,$67,$68,$69
- .byte $86,$87,$88,$89
- .byte $a6,$a7,$a8,$a9
- .byte $c6,$c7,$c8,$c9
- .byte $6e,$6f,$70,$71
- .byte $8e,$8f,$90,$91
- .byte $ae,$af,$b0,$b1
- .byte $ce,$cf,$d0,$d1
- .byte $76,$77,$78,$79
- .byte $96,$97,$98,$99
- .byte $b6,$b7,$b8,$b9
- .byte $d6,$d7,$d8,$d9
- .byte $66,$67,$68,$69
- .byte $86,$87,$88,$89
- .byte $a6,$a7,$a8,$a9
- .byte $c6,$c7,$c8,$c9
- .byte $6e,$6f,$70,$71
- .byte $8e,$8f,$90,$91
- .byte $ae,$af,$b0,$b1
- .byte $ce,$cf,$d0,$d1
- .byte $76,$77,$78,$79
- .byte $96,$97,$98,$99
- .byte $b6,$b7,$b8,$b9
- .byte $d6,$d7,$d8,$d9
- .byte $66,$67,$68,$69
- .byte $86,$87,$88,$89
- .byte $a6,$a7,$a8,$a9
- .byte $c6,$c7,$c8,$c9
- .byte $6e,$6f,$70,$71
- .byte $8e,$8f,$90,$91
- .byte $ae,$af,$b0,$b1
- .byte $ce,$cf,$d0,$d1
- .byte $76,$77,$78,$79
- .byte $96,$97,$98,$99
- .byte $b6,$b7,$b8,$b9
- .byte $d6,$d7,$d8,$d9
- .byte $00,$00,$00,$00
- .byte $00,$00,$00,$00
- .byte $00,$00,$00,$00
- .byte $00,$00,$00,$00
-; *********************************************************
-; Tiles to use for X and O *
-; *********************************************************
- .byte $80,$81,$00,$83
- .byte $00,$91,$92,$93
- .byte $00,$a1,$a2,$a3
- .byte $b0,$b1,$00,$b3
- .byte $84,$85,$86,$87
- .byte $94,$00,$00,$97
- .byte $a4,$00,$00,$a7
- .byte $b4,$b5,$b6,$b7
-.incbin "title.nam"
-.incbin "board.nam"
-.incbin "final.nam"
-; .byte $52,$53,$40,$4b,$44,$4c,$40,$53,$44,$20
-; .byte $00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00,$00
-; .byte $09,$0a,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$08,$09,$0a
-; .byte $0b,$0c,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$07,$0b,$0c
- ;.byte $00,$58,$4e,$54,$00,$56,$48,$4d,$20,$00
- .byte $46,$40,$4c,$44
- .byte $00,$00,$00,$00
- .byte $4e,$55,$44,$51
- .byte $00,$00,$00,$00
-.segment "VECTORS"
- .addr nmi
- .addr reset
- .addr irq
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/main.prg b/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/main.prg
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b69ed8..0000000
Binary files a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/main.prg and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/makefile b/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index c85483e..0000000
--- a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-all: main
-main: main.asm
- ca65 main.asm -g -o main.o
- ld65 -C memory.cfg -o main.prg main.o
- cat ttxo.hdr main.prg graphics.chr > Tic-Tac-Toe.nes
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/memory.cfg b/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/memory.cfg
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f41223..0000000
--- a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/memory.cfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
- ZP: start = $00, size = $100, type = rw;
- RAM: start = $200, size = $600, type = rw;
- WRAM: start = $6000, size = $2000, type = rw;
- PRG: start = $8000, size = $8000, type = ro, file = %O;
- }
- CODE: load = PRG, type = ro, start = $8000;
- RODATA: load = PRG, type = ro;
- DATA: load = RAM, type = bss;
- ZEROPAGE: load = ZP, type = zp;
- BSS: load = RAM, type = bss, define = yes;
- VECTORS: load = PRG, type = ro, start = $FFFA;
- }
diff --git a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/title.nam b/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/title.nam
deleted file mode 100644
index 568c9ad..0000000
Binary files a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/title.nam and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/ttxo.cdl b/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/ttxo.cdl
deleted file mode 100644
index ca5ea44..0000000
Binary files a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/ttxo.cdl and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/ttxo.hdr b/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/ttxo.hdr
deleted file mode 100644
index c8efa14..0000000
Binary files a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/ttxo.hdr and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/ttxo.nsf b/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/ttxo.nsf
deleted file mode 100644
index d3328b9..0000000
Binary files a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/ttxo.nsf and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/ttxo.pal b/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/ttxo.pal
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fdafba..0000000
Binary files a/Tic-Tac-Toe_v2/ttxo.pal and /dev/null differ