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Releases: Dolibarr/dolibarr


13 Feb 10:37
Choose a tag to compare

***** ChangeLog for 18.0.5 compared to 18.0.4 *****
FIX: 17.0: deprecated field should only be a fallback
FIX: 17.0 - php8 warnings: test for $field existence before checking if it is null or empty
FIX: #24185: v18: display of the merged pdf lists
FIX: #26416 BOM_SUB_BOM blank page
FIX: #27166
FIX: #27262 Recurrent invoice - user to string conversion
FIX: #27970 #26283 #27970
FIX: Accountancy - Level 3 of binding not working on supplier side (#27462)
FIX: Accounting files export - Use th instead of td on all title columns (#28003)
FIX: add action update_extras to don card
FIX: Adding hooks init
FIX: Adding the $encode parrameter to recursive _replaceHtmlWithOdtTag() utilisation
FIX: add new hook context for mo production card (#28037)
FIX: avoid from re-initializing result on nested hook getEntity (#27799)
FIX: avoid sql error (issue #26342)
FIX: bad accountancy code autoselection for supplier ventilation
FIX: Bad visible status of proposal after reopen
FIX: Barcode header cell not well displayed
FIX: BarCode Header not well displayed
FIX: Bar code verification should be done by entity because generation does (#28087)
FIX: can edit reminders on past events
FIX: check parameter socid before cloning a customer proposal (#28085)
FIX: crabe PDF is generating in conf->entity instead of object->entity
FIX: CVE-2024-23817 (#28089)
FIX: disable pointer events on jQuery-UI tooltips to prevent a glitch (fast-blinking tooltip)
FIX: Error on emailreminder not reported
FIX: Fatal error converting object of class User to string (php8)
FIX: filter by entity on contact is missing
FIX: Fix supplier invoice security check
FIX: format of color in manifest is wrong when using a custom color
FIX: #GHSA-7947-48q7-cp5m
FIX: HTML injection vulnerability in Dolibarr Application Home Page
FIX: invoice add line save devise
FIX: Keep a link to enable a 'always_enabled' module to solve pb.
FIX: label
FIX: line special_code never saved (#28051)
FIX: link to print when there is a search on multiselect fields
FIX: Menu Create of project no working on smartphone with no top menu.
FIX: missing $search_sale var (backport from v19)
FIX: Missing begin transaction when updating supplier recurring invoice
FIX: missing entity filter for check if period exists
FIX: more correctly parse the select part to be replaced in sql queries
FIX: MouvementStock::origin is not an object
FIX: notification information on intervention validated confirmation message (v17+)
FIX: not load all contacts by default when creating an event
FIX: port in Docker MailDev
FIX: propal use devise changes
FIX: public user photo not visible if $dolibarr_main_instance_unique_id
FIX: remove DISTINCT (backport from v19)
FIX: remove specific name from v19
FIX: Retours PR
FIX: Return a better error message when token is not valid
FIX: search by ref & rowid in don list
FIX: search by thirdparty in don list
FIX: SQL concatenation error
FIX: [TAKEPOS] display prices with or without taxes depending on setup (TAKEPOS_CHANGE_PRICE_HT)
FIX: Ternary operator condition is always true/false
FIX: too long output
FIX: Undefined property: Task::$fk_parent
FIX: uniformization to use "intervention"
FIX: Update loan.class.php (#27971)
FIX: update price extrafield on propal card
FIX: user filter in per user view of event list (#28049)
FIX: use the currency for propal signature page


13 Feb 10:36
Choose a tag to compare

***** ChangeLog for 17.0.4 compared to 17.0.3 *****
FIX: $this->newref already exists and could have been modified by trigger but we still use a local variable for the filesystem-based renaming
FIX: 16.0 only, backport fix for SQL error on global search product
FIX: 17.0: deprecated field should only be a fallback
FIX: 17.0 PHP8: supplier invoice class:
FIX: 17.0 - php8 warnings: test for $field existence before checking is_null
FIX: #25399 (#26694)
FIX: #25458 intervention localizations (backport v17) (#26757)
FIX: #25580 install/step1.php - wrong command line argument used for $main_dir (#25581)
FIX: #25919
FIX: #25934 #25929
FIX: #26100 - Ticket - On edit, list of closed project must be excluded (#26223)
FIX: #26195 - Various payment - List of project excluded those assigned to third parties (#26222)
FIX: #26735 FIX: #26994
FIX: #27262 Recurrent invoice - user to string conversion
FIX: Accountancy - Possibility to write in bookkeeping expense report operation with some line not bound (#26545)
FIX: Accountancy - Update Quadra export format
FIX: add action update_extras to don card
FIX: add_customer_ref_on_linked_shipment (#26349)
FIX: add display of an error when attempting to delete a committed transaction (#26573)
FIX: Adding the $encode parrameter to recursive _replaceHtmlWithOdtTag() utilisation
FIX: add warning in the changelog
FIX: avoid php8 warnings (#25596)
FIX: avoid warning : Cannot use a scalar value as an array (#26437)
FIX: Backport memory fix for fatal error when +100000 products
FIX: backport SQL error on global search product
FIX: bad accountancy code autoselection for supplier ventilation
FIX: Bad calculation of localtax when price_base_type not defined.
FIX: bad check return for sendfile
FIX: bad from and to
FIX: Bad value of accounting account shown in list. Edit fails.
FIX: Barcode header cell not well displayed
FIX: Bar code verification should be done by entity because generation does (#28087)
FIX: # Bug Estimated Stock at date value in V14 (#26479)
FIX: Can't access to rec supplier invoice card
FIX: Can't delete a fourn commande row if a commande ligne is linked
FIX: check tva_tx before comparing price_min_ttc (#25220)
FIX: commande context (#26497)
FIX: compare the result of the send mail file function
FIX: could not delete a fourn commande row if a commande ligne is linked
FIX: count cronjob list differs of lines shown nb
FIX: crabe PDF is generating in conf->entity instead of object->entity
FIX: creation of invoice from contract with discount lines
FIX: CVE-2024-23817 (#28089)
FIX: dir output path for ODT models on reception card
FIX: disable pointer events on jQuery-UI tooltips to prevent a glitch (fast-blinking tooltip)
FIX: Error handling for computed values on import (#24897)
FIX: escape HTML tags in return value of getFullName() (#26735)
FIX: export FEC
FIX: Fatal error converting object of class User to string (php8)
FIX: fatal error with bad definition of dictionaries
FIX: filter by entity on contact is missing
FIX: Fix supplier invoice security check
FIX: HTML in ODT templates (#26181)
FIX: include
FIX: label
FIX: line special_code never saved (#28051)
FIX: link to create purchase order from sale order
FIX: menu auguria
FIX: message order in ticket public view is not coherent with tickets events tab
FIX: Missing begin transaction when updating supplier recurring invoice
FIX: missing contact_id for the trigger
FIX: Missing error message on CommandeFourn creation
FIX: missing fk_account situation invoice
FIX: missing project entity filter (Issue #26243) (#26247)
FIX: modification of complementary attributes in commercial proposals
FIX: modification of complementary attributes in invoices (#26180)
FIX: more correctly parse the select part to be replaced in sql queries
FIX: not create/update extrafields for visibility 0,2 and 5
FIX: notification information on intervention validated confirmation message (v17+)
FIX: payment card: misleading message when delete button disabled
FIX: payment : language is not propagated to following pages
FIX: pdf cornas page head multicell width (backport v17)
FIX: possible inconsistency between llx_ecm_files and file system when BILL_SUPPLIER_VALIDATES changes ref
FIX: Prices visible on TakePOS KO with multiprices support
FIX: product list accounting length
FIX: propal list : warning if product module is not enabled (#25583)
FIX: Propal's negative quantities
FIX: Quick search Intervention redirect to wrong page
FIX: reception odt dir output path
FIX: regression on rounding stocks fields on product list
FIX: Return right content type
FIX: right access on salary card and tabs
FIX: rights paymentsc paiementcharge
FIX: same broken feature as v18 (Multicompany)
FIX: Save user modif id when changing a contact status
FIX: search by ref & rowid in don list
FIX: search by thirdparty in don list
FIX: special_code update line keep old value. (#26819)
FIX: SQL concatenation error
FIX: SQL request parenthesis
FIX: substitute project variables in invoice documents (#26445)
FIX: Suppliers addlines never have VAT if buyprice for this supplier
FIX: [TAKEPOS] display prices with or without taxes depending on setup (TAKEPOS_CHANGE_PRICE_HT)
FIX: TakePOS receipt preview in admin #25648
FIX: template invoice list extrafield filters (backport v17) (#26227)
FIX: thirdparty object in proposal card is not loaded
FIX: too long output
FIX: translation button
FIX: use event.key instead event.wich to avoid keyboard difference
FIX: Use of line->insert instead of line->create
FIX: user creation when LDAP is configured (#26332)
FIX: Use the wrong logo size on PDF
FIX: v17: Param $notrigger in $societe->create() causes method to return true regardless of actual result of database functions (#26499)
FIX: warning param $lineID getSpecialCode is negatif (#26826)
FIX: warning php8.2 undefined_array_key (#26830)
FIX: warning when Workboard Responses display non numeric strings
FIX: Wrong backtopage given for the stocktransfer button from the stocktransfer list (#26271)
FIX: wrong place of trigger delete


17 Dec 22:06
Choose a tag to compare

FIX: $this->newref already exists and could have been modified by trigger but we still use a local variable for the filesystem-based renaming
FIX: 16.0 only, backport fix for SQL error on global search product
FIX: #25399 (#26694)
FIX: #25458 intervention localizations (backport v17) (#26757)
FIX: #26518
FIX: #26536 Accountancy - Balance - Not divided lines by label & account, only by account (#26547)
FIX: #26553 Supplier invoice - Do not display the delete button for reconciled payment (#26554)
FIX: #26735
FIX: #26994
FIX: Accountancy - Possibility to write in bookkeeping expense report operation with some line not bound (#26545)
FIX: add display of an error when attempting to delete a committed transaction (#26573)
FIX: avoid warning : Cannot use a scalar value as an array (#26437)
FIX: backport SQL error on global search product
FIX: # Bug Estimated Stock at date value in V14 (#26479)
FIX: commande context (#26497)
FIX: delivery note disappear after generation
FIX: double hook and paging search param in product list (#26767)
FIX: Email reminder template must not be visible when option is off
FIX: escape HTML tags in return value of getFullName() (#26735)
FIX: Fix set private note (#26610)
FIX: Fix when options FAC_FORCE_DATE_VALIDATION and INVOICE_CHECK_POSTERIOR_DATE enabled. The date is forced after the test and not before
FIX: menu auguria
FIX: pagination parameters on save and cancel buttons (#26605)
FIX: pdf cornas page head multicell width (backport v17)
FIX: php8 fatal on edit supplier order when multicurrency is activated (#26758)
FIX: possible inconsistency between llx_ecm_files and file system when BILL_SUPPLIER_VALIDATES changes ref
FIX: regression on planned bank entries (#26556)
FIX: Social contribution - Payment list - Wrong information in type column (#26561)
FIX: special_code update line keep old value. (#26819)
FIX: substitute project variables in invoice documents (#26445)
FIX: Test on permission for holiday tooltips
FIX: v17: Param $notrigger in $societe->create() causes method to return true regardless of actual result of database functions (#26499)
FIX: v18 SQL error in llx_c_forme_juridique.sql when installing
FIX: Warehouse Global Amounts not displayed (#26478)
FIX: warning param $lineID getSpecialCode is negatif (#26826)
FIX: warning php8.2 undefined_array_key (#26830)


12 Nov 18:59
Choose a tag to compare

***** ChangeLog for 18.0.3 compared to 18.0.2 *****
FIX: #25793 Cannot add time spent (#26405)
FIX: #26100 Ticket - On edit, list of closed project must be excluded (#26223)
FIX: #26170
FIX: #26195 Various payment - List of project excluded those assigned to third parties (#26222)
FIX: #26349 add_customer_ref_on_linked_shipment
FIX: avoid warning + CSRF
FIX: avoid warning if module not activated
FIX: Bad name for trigger in HRM module
FIX: check tva_tx before comparing price_min_ttc (#25220)
FIX: Compare the result of the send mail file function
FIX: dol_eval with function starting with !
FIX: Error handling for computed values on import (#24897)
FIX: Error not returned on sales with takepos and batch module enabled
FIX: error of webhook not returned
FIX: firstname and lastname were not saved in attendee subscription
FIX: HTML in ODT templates (#26181)
FIX: Link to list of movement from the inventory code
FIX: Mass import of stock from a file must accept empty source
FIX: Max version of PHP (#26327)
FIX: missing load group members for ldap synchro (#26167)
FIX: missing project entity filter (Issue #26243) (#26247)
FIX: modification of complementary attributes in invoices (#26180)
FIX: On object validation, ecm index are not updated for uploaded files
FIX: Propal's negative quantities
FIX: public subscription page should not display acceptation for public register when it is not enabled (#26354)
FIX: regression on rounding stocks fields on product list
FIX: removed a non expected hidden input field in stockatdate page
FIX: src_object_id and ttype not filed when uploading a file with API.
FIX: suggested end for membership can be before subscription start (#26351)
FIX: Supplier card - VAT Reserve Charge - Undefined function isInEEC() (#26379)
FIX: syntax error
FIX: template invoice list extrafield filters (backport v17) (#26227)
FIX: Tooltip for search syntax must not appear on date fields
FIX: upload of files src_object_type
FIX: use event.key instead event.wich to avoid keyboard difference
FIX: Use of line->insert instead of line->create
FIX: user creation when LDAP is configured (#26332)
FIX: Wrong backtopage given for the stocktransfer button from the stocktransfer list (#26271)


10 Oct 21:32
Choose a tag to compare

***** ChangeLog for 18.0.2 compared to 18.0.1 *****
FIX: 17.0 PHP8: supplier invoice class
FIX: #24908 #25824
FIX: #25780 Various payment - List - Fatal error on PHP8.x
FIX: #25884
FIX: #25919
FIX: #25934 #25929
FIX: Accountancy - Update Quadra export format
FIX: add field "entity" only in $tabfieldinsert
FIX: add warning in the changelog
FIX: Avoid duplicate popup when popup setup to work as ajax
FIX: avoid excess line breaks
FIX: removed some php8 warning
FIX: avoid wrong backtopage url
FIX: bad check return for sendfile
FIX: Bad choice of filter on product/service
FIX: bad from and to
FIX: Bad length for value
FIX: Bad value of accounting account shown in list. Edit fails.
FIX: batch to update non valid backlink check
FIX: better sql request for all cases
FIX: Can't access to rec supplier invoice card
FIX: Can't delete a fourn commande row if a commande ligne is linked
FIX: could not delete a fourn commande row if a commande ligne is linked
FIX: create intervention from time spend
FIX: customer code search filter on invoice list
FIX: #CVE-2023-4197
FIX: date comparison for user expiration on user list
FIX: Debug the dispatch page to work on corrupted data
FIX: delete useless condition in massaction_pre
FIX: Edition of line on the list of timespent for all projects
FIX: Edition of shipment detail with lot not updating correctly tables
FIX: emailcollector to search existing thirdparty when extract not found
FIX: Error message
FIX: Expense report is created on the wrong entity
FIX: export FEC
FIX: Filter on partnership status
FIX: fix the wrong position of the hook 'printFieldListTitle' and 'printFieldListValue' in the stock at date page
FIX: If PHPIMAP is active, emailcollector "recordjoinpiece" operation will not work
FIX: include
FIX: Kanban view
FIX: link to create purchase order from sale order
FIX: Look and feel search v18
FIX: message order in ticket public view is not coherent with tickets events tab
FIX: missing contact_id for the trigger
FIX: missing entity filter to customize ticket dictionaries by entity
FIX: Missing error message on CommandeFourn creation
FIX: missing fk_account situation invoice
FIX: missing group "members" + multiple broken features for Multicompany
FIX: missing 'overwrite_trans' for $addzero (Multicompany)
FIX: modification of complementary attributes in commercial proposals
FIX: multicompany compatibility
FIX: multiple broken features for Multicompany !!!!
FIX: Navigation to/from a project from page of projects of a thirdparty
FIX: payment : language is not propagated to following pages
FIX: Prices visible on TakePOS KO with multiprices support
FIX: product list accounting length
FIX: Quick search Intervention redirect to wrong page
FIX: Return right content type
FIX: right access on salary card and tabs
FIX: rights paymentsc paiementcharge
FIX: same broken feature as v18 (Multicompany)
FIX: Save user modif id when changing a contact status
FIX: Social Contrib - List - Fatal error on kanban view PHP8.x & Missing colspan
FIX: thirdparty object in proposal card is not loaded
FIX: Total of holidays is doubled
FIX: translation button
FIX: trigger for email sent from partnership
FIX: uniformize getEntity sql request
FIX: use urlencode for origin and originid
FIX: Various payment - List - Fatal error on php8.1
FIX: warning when Workboard Responses display non numeric strings
FIX: wrong place of trigger delete
FIX: wrong test + is_int is better for negative integer


05 Sep 22:04
Choose a tag to compare

***** ChangeLog for 18.0.1 compared to 18.0.0 *****
FIX: Adding a product in recurring invoice does not use the correct VAT
FIX: API /product/getAttributes
FIX: avoid php8 warnings
FIX: bad balance of TR tag in multicurrency price view
FIX: Bad calculation of localtax when price_base_type not defined.
FIX: Bad link into message
FIX: Bad message on menu to go to setup of accounting custom groups
FIX: Bank receipt was empty
FIX: Billing massaction should be possible on Processed Reception.
FIX: clone when cloning object with ->lines containing not object
FIX: Condition to show column POSModule and POSTerminal in invoice list
FIX: date survey : button to add dates would not work. Session would store cells numbers which would stay to 10 for next surveys created.
FIX: dir output path for ODT models on reception card
FIX: Duplicate tooltip on ref of an agenda event
FIX: encrypt sensitive data must not be done for const MAIN_AGENDA_ACTIONAUTO
FIX: Export when old file export_csv.modules.php is still present
FIX: fatal error with bad definition of dictionaries
FIX: fatal error with some parameters
FIX: hook formBuilddocOptions was broken when used by 2 modules
FIX: Line for revenuestamp in accountancy transfer must appear only if it exists
FIX: Navigation between bank receipts
FIX: payment card: misleading message when delete button disabled
FIX: reception odt dir output path
FIX: SQL request parenthesis
FIX: Suppliers addlines never have VAT if buyprice for this supplier not set
FIX: TakePOS receipt preview in admin #25648
FIX: technical error on conciliation of lines
FIX: the account in chart of account to use for revenue stamp is on dict
FIX: url to check keyword not saved on partnership from public form
FIX: when adding new times on a survey, all hours would be erased.


05 Sep 22:00
Choose a tag to compare

***** ChangeLog for 18.0.0 compared to 17.0.0 *****

For users:

NEW: PHP 8.2 compatibility (test not yet completed)
NEW: Module Workstations Management upgraded to stable status
NEW: Module Webhook upgraded to stable status
NEW: #23436 Group social networks fields
NEW: Accountancy - Add specific page to export accounting data rather than the journals page
NEW: Accountancy - Add sub-account balance FPC22
NEW: Accountancy - Manage customer retained warranty FPC21+
NEW: Accountancy - Manage intra-community VAT on supplier invoices - FPC22
NEW: Accountancy - iSuiteExpert export model
NEW: Accountancy - Quadratus export with attachments in accountancy export
NEW: Accountancy - Can filter on a custom group of accounts. Perf or ledger list.
NEW: Accountancy - Can select the export format during export of journals
NEW: Accountancy - sort of column of custom group of account
NEW: Can upload a file with drag and drop on purchase invoice, vats, salaries and social contributions
NEW: Authentication: #22740 add OpenID Connect impl
NEW: Authentication: add experimental support for Google OAuth2 connexion
NEW: Authentication: can now edit service name for OAuth token
NEW: add bookmarks in selectable landing pages for users
NEW: Add column ext_payment_site into societe_rib to allow multiple payment mode
NEW: add convertion of images to webp for a single image in website media editor
NEW: Add CRC for currency symbol before amount
NEW: Add filter on nb of generation done in list of recurring invoices
NEW: Add filters and sort on product unit column
NEW: Add link to edit VAT list from error message of missing VAT
NEW: add margins in paiement/card.php
NEW: Add mass action delete on VAT
NEW: Add possibility to choose format #21426
NEW: An external module can modify the quick search fields
NEW: Bank: Bank name no more mandatory on creation. Can be generated if empty.
NEW: Bank: Add fields zip, town, country for owner of a bank account
NEW: batch referential objets
NEW: Can add the add now link on date into addfieldvalue()
NEW: Can add an array of several links in date selector
NEW: Can bin accounting line for a given month
NEW: Can edit inline the VAT number from supplier tab
NEW: Can go back to draft on shipment when stock change not on validate
NEW: Can modify bank account of sepa payment (if file not sent yet)
NEW: Can set a checkbox in formconfirm by clicking on the label
NEW: Can set the page "List of opportunities" as landing page
NEW: Can show the SQL request used on emailing selection
NEW: can stay on edit field when errors occurs
NEW: comment in api_mymodule for seperate methods
NEW: create email substitution variable for intervention signature URL
NEW: Contacts: presend mass action in contact list
NEW: Contacts: hook printFieldListFrom in contact list
NEW: Customers: add date due and labels into customer comm card
NEW: Debug the custom CSS feature to avoid a directory search/scan at
NEW: dev name
NEW: Disable bad reputation product price
NEW: Email: autofill email form with the email template with status "Default" on
NEW: Email: don't have closed contact proposed as receiver for the mails
NEW: Email: can set flag default value on email templates
NEW: Email-Collector: add field reply-to in email collector as possible filter
NEW: Email-Collector: substitute date now in email collector
NEW: Email-Collector: operation type in email collector to load or create contact
NEW: Email-Collector: easier setup - can also use ! for negative search
NEW: Email-Templates: show module into list of email templates
NEW: Events: can add any contact on events if global MAIN_ACTIONCOM_CAN_ADD_ANY_CONTACT is set at 1
NEW: Events: list with color
NEW: Events: remove default percentage for event creation url
NEW: formconfirm can support field with format datetime
NEW: GeoIP: Can test a geoip conversion from the geoip setup page
NEW: GUI: add a CSS editor into the admin GUI
NEW: GUI: add dropdown button actions (example on Create button on project)
NEW: GUI: color for start date and owner
NEW: GUI: new tab for reception and shipment
NEW: GUI: better design for the page of discounts of a thirdparty
NEW: GUI: can set background style with MAIN_LOGIN_BACKGROUND_STYLE
NEW: Help: Tooltip to explain how to add a photo on a product
NEW: Help: Possibility to link to German pages in help
NEW: helper functions for dates + small demo case
NEW: HR - Salary: can fill date of salary payment with date of start of salary
NEW: HR - Salary: can modify the date of payment of a salary (if not reconciled)
NEW: HR - Salary: date for salary payment includes the hour/min
NEW: HR - Salary: adding button Send Email on the salary file
NEW: Import: filter on entity in import
NEW: Import: map table to element for get entity in import
NEW: inc.php: handle parameters from argv
NEW: Installation: Auto activate some modules on install (Export/Import/Wysiwyg editor)
NEW: Invoice: show category of operations
NEW: Invoice: add customer code to invoices listing
NEW: Keep a link between user created from recruitment and application
NEW: Mass Actions: Better responsive for mass actions
NEW: Members: add numbering modules for members
NEW: Members: add widget box_members_by_tags.php
NEW: Members: Captcha for public member's subscription form
NEW: migration script + delete old table + rename fields and indexes
NEW: MRP MO: Dynamic choice of warehouse and batch in MO production.
NEW: Multicurrency REST API to create, update, delete, update rate...
NEW: Multiselect for filter on prospection status
NEW: [Bulk delete Project tasks]
NEW: No overwrite of optionals during put() contact
NEW: Notifications: add Customer Order delivered (ORDER_NEW) in module Notification
NEW: Notifications: for Sign or Refused Propal from Online Page
NEW: Now we can edit amount on VAT and salaries clone action
NEW: only get opened contact from liste_contact function, to not have access to closed contact as mail receiver
NEW: Option to manage deposit slips for more payment modes (not only
NEW: Option to show column for field and line selection on the left
NEW: Orders: add sub total in order list det
NEW: Orders: list product in orders
NEW: Orders export: allow to export field 'shipment method'
NEW: payment default values when supplier order created from reception
NEW: Payment: manage contracts
NEW: Payment: sepaStripe now creates the payment mode with type pm_ using new API
NEW: Payment: add partial payment reason "withholding tax"
NEW: Payment: Can edit account on miscellaneous payment (if not transfered)
NEW: Print PDF: category of operation for crabe PDF model
NEW: Print PDF: Name and date to print on PDF Sign
NEW: Print PDF: Use the more recent PDF templates for documents by default on a fresh install
NEW: Print PDF: Option PDF_SHOW_PHONE_AFTER_USER_CONTACT to show phone after specific assigned contact on PDF
NEW: Print PDF: Option PDF_SHOW_EMAIL_AFTER_USER_CONTACT to show email after specific assigned contact on PDF
NEW: product images on popup are cached
NEW: Products: Add origin info when create a product batch when created from a movement stock
NEW: Products: Add statistics by amount on statistics of products.
NEW: Products: Add SQL contraint on product_stock table to allow only existing product and warehouse #23543
NEW: Proposals: filter for Signed+Billed in proposals
NEW: Proposals: can modify margin rates in offers like VAT rates
NEW: Proposals: option filter for NoSalesRepresentativeAffected in proposals list
NEW: Reception: can receive more than qty ordered on reception
NEW: referential objects of batch
NEW: remove keys whose table element is the same as element in map list
NEW: repair script skip views
NEW: search on time spent duration range
NEW: Security: Save date to invalidate other session into user table
NEW: Security: Invalidate all sessions of a user when password is modified.
NEW: Service Contracts: Filter on amount and qty on list of service's contracts
NEW: set today start time at beginning
NEW: Show main currency in company info user tooltip
NEW: Show supplier invoice ref of direct debit transfer tab invoices
NEW: Social Networks: expend/collapse list of social networks
NEW: Stock limit for alert and desired optimal stock by product and warehouse import
NEW: Stock: Add warehouse create and modify triggers.
NEW: Stock: Can select several warehouses into the view stock at date in past
NEW: Stripe: add STRIPE_DEBUG, a way to log Stripe IPN
NEW: Supplier Invoices: add ability of ODT support to supplier invoices
NEW: Supplier Order: show supplier name in getNomUrl of supplier order
NEW: Supplier Order: set payment default values when supplier order created from reception
NEW: Supplier Price: Add a status on supplier price ref (WIP to close a supplier ref)
NEW: Support different bank account for several direct debit payments
NEW: Support multiselect in the warehouse selection combo box
NEW: Survey: Comment on survey is possible only after vote.
NEW: TakePOS: adapt category and product pictures sizes on TakePOS
NEW: TakePOS: limit load products in TakePOS
NEW: The batch for remind on due date can be setup for using validation date
NEW: The refresh link for IMAP collector is always visible
NEW: Third-Party: use an ajax component to switch prospection status on thirdparty list
NEW: Tickets: Send a notification email when ticket assigned
NEW: Tickets: set ticket status to answered if the client has answered from the public interface
NEW: Tickets: added an option to display the progress of tickets on the public interface
NEW: Tickets: add link to thirdparty tickets history
NEW: Tickets: notify also the contributor affected to a ticket if a new message public is post (add global TICKET_PUBLIC_NOTIFICATION_N...

Read more


09 Aug 16:16
Choose a tag to compare

***** ChangeLog for 17.0.3 compared to 17.0.2 *****
FIX: #20304 propaldates update
FIX: #24508 Label not reported when creating a supplier invoice template (#25340)
FIX: #24569 filters on stockadate page
FIX: #24631 Filter on categories of warehouses faulty
FIX: #24695
FIX: #24756 Total sum on annual report bank
FIX: #24918
FIX: #24985 Societe - Function thirdparty merging not working with module whose tables are not deployed by default
FIX: #24991
FIX: #24997 Update slovakia vat rate
FIX: #25223
FIX: ability to disable forcing focus on select2 to avoid side effects
FIX: Add hidden conf to add extrafields in canelle template : INVOICE_ADD_EXTRAFIELD_IN_NOTE
FIX: Add/Update required modules for thirdparties (by categ) & partnership
FIX: ajax on off setup type
FIX: avoid php8 warning
FIX: Bad management of localtax on TakePOS due to typo error in var name
FIX: can define empty qty by default when create object line
FIX: can not remove the last selected value with checkbox
FIX: case special char for password in email admin page
FIX: Change $key into $tmpkey
FIX: CommonObject::getRights()
FIX: commonobject: getRights() did not find rights correctly for objects built using modulebuilder
FIX: CVE reported by BELABED Skander (Akerva)
FIX: CVE XSS on company name reported by Belabed Skander from Akerva
FIX: decimal values were not possible on shipment quantities (introduced by #24882)
FIX: default value for condition of payment on proposal
FIX: default values were not set for specimen objects
FIX: Delete of bank of a thirdparty must need the edit thirdparty perm
FIX: display project tasks list columns (#24557)
FIX: dol_print_error parameters on ticket fetch method (#25318)
FIX: dol_trunc may not have the desired behaviour for truncating a cryptographic initialiszation vector, for instance when MAIN_DISABLE_TRUNC is used
FIX: Donation - Missing Language key
FIX: error expedition qty 0
FIX: extrafield quick edit not working on products
FIX: fatal error on Stripe setup page and security when terminal not used
FIX: Fatal Error PHP 8 : division by 0 (#25384)
FIX|Fix Change strpos for expedition and receipt in files.lib.php $haystack and $needle inversion
FIX: Fix main and left menu info for the root menu of the list of accountancy journal
FIX: Homogenise handling of null extrafield value in create/update
FIX: Langs was not loaded for extrafields error
FIX: Missing localtaxes on receipt in TakePOS
FIX: no change on thirdparties.modules.php required modules
FIX: OAUth2 module for Google with scopes for people and calendar
FIX: php8.1 warning on lists with total due to unset array key (#25460)
FIX: quickedit code missing on product card
FIX: Selection of customer on second or more parallel sell in TakePOS
FIX: Showing bank account on list for direct debit
FIX: SQL migration file
FIX: String was compared to an integer
FIX: to avoid wrong path of file (#25320)
FIX: Total sum on annual report bank
FIX: translation extrafield mass action #24080
FIX: Try to fix the date of invoice on TakePOS on eastern timezone
FIX: TVA calc option must be the same on update line as on create line
FIX: Update mouvementstock.class.php (#25396)
FIX: update product on translation update
FIX: use dol_substr instead of dol_trunc for truncating openssl initialization vector
FIX: We should always be able to filter on action type no matter if we can't read actions of others (#24462)
FIX: wrong var name


09 Aug 16:15
Choose a tag to compare

***** ChangeLog for 17.0.2 compared to 17.0.1 *****
FIX: Change strpos for expedition and receipt in files.lib $haystack and $needle inversion
FIX: Add hidden conf to add extrafields in canelle template : INVOICE_ADD_EXTRAFIELD_IN_NOTE
FIX: #24414
FIX: #24798 Deleting member subscription is not possible
FIX: add a test for updating date on task update in tab time consummed pro…
FIX: add charchesociales in security.lib.php
FIX: Add Missing rights check on holiday calendar
FIX: Add the possibility to events owner to check their events from the list when the perm "Read the actions (events or tasks) of others" is not active
FIX: Authorize '0' subprice in supplier proposal line
FIX: avoid error when computed property of extrafields is used
FIX: avoid warnings php8
FIX: Back to cancel on reception creation
FIX: Bad deletion of email when there is several emails processed
FIX: bank account not visible on credit transfer
FIX: Better support for option MAIN_NO_INPUT_PRICE_WITH_TAX
FIX: broken feature : send private message by email
FIX: categorie compatibility with actioncomm
FIX: Click on "NEW" in simple POS was broken
FIX: Compress in xz for better debian old version compatibility
FIX: Correct Evaluation for extrafields
FIX: Count only attendee draft of validated.
FIX: Creation of thumbs when images.lib.php was already included
FIX: delete of warehouse
FIX: deletion of a line of time spent (backport e3aa438)
FIX: Deployment of external module failed with copy dir error.
FIX: edit field value of url
FIX: error management on emoji and utf8 validity by emailcollector
FIX: expense report autofill ttc input if force ttc conf is enabled
FIX: filter missing id on consumption contact card
FIX: Filter on member status
FIX: Filter status orders in list no invoiced if validated + in progress + delivered
FIX: Fiscal year list ref display
FIX: for empty shipping
FIX: jump to direct record on member search was broken
FIX: label of columns must be short into invoice PDF table
FIX: making search in takepos broken when TAKEPOS_PRODUCT_IN_STOCK is set
FIX: Margin calculation for credit notes on margin reports
FIX: missing checking if file is uploaded
FIX: missing constant and avoid submit button conflict
FIX: missing entity field in unique index (since v16)
FIX: Missing error message display on insertExtrafields()
FIX: missing mrp module dependency
FIX: More complete fix for #24411
FIX: No error message because $price_ht_devise is equal to '0' if not filled because of price2num
FIX: No usage of the function updateProduction in the update function
FIX: On company change, we must reuse the company parameters
FIX: Operator to search category Knowledge
FIX: Pb in install when password start with some special char like !
FIX: pb in sending email when mail contains data src image.
FIX: PDF Font for turkish language
FIX: product notes rights
FIX: Propagate correct origin/origin_id when creating order from proposal
FIX: Propagate extrafields from supplier order to reception
FIX: reassortlot search categorie + add inithooks
FIX: Reception process loose some lines on first error.
FIX: redesign of the function : updateProduction
FIX: ref_client on Project Overview for propale
FIX: reference id in getnomurl function.
FIX: regression Undefined $datepaid
FIX: remove NOTOKENRENOWAL (backport commit v17 7c31622)
FIX: Remove warning on lettering - Impossible to write in ledger v16 v17 v18
FIX: Report of date of task suggested only if there is tasks
FIX: Rounding on total margin on invoice list
FIX: Search List Select Extrafields with condition
FIX: Search when criteria start with !
FIX: Sending email from attendee list
FIX: Shipping address same third party
FIX: special chars in generated file name from build doc mass action
FIX: supplier invoice status on bank transfer line
FIX: supplier link on bank transfer line
FIX: Task events not displayed
FIX: token errors on public interface
FIX: Transfer between accounts with different currencies was broken
FIX: Update hour of intervention line
FIX: Upload of files on public ticket interface
FIX: Use max parameters of widget graph product distribution
FIX: Warehouse total line
FIX: When salary module is not enabled, bad permission check on user list
FIX: wrong colspan for tasks list


16 May 17:15
Choose a tag to compare
