In wp-admin > WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout > Stripe, Enable Stripe, Enable Test Mode, Enable Stripe Checkout and Enable Payment via Saved Cards
In wp-admin > WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout > Stripe, enter a Test Secret Key and a Test Publishable Key
Enable at least one other payment gateway (e.g. Cheques)
On the front side, place an item in your cart and proceed to Checkout
Fill in all required fields in the Billing Details area
Select Credit Card (Stripe) and "Use a new credit card"
Click on Continue to payment
Verify you get the stripe modal requesting card number, expiration and CVC
Enter 4242 4242 4242 4242, 12/17, 123
Leave Remember Me unchecked
Click Confirm and Pay
Verify the modal closes, the page dims for a bit, and then you are redirected to Order Received
Repeat the above steps, but this time instead of "Use a new credit card" use a stored card
Click on Continue to payment
Verify the page dims for a bit and then you are redirected to Order Received
Repeat the above steps, but this time clear the Billing Details (e.g. Name, etc)
Choose a stored card in Stripe
Click on Continue to payment
Verify you get prompted to fill in required fields.
Fill in the required fields
Click on Continue to payment
Verify the page dims for a bit and then you are redirected to Order Received
Repeat the above steps, but this time choose the "Cheque Payment" gateway
Click on Place Order
Verify the page dims for a bit and then you are redirected to Order Received
Repeat at least the "Use a new credit card" case on Chrome on an iPhone or iPad
In wp-admin > WooCommerce > Settings > Checkout > Stripe, uncheck Enable Payment via Saved Cards
On the front side, place an item in your cart and proceed to Checkout
Fill in all required fields in the Billing Details area
Select Credit Card (Stripe)
Click on Continue to payment
Verify you get the stripe modal requesting card number, expiration and CVC
Enter 4242 4242 4242 4242, 12/17, 123
Leave Remember Me unchecked
Click Confirm and Pay
Verify the modal closes, the page dims for a bit, and then you are redirected to Order Received