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331 lines (266 loc) · 9.84 KB

File metadata and controls

331 lines (266 loc) · 9.84 KB

Hard sphere fluid Monte Carlo simulation with no units.

We don't need to be aware of time for the simulation itself, but we want to save to file at fixed intervals and to know for how long we've been running the simulation.

extern crate time;
use time::precise_time_s;

This is our very simple 3d vector over f64s.

mod vector3d;
use vector3d::Vector3d;

All distances should be in terms of the sphere radius, R. We don't have units to enforce this, though, so if we ever change R, or decide to work in terms of diameter instead, we may get bugs where we've forgotten a factor of R.

const R: f64 = 1.0;

fn main() {

This is just a test program, so we'll do some very simple argument parsing.

    let argv: Vec<String> = std::env::args().collect();
    if argv.len() != 5 {
        println!("Call with {} N len iter
    where N is the number of spheres (must be a cube),
        len is the length of the cell sides,
        iter is the number of iterations to run for,
        fname is name to save the density file.",
        panic!("Arguments bad!");

The number of spheres in our simulation.

    let n: usize = argv[1].parse().expect("Need integer for N");

The length of the sides of our cubic cell.

    let len: f64 = argv[2].parse().expect("Neat float for len");

The number of iterations for which to run the simulation. Here, we are calling an iteration an attempted move of every sphere. Others might call an iteration an attempted move of a single sphere, making our terms differ by a factor of n.

    let iterations: usize = argv[3].parse().expect("Need integer for iterations");

Whenever we attempt to move a sphere, it will be by a random distance from a Gaussian distribution where scale is the width. Its value does not affect the correctness of our results, but if it's too small the spheres won't move very much, and if it's too large, then most moves will fail. In either case, it will take longer to converge on the correct results. Ideally, we would adjust this during the first part of the simulation.

    let scale = 0.05;

We will measure the density along the z-axis only. As all directions are the same, this was an arbitrary choice. This value gives the width of our histogram bins, and so determines the resolution of our data.

    let dz_density = 0.01;

Set up the file for saving output.

    let density_fname = &argv[4];
    let density_path = std::path::Path::new(density_fname);

Here, we create the histogram for storing sphere counts. As we run the simulation, we will periodically check where each sphere is, and add a count to the appropriate bin.

    let density_bins = (len / dz_density + 0.5) as usize;
    let mut density_histogram = vec![0; density_bins];

The most important variable we have. Our spheres!

    let mut spheres: Vec<Vector3d> = Vec::with_capacity(n);

For initial placement, we need a valid state. That means that all spheres must be in the cell and none of them may be overlapping. One method would be to place them randomly and then move them around until they no longer overlap, but that is time consuming.

Instead, we will place them on a face-centered cubic (fcc) grid, which allows the highest packing denisty possible for spheres. If we were running a real simulation, we would then want to move them a bunch before taking data, so that they start in a higher entropy state.

    let min_cell_width = 2.0 * 2.0f64.sqrt() * R;
    let cells = (len / min_cell_width) as usize;
    let cell_w = len / (cells as f64);

    if cell_w < min_cell_width {
        panic!("Placement cell size too small");

    let offset: [Vector3d; 4] = [Vector3d::new(0.0, cell_w, cell_w) / 2.0,
                                 Vector3d::new(cell_w, 0.0, cell_w) / 2.0,
                                 Vector3d::new(cell_w, cell_w, 0.0) / 2.0,
                                 Vector3d::new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)];
    let mut b: usize = 0;
    'a: for i in 0..cells {
        for j in 0..cells {
            for k in 0..cells {
                for off in offset.iter() {

                    let x = (i as f64) * cell_w;
                    let y = (j as f64) * cell_w;
                    let z = (k as f64) * cell_w;

                    spheres.push(Vector3d::new(x, y, z) + off.clone());

                    b += 1;
                    if b >= n {
                        break 'a;

Now that they've been placed, let's make sure that none of the spheres overlap and that they're all in the cell. We should be fine unless the user runs this with too many spheres for a given cell volume.

    for i in 0..n {
        for j in i + 1..n {
            assert!(!overlap(spheres[i], spheres[j], len));
    println!("Placed spheres!");

We want to time the simulation, both so that we can see how long it's been running for and so that we can save our results at a regular frequency. We will start saving every second, doubling the time between saves each time we save, up to a maximum of 30 minutes each save.

    let mut output_period: f64 = 1.0; // start with 1 s
    let max_output_period: f64 = 60.0 * 30.0; // top out at 30 mins

Start the clock!

    let start_time = precise_time_s();
    let mut last_output = start_time;

And the simulation!

    for iteration in 1..iterations + 1 {

First, we attempt to move each sphere once.

        for i in 0..n {
            let temp = random_move(&spheres[i], scale, len);
            let mut overlaps = false;

Note that we have to check our moved sphere, temp, against all spheres j, not just the ones with higher indices, because we're moving them as we go. We also don't care if it overlaps with sphere i because it is sphere i.

            for j in 0..n {
                if j != i && overlap(temp, spheres[j], len) {
                    overlaps = true;

We only want to keep the move if the sphere doesn't overlap with any others.

            if !overlaps {
                spheres[i] = temp;

Now, we will update the density histogram with the new locations of the spheres. We could do this either more or less frequently, but doing it each time we move all the spheres seems reasonable enough.

        for sphere in &spheres {

Each bin in the histogram is actually a slice of the cell. Since we're only tracking data along the z-axis, the x and y coordinates don't matter at all for this purpose.

Where sphere.z is the z coordinate of the sphere in real space, z_i is the corresponding index in the histogram.

            let z_i = (sphere.z / dz_density) as usize;
            density_histogram[z_i] += 1;

Finally, if enough time has passed, let's save our density data to a file.

        let now = precise_time_s();
        if (now - last_output > output_period) || iteration == iterations {
            last_output = now;
            output_period = if output_period * 2.0 < max_output_period {
                output_period * 2.0
            } else {
            let elapsed = now - start_time;
            let seconds = (elapsed as usize) % 60;
            let minutes = ((elapsed / 60.0) as usize) % 60;
            let hours = ((elapsed / 3600.0) as usize) % 24;
            let days = (elapsed / 86400.0) as usize;
            println!("(Rust) Saving data after {} days, {:02}:{:02}:{:02}, {} iterations \

            let mut densityout = std::fs::File::create(&density_path).expect("Couldn't make file!");
            let zbins: usize = (len / dz_density) as usize;
            for z_i in 0..zbins {
                let z = (z_i as f64 + 0.5) * dz_density;
                let zhist = density_histogram[z_i];
                let data = format!("{:6.3}   {}\n", z, zhist);
                use std::io::Write;
                match densityout.write(data.as_bytes()) {
                    Ok(_) => (),
                    Err(e) => println!("error writing {}", e),

While we are operating in a cubical cell, we are simulating all of space being filled with copies of our cell. We do this by having periodic boundary conditions. Think of it like a Pacman level; if you exit on one side, you come back on the other side. That's what this function handles.

fn fix_periodic(v: Vector3d, len: f64) -> Vector3d {
    let mut v = v;
    for i in 0..3 {
        if v[i] > len {
            v[i] -= len;
        if v[i] < 0.0 {
            v[i] += len;

This function finds the vector from sphere a to sphere b, even across the periodic boundary.

fn periodic_diff(a: Vector3d, b: Vector3d, len: f64) -> Vector3d {
    let mut v = b - a;
    for i in 0..3 {
        if v[i] > 0.5 * len {
            v[i] -= len;
        if v[i] < -0.5 * len {
            v[i] += len;

Spheres a and b: Where are they? Do they overlap? Let's find out!

fn overlap(a: Vector3d, b: Vector3d, len: f64) -> bool {
    let d2 = periodic_diff(a, b, len).norm2();

We use the distance squared to avoid having to take an unnecessary square root.

    d2 < R * R

Perform a random move using a Gaussian distribution of standard deviation of width scale. Then, move the result into the cell in case it escaped.

fn random_move(v: &Vector3d, scale: f64, len: f64) -> Vector3d {
    fix_periodic(*v + Vector3d::ran(scale), len)